How to speed up the loading of pages in the browser. What is Turbo mode in modern browsers: Chrome, Yandex, Opera How to enable the turbo option in chrome

Data saving mode Google Chrome makes it possible to reduce the amount of data that is downloaded, strengthen protection against malware and phishing. It effectively works in tandem with the Safe Search service. This frees up some of the resources of the personal computer, the device on Android platform, iOS or Chromebook.

The principle of operation of "Google Chrome" "Traffic saving"

The "Traffic Saver" extension in Google Chrome, which can be downloaded directly from the browser or from the online store, provides quite ample opportunities for optimizing the flow of information. After that, the information that is loaded via the HTTP protocol will be redirected through special Google servers, where it is compressed. The URLs of all requests are registered in a special log, cookies and headers are not included in these records. The content of the pages is cached, but not logged, and is completely deleted after six months.

It should be noted that such compression does not occur with data that is obtained from secure pages (HTTPS), as well as in incognito mode. This is a consequence of the fact that they do not go through the Google servers. "Traffic Saver" is a Chrome extension that is not suitable for anonymization, since it uses only a transparent proxy server. The connection between such a server and the default browser is over an encrypted channel, which can be disabled by the network administrator.

Analysis of data about the time of visiting certain pages makes it possible to optimize the network flow, and online information about the responses informs about software capable of damaging the system.

Along with the benefits, there may be certain inconveniences:

  • pictures are of low quality;
  • the user's location will not be recognized by some sites;
  • there may be problems with opening the company's internal sites;
  • may fail certain services on the sites of operators mobile communications (Personal Area, payment for services);
  • at manual change etc/hosts file, such settings can be ignored.

How to enable data saving in Chrome

In Chrome "Traffic Saver", the extension is supported starting from version 48. For personal computers and Chromebook devices, the activation algorithm is as follows:

  • the corresponding extension is downloaded and installed from the company's online store;
  • the function is enabled by default, otherwise you need to activate it by pressing the "Enable ET mode" button.

Disabling is done using a special button in the upper right corner of the browser.

For Android devices:

  • the Chrome application is launched;
  • the "Settings" icon is pressed;
  • press "ET" in the "Additional" section;
  • the switch is set to "On".

Disabling can be done at any time by changing the position of the switch.

After activating data stream saving, the Safe Browsing service will automatically start functioning on mobile devices.

Additional features

Google developers are constantly working to improve software product for the convenience of working in mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) and desktop devices (PC). The rapidly developing mobile Internet is often the driving force behind the development of new computer applications.

So, in 2015, the Data Saver extension for PC appeared, with which you can optimize the network data flow. It can also be used to visit sites blocked in Russia, since servers located abroad are used. The amount of traffic saved and the percentage of compression are displayed on a special tab.

Previously, since 2014, this service was only available to users mobile version"Chrome" for Android and iOS, which in recent years has almost caught up with the desktop "big brother" in terms of its functionality. The data on the servers is converted to WebP format and scaled to the resolution available to the device, while the text is compressed. And only after that the page is loaded and opened in the browser.

For greater effect, you can turn off the pre-download of web pages or allow it only when using Wi-fi.

A few months after Android, for iOS 8 and higher, Google programmers updated Chrome with the Data Saver extension to save data transfer. The update is compatible with iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad and is available for installation in the Chrome Web Store.

Traffic saving is useful feature Google Chrome mobile Internet browser installed on smartphones with operating system Android. As statistics show, the Chrome browser is quite popular not only among personal computer users, but also among smartphone owners.

But despite this, not everyone knows about its built-in data compression function, which helps not only speed up the loading of web pages, but also significantly saves limited traffic. And as practice shows, you no longer need to use additional programs for such functionality.

Attention, 20% is the average compression percentage, which can also vary up or down. It will all depend on the content you view on various websites, for example browser-loaded images are given an excellent grade before being shown.

It is also worth noting that such a functional feature will not work while browsing sites received via a secure HTTPS protocol and with activated safe mode. But a plus can be attributed to such a fact as the ability to open sites blocked by the provider, automatically using the Google proxy server. Let's start setting up!


Go to the Chrome menu and click on Settings.

Scroll down the screen a little and select Data Saver.

Set the switch to the "On" position.

After activating all the settings, you will have a graph with the corresponding compression rates.

4693 23.06.2016



Turbo mode is a useful feature of Yandex, Opera, Chrome browsers, which allows you to speed up the loading of website pages with a slow Internet connection. Let's take a closer look at how the Turbo mode works in different browsers, in which cases it will really help and what else the option gives, in addition to increasing the speed of loading sites.

What is Turbo mode for?

Turbo mode was invented by the developers of the Opera browser in 2009. Then the Internet was still slow for many (telephone modems) and the tariffs assumed payment for each megabyte of received or sent information, and the mode allowed real savings. Now most people have unlimited access to the network, but speeding up downloads is still relevant on mobile connections, WiFi in public places.

The principle of operation of the "Turbo" mode for Opera and "Yandex Browser" is the same. With the option disabled, the user downloads the site directly to his computer, and when the Turbo mode is activated, the data is first downloaded to the Opera Software server and from there the page opens in a browser tab. On the Opera Software server, multimedia - pictures, videos, animations - are compressed and, with a slow connection, sites run faster on the user's computer - less downloaded information. The quality of video and other things deteriorates noticeably, but you can watch a video, animation or picture even on a slow (2G) mobile Internet.

Due to the fact that the Internet browser does not connect directly to the site, but through the Opera Software servers, in Turbo mode you can visit sites blocked by Roskomnadzor or your Internet provider. Access to prohibited resources is blocked at the provider level - Internet providers do not allow their subscribers to access pages with certain addresses. In Turbo mode, the connection goes directly to the Opera or Google servers if you use Chrome, so the provider does not record access to prohibited sites and cannot block them.

When you visit a site with your browser's turbo mode enabled that determines your IP address, your location or provider, for example, to us at home page, then you will see that the data is defined incorrectly. To be more precise, our service determines the IP address of the server that ensures the operation of the turbo mode and, based on it, determines the provider and your location.

"Turbo" in Chrome: traffic saving plugin

Chrome does not have a built-in Turbo mode, and before enabling accelerated site loading, you will have to download and install the official add-on from the Google virtual storefront.

  • Go to Chrome Webstore;
  • Enter in the search "Traffic saving";
  • Find the extension of the same name from Google developer;
  • Add an extension to the browser;
  • Close and restart your browser.

The extension icon will appear in the upper right corner of the window. To activate the economy mode ("Turbo"), you need to click on the icon and check the only item "Traffic saving". For compression, this mode works fine - on some sites it "cuts off" up to 70% of excess multimedia - advertising banners, animations, etc., - but as a means of accessing blocked sites, it is not very suitable. We immediately located the tested device and did not detect the enabled "Turbo" mode in Chrome.

Opera Turbo for faster networking

Opera Turbo worked and works for users of the original "opera" product and under a server lease agreement for users of "Yandex Browser".

To activate the "Turbo" mode in the browser, open the menu (left top corner) and check the box "Opera Turbo".

On traffic filtering and compression, the trailblazer shows top scores than a Google product. Servers compress pictures, scripts, and even videos, although on the function presentation page, the developer still recommends setting the minimum quality of online video for a slow connection. It will be possible to visit sites banned in Russia, although the vaunted Opera Turbo did not hide the tested computer from our watchful eye, the enabled page loading acceleration mode was not detected.

Turbo mode in Yandex browser

In Yandex Browser, the Turbo mode is organized according to a technology similar to the above solutions. For compression, the same servers are used as in Opera. The "Turbo" mode in "Yandex Browser" is activated by default in automatic mode - compression occurs only with a slow connection.

In the settings, you can enable "Turbo" for all sites. Clicking on the rocket icon address bar allows you to activate it separate page(if it is always off) or allow loading the site in a tab without acceleration (if it is always on).

If necessary, individual blocked elements are activated by clicking - click "Unblock Content" and watch the compressed video online through a narrow channel at a per-megabyte rate. In the drop-down menu, which can be opened by clicking on the rocket in the address bar, there is an item "Unblock all", which activates all blocked items.

In terms of page loading speed via mobile Internet (Huawei 3G modem, LifeCell mobile operator, coverage is terrible), Yandex Browser outperformed its competitors. With interactive page elements disabled social networks, portals, services were loaded almost instantly.

In the "Turbo" mode, it was possible to bypass the blocking of individual blocked sites, but you can't deceive us. The service calculated the location of the computer the first time, the Turbo mode did not notice.

In terms of the speed of loading sites in the Turbo mode on the slow Internet, Yandex Browser bypassed everyone, Opera showed a class in providing access to blocked sites, although the site did not see Opera Turbo, and Chrome with its “Traffic Saver” addon did a good job of reducing the weight of downloaded pages. Other closest competitors - Firefox and Vivaldi - did not have anything similar, except third party applications. Does the enhanced “anti-spyware” “Tracking Protection” in Firefox work in a similar way, but only in the “Incognito” mode, so it’s too early to call it a full-fledged analogue.

The “Turbo” mode is a necessary thing, only for each browser the option works in its own way and you need to choose a browser according to your needs: speed up (Yandex), save (Google Chrome) or go to blocked sites (Opera).

For each user, one of the most requested programs is a web browser. They are becoming more and more secure and perfect. Not everyone knows about hidden opportunities, so it's better to ask how to turn on the "Turbo" mode. It will allow you to get a new feeling of comfort from viewing a page on the Internet, and sites will load instantly.

The latest versions of browsers allow you to view pages not only safely, but also very quickly. In special modes, they can even speed up page loading due to special technologies.

In our age of high technology, you still have to deal with low download speeds and various problems from time to time. Especially it concerns mobile internet in the country or outside the city. In this case, even before the trip, find out how to enable Turbo mode in Yandex Browser. He is one of the first who began to promote innovative technology to the masses.

This mode provides certain advantages:

  • simplification of loading of Internet pages;
  • accelerated opening;
  • traffic saving (relevant for mobile devices and USB modems).

The technology appeared a long time ago and does not lose its relevance today. The developers have taken it to the next level. Now many users are interested in how to enable Turbo mode in Mozilla (Firefox) and others. popular programs. It is worth noting that similar modes also appear in them.

The principle of operation of the browser with activated turbo mode:

  • the program sends information about the request of a particular page;
  • the request goes to special servers;
  • data from the site passes through them and is compressed;
  • a light version is sent to the user's computer or other device.

Many users have already highly appreciated these features, because with their help the download speed really increases. In addition to this, the consumption of limited traffic is reduced.

The most famous programs that use this technology are Opera, Google Chrome and Yandex Browser. Although they are not the only ones of their kind.

How to enable Turbo mode in Opera:

  • select menu " General settings" (or press ctrl+F12);
  • open the tab "Web page";
  • go to the Opera Turbo section.

It can turn on automatically when the connection is poor, or you can turn it on or off manually. Everything is done for the convenience of users.

In Yandex.Browser, in addition to increasing the speed, they also added a check for malicious sites. As data passes through the servers, it is checked by anti-virus filters. To activate or deactivate it, just click on the special icon at the top of the screen. In a similar way, you can either enable Turbo mode in Chrome or deactivate this feature. Today, many people use a 3G/4G connection, so accelerated modes are only gaining relevance in our time.

Half of the population of our planet uses the Internet every day and often faces long loading pages of sites. You can mitigate this inconvenience and reduce the loading time of a web page in the browser by turning on the turbo mode. This is made possible by reducing the amount of downloaded information. The quality of images decreases, automatic download of video and audio files stops. Let's see how to enable turbo mode in browsers, for example, in Opera?

Enabling turbo mode in Opera

Depending on the browser version, some interface elements may differ from the description in the article, but they are intuitively easy to find.

If you need to get the image in its original quality, click on the picture and select "Reload image in original quality" from the menu.

Important! With a fast unlimited internet It is recommended that you do not use this browser feature as in this case, you will not get a significant reduction in page load time, and a number of browser functions may not be available.

Enabling turbo in Yandex.Browser

Yandex.Browser is another browser where you can enable turbo mode without installing additional plugins and add-ons. Auto mode turns on at 128 kbps and off at 512 kbps.

Let's analyze the inclusion of the turbo function in Yandex.Browser:

Important! It is worth noting that video compression is possible in this program, which saves traffic by 70 percent.

Data saving for Google Chrome

Google Chrome does not initially have a turbo mode function built in, so you first need to install the appropriate extension called "Traffic Saver".

To install and activate the plugin:

fastTun Tool add-on for Mozilla Firefox

As a solution for Mozilla Firefox you can consider the add-on "fastTun Tool".

To install an add-on:

  1. We go to the add-on page, click the "Add to Firefox" button.
  2. Then click "Install".
  3. After restarting the browser, the add-on will start working, you can configure it in the "Add-on Management".