How to install a new Windows 7. How to reinstall Windows: step-by-step instructions

In the process, you will format the local drive that contains the current version of Windows. Simply put, before installing there new system, you will have to erase all old data from it. The contents of the remaining disks should remain unchanged. But it’s better to play it safe and first copy absolutely all data from your computer that you are afraid of losing to the cloud or to physical media.

If paid programs are installed on your computer, be sure to read their documentation for the rules for working with licenses when reinstalling Windows, otherwise you may lose them.

2. Create a boot disk or flash drive

If you want to install/reinstall a licensed version of Windows, make sure you have the appropriate activation key. Even if you are already using an activated system and just want to install the same version again, old key activation may come in handy again.

  • If you already have a bootable USB flash drive or disk with the version of Windows that you are going to install, you can proceed to step 3. Otherwise, you need to download a Windows image from the Internet and burn it to any of the listed media according to the instructions below.
  • Decide on the version of Windows you will be installing and check that your computer meets its system requirements. This information can be found on the official Microsoft website or on the disk with your purchased Windows. Don't forget to also check that your computer supports the new version's bit depth: 32 or 64 bits. To be on the safe side, you can install a version with the same bit depth as your current version of Windows.
  • To create a bootable USB flash drive with any Windows image found on the Internet, you can use the program (with UEFI support) and proceed to step 3.

And below I will tell you how to create a boot disk or flash drive with an official system image using Windows 10 as an example.

3. Boot the system from a disk or flash drive

Now that you have physical media with the desired Windows image, you need to go to the special BIOS software environment and select a disk or flash drive here as the boot source.

Perhaps instead of the classic BIOS you will see a more modern one GUI. In addition, even in different older BIOS versions, the settings may differ. But in any case, the procedure will be approximately the same: go to the boot menu, select the desired media as the source and save the changes.

After this, the computer should boot from the selected disk or flash drive.

4. Run the installation wizard

If you did everything correctly, the Windows Setup Wizard will appear on the screen. Further actions are no more complex than installing an ordinary office program. All you have to do is follow the system prompts and wait for the files to be unpacked. Unless you have to select a local disk for installation operating system and format it.

Also, be prepared to enter your activation key during the process. But if you are reinstalling Windows 10 that has already been activated on your computer, then you can skip the step with the key.

Once the installation is complete, your computer should boot into normal operating mode.

5. Install drivers

Modern versions of Windows load drivers themselves. But if, after reinstalling the system, you notice that the video card, speakers, or anything else is not working correctly, you can use the driver autoload utility. For example, the free Driver Booster is suitable.

Having completed all of the above, you can get to work. The computer must be ready.

Most laptop users are faced with situations where they need to reinstall the operating system, often while keeping the licensed Windows. This publication discusses several methods of how to reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop, and also talks about the nuances of the process of installing the OS on laptops different manufacturers.

Restoring the system using a Windows 7 backup

Most of the manufacturers mobile computers create backup storages for seven distributions or any other OS. Reinstalling Windows 7 on a laptop from these memory areas is done using built-in utilities.

To start the reinstallation, reboot your laptop and press:

  • for Windows on an HP laptop on F11;
  • on ASUS laptop on F9 immediately at the start of loading;
  • for Windows 7 on Lenovo laptop to F11;
  • on acer laptop The key combination Alt + F10 is suitable;
  • for Windows 7 on a SAMSUNG laptop on F4.

After pressing the desired key instead of the standard one Windows downloads 7 the OS recovery interface will open:

After downloading the program, follow the instructions to restore Windows.

But remember that all settings will be reset, and data from the previous copy of the system may be deleted.

Reinstalling from disk

When reinstalling from disk, remember that to restore the license you need to use a distribution kit with exactly the same OS as was installed previously. Find out the version installed system can be found on a sticker, which is usually located on the back of the laptop. By the way, it’s also located there license key your copy of Windows.

Remember that when you reinstall, a new operating system is deployed from the disk, and to avoid problems in the future, you should delete the data from the previous Windows.

This is accomplished by formatting the system partition, so take care in advance to transfer all the necessary data from the selected hard drive volume to install Windows. It is not advisable to transfer installed programs, since this will lose connection with the registry, and many of them may not start. Don't be lazy, install them again after replacing the OS.

The installation disk distribution does not include drivers for all laptops, so download the drivers for your device in advance from the manufacturer’s official resource. If this is not done, then after installation there is a high probability of the following problems occurring:

  • The network card does not work;
  • Wi-Fi does not work;
  • Applications do not launch.

If you reinstalled the OS without this, then to troubleshoot network equipment you will have to download the driver distribution using another computer and transfer them using removable media, so before reinstalling, do not forget to play it safe and download drivers for network card and Wi-Fi module.

To begin the installation process, insert the disc into the drive and restart your laptop. After your computer starts, open boot menu, where you should choose to boot from DVD.

This dialog is called up on most laptops using the F12 key, and on HP devices the combination F9 + Esc is used.

Often on older computers this function is missing, so you will need to open the BIOS and edit the boot priority yourself. To go to the BIOS on laptops, manufacturers use the following keys:

  • Acer, Asus, Samsung, Lenovo - F2;
  • hp - F10 + Esc .

If the brand of your device is not in this list, then find out the actual key for it on the window that loads when you turn on the PC.

The BIOS interface from different manufacturers is not similar in appearance, but the sequence of actions for changing the boot priority is almost identical. Navigation through the windows of a running BIOS of all versions is carried out using the arrows on the keyboard and the Enter, Esc, +, - keys.

Sequence of actions for BIOS AMI:

Sequence of action for BIOS Phoenix-Award:

Windows installation

After making a change to the BIOS and rebooting, a dialog will appear with the message: “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.”

Further installation of Windows 7 is not difficult, do the following:

  1. Press any keyboard key.
  2. Wait until the file unpacker completes; a screen with the entry “Windows is loading files...” is displayed.
  3. In the dialogue " Windows installation » Specify the language and click on the Next button.
  4. In the window that appears, click on the large Install button.
  5. Select the version of the system to install that has a license code. You will need to enter it after Windows reinstallation 7.
  6. Agree to the licensing terms.
  7. Select installation method - " Full installation».
  8. Select the drive volume on which you are going to install the OS and prepare it by clicking on the item " Disk setup».
    There are situations when a reserved drive partition is present in the list; be sure to select another volume.
    If you have disks with a capacity of more than 250 GB, it is worth splitting them into several. Typically, a separate partition of up to 100 GB in size is allocated for system installation.
  9. Format the selected drive partition. A warning will appear that all information on it will be deleted. Confirm your consent, because you have previously saved all the necessary data. Wait for the installation to complete and click on Next.
  10. Wait for the installation process to complete; on average, it lasts from fifteen to twenty-five minutes, the duration depends on the configuration of the laptop.
  11. Fill in the fields provided with your username and PC name.
  12. Protect your account with a password, or you can skip this step.
  13. Enter the key copied from the sticker on your laptop.
  14. Select your security options.
  15. Set the date and time.
  16. If you have a network connection, specify the connection type.

Reinstalled Windows is ready to go. If you changed the boot priorities in the BIOS, return the hard drive to first place in the list, otherwise the computer will constantly try to start from the DVD.

Reinstallation from a flash drive

Many compact PCs, such as netbooks, do not have a DVD drive. Therefore, the question arises of how to properly reinstall Windows 7 on them. The answer is simple - use removable media.

To reinstall from a flash drive, you need to download the Windows 7 distribution image in ISO format and write it to this media using a special utility. Remember, in order to properly reinstall a licensed Windows system, you need to download a container with the same OS version. The flash drive itself must have a capacity of at least four gigabytes.

Burning Windows to media using the most popular utility among analogues Ultra ISO is performed according to the following algorithm:

The installation flash drive is ready, but to start the installation, you need to select " USB-HDD" How to set up the BIOS is described above, all steps are similar, you just need to select another entry from the available list. Further installation is no different from installing Windows 7 from DVD.

Often after reinstalling Windows does not work. To solve this problem, take another OS distribution and repeat the installation process. In addition, many users ignore the need to format the partition and reinstall the seven on a disk that already has installed copy systems. Avoid this as it can also cause problems.


This article covered reinstalling Windows 7 in several ways. If missing backup copy, then this procedure should be carried out from a disk on which exactly the same version of the OS is recorded. Some laptops do not have a CD-ROM, so reinstallation can only be done using external media, for example, from a flash drive.

Video on the topic

Do you want to install Windows 7 on your computer or laptop, but don’t know how? It's not as difficult as it seems. Although the first time, of course, will be difficult. But, once you figure it out, you will become a real “IT master” and will be able to independently install Windows 7 on any computer or laptop.

Before installing Windows 7, print this page. This will make your task much easier. After all, during the installation of Windows 7 there will be no access to the Internet. The only exception is when you have a second PC, laptop or smartphone, from which you can, if necessary, access the site again and see what to do next.

  1. You bought new laptop or computer. Everything is clear here. In most cases, laptops or PCs either do not have any operating system at all, or do not have the one you need (for example, the ancient MS-DOS).
  2. You didn’t like Windows 10 or 8, and you want to install the good old “seven”.
  3. There was a malfunction, a virus or ransomware advertising banner was caught, the computer or laptop does not turn on, etc.

Let's dwell a little on last point. If problems occur with your computer or laptop, do not rush to reinstall Windows. Firstly, reinstalling the operating system is done as a last resort when other methods have not helped.

Secondly, remember that after installing Windows, all data is erased for at least local disk S. And these are all your programs: browsers, video players. And you will have to install everything again.

Thirdly, there are no guarantees that reinstalling Windows will help solve the problem. But the files on local drive C will be deleted permanently in any case.

Therefore, first, try to look for other solutions to restore your PC or laptop. For example, the following articles may help you:

You can also always look for other articles on this blog or through Google/Yandex.

Preparing to install Windows 7 OS

The first thing you need to do before installing Windows 7 on a laptop is to copy all important information. At least from local drive C. After formatting, all data on it will be erased.

If you bought new computer or laptop, you can skip this step. In all other cases, this is a prerequisite!

Therefore, save all files, documents, pictures, audio tracks and videos from your desktop and from the “My Documents” folder. It is also recommended to look at the local drive C - important information is also written to it quite often. Where to save? On a disk or flash drive. Another option is to upload files to online services (Yandex.Disk, Google Drive, etc.).

By the way, sometimes you can copy some programs along with the settings. For example, bookmarks and passwords from the browser you used.

The second point to make is to determine which Windows bit depth 7 You need x86 or x64. Everything is very simple here. If you have 4 GB installed on your laptop or computer random access memory(and more), then you need to install Windows 7 x64, and if less, then x86.

Why is that? The fact is that the x86 version does not see 4 GB of RAM. The maximum that it shows is 3.25 GB.

How to find out the amount of RAM? If you have a new computer, look in the documentation. And if it’s a laptop, then the characteristics are indicated on its case (or on the box).

If you already have Windows installed, then the amount of RAM can be viewed as follows:

The third thing that needs to be done before installation is to burn a digital copy of Windows 7 to a disk or flash drive.

If you already have a boot disk (bought or given in a store along with your PC), then skip this step.

Burning a DVD is easy. After all, you've probably already recorded films, music, games? This can be done through Nero, Alcohol 120% and other programs.

As for the USB flash drive, there are some difficulties. Therefore in in this case I recommend reading -.

Where to get the image or installation Windows disk 7? Can be purchased in store or online.

And the last thing you need to do before installing Windows 7 is to prepare drivers for your laptop or PC. Driver discs are usually included with your computer. If you have them, then you can skip this point.

Laptop owners are not provided with disks, so you need to install drivers from the manufacturer’s official website (search by the name of your model).

If you skip this step, you may be left without internet. After all, you need to install a driver for it. USB ports may also not work. That is, a mouse. And in the end you will have to go to a friend or acquaintances and download the drivers from them.

This completes the preparatory process. Check again that you have saved all important data, then connect a USB flash drive or insert a DVD with the installation Windows way 7 and reboot your laptop/computer.

Setting up BIOS for installing Windows 7

Perhaps setting up the BIOS is the most difficult stage for most users. Especially for beginners.

In addition, the difficulty here is that the BIOS versions may differ on different PCs and laptops. And the buttons to enter the BIOS too. As a result, some users cannot even enter the BIOS. Therefore, to avoid problems with this, let’s consider in detail what needs to be done and how.

So, when you have prepared everything, restart the computer, and immediately when the screen turns on, repeatedly press the Del button (for PCs) or F2 (for laptops). If you did everything correctly, you will see the BIOS screen. Something like this:

Or this:

There are 4 devices displayed here – First Boot Device (first), Second (second), etc. By default, the first one is the hard disk (Hard Disk or HDD). And you need to put the CD-ROM (disk) or USB-HDD (flash drive) on the first line - depending on which device the seven will be installed from.

How to do it? On a PC, you usually need to highlight the first item, press Enter and select the desired option from the drop-down list.

On laptops, the device boot priority can be changed using the arrows or F5-F6 buttons. Control keys are usually located on the right or at the very bottom of the BIOS screen.

When you select the desired device (CD-ROM or USB-HDD) in the first item First Boot Device, be sure to save the settings and then exit the BIOS. Which save button? This is also written at the bottom of the screen (usually F10).

If you have BIOS UEFI ( a new version), then simply drag the desired icon (disk drive or flash drive) to the first place with the mouse and click “Exit” in the upper right corner.

After this, the laptop or computer will reboot and the installation of Windows 7 will begin.

If all this is too complicated for you, there is another option to configure booting from a disk or flash drive without going into the BIOS. For this you can. But this method only works on new PCs and laptops.

Step-by-step instructions for installing Windows 7

Immediately after rebooting, you will see a black screen with a single line.

Here you need to press any button - for example, Space.

If this inscription does not appear, it means that you did not save BIOS settings. Check them again. If everything is fine there, then either you did not write the bootable USB flash drive correctly, or the disk is damaged and the computer/laptop does not see it (the disk drive may not be working).

After clicking the button, you will see a black screen with the inscription “Windows is downloading files...”.

Wait for the system to copy everything. After this, a new window will appear on the screen. Select Russian language and click “Next”.

In the new window, click the “Install” button.

If there are several recorded on a disk or flash drive Windows versions 7 – You need to choose the right one. We have already figured out the x86 and x64 bit depth, so decide for yourself here. As for the version, it is better to choose “Maximum”. Although there is almost no difference between it, “Home”, “Beginner” and “Professional”, so this is not so important. Select the desired item and click “Next”.

Agree to the license terms (check the box) and proceed further.

Choose full installation.

A window will open asking you to select a partition for installing Windows 7. But here it’s worth going into more detail.

How to partition a disk during first installation?

If the installation is performed on a new computer or laptop (i.e. for the first time), then you will see only one line - “Unallocated disk space”.

And in this case, you need to split the hard drive into 2 partitions - local drive C and D (more is possible, but this is not necessary). To do this, select this line, click the “Create” button, indicate the disk size (in megabytes) and click the “Apply” button.

Don't know how much 50 GB is in megabytes? Write a number at random - for example, 50000. And then see what volume the system will show for the created partition. If it turns out too little, select it, click the “Delete” button, and try again, specifying a larger number.

For normal Windows works 7 you need to create a special partition with a capacity of 100 MB where you will store boot files. So when the next window pops up, just click OK.

When you specify the required volume for local drive C and create it, “Partition 2” will appear. This is him.

After that, select the “Unallocated space” line again, click “Create”, and then the “Apply” button. After this, local disk D (“Partition 3”) will appear.

If you forget to do this, then after installing Windows 7 there will be only one local drive C. And partition D will “evaporate” into thin air. You'll have to reinstall Windows again. Therefore, before moving on, make sure that the “Unallocated Space” option is no longer there.

To install Windows on local drive C, select “Partition 2” and click “Next”.

If you reinstall Windows 7, then the following window will appear on the screen:

In this case, you need to select “Section 2” and click the “Format” button. This will delete all data on it. When the formatting process is complete, select this section again and click “Next”.

By the way, if you want to distribute the volume differently between local drive C and D, you can delete them and create them again, specifying a different size. How to do this is written in the previous paragraph. But remember: in this case, the information will be deleted on the local drive D too! As a result, your PC or laptop will be clean, as if you had just bought it. Therefore, perform this procedure only if you have saved all the necessary files.

Continue installing Windows 7

So, you were able to partition your hard drive or format it before installing Windows 7 and clicked the “Next” button. After this, the operating system will begin to install. Wait until the files are copied.

After this, the computer/laptop will reboot and you will again see the familiar black window with a single line.

Under no circumstances press anything on the keyboard, otherwise everything will start all over again.

After this, the computer or laptop will reboot a second time.

Well, the main thing is already behind us, all that remains is to fill in some fields:

  1. Indicate the username and computer name (if you plan to play games, it is better to write in Latin).
  2. You don’t have to set a password - in that case, just move on.
  3. If you have a digital copy, you also don’t have to specify the activation key (usually Windows 7 is activated automatically when you connect to the Internet). To skip this step, click Next. And if you bought a disc, then enter here the code that is written on the sticker.
  4. Here it is recommended to select the “Delay decision” option (you can change these settings later).
  5. Select your time zone, specify the time and click “Next”.
  6. If Windows automatically finds drivers for the Internet, then in the new window select “Home Network”.
  7. Wait while the desktop setup is completed.
  8. Congratulations – you have just been able to install Windows 7 on your laptop or computer yourself.

What to do after installing Windows 7?

First of all, reboot your laptop or computer, go into the BIOS and change the device boot priority back. That is, put the hard drive (Hard Disk or HDD) in first place, and lower the CD-ROM or USB-HDD to second or lower.

Also, after installing Windows 7, the Internet and USB connectors may not work. This is because there are no drivers. Therefore, at the next stage you install them.

This is precisely why you need to prepare all the necessary drivers in advance before installing Windows 7. Especially for the Internet. After all, how will you download them if you don’t have access to the network?

And one more nuance - when you turn on your computer or laptop, you may see two Windows 7 (during boot).

The first one was installed by you, and the second one was saved in hidden section(“reserved by the system”). However, the extra line can be deleted. To do this, do the following:

Ready. After the reboot, the second Windows 7 will no longer exist, and you will not see the operating system selection menu.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Friends, many letters come with the question of how to properly reinstall or update the Windows 7 operating system and what exactly is the difference between these two concepts.

Letter No. 1. Please bring clarity to a question that is confusing for many, than reinstalling Windows 7 different from the update and which is better to prefer? The operating system 7 I have installed behaves extremely unstable, it takes a long time to load, many programs have stopped installing, sometimes errors like this appear, for example, some system file or dynamic library is missing. Rolling back a significant period of time using a restore point did not help. I don’t want to reinstall again, since I have a lot of programs installed. You said in your comment that restoration needs to be done system files, bring order to startup, optimize Windows 7, or, as a last resort, update or reinstall Windows 7; unfortunately, I haven’t heard anything about the latter.

I would like to know, firstly:
How to actually carry out this update or reinstallation of the operating system and what will happen to my personal files on the system partition, will they be lost?
Secondly: they say that the update is launched only from a running operating system. Is it so? After all, it was possible to run an update in XP even when the system did not boot at all. Thanks in advance, Pavel.

Reinstalling Windows 7

To make everything clear to you, I will walk you through the process of updating your operating system, and then I will show you how to reinstall Windows 7 in two ways and you will see everything with your own eyes, but first I will still explain to you what an Update is and Reinstalling Windows 7.

What is a Windows 7 update?

This is installing a system on top of the old one, that is, you insert a disk with the Windows 7 distribution and start installing the system directly in the running 7, but in the installation menu you select not a full installation, but an update. What does it give?
First of all, damaged system files will be replaced; working system files will not be replaced, including your personal data: installed applications, documents, music, nothing will happen, all your programs will run and your entire household on all disks will remain untouched. Also, user accounts will be transferred without changes, all this will be done by the tool - Transfer Tool Windows data(Very important files, it’s still better to transfer manually). I also want to say that you will have to re-enter the product key, select the language, region, set the time, and so on. Warning. If you have an unlicensed Windows 7, then after the update you will have a window in the lower right corner of your desktop warning that your copy of Windows is not genuine.

  • They also often ask how the Data Transfer Tool works? At Windows update 7, temporary folders of your data will be created containing information about user accounts and settings, your Email, files in the “Favorites” folder, personal files and user folders – music, images, videos, as well as settings installed programs. Once your system is updated, all data will return to its place, and temporary folders will be deleted. When upgrading, the data transfer tool does not allow the user to select files to transfer, but when reinstalling, you can select what you want to transfer (details below).

Will the update solve all your problems related to Windows operation 7? In most cases, Yes, but unfortunately no one can guarantee a 100% result here. In my opinion, if possible, it is better to delete and reformat the partition with a poorly functioning operating system, having first transferred all important files to other hard drive volumes or a portable USB drive and reinstall the system with all programs.

  • Note: Windows XP has the same update mechanism and it can be launched both in a running operating system, and in cases where you cannot log into Windows XP due to problems, then you can boot from the XP installation disk and select setup menu option, . Please be aware that in Windows 7, unfortunately, there is no such option and the update can only be carried out in a running operating system.

What is reinstalling Windows 7?

Reinstallation is a complete replacement of all operating system files, that is, formatting a partition with an unstable system and installing Windows 7 again. Naturally, all your files and the system itself will be deleted from the drive (C:). In order to transfer all your files from system disk(C:), you will need to use Windows Easy Transfer, but it will no longer work automatically, as in the case of an update, but we will use it ourselves and what we need to transfer from old system to the new one, we’ll also choose it ourselves.

  • Now this begs the question: What is the difference between reinstalling the system and installing it again? Friends are just here. When reinstalling Windows 7, you can use File Transfer Tool if you wish, since you already had the system installed once, but when simply installing the system again, install the system on the new partition you created hard drive. In short, here it is, I don’t know how to explain it more clearly!

What can I say, let's first update my Windows 7 together, and at the end of the article we will reinstall the system using the file transfer tool, it has also been working with errors for me lately and you will see with your own eyes, and then select what you need.

Windows 7 update

We insert installation disk from Windows 7 to the drive, if you do not have autorun, click setup.exe.

Before updating, we can connect to the Internet and download Latest updates from the official Microsoft website

Select Update

Compatibility check

Copy Windows files

Collecting files, settings, and programs, Unpacking Windows files, Installing features and updates, Transferring settings and program files

The computer restarts.

At this point you need to boot from the hard drive, and not bootable flash drive or boot disk with Win 7.

Updating Registry Settings

Enter the key

Setting the time

The update process is completed, the accounts are saved

All my files are in place, all programs run.

Reinstalling Windows 7

Now let's find out what Reinstalling Windows 7 is. According to the rules, we will reinstall Windows 7 on the same disk on which the old operating system is installed. If Windows was previously installed, for example, on the (C:) partition, then you need to reinstall it on the (C:) partition and not on any other partition (otherwise this will be the installation of a second operating system). All your files on the partition (C:) will be replaced with files from the newly installed operating system Windows systems 7.

  • First of all, we will launch the Data Transfer Tool, which will copy all our personal data from Windows partition 7 onto portable media or another hard drive partition, then boot from the Windows 7 installation disk (how to install in) and install the system again. Immediately after installing Windows 7, let's launch Data Transfer Tool and copy all our files back, as a result we will get a new operating system and all our data: music, documents, personal folders, and so on.
  • Note: You may ask: Is it possible to start installing a new system directly from a running Windows 7 and not go into the BIOS. Answer: This method is given at the end and we will also consider it.

Let's now see what the Data Transfer Tool will transfer from our files, let's launch it.

Start, write in the input field Data Transfer Tool

In this window we see detailed information We will now choose which files we can transfer from the old operating system to the new one.

The data transfer tool suggests us to use:

  • Data transfer cable - a cable specially designed for this purpose, which still needs to be purchased, is used to transfer files between two computers; in principle, we do not need this, because we have one computer.
  • Network – transferring files over the network is also not our option.
  • External drive or USB flash memory device. What we need. If you don't have much data, you can even use an 8GB or 16GB flash drive. By the way, if you don’t have a flash drive or portable USB drive, you can use another partition of your hard drive for storage, like I did for example.

So you selected an External drive or USB flash memory device, and I selected a partition on the hard drive (D:).

Choose This is mine source computer, that is, data needs to be transferred from it.

Data that can be transferred to the new system is analyzed at Usernames And Common Elements Click Settings, and also if you click Advanced, a full picture of what the Data Transfer Tool will include in the archive will open.

Please note that the archive includes the folders of both operating system users and personal data, this is correct. But we definitely don’t need to transfer data located on all partitions of the hard drive except the system one (C:), since you and I will be reinstalling Windows 7 located on (C:) and the reinstallation process in our case will only affect system partition(WITH:). Uncheck all hard drives.

However, if you decide to transfer data from all partitions, you can leave the checkbox unchecked, just keep in mind that the data transfer file in this case will occupy a very large volume..
What else should not be included in the archive that the data migration tool will create? For example, you may not include the C:\Program Files folder; it would be safer to install all programs again after reinstalling Windows 7.
So click Save, you can assign a password

The file transfer process is in progress. A transfer file with the extension (MIG) is created on disk (D:)

Now it’s time to reinstall Windows 7, insert the installation disk with the seven into the drive and reboot, at the beginning of the installation it’s better to click on the Disk Setup button and select Format partition with the previous Windows 7, and in general the whole process step by step, starting from changing the boot device priority in the BIOS and before installing the operating system itself, described in our article.
I think you’ve done it and installed the system, now let’s use our Data Transfer Tool again.

Select This is my new computer (you need to transfer files and settings to this computer)

Your external HDD with the data transfer file must already be connected.
I, in turn, indicate the hard drive partition (D:), the transfer file is located there.

We can click Settings and select files to transfer to the new system manually, as we have already done, or simply click Transfer.

In this guide we will install Windows 7 Ultimate (Windows 7 Maximum). The instructions are also suitable for other editions of the “seven”, such as Home Premium, for example.

The most correct way to install Windows 7 is to perform the so-called clean install. As you will see for yourself, it is not difficult. Before proceeding with installation, make sure that your computer meets the Windows 7 system requirements. If you don't have everyone necessary drivers for your hardware, we recommend that before installing Windows 7, download them and put them on a disc or flash drive.

To launch the Windows 7 installation disk, you need to set device boot priority (or sequence). That is, reading from the CD-ROM occurs first, and only then from the HDD. Go to settings BIOS and make sure the initial boot comes with CD-ROM/DVD-ROM(Boot > Boot Device Priority > 1st Boot Device > CDROM).

Insert the Windows 7 installation disc into your DVD-ROM and turn on (or restart if you already have it turned on) your computer. Windows 7 will start loading and a status bar will appear in front of you.

In the next window, you will need to select your language, time zone, and keyboard layout (input method). Select the settings you need and click Further, to continue.

Read and accept the terms of the license agreement. Click Further, to continue.

Select the partition where we will install Windows 7. If you need to format a partition (since this implies a clean installation), select Disk setup. Note: Be careful with formatting as all data in the selected partition will be deleted. Click Further.

After all preparatory settings The Windows 7 installation process will begin. The system will begin copying all the necessary files to your hard drive.

At a certain stage of the installation, your computer will reboot for the first time. You can log in again BIOS and set the primary priority to boot from the HDD. After the reboot, installation will continue from the hard drive.

In the next step you need to specify Username And computer name. Then click Further. Note: Account, which you create here is the main one for the entire system and has all the rights and privileges.

Security Settings. Create a password if you need one. We also recommend that you provide a password hint in case you suddenly forget the password itself.

Enter the Windows 7 key. If you leave the field empty and click Further, your system will run for 30 days in trial mode. You will need to activate Windows within 30 days, otherwise you will not be able to access the system after the trial period.

Set your system's security settings. Option Use recommended settings- the best option.

Select network settings.

Windows will complete system setup and restart your computer. After the final reboot, the desktop of your new OS will appear in front of you. Congratulations, you have successfully installed Windows 7!