How to install: detailed instructions for installing mods. Correct installation of add-ons for GTA IV Where to install mods for gta 4 correctly

After a relatively slow start, the GTA IV community has released a huge number of large mods. Without a doubt, you want to start playing without wasting any more time. This article will tell you mods and how to load them into GTA 4.

Without a doubt, GTA 4, whether it has mods or not, is one of the greatest games ever released. At the same time, we can also admit that she does not fully deserve such an ideal assessment, which she received in two thousand and eight. There are many things that gamers would like to see changed. Unfortunately, GTA 4 does not officially support mods.

However, the community of fans around the world is growing. Despite the lack of official support, the game is changed and supplemented at the discretion of gamers. This deserves special attention, so below we will show you how to install mods and run them in GTA IV.

Difficulty level: for beginners

You will need a copy of GTA IV. If you don't have it, the easiest way is to just download it from Steam. Once downloaded, you need to place it in your GTA IV installation folder. You will find it in the main folder (usually located at C:\Program Files\Rockstar\Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\GTAIV. Copy ASI Loader directly to the installation folder. This will not affect the game in any way (do not delete anything from the folder !), but now you can run and install mods.

So now you know how to install mods, you can practice downloading some of them. For example, you can install a weapon editor. This improvement will allow you to select different ones in the game and edit its specific properties.

To install this mod, you need to download it from the Internet, open the file and copy it to the main GTA IV folder (C:\Program Files\Rockstar\GamesGrand Theft Auto IV\GTAIV). Launch the game and the weapon editor should become available in the menu. Remember that for it to work correctly, a functioning Microsoft NET Framework v 3.5 must be installed on your computer.

Plus, knowing how to install mods allows you to make any available changes to the game. For example, there is an add-on that replaces more than 35 fictional GTA cars with real-life brands.

What more can be said? You can enjoy using modified weapons in real cars. When you start the game, a replacement must be made. If for some reason you don't like it, you can remove it using the instructions provided in the readme file.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting that there are many Fallout 3 mods available today. By installing the desired addition to the game yourself, you will have the opportunity to modify your hero - choose haircuts, facial hair and tattoos. On various resources containing discussions of this game, one of the shortcomings is the constancy and monotony of the hero, and the above opportunity will just allow you to correct this shortcoming.

It is also worth noting that you can download entire modding packages for the game on the Internet, which will allow you to change its appearance and flow beyond recognition. You can create the image of the hero at your own discretion, as well as change the entire environment around him, guided only by your preferences.

GTA 4 amazes with its scope. But all good things come to an end: missions are completed, every corner of the city is explored, all cars are driven around. What to do? Is it time to delete the game?

Of course, you can uninstall and then install the fifth part of GTA. But there is another option: to diversify the gameplay with the help of various add-ons. To do this, you will need instructions on how to install mods on gta 4.


The Rockstar Games studio does not particularly encourage user creativity, and therefore GTA 4 has a protection system installed that prohibits the installation of mods. But even in the strongest protection you can find a loophole.

The Magic Patcher program will help you overcome the security system.

All that remains is to find the “Rockstar Games” folder on your hard drive and uncheck the “Read Only” option in its properties. Now you can make any changes to games using pre-downloaded mods.


If you have already installed mods for GTA San Andreas, you should know that they come in two types: texture (resolution .wtd and .wdr) and file (.dat).

The installation process for GTA 4 is somewhat different, so we’ll look at them separately.

Texture mods

To install add-ons that change the texture, you need to download the SparkIV utility.

File mods

  1. Download the archive with the add-on and extract the .dat file from it.
  2. Open the game folder and then navigate to \common\data.
  3. Copy the downloaded file with .dat resolution to the “data” folder, replacing the existing file.

If you know how to install mods for Skyrim, then you must have heard about the existence of special utilities designed to simplify the procedure for installing add-ons. Similar programs can be used for GTA 4. An example is Mod Installer, which allows you to automate the mod installation process.

Let's start manually installing the mod in GTA 4:
1) First, download the program through which the replacement will be made. Download Spark IV. Let's unpack it somewhere and run it.
2) Next, click on the “Browse” button and look for the vehicles.img file at:

3) Open it. Next, you need to find the files of the machine you want to replace. Just enter the name in the Filter field in the upper right corner (turismo, for example). By the way, it is not necessary to change Turismo to Turismo. In the event that the author of the mod offers you to replace a model that you have previously replaced, you can easily replace the new model with any other standard model of the game. It must be one class of vehicle (two-door, with opening headlights, four-door, etc.).

4) Now you need to replace the found files (sometimes just one) with the ones you downloaded. Look into your archive and see what files are there.

We only have turismo.wft here (don’t confuse the extensions), which means we’ll only change that. This is done like this:
- Click on turismo.wft in Spark"e;
- Click “Import”;
- In the window that appears, look for the file from the archive with the downloaded car;

Open it;
- Click “Rebuild” (a window will pop up);

Close the program, the car is installed in GTA 4.
5) In some cases you will have to change colors and control settings using notepad. This item is optional. And it’s difficult to write it down in general terms. This item, if necessary, is always indicated in the ReadMe for any mod that you downloaded, and if you wish, you can easily do it yourself. For GTA 4 Episodes from Liberty City, the settings files are encrypted. You can always replace them with decrypted EfLC files.
It should be noted that the files with which you work and in which car data is stored (handling.dat, carcols.dat) must have the “Read Only” attributes removed.
P.S. In a similar manner as described above, weapons, clothing and other textures and models are replaced.
If you still have any questions about installing cars and other mods in GTA 4, please ask them in the comments.

Let's get started with the task:

1) First, let's download the program through which the replacement will be made. (or ). Let's unpack it somewhere and run it.

3) Let's open it. Next, you need to find the files of the machine you want to replace. Just enter the name in the field Filter in the upper right corner ( turismo, For example). By the way, not necessary change Turismo to Turismo. In the event that the author of the mod offers you to replace a model that you have previously replaced, you can easily replace the new model with any other standard model of the game. It must be one class of vehicle (two-door, with opening headlights, four-door, etc.).

4) Now you need to replace the found files (sometimes just one) with the ones you downloaded. Look into your archive and see what files are there.

We only have turismo.wft here (don’t confuse the extensions), which means we’ll only change that. This is done like this:

Click on turismo.wft in Spark"e;
- Click “Import”;
- In the window that appears, look for the file from the archive with the downloaded car;

Open it;
- Click “Rebuild” (a window will pop up);

Close the program, the car is installed in GTA 4.

5) In some cases, you will have to change colors and control settings using Notepad. This item is optional. And it’s a bit difficult to write it down in general form.. For GTA 4 Episodes from Liberty City, the settings files are encrypted. You can always replace them.

It should be noted that the files with which you work and in which car data is stored (handling.dat, carcols.dat) must have the “Read Only” attributes removed.

P.S. In a similar manner as described above, replacement is made weapons(weapons.img), clothes, textures and models characters(playerped.rpf).

If you still have any questions about installing cars and other mods in GTA 4, please. Questions in the comments are considered flooding and will be deleted.

Thanks for understanding!

III. How to add a car to GTA 4?

If you do not want to replace existing machines, but add new ones, then this instruction is for you. Of course, this is not an easy task, but it is worth it.

IV. How to replace clothes, etc.?

Just like cars. The only thing is that you will need other files to edit. For example, for clothes or replacing the main character entirely:
- "...\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\pc\models\cdimages\playerped.rpf"

And to replace the pedal:
- "...\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\pc\models\cdimages\componentpeds.img"

V. How to replace sounds?

For weapons:
- From "...pc/audio/sfx/resident.rpf" using SparkIV or OpenIV, export the file "weapons.ivaud";
- Open weapons.ivaud using the program and replace the standard sounds with new ones from the archive with the mod;
- Save the changes to weapons.ivaud, import it back into resident.rpf and save the changes again.

For cars:
- From "...pc/audio/sfx/streamed_vehicles.rpf" using SparkIV or OpenIV we export the desired file, for example, "MUSCLE_CAR_3.ivaud" and so on.

V. How to replace weapons?

Just like cars. The only thing you need to edit is another file:
- "...\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\pc\models\cdimages\weapons.img"

Tell your friends!

Installing mods in gta 4

So, there are different mods for GTA 4: some with the extension .asi, .wtd, .wdr, .dat. Almost each of them requires its own program to install. First of all, to remove the protection you will need the Magic Patcher program.
1. Download.
2. Unpack the archive, run MagicIV.exe and place it in the folder with GTA 4.
3. Click “Validate Files”, if it says an error, then download it
4. Click on the "Apply Patch" button
5. Next, click “Verify”. The game should start.
6. Then go to the folder with the game (in the /Rockstar Games/ directory) and right-click on the folder. Select "Properties" and uncheck "Read Only". Click "Ok"
7. DONE! You can safely launch mods.
Installing texture mods:
This program installs mods that have the extension .wtd or .wdr
1. Download and unpack the mod you need from the archive.
2. Launch the program.
3. A window will open in which you need to specify the path to GTA 4. Click "Open"
4. Go to GTA IV\pc\models\cdimages\ there we find playerped.rpf and open it.
5. Click “Import” and select the files that should have the extensions .wdr and .wtd.
6. Wait for a while and click “Save”.
7. DONE! You can safely enjoy the new textures;)
File mods are more serious modifications for GTA 4, usually have a .dat extension
1. Install Magic Patcher
2. Download the archive with the mod and unpack it.
3. There you will see a file with the following content: name.dat
4. Open the folder with GTA 4, then follow \common\data
5. There we copy our name.dat file there with replacement.
6. DONE! Let's launch the game and enjoy the result!
Now you can easily install any mod, but if you didn’t understand the instructions, then you can install several interesting programs: