How to install Russian language on galaxy. A universal way to Russify android of different versions

Read how to install and configure the Russian language on an Android phone. A brand new Android smartphone does not have a Russian language? A very common problem today that can make users nervous who are not strong in a foreign language and the design of modern operating systems.

As a rule, smartphones, . Not the most well-known manufacturers often do not translate or partially translate the interface of proprietary system shells. However, do not despair: if an Android smartphone works in English or even Chinese, this does not mean that Russian cannot be installed on it.

Turn on the Russian language on the phone in the Android settings

Android, the most popular operating system of our time, is installed on thousands of devices that are distributed in huge batches around the world. It is clear that in Egypt not every user knows Russian, and in New Zealand - German. Google, which develops, builds language packs into its system so that absolutely any user can master it.

However, many Android device manufacturers, until recently, could remove certain languages ​​at their discretion. For example, why is there a Russian language in a certain smartphone model if the company is going to sell it only in Asia. And the cut out language pack allowed at least a little, but to save space on the drive. Now, the vast majority of manufacturers do not touch languages ​​- the memory capacity of modern devices allows.

Often, if the first time you turn on the device, it does not start in your native language, then you just need to select it in the settings. Thanks to the intuitive clear interface Android, the Russian language is not so difficult to turn on (be guided by the icons, if instead of English there are hieroglyphs):

  1. find the device settings shortcut (Settings), which is represented by a gear icon in the application menu or in the notification drop-down window;
  2. now we are looking for the “Language & Input” item, which is usually accompanied by an image of the globe;

On some smartphones, language settings are hidden in advanced settings(Advanced Setting).

  1. in a new window, click on the line "Language", located at the very beginning of the list;
  2. a list of available languages ​​\u200b\u200bwill open, from which you must select “great and mighty”.

Quite a few manufacturers are now developing their own skins for their smartphones with interface changes, which can make it difficult to find language settings. If the interface is represented by hieroglyphs, and there are no understandable icons, then you will have to, so to speak, “at random” go through all the settings until you see the coveted list presented in different languages.

As a rule, when you turn on your smartphone for the first time, the system prompts you to select a language, so scroll through the settings carefully.

Download Russian language for Android

It’s good when the Russian language is not cut out by the manufacturer from the system - simply by going through point by point, we can select it. More complications when language packs are removed. In this case, we will have to tinker a bit with the additional software, but you can be sure that your smartphone will begin to "communicate" in Russian!

So the instruction:
  1. the key tool that we will need is an application that can be downloaded for free on Android from Google Play;
  2. after downloading and installing it, you need to get developer rights;

This is done very simply: go to the device settings (gear icon), go to the very bottom of the list, where select the last item - “About”. In the window that opens, you will see the Build Number item, which indicates the firmware version. Numerous clicks on the item will bring you access to the developer menu.

  1. go back to go to the Developer options item, which appeared in the list of settings;
  2. here we are interested in "Debugging via USB" (USB (Android) Debugging), so opposite the corresponding item we turn the switch to the active state;
  3. now turn on Personal Computer, on which we need to download and install the ADB debugging tool (you can download and learn more about ABD);

Executive fileadbWe recommend installing it on the root of the C drive.

  1. with help USB cable we connect the smartphone to the PC,;

To access command line hold down the key combination Win + R, in the window that appears, enter "cmd" (without quotes) and click "OK".

  1. on the command line, you need to write "cd c: \ adb" (if ABD was installed on drive C);
  2. then write "adb devices" to display the connected device;
  3. if the code name of the smartphone is displayed on the screen, and on the contrary - device, then everything is fine;
  4. enter the command "adb shell", then - "pm list packages morelocale", and finally - "pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION";
  5. you can disconnect the Android device from the PC;
  6. we launch the MoreLocale 2 application, in which it remains to select the Russian language.

That's it, the Russian language has been downloaded to Android, and you just need to reboot the device so that all the settings are definitely applied.


The device localization method using the MoreLocale 2 application works at the software level, which means that if you do a factory reset, you will also lose the Russian language. In this case, you will have to download it again using MoreLocale 2 and ADB.

In addition, MoreLocale 2 does not guarantee complete translation on absolutely all devices. On many smartphones, only a part of the applications is translated, and the interface itself remains with the original language.

We get the Russian language on Android by flashing

In some cases, as we just said, MoreLocale 2 is not able to help with the translation of Android into Russian, or the application copes with this task partially, which will not suit all users. The most effective, but at the same time difficult way, is flashing the device to a third-party version with support for the desired language.

- an activity not for every beginner, so you should first study:

  • what is a third-party firmware in general;
  • read about custom recovery;
  • check the forums to see if your device has firmware;
  • read on the thematic forums with instructions on flashing specifically for your device, as they can vary significantly for each manufacturer.

Only after thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the topic of firmware for Android devices, proceed directly to the process of installing the firmware on your smartphone or other gadget.

How to make an Android keyboard in Russian

To fully use the smartphone, it is not enough to download and install the Russian language only for the system. An important component of Android is, the language of which is often set by default with the system. To receive Russian, you must:

  1. go to the settings of your smartphone or other device;
  2. go to the item "Language and input";
  3. in the new window, select "Set up input method";
  4. a list of keyboards available on the device will appear here, select the one you need;
  5. the first item "Languages" will allow you to select the layout in your native language.

In order for the list of languages ​​and toggle switches to become active, you must deactivate the "System Language" switch.

However, not all devices that do not have Russian in the system languages ​​\u200b\u200bhave such settings. To begin with, we will have to install a keyboard with support for the Russian language. Today, the user has several hundred excellent keyboards to choose from, and most importantly, free ones. You can download them directly from Google Play. We recommend that you install a branded keyboard from Google -. It is already used by more than 500 million people, there is the possibility of flexible settings, continuous input mode is supported. In general, one of the best keyboards with Russian language support for Android, which can be downloaded today.

After installation, we return to the language settings, where we make Gboard the default keyboard, and also select the desired languages. You can also configure other features here: color, position, button shape and much more.


After these simple manipulations, you can comfortably start using your brand new Android device. Do not despair and curse the seller from the Middle Kingdom: most likely, you just need to set Russian in the settings. If you are completely on the other side of all these modern systems, then going to service center: for the indicated amount, experts will quickly make friends with your smartphone or tablet with the Russian language. Ask questions in the comments, we will help!

Basically modern mobile devices on Android platform, which are sold on our market, are already equipped with Russification built into the firmware. However, there are not rare cases when the device you ordered (for example, from China) does not have Russian localization. For some, this will not be such a big problem, but most users probably wanted their beloved "Andryukha" to communicate in their native language. That is why we will now tell you how to change the language on an Android tablet and phone.

Some users may be ready to accept firmware that does not have Russian localization, but the on-screen keyboard should definitely be Russified, since sending SMS messages, correspondence in in social networks etc. in Latin will be unreadable for the addressee. Therefore, first we will look at several ways that can help in this matter.

  1. Through the settings on your phone. Step by step, our actions should be like this.

On your device, go to the “Settings” section (or “Settings”):

Select the item "Language & keyboard" i.e. “Language and keyboard”, in the “Keyboard settings” section “Keyboard settings”) we find “language & input” - “Input language”:

click and select the desired language:

After the manipulations have been done, the key for switching the input language should be displayed on the keyboard, or the "space" button will show the current layout, and its change will occur by sliding the finger over the space in one direction or another.

Op-pa! It seems that everything was done correctly, but they didn’t find the Russian language in “language & input”? Do not rush to tear your hair on your head - we still have a hundred yards on this topic, therefore, we read further.

2. With a special application.

So, if the above method turned out to be inapplicable for you, then a great way out is to install a keyboard that supports the Russian language. In fact, this is a common utility, which can be downloaded and installed on your device without any difficulties. We will mention only two of the rather large assortment available, these are:

- a wonderful free keyboard, endowed with many functions and emoticons (by the way, it will come in handy if you are an active user of the Instagram network, because this feature is not provided in the service itself).

"" is a great tool for fast typing, has its own translator, checks the written text and much more.

After we install the application, you need to go to "Settings" (settings) and in the item "Language & keyboard" check the box next to the newly installed keyboard. If there is a need, then by clicking on the name, you can set the desired settings.

Despite the fact that, having read our article up to this section, typing in Russian will no longer be a problem, many owners of Android devices will certainly want their favorite device to have a completely user-friendly interface with Russian localization. How this can be done, we will now understand.

If you have old version OS Android (up to 4.2), then proceed as follows.

Download and install MoreLocale 2 - the most popular localization application android firmware. Then, to Russify your system, perform the following steps:

Launch MoreLocale 2 and select the "Custom locale" item in the program window:

In the field that appears, press the "ISO" button, which is located next to the "Language" menu item and select the language - in our case, "Russian".

Then we press "ISO", which is located opposite the "Country" item and from the list of countries that appears, select "Russian Federation", press the "Set" button to confirm.

Now our smartphone can speak Russian. True, it is worth noting that if Russification is not provided for in the applications that are installed in the operating system, then it is possible that something completely Russified will not work, but this is already the tenth thing, right?

For versions with Android OS 4.2 and higher, our actions will be completely different, we read:

Full Russification for the latest versions involves some difficulties, but not for us, because in this case in our arsenal there are a couple of ways, one of which should definitely help.

First option. Install the Set Locale & Language program, which makes it possible to set the system language, even if it is not in the firmware.

However, some users complain that the program is not always stable, and after a reboot, the localization settings may disappear. Well, what can I say, here only personal testing can decide whether this program is suitable for your device.

The second option is with a computer. If the above method was useless for you, then we suggest using another opportunity to translate the system language on your tablet or phone into Russian.

  • Download and install on your PC the latest version of the ADB program and the driver for your device.
  • You need to install More Locale 2 on your mobile device
  • On your Android, turn on the “USB debugging” mode (“menu”, then “Settings”, then “Developer options”, and “USB debugging”). If there is no “Developer options” item in your menu, find the “About phone” item in “Settings”, then on the name of the device model or on the firmware version itself, click “Developer options” ten times in a row to display the settings menu.
  • We unpack the ADB program on the PC to the root of the “C” drive (the path to the executable file is: C:\adb\adb.exe).
  • We connect our smartphone to the computer.
  • We launch a command line application on the computer (command cmd.exe).
  • In order to go to the C:\adb\ folder, enter the command cd c:\adb
  • We are looking for our device, for which we enter the adb devices command
  • Below the line "List of devices attached" the identifier of our mobile device, after which, enter "adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION", wait for the answer "locale android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION" (if a mistake was made, you will have to carefully enter the command again).
  • We disconnect the smartphone from the PC and launch the MoreLocale 2 application (the sequence of actions is described in the first section of this article).

If you could not find the latest version of ADB (the inscription "offline" next to the identifier), then you can download the package for Android SDK developers, after installation on a PC in the /platform-tools/ folder will be located latest version ADB.

It remains to draw your attention to the following detail: all the described localization methods for Android work at the software level, but by no means at the OS level, therefore, if you decide to reset your device to factory settings, i.e. execute " hard reset”, then everything that you have achieved in terms of localization will fly to ... (in general, you yourself know where). But after all, you will always have the opportunity to return to this article and refresh your memory on how to install the Russian language on Android so that your “Andryukha” can communicate in Russian again.

The convenience of using a phone or tablet largely depends on the availability of Russian localization. The phone may have a different language, and then it is very difficult to use it. You can change the language using default settings, and if there is no Russian, try adding it using a special application.

The Russian language is preinstalled in most certified devices. Here you simply need to activate it. However, how to find the items you need if it is, for example, Chinese or Korean. Trying to translate the inscriptions in this case is useless. Fortunately, most modern gadgets have graphic hints for menu items to help you find the settings you need.

Let's find out how to change the language on an Android phone or tablet. You need to follow these steps:

In most cases, these settings allow you to change the language to Russian.

In many Chinese phones even in the language settings you will not find Russian. It is simply not there, and then changing the language will not work. Installing the Russian language on an Android phone is not a big problem. Add Russian will help MoreLocale 2.

This special application, capable of Russifying almost any device. You can download it in the official Google Play app store or on another site. You must first install the program on your phone. After that, follow these steps:

This application can add a language to virtually any device under Android control up to version 4.2. Changing the language takes a few seconds, but on some devices Russification will be only partial.

We put the Russian language on Android version 4.2.X and higher

If you have a smartphone with a modern version of the OS, then you should use another application. Set Locale & Language will help you change, or to be more precise, completely add the required language to the firmware, even if it was not originally there. Despite such opportunities, users note the unstable operation of the application, so its actions do not give a full guarantee.

To change the language, you need to follow the steps below:

The main advantages of this software are that it is completely free and also has more than 200 languages ​​in its database.

We put Russian using a computer

If none of these methods helped, try setting up using a computer and the ADB program. It serves as an addition to MoreLocale 2. If only with the help of MoreLocale 2 it was not possible to change the language, then this option is for you. You must first install the drivers for your tablet or phone, and then enable USB debugging mode.

To install Russian using ADB, follow the instructions below.

Android devices, according to statistics, occupy 85% of the global smartphone and tablet market. Increasingly, people are buying equipment abroad, and therefore, when using devices, a problem arises due to the absence of the Russian language in the menu. It happens that the seller buys "gray" devices and does not adapt them properly, so the Russian language disappears somewhere after the first update. In this guide, we will show you how to Russify Android so that there are no problems in the future.

Ways to Russify devices in the operating room Android system with the help of special programs

You picked up a tablet, and the menu is in a foreign language for you. First of all, you should check if there is Russian in the settings. Find the settings icon, go to the language and keyboard selection tab and look at the list of presets there. installed languages. Perhaps the Russian language is hidden here. It is much easier to navigate when the menu is at least in English or another European language. If we received a parcel from Chinese store, we will navigate by the icons. The settings usually have a gear sign, and the list of languages ​​is indicated by the letter A with three dots. If there is no Russian among the installed languages, Russification of Android is inevitable.

Russification Android 4.1 and below

The easiest way is to install from the MoreLocale 2 application. Although it is in English, you do not need deep knowledge of the language to work, everything is intuitive.

We launch the program, go to the “Custom Locale” tab, in the window that pops up opposite “Language”, press ISO and select “Russian”, next to “Country” click on “Russian Federation”. The "Set" button will confirm the selection - done.

But it is important to remember that MoreLocale is not intended to create a Russified menu, but to force the inclusion of the Russian language file built into the firmware. If it is not built-in, the menu will be in Russian only partially or will not be Russified at all. Please note: the proposed method does not work on Android versions 4.2 and above.

Russification Android 4.2 and above

The developers took care of protecting new versions of the operating system from attempts to change the configuration, so the above method cannot be used. How to Russify the Android firmware in this case? You will need a computer, a little attention and perseverance.

  • cd c:\adb;
  • adb devices; find the line "List of devices attached", under it our connected device will be visible;
  • adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION.
  1. Now we disconnect the device from the PC and perform the actions as for older versions of Android.

If suddenly ADB cannot detect your model, download newest package for Android SDK developers. current version ADB can be found in the /platform-tools/ folder.

There are cases when, when buying a gadget, its menu on English language, and sometimes in Chinese. It is simply inconvenient to manage it, because you do not know the location of all elements or menu items. And what to do in cases where the language settings differ from the “standard” ones, and menu navigation requires complete Russification of the device. What to do? Incomprehensible menu and incomprehensible language. No panic! Here we will talk about how to add the Russian language from third-party crackers or from the menu of the device itself, and add the Russian keyboard layout.

Turn on the Russian language from the Android menu

In order to install the Russian language on your smartphone, in most cases you need to follow a few steps. For achievement right place in the settings, we are attaching screenshots in Chinese and English.

Open "Settings" - "Input Language" (Settings - Language & Input)

Then choose the item"Language" (Language).

In the list we find the "Russian" language and select it as the system language.

Russifier installation.

  1. In smartphones whose settings do not provide for the installation of the Russian language, you can set the language using the MoreLocale 2 utility. This utility can be downloaded from the Google Play app.
  2. After installing MoreLocale 2, go to the menu "Settings" - "About phone" (Settings - About) and get access rights for developers.
  3. We go to the menu item Build Number, where the firmware version is indicated.
  4. Then slide until You are now a developer appears. It means "You are now a developer".
  5. Then select it and set the slider to the “On” position for the USB (Android) Debugging item.
  6. to drive C.
  7. Next, we need a computer with Windows OS. We connect our smartphone to it, launch the command line on the PC (In the search we write CMD and run from the admin) and drive in the command: cd c: \ adb (go to the directory with the downloaded file).

The system would have to determine the smartphone, to check this, enter the command in the line: adb devices and press Enter.

After that, the code name of the smartphone should appear on the command line, if the system has identified it.

  • pm list packages more locale
  • pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION

After them, the line screen should look like this:

We disconnect the device from the computer and run the previously downloaded MoreLocale 2 application.

Select "Russian" language in the list that appears. Russification is over, the system will automatically translate into Russian.

Installing a Russian keyboard

In order to install the Russian keyboard, you must first download the corresponding application on Google Play.

  1. Download the Google Keyboard app.
  2. Go to "Settings" - "Language and input". Select "Google Keyboard" from the list.
  3. In the "Language" menu, select the required languages ​​with the switches.