How to increase phone performance. How to speed up Android smartphone and tablet? Programs, recommendations

Android devices, like all other gadgets, tend to age. This doesn't just happen physically - long-term use can also reduce productivity, forcing you to consider a new phone. But, you can return your smartphone to its former performance by following a few steps.

Remove and disable unnecessary applications

Like many, you probably have too many apps on your Android smartphone. We all download apps without even thinking about the consequences. After some testing, we realize that we don’t need them and we happily forget about them.

This is good when you have a lot of space in your phone memory, which allows you to not think about the amount installed applications. But for some, it's the small memory that creates problems, not to mention the fact that applications can be running in the background. Unused apps are definitely a resource drain, so just get rid of them. You can do this using the Application Manager in Settings.

Clear cache data

Not sure what cached data is? Well, this is a good thing as it actually speeds up the device. By storing some data locally, the system can reduce loading times and avoid having to download the same data from the Internet every time you enter a website address or launch an application.

The problem is that the cache can grow out of proportion and become quite a burden on your internal memory. Android smartphone or tablet. Try to clean it from time to time. The option is available for individual applications through the application manager. You can also find cache clearing apps in Google Play.

Clear memory Android

Chances are you have a lot of music, videos, and other files to remember. Crowded inner memory may affect performance, so try to keep your phone's memory as neat and tidy as possible. Take the time to go through all your files and finally decide to delete old videos and photos that are no longer valuable to you. In any case, you will not open them more than once a year.

Reducing the number of widgets

Widgets are very convenient tools, but they can be huge resource consumers and slow down your device. These information windows constantly retrieve data and view updates. Try to keep your use of Android widgets to a minimum. Of course, you shouldn't limit yourself completely, since, after all, widgets are some of the coolest things Android has to offer. But, if you do not yet have a flagship smartphone in your hands, then you should use the capabilities of the OS in proportion to the resources of your device.

Removing live wallpaper

Live wallpapers are another beautiful Android feature that does not contribute to the performance and cleanliness of an Android smartphone. Live wallpapers undoubtedly make your smartphone look attractive, but they affect not only performance, but also time battery life. Just replace the animation with a beautiful photo or picture.

Software update

Have you been putting off installing an update that constantly reminds you in the notification area? Although, the fault often lies with Google itself - the company has never been able to provide an effective mechanism for updating its OS. But in reality, even an OTA update can fix some bugs and introduce performance improvements. Make sure your Android phone software is always on the latest version available.

Disable animation and GPU acceleration

Android has hidden prying eyes settings options that will help increase the responsiveness of the device. To do this, go to the "About phone" item in the settings menu. Click several times on "Build Number". You will receive a notification that you have become a developer. After that, go to the "For Developers" menu, turn on the switch at the top and select "Window: Scale", "Item: Scale" and "Animation Speed". Disable animation in them or set the minimum value.

The next step will be to speed up the graphics chip. To do this, you just need to check the "GPU acceleration" box. These steps should give you a feeling of improvement in performance speed.

Obtaining Root rights

If you really want to go all in and open the door to a completely different set of possibilities, you can get Root is right and on your phone. Once you have full access to the device, you can achieve better performance, clearing the memory of unnecessary pre-installed applications. You can even overclock the processor and make it work faster, which will significantly affect the speed of applications on your smartphone.

But you need to keep in mind that these methods are not for the faint of heart. Getting Root rights can be a complex process and may void your warranty. Not to mention, you might turn the device into a useless pile of plastic and metal. If you still want to go this route, follow the reliable instructions.


Phones get old, but that's not the reason they get slower over time. The reason lies within software your smartphone. Giving him the opportunity to start over from time to time clean slate- not bad idea. If all the previous tips did not help, then it is better to decide to reset to factory settings.

What is a factory reset? This is pretty much a method where you erase all the data on your smartphone and leave only the pre-installed software. Therefore, it makes sense to back up all the data on your device.

The option is located in the phone settings in the "Backup and reset" section (" Backup and reset"). There are also ways to do a factory reset using the recovery menu, but the steps vary for each phone. In this case, Google is your best friend.


Now, if none of this works, then maybe it's really time to look at a new device?

On the pages of our website you can view reviews best Android smartphones and choose the device that suits you best.

Many owners of Android gadgets are faced with a problem slow work device and its braking. How to speed up your tablet or smartphone? We will give some useful and really helpful tips.

First, it's worth making a short introduction. Android is an operating system almost the same as the usual Windows. She has background processes, applications, RAM and internal memory, processors. These factors affect the speed of a smartphone or tablet to varying degrees. Therefore, the issue of speeding up Android is solved in a comprehensive way.

First, let's speed up the gadget on our own.

On your own

Disable unused features. Very corny, but it helps. Disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G/LTE, Tethering, GPS and other functions if you are not currently using them.

Power Saving Mode

The easiest way to speed up Android is to set the power/energy saving mode to Performance or Off. The exact wording depends on the firmware version and device. This can significantly improve system speed, but will put a slight strain on the battery, causing it to drain faster. Although it is unlikely that the difference will be very noticeable.

GPU acceleration

Any Android device has a “For Developers” section in its settings. It is sometimes hidden from prying eyes, so it needs to be unlocked. Go to “Settings” - “About phone” and click on “Build number” several times. Now go to the new settings section and check the box next to “Speed ​​up GPU.” If you don't find it, it means this function works automatically, you can skip this step.

Disable animation

Animation when opening windows and transitions can negatively affect the speed of a smartphone, especially a budget one. Visually it looks nice, but performance is much more important.

Go to developer settings and find two menus: “Window: Zoom” and “Transition: Zoom”. In both, disable animation.

A clear approach to installing and storing applications

Here are some banal but very important tips:

  • Install and store only those programs and games that you use regularly.
  • If possible, try to install lightweight applications that are not demanding on system resources.
  • Ruthlessly remove games and programs that you do not use.

It is important to understand that clogged physical memory– one of the reasons for the unstable operation of the device. Set her free removing unnecessary applications and games.

Desktop. Widgets. Live wallpaper.

It is not by chance that three indicators are included in one subheading. It is important to keep your desktop in order, not to clutter it with icons, widgets and beautiful live wallpapers. This is, of course, beautiful, but performance requires sacrifice.

Autostart and background processes

As soon as you turn on your smartphone or tablet, various services and background applications are automatically launched on it. Very often this list contains completely unnecessary and unnecessary programs that you don't use. They need to be disabled:

  • Go to Settings - Applications - Running.
  • Disable those programs and games that are not needed. IMPORTANT: you cannot touch system services like Google Services, Settings, etc.

Disabling account synchronization

You can connect several accounts to any smartphone or tablet running Android: Gmail, VK, Twitter and others. They are automatically synchronized with the device, while consuming system resources and the Internet.

Go to “Settings” - “Accounts and synchronization” and disable synchronization with those profiles that are not needed.

Automatic application updates

By default our favorite Google market Play automatically updates everything installed games and programs. Of course, this can cause the system to slow down, so it is also recommended to disable this function. This is discussed in more detail in the special article.

At this point, the basic capabilities for overclocking Android are over - it’s time to turn to third party programs and methods.

Special Applications

The app store has several decent programs designed to speed up Android. The most popular and recognized - DU Speed ​​Booster(Cleaner). If for some reason you don't like the utility (although this is unlikely), you can find alternatives.

Cleaning the system of debris

The operating system of the “Green Robot” tends to become clogged with cache files, cookies, download history and pages visited in the browser. It takes up memory, which means it slows down work. For a comprehensive system cleanup of garbage and unnecessary temporary files, we recommend using special programClean Master. There are also worthy alternatives, it’s not difficult to find them in the Market.

Programs to optimize battery life will also help speed up Android. Everything is interconnected. An excellent solution would be Battery Doctor.

These programs automatically scan systems for unnecessary processes and data and, with our consent, delete files, folders and other junk. This frees up both physical memory and RAM, and also unloads the processor.

Memory card

Most smartphone owners have a memory card installed, which is necessary for storing photos, videos, applications and other files. But it can also cause the gadget to slow down. This is because memory cards may be either slow or outdated.

MicroSD cards have special designations (2, 4, 6, 10) that indicate the speed of information exchange. The higher this number, the better. Age cards and those that come in kits with devices, as a rule, are of type 6 and below. This may be one of the reasons for Android's slow performance. It is recommended to replace the card with a new one with indicators above 6.


If all else fails, then the only way out is flashing to custom, the most popular of which is CyanogenMod.

Custom firmware has a number of advantages compared to stock ones:

  • No unnecessary pre-installed applications that slow down the system and clog up the RAM. As a result, the device operates stably.
  • Rich functionality (the ability to increase or decrease the processor frequency to save battery, etc.).
  • Timely system updates (especially useful for devices that are no longer supported by the manufacturer). With each new update, the developers correct errors and add exactly what users need, as in most cases they conduct discussions on the forums.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Reflashing a smartphone entails loss of warranty and sometimes the possibility of turning it into a “brick.”
  • Unofficial firmware sometimes has some flaws (for example, if the phone has two cards, they may not be displayed correctly).
  • Updating to a new version occurs through Recovery, and not over the air. Moreover, as a rule, it is required

It is a unique application for Android smartphones that speeds up its operation due to optimization random access memory. For the utility to fully function, you do not need superuser rights, which is a definite plus for the average consumer. The program algorithm does not perform emergency closing of applications; the entire optimization process occurs directly using operating system Android.

The minimalistic design benefits the application and only emphasizes the simplicity and efficiency of its operation.
Based on the principles of Material design, it leaves mixed feelings when first launched. On the one hand, the presence of only one “Optimization” button and the standard blue and white color scheme do not promise good results, on the other hand, hundreds of thousands of people cannot be mistaken in leaving positive reviews and a high rating for the program. By pressing the button, the application's unique algorithms begin their work. A few seconds and in front of you detailed statistics RAM usage:
-Total amount of RAM on the device;
-Amount of memory occupied by the system;
-How much memory is used by running services.

At the top of the table there is information about the amount of freed space and the amount of free resources. After reviewing the results, you can immediately close the program or return to main screen. TO this application The saying applies: “genius lies in simplicity.”

Almost all owners of Android smartphones can install the application. You only need 5 MB free space, 512 MB of RAM. Download to your android phone you can right now from our website without registration and SMS - absolutely free.

Is your tablet or smartphone running Android OS starting to slow down? This is not yet a reason to run to the store for a new one. In some cases, performance can be optimized. Let's look at more than 10 methods that are combined into simple steps to speed up an Android phone, which does not require much knowledge from the owner.

In the first 2 steps, preliminary and main, we will talk about improving the software. In the 3rd, additional, we learn about hardware upgrades available to everyone.

Step 1. Clear memory of unused applications

The most main reason, which causes smartphones to slow down Android based- this is a lack of RAM. It gets to the point where normal typing slows down on a phone with 2 GB of RAM. Although this is not a large amount of memory today, typing also takes up an insignificant amount of resources!

I myself was shocked when I realized that even those applications that you did not launch after rebooting the phone hang in the memory! I don’t know how this happens, but gradually after loading the memory begins to fill up with absolutely every application that is installed on the system.

No joke, the most The best way To speed up your phone is to reset it to factory settings. This option is available on every Android device. additional settings. You will have to re-sync with all accounts and install required applications. If this doesn't seem like a problem, then go for it! From now on, install only the applications you really need.

But you can’t always afford this, because too many things are installed and configured. Many smartphones have a built-in memory cleaning function. To activate it you need to go to the screen for switching between running programs and press the cross in the middle of the screen.

But this is only superficial cleaning, you still need to install the application, there are many of them, I installed the All-In-One Toolbox task manager for myself.

The main screen shows how much RAM is already in use. You can click on the “circle” and AIO will clear the cache in RAM.

The phone has two main types of memory for storing files: ROM - built into the phone and SD - card. For normal operation It is highly desirable for the device to have at least 10% free ROM memory. To free your memory from garbage, you need to click on the “ROM” or “SD” link and go through the wizard, which will help you delete identical and large files, photos, garbage from WhatsApp and more.

In the “Cleaning” section on the main screen, you can empty your device of various types of temporary files and cache:

Almost all running processes are selected, just click “End selected”. But it is advisable to give the AIO application more rights so that it can monitor the system and terminate programs that are stuck in memory again. For this:

  • Click the “Allow” button, you will be redirected to the system service settings
  • Go to the All-In-One Toolbox service
  • Set the switch to on

We return to the main application window and go to the “Battery Saver” section. Here you can see the applications that consume the most power and, accordingly, slow down the Android system; we terminate them. Surprisingly, these may be programs that you do not use at all and have not launched for a long time.

Scrolling down the main screen, you will find the “CPU Cooler” section, this marks the applications that use the processor more than others, and they can also be unloaded from memory. There's also the latest very useful Startup tool. Here we can remove from automatic download any applications. The phone will boot faster and there will be more free memory. Select “Disable all” or selectively at your discretion:

You will be surprised again, but on this list, probably, everyone has ever installed programs. You can exclude any processes from startup, including system processes. When first needed, they will be launched without problems.

But for some reason this function does not work on some devices, although outwardly everything works fine. You can check this by rebooting your phone and opening running processes. In this case, you need to use the Startup Manager application. Now this program has become part of the AIO Toolbox, but nevertheless this separate version sometimes works better. Launch Startup Manager and click on the “Disable All” button:

I already read your thoughts that all this is complicated, but in reality the main action is to disable autorun and reboot. In the AIO settings, system monitoring is already enabled and periodically you will see pop-up windows with a notification about memory clearing, i.e. It is not necessary to walk on the instruments with your hands.

To make the system work easier in the future, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Install the fastest and easiest programs. Read reviews before installation.
  • Get rid of unnecessary programs. They take up memory, and if necessary, they can be easily restored via Google Play.
  • Just put necessary programs. The extra ones take up precious space in the system and slow it down.

Step 2: Android OS Settings

The first step is to configure power supply mode. Most often there are 2 types of power mode setting menus:

Settings->Power->Power Mode
you need to select the “High performance” mode

Settings->Energy Saving
you need to select the “Performance” mode

In the case of other menus, you need to focus on similar items. As a result of this power optimization, the system and Adndoid applications will respond faster. However, the battery will begin to drain faster.

In Android 4.0+ you need to speed up the graphics subsystem:

Settings->For Developers-> check the box for “Accelerate GPU” (Acceleration with GPU)

At the same time, the graphics processor will adapt to many games. But some applications may refuse to work. Some devices listed above may not have menus. Perhaps the manufacturer has already optimized them.

It's better in Android 2.3 and higher remove synchronization with services you don't use: Settings->Accounts and synchronization and on the “Account Management” tab, disable synchronization with all unnecessary services.

Also in Google account It doesn't hurt to disable synchronization of contacts, Gmail, Picasa, calendar and similar services if you don't need them. When you are not using any services, the “Auto-sync” checkbox in the “Accounts and Synchronization” window should be cleared.

On Android, applications are updated every day to optimize performance Auto-update must be disabled, A important applications update manually via Google Play. This procedure saves 3G/GPRS traffic, battery power and makes the system easier.

To disable auto-update, go to "Google Play->Settings->Auto-update" and select "Never". In order for the update to work only if Wi-Fi is connected, and not the operator’s network, you need to set the value to “Update only via Wi-Fi”, this will save traffic and extend battery life.

Preferably disable animation: Settings->Display->Animation-> item “No animation” or Settings->For Developers, find the items related to animation and set the values ​​to “Disable animation” or “No animation”.

To speed up your phone, live wallpapers should be removed from the start screen and from the system. Also remove unused widgets and shortcuts from the Start screen. In Google Play, you can disable the automatic placement of widgets and shortcuts like this: Settings-> clear the checkboxes from the “Add icons” item

Turn off GPS and geolocation, they constantly “hang” in the background and mercilessly drain the battery. How often do you use them? Let's go to N settings->Coordinates (“Location” or “Location data”, etc.) and uncheck all the boxes.

Step 3: Additional upgrades to your Android device

Most Android gadgets provide storage of information on external maps memory. The speed of the device as a whole depends on their performance. MicroSD writing/reading speed is marked according to classes (2, 4, 6, 10). The number indicates the approximate speed in megabytes per second. Cards up to class 6 are initially sold for devices.

Cards of class 6 or less are slow and slow down the system speed. MicroSD cards class 10 and UHS format cards ( Ultra High Speed) is preferable. Your phone's performance will improve significantly. Just check first in the instructions for the device whether such memory card formats are supported.

As you can see, improve the performance of a tablet or smartphone running Android systems it's not even difficult in simple ways. It won't take much time or serious investment. But many games and applications will start to work faster, which will make you the envy of the happy owners of even the latest models.

With phones and tablets running Android 4, 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.1, 4.2, 4.2.2, 4.4, 4.42, 5.0, 5.1 or even 6.0, just like 20 years ago with Windows.

Android works great when fresh and has enough memory. The problem begins within a few months.

Instead of working quickly, we often have to wait for Android to download application updates.

It's a scourge Everyday life, for many owners of smartphones, tablets and phones. But you can fix it.

I offer 8 proven ways to speed up Android devices - increase productivity.

Speed ​​up Android by limiting the number of installed applications

Let's start by checking the number of programs installed on your Android device - do you really need them all?

With 100 applications, the memory is already becoming seriously clogged. When the system has less than 500 MB free space, the situation becomes dramatic.

Then the phone or tablet PC is slow. Experience shows that it is best when the main memory has more than 700 MB of free space.

Speeding up Android devices by moving applications to an SD card

After removing unwanted applications, move all programs that offer this feature from your phone to flash memory.

This procedure effectively clears core memory, but unfortunately cannot be applied to all applications that tend to memory.

Speed ​​up your phone/smartphone/tablet with system updates

To ensure the stability and security of your tablet, phone or smartphone, always update your system software whenever possible.

Therefore, if this appears, you should install it. Owners of inexpensive tablets should especially pay attention to updating the operating system firmware.

  • By the way, you can also significantly increase the battery life on Android devices.

In many cases this solves a lot of problems. The worst situation, unfortunately, is for users of phones with a software version prepared for a specific operator, since new version systems will have to wait much longer than owners of non-branded equipment.

So, for example, Android 4.3, in Samsung Galaxy S3 unites system memory and internal and thus solves most problems with this.

Speeding up Android by disabling automatic updates

In most cases, Android can update automatically, but this is not always desirable.

When we have more than 100 applications, instead of working, we can wait continuously because nothing wants to work.

This is not surprising when the system automatically updates several programs almost constantly.

The solution is to disable automatic update and run them manually, for example, once a week when you are not using the device.

Take care of free space

This is the only application that specializes in clearing the cache of individual programs.

This is especially useful when Android tells us that there are too few system resources left.

The program is complemented by the “Eraer” tool, which clears the browsing history of web pages, applications, maps, SMS, and search history on YouTube or Google.

You can also use the 1-click cleaner app, which allows you to get rid of unnecessary temporary files, SMS messages, history, chat, watching videos, etc. with one click of a button.

Speed ​​up Android by removing viruses

When Android slows down and starts to glitch, there may be signs of a virus infection.

Therefore, in the case of devices that include a SIM card, it is recommended to use the free security package at all times.

Since there is a risk that we will lose not only data, but also money, specialized viruses send expensive SMS without our knowledge.

Speeding up Android devices by minimizing active widgets and processes

The next step is to reduce the programs running in the background to a minimum.

Most of them start working when the system starts. There's no reason for you to waste your phone's resources running games in the background.

A proven solution is to use the Startup Manager application, which in the test smartphone was able to reduce the number of programs running in the background from 30 to 10.

Speed ​​up Android by unlocking your phone's potential

Unfortunately, space in the device can be taken up by useless programs that are pre-installed with the help of the operator and cannot be removed.

The only way to get rid of them is to change the software. This is not difficult, but depending on the operator, it may violate the warranty. However, it should be remembered that this process is reversible.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that after changing the software to a clean one issued by the manufacturer, this can have an impact on mechanical damage.

The tablet and smartphone enhancement portion of the application must work to grant system access rights.

Sometimes it's worth using, but I recommend caution so as not to open the gates to malware that only looks friendly on the surface.

Access is needed only to automatically move programs to the memory card or restore them from backup copy systems. Good luck.