How to find out the end of activation of Windows 10. How to change, remove or renew a Windows license

Today we will talk to you about what Windows 7 authentication is, as well as possible options for bypassing this system. In addition, let's take a look at some of the pitfalls that may appear while working in Windows.

What is this?

But first, let's look at what Windows 7 authentication is. Probably, almost every modern user has heard about this concept. If not, then now we will find out what this process is.

Authentication is nothing more than confirming that your Windows is licensed. In other words, activation or a method for detecting pirated copies. If you are using a non-licensed version, then it is better to think about how to disable Windows 7 authentication. Otherwise, minor problems with your computer may occur. More precisely, with the operating system. Let's try to figure out why we should be so “afraid” of this process.

Why is it scary?

If you are using a purchased version operating system"Windows", then, of course, you do not need to be afraid of our today's process. The situation is different with the so-called pirates. For them, this phenomenon can be not only unpleasant, but also somewhat dangerous.

Windows 7 authentication now requires you to authenticate multiple times. Everyone can bypass the first collision - this is the so-called activation of the operating system. It usually pops up during the installation process. Activation failed - 30 days, and the computer is blocked! And no problems.

But the second Windows 7 authentication is a more unpleasant “thing”. Sometimes the user may not even suspect that his computer is going through this process. Instead, a person turns on his computer one fine day, and instead of a desktop he sees a black screen. In the lower right corner there is a message about a failed verification. It won't work like that. And there is a high probability of losing some data. Therefore, many people think about how to disable Windows 7 authentication. Let's try to figure out what to do.

Honest way

Let's start with perhaps the most simple and common points. This is about activating your operating system. There are a huge number of options here. Let's see what needs to be done so that Windows 7 authentication is not scary for you.

So, the first method, which is not particularly pleasing modern user- this is a license purchase. This pleasure is not so little. And if you take into account the fact that now there are dangerous viruses everywhere that can “break” the operating system, then the desire to buy Windows disappears completely. It won’t be particularly convenient to take your computer (it’s good if it’s a laptop) to a specialist every time problems arise. service center so that you can have the system reinstalled in a few days. Thus, users are not very often inclined towards this scenario. Advanced people were looking for ways to avoid purchasing, and also not run into problems with activation. And now they have been found.

If you decide to use the operating system only for home use, without using any licensed or important programs, then you can use the “pirated” version. Not the best the best option, but many users adhere to it. Let's get to know him a little better.


Windows 7 authentication on first encounter can be easily passed. Especially if you already have installation disk and connection to the World Wide Web. Make sure you have the so-called activator for Windows in advance.

As a rule, this program will come bundled with a pirated installation disk of the operating system. True, you can download the By Daz crack in advance. Be sure to look at what bit depth (number of bits) this or that version of this activator is suitable for. Now let's see how to use it.

When installing the operating system, select trial version, without activation. Don't worry, access to the system will not be closed after 30 days. Wait for the process to complete and then launch the By Daz application. Now you will need to select the brand of your processor, as well as the bitness of the operating system. After that, click on the "Install" button. When a message about successful installation pops up, simply close the window and restart your computer. That's all. Now you can't say that your Windows 7 is authenticated. As a rule, when using a crack this function it simply turns off. Quite convenient. But there is one little surprise for the pirates, which appeared not so long ago. Let's get to know him too.

Underwater rocks

Okay, we took the dishonest route and activated the operating system. For the time being, you can use it without any problems. True, if you don't know about Microsoft's little trick, most likely working with activated copy you'll run out in about a few days.

It's all about the so-called update center. This application turned out to be painfully tricky. The fact is that when using it, Windows 7 authentication is updated. That is, an unsuspecting user downloads the next update package, reboots the computer, and in response receives a message that his computer has not passed the authentication check.

Frankly, Microsoft's idea is pretty good. True, not for modern “pirates”. They found several ways to bypass this system. Let's see what can be done in this situation.

How to get around

Since the update center downloads some files for us, we can simply not install them. This will prevent the Windows 7 authentication update from penetrating the system. What should I do for this? There are several options here. The first method is not to download any “updates” (except for drivers, and signed ones) to the computer. This way you will definitely not run into a problem. You can disable automatic file scanning, as well as installation without user knowledge. Want to update something? You went to the update center yourself, started checking, ticked only what you needed, and then installed it. No problem.

True, there is another option for the development of events. The thing is that you can disable Windows 7 authentication by deleting a specific file responsible for this process. In the Update Center, find KB971033, and then simply delete it. Remember this name and do not download it for yourself. That's all. Now you know that Windows 7 authentication isn't that scary.

Windows 7 is still wildly popular among users, despite its age. And the question of its activation is one of the most important aspects when working with the system. You will have to either buy a license key or use special programs- activators. With purchase license key everything is clear, so let’s talk about free alternatives. Let's see how to activate Windows 7 using various activators, or postpone it for a month in a legal way.

This is the easiest way to obtain a license, which can be used even by a novice user. And most importantly - it's free. Let's look at the 3 most popular activators and find out how to use them. We will provide download links only to the main one; the rest can be easily found in search engines.

KMS Auto

The simplest and reliable way. All actions are done exactly the same as activation. The unpacking password is 123.

Don't forget to add the file to your antivirus exclusions!

One of the most famous activators is Windows program Loader, which injects a special code into the system that tells it every time it starts that the activation was successful. Let's see how it works:

  1. Download Windows Loader and run it with administrator rights.
  2. Pay attention to the circle next to the program name - it should be green. If it is red or yellow, then you need to hover over it and see what needs to be done (usually you need to close the browser or, for example, Total Commander).
  3. If everything is fine, click the “Install” button and then restart your computer.

This completes the activation. If you suddenly want to stop using the license key, run Windows Loader again and click the “Uninstall” button.

This activation method is illegal, so its use is not recommended by Microsoft specialists. But let's face it, Windows Loader has helped hundreds of thousands of users resolve licensing issues, so you have nothing to fear.

After launch, the following window will appear:

  1. Download and run the activator.
  2. In the main window of the utility, click the “Activate” button on the button that is highlighted.
  3. When a message appears indicating that the operation was successful, restart your computer.

If this activator worked normally, you can safely install updates without fear that it will crash.

After the computer restarts, the operating system selection window will appear. Two download options will appear - Windows 7 (non-activated version) and Windows 7 Loader XE (activated version). Select the second line and boot - the system will be activated.

So you don't have to choose the right operating system every time

  1. Click on the "Computer" icon right click and select Properties.
  2. Click the "Advanced system settings" link in the menu on the left.
  3. In the "Boot and Recovery" field, click the "Options" button.
  4. Uncheck “Display a list of operating systems” and select “Windows 7 Loader XE” in the line above. Save your changes.
    After completing these steps, the activated version of the system will be loaded into automatic mode, without waiting and your choice. By the way, the presence of two entries in boot menu does not mean that you have two operating systems installed. This activator made changes to the boot.ini file.


The RemoveWAT program works in all Windows versions, however, after using it you must disable it automatic update(which is highly undesirable). Use it only if previous activators did not help you:

  1. Launch the program.
  2. Click "Remove WAT" in the utility window.
  3. Wait for the activation process to complete and restart your computer.

Now, to prevent activation from failing, you need to disable automatic system updates:

How to do it

  1. Go to “Control Panel”.
  2. Go to Update Center.
  3. Click on the “Settings” link in the menu on the left.
  4. Select the "Don't check for updates" option.
  5. Save the changes by clicking "Ok".

In principle, you can set the parameters so that the system will look for updates, but you will make decisions about installing them personally. You just have to figure out what update the next authentication file carries.

Delayed activation

All Microsoft products, including Windows 7, have a delayed activation feature. Let's see how to activate Windows 7 using deferral via the command line.

  1. Launch Command Prompt with administrator rights.
  2. Enter the command


    And press Enter.

  1. Restart your computer after receiving a message indicating that the activation operation was successful.

Please note that the deferment procedure must be carried out on the penultimate or last day of activation. In total, Windows 7 deferral can be used 3 times. By simple calculations we determine that in the end you will have 120 days of free use. After 4 months (the first is a trial period, then 3 delays), you will have to decide again how to activate the system.

To know detailed information about the license, including the available number of deferments, using the command:

cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -dlv

cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr. vbs-dlv

If the deferments are over, you can install Windows 7 again and use the system for another 120 days for free. Another way is to create a system recovery image and then use it to roll back to a state four months ago. However, both of these methods are not convenient, since they involve reinstalling (restoring) the system, which leads to the removal of installed programs and the loss of some files.

What to do to prevent Windows 7 activation from failing

The main disadvantage of using activators is the possible blocking of the license after the next system update. Microsoft specialists are doing everything to ensure that users buy activation keys rather than use free programs to obtain a license. This is manifested in the creation of special updates for Windows 7 that verify system authenticity.

Despite the fact that the description of all activators states that the system passes authentication without problems after using them, in reality everything is not so rosy. For example, many users experienced that after installing the KV971033 update, activation failed. To avoid getting into a similar situation, you just need to delete the authentication file that comes into Windows 7 with the KV971033 update. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Go to the "Uninstall a program" section.
  3. Click on the “View installed updates” link in the left menu.
  4. Look for security update number KV971033.
  5. If you find the line you want, select it and click “Delete”.

Your system will no longer be checked for authenticity, and therefore activation will not fail.

By the way, many antiviruses perceive activators as malicious applications. There is nothing surprising about this - just disable the protection for a while to activate the system and add the program to the antivirus exceptions.

Attention! This manual is provided for informational purposes only. Using activators is illegal!

After activating Windows 10 installed on your PC, you can view all the data about this process: whether it was activated or not, whether you received a license key to activate the system, the id of the computer for which activation was performed. All this data can be found and checked using the built-in Windows tools, as well as through third-party programs.

How to find out the license key of installed Windows 10

Windows status is information about whether the system is activated by entering a license key and confirming it, as well as the number of an individual activation key. You can find out this data in several ways: through system settings, running commands, computer settings, third-party programs and scripts. Remember that the license key consists of 25 numbers and letters, divided into 5 blocks of 5 numbers or letters.

Through command execution

In this way, you can only find out information about whether Windows is activated, but the product key will not be indicated:

How to check activation through computer settings

Through system settings

Through a third party program

Another way to find out the activation key is to use a third-party program:

Through scripts

The script that should be in the file:

    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    regKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"

    DigitalProductId = WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "DigitalProductId")

    Win8ProductName = "Windows Product Name: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductName") & vbNewLine

    Win8ProductID = "Windows Product ID: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductID") & vbNewLine

    Win8ProductKey = ConvertToKey(DigitalProductId)

    strProductKey ="Windows Key: " &Win8ProductKey

    Win8ProductID = Win8ProductName & Win8ProductID & strProductKey



    Function ConvertToKey(regKey)

    Const KeyOffset = 52

    isWin8 = (regKey(66) \ 6) And 1

    regKey(66) = (regKey(66) And &HF7) Or ((isWin8 And 2) * 4)

    Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"

    Cur = regKey(y + KeyOffset) + Cur

    regKey(y + KeyOffset) = (Cur\24)

    Cur = Cur Mod 24

    Loop While y >= 0

    winKeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & winKeyOutput

    Loop While j >= 0

    If (isWin8 = 1) Then

    keypart1 = Mid(winKeyOutput, 2, Last)

    winKeyOutput = Replace(winKeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0)

    If Last = 0 Then winKeyOutput = insert & winKeyOutput

    a = Mid(winKeyOutput, 1, 5)

    b = Mid(winKeyOutput, 6, 5)

    c = Mid(winKeyOutput, 11, 5)

    d = Mid(winKeyOutput, 16, 5)

    e = Mid(winKeyOutput, 21, 5)

    ConvertToKey = a & "-" & b & "-" & c & "-" & d & "-" & e

Video: checking operating system activation

How to check activation expiration dates for Windows 10

If you entered a license key, the activation period will be infinite, since Windows is activated once and for all. But if you installed a trial version of the system on your computer, given to you for a certain number of days, then you can view when the trial period will end by following these steps:

Video tutorial: how to find out the activation expiration date

How to find out your Windows 10 computer ID

Computer ID is the same as ID network card, installed in it, since with the help of this card the computer makes all connections to the Internet. You can view your computer's unique code without third party programs by following these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Start icon at the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Select Device Manager.
  3. Expand the Network Adapters tree.
  4. Right-click on your network card and open its properties. The name of the network card is different for everyone, so you shouldn’t use it as a guide.
  5. Go to the Details tab.
  6. Expand the “Properties” block and select the “ID or equipment ID” line.
  7. The “Values” block will contain all IDs related to your PC.

This is where the search for information about Windows state and computer ID is complete. You can always view the activation key through the computer settings if the old one has stopped working or was entered incorrectly. Remember that you only need to activate Windows 10, that is, pay for a license key once. So if your key is no longer accepted by the system, contact the official Microsoft support service.

- a fairly simple and understandable procedure (well, at least more or less) than what we are going to consider later in this article. What if you want to do something more advanced and complex with the license, for example, things like how to remove/change a product key, perform online activation or extend the activation time. It's not as simple as a simple activation that is done standard means OS with convenient graphical interface, but not that difficult either. In this article I will give you information on how and with what help this can be done.

There is a tool command line, called Slmgr.vbs, included with Windows and providing features not available in standard interface activation, which is located in the “Update and Security” window, which can be reached by opening the Start menu and selecting Settings.

First: Open a command prompt with administrator rights

This is required to use Slmgr.vbs. In Windows 10 or 8, right-click the Start button (or Win + X) and select Command Prompt (Admin). In Windows 7, find Command Prompt in the Start menu, under All Programs > System Tools. Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.”

View activation/license information

To display basic license and activation information, run the command below, which will tell you what version of Windows you have, part of the product key for you to identify, and will show you whether the system is activated.

To get more detailed information about the license, including activation ID, installation ID, and other detailed information, enter the following command:

View the license expiration date

To find out the current system activation period, use the command below. Since retail licenses for, say, home computers are activated on a perpetual basis, which will never expire, the command will be useful for commercial KMS organizations and servers. However, you can check the expiration date of your license to make sure it is permanent.

How to remove a product key

With Slmgr.vbs you can also remove the current product key Windows systems. After running the command below, restart your computer and your operating system will not have a product key, which means Windows will become inactive - without a license.

This allows you to transfer the license to another computer if necessary. For example, if you want to give old computer friend, but want to keep the license for yourself. However, as you know, Windows activation will be “tied” to the hardware of the computer on which it is installed, so it won’t be possible to simply transfer it, but it is still possible, but that’s not about that now (that will be in the next articles).

To remove a license key, enter the following command at the command prompt:

However, the command does not remove the activation completely. Windows also stores the product key in the registry because this is sometimes necessary when setting up your computer and to prevent the key from being stolen malware that can access the registry. In addition, the future owner of the computer (if he is more or less computer savvy) can easily remove the key from the registry, so you must also be sure to remove it from the registry with the following command:

How to set or change your product key

With slmgr.vbs you can enter new key product. If the Windows system is already activated, using the below command you can replace old key to a new valid one (instead of #####-#####-#####-#####-#####, enter a new key). After this, it is recommended to restart your computer.

This can also be done in the Activation Settings screen in Computer Settings, but the following command allows you to do this from the command line:

slmgr.vbs /ipk #####-#####-#####-#####-#####

Windows activation

Activate Windows online

Using the following command, you can try to activate Windows via the Internet.

Activate Windows offline

To get the installation identifier (ID) for offline activation, run the following command:

Now you need to receive a system activation confirmation code by phone. Go to the official Microsoft Windows Activation Help page. Following the instructions given, call the Microsoft Product Activation Center (there is nothing wrong with that, you will follow the instructions of the robot) and provide the installation ID received above and you will receive an activation code (if everything is confirmed successfully). This may help you activate Windows without an Internet connection.

Instead of ACTIVATIONID, enter the activation ID. which you received:

slmgr.vbs /atp ACTIVATIONID

After that, to make sure that your OS is activated, you can use the following commands:

slmgr.vbs /dli or slmgr.vbs /dlv

How to extend activation

Take Windows 7 for example, which has a 30-day trial period before it starts asking you for a product key. You can extend the trial period, i.e. reset this trial period back to 30 days by running the command below.


However, you will not be able to extend the trial period over and over again and indefinitely - the command can only be used a few times. If you want to know how many times, enter the command slmgr.vbs /dlv. I don’t remember exactly, but for each version, it seems, there is a different “number of times”. In Windows 7, if I'm not mistaken, 3 times, and 5 times on Windows Server 2008 R2. With the exception of Windows 10, the option works in all earlier versions.

Using Slmgr.vbs for remote computers

Slmgr typically runs on the current computer, but you have the ability to remotely administer computers on your network if you have access to them. For example, the first command below applies to the current computer, and the second one applies to remote computer. You just need to know the Computer name, username and password.

slmgr.vbs /option

slmgr.vbs computername username password /option

With the Slmgr.vbs command, you can use other commands related to system activation. See Slmgr.vbs Parameters for more details.


  1. FPP (Full Product Package), Retail, Box or boxed version, in early versions before XP an optical disk, later a flash drive with Windows installation files.
  2. ESD

  3. ESD (Electronic Software Delivery) or E-key, electronic key. You buy an electronic key on the Microsoft website and download the system distribution to install it on your computer. You can also download the necessary documents from the manufacturer’s website.
  4. OEM

  5. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is the most limited type of license in terms of use. Installed on new PCs, laptops, tablets and other computer devices upon purchase computer device complete with it, is tied to the device to a specific hardware configuration.
  6. How genuine is your Windows?

  7. From version Xp to Windows 7, this can be done on the Microsoft website. It is not possible to check new versions of products that were released after Windows 7 on the website. They check themselves and if your copy of Windows not licensed, then you will be shown a message on your desktop (Your copy of Windows does not have a license key, is not licensed), perhaps your version was activated but the activation failed due to an error.
  8. How does activation occur when switching from an earlier version of the OS to Windows 10. If you have a Linux version of Windows linked to specific device oem, as we said earlier. Then when you update your OS to Windows 10 on Microsoft servers your account which contains the device identifier, key, OS version. This update was available when Windows 10 was released.
  9. You can view the Windows 10 license by typing winver in the command line and pressing enter. If the version is not activated, you will not receive data for this version. Otherwise, in the opposite case, you will see a message like the picture below:
  10. You can also check the authenticity of your version of Windows after 7 by pressing the Win + X key combination and in the menu that opens, click “System”
  11. In the system window that opens, at the very bottom, we look at how the activation proceeds:
  12. I highlighted with an arrow in the picture above that Windows activation has been completed. If there are problems activating the operating system, you will be shown a message:
  13. In other versions of Windows starting from 7 there will be similar messages in the same window.
  14. How to determine the Windows license type?

  15. The command in the command line will help you determine the type of operating system; first, press the key combination:
  16. Win+R
  17. In the "Run" window that opens, type "CMD" and press "Enter". When the command line opens, type:
  18. slmgr.vbs/dli
  19. Confirm by pressing "Enter", those who do not know how to work with the command line can read. There is also a wonderful article on this subject,. You can read the article
  20. Let's return to the license type and after confirming the entered command in the command line with the "Enter" key, a window with information will open:
  21. Methods for checking the Windows operating system license on the Microsoft website:

  22. Check Windows xp and Win7. Authentication checks to see if your key is locked.
  23. View all Windows license options and questions.
  24. How to find out whether Windows is pirated or licensed, real, genuine?

  25. Well, actually, if you follow the methods used above, then the mouse will not slip through, let’s say re-activate and everything will become clear. Just do this using the command line and not different activators! Well, if you want software that is in service with you know where, without giving away the secret, the name is Defacto. If this name doesn’t mean anything to you, then you can go to the website, everything is explained there. I’ll tell you how to use this program, since it’s clear what it’s for. Defacto can detect not only Windows for pirated copies, but also other paid software. The program connects to product activation servers and checks whether the product is activated or not, thereby recognizing pirated version or real. Here is an example of a message about signs of pirated copies on a PC:
  26. In general, the program looks like this, picture below. To start scanning, three options are offered, I think everything is clear with them, but I’ll break it down:
  27. 1.) Scan this computer. It is clear that everyone will be installed programs on a running PC, scan for license violations.
  28. 2.) Scan the directory. Select the folder that the program scans and if it finds programs in it, it will notify you about it.
  29. 3.) Scan network computers. Computers on a local network in the office or at home if you have configured the local network, you can scan all computers on the local network from one computer.
  30. Look at the picture below:
  31. At the bottom of the program in the footer, let's say, there is information on the selected program after scanning, and there is also information on the icons. Let's say the license or free software is violated. Look at the picture below:
  32. Well, there’s simply nothing that’s incomprehensible, there’s nothing in this program, that’s how I initially told you that it exists. The program is paid, but there is a free trial period, which is enough to learn about several computers. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below or search on the website by clicking on the button below.