How to find out the password from vk knowing the login. How to find out the login and password of someone else's page in VK

The password is used to enter your VKontakte page. We have already analyzed the procedure for its restoration -.

Imagine a situation - we forgot the credentials from the page, but we do not want to change them. We want to use the old ones. How to view and find out your password in VK, in this case? There are a couple of tricks. Now I will show them to you.

Where is the password control unit located?

You need to look for it in the "Settings" section. Go there.

Here you will see the block "Password".

If you click on the "Change" button, a password change form will open.

Here you will need to enter the old data, as well as enter twice New password. When finished, press the button "Change password".

But we haven't solved the problem. In this form, the old password cannot be viewed. How to be?

How to find out the password from VK using a browser

Let's do it with an example Mozilla Firefox. Open the menu, and click the item "Settings".

Then we go to the tab "Protection". Here you need to press the button "Saved Logins".

A form will open with all the saved data. In the search bar, type:

All logins for which there is data will be shown. Now press the button "Display Passwords".

You will be asked to confirm the operation. Click Yes. An additional field will appear in the form "Passwords". It will display your login information.

To enter the VKontakte social network, like many other sites, you need to enter your username and password, which are created by the user during the page registration process. Since there are a huge number of sites on the Internet, and no less than various application services, the user may eventually forget his password, including from VKontakte. In such a situation, the question arises of how to find out the password from VK if you have already logged into your account. In this article, we will consider whether this can be done.

Table of contents:

Can I see my password on VKontakte

Settings in social network VKontakte is very extensive, which is why not every user can find the option he needs in them. There is an opinion that in VK you can see what password is set on the logged in page. This is not true.

As you can see, there is no opportunity in the account settings to view the password from VKontakte. But there is another way, discussed below.

How to find out the password from VK

Now let's consider a working method of how to see the password from VKontakte. This is done quite simply through the browser that you use as the main one. That is, if you have agreed to the browser to save your information from the account, then in the browser you can see what password is set on the page.

Depending on which browser is used, the ways to view the saved VKontakte password will differ. Consider examples for the most popular and common browsers.

Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox

Yandex browser

All of the above methods allow you to find out without any problems through the browser which password is used on the VKontakte social network for a particular account.


Probably, most often the network asks the question of how to find out someone else's VKontakte password. Someone wants to check their girlfriend or boyfriend for loyalty, someone wants to expand their field of activity, in such a dishonest way sending

advertising to potential customers, and someone - just out of curiosity. However, today hacking a VK account is not as easy as it could be done a few years ago - constant updates help improve the structure of this social network and increase its security. Below will be described several ways in which you can try to get to someone else's page.

Method number 1: how to find out the VKontakte password using browser settings

The easiest way, familiar, probably, even to a schoolboy. Its implementation does not require special knowledge and virtuoso handling of languages.
programming. All you need is a computer connected to the network and a Mozilla browser with preset options. In order to properly configure the browser, on the top panel open the "Tools" / "Settings" / "Protection" tab, where check the box next to the "Save passwords" item. Now it remains only to invite home a potential victim and kindly provide her

the opportunity to sit in "VK" from your computer.

Method number 2: how to find out the VKontakte password through the password recovery form

Another fairly well-known way of hacking pages. Now, to the question of how to find out the VKontakte password, knowing the login, you can answer that this is impossible. If earlier recovery lost password was available through a mailbox that could be hacked by answering a simple security question, now you will definitely need to send digital code from the phone number linked to the page. But if you have access to it, then it will not be difficult for you to change the password.

Method number 3: how to find out the VKontakte password using special programs

There are thousands different programs, allegedly "100% working and absolutely free", with which you can do this. For no one else

It has long been no secret that most of them are viruses, the main purpose of which is to extort money from gullible users. Working programs, of course, exist, but they only work after they are installed on the computer from which information must be read. The principle of their operation is as follows: scanning the system, they copy all saved and temporary passwords, transferring them to the owner.

How to find out the VKontakte password in other ways

There are many various ways hacking other people's VKontakte accounts. Among them, the following can be mentioned: sending messages on behalf of the administrator with a request (of course, under some serious pretext) to send the username and password from the page (but you need to try very hard to find a person who will agree to voluntarily "merge" his page); creation of a duplicate site with a similar address, when a person, without feeling a substitution, leaves his data to an attacker himself (but in order to implement such a project, at least some knowledge of web programming is needed).

You can get into the account of the social network VKontakte only by knowing the login and password from it. If you need to open your own page on a social network site, you remember your login, but you forgot your password, you can use the password recovery function. In this case, you will need to verify that you are the owner of the email or phone that the page is linked to. Only after that will it be possible to set a new password for the account.

In the same way, you can try to hack the page of someone close to you. If you can temporarily access the phone or mail that is used as a login on a person's page, then you will have the opportunity to get to his page by changing the password. But in this case, the person will know that his page has been hacked, since he will not be able to get into his account using his password. You can try to get into the account of someone from your inner circle by choosing a password from the most commonly used options - date of birth, pet name, etc. But this method is the most unreliable of all possible.

Is it possible to hack Contact, knowing the person's mail?

To select a password for a user's page, his login may be required. Number can be used as a login mobile phone or email address. But there are some nuances here. A person can register on various services any number mailboxes, so the fact that you know his mail does not mean that you have a login from the Contact. Before trying to hack the page, you need to collect the maximum full information about it in order for the procedure to be successful.

Tips on how to hack VKontakte, knowing the mail from the account

There are several ways to get to another person's page. You can try to independently install a program that can pick up the password from the VK page by login. But it can be quite difficult to do this, since usually only individual components of such programs are freely available. They need to be installed in a complex, since only together can they work as they should.

More reliable way- turn to hackers. But in this case, you may encounter people who will transfer information about your attempts to hack someone else's account to law enforcement agencies, which will cause you problems with the law, because hacking VK user pages is an illegal activity.


For many people, social networks have become the main way to communicate with friends and acquaintances. The Vkontakte website is one of the most popular sites among Internet users. To enter an account, a code and a login are required, but a person can forget their data. In such cases, there are several options for how to find out the password from VK.

What to do if you forgot your VK password

Personal pages on social networks often store correspondence that is intended only for the owner, so account security is an important aspect of the service. To protect against hacking, hacker attacks, the site has several levels of protection and a password (password) is one of them. The administration itself recommends regularly changing access combinations to prevent account theft. This leads to the fact that a person can get confused and knowledge of how to remember the password from VK is useful here.

To get started, try to pick up access, you may have used one of the codes that you came up with for other sites. Check your notebooks, sometimes people write down their data specifically so that they can be found. If these options do not help, you can use other methods to find out the password on Vkontakte:

  • via browser (Opera, Mozilla);
  • using the "Recover password" button;
  • through the service technical support;
  • using special software (software).

How to see your password in VK

This method requires that the additional settings for the browser. For these purposes, the Mozilla Firefox explorer is more often used, for which the following steps should be taken:

  • go to the "Settings" section;
  • go to the item "Passwords and ciphers";
  • click on "Protection";
  • click on the "Manage ciphers" or "Saved passwords" tab;

This option, how to find out the Vkontakte password, is suitable if you have already visited and successfully logged into your account. Find from the list of all visited VK sites, click on the address right click, a list will drop out, you need to select the line "Show" or "Copy password". The browser will provide you with data on this site, login and password. For the same reason, it is not recommended to enter the page from other people's computers so that you do not become a victim of intruders.

Here is another way to find out your VK password if you forgot.

How to recover Vkontakte password

If you are unable to log into your account and you are sure that you are entering the correct login, there are still ways to find out your password in VK. One of them is offered immediately below the code entry form in the form of the inscription "Forgot your password?". The procedure is as follows:

  1. Click on this inscription and you will be redirected to a link to another page.
  2. You will be asked to enter email, to which the page was registered, login or phone number associated with the account. Enter and click Next.
  3. A letter will be sent to the mail with instructions on how to find out the password on Vkontakte and a link to its recovery.
  4. Go to the address from the letter, enter the phone number associated with the account during registration.
  5. Next, a page will appear where you need to enter the code that came to you in the form of SMS (it may not come right away).
  6. If you correctly enter the code from sms, you will be allowed into your account and a window will appear prompting you to enter a new password.

Some people do not link their mobile to their contact or have changed their card and this number is no longer available. In this case, technical support, which is available directly through the tools on the social network, can help. You should go to the " Feedback” and ask for the restoration of the password. You will receive a response in which the staff will ask you to provide a digital copy of your passport, on which you can see your photo, name, surname. You will also be asked a few questions about your profile: how many friends you have, who your last messages were from, etc.

All this information is needed to verify your identity in order to avoid being hacked by intruders who can impersonate another person. Subject to correct answers to questions service department you will receive a new password in the mail. Support staff may not respond immediately. As a rule, a message from them comes within 3 days maximum.

How to find out the password in VK, knowing the login

If you know exactly your login from the page, then the easiest way to easily find out the password on Vkontakte is to use the "Forgot your password?" function. In the presence of telephone number you will quickly gain control of your account. In cases where there is no data from the page (forgotten, for example, because you rarely use it), you can use another way to find out the necessary information - use special software.

To obtain the necessary data, you can download free program. The computer must contain encrypted information for all your passwords and logins that you entered in browsers. She doesn't lie in open access, is represented as a jumble of numbers and letters. This was done to protect against hackers so that other people could not, for example, hack into your account through a work computer or from a car from an Internet club. Special programs help you save the data you need in the usual form of login / password. You can choose from the list below:

  1. Multi Password Recovery Porlable - opens all ciphers on a computer, can be run from removable media, does not require installation on a PC.
  2. PasswdFinder is a scanner that finds and recovers ciphers from a computer.
  3. WebBrowserPassView - free utility, which reads secret combinations from browser fields.


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