How to find out your Steam ID. How to find out Steam ID? All about unique identifiers

There are several ways to find out your Steam ID, using your Steam profile and using the status command.

How to find out your Steam ID using your Steam profile link?

To start, we can use your 17-digit Steam ID, which can be found by following these steps:

1. Open your Steam client and select "Steam" at the top, then click "Settings".

2. Select "Interface" and check the "Show address bar when possible" checkbox.

3. Click OK.

4. Now click on your profile name and select “Profile”.

Your SteamID will be listed in the URL in the top left corner (that's the really long number at the end). If you have your own URL, the number will not be listed. In this case, simply provide us with the entire URL.

You can also find out the steam ID in css and cs go without copying the link, but simply by logging in to this site: .

How to find out your Steam ID while in css or cs go?

To find out your SteamID, connect to the server and then enter the command "status" (without quotes) in the console.

Your SteamID will be displayed next to your nickname in STEAM_X Format: x: XXXXXXX. This command does not work on a local server or when Steam is offline.

After registering on Steam, each user is assigned a unique identifier called Steam ID 64. Unlike a nickname, the ID consists only of numbers and cannot be changed by the user to another. There are 3 ways to find out your Steam ID without contacting technical support. Let's look at each of them in the instructions below.

Method 1

A simple, but not always effective way is to look at the profile information in the Steam client. Click on the user name in the upper right corner of the program and select the “View Profile” command.

On the page that opens, right-click on the empty space in the center and select the “Copy page address” command.

Open your browser or text editor and paste the copied line, which should look like this:

Where the numbers 1234567890 are your Steam ID 64.

If a set of letters is displayed instead of numbers, it means that a personal link was registered in the settings for this profile. There are 2 options - erase the link in the profile editing window and copy the page address again, or move on to the next method of “recognizing” your ID.

Method 2

and press Enter until it looks like the screenshot below.

In design 01234567890Your Steam ID 64 is displayed.

Method 3

If option 2 causes difficulties, use any online Steam ID recognition service from the list below and paste the copied line there.

Date: 06/26/2014

What is a Steam ID?

Steam ID is an identification number that is assigned to the player, or rather to his game client. Previously, only players of the licensed version of Counter-Strike had this number, and owners of non-steam versions received Steam_ID only after updating the game engine and switching to protocol 48.

Where is Steam ID information needed?

First of all, for registration on gaming sites where tournaments, championships, clan wars and other games are held, since you will have to indicate your ID. You may need a steam ID if you received a ban on the server and are going to apply for an unban, since 99% of cs game servers ban you by steam_id.

Some unban tips can be read on our website.

How to find out your SteamID?

Perhaps you are going to become a server administrator, then you will also need a steam_id here. It is not necessary to know your SteamID by heart; it is enough to learn the command that is necessary to obtain an identification number.

As a rule, this question arises among newcomers to the game. There are no difficulties in this and this process is absolutely identical in any version of the counter strike game.

1. Game required Counter-Strike 1.6 client, which can be downloaded from our website.

2. Open the game console by pressing the “tilde” key, it has a sign (~).

3. Type the command “status” in the console, and then click “Enter”. We receive the necessary information.

4. The console will receive data about the players who are currently on the server. But we are only interested in the line with your nickname. The digital value after “STEAM_0:.....” is your SteamID.

The image above shows an example where a player with the nickname “SASHKA X-TRAIL LVIV. UA" Steam ID number "STEAM_0:0:1867908825". Everything is quite simple and now you know how to find your ID number and solve all the problems that arise. Good luck in the game!

Steam_id- an individual identifier that is assigned to each user when registering on Steam. Everyone who uses the licensed version of Counter-Strike has a Steam ID. In this article we will tell you how to find out Steam_id and how to view your Steam ID, because... you may need it at any time.

We would also like to invite you to read another useful material, which describes in detail how to secure your Steam account.

Why do you need to know your Steam ID?

Steam ID is used, as you already understood, to identify the user. It is exactly where you are going to play from your Steam account that you need it.

First of all, Steam_id may be needed for registration on some sites where various tournaments are held, for example, like our site. To participate in any tournament, you need to indicate the Steam_id of the game you are going to play, be it CS 1.6, CSS or CS:GO. This is why beginners may have problems with how to find out their Steam ID.

In addition, a Steam ID may be needed to write an application for unban, because on most gaming Players are banned by Steam_id. In addition, on the servers, for the convenience of the admins themselves, they register by steam ID.

Most bans are based on Steam_id

How to find out Steam_id in Counter-Strike?

Especially for beginners who have never had to deal with Steam_id, we will tell you the process of how to find out your Steam ID in great detail. Let us immediately note that the process is the same for any version of Counter-Strike.

1. Launch the game and go to any server.
2. Open the console (~). If it does not open, you must first enable it in the game settings.
3. Enter status and press Enter.
4. A list of all players currently on the server will appear in the console window. In this list you need to find the line with your . Opposite it will be your STEAM_ID.

To find out Steam_id, just write status in the console
In the picture we see line # 1 "putin" 895 STEAM_0:0:50350748 8 1:02:30 5 0. It is deciphered as follows: the player with the nickname putin has a steam ID STEAM_0:0:50350748. Now you shouldn’t have any problems with how to view your STEAM ID.

In conclusion, it must be said that the real Steam_id is only for players with a licensed version of the game. It doesn't change when you reinstall the game. As for those who play with the Non-Steam version, they either do not have a Steam ID at all (STEAM_ID_LAN), or it is randomly generated during installation.

Also note that if you have different versions of CS on your Steam account, then the Steam_id in CS:GO will differ by only 1 digit from the Steam_id in CS 1.6.