How to create a beautiful profile on Instagram. Greeted by clothes, or beautiful profile design on Instagram

Do you want to know how to beautifully design your Instagram profile? After all, the effectiveness of promotion on a social network, where visual content plays a leading role, largely depends on this.

At the same time, it is not necessary to have any specific knowledge or be a designer. Follow simple recommendations and this is guaranteed to give results: there will be more subscriptions, likes, comments and orders. Do you want it to be like this? Then let's go!

Beautiful profile design on Instagram

Before moving on to the material itself, it is necessary and mandatory set up an Instagram business account. Moving on to the design, it is better to divide the process into subparagraphs, and then go through each of them. So, the profile design consists of:

  • name and nickname;
  • avatar or profile photo;
  • description;
  • links to another account or hashtags;
  • contact details: address and telephone;
  • highlights (pinned stories);
  • buttons for quick communication: call, send a letter and how to get there (with the business profile enabled);
  • content (image and text).

Let's look at each point in more detail.

How to design a profile header on Instagram

Let's start with the design of the profile header, and then we'll talk a little about the content.

Name and nickname

Choosing a nickname (name on Instagram). When choosing a nickname for your account, you need to take into account that in all in social networks You had the same nickname. For example, we are registered on Insta and VK under the nickname im_journal, which is certainly convenient for the user.

The second option for a nickname is to use keywords written in English transliteration. For example, nogti_spb or taksi_omsk. Thus, when searching, all other things being equal, you will appear above your competitors.

Example: the inclusion of the search keyword in the nickname also affects the higher display position.

As for the name, for a blogger it is better to come up with a creative pseudonym that will be well remembered, or use your real name and surname. For commercial accounts, you should choose the name of the company or the most popular keyword by which you can be searched.

An excellent example of how a keyword in a profile name allows you to appear on the first lines if the corresponding request is made.

Profile photo

As your main profile photo, it's best to use your personal photo rather than a picture. Even if you don't have personal account, and the company will be more interested in people going to places where there is a picture of a person.

An alternative and, at the same time, working option is to use the “Girl” trigger and put an image of some beautiful girl on your avatar.

Profile description

Be friendly and open, introduce yourself. What is your name or what company do you represent? What does your company do? What benefits will the client receive by contacting you? At the end, call to action: subscribe, go to the site, call, etc.

To structure information, use emoji.

Since Instagram recently introduced a subscription to hashtags, as well as the ability to add a link to a hashtag or another account in the profile description, this should be used. Here are some use cases:

  • add a link to an individual hashtag with a selection of specific posts in your profile description;
  • if you use several accounts for promotion (by city or product category), you can put links from these profiles to the main account.

Contact details

There is no need to write your phone number, address and website in your profile description; there are special fields for this. Click "Edit Profile" and enter all your contacts.

Page design


Highlights on Instagram It consists of pinned stories, combined into albums. For this section, you need to specifically create separate Stories and break them down by topic on which questions most often arise. For example: price, reviews, work, opening hours, etc.

Also, for pinned albums from stories, you can make a cover to make them look beautiful.

Designing posts in the same style

To make your account more memorable and unusual, try to add photos in the same color scheme.

Also, the following design methods are popular:

    in a column or diagonally;

    checkerboard effect;

  • installation or collage;
  • pictures with frames.


To make the text easier for readers to understand, we recommend breaking it up into paragraphs using emoji, so it won’t merge into an endless set of letters. At the beginning, be sure to write a title or make sentences with the most important idea to catch the eye, and put hashtags at the end of the text.

Secrets for page design

A few more features that will help make your account design unique:

  • More text in the profile description. Use the Address field and add the desired text. Don't abuse this opportunity and try to be concise.
  • TapLink, where you can link to several resources. Create a mini-business card in the taplink service and indicate the necessary links there.
  • Provide a direct link to one of the messengers. Provide a direct link to the messenger where it is most convenient for you to respond to messages.
  • Unusual font. Use italics or another font.

What to do after registration

Next, you should decide on a promotion strategy - how you will attract new subscribers and sell your product. What tools will you use for this? Will additional budget be required for various services and programs for Instagram (spoiler: required).

Then you need to decide what content you will have and create a content plan. In the future, it is necessary to monitor the completion of all tasks, monitor the effectiveness of work and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Instagram these days has become not just some useless social network for posting the most mundane and meaningless photos, but an excellent platform that can ideally help bring out your creativity and photographic potential.

We can definitely say that many users thought about approaching designing your profile on Instagram on the other hand, inspired by some photographer from the same social network.

Moving on to the basics of creative design on Instagram, you should understand that the better and more original the account, the greater the likelihood of attracting new subscribers, but this aspect will be touched upon only superficially in this article.

1. Nickname.

Any profile starts with a nickname. Of course, for many this may not seem entirely important, but if you pay attention, many famous photographers and famous people have nicknames on Instagram that are more minimalistic, usually consisting of one word and practically no symbols other than letters. If your nickname is short, then it will be easy for new subscribers to remember.

Plus minimalism is in fashion now.


An avatar is the business card of each user. The more beautiful it is, the better. It’s not difficult to guess that future subscribers are also judged by their avatar. Basic information should also be there. It is enough to write only a few words about yourself, for example, name, place of residence, activities and photography devices.


This is the most important and, perhaps, the main part of the profile design. It is easy to notice that most famous photographers have a specific theme and it is unlikely that they will come across photos from another opera. Decide what you like to photograph more, be it nature, your city, or even food. The main thing is to stick to the main topic.

Setting up an account on Instagram


Again, turning to famous photographers, most of them have their photographs processed in the same style, that is, they use approximately the same filters, brightness, contrast, saturation settings, etc. Thus, the profile can be contained in a certain color scheme. If you photograph winter landscapes, then in white tones, if summer landscapes - in green.


Modern Applications on photo processing Google Play And App Store have reached such a level that photo processing will not be the slightest difficulty. Not everyone has the skill or ability to use Photoshop at the moment when the need arises to post a photo on Instagram. That's what photo editors are for. mobile devices. Excellent choice There will be editors such as VSCO Cam, Afterlight, Aviary and others. With skillful use of the mobile editor, you can completely forget about Photoshop.

It’s not difficult to see that designing your Instagram profile is not such a difficult task. The more beautiful everything is designed, the easier it is to find new subscribers, and you can also please your eyes. And look for inspiration from new photographers, follow them and try to develop your own style in practice.

Each person who created an account on Instagram has their own goals for using it. Companies try to attract customers, bloggers try to become more popular, and regular users use Instagram as a personal portfolio describing memorable moments. No matter what goals the account owner pursues, the profile should be organic and beautiful. In this article we will try to figure out how to make a beautiful layout on Instagram.

How to design a profile photo?

If a random visitor comes to the page, the first thing he will do is pay attention to the photographs that are posted on the account and read the descriptions that are attached to them. Therefore, the main issue when creating an ideal account is the design of the photo on Instagram and the accompanying comment. Here you should be guided by the following rules:

Note! The description must fully or partially correspond to the content of the publication.

  1. Image format. On Instagram, you can fill your feed only with square photos of the same type. Now there are many related applications that allow you to customize your vertical and horizontal profile images in one format. This way you adhere to the rules established by the social network, but at the same time make the page varied and stylish.

Important! You can download VSCO and other applications from Google Play or Apple Store.

Which style should you choose to post your content?

We want to say right away that beauty is not the only thing that is necessary for. But they greet you based on their clothes!

How to make a beautiful layout on Instagram if there is no specific style in the profile design? That's right, no way. That is why you need to make sure that the header of your page, the content posted on it, as well as the descriptions for publications are one.

Of course, you won’t be able to please everyone, but it’s important to focus on preferences target audience, because it is on them that traffic to your page and activity on your profile rests, allowing your account to become more interesting for network users.

Note! It is worth filling out your profile only with personal and not borrowed content, since the network takes copyright infringement quite seriously.

You can make your Instagram interesting by doing only what you really know how to do well (for example, posting about food, walks in beautiful places, drawings, etc.). If you enjoy maintaining your profile, this will be reflected in the recognition of your subscribers.

If you are still having difficulty deciding how to make your account more interesting and stylish, you can go to the pages of public accounts and learn some skills.


We managed to figure out how to make a beautiful Instagram, all that remains is to put all the above-mentioned recommendations into practice. It won’t be a critical mistake if attention to your profile doesn’t initially increase; the main thing is to find your own profile format that you and those who like you will like.

More than 500 million people use Instagram every day, and more than five million businesses use Instagram for business to visually tell their stories, connect with their fans, and build their brand.

People new to Instagram may be intimidated by the need to stand out from such a large crowd. But getting started with Instagram is much easier than it seems.

How to use Instagram for business

This article covers the basics using Instagram for business, from creating an account, setting up a profile, designing a page and posting photos or stories to more advanced things like Instagram analytics and using tools to increase the number of followers.

1. Set up your account and profile

The Instagram app can be downloaded from the App Store, Google Play Store or Microsoft Store. When creating an account in Instagram app guides the user through several basic setup steps. There are two things to take into account:

Profile photo

It will be displayed in the shape of a circle. When using your business logo, you need to make sure it stays in the center of the image. Additionally, the avatar will appear relatively small in the app, so avoid using text and instead try to make it stand out.

Profile information

The app won't ask you to fill out your profile information, but it will be helpful to do so. To do this, you need to go to your profile in the application and click on “Edit profile”. You will be able to fill out two fields: website and information about yourself.

You can also change your username here (i.e. @username).

Ready! Instagram account is set up!

2. Post photos or videos

To do this, you just need to click the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen. Instagram will show new photos in the user's photo library. You can also do new photo or take a video by clicking on “Photo” or “Video” respectively.

A few tips:

  • When you select a photo from your library, you can upload the photo as a portrait or landscape. To do this, select a photo and click on the icon with two arrows in the lower left corner of the preview. Then you can move and zoom the photo to customize it to your liking.
  • You can upload up to 10 photos and videos per Instagram post. You need to click on the icon with two overlapping squares in the lower right corner of the preview and select a photo or video.
  • When shooting a new video, you need to press and hold the record button to record the video. If you want to shoot several different things, you can release the button, point the camera at something else, and press and hold the button again to continue recording.

Once the material for the post is selected, you can apply a filter or edit its orientation, brightness, contrast, and much more. When everything is ready, you need to click “Next” to fill out the post details.

One of the most successful methods for growing an Instagram account is to post regularly. After studying 55 brands on Instagram, Union Metrics found that some brands lost followers when they stopped posting regularly.

3. Post Instagram Stories

More than 250 million people post stories on Instagram every day. Instagram stories are a new content format. These are photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Verified accounts can add a link to their stories to direct people to their site.

Unlike regular posts, stories do not appear in the profile gallery or followers' feed. They're hidden behind your profile photo in a separate ribbon at the top of the app.

To post a story, you need to swipe your Instagram feed to the right. The app will go into camera mode, where you can take a photo or video, or upload one from those taken within the past 24 hours. Once a photo is taken or selected, you can add stickers (including hash and location tag stickers), drag, and add text.

10 in various ways Using Instagram Stories:

It would be great to follow your clients. Although they can be quite difficult to find, there are some ways:

When people follow your Instagram profile, you will receive a notification. It's worth checking out their profiles and following them as well.

5. Comment on posts

On social media, it’s not just about posting, it’s about engagement. To comment on a post, you need to click on the bubble icon below the photo or video. You can either leave a new comment or reply to another comment.

When followers comment on photos, such as leaving comments or asking questions, you need to respond to them as quickly as possible to show that you care.

After surveying more than 1,000 people, Sprout Social found that 70% of people surveyed are more likely to use a product or service from a brand that interacts with them on social media. If a brand doesn't respond, 30% of them will go to a competitor.

Connecting with your followers helps you build your brand, as well as convert them into customers and customers into loyal customers.

6. Turn your account into a business profile

This is recommended for anyone who uses Instagram for business or their company. Business profile allows you to add Additional information about business, and promote your posts. More importantly, analytics for the account appear.

All you need to turn your profile into a business profile is a Facebook page. Here's how to do it:

7. Use free analytics

Instagram Insights is a free analytics tool for Instagram accounts with a business profile. It provides a wealth of data that you can use to measure and improve your Instagram marketing.

To access Instagram Insights, you need to go to your profile and click on the chart icon.

How you can use data in Instagram Insights:

  • See your key metrics, such as subscriber growth, change over the past seven days
  • Find out when readers are most active to find the best times to publish
  • Find out which posts and stories are most effective
  • Find out the demographics of your subscribers

8. Use additional tools

Finally, if you're willing to experiment, it's time to learn about some Instagram tools that will help you create better content, save time, and post consistently. A few tools to get you started:

  • Photo Editor by Aviary – for photo editing (web and mobile app)
  • Display Purpose – for finding the best hash tags to use (web app)
  • Adobe Spark - for creating amazing Instagram stories(web and mobile application)
  • Buffer for Instagram – for sequential publishing of posts (web and mobile app)

Conclusions on how to use Instagram for business:

  1. Create and configure a profile
  2. Post photos or videos
  3. Post Instagram Stories
  4. Subscribe to other profiles

How to design a profile header on Instagram? How to do beautiful hat yourself and what to write in it? Find out everything about this design option for your page in this article.

Whether to believe in love at first sight or not is a personal matter. But scientists have already proven that the first impression is the strongest. This clearly works on social networks. Therefore, an Instagram profile header made according to all the rules will definitely bring you new subscribers. And many people need an increase in audience not only for pleasure, but also for earning money.

What to write in the Instagram header to attract potential subscribers? A regular profile contains the following information:

    Photo (avatar) of the owner (we'll talk about it later);

    In large font and at the top - nickname (user name);

    Smaller name (can be replaced with a nickname or use a line for business purposes);

Accounts for business or blogging will have more buttons or lines. We'll tell you more about them below. Now let’s look at what to write in the Instagram header literally line by line.

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    The username, or nickname, should be simple and easy to remember. Thanks to this, you will make life easier for both yourself and future subscribers. Sometimes you have to type a nickname in order, for example, to recover the password for a page or return it after hacking. It will be difficult if the username contains 15-20 characters. When you only need to write 5-7 letters, it’s easier to find you through search. So the simpler and shorter the nickname, the better. If this is a personal page, use an abbreviation of your real name or a nickname. For commercial accounts, you can come up with a nickname indicating your occupation. For example, qleanlife is cleaning services.

    You can type up to 30 characters in the “Name” line. Information from here is also taken into account search engine site. Therefore, it is logical to give your real name (if, of course, you want to be found). But, for example, write it not in Latin letters, but in Cyrillic. Or use this line to place a query by which clients will find you. Let’s say it’s “Cosmetologist Tatouage Saratov”.

    For the “About Me” text, you can use 150 characters. This is enough to briefly tell you what you do, give keywords. On a commercial page, your company’s slogan, some operating principles, and an offer for clients, for example, a free service in exchange for a subscription, would be appropriate. If there is enough space, give options for communication, address or opening hours.

As already mentioned, an account for business (a blog falls into the same category) allows you to place a little more information in the profile header. A link to the Facebook page will automatically appear there. And in front of the publication feed there are two buttons for communication. One with a phone, the second for email address. At your request, you can write the contacts specified for registration, or others.

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That's all you can fit in your Instagram header. Next we will figure out how to present this information beautifully and give good and not so good examples. If you intend to learn more about social networks, check out the website It offers many life hacks and reveals the secrets of the most popular online communities.

Before continuing the conversation about how to make a header on Instagram, let's think about why we are paying so much attention to this topic. Why is this even needed? Social media promotion specialists assure that if such information is presented correctly, you will be able to promote yourself faster. The reasons are as follows:

    Your page will be the first to be returned by the search engine;

    A well-written and designed text will attract new subscribers;

    Subscribers, having become acquainted with business information, will become customers.

If you have trouble filling out these required fields, watch how other, more experienced users do it. You don't have to learn from the stars. It’s just not very important for them how to make a header on Instagram and how to decorate it. A photo and name will be enough from a celestial being. But they don’t neglect the opportunity to write the phone number of their agent or manager. Provide coordinates for potential advertisers.

So, Instagram headers are examples worthy of imitation. Let's consider the option of a personal profile, but aimed at earning money. The artist paints canvases and looks for buyers on social networks. Contact is offered via email.

And this is a page of a public (group), so instead of a name, its name. Age restrictions, contact channels, hashtag and Internet address are indicated. And just below, in the “Current” section, the price list for placing advertising content is posted.

From the screenshots above, it is immediately clear that these users are trying to maintain their account correctly. They want to succeed and have taken care of how to design their Instagram header. Now let’s give an example of a careless attitude towards your page. Or this is a bot account, or maybe a fake one.

It's time to talk about profile photos. This is one of the main questions for those who are thinking about how to design a header on Instagram. You can post comprehensive information about yourself, publish great photos/videos, but subscribers won’t come to you if your avatar (photo) has a bad image. After all, this is exactly what they see when they first meet you, before even going to your page. So the more attractive the picture, the more clicks you will get.

There are only two options for an avatar: on personal pages or blogger pages it is customary to give your own image, on commercial or group pages - the logo of a company, a public page, or a typical product. Choose a high-quality photo where you (or the subject) look most advantageous, “glossy”. You can put on something intriguing and unusual. You can take a photo with the attributes of your craft or business.

The worst thing you can do is leave this circle empty or put a vague, uninformative picture from the Internet there.

Beautiful headers on Instagram also include a non-standard original font in which you write information on your profile. Eat special programs and applications for carrying out such a task. In addition, you can and should dilute the text with cute pictures, emojis and emoticons to match the topic. Just don't go overboard using them and don't replace entire text with them. Otherwise, discrepancies and misunderstandings will arise. You can use a picture to mark each new line in the description.

Another option to increase the attractiveness of your profile is to post stories (we talk about them separately) in the “Relevant” section. These are bright circles that are located immediately below the description and in front of the publication feed. Unlike fleeting Stories, they live forever until you decide to delete them.

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Such albums can not only serve as page decoration, but also perform important functions. You can put a price list in them, give a catalog, show a master class, report the results of a promotion, competition or drawing, tell about yourself and your business, and answer questions from subscribers. If you have been running Instagram for a long time and have accumulated a lot of material, it is very convenient in the row current stories arrange the guide on the page. Classify publications by hashtag headings and create a rubricator. The links will work inside your account, and subscribers will easily find what they are interested in.

Feedback from clients or customers can also be presented in the form of an eternal story. Collect them together from time to time and add the publication not only to your feed, but also to Stories, and then save it in “Relevant”.

Judge for yourself, it will take very little time to make an Instagram header according to all the rules. You will spend no more than half an hour on this, and you will make your account attractive for at least six months or a year. Experts advise occasionally making changes to this information.