How to return the standard cs go sight. Setting up the sight in CS: GO - all ways to change it


In this article, I will tell you in detail how to set up a crosshair in CS:GO, after which you will make your best crosshair for cs go.

Turning on the console

To configure, we will definitely need a console, since not all options are available in the game. If for some reason you still don’t have a console in 2k18, here’s how to turn it on:

1. Go to CS:GO parameters

2. Enable console – Yes

Sight styles


Available values ​​range from 0 to 5. Each of which represents a different style of sight.

cl_crosshairstyle 0

Standard CS:GO sight. It is dynamic, reacts to movement, shooting and jumping. There is an option to enable Target ID, which will change the crosshair color to red if you are aiming at an enemy. Or put a blocker on the sight when you aim at an ally or hostage. However, in terms of customization, this scope has little to offer. There are only 5 colors available - red, green, yellow, blue and light blue. In addition, in knife mode the sight is not available at all.

cl_crosshairstyle 1

Also a standard sight, but unlike the first one it is fixed. Customization is as limited as with the zero style, with the exception that this sight can be configured with a Gap - the distance between the cross lines.

cl_crosshairstyle 4

A classic, fixed sight style that has been available since the first versions of the counter-strike. Unlike standard sights, it is distinguished by the possibility of more detailed customization - the size of the entire sight, the thickness of the lines, the distance between the lines, outline, transparency, and the presence or absence of a central dot. In addition, unlike standard sights, you can choose up to 16 million colors. If these settings are not enough for some, there are other sight styles.

For example cl_crosshairstyle 5

the same classic, differs from style 4 only in the dynamism during shooting.

Or cl_crosshairstyle 3

which in turn is also dynamized during walking and jumping.

If this is not enough, then there is the Boss of all dynamic sights - cl_crosshairstyle 2

for which even more settings are available - split, transparency and expansion ratio.

Console commands for sight settings

You can customize the crosshair on this map

All sight adjustment commands begin with cl_crosshair

cl_crosshairsize– length of sight lines

Values: 0 to infinity

cl_crosshairthickness– line thickness of all sight segments

Values: from 0.5 to infinity

cl_crosshairgap– distance between sight lines

Values: from minus infinity to plus infinity

cl_crosshairdot– point in the center of the sight

cl_crosshairusealpha– enables/disables sight transparency mode

Values: 1 enable, 0 disable

cl_crosshairalpha– degree of transparency of the sight
Values: from 0 to 255. Where at 255 the sight is not transparent, but at 0 it is invisible.

cl_crosshaircolor– sight color from preset colors

Values: from 0 to 5, where:

  • 0 – red
  • 1 – green
  • 2 – yellow
  • 3 – blue
  • 4 – blue
  • 5 – your color

By selecting value 5, you can customize your own sight color

To do this you need the following commands:

  • cl_crosshaircolor_r,
  • cl_crosshaircolor_g
  • cl_crosshaircolor_b

Using these commands you can set the proportion of red, green and blue in the color model RGB.
Values: from 0 to 255, where 0 is no share, and 255 is 100% share.

cl_crosshair_drawoutline– black outline of the sight

Values: 1 enable, 0 disable

cl_crosshair_outlinethickness– thickness of the black outline of the sight

Values: from 0.1 to 3

Commands starting with cl_crosshair_dynamic refer only to scope style 2.

cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio– separation of sight lines

Values: from 0 to 1, where 0.5 is the center

cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod– transparency of the internal sight

Values: 0 to 1

cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod– transparency of the external sight

Values: 0 to 1

cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist– distance between the lines of the fixed part of the sight

Values: -20 to +20

cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue– this command applies only to sight styles 4 and 5.

For each weapon, the distance between the lines will change depending on its accuracy.

cl_crosshairscale- this command does nothing, for myself personally I set the value to 1337. Why not?

cl_crosshair_sniper_width– a new command responsible for the thickness of the lines of the sniper scope.

Values: from 1 to infinity.
Depends heavily on the resolution you're playing at. I play on full HD and value one has always seemed too subtle to me. Now after adding this command I play on the second value.

Sight selection criteria

Now that we know the entire technical side of the issue, it’s time to move on to directly selecting and setting up a suitable sight for yourself. To do this, we must understand the basic criteria for choosing certain properties.

There are 3 of them in total:

  • Fixed / Dynamic
  • Shape and size
  • Color

Fixed or dynamic sight

This is where the choice is easiest to make. It's essentially a choice of scope style. Because the first two styles, despite the fact that they are standard sights in CS:GO, have a number of serious disadvantages. Firstly, they are stupidly crooked, asymmetrical, secondly, they are not distinct enough, and thirdly, they are very poorly customizable. Therefore, we safely throw them in the trash.

Next we have a choice between dynamic and static sight styles. The final choice depends on how well you control recoil, spread, and your overall movement. If you are not 100% confident in stopping to fire, re-shot timing, re-sighting after a jump, or are just a beginner, then your choice is a dynamic sight.

The best dynamic sight in my opinion is the second style. Because its interior can be made static.Thus we get a classic sight with dynamic elements precision restoration indication, which is a must-have for beginners.For players who are more confident in their own timings, best choice Of course, there will be a fourth style of sight familiar to everyone. Classic, completely static, also quite highly customizable.

Sight shape and size

To begin with, you should understand that the sight always depends heavily on the resolution of the screen on which you play.

The same sight at different resolutions can be very different. Keep this in mind.Sight shapes can be divided into 3 main types:

  • Cross, with or without dot
  • Square, also with or without a dot
  • Dot

Which type should you choose? This question is actually quite difficult to answer. It all largely depends on preference. However, it is still possible to identify the objective advantages of this or that type of sight. The point focuses attention on the center. The cross has guide lines for the corners of the boxes and the spray. And the square is just cool, it shows the player’s model better.

As for the size, everything here, unfortunately, also comes from personal preference.
For example, with a small sight size, visibility and focusing on the center of the screen are better. And with a large, thick cross, there are more approximate points for the spray, but it covers quite a large part of the screen. I recommend trying out all three types of sights, playing with the size settings, in some kind of deathmatch or arena. You will definitely like one of them the most.

To simplify setup, I will highlight a few mandatory requirements for you:

  • The sight must be visible in any conditions
  • The trailer should never cover too much of the screen
  • The scope should be such that you can comfortably shoot both taping and spraying from it.

Important note. Can be sprayed very successfully with a small dot. Exactly like making cool one-shots from a huge cross. A person is able to adapt to any sight. The main thing is that the sight facilitates this very adaptation, and does not complicate it.

Sight color selection

Last but not least is color.

You most likely have no idea how important this parameter is. The fact is that certain colors on an instinctive level have a serious impact on human behavior.There is one very interesting video from the Western channel The Game Theorists.

Where, over the course of three months, the win rate of players of equal skill was tested, under exactly the same conditions, but with only one exception. One team was red and the other was blue. Believe it or not, the team whose screen was dominated by red.

Weapons, interface, animations, etc., win rate ALWAYS was on 5% higher than the blue ones.

If we look at the sights of top players, we will find the following patterns:

1. Almost all pro players use a cross

Does it follow from this that sights like dots and squares are crap?

No way! The fact is that almost the entire current pro scene is filled with players who started playing since 1.6. Where the cross was the default sight, without all the customization available to us today. Over the years, people have gotten used to it.

2.The vast majority play green or blue

Does it follow from this that all other colors are shit?

Also no. Green color the same was the default color of the sight. Blue was the second of the 5 available colors that did not blend with the textures of the map.

3. All sights are approximately comparable in size

Does this mean that all small or, on the contrary, large scopes are crap?

And here the answer is also no. Due to poor customization and low resolution, Large and small sights were not very playable.

That is, the patterns of sights about players are directly related primarily to their usual settings of shape and color, and not to the fact that their sights are ideal.

What is the result?

The sight must meet the following requirements:

  • Excellent visibility, does not obscure anything unnecessary
  • I like the shape, it suits the playing style
  • Color with the desired effect, enhanced by hood and skins

Also, if your day is red, think blue and it will turn green.

Glad to see you. Playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive comfortably is an important part of the game. One of the factors is that what we see most throughout the game in the center is our sight. Many professional gamers customize it for themselves and do it for a reason. All modifications will go through the console, as this is a more flexible method today. If for some reason you don’t know how to turn on the console in the game, I recommend reading this. If you don’t want to read a lot, I advise you to watch the video clip, which is located at the very bottom.

All sight settings begin with the command: cl_crosshair, you will notice this more than once.

The game has a team that is responsible for style sight: cl_crosshairstyle X, where X is the desired style. The command value is from 0 to 4.

Now let's choose the color of the crosshair that we will play with throughout the game. To change the color, we obey the command: cl_crosshaircolor it has five digits:

  • 1 - green
  • 2 - yellow
  • 3 - blue
  • 4 - blue
  • 5 - your color
Don't feel like running around with standard colors? You can set your own, for this you will need several variables: cl_crosshaircolor_r, cl_crosshaircolor_g and cl_crosshaircolor_b the value of each command is from 0 to 255. The color is selected using RGB. You can find any site that generates colors in rgb. Example of a pink crosshair: cl_crosshaircolor 5; cl_crosshaircolor_r 252; cl_crosshaircolor_g 15; cl_crosshaircolor_b 192

Sight with a dot in the middle

Many people don’t like that there is empty space in the middle of the sight. You can fill it with a dot, to do this we insert it into the console: cl_crosshairdot 0 - turns off the point, 1 - turns it on.

Sight outline

If you can’t clearly see the outline of the sight mark, you can outline it: cl_crosshair_drawoutline- 0 without stroke, 1 - with stroke. In addition to the main command, there is also a companion one: cl_crosshair_outlinethickness From 0 to 3, it sets the thickness.


Do you want to make an invisible sight? Master gentleman use the command: cl_crosshairalpha 0 , if you are not a wild pervert, you should set the value to 255 - this is the maximum number at which the sight will be clearly visible on any texture.

Crosshair size in cs:go

The size of the sight has no limits, so you can enlarge it to fill the entire screen or make it a more convenient size for shooting. To do this you will need the command: cl_crosshairsize from 0 to infinity. You should not specify a large value, unless you are practicing throwing grenades, where you need to understand the flight path and where to start throwing.

Distance between lines

When you first start the game, the distance between the lines is too large and it is not convenient to aim at the enemy. To avoid this problem use the command: cl_crosshairgap. For example, I set myself a number: -4 .

Line thickness

Thick is good, especially if it is a scope, because it is easier to see. Okay, jokes over 300 aside. Team: cl_crosshairthickness You can set any numbers, but only positive ones, an example is shown in the image below.


If it happens that you have entered the game or installed the cfg and your crosshair is not displayed, write the following in the console: crosshair 0 - the sight is not displayed, 1 - becomes visible.

Map for sight settings

If you don’t want to register each variable manually, there is a map in the workshop on Steam called: Crashz'Crosshair on the map there is everything that we described above. To download, you need:
  • Open steam, community > workshop;
  • In the search, enter the name of the game and then the name of the card;
  • Let's go to CS:GO;
  • Click play with bots and go to the workshop tab and launch our added map;

Sight point

Many people believe that it is easier to kill an enemy in the head when the sight is a certain point. Perhaps these people are right. If you also want to do this, then you need to set the following variables: cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1";cl_crosshairgap "100000000";cl_crosshairsize "3";cl_crosshairthickness "1.65";cl_crosshairalpha "255"; cl_crosshairdot "1"; cl_crosshairstyle "5";cl_crosshaircolor "5" To assimilate the information, I advise you to watch the video, which is located just above. That's all, we have completed setting up the sight for cs go. If you have any questions, feel free to write in the comments, we will help everyone. Don't forget to bookmark the site. Share the link with your friends and write what parameters you have chosen for yourself.

In the CS:GO settings there are only two options dedicated to the crosshair: crosshair style and crosshair color. However, sight adjustment is not limited to these two parameters. In this article we will look at how to customize the sight for yourself using commands in the console.

Most of the article is devoted to setting up the sight through console commands, so let us remind you that by default, to call the console you need to press the ~ key (usually it is located under the Esc key).

How to change crosshair style and color in CS:GO

For those who are not in the know, let's first look at how to change the style and color of the sight. The first, well-known way, is to select the desired option in the settings:

Press the ESC key=>Help and settings=>Game options=>Interface settings

Here in the fields Sight style And Sight color select the values ​​we need.

The second method is console commands. To customize the crosshair style in CS:GO, use the command cl_crosshairstyle

  • cl_crosshairstyle 0 - default (dynamic)
  • cl_crosshairstyle 1 - default (static)
  • cl_crosshairstyle 2 - classic
  • cl_crosshairstyle 3 - classic (dynamic)
  • cl_crosshairstyle 4 - classic (static)

To adjust the crosshair color in CS:GO, use the command cl_crosshaircolor

  • cl_crosshaircolor 0 - red
  • cl_crosshaircolor 1 - green
  • cl_crosshaircolor 2 - yellow
  • cl_crosshaircolor 3 - blue
  • cl_crosshaircolor 4 - blue
  • cl_crosshaircolor 5 - your color

Sight with a dot in CS:GO

To add a dot in the middle of the sight, you need to use the command cl_crosshairdot:

  • cl_crosshairdot 0 - no dot
  • cl_crosshairdot 1 - there is a dot

Here are two screenshots as an example, a CS:GO crosshair without a dot and with one.

Crosshair outline in CS:GO

To enable or disable crosshair stroke in CS:GO, use the command in the console cl_crosshair_drawoutline

  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 - crosshair without outline
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 - crosshair with outline

Below are two screenshots for those who don’t know what crosshair tracing is in CS:GO. On the left is the sight without outline, on the right - with it.

In order to set the thickness of the stroke (contour) of the sight, there is a command cl_crosshair_outlinethickness: parameter can take a value from 0 to 3 (the higher the value, the thicker the outline):

  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0
  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 2

Crosshair transparency in CS:GO

To set the transparency of the sight, use the command cl_crosshairalpha. The parameters of this command can take values ​​from 0 to 255; the lower the value, the more transparent the sight will be. Here are some examples of using this command:

  • cl_crosshairalpha 0 - the sight is completely transparent (it is not visible at all)
  • cl_crosshairalpha 127 - the sight is translucent (50% transparent)
  • cl_crosshairalpha 255 - the sight is completely opaque

Below are two screenshots, on the first the sight is semi-transparent (cl_crosshairalpha 127), on the second it is completely opaque (cl_crosshairalpha 255).

There is also a command cl_crosshairusealpha, which enables/disables the sight transparency mode. If the transparency mode is disabled, then set the transparency of the sight using the command cl_crosshairalpha it won't work.

  • cl_crosshairusealpha 0 - transparency mode disabled
  • cl_crosshairusealpha 1 - transparency mode enabled

Those. before use cl_crosshairalpha you need to make sure that the value cl_crosshairusealpha equals 1 (this is the default).

Crosshair size in CS:GO

The desired sight size can be set using the console command cl_crosshairsize. The higher the parameter value, the larger size sight. Examples of using the command:

The screenshots below show scope sizes 0, 5 and 10 respectively.

Distance between sight lines

Team cl_crosshairgap allows you to reduce or increase the distance between the sight lines. Essentially, this console command changes the size of the CS:GO crosshair to some extent. The parameters can take both positive and negative values:

Screenshots with the above examples:

Sight Line Thickness

You can adjust the thickness of the sight lines using the console command cl_crosshairthickness: The higher the parameter value, the thicker the sight lines. Examples:

Screenshots of these two examples:

Showing and hiding the crosshair

Simple command crosshair displays/hides the crosshair. If you suddenly lost your crosshair in CS:GO, check this command.

  • crosshair 0 - crosshair is not displayed
  • crosshair 1 - crosshair is displayed

Other console commands

Finally, we will list all the other commands that we will not consider for the reason that they are used very rarely. Here is a list of other commands that affect the behavior of the crosshair in CS:GO:

  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist
  • cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue
  • cl_crosshairscale

We hope this article was helpful and the console commands listed here will help you customize the CS:GO crosshair to suit your needs.

Have you noticed how difficult it is sometimes to aim at an enemy when the scope is large and stray bullets fly in the wrong direction? Therefore, the developers provided a personal selection of sights. You can choose the color scheme, thickness, size and scalability yourself. In the CS GO settings, the sight is given only 2 parameters: the color and shape of the sight. However, adjusting the sight does not end with these 2 parameters. In this material we will look at how to individually customize the sight to your taste using the commands in the console.

If you do not want to delve into this material in its entirety, then we have outlined a brief summary, using it you can find the necessary settings.

A significant part of the material talks about setting up the sight using console commands, so we note that by default you need to press the tilde button to open the console: ~ (located under the Esc key).

How to customize crosshair style and color in CS:GO

First, we'll tell you how to customize the style and color of the sight. The first and generally accepted way is to select the required option in the settings:

Click on the gear icon (Settings) → Game settings → Interface

Here in the fields Sight style And Sight color We select the following values ​​we need.

The second way is console commands. The option is responsible for setting the crosshair style in CS: GO cl_crosshairstyle

  • cl_crosshairstyle 0 − standard (dynamic)
  • cl_crosshairstyle 1 − standard (static)
  • cl_crosshairstyle 2 – classic
  • cl_crosshairstyle 3 − classic (dynamic)
  • cl_crosshairstyle 4 − classic (static)

To customize the crosshair color in CS: GO, use the option cl_crosshaircolor

  • cl_crosshaircolor 0 − red
  • cl_crosshaircolor 1 − green
  • cl_crosshaircolor 2 – yellow
  • cl_crosshaircolor 3 − blue
  • cl_crosshaircolor 4 − blue
  • cl_crosshaircolor 5 − arbitrary color

Similar to how to repaint the sight black, white or any arbitrary color using the commands: cl_crosshaircolor_b , cl_crosshaircolor_g, cl_crosshaircolor_r, they can be found separately.

Sight with a dot in CS GO

To insert a dot in the middle of the sight, you should use the option cl_crosshairdot :

  • cl_crosshairdot 0 – no dot
  • cl_crosshairdot 1 − with a dot

Here are 2 screenshots for clarity, the CS: GO sight with and without a dot.

Contouring (Stroke) the sight in CS:GO

To activate or remove crosshair stroke in CS: GO, use the option in the console: cl_crosshair_drawoutline

  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 – stroke is enabled
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 – stroke disabled

The presented screenshots show what the crosshair outline is in CS: GO. On the right is a sight with a line, on the left - without it.

In order to set the thickness of the outline (stroke) of the sight, there is an option cl_crosshair_outlinethickness : it can take values ​​from zero to 3 (the higher the value, the thicker the stroke):

  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0
  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 2

Crosshair transparency level in CS:GO

To set the transparency of the sight, use the option cl_crosshairalpha. The parameters for this option can range from zero to 255, with higher values ​​making the sight more transparent. Examples of using this option:

  • cl_crosshairalpha 0 – full transparency of the sight (it is almost invisible)
  • cl_crosshairalpha 125 – translucent sight (transparency level 50%)
  • cl_crosshairalpha 255 – completely opaque sight

There is also an option cl_crosshairusealpha, with which you can turn on or off the transparency mode of the sight. When the transparency mode is disabled, set the transparency of the sight using the option cl_crosshairalpha impossible.

  • cl_crosshairusealpha 1 – turns on transparency mode
  • cl_crosshairusealpha 0 – disables transparency mode

In other words, before activating the option cl_crosshairalpha you should make sure that the value cl_crosshairusealpha equals one (it is the same by default).

Crosshair size in CS:GO

The required sight size can be set using the option cl_crosshairsize . Highest value parameter increases the size of the sight.

Examples of using this option:

  • cl_crosshairsize 10
  • cl_crosshairsize 5
  • cl_crosshairsize 0

The screenshots below show a sight with sizes: 10, 5 and 0.

Sight line distance

Teams cl_crosshairgap And cl_fixedcrosshairgap allow you to expand or reduce the distance between the sight lines. In fact, this console option changes the size of the CS:GO crosshair to a certain extent. In the form of parameters, it can take positive and negative values:

  • cl_crosshairgap 5 and cl_fixedcrosshairgap 5
  • cl_crosshairgap 0 and cl_fixedcrosshairgap 0
  • cl_crosshairgap -5 and cl_fixedcrosshairgap -5

Here are screenshots with the above examples:

Sight outline thickness

It is possible to set the thickness of the sight contour (lines) using the console option cl_crosshairthickness: larger option value means thicker sight outline. Examples of options:

  • cl_crosshairthickness 3
  • cl_crosshairthickness 0

Screenshots of these examples:

Show or hide crosshair

Simple option crosshair displays or hides the crosshair. If the crosshair has disappeared in CS: GO, check the value of this option.

  • crosshair 1 – enable crosshair display
  • crosshair 0 – turn off crosshair display

Сrashz’ Crosshair Generator v3

  • Works purely in single-user mode with bots
  • Huge variety of sights for PRO players
  • The sight is automatically saved and does not require entering additional commands
  • There are slots for saving your sights
  • There is a shooting range on the map where you can practice on bots

Other console options (commands)

In conclusion, we will indicate all the other commands that you will not take into account for the reason that they are used quite infrequently.

Options that remove top part sight:

  • cl_crosshair_t 1 − delete
  • cl_crosshair_t 0 − return back

An example of such a sight:

List of other options that change the behavior of the crosshair in CS: GO:

  • cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue− Determines the transformation of the crosshair when switching between different weapons
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio− How widely will the sight risks diverge when running, jumping and sitting
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod− Transparency of the internal crosshair when running and jumping
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod− Transparency of the external crosshair when running and jumping

We believe that this material has helped you and the recommendations outlined here for using console commands (options) will make customizing the CS: GO sight to suit your unique playing style simple and straightforward.

Sometimes there is a need to reset the settings to default. The easiest way to do this is directly through Steam, without going into cs go.

To do this, we open Steam, click on cs go right click mouse and select properties.

Now we need to go to local files settings -> view.

You are in the folder with the cs go game. Now go to steam folder(click on top - usually this is the path c->program files->steam) and there you will need to delete the userdata folder.

Ready. You have regained yourself standard settings cs go. You can check this by logging into the game.

How to reset your sight settings

Sometimes you don't need to reset all settings, but only some. Let's talk about the sight. To return the standard sight, just find it in settings and click reset. If for some reason it has not changed, then enter the following commands into the console:

cl_crosshairalpha "200";cl_crosshaircolor "5";cl_crosshaircolor_b "50";cl_crosshaircolor_r "50";cl_crosshaircolor_g "250";cl_crosshairdot "0";cl_crosshairgap "0";cl_crosshairsize "5";cl_crosshairstyle "4";cl_crosshairusealpha "1"; cl_crosshairthickness "0.5";cl_fixedcrosshairgap "0";cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0";cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0";

How to remove m_yaw

We all sometimes want to experiment, in particular with m_yaw. It's pretty important setting. If it is set incorrectly, it becomes impossible to play. By default it is like this:

How to delete a config in cs go

The hardest part about deleting a config is finding the config.cfg file. The standard config is located in this path.