How to turn on the flash when there is a call on your iPhone. Why the flash doesn’t work on an Android phone and how to turn it on Photo accessories for iPhone: external light sources

I have already been asked why the flash does not work on Honor 10, Honor 9 Light, Honor 7a, Samsung A5, Meizu M5, Huawei P20, Xiaomi, Xiaomi, Redmi 4 phones, and in many cases it turned out that it was simply not turned on.

Therefore, first I will describe why the flash does not work in the camera when taking photos on an Android phone, and then how to turn it on when taking photographs.

A flash is the same as a flashlight - if the flashlight works, then, as a rule, the flash should work.

If it doesn’t work, then it’s either a firmware failure or a component failure - the first reason is usually solved quickly and independently.

By the way, maybe you’re doing something wrong - how to properly connect notifications about calls and not only using flash.

On an Android phone the flash does not work when taking photos due to a software glitch

Not everyone knows that you can connect an external flash to an Android phone, and it’s unlikely that many will want to bother with it.

But those who really often use flash when taking photographs will not regret it.

Why? Because the external one is many times more effective than the standard one - the photos there are much better, and the shooting range is much greater.

However, I got a little carried away, let’s get back to the point and launch safe mode to check the flash’s functionality.

How to launch it If your phone is Android safe mode, the flash is working, the malfunction may be caused by third-party applications.

Another way to bring the flash back to life is to restore the default settings in the camera program itself.

The simplest solution if the flash on your Android phone does not work when taking photographs

Such a non-working software state of the flash during photography can be cured instantly. Open “Settings” and look for the reset function.

Where is it? It depends little on the phone model - more on the version of Android. Right now I have a Samsung phone with Android 7.0 in my hands.

You don’t need to search for long in it: “Settings”, “ General settings" and you find yourself in the reset section (at the very bottom).

Just no need to be naughty. First, save the data that is important to you - it will be deleted. Full backup copy it won’t work here - then it will recover old firmware and the flash will not work again

If you have synchronization enabled, then all data should be restored. If you choose this option, then before resetting, I recommend making sure that Google really synchronized everything.

To do this, you need to visit the Google website (or the phone developer - many also offer their own synchronization) and see if everything is in place.

There is also computer programs, which can quickly transfer your files to your computer or laptop.

How to turn on the flash on an Android phone

Turning on the flash on an Android phone is quite simple and there is almost no difference between which phone and which Android.

The camera is turned on directly in the program - most often at the very top, but it can also be at the bottom.

There are three icon positions at the top of the screen. Yellow lightning bolt, crossed out icon and just white - choose the latter option.

However, everything is accompanied by text notifications for two or three seconds, so it’s almost impossible to make a mistake.

A few years ago, a phone camera equipped with a flash was the object of desire for every mobile photography enthusiast.

Now it is on almost all phones, but it doesn’t have much effect. This is a diode that supports autofocus.

Only manufacturers are trying to improve the lighting conditions of the frame, and LEDs cannot be compared to traditional flash.

The downside is the need for a large capacitor, which simply doesn't exist in thin smartphones.

Thanks to the latest invention by Professor Lee Pui-Zee, it can now become many times more effective.

She succeeded in creating a flat capacitor made of polymers that stores the charge needed to illuminate a gas just 1 mm thick.

Manufacturers now have one final challenge: implementing a new solution for mass production.

According to Jack Tuyen, general director Xenon Technologies, such thin elements may appear on smartphones next year.

It is very likely that the new development will arouse interest among leading manufacturers, and in the future this type of solution will appear in new models. Good luck.

Apple Corporation produces powerful and convenient smartphones with a wide range of functions. One of the capabilities of iPhones is visual notification of incoming message or a call in the form of a flashing flash. This is a very convenient feature that not all users of Apple gadgets are familiar with. Thanks to it, you will not miss the right call or SMS.

How to make iPhone blink when calling

If you turn on the flashlight on your iPhone during a call, the LED light will begin to blink repeatedly - this is very convenient if the silent mode is set. This feature is a nice addition to the vibration that is common on any smartphone.

For the first time, LED flash was used on 4th generation smartphones.

You can make a kind of strobe or repeatedly flashing flashlight from your iPhone like this:

  • On your desktop, go to the settings menu, where select “General”. (Figure 1)
  • Find and select "Accessibility". Scroll to the Hearing option. (Figure 2)

  • To turn on the flasher on your iPhone, go to the Flash Alerts section. Then all that remains is to switch the warning slider of the LED device to the on position. (Figure 3)

After the manipulations, the turned on indicator light of the gadget will flicker three times to indicate new incoming calls, SMS and various notifications. The display function is useful for people with hearing difficulties. It will ideally complement sound and vibration indication.

Flash on iPhone call for silent mode

Alternatively, you can set the blinking for silent (quiet) mode. This is very important when you are on the street, on vacation in a noisy place - where sound signal is unlikely to be heard. The flickering LED light in silent mode will prevent important calls and messages from being missed. Enabling the mode is done as follows:

  • Open “Settings” from the main iPhone screen and go to the main settings section. (Fig. 4)

  • Go to "Accessibility". In the window that opens, scroll down to the “Hearing” item. (Fig. 5)

  • Click "Alert Flash" and set it to silent mode to the on position. (Fig. 6)

  • Don't forget to check if it works LED lamp iPhone - the indicator light should blink several times when incoming call or notification.

How to turn off flash when making calls on iPhone

Not everyone likes the fact that the iPhone starts blinking during an incoming call.

Some people sooner or later become tired of blinking; for example, it can interfere with sleep at night.

Disabling it is as easy as turning it on. To prevent the flash from disturbing you when making a call on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  • Go to the “Settings” section of your device.
  • Select "General" and click on "Accessibility". (Fig. 7)

  • In the window that opens, scroll through the list of settings until you find the “LED flash for warning” item. (Fig. 8)

  • Move the slider to off. You can check the absence of the backlight effect the first time you receive a call.

How can I make the flash on my iPhone flash when I make a call? Easily! This feature appeared in iOS a long time ago, but with the release it appeared additional option. Now users can not only set the flash to ring a bell, but also set the parameter at which the flash is on iPhone call will only be activated in silent mode. We'll tell you how to do it right now!

In general, the original purpose of a flash on a smartphone is to improve the quality of photo and video shooting. It is also used by the standard flashlight function. However, many owners like to see the flash flash when making a call on their phone. By the way, Cupertino decided to integrate this function not as entertainment, but for users with disabilities. But this does not prevent others from turning on the flash when making a call on their iPhone.


iPhone users with a version of the mobile platform lower than iOS 10 are not able to set the flash to ring the iPhone in silent mode. They only have access to the first option - turn on or off the flash for calls, depending on whether the smartphone is in silent or normal mode. We previously published a detailed one - in essence it is no different from this one except for the use different versions iOS.

After completing all the above steps, the flash will now flash brightly during a call to your device in silent mode. We must warn you that enabling this option may increase battery consumption on your iPhone. The function can quickly drain your smartphone.

Apple products always have additional functions for people with disabilities. And iPhone is no exception. In its settings, in the “Universal Access” section, there are a lot of functions that are designed to help such users.

Among other things, the option to turn on the flash when making a call on iPhone is available in the settings. This function Intended for users with hearing impairments. However, it can help everyone else too. For example, this feature may be useful for users who work in noisy environments and therefore miss incoming calls.

If you have a similar problem, then this article should help you, here you will learn how to turn on the flash when making a call on your iPhone.

Step #1: Open iPhone settings and go to the "Basic" section. If you want to turn on the flash on your iPhone, then the first thing you need to do is go to the settings and go to the “General” section.

Step #2: Go to the Accessibility section and turn on the LED flash for alerts. Once you have entered the “Basic” section, open the “Accessibility” subsection and turn the “LED flash for alerts” switch to the “On” position. This function will be located in the “Hearing” settings block.

That's all. Now, when there is an incoming call, your iPhone will not only play a melody and vibrate, but also turn on the flash. It should be noted that the flash display only works when the iPhone is locked. If the device screen is working, the flash will not blink, although in such a situation it is not necessary.

How to make a flash when calling on other smartphones

By the way, you can implement a warning about an incoming call using a flash not only on an iPhone. For example, on an Android smartphone this can be done using Flash applications Alerts 2. This application is completely free and you can download it from .

When you first launch the Flash Alerts 2 app, it will test the flash on your smartphone and ask you to confirm that it is working. If the flash is working, you can set various warnings. For example, in order to set the flash to turn on when there is an incoming call, you need to activate the “Incoming Call” function.

Also, using the Flash Alerts 2 application, you can configure the flash to turn on when you receive an SMS message or notification from other applications.