How to restore windows on msi laptop. How to restore factory settings on a laptop

If Windows stops loading, then you can use standard utilities to restore correct operation.

One of the main nightmares of computer enthusiasts is to face a situation where they cannot turn on the device. The operating system starts to load, but eventually displays a message like: “Failed to configure windows updates, changes are being canceled, do not turn off the computer.” After that, nothing new happens anymore - to recover software fails, and the download stubbornly does not help.
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System recovery tools

Before the release of Windows 7, this situation turned into numerous dances with a tambourine, and often even complete reinstallation operating system. Now everything is different, and often the problem is solved by standard tools from Microsoft, which do not even need to be specially installed. The task is to be aware in principle that such tools exist, as well as to banal mindfulness about it when the “irreparable” suddenly happened.

The trick is that when the computer boots up, before the icons appear Windows boot, have time to get into the advanced options of this very boot, where it will be possible to run diagnostics and, if necessary, restore the system to the selected checkpoint. In Windows 7, when loading, you had to press function key F8, then select the “Troubleshooting” option (although in rare cases the “Last Known Good Configuration” option saved).

Additional Windows 7 Boot Options

Once in the “System Recovery Options” menu, in most cases one of the first two options became the salvation. “Startup Repair” could save the operating system in automatic mode, and System Restore required you to manually select a checkpoint to roll back to.

Recovery options Windows systems 7

In order to be able to restore it to its initial state in the event of a malfunction of the operating system, you must first make a recovery disk.
Microsoft would change itself if, with the update of its offspring, it would leave all the useful tools in the old way. Windows 10 system recovery is carried out by pressing “hot keys” Shift+F8, and, unlike the “seven”, you need to press this combination very, very quickly, since the operating system itself began to load much faster.

changed and appearance rescue menu. Selecting “Diagnostics”, in “ Additional options” There are already familiar to us “System Restore” and “Startup Recovery” (only in a different order). There is also an option to “Revert to a previous build” if you upgraded to 10 from one of the previous versions Windows.

If Automatic Repair Didn't Work

Restoring a Windows system to one of the past checkpoints is not a difficult task. It is only important that these points themselves exist in the system, because sometimes users themselves manually disable their creation, at the same time deleting the existing ones. It really makes sense to clean out old checkpoints from time to time, as they take up a lot of space. But abandoning restore points altogether is a risky business.
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To make sure that restore points are automatically created for you or to make changes to the corresponding settings, you need to select the “Large icons” icon display (or Small, but not Categories) in the “Options” window and select the “Recovery” item. There, already select “System Restore Settings”, check whether protection is enabled and, if necessary, use the “Configure” button. Here you can manually create a point for subsequent recovery.

If we have recovery points, then using the method described earlier, that is, using the built-in Windows tools to restore the system, you can quickly roll back to an earlier state of the computer without losing important files.

As a last resort, you will have to restore the system to its original state or to a previously created system image. It is desirable to create a “System Image” and “System Recovery Disk” in a working state of the operating system, after you have installed all the applications you need. This is all done through the same “Control Panel” (they are also “Settings”), when browsing by “Categories”, selecting “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)”. Here you can restore operating system to a previously created image, if the computer is still booting, but has already stopped working as it should.
With every release of the operating system Microsoft company asks users for more and more information. But you can moderate her appetites.

Restoring a laptop to factory settings

If standard means do not help, and you do not have a disk or USB device with a recovery image, then laptop owners can use the “hot keys” to launch the built-in recovery utility. Some models may even have a separate key for these purposes, for example, Lenovo's OneKey Recovery, but this is rather an exception. In other cases, it is important to know which hot key” for your laptop, as it tends to differ between manufacturers.

Hot Keys for Notebook Manufacturers:

  • F3– MSI;
  • F4– Samsung;
  • F8– Fujitsu Siemens;
  • F8- Toshiba;
  • F9- ASUS;
  • F10- Sony VAIO;
  • F10 - Packard Bell;
  • F11- HP Pavilion;
  • F11- LG;
  • F11- Lenovo ThinkPad
  • Alt+F10- Acer (before that, select in the BIOS - Disk-to-Disk (D2D));
  • Ctrl+F11- Dell Inspiron;
  • Hold down [ alt] - Rover.

The factory utility will restore the device to its original state, as if it were fresh from the store. This will delete all programs with settings, all files, including favorite photos, which it is for such cases that it makes sense to store in cloud services. However, the device will be able to work again, and in some cases this method will simply help prepare the laptop for subsequent resale or transfer to relatives.

When the laptop starts to slow down terribly due to a bunch of installed and incorrect remote programs, system junk, many temporary files and other unpleasant things, the most logical solution is to roll back the system to its original state. In this article, we will figure out how to return a laptop to factory settings, using the example of all major manufacturers.
Many users will object that it is easier to reinstall Windows. But rolling back the system has the same consequences as reinstalling, but it is performed many times faster and does not require boot disk. In addition, users are freed from the need to search for and install drivers - after returning to their original state, they only need to reinstall the programs they need to work.
Each laptop manufacturer equips their devices with proprietary recovery utilities. However, work with them is carried out according to one scheme and requires compliance with a number of rules:

  • During the system rollback, the adapter must be inserted into the laptop so that the power is not interrupted. Interrupting the rollback procedure is fraught with more serious problems than just a lagging computer.
  • All important data from hard drive it is better to transfer to removable media– after successful recovery, return them back.
  • In some utilities, you can only restore system partition(drive C:) or all sections of the hard disk. It is recommended to perform a full recovery (in this case, all data from the hard drive will be deleted, so move it to another location - see point 2).

How do I reset my laptop to factory settings?

So, if you want to get the system in the state in which it was when buying a laptop (without brakes, freezes, extra programs and files), then choose a laptop from your manufacturer and follow the steps described.


Let's start with one of the most famous laptop manufacturers - Asus.

Resetting an Asus laptop to factory settings:

You don’t need to press or enter anything else - the recovery utility will figure out how to return the ASUS laptop to factory settings.

By the way, pressing the F9 key when you turn it on for the first time will not lead to anything, since the Boot Booster function is activated in ASUS laptops by default. It needs to be disabled in BIOS. To do this, enter the BIOS, in the "Boot" item, set the parameter value to the "Disabled" position.


Let's continue our study of the topic with a story about how to return Acer laptop to factory settings. You can perform this procedure from a running Windows (the utility is called Acer Recovery Management) or through recovery tools.

Let's deal with the second option:

On Windows 8.1, the interface of the recovery utility changes. Here you will have to select the item in the "Diagnostics" section "Return the initial state» . The rollback procedure is not much different, besides, all the steps are described in detail in Russian, so you will quickly figure out how to return the Eiser laptop to factory settings.


To understand how to return a Lenovo laptop to factory settings, you first need to find a small OneKey Rescue button on the laptop case, which is responsible for launching the recovery utility.

Then follow these steps:

Wait for the rollback procedure to complete and be sure to restart your computer for the new configuration to take effect. The answer to the question how to return lenovo laptop to the factory settings, received, but there are other manufacturers, so let's move on.


It was the turn of the South Korean manufacturer and the answer to the question of how to return a Samsung laptop to factory settings.

Factory reset Samsung laptop:

You figured out how to reset a Samsung laptop to factory settings, so you can forget about the need to reinstall the system.


It's the next manufacturer's turn: let's see how to reset an HP laptop to factory settings.

Resetting an HP laptop to factory settings:

Now you know how to reset your HP laptop to factory settings. It remains only to wait until the factory reset procedure is completed, and start working with the laptop again.


Do you want to know how to reset MSI laptop to factory settings?

Nothing complicated here either:

That's all you need to know about how to factory reset an MSI laptop.


Now let's figure out how to reset a Toshiba laptop to factory settings. In recent models, starting the recovery utility is quite simple.

Resetting a Toshiba laptop to factory settings:

  1. Turn off your laptop.
  2. Press the number "0" and hold the key.
  3. Without releasing the key, turn on the laptop.
  4. When the computer starts beeping, release "0".

The program for resetting the parameters to the factory state will appear on the screen - you need to follow all the instructions of the recovery wizard.
But how to reset a Toshiba laptop to factory settings if you have an old model? Here you will have to use the "Troubleshooting" section, which can be selected from the menu additional options Boot (F8 key when turning on the computer).

After a short wait, you will see the system again in original factory condition.

Sometimes the computer owner is faced with the need to clean the system from various bugs that interfere normal operation. This can be done by reinstalling the operating system, or using special utilities. But there is a method that has several undeniable advantages over them.

Resetting the settings to the factory settings will help restore the device to working capacity in most cases, even if you cannot start the OS. This method is especially relevant for those who do not want to spend time reinstalling the OS.

When restoring factory settings, the OS will be reinstalled automatically. Repeat code OS activation is not required. It will be restored Windows version that came with the laptop when I bought it.

By rolling back the BIOS, you will fix the listed problems. In this article, we will look at how to reset the laptop to factory settings and restore its performance. There are several ways, which we will take a closer look at.

The option to reset the settings may be needed if:

What are factory settings?

The factory settings are set by the manufacturer for specific model computer or laptop. They store BIOS settings and computer configuration settings. Such information is located in the dynamic memory of the device, which is called CMOS.
All factory settings take up very little space, and are powered separately - from a small battery located on the motherboard. You can reset the laptop parameters without access to the BIOS. To do this, simply remove the battery, wait 30-40 seconds, and insert it again.

After the reset process is completed BIOS settings and the OS has been reinstalled, you will receive the laptop in the same condition in which you bought it in the store.

It is worth noting that in order to successfully return the device to factory settings, in addition to CMOS, a Recover section is required, in which setup files and other necessary system information.

Video: Laptop factory settings

Where is Recovery and its activation

The hidden partition on the hard drive that stores all the files needed to restore the system is called Recovery. It is created by default on all laptops, and is deleted or corrupted in most cases as a result of incorrect user actions.

You can see where the hidden partition is located:

There you can also see the size that Recovery takes on the HDD. Usually this is 20-25 GB of system information and installation files.

If you have a Toshiba laptop, then you have probably already noticed that there is a system folder on the D drive called HDD Recovery. It also stores the information necessary to reset the system, so it cannot be deleted.

Recovery activation starts the process of resetting user BIOS changes, restoring factory settings, and reinstalling the OS and system programs and drivers.

In order to activate Recovery, press a specific combination of hot keys. This will allow you to enter system menu, where you can select several options for system recovery. It should be remembered that each manufacturer has its own combination of hot keys, below we will consider the most popular ones.

Restoring settings with hotkeys

In order to restore the laptop to factory settings, you should remember a few hotkey combinations. When booting the system, you should press hot keys to access BIOS menu Setup, from where you can start the process of restoring the settings.

Depending on the manufacturer of computer equipment, hot keys and their combinations differ:

  1. Toshiba - depending on the model F8, or 0, or Fn + 0;
  2. Sony - F10;
  3. Acer - Alt and F10 at the same time;
  4. HP, LG and Lenovo - F11;
  5. Samsung - F4;
  6. Fujitsu-F8;
  7. ASUS-F9;
  8. Dell - both Ctrl and F11, but in some models F8;
  9. Packard Bell - F10. If Windows 8 is installed, you can use the power management button at login. You should hold down Shift and at the same time select the menu item "Reboot";
  10. MSI - F3, and on some models F11.

How to reset laptop to factory settings via bios

Using hot keys, you can roll back user changes to the system and restore the BIOS to factory settings.

On the black screen that appears, select in sequence:

  1. option "Starting Recovery Center" for Sony, or "Computer Troubleshooting" for Toshiba, or « System Recovery» for HP;
  2. menu item "Load Defaults BIOS".

Depending on the manufacturer, the name of the option may vary: "Load BIOS Setup Defaults", Load Safe-Fail Defaults", but the words "Load" and "Default" will be required to attend.


Prepare for a factory reset:

After you start the process of resetting the settings, the process of collecting information and preparing system files. This may take some time, so don't worry.

Recovery process

After you start the recovery process, all actions will be performed automatically, without your participation. The computer may restart if required by the software being installed. In the process of resetting the settings, device drivers will be restored and standard system programs will be installed.

It is worth mentioning that it is not always possible to successfully reset the settings on a laptop. This is possible if:

What can you do if you deleted the hidden Recovery partition from your hard drive? You will have to look for a boot disk with settings or an image of a hidden partition for your laptop. They can be found online, and sometimes manufacturers offer to buy such discs for system recovery on official websites.
If there are no ready-made images for your laptop, you can computer forums ask the owners of a similar model to create such an image for you. To avoid this situation, you can create bootable flash drive or a DVD for your laptop that you can keep handy and use when needed.


Now often laptops come without a disk with the Windows 7 operating system. And sometimes you need to reinstall the operating system.

If there is a book from a laptop, then you can read in it how to do this. But sometimes there is not even a book. and this is what I found:

Restore the system using hotkeys. Here is my little list of these hotkeys.
After turning on the laptop, we begin to feverishly press:
F3 – MSI;
F4 – Samsung. Under OS it is possible through Samsung Recovery Solution III;

F8 Fujitsu Siemens. In general, it often allows you to get on other laptops (through troubleshooting) into the proprietary utility for Recovery.
F8 - Toshiba
F9 - ASUS;
F10 - Sony VAIO. Under OS it is possible through VAIO Recovery Utility;
F10 - Packard Bell;
F11 - HP Pavilion;
F11 - LG;
F11 - Lenovo ThinkPad.
Alt+F10 - Acer. Before that, select Disk-to-Disk (D2D) in the BIOS; a nuance about the recovery tool for acer laptops: it happens that the user puts a password on the recovery tool, and naturally forgets the password completely. as a result, when loading the restorer, it asks for a password. solution: boot into acronis or any live Linux distribution (Windows cannot open this partition), mount the partition with the recovery system, look for a file no larger than 1kb in the root (I don’t remember the name exactly, I don’t have a laptop at hand right now) open it with a text editor and in field PD = we see the password (tobish in Acer's recovery, the password is not encrypted and goes in clear text).
Ctrl+F11 - Dell Inspiron;
F8 or F9 - Dell XPS. I remembered.
clamp - Rover
Lenovo : ThinkPad - ThinkVantage or Enter button at boot or F11. The IdeaPad has a separate OneKey Rescue button to press when the power is off.
Brand name selection menu recovery utilities basically looks like this.
Performing an HP System Recovery (Windows 7) On the old Acer 4202 with Windows XP, my disk was partitioned into C: and D:, and during recovery, only the C: drive was formatted (accordingly, it was necessary to take care that everything valuable was stored exclusively on D:, which 90% of users did not, since My Documents and user profile was on C: in Documents and settings) On the new Acer 4810TG (with Windows Vista) one partition C: which will be completely formatted with everything that is. Accordingly, in all cases, for recovery, you must have a) LiveCD with ubuntu linux b) External HDD USB disk We boot into Ubuntu Linux, copy all the important data (you can also install midnight commander under it - an analogue of far manager by running the apt-get install mc command and copy it to the mounted / media / device_name) to another disk And only then boldly do the restoration. In this regard, somehow ill-conceived done. You need to do two disks in laptops - a 20 gigabyte SSD for the system and a large one for user data. The geek solved this problem: Installing WINDOWS - ONCE AND FOR ALL! About how to restore in such Windows case 7 on an Acer laptop is discussed in this video:

When a laptop starts to slow down terribly due to a bunch of installed and incorrectly removed programs, system garbage, a lot of temporary files and other unpleasant things, the most logical solution is to roll back the system to its original state. In this article, we will figure out how to return a laptop to factory settings, using the example of all major manufacturers.

Many users will object that it is easier to reinstall Windows. But it has the same consequences as reinstallation, but it is much faster and does not require a boot disk. In addition, users are freed from the need to search for and install drivers - after returning to their original state, they only need to reinstall.

Each laptop manufacturer equips its devices with branded ones. However, work with them is carried out according to one scheme and requires compliance with a number of rules:

  • During the system rollback, the adapter must be inserted into the laptop so that the power is not interrupted. Interrupting the rollback procedure is fraught with more serious problems than just .
  • It is better to transfer all important data from the hard drive to it beforehand - after successful recovery, you will return them back.
  • In some utilities, you can restore only the system partition (drive C:) or all . It is recommended to perform a full recovery (in this case, all data from the hard drive will be deleted, so move it to another location - see point 2).

So, if you want to get the system in the state in which it was when buying a laptop (without brakes, freezes, unnecessary programs and files), then choose a laptop from your manufacturer and follow the steps described.


Let's start with one of the most famous laptop manufacturers - Asus.

Resetting an Asus laptop to factory settings:

You don’t need to press or enter anything else - the recovery utility will figure out how to return the ASUS laptop to factory settings.

By the way, pressing the F 9 key when you turn it on for the first time will not lead to anything, since the Boot Booster function is activated in ASUS laptops by default. It needs to be disabled in BIOS. To do this, in paragraph " Boot", Move the value of the parameter to the position" Disabled».


Let's continue our study of the topic with a story on how to return an Acer laptop to factory settings. You can perform this procedure from a running Windows (the utility is called Acer Recovery Management) or through recovery tools.

Let's deal with the second option:

On Windows 8.1, the interface of the recovery utility changes. Here you will have to select the item in the "Diagnostics" section "revert to original state". The rollback procedure is not much different, besides, all the steps are described in detail in Russian, so you will quickly figure out how to return the Eiser laptop to factory settings.


To understand how to return a Lenovo laptop to factory settings, you first need to find a small OneKey Rescue button on the laptop case, which is responsible for launching the recovery utility.

Then follow these steps:

Wait for the rollback procedure to complete and be sure to restart your computer for the new configuration to take effect. The answer to the question of how to return a Lenovo laptop to factory settings has been received, but there are still other manufacturers, so let's move on.


It was the turn of the South Korean manufacturer and the answer to the question of how to return a Samsung laptop to factory settings.

Factory reset Samsung laptop:

You figured out how to reset a Samsung laptop to factory settings, so you can forget about the need to reinstall the system.


It's the next manufacturer's turn: let's see how to reset an HP laptop to factory settings.

Resetting an HP laptop to factory settings:

Now you know how to reset your HP laptop to factory settings. It remains only to wait until the factory reset procedure is completed, and start using the laptop again.


Do you want to know how to reset MSI laptop to factory settings?

Nothing complicated here either:

That's all you need to know about how to factory reset an MSI laptop.


Now let's figure out how to reset a Toshiba laptop to factory settings. In recent models, starting the recovery utility is quite simple.

Resetting a Toshiba laptop to factory settings:

  1. Turn off your laptop.
  2. Press the number "0" and hold the key.
  3. Without releasing the key, turn on the laptop.
  4. When the computer starts beeping, release "0".

The program for resetting the parameters to the factory state will appear on the screen - you need to follow all the instructions of the recovery wizard.

But how to reset a Toshiba laptop to factory settings if you have an old model? Here you will have to use the "Troubleshooting" section, which can be selected in the menu of additional boot options (F8 key when turning on the computer).

After a short wait, you will see the system again in original factory condition.


If you are looking for how to return Dell laptop to the factory settings, you can use the above instructions (via "Troubleshooting").

Consider the features of the built-in recovery program:

The recovery program is completely Russified, so you can easily figure out what to do. Following the above step by step instructions, you will surely positively resolve the issue of how to return a Dell laptop to factory settings.

In this article, we have discussed the topic of restoring a laptop to factory settings of all the most famous laptop manufacturers.