How to insert two photos into an Instagram story. What are actual Instagram stories, what are they for and how to use them

At the beginning of August 2016, Instagram Stories appeared on the social network Instagram. The updated functionality allowed users to add their own stories, which “live” for only a day from the moment of publication. This is their main difference from ordinary posts.

In a short time, stories gained enormous popularity - within 5 months from the moment the tool appeared, it began to be used 150 million users, and every fifth “story” publication results in a direct message being sent to the author.

Today Stories are an effective tool for promoting commercial and personal accounts(read about Instagram promotion). We will tell you how to use them 100%!

How to work with Instagram stories

How to make a story

To add new story to a social network, you should use latest version application or version older than August 2, 2016. If you are using old version social network, update it in directories like Google Play, Play Market and others.

You can add “stories” to home page with news feeds. It opens automatically when the user logs into the application. At the top of the screen are stories posted by other users - those you follow. To add your story, click the plus sign icon - “+”. You will be taken to the add menu.

In the adding stories menu, you can take 3-4 pictures or select them from the device memory, or record a short video. The functionality of the social network Instagram is somewhat similar to the SnapChat network - it also allows you to add funny masks or captions to stories, as well as use filters. After you have completed your story, click the “Your Story” button, then the “Done” button.

Please note that before publishing, you can set privacy settings, for example, hide your story from some users who follow you, or show it only to “favorites”.

How to add multiple Stories

After publishing the first story in 24 hours, the plus sign icon will disappear. But you can add a few more photos or videos without it. To do this, after publishing the first story, return to the news feed by clicking the “home” icon in the lower left part of the screen. Then click on the camera icon at the top left of the screen.

Several added Stories will be shown to your subscribers in order automatically. You can also switch them by determining which photo will be shown first.

How to tag a person in History

The function of tagging people in a story is similar to adding mentions of users in a post or comments. Once you've added a photo or video to Stories, go to edit mode. Click the "Aa" icon at the top right of the screen to add text. After that, enter the “@” symbol and start writing the username. The system itself will show followers with similar names, and you can choose one of them.

The user's name will appear in the published Stories with an underline, and the user will receive a notification in Direct. Anyone who has viewed your story will be able to go to the profile of the mentioned user - it will open when you click on the name.

How to add a hashtag and geolocation

To add a hashtag, use the story editing features. Click the "Aa" icon at the top right of the screen and enter the desired hashtag. First use the “#” symbol, then start writing the hashtag itself. To make it active in history, select the desired hashtag from those that the system will show at the bottom of the screen.

You can also click the square smiley icon at the top of the screen and select “#hashtag” in the menu that opens. There is no need to enter the “#” sign - you just need to write the word.

To add a location to your story, first take a photo or record a video. Then go to edit mode and click the first icon with a square smiley face in the upper right part of the screen. A menu for adding stickers, hashgets, and time will open in front of you. Select “location” and enter your geolocation following the prompts on the screen.

If you want to add your place, please post it on Facebook first. The two social networks are connected - after you add a new location on FB you can select it on Instagram.

How to add highlighted Stories

Among all the published stories, some can be placed on the main profile page.To do this, click the heart icon with the words “Select” in the lower right part of the screen. Add a new album title or save it to an existing album.

In pinned stories, you can post important information about prices, answers to frequently asked questions, work schedules of craftsmen, etc.

How to add a caption

To add an inscription to a story, in edit mode, click on the “Aa” icon and start entering the desired text. The functionality doesn't yet provide the ability to add multiple labels, but you can use spaces to separate multiple words. But the social network offers a wide selection of fonts and colors - you can write each letter in a different color or choose a convenient font that matches the filter. You can also add emoticons to the text.

To move captions around the screen—for example, rotating them into a diagonal position—tap the caption and start moving it until you achieve the desired result.

How to add a link

To add a link, in story editing mode, find the link icon at the top left of the screen and click on it. After that, enter the address on desired page site. Don't forget to add a caption on the story itself that subscribers can find out more through the link. To follow the link, they will need to swipe up next to "More" when viewing Stories.

Note! Post links in Instagram Stories Only users with more than 10,000 subscribers can. If there are fewer readers on your account, then place an official advertisement on Instagram and set it up to display in Stories.

How to save Instagram Stories to archive

How to add a survey

When posting a story, tap the square smiley icon - third from the right - at the top of the screen. Then select "survey". Enter the question and answer options. There are currently only two options available on Instagram. You can leave the standard answers - “yes” and “no”. You cannot change the colors of words, as in the usual functionality for adding inscriptions.

Instagram stories from computer

The functionality of the Instagram social network from a computer is very limited. However, users are coming up with ways to circumvent the prohibitions. For example, you cannot view the stories of other users from a computer, even through the official Instagram application or website. But you can download a special browser extension - for example, Chrome IG Story for Google Chrome. It allows you to view all Stories. They look a little different from mobile application, however, each story can be viewed by clicking on it.

To add an Instagram story from a computer, you can use one of three methods:

  1. Download iOS or Android emulator for operating system your PC or laptop, for example - Nox App Player for Windows. It will allow you to install the mobile application on your PC and use all the functions available to mobile device users.
  2. Download official Instagram app for PC. Its functionality almost completely replicates the mobile application. However, there is a serious limitation - when adding a story, Instagram “sees” only images stored in the camera album.
  3. Use another service that allows you to post on different social networks. For example, the SMMPlanner service. It will allow you not only to add Stories, but also to set a specific time for their release, which is quite convenient.

How to use Instagram Stories for promotion

Conduct surveys

Add polls to some stories. This will affect audience engagement - the more responses you collect in the survey, the higher the level of engagement of your subscribers will be. Taking into account the updated “smart” feed of the social network, which ranks profile posts with a high engagement rate higher, this will be a good start for promotion. The more surveys you post, the more additional users based on hashtags and geolocations will be attracted to stories.

Do not forget that the target audience should not be “overloaded”. Find the optimal number of poll stories. For example, post them 2-3 times a week. Also, don’t forget that visualization is very important on Instagram. Therefore, interest users from the first seconds of the story: add a bright picture or an intriguing introduction to a video. Also, do not “stretch” the questions too much - it is better to use short sentences and short answers. Subscribers respond better to mini-surveys because they don't take up much time.

Post announcements

With the help of announcements, you can create intrigue and increased attention to your account. Tell the story that your company or you are planning to release something new. For example, mention your video in passing. This way, followers will periodically visit the page, see new posts and, possibly, comment on them. This will also have a positive effect on engagement indicators, and therefore will allow you to promote your account faster and more efficiently.

In announcements, provide valuable, intriguing information so that users are really interested in the new product. It is also recommended to name the exact release date of new products - for example, say that the full video instructions will be released within 24 hours or in a week. Otherwise, some users may unsubscribe due to long wait times. Or use another function − live broadcast on Instagram.

Hold competitions

Mention the competition in your story to draw more attention to it. Choose the format of the competitions based on the characteristics of your target audience. For example, now popular quests. True, to organize them, it is advisable to create several accounts, think through the plot, and correctly design each stage. You can choose as the winner the one who completed the quest first - found a way out of it - or a random participant who completed all the tasks.

You can also hold a competition with mutual marks or simple marks. For example, ask contest participants to take a screenshot of your story mentioning the giveaway and publish it in their Stories, tagging your profile. This will expand your audience reach and help attract new subscribers. You can choose a winner using a random number generator: count the notifications in Direct and give the prize to the person whose mark corresponds in order to the random number received.

For the contest idea to work, format your post about the upcoming giveaway correctly. It is advisable to take a photo of the main prize and indicate the date of the competition in the photo, and describe the conditions for participation in it in a text comment.

Remind yourself often

The feed of stories is built on the principle of priority - Stories published recently are located in a prominent place. Therefore, if you want to stay in front of your subscribers, you should publish 5-10 stories daily. Naturally, you need to create them in accordance with the theme of your account and make the content interesting - frequent publications of uninteresting Stories can lead to a decrease in the number of subscribers.

Instagram Stories is an effective promotion tool that continues to evolve; be sure to include Stories in your content plan. How do you use it? Share your stories in the comments!

Instagram stories have long been loved by users. This is a great feature that allows people to share interesting events with their followers. Stories are also very useful for business organizations that can add news about promotions or alerts about upcoming events. Perhaps you've looked at your friends' stories before and didn't know how to make your own story. This is what we will talk about in this article.

How to add multiple stories to one feed

Let's look at how to add multiple stories on Instagram.

Opening this application on your mobile device.

Select the square on the top panel.

The gallery opens. Select a video or photo to post in stories.

My video length does not fit into one story (maximum 15 seconds). Instagram automatically cuts it into three parts, thereby creating several stories at this stage. Click the “Next” button.

A “Done” button appears at the bottom of the screen. Click on it.

We return to our page. Please note that a red circle has appeared around the avatar - an indicator of the presence of a story.

By clicking on the avatar, the story view opens on the screen. In my case there are already three of them (this can be seen from short lines at the top of the screen).

To add another story, in particular of a different direction, we return to the main page again. We see that there is no longer a red circle around our avatar - it disappears after the owner of the page has viewed his story. Select the camera icon in the top left corner.

We choose what needs to be posted in History.

Please note that if the photo or video was taken a long time ago, Instagram will attach the date. Click the “Recipient” button.

In the new window, click the “Done” button, which is located at the bottom of the screen.

We return to our page. Please note that the red circle around our avatar is active again. Click on it.

We see that the newly added story is being played. At the same time, the previous ones are also active. Four bars appeared at the top of my screen (the first three are occupied by the previous video, the fourth by the newly added one), that is, four stories have been posted.

Note. If you want to upload several stories in a certain sequence, then add each subsequent one after the previous one is published and can be viewed by clicking on the story.

How to add multiple photos to a story

If you want to post several photos in one story, and do it simultaneously, and not one photo at a time, then you need to follow this algorithm of actions.

Launch the Instagram application on your mobile phone.

Click on the camera icon, which is located in the upper left corner.

In the window that opens, select the square at the top of the screen.

We notice that at the top of the pictures there is a “Select multiple” button, click on it.

An active circle appears on each photo. Click on the pictures that you want to post in Stories.

After the photos have been selected, click on the “Next” button.

In the window that appears, we are given the opportunity to select additional functions. To do this, click on one of the icons located at the top of the screen. Here you can add various stickers, including those with, and draw (add effects with your own hands), and write some accompanying text.

Click the “Next” button, which is located in the lower right corner.

A new window opens. Select the “Done” button, which is located at the bottom of the screen.

We return to the main page. We see that a red circle has appeared around our avatar. Click on it.

The Story is launched, which in my case consists of six photos, following each other in the order in which I added them.

How to add to the story

Let's go to our page. Press your finger on the avatar and hold it for a couple of seconds.

Now you know how to post multiple stories on Instagram. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. Remember that you can post photos one at a time or as a whole group at once. It’s just worth considering what content will be more interesting for your subscribers. Sometimes it is better to limit yourself to one photo and video rather than several pictures in a row, especially if they are not very different from each other.

Materials used

The short lifespan allocated to this type of publication requires the use of only relevant materials. In other words, the history may include photos and videos created by the user himself over the past 24 hours. You cannot post a video shot last year or photos from childhood. Music is also not included in the category of permitted materials.


Now that we know what goes into a story, let's set up our own. The interface of VK mobile applications for Android and iOS differs in many ways, but in this case almost identical.

  1. On the news page on the left top corner there is a stylized camera icon. It is designed to create this type of plot.

  1. Having launched the program, we see an interface that is in many ways similar to camera control. The icon in the lower left corner provides access to the latest photos and videos. To create a story, you can use them or use the camera in real time. Expanding it using the indicated button, we select shooting ourselves or surrounding objects. A single click will add a photo. While holding the center button, we record a video, and the ring around it will be filled with color. The average video length will be 15 seconds. You can turn off the sound when recording videos.

  1. The second section regulates the ability to discuss the posted story. You can't attach a poll to it or send it to the community, but the comment settings are quite flexible. You can select a specific group of friends or make the discussion available to all Contact users.

Having studied General settings and having selected publishing options, move on to the next step.


Posted materials can be pre-processed before being sent to the network. Let's look at what capabilities the built-in editor has.

  1. We take the first photo with our phone. We have new controls, using which you can give it an emotional coloring or immediately put it on the page.

  1. Let's use the tools located in the left corner of the screen. By adding text, a picture and a sticker, you can create an attractive and memorable image. To publish it, click on the arrow button.

  1. When adding a selfie as the next element of the story, you can use a mask. Some of them transform the user beyond recognition and can cheer up your friends.

  1. A blue circle around the outline of the photo indicates that the publication contains new materials that have not yet been viewed.

Within 24 hours from the moment of posting, the publication created in this way will be located at the top of the news feed.


The peculiarity of the story is that you cannot publish pictures or videos in a whole series. Having placed the first photo, you can add the next one to it, again performing the full cycle of the operations described above.

  1. You can save the piece you like to your iPhone, and delete the unsuccessful materials. You cannot erase a story if there are too many elements in it or you change your mind about posting it in one motion. This function is not provided. You will have to use the method described above to delete each fragment. With the latter, you will completely erase the post and it will disappear from the feed.

  1. As we know, you can only create a publication in a mobile application, but viewing and editing functions are available on a PC. When you open your page on your laptop, you will see the story at the top of the news feed.

  1. The control interface is completely similar to the mobile application. It is possible to send in a private message or edit.

  1. A warning window will appear when deleting. Despite the menacing content about the irreversibility of actions, in the desktop version it is also impossible to delete the story with one click. Only the element that is in this moment displayed on the monitor.

If desired, you can introduce a “division of labor.” Create a publication in the mobile application and edit it on your PC.


With these instructions, you'll be up and running with this feature in no time and can use it to spice up your interactions with friends.

Video instruction

If you still have questions regarding publishing stories on VK, watch the video below. The entire process described is shown clearly, and perhaps you will find the answer you need there.

In the Instagram section we looked at interest Ask, relating to stories on Insta or, as they are also called, stories. Our next material will tell you about how to add photo to instagram story. In the previous article we already touched on this topic, but today we will consider it in more detail and carefully, trying to highlight the most important points and nuances. Read us - it will be interesting. Without a doubt, Instagram stories are a great innovation that is designed to interest absolutely all users of the social network. The stories will help you show off all your talents and directing skills. Obviously, interesting stories will attract even more followers to your account. If this does not happen, then you need to increase your army of admirers. Now let's, as they say, get closer to the point. So, you've decided to create interesting story one fun day in my life. To realize your idea, open the Instagram application on your mobile device.

On the main page of the application you will see a camera icon. Tap it as shown in the first screenshot above. As always, in such cases the camera on the phone turns on. Now you need to take the intended photo. To do this, tap the shooting button, as shown in the screenshot number 2 above. You also have the opportunity to make an interesting video by swiping the screen to the right. After you take a photo, the application will redirect you to the next screen (3 - in the picture above). As you can see, two icons have appeared at the bottom of the screen. You need to touch the icon that says: “To history.” We showed this schematically in the last screenshot of the top figure. That's it, now your photo has become an integral part of the plot.

With one photo everything is clear. Now the task is add several photos to Instagram story, because the more beautiful shots, the more interest your story will generate among subscribers and friends. More moments means more likes, respectively. You can get any number of likes with one click here: . It is not yet possible to somehow select many photos in order to upload them into a newly created story in one motion. But don’t despair, because you can add several frames one by one. This will take some time, but at least you will be able to think carefully about what to include in today’s story, and what may not be worth sharing with your followers. At the very beginning of the publication, we added one photo, thereby starting our story. Now on the main page of the application you can see your history (screen 1 in the bottom picture).

By touching history, we enter into it. Now, by analogy with adding the first photo, we add the following ones. We take a photo, touch the icon: “Add to history” (second picture above) - the photo is added. We take another frame - add it to the plot and so on. We can add a lot of photos to our story using the described method.

We sorted this out too. Now we need to understand whether it is possible add old photo to Instagram story and how to do it. Let us remind you that stories are designed so that they “live” only 24 hours. For this reason, it is possible to add only new photographs to the plot that were taken no more than a day ago. Sometimes you just need to decorate your story with an “old” photo, so the relevance of this issue is beyond doubt. To add a photo you took earlier, swipe from top to bottom in the active camera mode in Instagram history. A window will open with thumbnails of photographs taken over the last 24 hours (everything will become clear to you if you look at the bottom picture).

The first thing that comes to mind is to do new photo or a screenshot of an existing one. Find how to take a screenshot (snapshot) of the screen specifically for your smartphone model on the Internet. iPhone owners must press the lock and home buttons at the same time, as shown in the bottom picture. Owners of Android phones must hold down the lock button along with the volume button (in most cases). After that, your screenshot of the old photo will become a new, just taken photo, and you can add it to the story.

Another option for adding an old photo is to change the date. The third option is third party application entitled: “Storied For Instagram”. It is worth mentioning that this application is paid, and will not suit everyone, but, as an option, it may come in handy. To make your stories more lively and creative, add music to your videos. How to do it, .

Today’s topic will be of interest to many people, because I will talk about how you can add several photos to Instagram, which is beloved by many users.

The function appeared not so long ago and people have not yet learned how to fully use it. There are also some problems.

Now I will provide the entire list of questions that we will consider today, and if you are interested in any one in particular, then just click on it.

How to upload multiple photos to Instagram?

I'll start with a little introduction. The ability to display several photographs at once appeared relatively recently, and as a person who actively uses this social network, I've already tried everything myself.

How to add multiple photos to Instagram story?

Although at first many were afraid to use it and simply did not understand what it was. If anyone doesn’t know, this is an opportunity to share a photo or video and it will be available for 24 hours.

So, I’m slowly leading to the fact that when people began to actively use this, the question arose whether it was possible to upload several photos of works at the same time.

Let's check in practice so that the words are not empty:

  1. Of course, we go into your account and see on the left "Your story" which is what we click on;
  2. and as we see, there is no way to do this, even if you open the gallery.

The story is designed solely for one moment that happened to you. Laying out slides one by one is not a problem at all and you can do this endlessly.

In principle, there is no particular need for two or more photos, because usually you also draw something and do other things. If you really want to add two or more photos, but not to the story, then read the next section.

How to post several photos/videos at once in one Instagram post?

With version 10.9, which was released on February 21, 2017, there was new feature, which allows you to upload ten photos at once into one post.

Surely you have already noticed such posts where you can see a lot of dots below. So, if you scroll through this whole thing to the right, you will see other photographs.

Let's figure out how it all works:

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated and you only need to figure it out once, so that then everything goes like clockwork and you have the opportunity to teach others.

Program developers often add instructions for use as soon as a feature is released. Watch them sometimes too, everything is perceived even easier on video.

There is no function for multiple photos on Instagram

Many users have probably encountered a problem when they launch a program and want to post several photos at the same time, but the function is simply not there.

You know, I was no exception and I also had the same problem. But fortunately, it can be solved very simply, in just a couple of seconds.

You just need to close the program completely and completely, then open it again and everything will appear. This method helped me. I think once should be enough, but if not, we do a couple.

Let’s say you did everything according to my advice, but still nothing appeared. I also know of cases when everything fell into place after rebooting the device.

This happens on both iOS and Android when you first install the Instagram app. In both cases, we act according to my scheme.

And one more small note. If you get a crash when trying to use the “Multiple Photos” function, then this is a problem with version 10.13. Just waiting for the new update.


We’ll probably end here, and now you are completely familiar with the material on adding several photos on Instagram, both in one post and in a story.

I really liked the post feature and made a couple of publications. It’s very convenient and you don’t need to spam your profile one at a time.

Write what you think about this in the comments and if you have any questions, I will try to help you.