How to paste on the keyboard. How to insert text using the keyboard in Word

Nowadays, almost everyone can work on a computer, but not all users know how to copy text using the keyboard.

But this skill can help save time by not making unnecessary movements with the mouse, but replacing them with several presses of “hot keys”.

This name refers to combinations that make it much easier to use certain functions.

Basically, this method helps people who actively work with texts - editors, secretaries, journalists. Just a few key combinations will make your work easier in the future.

And it takes no more than a few minutes to remember them.

Text selection

To select the information that needs to be copied, use the Shift key - placing the cursor at the beginning of the text, press it and use the mouse to indicate the required number of characters or lines.

The method works in Word, Notepad, and any other text editor, helping to mark a part of a document of any size – even one that does not fit into one window.

The result is selected text, usually marked in black (if the area has a different color, then in inverse color).

Getting individual selected parts

If between sections of text there should be information that does not require copying, the user will find it useful to use the key Control(abbreviated as Ctrl on the keyboard).

Its common use is input special characters, and an additional one is the use of combinations to quickly execute commands that usually require several actions.

If you use Ctrl together with the mouse, you can more conveniently copy any area of ​​text:

  • Select the desired part of the page;
  • While holding down the Ctrl key, move the cursor to the new object;
  • Mark another selected text and move on to the next one;
  • After selecting all the required data, release Ctrl.

If you select pieces of information without holding down a key, the previous selection will be cleared, since the editor determines that pressing the mouse button will cancel all previously selected objects.

Moreover, the method is suitable not only for text editors, but also for tables like Excel, cells and columns in which can also be selected in parts - although in this case serious problems may arise with inserting information, the field for placing which must clearly correspond to the initial one.

Changing the scale

If the text is located on several sheets that are not visible in one window, it is convenient to use the zoom out option when selecting it.

In this case, the Ctrl key is pressed and the mouse wheel is scrolled in the “toward” direction.

In this way, you can see the entire sheet or even several pages on the screen at the same time.

When highlighting too small text and trying to mark objects as accurately as possible, use the same key and mouse wheel. However, they are already turning in the other direction - “away from themselves”.

The same method is used for normal reading of small print.

Copying data

To place the selected text on the clipboard, press Ctrl+C.

This combination copies data into memory, which, depending on the type and version of the editor, can contain from 1 to 24 objects that are inserted into the document as needed.

Moving Information

You can use the Ctrl key not only to select data, but also to quickly move it.

There is no need to copy text if, having selected it, you can simply move it to a new place - and the information on the old one will disappear.

Advice! This method is convenient for changing words when editing (for example, full name, which for of this document written in a different order).

However, if it is necessary not to remove the copied information, but to leave it in the same place, press Ctrl before moving.

And now the text is copied - but much faster than using standard methods.

Although it is convenient to copy data this way only if the initial and final locations are on the same page.

Inserting text

Once the information is highlighted, you should paste the copied text into Right place. To do this, first position the cursor, and only then press the combination Ctrl+V.

As a result, the text is inserted, sometimes transferring its formatting to the new section.

In such a situation, the data is reformatted, setting the style, font and alignment.

Features of using “hot keys”

When using hotkeys, you should know some nuances:

  • All combinations are pressed exactly in the order indicated. That is, first, for example, Ctrl is selected, and only then V. By pressing the keys simultaneously, you may not get the desired result;
  • The symbols in the combinations are indicated in Latin for ease of use. However, they will work regardless of your keyboard layout.


By learning and remembering the keys used to copy, move and paste copied text in a document, you can save at least 5-10% of your typing time.

Through simple actions, the amount of work performed over a certain period increases and the level of fatigue obtained during the work or creative process decreases.

Copying and pasting on a computer using the keyboard means saving selected text on the Internet, Word, or Minecraft into the computer’s memory buffer, text that is intended for pasting elsewhere.

The procedure for copying and pasting text is no different from, for example, a photo file from the keyboard - all this can be done quickly.

NOTE: You may not be aware that you can use the keyboard completely without a mouse –

Copy on the keyboard of a computer or laptop

To copy a fragment or file using the keyboard, click on its beginning (if it is text, if it is a photo, then select RMB) and select it with the mouse.

Then all you need to do is use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C - all the data is placed on the clipboard and is waiting for action.

Paste on the keyboard of a computer or laptop

To paste from the computer memory (clipboard) that was previously copied there, click on the place where you want to place it.

Then use the CTRL + V button combination - everything will instantly appear in the desired location. If something is wrong, you can apply deletion.

To do this, use the Backspace button (deleting characters to the left of the insertion point), or click on Delete (deleting characters to the right of the insertion point).

To delete most of the text: Click on the beginning of the text you want to delete and select the text with your mouse. Press Backspace or Delete.

ATTENTION! The item being deleted is not stored in the clipboard memory. To keep it there, use “Cut”.

To cut text, click on the beginning of the fragment you want to cut and select it with the mouse, and then use the combination Ctrl + X.

Selecting text using the keyboard

Sometimes you need to select large text with the window scrolling, but it doesn’t want to scroll, then just press Ctrl + A.

If the cursor is in the table, then the first Ctrl + A selects the current cell, the other the next one, and so on gradually the entire table.

Copy one word on the keyboard

To select one word on either side of the cursor, hold Ctrl+Shift and press the Left Arrow key<- или топните кнопку со стрелкой вправо ->.

To select one character on either side of the cursor, hold down Shift and then press the Left Arrow key<- или нажмите кнопку со стрелкой вправо ->.

To select more than one character, press Shift and then click and hold the arrow buttons.

To select a portion of a snippet on the line to the left of the cursor, hold down the Shift key and press the Home button.

Conclusion and conclusions

Not everyone knows that when working with the majority computer programs, it is quite possible to do without a mouse.

IN operating system In Windows, as well as in almost all programs, basic commands can be executed using hot buttons.

It will be useful for any user to know that you can copy without a mouse. To do this, select the desired fragment.

You can do this either by holding down the left mouse button or by holding down the Shift key and moving through the text using the arrow keys.

Now, to copy the selected text, press two keys: Ctrl and C or Ctrl and Ins (Insert). The selected fragment will be copied to the operating system's clipboard.

Move the cursor to the desired location and insert text using the following key combination: Ctrl and V or Shift and Ins (Insert). The previously copied piece of text will immediately appear. Good luck.

In the Word program, he strives to increase the speed of work, to find algorithms that would allow him to concentrate as little as possible on technical details and devote as much time as possible to direct creative or professional tasks. One of the reserves for increasing efficiency is, of course, the ability to use keys. Both when editing and when writing text (for example, when quoting), perhaps the most popular function is copying with further pasting. Doing this using the mouse and menu is extremely irrational. This article is devoted to how to insert text using the keyboard. This is especially true when working on a laptop.

How to highlight text

Before you insert text, you need to select it, of course. Most often, when working in a text editor, a keyboard and mouse are combined. Using a mouse, it is easy to navigate, quickly move from page to page, and place the cursor in the right place, so you can often see how text is selected with the mouse and copied and pasted with the keys. However, changing a tool takes quite a bit a large number of time and reduces efficiency, so it is better to select text using the keyboard.

The working keys for this are Shift, Ctrl, arrows, Home, End, A (Latin). Their different combinations allow you to highlight different fragments, but now we will focus on the most popular options:

  • Select all (all text). Ctrl + A (Russian F). Most often, this opportunity is used if you need to make all the contents of one file part of another.
  • Select one or more words. Ctrl + Shift + arrow (right or left). Place the cursor in front of the first word of the fragment you want to copy and paste, press the Ctrl and Shift keys, and then press the right arrow until the desired fragment is highlighted. Each arrow press will highlight one word. The same logic works in the opposite direction (the initial cursor position is behind the last word).
  • Select one (or parts) or several paragraphs. Ctrl + Shift + up or down arrow. If the cursor is in front of the first word, then by pressing the down arrow you will select the paragraph, but if it is in the middle, then its part from the cursor to the end. Each subsequent press will select a fragment of text up to the paragraph mark.
  • Select a sign. Shift + right or left arrow.
  • Select a line. Shift + up or down arrow.

Cancel selection

It is equally important to be able to cancel or adjust a selection.

If you need to clarify the selected area (for example, if you have selected something unnecessary), then you can use the same commands, meaning reverse logic (i.e., returning to a position back).

If you need to cancel the entire selection, then just release the operating keys (Shif and Ctrl) and press one of the arrows.

The first copy and paste method

There are at least two ways to insert text using the keyboard. With the first method, the following keyboard shortcut works:

  • copy: Ctrl + C (Latin);
  • paste: Ctrl + V.

This operation is usually performed with one hand. This combination is often used by those who work, for example, with the Adobe package, since in these applications copying and pasting is carried out using these keys.

Second way to copy and paste

It is also appropriate to know the second way to insert text using the keyboard. In this case, the basic key is Insert:

  • copy: Ctrl + Insert;
  • insert: Shift + Insert.

This method most often involves the use of two hands (the right one for Insert, the left one for the working key). Its knowledge will be useful when working with browsers.

Multiple insertion

Very often you need to insert the same piece of text in different places. If such an edit does not involve the use automatic search and replacement, it can turn into a real challenge for the author or editor. It is more convenient to navigate through the text using the mouse, and insert text using the keyboard. Constantly pressing two keys is very inconvenient - this leads either to errors or to unpleasant physical sensations (since the hand must constantly be in the same position and make the same movements). Therefore, in such cases, it is advisable to know how to insert text using the keyboard repeatedly. It is very convenient to use the repeat operation function.

Make the first insertion in the way you find convenient, and then press F4 (repeat).

Copy and paste within the same document

Often, knowledge is also required on how to rationally paste text in Word if the fragment being copied is in the same document, and often in the same paragraph as the place where it needs to be pasted.

In this case, it is more convenient not to delete the text from its original location and paste it to a new position, but simply move it.

To do this, select the desired fragment and press the F2 key.

Move the cursor to where you want the insertion to be and press Enter. The text will move.

Cutting text without deleting it

Moving text with the F2 key is sometimes inconvenient: for example, if the insertion location has not yet been determined or if you need to duplicate the insertion.

In these and other cases, you can use the so-called cutting function: the program will delete the text, but remember it in. To do this, you need to remember the combination Ctrl + X (Latin) and/or Shift + Del.

In general, avoiding copying and pasting with the mouse can significantly speed up work, reduce physical strain on the hand that works the mouse, and reduce the number of errors (making work clearer and more accurate).

“Hot keys” are special combinations of keys on the keyboard designed to simplify and speed up the user’s work on the computer. This is a more convenient alternative to mouse commands because it eliminates the need to navigate through numerous menu options to find the desired operation.

A hotkey combination is typically two or three buttons that must be pressed sequentially or simultaneously. Actions for which special key combinations are defined can be as follows: general purpose, and facilitate the performance of specific functions (working with text, in Explorer, with windows). The best-known general-purpose keyboard shortcuts are those commonly used for copy and paste operations. To copy and paste on the keyboard, just use the combinations “Ctrl+C” and “Ctrl+V”.

Quick navigation through the article


The copy function is that a file or its fragment (text, sound, image) is temporarily copied to the clipboard:

  • It is necessary to select the required object (file or piece of text) using the mouse cursor;
  • Press the key combination “Ctrl+C” or “Ctrl+Insert”.

The combination “Ctrl+C” is relevant for the operating room Windows systems. Mac OS X users will need to press Command+C.


When you “paste” a file or its fragment, the data stored in the clipboard is pasted into the specified location. This requires:

  • Using the cursor, indicate the place where you want to insert the object (if it is text, then left-click on the place where you want to insert it);
  • To insert, press the key combination “Ctrl+V” or “Shift+Insert”.

In the operating room Mac system OS X you need to press “Command+V”.

Hotkey combinations

There are several more useful key combinations that significantly facilitate the user’s work in Windows:

  • “Win” or “Ctrl+Esc” - open the “Start” menu;
  • “Win+E” - launch Explorer;
  • “Win+Tab” or “Win+Shift+Tab” - switch between buttons on the taskbar;
  • “Printscreen” — take a screenshot of the entire screen;
  • “Alt+Printscreen” — take a screenshot of the current active window;
  • “Ctrl+A” — select everything (objects, text);
  • “Ctrl+X” or “Shift+Delete” - cut objects or text to the clipboard;
  • “Ctrl+P” — print the document;
  • “Ctrl+S” - save the document;
  • “Ctrl+Z” - undo the last action;
  • “Ctrl+Shift” or “Alt+Shift” - switch the keyboard layout (for example, from Russian to English).

Copying and pasting is done via context menu Windows, program menu, using keyboard shortcuts. The method that allows you to copy text using the keyboard and paste it anywhere is considered the fastest and most productive. What cannot be said about all other methods, but we will still consider them too. These actions also apply to files and folders.

Copying, pasting text using the keyboard

To copy text using the keyboard, hold down the Ctrl button and then click the C key. The left Ctrl is usually used, which allows you to use the combination with one hand. Exists alternative way copying, hold down Ctrl, then click Insert (Ins often on laptops), usually right Ctrl is used. In this case, the fragment of the edited text will remain in place.

If you need to move the text, then use the combination Ctrl + X, alternatively Shift + Delete (Del) - this will cut out the fragment. After pressing the listed combinations, the selected text fragment is placed in the buffer.

To get from the buffer, use the combination Ctrl + V or the alternative Shift + Insert (Ins). Combinations will allow you to quickly insert text using the keyboard into the specified location.

In addition, let's look at additional useful combinations keys for working with text used with Ctrl:

Button used in combination with CtrlDescription
ZPressing once takes the changes back one step. Pressing the combination multiple times will undo multiple changes
Yopposite of combination 1, returns the change steps forward
Fsearching the document for the desired fragment. When pressed, a field for entering the search word opens
Right arrowmove the cursor to the right one word
Left arrowmove the cursor to the left one word
Backspaceremoving a word, not a character
Ssaving a document
HomeMove the pointer to the beginning of the document
EndMove the pointer to the end of the document
PPrint page preview

Traditional copying method

Copying text through the on-call menu right button or the program menu can be considered traditional. This method used by users who do not know how to copy and paste text using the keyboard.

When you right-click on selected text in programs such as Word, a menu is called up where you need to select “copy” or “cut.” See screenshot below.