How to insert GIFs into stories. How to upload GIF animation (mini video) to Instagram? Don't forget to try other Instagram apps

GIF is an animated image format. At the dawn of the development of computer technology, it was files in the format GIF replaced the now familiar videos. Today format GIF popular again, and this happened due to the rapid development of social networks. For example, in Facebook, for example, you can not only publish or send GIF-file to your friend, but even choose the appropriate video sequence from the entire online library built into the social network interface.

In case of Instagram things are a little different. You, as the account owner, can publish a photo or video on this social network. However, publish the file in the format GIF you just can't do it - no, of course, you can choose GIF-file in the gallery, but in your feed in Instagram it will only appear as a static image. What to do? There is an exit! We offer you several scenarios that will allow you to solve this problem. Either way you need to convert GIF-file in a video format understood by a mobile device (formats MOV, MP4).

Scenario 1. When you know exactly what kind of “GIF” you need.

If you have ever seen some cool video in the format GIF, and remember its content, then you can find it using keywords. The Giphy service is one of the most powerful libraries GIF-files on the Internet, here you can find almost any memes and funny pictures. The service allows you to automatically convert the required GIF-file to video sequence MP4. For this:

    Use the search bar to find the one you need GIF-file, specifying the ones you need in the search field keywords. For example, funny dog.

    Check your mail - you will receive a letter from the service, the attachment to which will contain a file with a video in the format MP4.

    Place the resulting attachment in the photo gallery of your smartphone or tablet, and from there publish the video using standard application Instagram.

Scenario 2. You have it on your smartphone GIF-file that is not on

Let's assume you own some video in the format GIF, which is physically located on your mobile device and you would like to publish it in Instagram. The easiest way is to install special application, which will do the conversion. In app stores Apple AppStore And Google Play Market there are quite a lot of such applications, and they all perform the same function - transform GIF-file to format MP4. Depending on the complexity of the application, you may be offered some additional settings, for example, speeding up or slowing down a video sequence, running in forward or reverse sequence, video duration and much more. For example, the application has quite good functionality GIF Maker for Instagram(iOS). Using such applications is not difficult: you just need to download GIF-file from the image gallery, specify the transformation parameters and click the “Save and publish to” button Instagram».

Scenario 3. You want to make a short video and make it funny GIF.

For this purpose, completely different applications are needed, and strictly speaking, the resulting result will not be entirely GIF-file in the usual sense. For example, there is a branded application Boomerang(iOS, Android), which allows you to record funny videos: you just need to use it to shoot your video, and then, in just a couple of clicks, give it various properties: loop and play sequentially in one direction and the other. The saved result can be published immediately on Instagram directly from this application.

Scenario 4. I want to do something cool!

For this purpose you will need a computer and a video editing program. For example, Adobe Premiere , Pinnacle Studio , Sony Vegas Pro or any other similar program. Upload the source file into it, for example, the one you have GIF-file or filmed video sequence. Select the necessary parameters in the sequence settings on the timeline: aspect ratio 1:1, the maximum possible resolution and the duration of the video sequence you need. I note that the long videos in Instagram It’s unlikely that anyone will watch to the end, and 10-15 seconds is enough for a funny video. Move the video you need to the editing table, add suitable music to the audio track and export to a video file. Please note that it is best to export such programs to the most compatible video formats. Same for smartphones Apple format must be used MOV, encoding into which will be possible after installing additional video codecs included in the set

An article about what a GIF is, how to use it and how to insert it into the Instagram program.


GIF or GIF, a unique graphics format that allows you to store colors and information in a compressed form, without loss of quality indicators. The modern GIF format includes animation and uses an information file compression program. The GIF format is one of the oldest on the Internet, since it was developed back in 1987 by CompuServe, for encoding raster images, that is, pictures consisting of tiny colored dots (pixels) on a monitor screen or on paper.

GIF or GIF, a unique graphics format that allows you to store colors, information in a compressed form,

Areas of use of GIF

Hyphae can be used in the following ways:

  • to create pages on websites
  • to create graphics
  • to create a virtual control panel
  • to create maps - online
  • for creating advertising logos, screensavers
  • in animation
  • in videos, in many other areas

The technology for forming hyphae is simple, understandable and financially economical. The downside is the lack of sound and limited selection of cartoon elements.

How to make a GIF?

The order of options for creating a GIF using the program:

  • copy the required images to the browser, one by one or all at once
  • configure animation parameters
  • download your favorite animation from the network

Copies of images

There are two options for copying, or transfer the picture to the browser and use one of the “Upload pictures” menu buttons. You cannot close the page until all the pictures are loaded.

Setting cartoon parameters

At the top of the program panel for setting up GIFs there is a menu of parameters for setting up animation, changing the order of frames, changing the location of the thumbnail. Required settings when building a GIF:

  • set the width of the animated image using the keyboard or slider
  • set the height of the same image, also
  • set the proportions, which are taken from the dimensions of the largest copied image, then turn off the proportions mode and set the proportions individually
  • perform a reset, because the system will restore your settings to default
  • do positioning, i.e. align each image centered, or leave it as it is, or stretch the image
  • set frame movement speed parameters using the slider or using the keyboard
  • change the sequence of frames, if necessary, using the left mouse button

After the manipulations have been performed, download the GIF where you need it using the “Save as...” or “Download GIF” options.

Original gifs for you!

How to transfer a GIF to the Instagram network?

  • Now it's easy to do! Because the Instagram network has launched the Boomerang program for creating small videos and a program for creating GIFs
  • GIFs can now be sent in emails, on social networks, and created in articles on news sites. You can download the Boomerang program on Google Play or Apple Store
  • This program provides the opportunity to create five frames for the mobility of your GIF. In addition, Layout and Hyperlapse applications have been launched, which provide greater editing capabilities. All programs for creating GIFs are free on various platforms

Video: How to add video to Instagram?

Impress your Instagram followers with GIF animation. Let's figure out how to add a GIF to Instagram.

GIF animation is everywhere. She's on Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit - but what about Instagram? Is it even possible to post a GIF on Instagram?

The answer is... yes and no. Let me explain:

No - because at the moment Instagram service does not support loading .gif images and playing GIF animations. But yes, because Instagram has a separate app that you can use to create short video clips that look exactly like GIF animations.

So, if you have a collection of .gif images in a directory on your device, you can get busy uploading them to Twitter, Tumblr and all the others social media, supporting GIF format. However, if you want to record your own GIF-style video using your device's camera, then you need to learn about an Instagram app called Boomerang (free for iOS and Android).

How can Boomerang help you create GIF-style videos for Instagram?

Boomerang is a very easy to use app that doesn't have a lot of features, but its simplicity makes it easy to use regularly. After downloading the app, in order to start shooting your first GIF video, you need to allow the app access to your camera.

Simply select the front or rear camera, point the camera at what you want to shoot and press the white button.

The way Boomerang works is it takes 10 photos very quickly, which are then stitched together and rendered faster and smoother. The result is a mini-video (without sound, of course) that looks exactly like a GIF and plays non-stop.

How to post this mini video on Instagram?

You'll be shown a preview of the mini-video and then given the option to share it on Instagram, Facebook, or whatever app you're using.

Selecting upload to Instagram will launch the official Instagram app with a mini video already downloaded and ready to edit.

Interestingly, the posts posted by the Boomerang app, although they are videos, do not have a small camera icon on the right top corner thumbnails or during loading, as happens with a regular video. This little feature makes the mini-video feel even more like a real GIF animation, and not just another short video that you have to turn on the sound to watch in full screen!

Don't forget to try other Instagram apps

Boomerang is just one of many standalone Instagram apps that make photos and videos more interesting and fun.

Try the Layout app (free for iOS and Android), which makes it easy to create interesting photo collages with up to nine different images.

There's also Hyperlapse (free for iOS only, no Android version at the moment), which you can use to shoot video at speed, like slow motion. Hyperlapse uses advanced stabilization technology to smooth out the impact of slow-motion footage, so the results look very professional.

So now you have a whole new set of tools you can experiment with to take your Instagram posts to the next level.

Although the video created in Boomerang is not a true GIF, it looks exactly the same. And that's all that matters!

GIF is an animated image format. At the dawn of the development of computer technology, it was files in the format GIF replaced the now familiar videos. Today format GIF popular again, and this happened due to the rapid development of social networks. For example, in Facebook, for example, you can not only publish or send GIF-file to your friend, but even choose the appropriate video sequence from the entire online library built into the social network interface.

In case of Instagram things are a little different. You, as the account owner, can publish a photo or video on this social network. However, publish the file in the format GIF you just can't do it - no, of course, you can choose GIF-file in the gallery, but in your feed in Instagram it will only appear as a static image. What to do? There is an exit! We offer you several scenarios that will allow you to solve this problem. Either way you need to convert GIF-file in a video format understood by a mobile device (formats MOV, MP4).

Scenario 1. When you know exactly what kind of “GIF” you need.

If you have ever seen some cool video in the format GIF, and remember its content, then you can find it using keywords. The Giphy service is one of the most powerful libraries GIF-files on the Internet, here you can find almost any memes and funny pictures. The service allows you to automatically convert the required GIF-file to video sequence MP4. For this:

    Use the search bar to find the one you need GIF-file by specifying the keywords you need in the search field. For example, funny dog.

    Check your mail - you will receive a letter from the service, the attachment to which will contain a file with a video in the format MP4.

    Place the resulting attachment in the photo gallery of your smartphone or tablet, and from there publish the video using the standard Instagram application.

Scenario 2. You have it on your smartphone GIF-file that is not on

Let's assume you own some video in the format GIF, which is physically located on your mobile device and you would like to publish it to Instagram. The easiest way is to install a special application that will perform the conversion. In app stores Apple AppStore And Google PlayMarket there are quite a lot of such applications, and they all perform the same function - transform GIF-file to format MP4. Depending on the complexity of the application, you may be offered some additional settings, for example, speeding up or slowing down the video sequence, running in forward or reverse sequence, video duration, and much more. For example, the application has quite good functionality GIF Maker for Instagram(iOS). Using such applications is not difficult: you just need to download GIF-file from the image gallery, specify the transformation parameters and click the “Save and publish to” button Instagram».

Scenario 3. You want to make a short video and make it funny GIF.

For this purpose, completely different applications are needed, and strictly speaking, the resulting result will not be entirely GIF-file in the usual sense. For example, there is a branded application Boomerang(iOS, Android), which allows you to record funny videos: you just need to use it to shoot your video, and then, in just a couple of clicks, give it various properties: loop and play sequentially in one direction and the other. The saved result can be published immediately on Instagram directly from this application.

Scenario 4. I want to do something cool!

For this purpose you will need a computer and a video editing program. For example, Adobe Premiere , Pinnacle Studio , Sony Vegas Pro or any other similar program. Upload the source file into it, for example, the one you have GIF-file or filmed video sequence. Select the necessary parameters in the sequence settings on the timeline: aspect ratio 1:1, the maximum possible resolution and the duration of the video sequence you need. I note that the long videos in Instagram It’s unlikely that anyone will watch to the end, and 10-15 seconds is enough for a funny video. Move the video you need to the editing table, add suitable music to the audio track and export to a video file. Please note that it is best to export such programs to the most compatible video formats. Same for smartphones Apple format must be used MOV, encoding into which will be possible after installing additional video codecs included in the set

Instagram is one of the most actively developing platforms, whose developers regularly present new options and opportunities to the public. So, in 2017, an important event took place for the entire blogger community: Stories acquired the function of publishing animated pictures and images - gifs. Next, we’ll look in detail at what a GIF is on Instagram and tell you how to add it.

Features of using GIF

GIF on Instagram is the most relevant and trendy format for presenting information, activating visual perception. With its help, you can easily share feelings, emotions and experiences with the public, increasing its reach and increasing activity. Currently, it is at the peak of popularity and is an effective tool for promotion and attracting new subscribers.

GIFs are animated pictures and images. About ten years ago they were used everywhere, replacing standard and familiar to the modern user videos. Rapid development of innovative services and mobile technologies relegated GIFs to the background, forcing them to give way to something newer and more interesting. However, last year Instagram brought them back to their former glory by adding them as stickers in the Stories section.

Today, GIF stickers are actively used by Instagram bloggers for:

  • creating bright and colorful content;
  • visualization of text messages;
  • more emotional presentation of information;
  • attracting new subscribers;
  • greater coverage of the audience, increasing its activity.

When used correctly, GIFs turn into an effective commercial tool that can stimulate sales and popularize a product on social networks. There are a huge number of areas for their application.

GIF stickers for Stories

Usually, Instagram users use GIFs when publishing Stories. They allow you to diversify your content, make it more vivid and memorable.

Step-by-step instructions on how to attach a GIF to Instagram Story:

How to find a GIF on Instagram

GIPHY is the most powerful library of GIF files on the Internet. It is with him that Instagram supports integration, allowing its users to post funny memes and pictures.

Step-by-step instructions on how to search for GIFs on Instagram:

Instagram offers users an extensive GIF gallery, but you don't have to use it. You can add your own animated sticker and potentially get multi-million dollar reach. We'll tell you how to upload a GIF to Instagram below.

Create a GIF in 3 steps

Step #1

As noted above, GIFs on Instagram work on the basis of the electronic library of animated files GIPHY, so, first of all, you will need to create an account in this service and go through the verification procedure. The good news is that it’s easy and doesn’t take much time. The bad thing is that a blogger with a small number of subscribers will not be able to verify his profile.

After passing verification, you automatically gain access to all the tools of the service, you can interact with its artists and designers, and order the development of GIFs from them.

Step-by-step instructions on how to register in the service:

  1. Follow the link -
  2. Fill in all blank lines
  3. Check the box next to “Register as a brand/artist.”

After completing registration, fill in your personal information and wait until verification is completed.

Step #2

After passing verification, you can start downloading copyrighted GIFs. Please note that GIFs will only appear in IG Stories when posted as stickers.

When creating GIF stickers, you must follow the following rules:

  • must be performed in GIF format(APNG is not currently supported)
  • minimum size – 500-600 pixels, even height and width
  • mandatory color mode – RGB
  • When exporting, you need to loop the GIF.

When adding a custom sticker pack, be sure to include tags and a description so that other users can use it later. It is believed that each GIF sticker should contain from 5 to 10 tags.

Since stickers are small images, GIPHY recommends making them visually clear. At the same time, the most popular among the public are bright and funny animations. By keeping these things in mind, you can create a trending GIF sticker pack.

Step #3

Once you've downloaded your stickers, check to see if they show up in general search on Instagram. To do this, enter a key phrase or tag into the appropriate line and click on the “Find” button.

The experience of large Instagram channels shows that a full download of a pack of stickers takes about a week. After the specified time has passed, all published GIFs begin to appear in keyword searches.

Is it possible to post a GIF in the main feed?

Instagram allows its users to freely share photos and videos. As for GIF files, it will not be possible to publish them on a social network page - they will be posted as standard static images and will lose all their attractiveness. In this case, there are a number of third-party services and applications that offer to convert a GIF into a video.

A selection of applications for publishing GIF files on Instagram:

  1. Maker for Instagram - iOS-based, free, includes in-app purchases
  2. GifLab – available for Apple products, price in App Store– $1.99, no ads
  3. GIFHY CAM – suitable for smartphones with Android based, distributed free of charge.

Step-by-step instructions for use similar applications using the example of “Maker for Instagram”:

After completing these steps, all that remains is to save the video to your smartphone by clicking on the button located in the lower left corner of the screen.

From the gallery you can add it to any social network in the standard way.