How to log out of iPhone completely. How to sell an iPhone correctly: what needs to be done before selling

After using the device for a long time, you may notice that it begins to perform worse. Applications take longer to open or requests to process. This is a sure sign that the iPhone may need to clear the program cache, remove garbage, unnecessary documents and data, or simply free up memory on the phone itself.

What is cache and memory, why clear them?

Data from running applications is placed in the cache for faster work with them. That is, the application, having downloaded this data once, can retrieve it from the cache much faster than downloading it again. True, due to poor performance of the application with the cache or simply various types of failures, sometimes situations arise when the cache becomes full and is not cleared automatically.

Phone memory is the amount of information that your phone can store on a permanent basis. Literally everything you save on your phone requires memory: contacts, messages, installed applications, and so on.

Cleaning options on iPhone

Internet browsers use cache the most. They store data about the pages visited in order to open them much faster and this takes up a lot of space. But besides browsers, other applications also use cache. Literally every application installed on your iPhone needs its own cache space - at least to store information about updates. Therefore, the more applications you have installed on your device, the faster the cache will fill with information and the greater the need to clear it manually, rather than relying on automatic data monitoring from installed applications. It is likely that this will be enough to increase the stability and speed of its operation and you will not have to delete data and installed applications directly from the device’s memory.

Using standard applications

Let's figure out how to clear the cache in stock applications using the Safari browser as an example:

In a similar way, you can clear cached data from any stock apps on your iPhone. Do this if you suspect that the cache is full or specific applications have started to run too slowly.

In established

Regardless of the version of your device, not all programs can clear the cache directly through the iPhone settings.

Let's look at some cache clearing apps:

Battery Doctor

Once you have downloaded and installed Battery Doctor, do the following:

There is no need to clear the cache this way too often. The iPhone does a good job of this task automatically, so until the cache is really full, you don't have to worry about clearing it using special apps.

The current app differs from the previous one in that it is not installed on your iPhone, rather than the Windows or Mac OS device you connect the iPhone to.

The program's operation is almost completely automated. Do the following:

Clearing cache on iPhone and iPad (video)

Removing an application from the device memory

There are several ways to completely erase applications to free up memory on your device. And although this can be done with the programs given above in this article, to simply remove the application, the methods that the iPhone itself offers are sufficient.

Be sure to keep in mind that when you delete an application, all saved data for that application is also deleted. You may lose important contacts or game progress. Be careful!

For the easiest way to remove an application, do the following:

Via iTunes.

To remove applications via iTunes, do the following:

  1. Connect your device and with iTunes running, select the iPhone tab.
  2. There you need to select the “Programs” tab. After this, you will immediately see the desktop of your iPhone, as well as the applications installed on it.
  3. Hover over the app you want to delete. At this moment, a cross will appear on the icon, click on the cross.
  4. After that, be sure to click “Sync iPhone” in the “File” menu. Otherwise, the application will not be removed from your device.

After the data is synchronized, the application will be deleted and the memory on your device will be freed.

Through settings

You can also delete applications through the iPhone settings. This is done as follows:

  1. Open settings and go to the General menu.
  2. Next, select “Statistics”.
  3. We select the desired application from those offered to us. Here you can clearly see how much memory the application takes up on the device.
  4. Having selected the application, all you have to do is click “Uninstall a program” and confirm the removal.
  5. If the application cannot be deleted, in the same “General” menu you need to go to the Restrictions tab.
  6. Click on the “Turn off restrictions” button. Once you enter your password, any restrictions on deleting applications will be removed.

Clearing memory on iPhone (video)

How to delete only saved application data

Documents and application data are usually automatically synchronized with iCloud, so you need to delete them from there too. This is done like this:

How to clear application RAM

If your device begins to slow down during active operation, it may also be due to a lack of RAM.

The applications suggested above in this article can also help clear RAM. For example, the Memory Boost option in the Battery Doctor app does just that. But there is a way to clear RAM without installing third-party applications on your device. For this:

  1. Unlock your iPhone.
  2. Press and hold your device's power button until "Power Off" appears on the screen.
  3. Next, hold down the Home button until yours returns to the previous screen.
  4. Done, RAM is cleared.

There is no need to do this procedure all the time, but if you notice that applications are starting to perform worse, do it. Cleaning RAM is especially important when surfing the Internet.

Finally, let's look at several effective ways to quickly free up memory on your iPhone. Almost all of them relate to one or another specific stock application, which the user often does not pay attention to when clearing memory.

Now you know how to delete applications on any iPhone, regardless of the version of your device. Monitor the amount of free memory on your device and remove applications that you do not use, as well as clear the application cache in a timely manner and your device will work better.

Hello! Many people are concerned about what will happen after deleting all data from the iPhone through But there is very little adequate and normal information on the Internet on this issue. And to be completely precise, there is practically none. Most resources simply take and copy a phrase from the Apple website - “Erasing data from the device also disables Find My iPhone and Activation Lock.”

Which confuses many and gives rise to a lot of questions: If you erase the device through “Find iPhone”, will it be freed from the Activation lock and can be used? Is the block on Apple ID removed? Will the data be completely deleted? How is it different from Lost Mode? (-read it, it won’t be superfluous). And these are just the most basic “mysteries”. In fact, there are many more of them!

However, if we return to the description of this function, it turns out that the answer to all these questions is obvious - after clicking “Erase iPhone” the device will be “clean” and not blocked.

What happens? The author of these lines in vain advises everyone to erase the device if it is lost (stolen) and it is not possible to find it? That is, on the one hand, we delete all our data (this is a plus). On the other hand, will we completely unlock the phone (this is a minus) and anyone can use it?

But, in fact, there is something missing in this phrase. And at the end of the article we will correct it :)

In order to clearly show what happens during and after the process of deleting data from an iPhone through “Find iPhone,” I decided to do this action myself. True, an iPad will participate in this experiment (restoring a phone from a backup copy is very time-consuming), but for an iPhone the result will be completely similar. So, let's go!

We have the “Find iPhone” function enabled on the device and imagine that we have irretrievably lost the gadget (or it was stolen). We need to erase all data from it, for this:

  1. Go to and enter your Apple ID account.
  2. Click on “Find iPhone” and select the one you want to clean from the list of devices.
  3. Click “Erase iPad” (or iPhone) and confidently agree that all materials and settings will be deleted. And, of course, after this action the device cannot be detected or tracked.
  4. But here is a small problem for those who do not have complete information about their Apple ID account. The fact is that to confirm your intentions you need to answer security questions (at least two out of three).
  5. After this, we indicate the phone number and a short message - they should appear on the device screen after erasing. Looking ahead, I would like to note the fact that for some reason all these inscriptions did not appear on the display. Why? Honestly, I don’t know - if you have ideas, write in the comments. Click “Finish”.
  6. All! iPhone or iPad data is completely deleted. And this is where the most important thing begins - you must remember this. We see the inscription “Erasing completed” and another line – “Remove from Find iPhone”.
  7. Now, if you press it, the device will actually be “freed” from the Apple ID lock and anyone can activate it. And if you don't click, your iPhone or iPad will be in Lost and Erased mode.

In this case, unlocking the device is almost impossible. Even through technical support. With a high degree of probability, the gadget can be safely sold for spare parts. And even then, the most expensive of them - the motherboard - will be blocked in iCloud.

As promised, we’ll slightly correct the phrase from the official Apple website :)

And now short conclusions - if you erase an iPhone or iPad using the “Find iPhone” function, then:

  1. Apple ID activation lock will not be automatically removed. This can be done manually after the process is completed.
  2. All data is deleted entirely.
  3. Now it is impossible to determine the geoposition and location of the gadget.

P.S. Questions, common sense, discussions - comments are open for all of this. Write! Well, you can “like” the article, but what’s there... useful information!

Often, the reason why iPhone and iPad begin to perform much worse than usual lies in the lack of free space in the device's memory. If you notice that your device has become “brooding”, often freezes, and involuntarily reboots without a command, then it’s time for “spring cleaning”. It's time to clear the device's memory of extra megabytes, or even GB of software garbage. Agree, manually deleting each application and its files is not professional.

Today I will tell you how to quickly clear your device’s memory completely or partially, as well as how to reset your iPhone to factory settings.

In the settings of the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad in the “General -> Statistics” menu there is an interesting section - “Storage”. This menu contains information about how much and what the device’s memory is occupied with. Take a look, you might be surprised to learn that even the most seemingly harmless applications, such as social media managers, can store gigabytes of useless data.

Just recently, we were contacted by an iPhone owner who was faced with the problem of insufficient memory. This resulted in the device falling into . Restoring the iPhone was not considered as a solution to the problem, because... The user did not want to lose data from the device. Fortunately, everything ended well, the person still had to restore the iPhone through iTunes, and the information was recovered from the data, the existence of which he did not even know.

This precedent encourages us to always keep the device’s memory “clean,” or at least periodically clear it of information “junk.”

You can clean your iPhone radically, i.e. completely or partially by deleting individual applications and their files. This is quite easy to do in several ways at once.

Ways to clean iPhone

  1. Erase content and settings on iPhone.
  2. Erase iPhone in iCloud.
  3. Removing an application from the desktop.
  4. Deleting an application in the iPhone settings in the “Storage” menu.
  5. Removing an application from iPhone via iTunes.

The first 3 methods allow you to completely “zero” the device’s memory, as a result of which you will have a “clean” iPhone at your disposal. After cleaning, you will need to set it up again and restore the necessary data from your iTunes or iCloud backup.

The last 3 are classic, allowing you to delete individual applications and all their data manually.

We have already written about restoring the iPhone and that’s enough, I don’t see any point in repeating it. Let's try to erase content and settings on the iPhone and see what the consequences are.

How to erase content and settings on iPhone

This procedure is performed very simply, in just 5 “taps”.

To erase content and settings on your iPhone, you don't need to connect it to a power source, but make sure the battery level is at least 25%. Otherwise, if the battery is completely discharged during the erasing process, you may need to restore the iPhone using iTunes.

If you have an iPhone or iPad with a jailbreak (Pangu for example), as a result of erasing content and resetting the settings, the device will enter the “eternal apple mode”, but instead of the Apple logo, a process progress icon will spin on the screen. The iPhone will have to be restored using iTunes.

- Warning -
Please note that the application (program or game) is deleted along with all content. If, for example, you created files in a certain program, such as Pages, and you delete it, all files created in Pages will be permanently deleted. Save files created on your iPhone to cloud storage (iCloud, Dropbox, etc.).

In addition to applications, free space on an iOS device is consumed by photos, videos, music, contacts, notes and other important information. But there is another secret (for many) memory hog - Safari.

Apple's mobile web browser works like any other: when you load a site, it loads its content into temporary storage (cache). This is done in order to speed up the loading of pages when accessing them again.

When you re-access web pages loaded into the cache, the cached data is not downloaded from the servers again, but is retrieved from the cache. On the one hand, this allows you to save on traffic and get web pages to load quickly, on the other hand, you have to put up with the fact that the cache “eats” memory.

So, if you actively use your iPhone or iPad to “surf the Internet,” be prepared for the fact that the Safari cache can take up quite a lot of memory space. This amount depends on how much data the server hosting the site has allowed to be cached. The iPhone owner cannot limit this size; all that remains is to periodically clean it.

Advice: Make it a habit to clear your Safari cache periodically to improve the health of your iPhone and iPad.

How to Clear Safari Cache on iPhone

That's how it really is, it's simple. Now you know how to remove a “problematic” application from an iPhone or completely clear its memory.

If you have any difficulties or questions about the topic of the article, welcome to the comments.

In order to prepare your iPhone for sale or simply return it to its original state, you must perform a reset procedure, during which all data is erased. Read more about how to do this in the article.

The solution to the task set before us can be implemented in two ways - through a program for a PC or in the “Settings” of the mobile device itself. Below we will look at each of them, but first we will prepare to perform this procedure.

Preparatory measures

Before you proceed to erase data from your device, you need to disable Find My iPhone, otherwise nothing will work. We wrote about how this is done on an iPhone with iOS 12 and previous versions in a separate article, the link to which is given below. Next, we will tell you what actions you should perform in iOS 13.

Method 1: iTunes

Connect your iPhone to your computer using the included USB cable and follow these steps:

Method 2: iPhone

As we said above, you can also perform a reset on a mobile device, and this approach is faster and simply more convenient.

Solving possible problems

In some cases, attempting to reset your iPhone using iTunes may fail. There are many reasons for this problem, and it can manifest itself either in the form of a banal interruption or failure, or more specifically, expressed as a number error. In the latter case, finding a solution is much easier, but in the rest you will have to try different methods. Fortunately, our website has separate articles devoted to this topic, and if you were unable to erase data from your phone, we recommend that you read them.