How to perform keyboard maintenance. How to reassemble the keyboard after cleaning

After prolonged use computer keyboard gets very dirty. This problem is especially relevant for people who are used to eating without looking up from their favorite gadget. Even if you eat your food very carefully, crumbs will still settle on the keyboard. If we add to this dust, which certainly settles throughout the room, we end up with a contaminated surface, fertile ground for the growth of bacteria. How to disassemble the keyboard and clean it from dirt? This question is quite relevant.

When should you clean your keyboard?

For a caring owner, dust settled on the surface is enough for cleaning. More alarming symptoms are:

  • keys sticking;
  • dirty stripes and stains across the entire surface of the keyboard;
  • pieces of dirt and crumbs are clearly visible between the keys;
  • When pressing the button they do not respond immediately or there are uncharacteristic sounds.

So, let's start fighting pollution.

Light soiling

This is the simplest case. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard.
  2. Use a regular hair dryer or vacuum cleaner to blow out any dust or crumbs.
  3. Using a thin brush, treat the space between the buttons.
  4. Wipe the keys with a lint-free cloth or computer wipe.

Heavy pollution

If the keyboard is very dirty, or even worse, it’s flooded, you’ll have to do some serious work. The following items will be needed:

  • Plastic bag.
  • Old toothbrush.
  • Washing powder (just a little).
  • Crosshead screwdriver.

Important! Before disassembling the keyboard, take a photo of the location of the keys. If you have a lot of time and better artistic abilities than Ostap Bender, you can sketch. This is important so as not to have to assemble and disassemble several times.

Disassembling the keyboard

How to remove buttons from the keyboard? - The procedure is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from the computer.
  2. Turn it over with the keys facing down and unscrew the bolts.
  3. Carefully remove the bottom cover.
  4. Under the cover there is a film on which contact tracks are applied. You can remove the film by removing the bolts that secure it to the board.
  5. There are elastic contacts above each of the keys. Take them off. It is important to fold them carefully so as not to lose them.
  6. Remove the keys by prying the latch with a screwdriver. There are also metal latches on the Shift or Enter keys. For this reason, be as careful as possible when removing the buttons.
  7. Place the keys in a plastic bag, cover with washing powder and mix. Without removing them from the bag, rinse them under running water.
  8. Rinse the keyboard base under running cold water and clean it with powder using a toothbrush.

Important! The board, film with printed contacts and elastic contacts must not be washed!

After the keyboard base and buttons are washed, they must be thoroughly dried. Assembly is carried out in reverse order:

  1. Insert keys.
  2. Place elastic contacts on each of the buttons.
  3. Reinstall the structure board.
  4. Cover the board with film with contacts and tighten the bolts.
  5. Carefully lay out the cable that comes from the board.
  6. Replace the cover and tighten all screws.

All that remains is to connect the keyboard to the computer. It will look like new!

Disassembling a laptop keyboard

When using a laptop for a long time and not very carefully, problems with the keyboard often arise. The keys “stick”, are difficult to press, and some of them stop responding to pressure altogether.

Perhaps your laptop keyboard just needs preventative cleaning. To do this, it is not at all necessary to send the gadget to the workshop. You can cope with this problem yourself. Let's figure out how to remove the buttons from a laptop keyboard and then put it back together.

Important! The keyboard of a laptop is more difficult to disassemble and assemble than a regular computer keyboard. If you don't have certain technical skills, don't take this job. It's better to pay the master service center than losing an expensive gadget.

Unlike old-style technology, the buttons on modern equipment are flat in shape. The laptop key can be divided into 4 parts:

  1. The top part is a plate with two slots and a latch at the bottom.
  2. Attached to the button are two levers connected in the center (this design vaguely resembles a swing).
  3. In addition, the design is equipped with four pins that fit into grooves on the keyboard board.
  4. The return movement of the key is carried out using a silicone spring.

Important! On the inside of the spring there is a protrusion that ensures the closure of contacts on the base of the keyboard.

To remove the buttons on the keyboard, you will need a regular toothpick and a screwdriver (preferably with a curved end). It is more convenient to remove the keys at the very beginning at the bottom of the keyboard. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Pry up the bottom edge of the key using a screwdriver.
  2. Carefully remove the lower arms from the grooves. This is quite easy to do. It is enough to press the place where the antennae are connected, and they will leave the grooves.

Important! It often happens that small keys pop out on their own after such manipulations. If this does not happen, the upper plate is removed with tweezers or using your fingers.

  1. Now let's talk about how to disassemble the keyboard in the space bar area. The mechanism of the large spacebar key is somewhat different from the small buttons. Along the edges, the long key is secured with two latches. There is also an additional latch, which is located along the entire length of the key. To remove the large button, first disconnect the side reinforcements, then remove the reinforcements near the bottom edge of the button (from left to right). The further procedure is the same as with small keys.
  2. After you have completely completed the process of removing the keys, you need to thoroughly clean not only the buttons themselves, but also the keyboard mechanism from dirt:
    • A soap solution is best for cleaning buttons;
    • To clean the mechanism from dirt, you can use ear sticks and a toothpick.

Important! Before putting the keyboard back together, all components must be thoroughly dried.

How to reassemble the keyboard after cleaning?

If all the fasteners and grooves remain intact, you can install the button in place without much difficulty.

Prolonged use of the keyboard can lead to severe contamination. This problem occurs among those users who are used to eating delicious food or drinking tea right at their desk. Even after the cleanest meal at a stationary personal computer, at least a couple of crumbs remain on the keyboard. This involves some simple math: we take into account the number of meals, the amount of dust and other small debris around the workspace. As a result, our input device turns into a breeding ground for the proliferation of various bacteria, and contamination itself can cause mechanical damage to the device. The device requires regular maintenance in the form of cleaning. Taking the keyboard apart and cleaning it is only half the battle. How to reassemble the keyboard after all procedures? Many users ask this question, the answer to which can be found in this article.

You need to clean your gadget regularly

Any caring owner will grab his head when he notices that the keys on the keyboard are sticking. Dirty streaks, cloudy stains, pieces of debris and crumbs should make the user think that it’s time to get down to business and remove all the dirt. If you realize it too late, you may be left with a non-working device in your hands, since all the debris under the keys causes damage when you press them.

In order to combat this problem, you need to distinguish two types of pollution - simple and complex. Let's look at each of them separately.

Simple pollution

In this case, everything is very simple, you need to follow this algorithm of actions:

  1. Turn off your personal computer and disconnect the input device from it.
  2. Find the simplest hair dryer or vacuum cleaner at home (it’s best to get a technical one) and blow through the keyboard to get rid of small debris and dust. Take a soft brush or brush and go over the space between the keys.
  3. To wipe the surface, use a lint-free cloth or buy a set of computer wipes.

Important! You can use cotton swabs or just pieces of regular cotton wool for cleaning. The most important thing is not to leave particles inside the structure. It is better if the air flow from the hair dryer is not hot, but cold.

This method does not require disassembling and assembling the keyboard, since light contamination does not require such measures.


What products can I use to clean my keyboard? Check out the following list of effective remedies:

  • Souffl'sec. This product will cost about 17 dollars. Souffl'sec is suitable not only for keyboards, but also for other home electronic equipment. The product is a can of compressed air, which can easily blow out all the small debris from the keyboard.
  • APCK000 is a kit for maintaining the cleanliness of your workspace. It includes: computer wipes, a can of compressed air, an alcohol-based product. The cost of this set is approximately $20.

Important! In fact, no one forbids you to use homemade remedies, but some of them may contain harsh media that can harm the plastic case of the device and its conductive elements.

Complex pollution

But if everything suggests that no one has been working on the device for a long time, then things will get worse. To prepare for cleaning, you need to acquire the following tools:

  1. The most common plastic bag.
  2. Unnecessary toothbrush.
  3. A little washing powder.
  4. Crosshead screwdriver.

Important! Remember that other components also require regular maintenance, and dust and debris also accumulate on them. Use our step-by-step instructions to simultaneously...

How to put the keyboard back together after cleaning? Experienced users are advised to photograph the location of the keys before any manipulations. The photo will make it easier to navigate the keyboard assembly.

Disassembling the device

If all the tools are ready and at hand, then you can begin to remove the keys from the device. The procedure will look like this:

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from your PC. You need to turn it over with the keys facing down and use a screwdriver to unscrew all the connecting screws.
  2. Now you need to remove the bottom cover. You will see in front of you a special film on which contact tracks are applied. Remove the screws that hold it in place and carefully pull out the film.
  3. You should have noticed that there are elastic components above each button - we need to remove them too.
  4. We take out all the keys with special care so as not to damage anything. We put each of these parts in a plastic bag, add a little washing powder there, mix and rinse under running water.
  5. The base of the keyboard, which has no contacts, also needs to be washed and cleaned with a toothbrush.

Important! Never wash the board or elastic contacts. By doing this you will disable the device.

How to properly reassemble the keyboard after cleaning?

If all the steps have been completed, then all components need to be thoroughly dried and assembly must begin in the reverse order. We need to insert keys, and this is done as follows:

  1. Take the dried elastic contacts and place them on each of the keys.
  2. Return to your place printed circuit board information input devices.
  3. Cover the entire structure with contact conductive film and tighten the screws with a screwdriver.
  4. Reinstall the cable that extends from the board with extreme care and secure the cover to the unit using the remaining screws.

All that remains is to simply connect the keyboard to a desktop personal computer and check its functionality.

After prolonged use, the computer keyboard becomes very dirty. This problem is especially relevant for people who are used to eating without looking up from their favorite gadget. Even if you eat your food very carefully, crumbs will still settle on the keyboard. If we add to this dust, which certainly settles throughout the room, we end up with a contaminated surface, fertile ground for the growth of bacteria. How to disassemble the keyboard and clean it from dirt? This question is quite relevant.

  • keys sticking;
  • dirty stripes and stains across the entire surface of the keyboard;
  • pieces of dirt and crumbs are clearly visible between the keys;
  • When pressing the button they do not respond immediately or there are uncharacteristic sounds.

So, let's start fighting pollution.

  1. Turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard.
  2. Use a regular hair dryer or vacuum cleaner to blow out any dust or crumbs.
  3. Using a thin brush, treat the space between the buttons.
  4. Wipe the keys with a lint-free cloth or computer wipe.
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Heavy pollution

If the keyboard is very dirty or even worse - flooded, you will have to work thoroughly. The following items will be needed:

  • Plastic bag.
  • Old toothbrush.
  • Washing powder (just a little).
  • Crosshead screwdriver.

Important! Before disassembling the keyboard, take a photo of the location of the keys. If you have a lot of time and better artistic abilities than Ostap Bender, you can sketch. This is important so as not to have to assemble and disassemble several times.

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from the computer.
  2. Turn it over with the keys facing down and unscrew the bolts.
  3. Carefully remove the bottom cover.
  4. Under the cover there is a film on which contact tracks are applied. You can remove the film by removing the bolts that secure it to the board.
  5. There are elastic contacts above each of the keys. Take them off. It is important to fold them carefully so as not to lose them.
  6. Remove the keys by prying the latch with a screwdriver. There are also metal latches on the Shift or Enter keys. For this reason, be as careful as possible when removing the buttons.
  7. Place the keys in a plastic bag, cover with washing powder and mix. Without removing them from the bag, rinse them under running water.
  8. Rinse the keyboard base under running cold water and clean it with powder using a toothbrush.

Important! The board, film with printed contacts and elastic contacts must not be washed!

  1. Insert keys.
  2. Place elastic contacts on each of the buttons.
  3. Reinstall the structure board.
  4. Cover the board with film with contacts and tighten the bolts.
  5. Carefully lay out the cable that comes from the board.
  6. Replace the cover and tighten all screws.

All that remains is to connect the keyboard to the computer. It will look like new!

Perhaps your laptop keyboard just needs preventative cleaning. To do this, it is not at all necessary to send the gadget to the workshop. You can cope with this problem yourself. Let's figure out how to remove the buttons from a laptop keyboard and then put it back together.

Important! The keyboard of a laptop is more difficult to disassemble and assemble than a regular computer keyboard. If you don't have certain technical skills, don't take this job. It’s better to pay a service center technician than to lose an expensive gadget.

Unlike old-style technology, the buttons on modern equipment are flat in shape. The laptop key can be divided into 4 parts:

  1. The top part is a plate with two slots and a latch at the bottom.
  2. Attached to the button are two levers connected in the center (this design vaguely resembles a swing).
  3. In addition, the design is equipped with four pins that fit into grooves on the keyboard board.
  4. The return movement of the key is carried out using a silicone spring.

Important! On the inside of the spring there is a protrusion that ensures the closure of contacts on the base of the keyboard.

To remove the buttons on the keyboard, you will need a regular toothpick and a screwdriver (preferably with a curved end). It is more convenient to remove the keys at the very beginning at the bottom of the keyboard. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Pry up the bottom edge of the key using a screwdriver.
  2. Carefully remove the lower arms from the grooves. This is quite easy to do. It is enough to press the place where the antennae are connected, and they will leave the grooves.

Important! It often happens that small keys pop out on their own after such manipulations. If this does not happen, the upper plate is removed with tweezers or using your fingers.

  1. Now let's talk about how to disassemble the keyboard in the space bar area. The mechanism of the large spacebar key is somewhat different from the small buttons. Along the edges, the long key is secured with two latches. There is also an additional latch, which is located along the entire length of the key. To remove the large button, first disconnect the side reinforcements, then remove the reinforcements near the bottom edge of the button (from left to right). The further procedure is the same as with small keys.
  2. After you have completely completed the process of removing the keys, you need to thoroughly clean not only the buttons themselves, but also the keyboard mechanism from dirt:
    • A soap solution is best for cleaning buttons;
    • To clean the mechanism from dirt, you can use ear sticks and a toothpick.

Important! Before putting the keyboard back together, all components must be thoroughly dried.

How to reassemble the keyboard after cleaning?

If all the fasteners and grooves remain intact, you can install the button in place without much difficulty:

  1. Attach the button to Right place.
  2. Align it and press until it clicks.

The button will sit in its place as if it had never been removed. If the button cannot be latched, then most likely the mount is damaged.

Important! The procedure for setting the spacebar key is slightly different. First you need to insert the metal amplifiers into the grooves of the base. After this, put the key back in place. Press the top edge first and then the bottom until you hear a click.

All work on disassembling a laptop keyboard must be done with extreme care. Repairing the fasteners is quite difficult, and replacing the keyboard, especially on a laptop, can become an unplanned, but hard-on-your-wallet expense.

How to wash your computer keyboard?

In the age of technology that is progressing every day, it is not difficult to imagine how you can have breakfast, lunch, dinner near your favorite gadget, computer or laptop. In this case, crumbs will always, even with the most careful eating, settle on the keyboard. And if we add dust to this, we get a dirty surface that is not conducive to the work process. Therefore, the question of how to wash a computer keyboard is relevant. Let's sort everything out in order.

  1. The keys started to jam.
  2. When you press the keys, they do not respond the first time or make strange, uncharacteristic sounds.
  3. There are visible streaks and stains on the buttons and across the entire surface of the keyboard.
  4. And, of course, if crumbs and pieces of dirt are already very noticeable between the buttons.
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Light soiling

This may include dust, small debris, and crumbs in small quantities. It is also very important for this method of cleaning a computer keyboard that all these pests are not under the keys, because they cannot be reached with this method.


  1. Turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard from it.
  2. Next, take a hairdryer with a cold setting, a regular vacuum cleaner, a USB vacuum cleaner (you can buy it in specialized computer stores) or compressed air in a can. There is only one principle - blow out all the crumbs and dust.
  3. You can skip this point. But to achieve best result, you will also need a thin, narrow brush. With its help, process all the voids between the keys so that nothing else is left.
  4. Wipe at the end top part keys with a wet, lint-free cloth or special computer wipes.
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Moderate pollution

Quite often people miss the moment of light pollution and aggravate the situation. How to clean the keyboard on a computer in this case? Don't despair, we have found the answer to this question:

  1. Repeat the first two steps of cleaning your computer from light dirt.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and carefully remove any traces of grease from the keyboard, working on both the top and sides of the keys.

Important! Alcohol can corrode low-quality paint. Before use, we recommend checking its operation on one of the buttons so that cleaning takes place without unnecessary consequences.

  1. You also need to turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard.
  2. Next, you should arm yourself with a screwdriver. Turn your keyboard over and remove all the screws. Place them in your pocket or small bowl so they don't get lost during the cleaning process.
  3. Remove the cover. Place the remaining two halves upside down on the table. Don't forget to check for so-called “hidden” screws that may be located under the stickers.
  4. Then you need to carefully press out all the keys. Pay special attention to the Shift, Enter and Space buttons. Usually additional fasteners are installed on them.
  5. Next, take a small basin or bowl and fill it with warm water. For greater effectiveness, add a gentle detergent.
  6. If the coating is quite strong, first soak all parts in this solution. Wash each button thoroughly with your hands or a spare toothbrush, then lay them out on newspaper or a towel to dry. To speed up the process, it is recommended to use a hair dryer.
  7. Then wash the empty lid. Never touch the housing with microcircuits with water. This will render the entire keyboard unusable.
  8. After all the parts have dried, reassemble the keyboard.

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Cleaning the laptop keyboard

Unfortunately, it will be more difficult with a laptop. Light dirt can be removed in the same way as on a computer keyboard (the method is described above). But it is unlikely that you will be able to carry out general cleaning by pulling out the buttons; you can simply break everything if you do not have the appropriate technical experience. If you are still determined to clean your laptop keyboard yourself, step-by-step instruction This process is described in another article on our website.

We hope that now you not only know how to wash a computer keyboard, but also understand the clear algorithm of the procedure and are confident in your abilities. This means that you will be able to put your gadget in order and will not have to take it for repairs or replace it with a new one.

If you notice that some keys on your computer keyboard have begun to stick, or the sound of them when typing has become too loud, do not rush to change the device. It's possible your keyboard just needs cleaning. Moreover, not just by wiping the top of the keys with a cloth, but by thoroughly removing debris. There is no need to contact a service center for this. After reading our article, you will learn how to clean your computer keyboard at home.

How to properly disassemble the keyboard on a computer

First, let's talk about a regular desktop computer. It is easier to deal with than a laptop because the keyboard can be easily detached and disassembled without harming the PC circuit boards. Actually, we start by disconnecting the cord connecting the keyboard and system unit. It is better to turn off the computer itself before doing this.

Important! Before cleaning the keyboard on your computer, you should take a photo of its layout. Take a photo, google a photo of your model, or get a keyboard box from the mezzanine with her photo on it. This will greatly help in reinstalling the keys after cleaning.

Place the disconnected keyboard on some soft cloth with the keys facing down. Using a screwdriver, unscrew all the bolts holding it together from the housing. Remove the back cover of the keyboard. Be careful not to damage the cable contacts! Under the cover you will see a thin circuit board that allows your computer to receive button signals. It also needs to be carefully removed.

Now you face the most difficult and at the same time tedious cleaning stage - removing the keys. The most convenient way to do this is with a thin screwdriver. Be careful not to break the plastic key clips. You need to be especially careful when removing the space bar and Shift keys - they have metal fasteners installed on them. If, before cleaning the keyboard from dirt, you wrap the screwdriver in some soft material, at least a wad of cotton wool, the risk of damaging the button latches will be significantly reduced.

It’s not difficult to remove a boring sticker from a T-shirt; the main thing is to know how it was applied.

How to clean a disassembled computer keyboard

When the device is completely disassembled, start washing. The plastic parts of the housing can be washed under running water with the addition of dishwashing detergent. The keys themselves will have to be washed manually. To avoid fiddling with each one, you can wrap them in a small fabric bag, or, for example, pack them in a clean sock, soak them in detergent, and then rinse.

Important! The keyboard board should not be washed with water under any circumstances! If there are traces of spilled drinks on it, remove them with alcohol wipes or special board cleaning products. It will be enough to simply brush away ordinary dust and debris with a semi-rigid brush.

It is best to dry the keyboard naturally by laying it on a flat, cloth-covered surface. If you want to speed up the process, you can blow the plastic with a hairdryer. The main thing is that there is no moisture left on it before assembly - if it gets on the contacts of the board, it can completely render the keyboard unusable. Since it is impossible to wash the computer keyboard without disassembling it as thoroughly, try to carry out such cleaning regularly, once every 1.5-2 years. After drying, reassemble the device in reverse order. Insert the keys based on the previously stored photo.

If for some reason you didn’t have time to take a photo of your computer keyboard before cleaning it, it doesn’t matter. Assemble the case completely, but without inserting the buttons. Connect your keyboard to your computer and open some text editor– both Word and standard Notepad will do. Take a pencil and, with the blunt end, press the contact in the socket of any of the text keys. This will be similar to pressing a button - a letter will appear on the screen. All you have to do is select from a bunch of washed buttons the one on which this letter is written, and place it in the discovered place.

Another option for those who forget is to use the on-screen keyboard to restore the layout. To get to it, all you need is a mouse. Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen, then select the "All Programs" line from the menu, in the "Accessories" submenu. Click on the “Accessibility” option, and in the window that appears, select the “On-screen keyboard” icon. Based on its image, you can correctly set the text and number buttons.

Find out what products can be used as odor absorbers for your apartment.

Read how to clean the seams between tiles.

How to clean the keyboard on a laptop

Majority modern users Desktop computers have long been abandoned. They are more interested in how to clean a laptop keyboard at home. Only superficial cleaning is possible here. It will not be possible to disassemble the keyboard separately from the laptop, and it is better to entrust this procedure to service center specialists.

There are three ways to clean dirt from under the laptop keys:

  • blowing with compressed air from a special can;
  • cleaning with a vacuum cleaner (preferably not a household one, but a special one);
  • using a gel slime.

All these devices can be easily purchased at any computer store, or ordered online. Just ask a consultant how to clean your laptop keyboard, and they will offer you convenient USB vacuum cleaners, air cylinders, and other means.

If you accidentally spilled some kind of drink on your laptop keyboard, the first thing to do is turn it off and unplug it as soon as possible. Next, evaluate the spilled liquid - whether it is sweet or not. If you spill a glass of water, tea without sugar, or unsweetened coffee without milk onto the keys, rinsing is generally not required. It will be enough to dry the laptop with a hairdryer without even disassembling the case.

How to clean a laptop keyboard after spilling a sugary drink on it? Only with the help of service center specialists. Sugar sticking to the circuit boards of your device can damage them and ruin the contacts. Or you yourself, wiping off sticky traces, will touch some important part of the microcircuit. In short, it’s not worth taking risks in such a situation; turn to professionals.

Regular keyboard care

In order not to risk the functionality of your keyboard, make it a rule to give it a preventative cleaning once a week. Its principles are the same for both desktop PCs and laptops. Wipe dust and grease from the keys using a slightly damp microfiber cloth. Rub particularly heavy stains with a cotton swab soaked in glass cleaner or alcohol, or ideally with special wipes for cleaning computer equipment.

Important! Before cleaning your laptop keyboard or desktop computer alcohol solutions, test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​its body. Many products can deform plastic!

Regularly shake out crumbs and other small debris from the keyboard by simply turning it over the table. If you have a special vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air, this procedure can be avoided. Just blow the space between the keys thoroughly. Before cleaning your laptop keyboard using this method, be sure to turn it off and unplug the power cord.

5 steps to clean your keyboard yourself

One of the most important elements of a personal computer is its keyboard. Without it, it is impossible to enter information or give the desired command.

And since the keyboard is designed to be used with your hands, it naturally becomes dirty over time.

The more time the user spends in front of the monitor, the dirtier the keyboard. Of course, you can buy a new one and throw away the old one.

Or you can just take it and clean it. This is not difficult to do if you have some skill.

The main enemy of any keyboard is liquid. If you spill something on it, a simple wipe will not do. You will have to completely disassemble it and wash it.

More on this cleaning method a little later. The second enemy, which also often causes its breakdown, is crumbs and other food debris.

It’s no secret that most users are simply unable to tear themselves away from their monitors, and even eat food while sitting at the computer. No matter how carefully you eat, crumbs and small particles of food still fly to the side.

Naturally, first of all they fall on the keys. How to clean the keyboard in this case?

Very often it is enough to turn it over and just shake everything out. Try it and you will be amazed at the amount of garbage.

Second the simplest way- this is to influence it with air. Using a regular household vacuum cleaner. Place a special nozzle on the vacuum cleaner pipe and vacuum the device.

Cleaning with a compact vacuum cleaner

By the way, special small vacuum cleaners are now being produced that connect to a USB port. Despite their small size, the power of such devices is quite decent. And the cleaning is done with high quality.

Read also: Cleaning the cooling system of a computer or laptop

But if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner in principle, then in the store you can buy a canister into which air is pumped under pressure. It will be enough for several times.

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Removing fat deposits

How to properly clean a computer keyboard if various fatty deposits have formed on it? It is enough to purchase special wipes for caring for your computer.

They are impregnated with a special liquid, which simultaneously removes grease stains from the surface and provides antistatic treatment.

Efficiency is especially high when you use a touch keyboard. If you have a push-button model, then napkins will only help superficially.

You will still have to vacuum or shake out debris from the button cells.

Experienced people advise using regular tape for express cleaning. It is easily placed against the area where the contamination has formed, and then the tape is removed with a sharp movement.

Even greasy dirt cannot resist such cleaning. Only the tape should be glued tightly. But not for long, otherwise it will leave sticky marks.

Cleaning the keyboard from spilled drinks

What we have repeatedly warned about: a cup of coffee has successfully spilled on the table. According to the law of meanness - on the keyboard. And here there is no point in figuring out who did it: you yourself or the cat.

First of all, you should turn it off. If it is connected to a USB port, then you can simply remove the cord from the port without turning off the computer.

If you have an old, classic connector with a purple plug, then you must first turn off the computer.

Read also: Cleaning the keyboard on a laptop from dirt

Then you should either print it from the Internet or take a photo of your keyboard. Because all the keys will have to be removed.

Believe me, you will never remember where which key was installed. And there are no helpful inscriptions on the inside. Therefore, for proper assembly, you need to have a photo or drawing with the layout.

To remove external dirt, simply place the keyboard under a tap with warm water. This way you can clean the outside very efficiently.

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Disassembling the keyboard

If you are familiar with a tool such as a screwdriver and how a bolt differs from a screw, you will be able to cope with this task quite successfully.

So, the keyboard was turned off and photographed. Now:

    1. Turn it over and place it face down on something soft.
    2. Take a screwdriver and unscrew all the screws that we find on the back cover.
    3. Very carefully and slowly lift the lid. Particular attention should be paid to the side where the cable is located. Remember that any awkward and sudden movement can disable it.
    4. We remove the thin plate, with the help of which, in fact, signals are transmitted.
    5. Now take a screwdriver and pull out each key individually. Each button has a special latch. The latch must be disconnected and the key pulled out.

Everything should be done gently and carefully. Because there is thin plastic that breaks very easily. Pay attention to Shift and Space. They have a metal retainer, not a plastic one.

The keyboard is perhaps the main device with which information is entered into.

Most modern keyboards are membrane type.

The membrane is a “sandwich” of three plates of thin and flexible plastic.

The outermost ones have conductive tracks and contact pads (“spots”). The middle layer – without paths and “spots”, but with holes in the area of ​​contact pads.

IN original condition, when no key is pressed, the “pockets” do not touch, since there is an insulating plate between them.

When you press a key, the top plate underneath it bends and the contact tracks touch. In this case, the computer receives the so-called scan code pressed key (information sequence of bits).

Essentially, the membrane is more than a hundred bipolar switches.

It would be possible to simply enter all their outputs into the control controller. But then he will have to have a lot of conclusions. Therefore, they do it in a different way.

All contact pairs are organized in the form matrices with rows and columns. Each switch is located at a matrix node, at the intersection of a row and a column. When it is closed, the controller monitors the change in the signal in a specific row and a specific column. Thus, each symbol on the keyboard triggers only its “own” matrix node.

Previously, on older keyboards, the switches were mechanical, in the form of non-latching buttons.

When worn out or malfunctioning, they could be replaced individually. It was convenient. Such devices had a very long resource.

Signals from rows and columns are fed into the controller, and in this case - with the matrix method - much fewer pins are required.

There is such a thing as contact bounce. When you press a contact, it closes and opens several times at a certain frequency over a period of time. To combat this phenomenon they use software ways.

In particular, each matrix node is polled by the controller twice with a certain time interval. If the signal values ​​coincide in both surveys, a conclusion is drawn that the switch has been activated. If they do not match, a conclusion is drawn about a false positive (i.e. that there was no trigger).

Polling algorithms are “hardwired” into the control controller. Previously, it looked like a 40-pin, rather large microcircuit. Now most often it is unpackaged microcircuit, filled with a drop of black compound.

The controller controls and LED indicators keyboards.

Common keyboard problems

The pads (and traces) are coated with a thin layer of silver, which can oxidize over time. The contact resistance will increase. This may cause some keys to operate erratically.

It’s easy to help this grief - you need to disassemble the keyboard (by unscrewing the screws from the bottom) and remove the membrane. After this, you need to carefully clean the contact pads with a student eraser.

In this case, silver oxides are removed, and the contact area is made lighter.

If several keys consistently do not work, then the reason may be different. Microcracks may appear in a specific conductive path connecting several “spots”. In this case, the membrane need to replace.

But the membrane is not sold separately; you can only use a membrane from another device. However, most modern keyboards are inexpensive, and replacing it (the keyboard) is not difficult. Naturally, we are not talking about premium keyboards, which cost significantly more, but are of very high quality and reliable.

The contact may also be broken in another place - in the printed circuit board connector on which the packaged microcircuit and LEDs are located.

To clean the contacts, both on the board and on the membrane, you can use the same student eraser. Sometimes the microcircuit itself fails. In this case the keyboard to be replaced.

There is another type of malfunction - broken cable cores. Most often this happens where the cable enters the keyboard housing. This can be easily identified by testing the cable with a tester.

If a wire break is detected, you should cut off a piece of cable further than the break point (closer to the connector). Then you need to solder the remaining piece with the connector to the contact pads of the board, observing the color coding of the wires. Most often this happens with cheap keyboards that have thin cables (manufacturers save on this too).

The chip may fail in a PS/2 keyboard that was switched on the fly.

And it’s good if only she fails. In worst cases, the interface controller on the motherboard may fail.

An indirect sign of failure of the keyboard chip is dim lighting or blinking of individual or all indicators (LEDs).

We remind you that the PS/2 keyboard can be switched only when switched off ! In this case, the plug of the 220 V power supply cable must be removed from the socket. Or the switch on the power supply (if there is one) must be turned off.

We also remind you that if the cable plug is inserted into the network (and the switch on the power supply is turned on), then the standby voltage source + 5V operates in the power supply. It powers some components motherboard and a keyboard. This explains the fact that the keyboard lights glow when the computer is not turned on.

However, not everything is so bad - after all, you can use the device with USB interface. The USB connector is specially designed so that it can be switched regardless of whether the device and computer are turned on or not. This is very good news for forgetful users.

Keyboard Maintenance

The keyboard needs to be cleaned from time to time. Dust settles in the recesses between the keys. Some users eat near the computer. What doesn't happen in keyboards! Bread crumbs, chips, paper clips, hair, clipped nails...

To get rid of this “good”, you need to take the keyboard (having first disconnected it from the computer), turn it over with the keys down, and, holding it suspended, lightly tap it on top. “Good” will fall down.

Next, lightly shake the keyboard from side to side to make sure there are no paper clips in it. If there are paper clips, they will knock on the walls, and the keyboard will most likely have to be disassembled. Dust from the top of the keyboard can be removed with a stiff brush.

Dirt on the keys can be removed using neutral detergent (for example, for washing dishes, a few drops per glass of water). Or you can use rubbing alcohol for injection. Solvents to use it is forbidden— they dissolve plastic. And you can't clean the dirt, and appearance will get worse.

Simple Troubleshooting

In cheap keyboards, sometimes the keys that are pressed most often (for example, “Enter”) begin to jam. This occurs due to the wear and tear of the guides and protrusions in the keys and the top cover of the keyboard.

They rub against each other and wear out. In addition, burrs may appear there. If you press a key not strictly vertically, but at a certain angle (which most often happens), it will “overwrite” and stick. To prevent this from happening, you need to lubricate the worn rubbing parts a drop of silicone oil.

Sometimes keyboards get hit too hard. This happens during the game, when monsters are surrounded on all sides.

Over time, the guide in the top cover (this again applies to cheap keyboards) may crack and the key will fall out of its socket.

And in this case you can help. You need to put a wire bandage on the ledge with the guides. It should fit tightly enough so as not to slip off during operation. You can even fuse it into the top cover with a heated soldering iron.

The inscriptions on the keys of cheap keyboards are erased quite quickly. This does not apply to mid- and high-end products. On high-quality keyboards, the inscriptions on the keys are already protected by a special coating. To protect the characters on an inexpensive keyboard, you can apply a thin layer to the top key pads clear varnish.

There are special adhesive-based stickers - in the form of transparent square pieces of plastic film with the image of font characters. But they, as a rule, are not very durable, and the inscriptions are erased quite quickly.

How to quickly assemble and disassemble a keyboard

In order not to spend a long time disassembling and assembling the keyboard, you need to do the following. You need to put the device down with the keys down, placing wooden blocks or something suitable under the short sides so that the keys are not pressed. In this case, the elastic pads under the keys will remain in their recesses and won't jump out.

After this, you need to unscrew all the screws on the bottom cover and remove it. Then you need to carefully remove the membrane and perform the necessary manipulations with it (if necessary). Some elastic pads may stick to it, you should carefully place them in the appropriate recesses.

Then you can remove the board with the controller and LEDs. When assembling, make sure that all gaskets are in place. in their places. "Large" keys (such as Enter, Shift, or Spacebar) may have 2-3 indentations, but one gasket And it can be confusing. When disassembling, keep track of how many gaskets there were, so that later you don’t have to look for supposedly missing ones.

I guess that's all for today. Now you, dear readers, know how to help your keyboard. I hope the information was useful to you. In the next article we will look at...

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Often many users personal computers wondering how to clean the keyboard at home. The keyboard is considered the most easily broken device in a computer or laptop. It reflects all the results of improper use. Crumbs and dust particles getting between the keys is inevitable with regular use. Computers have become such a part of human life that most people often do not look away from them even while eating. This leads to the entry of food particles. How to clean your keyboard yourself at home?

Dirty buttons on the keyboard not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, but also interfere with the operation of the device. Therefore, the keyboard must be cleaned regularly.

Preventative measures will help increase service life and ensure proper operation. There are certain cases when cleaning becomes a must.

It is necessary to take action if:
  1. The keys become stuck and stick. They continue to remain in the pressing stage.
  2. The buttons do not respond to movement. To get the result you need to press the key several times.
  3. Buttons, the space between them is stained and dirty.
  4. When you press the keys, an unpleasant creak is heard.
  5. If you can see with the naked eye that there are a lot of crumbs, sticky dirt between the buttons, there are traces of liquid ingress.

You need to clean not only the outside, but also the inside of the device. The difficulty of holding the event is that any keyboard, both on a computer and on a laptop, must be completely disassembled. To avoid difficulties and not lead to damage, it is necessary to disassemble the device carefully and correctly.

It is important to know how to safely clean the contacts without damaging the fasteners. Any wrong movement will damage the keyboard!

Disassembling the device on a computer and laptop differs from each other. How to properly disassemble the keyboard?

To clean the keys on your laptop, you must follow these steps:

  1. It is recommended to take a photo of the keyboard before starting work so that you can easily restore the location of the keys, so you can assemble it faster.
  2. The battery must be removed.
  3. Each key is attached using a microlift. To detach them, you must carefully remove the plastic top.
  4. To clean your keyboard from dirt, you need to start with the letters. You can remove the buttons using tweezers. To do this, you will need to unclip the vertical mount.
  5. The side mounts must be handled very carefully. They are fragile and can break quickly.
  6. After removing the letter keys, you can move on to the rest. Their fastenings differ in that the button is fixed not on one side, but on two. These are the PgUp and PgDn keys, spacebar and Shift.
  7. Next, remove the black stencil, on which there is an elastic band in the shape of a triangle for each key.
  8. There is a film under the stencil, which is damaged first if water or any other liquid gets on the device.

The stencil must be removed very carefully, since the film layer is very thin and can easily be damaged.

In order to disassemble the keyboard from the computer, you need to separate the keyboard from the computer and photograph it.

Next you need:
  • on the back of the device, unscrew the bolts using a Phillips screwdriver;
  • after this it is necessary to separate the upper part from the lower part and remove the buttons;
  • It will take more effort to remove the Spacebar, Enter and Shift buttons. They are secured with metal clips.

Under the control panel of the lower part of the device there is a film with contacts. It is very important not to touch it!

Once the device is completely disassembled and all buttons are separated, you can begin cleaning. How to clean your keyboard correctly?

There are several ways:

  1. You can use alcohol-based wipes to clean your keyboard. But this method has one drawback. The cleaning process will take too long. You will need to wipe each button separately. The main advantage is that after this treatment, the alcohol quickly evaporates from the surface, so you can immediately assemble the keyboard after cleaning.
  2. You can clean the keys very quickly and easily using a hairdryer. To do this, they need to be turned over and blown out. In this way, you can even dry liquid that has been spilled on the keyboard.
  3. You can easily clean not only the keys themselves, but also the space between them using cotton swabs. They can be soaked in isopropyl alcohol. But only in this case, ordinary alcohol cannot be used, it can damage the surface. You can use a simple brush instead of sticks.
  4. To remove dirt from the device, a specialized car vacuum cleaner may be useful. You can also use an aerosol can.
  5. A sticky product, which is a child's toy, will help to clean the device well. This is slime. An experienced computer technician can say: “Thanks to it, I clean the most inaccessible places.”
  6. All buttons can be washed in warm water using any detergent. But before assembling the keyboard, you need to wipe it with a dry cloth.
  7. The large keyboard chip can be wiped with a damp cloth, but it is not recommended to touch the green part.

Before assembly begins, you need to make sure that all buttons are completely dry!

Proper care behind the keyboard and regular cleaning of the buttons will increase the life of the device.