How to complete all LBZs in Leviathan Invasion mode? Missions (PvE) List of information presented in the knowledge base for download.

Autumn is a time of intensive preparation and getting into shape after a season of relaxation and gatherings with friends. Are you ready to show that you haven’t lost your skills over the summer? Then let's get started!

We invite you to “seasonal training camps”: complete simple tasks in three stages and receive rewards!

Seasonal fees

The game event "Seasonal Camps" begins. It consists of three parts, in each of which you will have to complete different tasks: in PvE missions, in PvP battles and during special operations.

For completing each task you will receive a pleasant reward. By completing all the tasks, you will collect a set of excellent temporary equipment, elite weapons and boosters, with which you will be ready for any battles!

The first stage runs from 12:00 Moscow time on October 10 to 12:00 on October 17. In it you will complete tasks in PvE missions

"A real pro" Complete 10 "Pro" level missions in PvE. VIP booster for 5 days
"I don't like falling" Complete 10 PvE missions of the "Difficult" level without dying. 25 signs of return
"Skull Collection" Kill 500 enemies with headshots on Hard or Advanced in PvE missions. Super VIP booster for 1 day
"Stop resting!" Revive 25 allies on Pro difficulty in PvE missions. 10,000 Warbucks
"Steady Allies" Repair comrades' armor for 5,000 units while playing on the "Pro" difficulty level in PvE missions. 1000 crowns
"Multiple specialist"

Complete all tasks in the PvE block:

"A real pro"

"I don't like falling"

"Skull Collection"

"Stop resting!"

"I want more!"

Elite equipment set for 15 days (body armor, helmets, gloves, boots for all classes)

All rewards are awarded to the cart of items on the website. You can track your progress on the events page.

Important to remember
  • The tasks of the PvE stage are completed exclusively in regular PvE missions: completing special operations does not count. The difficulty is indicated in each task individually.
  • PvP missions must be completed in Quick Play or ranked matches.
  • You can complete tasks within a stage in any order, including parallel accounting.
  • The deadline for completing each stage of tasks is limited to a week. If you do not complete the task within the specified time limit, unfinished tasks are lost and no reward is awarded for them.

Detailed information about other stages of the “Taxes” will appear in the news as they launch. Do not miss!


⇒ 10 roles and each has its own weapon modules and a special special module (active skill) and combat style (described below).
⇒ Possibility to man the ship yourself:

  • Ship modifiers - change its characteristics (speed, energy, hull/shield strength, crit chance, damage, etc.).
  • Combat modules that are used on a target, on oneself, or in some other way.
  • Weapons, various ammunition and missiles\bombs\mines\other to choose from.
⇒ PvP battles on one of 20+ different star maps, representing a battle of up to 12x12 players and a variety of types of combat.
⇒ PvE missions 9+ medium (4 players) and 2 difficult (for 10-12 players).
⇒ Open space, used for extracting resources, completing quests, and there are zones with WPvP.
⇒ There are Corporations (clans), you can capture areas in outer space to obtain valuable resources.
⇒ There is crafting: weapons, ammunition, modules and even some ships.
⇒ Weekly promotions (from Friday evening until Monday morning).
⇒ Often competitions/events.

The game starts only with rank 4 ships (many guns, various modules for ships, combat modules, crews (leveling up), etc. become available).
The further up the ranks, the more available.

Important! | Ship characteristics

To see all the characteristics of the ship, you need:

In Settings - Game - Information about ships - Set to extended.

Also use CTRL to see bonuses from modifiers installed on the ship.

The screenshot shows a common mistake made by newbies due to the reduction of information about the ship - they increase the shield and strength of the ship, while their resistance is in the minus.

Ship equipment

1. Each ship class/role has unique weapons.
2. Ammunition changes the characteristics of the weapon (you can do without it).
3. Rockets\Bombs\Mines\other each ship class\roles are unique.
4. The special module (active) is unique for each role.
5. Combat modules (active) for each role are unique (up to x4).
6. [Removed from game] Add. devices change the characteristics of the ship (bought for a certain number of battles). It’s better not to buy at low ranks, as it costs a lot in credits.
7. Many ship Modifiers that greatly change the characteristics (maximum x3 of the same):

  • Engines- allow you to put various modifiers on speed.
  • Power unit- allow you to put various modifiers on energy, energy regeneration or some combat ones (for example, increase the rate of fire).
  • Shield- allow you to put various modifiers on shield resistance or increase shield, there are several non-standard ones (for example, reduce shield - increase energy).
  • Frame- allow you to put various modifiers on the resistance of the hull or increase the hull, there are several non-standard ones (for example, reduce resistance - increase energy regeneration).
  • Computer- allow you to set various combat modifiers for crit chance, crit damage, increased range, etc.

More accurate data and descriptions of the modules in the game can be found in the game itself in the store tab.

Faction ship bonuses:

⇒ Empire ships:

  • Passive bonus to body volume;
  • Most often 2-3 modules per case;
  • Less shield volume;
  • Bonus of +7% weapon damage.
Top ships: Long-range, attack and reconnaissance.

⇒ Federation ships:

  • Passive bonus for ship speed;
  • Most often 2-3 modules per engine;
  • Average volume of the body and shield;
  • Passive bonus on the amount of energy and its regeneration;
  • .
Top ships: Engineering, minelayer and saboteur.

⇒ Ships of Jericho:

  • Passive bonus to shield volume;
  • Most often 2-3 modules per shield;
  • Less body volume.
Top ships: Cover, commander and electronic warfare.

⇒ Ellydium ships:

  • Each ship is more customizable;
  • 5 special modules to choose from on each ship;
  • Unique weapons and modules available only to them.
There are currently 3 Ellydium ships available:
  • Thar"Ga - Assault: Shock.
  • Tai"Kin - Interceptor: Reconnaissance.
  • Waz"Got - Frigate: Engineering.
  • Ze"Ta - Destroyer: suppression

Helpful hints:

⇒ It is advisable not to keep the resistance of the body and shield in the minus. It is best to make resistance to all damage 100 units (50%), and only then build up the hull/shield (depending on the faction of the ship).
⇒ All modifiers work from basic parameters (white), ignoring bonuses (green), but taking into account minuses (red).
⇒ Having captured an enemy on target, you deal +5% damage to him with your main weapon, you can fire a homing missile (not all roles have homing missiles) and use some targeted combat modules.
⇒ Automatic target acquisition can be changed in Settings - Game - select the desired one.
⇒ Weapon deals*:
At maximum range, 30% damage is dealt (what is indicated on the guns).
At the optimal range, 100% damage is dealt (about 2/3 of the maximum).

* Except for weapons with explosive projectiles (for example: Eclipse or Rail Mortar), they deal maximum damage at maximum distance.

Types of damage (damage)

There are many guns in the game (fast-firing, accurate, slow but lethal, etc.) they can have 3 types of damage:
Kinetic(orange-yellow) - the kinetic energy of a flying projectile is used to cause damage. Better suited for body damage.
AMY(blue) - electromagnetic radiation is used to cause damage. Better suited for shield damage.
Thermal(red) - thermal energy is used to cause damage. Approximately equally effective for both the body and the shield.
"White"- collision damage.

Note: In the game, ships have different hull and shield resistance parameters.
Players themselves can change these characteristics, so it is possible to shoot at one ship with kinetics, and at another with plasma.

Item quality \ Item improvement

Mk.1 White- bought for loans, some items can only be obtained in OM or crafted only in the workshop.
Mk.2 Green- improves over loans.
Mk.3 Blue- improves over loans.
Mk.4 Violet- improves loans.
Mk.5 Orange- improves from parts and resources.

For example, improving a white laser cannon for ranks 8-12:

Game currency

Loans(silver) - earned in battle, the main game currency (more in PVE).
Experience(old name Synergy) - earned in battle, needed for upgrading ships (more in pvp).
Iridium- can get caught in OM, dismantling artifacts and quest rewards. Required by Corporations on the Dreadnought (construction and improvements). For them you can study drawings and buy boxes with parts.
Galactic Standards(GS, premium currency) - can be purchased for real money, you can also get them by trading parts and drawings.
Xenochips- event currency, introduced during promotions to purchase boxes or items.

All available currency is shown at the top of the screen in the hangar.

Ship slots

⇒ All ships can be purchased from you (and upgraded).
⇒ But you can only take 4 ships into battle (since there are 4 slots).
⇒ Slot 4 opens for free from pilot level 12 or can be purchased earlier for GS.
⇒ In battle, you can select any ship that you have placed in the slots and as many times as you like (depending on the type of battle).

⇒ The ship's rank is displayed as a number on the ship's picture or in its characteristics.

⇒ To play in a link, you need ships of the same maximum rank in the slots. For example, the leader of a flight in the slots has a max ship rank of 6, which means you need to set yourself a max rank of 6 (the rest of the ships can be of a lower rank).

Experience \ Upgrading ships \ Free experience

Each ship can be upgraded for the experience you gain in battle:

Current Experience- You can only spend on this ship. After fully pumping up the ship, the experience can be transferred to free for the GS.
Free experience- Can be spent on any ship.
Button Transfer of experience- allows you to exchange experience on ships into free experience (600 experience for 1 GS, for promotions 1200k1).

Increasing experience earnings:
By the might of the fleet+1% experience for each ship pumped to the maximum (the increase in experience applies to all ships). For example, 50 upgraded ships = +50% experience per battle.
⇒ Level up to rank 15 and select a bonus from the implant + 5% -10% experience per battle.
⇒ Premium account +100% experience per battle.
⇒ Pumping the ship to the maximum brings 2 times more experience.
⇒ Any ship brings 5% (20% for premium ships) free experience per battle.

After gaining a certain amount of experience, you can improve the ship:

⇒ The characteristics of the ship are improved.
⇒ At ranks 2, 4, 8, upgrades provide different bonuses.
⇒ When fully upgraded, it brings x2 experience.
⇒ When fully upgraded +1 to Fleet power.

Ship class: Interceptor (lightest and fastest)

Ship class: Interceptor is divided into 3 types:

  • Intelligence service - microwarp drive: jumps long distances.
    Increases viewing range +50% and beacon/bomb capture speed +35%.
    In addition, they have a bonus to crit chance of +15%.

    Combat modules do not allow enemies to use stealth or invisibility; thanks to the microwarp jump, it is very mobile across the map.

  • Sabotage - plasma net: casts a net that deals damage over time.
    Increases the speed of capturing beacons/bombs by +20%.
    In addition, they have a bonus to crit chance of +30%.

    High crit and combat modules make it a warship with good firepower.

  • electronic warfare - metastable energy field generator: immobility, 6 seconds of invulnerability after disabling ships for a short time.
    Increases shield volume and hull strength by +10%.

    They can turn off controls in every possible way, pump out energy, and reduce damage to the target.

Patch 1.4.4:
⇒ A ship that flies closer than 750 m to a destroyer deals +50% damage to its shield, hull and modules.

Premium ship bonuses \ Prefabricated premium ships

⇒ Brings increased income +50% credits per battle.
⇒ Accumulates 20% free experience (instead of 5%).
⇒ +2 places in the hold (for OM).
⇒ Once per flight you can be reborn for free in OM ( not PvP!).
⇒ Does not require repair.
⇒ +1% to fleet power* (this applies to all ships when fully upgraded).
⇒ Brings 2 times more experience* (this is the case for all ships when fully upgraded).

* Since it was immediately pumped to the maximum.

Otherwise, they are the same mortals as ordinary ships (and no 100500 defense or 100500 damage).

Prefabricated premium ships:

There are also prefabricated premium ships, you can assemble such ships yourself and for free (on promotions), list of such ships:
  • Palom 3rd rank - Jericho cover (40 parts). It may no longer be possible to get it (or only through special promotions).
  • Ghost rank 5 - strike of the Empire (80 parts).
  • Kite-E rank 5 - Federation sabotage interceptor (80 parts).
  • Archeron rank 7 - Federation cover (200 parts).
  • Nightingale rank 8 - Federation scout (400 parts).
  • Stingray rank 10 - Federation strike (400 parts).
  • Brokk rank 13 - engineer of the Empire (600 parts).
  • Karud rank 15 - Reb of Jericho (600 parts).
  • Executor rank 17 - ranged Jericho (600 parts).
  • Boremys rank 17 - Federation cover (600 parts).

Profile \ Pilot Level \ Atlas \ Statistics \ Medals and more

The profile is located in the upper right corner, you need to click on the avatar.

Here you can see or do:
⇒ View your statistics in detail.
⇒ View Atlas of ships and parts. In the atlas you can see where to find this or that item (you need to click on the desired item).
⇒ View and read about earned achievements and medals.
⇒ Change rank (will be displayed above you in front of the nickname for enemies).
⇒ Buy a portrait or mockery for GS.
⇒ Change nickname for GS (first change is free).

⇒ From level 1 to 15, the increase will occur automatically when you gain the required amount of experience. To get from level 15 to 25 you need to complete tasks.
⇒ To raise the level of a pilot, you need to accumulate experience. Experience is given to the pilot for:
  • Upgrading ships to the maximum level. For each new ship level, the pilot receives 20 units of experience or nodes (in the development tree for Ellydium ships).
  • Receiving and pumping modules. You can gain experience for each new module only once:
    • For receiving the Mk1 module, the pilot receives 5 experience.
    • For upgrading to Mk2, the pilot receives 10 experience.
    • For upgrading to Mk3, the pilot receives 15 experience.
    • For upgrading to Mk4, the pilot receives 20 experience.
    • For upgrading to Mk5, the pilot receives 25 experience.
  • Earn experience for every achievement you achieve in the game. The amount of experience is indicated in the achievement information.
⇒ By increasing the level of development, the pilot gains access to new ships and equipment:
  • Increasing the level opens up more and more systems in OM.
  • As you level up, more and more tasks open up.
  • At level 1, the pilot can play ships from ranks 1 to 10 inclusive.
  • Upon reaching level 5, the pilot can play with ships of rank 15 inclusive.
  • Upon reaching level 5, game modes open: “PvP Arena”, “Custom Battle”, “Brawls”.
  • Upon reaching level 10, the pilot can play with ships of rank 17 inclusive and opens tasks to open Ellydium ships.
  • Upon reaching level 12, the pilot receives 4 ship slots.
  • Upon reaching level 15, additional crews are unlocked for the pilot.
  • Upon reaching level 16, the pilot receives a daily quest for blueprints for crafting ships of ranks 16 and 17.

About Corporation\Find Corporation\Corporation Window

Located in the upper right corner, you need to click on the button to the left of your avatar (profile).

⇒ To create a Corporation you need GS.
⇒ To expand the Corporation, GCs are needed (maximum 500 people).

⇒ The Corporation can build a Dreadnought for Iridium and time.
⇒ Dreadnought you can choose one of three.
⇒ You can build all dreadnoughts and choose between them.
It is not possible to change the dreadnought model after the construction of the shipyard has begun or after construction has been completed.
⇒ Players can donate their iridium to the Corporation.
⇒ After building the Dreadnought, it can be upgraded using iridium and time.
⇒ After building the Dreadnought, the Corporation can capture locations in OM ( special PvP battle with Dreadnoughts) for the extraction of valuable resources:

  • Loans;
  • Iridium;
  • Xenocrystals;
  • Monocrystals;
  • Alien Composite Block;
  • Parts for crafting.
⇒ Sector owners receive half of the location’s resources, and applicants receive the rest, in proportion to their influence. The reward received by the corporation is distributed among the players of the corporation according to the influence points they accumulate.

Also in the chat there is a special channel for selling or buying goods:

How to trade:

  • Post a product through a bulletin board:
    • The announcement will be on the board for at least 48 hours.
    • When an ad is posted, the item is confiscated from the seller.
    • You don't have to be online to sell a product from the board.
    • If the item is not purchased, it is returned to the seller.
    • You can only list 5 products at a time.
  • You can offer goods to the player directly (in the chat RMB on the player’s nickname - Trade):
    • A letter with a product “lives” for 15 minutes, after which the product is automatically returned to the seller.
    • Select from 1 to 3 products.
  • Specify the price; each item has its own minimum price (for example, for most drawings it is 100 GS).
  • The seller is charged a 10% commission when selling an item.
  • The limit on the number of transactions per day has been removed.

What you can trade:

All available goods will be selected by clicking the Trade button (to the right of the chat) or when sending a letter with the goods to the player.

Where to get drawings and parts:

  • By completing Contracts in PvE you receive boxes and open them for iridium.
  • By completing event quests.
To add a link to an item, press Shift + LMB on the item icon.
When you exit the game, all displayed items are removed from the sale list.
Abbreviation WTB- means I want to buy an item.
Abbreviation WTS- means I want to sell an item.
Abbreviation WTT- means I want to exchange items.

⇒ Learn more about the bonuses of each implant or in the game.
⇒ Implants can be redistributed free of charge at any time.
⇒ Crews are used to assign a specific set of implants to a specific slot (for example, whether the implants selected for an interceptor are suitable for a frigate).
⇒ Crews can be opened by yourself at pilot level 15 or purchased earlier for GS.

If we have a rank 8 ship, it is affected by implants from ranks 1 to 8, but NOT valid from 9 to 15, etc.
(Patch 1.5.1) Exception: If you fight with 15 ranks in battle, all implants(?) work.


Kits allow you to quickly switch the ship's fit (for example, for CO, PvP, league, etc.).
You can make 4 sets for each ship.

The set contains:

  • Weapon;
  • Weapon cartridges;
  • Rockets;
  • Passive modules;
  • Active modules.
Included Not saved:
  • Implants selected in the crew;
  • Selected special modules (if there are many of them);
  • Selected ship slots (Engines, Power Unit, Shield, Hull, Computer) and bonuses;
  • Selected nodes on Ellydium ships.

Open World (OM)\Open Space

In it you can collect resources for crafting, do quests or kill other players.

By pressing the "Fight!" button and by selecting Map, you can see all available systems; by zooming in on the system, you can see the locations in it.

You can undock (exit to OM) by clicking on the stations:

  • "Ellydium" is the initial station, located in the initial "Line" system.
  • "Guardian 17" - located in the "Ontregos" system (you must first fly to the station).
  • "New Eden" - located in the "Olympus" system (you must first fly to the station).
  • "Mendes-IX" - located in the "Pallada" system (you must first fly to the station).

Full map of the Open World:

Carefully! Card size - 6656x3520 pixels, weight - 9MB!
Authors of the map.

Important: You need to enable station protection so that they can’t kill you, this is done in the settings - game - Activating station protection (bottom).
Note: in locations marked as PvP station protection does NOT apply.

⇒ By increasing the pilot’s level, new travel systems open up.
⇒ You can quickly fly to any point in OM using 2 iridiums ( but first you need to open it yourself). Or free from the station.
⇒ You can fly between stations in Om for free ( but first you need to open them yourself).
⇒ If there is no mail drone, you need to wait 1-2 minutes.
⇒ Mail drone charges a 10% commission in the form of credits. Sometimes mail may be delayed.
Important: Not all ore found in OM is needed for crafting, for example this one is just for sale:

Place in hold:

Interceptors - 3 places in the hold.
Stormtroopers - 5 places in the hold.
Frigate - 6 places in the hold.
Destroyers - 12 places in the hold.
Premium ships and Ellydium ships +2 more places.
Module into the housing [Chassis expander] +3 more places (but no more than 16).

Collecting trophies:

Each type of trophy occupies only one cell of the hold.
If several trophies of the same type are selected, then they are all placed in one cell.
If a ship is shot down in Outer Space without the participation of real players, then trophies from the hold do not disappear.
When revived in Open Space, the contents of the hold are preserved.
When returning to the Hangar, the contents of the hold are credited to the player's accounts/warehouse.

Pilot Karma:

Earned in OM and visible in the profile. There is positive, neutral and negative (at -2 you turn red for everyone).

Positive is given for killing mobs and players with negative karma.
Negative is given only for killing players with neutral or positive karma.

Karma ranks (+\-):

  • 1 = 1k
  • 2 = 15k
  • 3 = 50k
  • 4 = 150k
  • 5 = 500k

Workshop \ Craft (from pilot level 6)

In the workshop you can collect from the following resources:
⇒ Collect a “Duplicator” (the ability to recover after destruction in PvE or OM).
⇒ Upgrade your weapon to Mk.5 (Orange).
⇒ Collect unique ammunition.
⇒ Collect unique missiles (for T5).
⇒ Upgrade combat modules to Mk.5 (Orange).
⇒ Collect some unique Mk.1 combat modules (white).
⇒ Collect parts for various craft ships.
⇒ Collect parts for rank 8, 11, 14 destroyers.


Recipes are unlocked for Iridium, some parts are purchased in sets for Iridium.

Crafting Resources

⇒ Possible reward in PvP, PvE and CO-OP (trophy search):

  • Credits - any rank.
  • Duplicator - any rank (rare).
  • Monocrystals - s? ship rank and higher (very rare).
  • Xenocrystals - s? ship rank and higher (very rare).
  • Parts of prefabricated premium ships - from ship rank 6 and higher (rare).
⇒ Raw materials can be found in the Open World.
⇒ By dismantling green\blue\purple modules\weapons (gives parts). Not recommended.
⇒ Performing various tasks.

List of resources:

Raw materials (needed for making Parts):
  • Unrefined graphite;
  • Unpurified osmium;
  • Unrefined silicon;
  • Crystal Shard;
  • Vanadium;
Parts (needed for making weapons (Mk.5 Orange), some modules and ship parts):
  • Computing chip;
  • Graphite plate;
  • Osmium crystals;
  • Metal blank;
  • Pure silicon;
  • Shielded battery;
  • Computing unit;
Rare resources:
  • Monocrystals:
    • Purchase from players.
    • Having captured the location by a corporation.
  • Xenocrystals:
    • Complete the quest and buy a box in the store for iridium.
    • Purchase from players.
    • Having captured the location by a corporation.
  • Alien composite block:
    • Craft.
    • Purchase from players.
    • Having captured the location by a corporation.
Ship parts (needed for crafting Destroyers and other crafted ships):
  • Deflector block;
  • Motor block;
  • Computing systems;
  • External structures;
  • Reactor block;
  • Computing systems;
  • Destroyer internal structures;
  • And others.


Drawings and ship parts do not take up space in the warehouse.
Resources for crafting (ore, parts, etc.) do not take up space in the warehouse, but everyone has their own personal limit.

PvP Arena \ PvP battles (types of battles) from pilot level 4

Reward for the first victory of the day in PvP mode:

⇒ Fast PvP battles represent a battle of up to 12x12 players on one of 20+ maps.
⇒ [from October 26, 2018]:
  • 1st stage for ships of ranks 1 - 7.
  • 2nd stage for ships of ranks 7 - 10.
  • 3rd stage for ships of ranks 10 - 13.
  • 4th stage for ships of ranks 13 - 17.
⇒ In PvP battles they give more experience than credits (about 2 times more).
⇒ To join the battle, you need to click “Go to Battle” at the top and select PvP Arena.

At the moment there can be a maximum of 4 people in a group for PvP battles.

Types of battles (5 currently available):

Team fight(from rank 1 ship) - At the beginning of the battle, each team has the same number of reinforcement points. The number of reinforcement points depends on the number of pilots in the battle. Each enemy ship shot down takes away 1 reinforcement point from its team. There are alien artifacts on the map, taking them will give a small bonus to your team. The winner is the team that is the first to reset the enemy team's reinforcement points to zero.

Control(from rank 1 ship) - There are 3 lighthouses in the location. At the beginning of the game, all beacons are neutral and do not belong to any team. The goal is to reset the enemy team's control points by capturing as many beacons as possible.

Lighthouse Hunt(from rank 4 ship) - There are 3 lighthouses on the map. Only one beacon is active at any time. Inactive beacons cannot be seen on radar and cannot be captured. Before activation, the beacon indicates its location on the radar. The goal is to reset the enemy team's control points by capturing the beacon and holding it for as long as possible.

Detonation(from rank 7 ship) - The goal is to destroy 3 enemy guidance stations and protect your own. The guidance station can only be destroyed with a special EM bomb. A bomb appears in the center of the map. There can be no more than two bombs on the map at any given time.

Four Lives(with? ship rank) - The pilot has 3 attempts to restore the ship, regardless of the number of ships in the slots.

Quick Combat \ Against AI \ CO-OP

An analogue of PvP battles, but only the enemy team contains only bots (AI).

Reward for the first win of the day:

  • +1 search for trophies and a purple point (where you can get an Artifact (can be disassembled for Iridium or sold for Credits).
  • Reward in the form of x2 experience per battle.
  • Bot ships have been strengthened.
  • Since patch v1.6.0d (dated January 31, 2019), you can play for all ranks of ships.
⇒ To enter a battle, you need to click “To Battle” at the top and select “Quick Battle”.

Now all mercenaries will be able to try their skills in special modes - brawls. Each brawl has special conditions and rules.

You can participate in brawls for a limited time from Monday to Friday:

  • 03:00 - 07:00 Moscow time
  • 14:00-18:00 Moscow time
  • 20:00 - 24:00 Moscow time
Modes change once a week on Mondays at 03:00 Moscow time.

Starting October 4, the “Lighthouse Capture” brawl will be available.
Starting October 8, the “Survival” brawl will be available.
Starting October 15, the “Reconnaissance in Combat” brawl will be available.
Starting October 22, the “Cosmoball” brawl will be available.

You can start a brawl using a separate button in the “Battle” interface.

"Capture of the Lighthouses"

⇒ The team’s task is to capture 3 enemy lighthouses.
⇒ Each beacon can be captured only once, and your beacons can have capture points restored. The number of sorties is limited by the number of ships.
⇒ The team that captures all the enemy's lighthouses, the largest number of lighthouses by the end of the battle, or destroys all the enemy's ships wins.
⇒ If the number of beacons is equal, the team that shoots down more enemy ships wins.


⇒ Players can fly into battle on one of four provided ships, the set of which is the same for all.
⇒ Once a ship is destroyed, it cannot be taken into battle again.
⇒ Each team has reinforcement points, depending on the number of ships.
⇒ Damage increased threefold.
⇒ Destroy as many enemies as possible within the given time.

"Reconnaissance in Combat"

⇒ The team’s task is to destroy all enemy ships.
⇒ At the beginning of the battle, one pilot is selected as captain. He receives a bonus to damage and sees all ships at any distance through obstacles. All pilots see the captains of both teams. As long as the captain is alive, the number of flights is unlimited. If the captain is killed, the ships cannot be reused.
⇒ The team wins if all enemy ships are destroyed, if at the end of the battle the enemy captain is destroyed and his own is intact; if at the end of the battle both captains are intact, but your team shot down more ships; or if both captains are destroyed, but your team has shot down more ships.


⇒ The team’s task is to score 5 goals into the opponent’s goal. The first team to score 5 goals wins!

Missions\PvE (Difficulty: Depends on choice)

Reward for the first victory of the day in PvE mission mode:

  • +1 search for trophies and a purple point (where you can get an Artifact (can be disassembled for Iridium or sold for Credits).
  • Reward in the form of x2 experience per battle.
⇒ In PvE battles they give more credits, there is no limit on receiving (depending on the set difficulty).
⇒ The higher the rank of the ship, the more credits for victory.

⇒ To join the battle, you need to click “Into Battle” at the top and select Missions.
⇒ Almost every mission is divided into several stages. After each stage, the ships are reborn. The stage may have its own “special conditions”. For example, constant restoration of the hull for all players, etc.

⇒ No more than 4 players can participate in missions.
⇒ You can join missions as a group.

⇒ There is a limit on the number of respawns in a mission (5).

Missions are divided into 2 difficulties:

Increased ship bonuses in PvE:

  • For completing missions you can receive a “insignia” (from the blue dot after the battle).
  • For these badges and credits, you can increase the damage or strength of the body/shield in PvE.
  • Bonuses do not work on CO and in the "Deadly Challenge".

List of missions:

  • Fire support
  • Ariadne's thread- The most difficult thing at the moment is PvE, since there are no stages (tasks in PvE follow each other). Greatly increased income, +1 trophy search point and up to +40% bonus reward for additional tasks. Tasks:
    • Objective 1 - Capture 2 lighthouses
    • Objective 2 - Destroy 2 stations
    • Objective 3 - Destroy the enemy flagship
  • Defense contract- High difficulty, since there are no stages (tasks in PvE follow each other). Increased income and +1 trophy search point. Tasks:
    • Objective 1 - Destroy the attacking frigates.
    • Objective 2 - Destroy enemy snipers.
    • Objective 3 - Destroy the enemy commander.
    • Objective 4 - Prevent the cruiser from reaching the station.
  • Captured Dreadnought
    • The first is Disabling protection. Capture all control stations.
    • Second - Destruction of weapons. Destroy all main guns on the dreadnought.
    • The third is the Last Stronghold. Destroy all missile launchers protecting the dreadnought's control room.
  • Blackwood Shipyard- Easy-Normal difficulty. Stages:
    • The first is Invasion. It is necessary to destroy all enemy ships and not lose control stations.
    • The second is Sector Control. It is necessary to destroy all guidance stations.
    • Third - Flagship attack. It is necessary to destroy the experimental prototype "Punisher".
  • Operation Monolith- High difficulty, since there are no stages (tasks in PvE follow each other). Increased income and +1 trophy search point. Tasks:
    • Task 1 - ??
    • Task 2 - ??
    • Task 3 - ???
  • Raid on the Ellydium base
    • The first is Defense Suppression. Destroy all power supplies supplying the defense.
    • Second - Landing. Protect the transport ships with the landing force.
    • Third - Invasion. The enemy has sent reinforcements, it is necessary to get rid of his ships.
  • Operation Scarlet Haze- Normal difficulty, but problems may arise with transport workers at stage 3. Stages:
    • The first is Suppression of enemy defenses. Destroy the Enclave outposts feeding the main station's shield.
    • The second is Capture. Take a shortcut through the main base and capture two control stations on the other side of the asteroid.
    • Third - Breakthrough. Destroy all enemy ships with landing forces heading to the radar station by erecting turrets at special points.
  • Mining station- Normal difficulty, but problems may arise with transport workers. Stages:
    • The first is Destruction of the convoy. Destroy all cargo ships with energy resources going to the aid of the station's defenders.
    • The second is Suppression of Defense. Destroy all rocket launchers on the station.
    • Third - Protection of production. Protect transports with looted resources.
  • Operation Ice Belt- Normal difficulty. Stages:
    • The first is the destruction of protective structures. It is necessary to destroy the dreadnought's missile defense.
    • Second - Capturing control stations. It is necessary to take control of the stations
    • Third - Reflecting a counterattack. It is necessary to destroy the ship of the enemy leader.
  • (only in Death Challenge mode) Attack on the pirate fort- High complexity, problems may arise with transport workers. Stages:
    • The first is Penetration. Destroy the station's power grid and the station's defense complexes.
    • The second is Evacuation. Provide protection for transport along the route to the stargate.
    • Third - Providing protection. Destroy the pirate baron's flagship.
  • (new) The price of trust- High difficulty, since there are no stages (tasks in PvE follow each other). Increased income and +1 trophy search point. Tasks:
    • Objective 1 - protecting turrets
    • Objective 2 - capture the lighthouse
    • Objective 3 - destroy the suppressor generator
    • Objective 4 - destroy the landing party
    • Objective 5 - mine the stations
    • Task 6 - enable beacons

Special Operations (SO) \ PvE (High difficulty)

Reward for the first victory of the day in Special Operations mode:

  • +2 (3 for CO Destroyer) search for trophies and 2 (3 for CO Destroyer) purple points (in which you can get Artifacts (can be dismantled for Iridium or sold for Credits).
  • For CO Destroyer, purple dots are available on every tech (T3, T4. T5).
⇒ In PvE battles they give more credits than synergies (about 2 times more).
⇒ A special operation is available every 2 hours, every two hours and alternates every other day. To join, you need to click “Into Battle” at the top and select Special Operation.

⇒ There are 3 types of special operations:

  • "Return to Eden" ranks 13-17;
  • "Destroyer" ranks 7-17; Purple dots are available on each theca (T3, T4. T5).
  • "Defiler" ranks 10-17.
⇒ Unique conditions of this mode:
  • +1 search for trophies;
  • Slightly increased income.
⇒ 10-12 players can participate in a Special Operation.
⇒ You can join Special Operations as a group or as a wing (12 people).

⇒ If your ally is downed, you can restore him using your duplicator. To do this, you need to fly up to the wreckage of his ship.
⇒ If you are knocked down, you can restore yourself using a duplicator.
⇒ There is a limit on the number of respawns in a mission (10).

They are needed to collect Guarantors of loyalty(to upgrade modules to Mk.4 purple). At Ellydium station you receive Xenocrystals.
Completed automatically (most only in PvP), each task has conditions for completion.

⇒ While at the station Empire Legion And Vardenov.

⇒ While at the station Federation you fulfill contracts and receive Loyalty Guarantees - Armadas And Vanguard.

⇒ While at the station Jericho you fulfill contracts and receive Loyalty Guarantees - Reid And Technologists.

⇒ While at the station Ellydium you fulfill contracts and receive Xenocrystals(for the production of ships using alien technologies and some modules).


You can fly to another station by clicking on the buttons: Empire, Federation, Jericho, Ellydium (shown with a red arrow at the top in the screenshot) or simply fly to the desired station in outer space (you need a 10+ ship rank).

Item Upgrade:

Loyalty Guarantees- were needed to improve modules to Mk.4.
Removed towards the end of 2018. Improvement is now only for credits.

There are 5 ways to improve an item:

The following resources have been removed from patch v1.5.8b (dated November 8, 2018): neodium, beryllium and electrum. It has become easier to assemble destroyers and ships of ranks 16-17.

For successful walkthroughs of Armored Warfare: Project Armata you need to be well versed in this gaming space. To do this, you need to understand the important aspects of the game, its secrets and nuances. Our knowledge base offers assistance with this.

After you have chosen a certain type of combat vehicles presented, it is still too early to go on a combat mission. You need to equip it with a combat crew. Its members may vary depending on the chosen model and type.

Your crew also needs a commander - the most important character who allows you to improve the characteristics of the vehicle.


This character is a separate combat unit that is part of the tank, and a key part of any team. He is a little different from ordinary tankers, because he is endowed with the ability to move between tanks and his own special development system. There are three unique commanders to choose from.

Gradually increasing his combat experience, the commander gains levels that provide access to learning new skills. Each time you need to choose between two available skills. Thus, your commander becomes the owner of a unique set of improvements.

For example, a commander can acquire the following skills:

  • "Eagle Eye"- increase in maximum aiming accuracy by a nth percentage;
  • "unstoppable"- increase in maximum speed by n number of percent;
  • "tactical replacement"- increase in recharge speed by a nth percentage.

It is also worth drawing your attention to the fact that at any time you can replace already learned skills with any others, at your discretion.


You can select a crew only for a specific combat vehicle. There is no way to move it to any other machine. Tankers have a customizable skill set. It increases as combat experience increases, upon reaching each new level.

You can independently choose skills for your crew, this is influenced by your playing style and the characteristics of the combat vehicle. You don’t have to worry about choosing the “wrong” skills for the crew and subsequently this or that combination will reduce the effectiveness of the basic parameters of the combat vehicle. Of course, skillfully chosen skills will make it much easier to control the tank, and will also increase the reload speed and shot accuracy.

For example, the crew can acquire the following skills:

  • "smooth ride"- increase in shooting accuracy by a nth percentage;
  • "battering ram master"- increase in damage caused by ramming by a nth percentage;
  • "tank drift"- increase in turning speed by n number of percent.

You can change the crew's skills in the same way as its commander.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the number of battles spent on a tank directly affects the professionalism of the crew. The more battles the team has fought, the more experienced it becomes. This also affects the fact that each time the crew becomes more aware of the characteristics and capabilities of their vehicle, therefore they control it more and more efficiently. There is no time limit for such growth, so you can turn your tank into a deadly machine as much as you need.

PvP confrontations

Before you go to the battlefield, you will need to choose your combat vehicle. To do this, you need to go to the hangar, where armored vehicle slots are located on the bottom panel. You cannot start battle in a combat vehicle that needs repairs. The fact that the tank needs repairs is indicated by the corresponding inscription in the required red slot.

Having chosen a tank, you may be faced with the issue of ammunition; there may not be enough of it and you will need to replenish it. Corresponding blocks are provided for this. You will find them in the lower panel on the right above the armored vehicle slots.

By clicking on “ammunition”, a window will open in front of you where you can:

  • obtain information about the ammunition of the selected combat vehicle;
  • calculate the cost of the shells you want to purchase;
  • select a certain number of shells;
  • view the total cost and confirm or refuse the purchase;
  • view the shells that are currently available to you for purchase.

To purchase the selected projectile, you need to drag it from the block with available ammunition into the empty window of the ammunition block. After which you need to select the required number of shells that you decide to purchase.

The same sequence of actions must be performed for each type of shell that you will need. Confirmation of the purchase or refusal of it is possible using the appropriate buttons located in this window on the right.

It is also worth remembering that when choosing ammunition, it is necessary to take into account the allowable amount of ammunition of the tank, which does not change. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly select the ratio of shells of different types in the ammunition load. For example, if a combat vehicle has 42 rounds of ammunition and its configuration already includes 16 BBS and 16 OFS, then you can purchase only 10 shells.

Belonging to a specific ammunition group is indicated by color:

blue- to armor-piercing sub-caliber;

yellow- high-explosive fragmentation or armor-piercing high-explosive;

red- cumulative (this also includes ATGMs).

To purchase spare parts, you need to click on the block of the same name on the bottom panel of the hangar or switch to the corresponding tab. You need to buy them in the same order as ammunition.

How to select teams

To start a PvP confrontation, you need to press the corresponding button on the top panel. A window will open in front of you where you can learn about:

  • the number of players queuing for battle;
  • the amount of equipment that is in the queue and distributed among the levels;
  • the amount of equipment standing in line with distribution by class;
  • time spent in line.

The system automatically forms teams of 15 players from the vehicles that are in the queue. The vehicle's combat rating is taken into account.

To optimize the balance, the system selects teams taking into account a number of factors:

  • combat vehicle level;
  • modifications of its components;
  • the number of battles in which this vehicle took part.

Players who have the initial combat rating of a vehicle are placed in a group of 30 people. The initial spread is ± 1 level. If the number of suitable vehicles is insufficient, the scale of the permissible combat rating increases until it reaches ± 2 levels, but no more.

Upon completion of creation, two teams of 15 people are created from this group, where, first of all, the class and level of technology are taken into account, and only then victories and defeats in the ratio, the average experience gained per battle and other characteristics.

Upon completion of this division, players are moved by the system between teams until the total ratio of the ratings of both teams becomes approximately the same.

During the fight

After the system has fully recruited two opposing teams, the map starts. The loading screen displays all the information with a list of players (models are indicated), their classes and vehicle levels.

On the map, teams appear at opposite ends of the map, near their base. The main goal of a PvP battle is to capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy equipment. To capture a base, you need to move to a specially marked area and stay there for a certain amount of time, shown on a special indicator at the top of the screen. This indicator also shows the game score, how much time remains until the end of the round, as well as information about the total amount of equipment of both teams that was destroyed and survived.

If you managed to destroy all the enemies, you first need to determine where exactly they are. The distance at which you can achieve visual contact with enemy vehicles is determined on the mini-map by a white circle around the place where you are; this is also influenced by the characteristics of enemy armored vehicles along with the skills of their crews. Such coordinates are sent to all your allies, regardless of where they are.

After establishing visual contact with the enemy, you can begin the attack. To do this, you will need to aim at the enemy's vehicle using the mouse. During the attack, the color of the cursor will change - this is an indicator of the chances of breaking through the armor at the point of impact. Red color indicates the minimum probability, and green indicates the maximum. Another important aspect in battle is the increase in the area of ​​dispersion after a perfect shot or while moving, which also affects the probability of hitting the target.

How the results of the confrontation are summed up

After one of the teams captures the enemy base or destroys all enemy equipment, the round ends and all participants are transferred back to the hangar. There is a window with personal statistics and the results of the confrontation, as well as rewards based on its results.

General team statistics are located in the same window, in a separate tab, which you can open with one click.

About PvE missions

Armored Warfare: Project Armata provides another combat mode - story missions. You will need to assemble a team of five people to jointly complete contracts and fight with an enemy controlled by artificial intelligence. When completing each contract, you must take part in three operations, which, according to legend, are carried out in different parts of the world. Contracts are updated at certain intervals, during which you can complete missions, study maps, hone your skills and still receive rewards.

The main feature of tasks is the coordinated actions of all team members. The success of the task being performed is influenced by the actions of each of the group’s fighters. The difference from PvP confrontations is the fact that when in this case one of the 15 players is inactive, this often does not affect the outcome of the battle. In PvE, everything is much more complicated; each fighter has his own specific role, which must be fulfilled to the fullest, so as not to let his team down.

Team formation

Entry into combat PvE confrontation is carried out according to the same principle as in PvP. First you need to choose which car you want to fight in, then queue up for the task you want to complete. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to change the class of car while waiting in line.

If you want to complete a mission with a team that is pre-formed, you will need to assemble it yourself before you even get in line. A group of five players is required to complete the mission.

It is worth noting that most tasks assume that the team consists of different classes. And the greater the complexity of the task, the greater the need. Also, in this type of task there is a certain limitation: a team cannot have 2 “artillery” class players.

Difficulty levels

For PvE missions, the developers provide three types of difficulty:

  • "Recruit"- low difficulty task, for beginners. By choosing this difficulty level for completing the gameplay, you learn the basics of the game and the basic principles of completing tasks.
  • "Fighter"- average difficulty of the task. Participation in quite serious tests. Average players can cope with the tasks quite well.
  • "Veteran"- high complexity of the task. The upcoming tasks are within the capabilities of experienced fighters and specialists.

The task you have to complete does not change depending on the selected difficulty type. Changes occur in the general indicators of confrontation - the number of opponents and the level of their military equipment, as well as limitations in time and capabilities, and much more.

The difficulty type is selected for each map separately, the set of which changes daily.

Combat missions and walkthrough

During a combat mission, your team is confronted by enemy machines controlled by artificial intelligence (bots). Their number directly depends on the level of complexity of the task. Many opponents have certain suffixes that indicate differences in the modification that their equipment is endowed with in contrast to the standard one. Accordingly, this shows how much more dangerous each enemy vehicle is compared to the basic model.

  • (textbook)- a combat vehicle with the least efficiency.
  • (damaged)- the model is weaker than usual.
  • (no title)- “standard” model of a combat vehicle.
  • (modified)- equipment with more powerful characteristics.
  • (advanced)- the most dangerous representative of military equipment.

Successfully completing the task and completing the task brings a certain amount of experience points, reputation and game currency. If you fail the task, you also receive a reward, but much more modest.

The mission consists of several types of tasks: main, secondary and individual (additional tests).

Basic are given to the entire team at the start. It is not possible to complete a task without completing the main task.

Minor the whole team also receives. But completing them only affects the extent to which you will receive a reward upon completion. When these tasks are completed in full, the team is awarded bonuses. It is worth remembering that a certain amount of time is allotted to complete these tasks, in which you need to invest, otherwise you risk failing the task.

Additional tests are issued to each player separately from the team. They are determined by the class and vehicle you choose. Completing this task does not affect the completion of the quest. If you manage to complete the additional challenge, your reward will eventually be increased.

All tasks are displayed on your screen, and they can also be found on the mini-map.

Damage and destruction of equipment

During PvE battles, as well as PvP, military equipment receives damage, and when destroyed it requires repair. If equipment is damaged during a mission, the battle is considered incomplete. You will need to wait until the next stage of the contract begins before you can join the passage with your team.


At each start of a new stage, “killed” players are reborn. Therefore, do not rush to leave the battle so as not to let your team down.

List of information provided in the knowledge base for downloading

  • Hangar.
  • Combat interface.
  • Designation of technology classes.
  • Suppliers.
  • Modification.
  • Participation in battles and victory.
  • Aiming and shooting.
  • Armor and armor penetration.
  • Review and visibility of vehicles.
  • Destruction of vehicles, damage and repairs after the battle.
  • Battalions.
  • Platoons.
  • Awards.
  • Additional tests.

Armored Warfare walkthrough video resources

PvE missions overview

Walkthrough on the T-54 tank

How to play new tanks

Player tips. Ammunition

  • A battle mode in which you have to complete mission tasks consisting of several stages, as well as fight with ships controlled by artificial intelligence and protected by stations.
  • Missions for ranks 1-17 have many dynamic difficulty levels from 1 to infinity. Players initially only have access to the first difficulty level. Subsequent levels become available as you complete the previous ones. The enemies in the mission become stronger with each level. The mission level is selected by players on the ship selection screen. Players can also become stronger during PvE missions by buying themselves special bonuses that only work in PvE.
  • A specific mission can only be selected by the flight commander of 4 pilots. Solo pilots can go on one of 2 ongoing random missions.
  • All pilots, completing PvE missions, receive a special valuable resource - “Insignia”.
    • The Badges you receive can be used to increase the level of missions.
    • The received Badges can be used to strengthen your defense and attack in PvE missions.
    • Enhancements are available from level 4 pilot clearance.
  • Endless PvE missions are less about player skill and more about the time they play.
  • Each mission is divided into several stages and is completed by a team consisting of 4 pilots. After each successful stage, all ships are automatically restored (except for missions consisting of 1 main stage). The stage may have its own “special conditions”. For example, constant restoration of the hull of all ships. If your ally is downed, you can revive him using your duplicator. To do this, you need to fly up to the wreckage of his ship. If you are knocked down, you can restore yourself using a duplicator.
  • In each PvE, players only have a limited number of resurrections.

List of missions

Mission Min. clearance level Task Mission Features
Blackwood Shipyard 1 Repel an enemy attack on a shipyard with a dreadnought being built there. Opponents in the first stages have low strength, but attack in large numbers. In the finale, "The Boss" appears.
Fire support 1 Destroy enemy forces in the Naberiya-392 complex. Difficult mission. In the finale a cruiser appears.
Captured Dreadnought 1 Disrupt repairs to a damaged enemy dreadnought. Considered to be a simple mission. In all stages, opponents appear endlessly.
4 Protect the sector, destroy the attacking enemy forces. Difficult mission. An analogue of the "Fire Support" mission, taking place in a more open location.
Mining station 5 Raid a mining station, rob it and take away the loot. In the last stage you need to accompany allied transport ships.
Temple of Last Hope 5 Protect the generator, which is attacked by waves of enemies constantly arriving in the sector. The mission is virtually endless. Opponents become stronger with each wave.
6 Take the iridium reserves from the Cartel. At the last stage, biomorphs attack.
Operation Scarlet Haze 6 Raid a secret cyber station. In the last stage you need to build heavy gun turrets.
Operation Ice Belt 7 Disrupt the construction of the Cartel dreadnought. In the finale, "The Boss" appears.
7 Protect the shipyard from cyber attacks. Enemies are selected randomly. Additional goals appear. Takes place in the same location as Blackwood Shipyard.


Start playing Warface with DONATION AND VIP - ALL TASKS OF ABSOLUTE POWER WARFACE | Fast farming of personal progress in warface The task of absolute power in warface has become available. I’ll also tell you about a new way to quickly farm personal experience in warface, which you will need to open quests for absolute power. ✔Music here - ✔Add to others on VK - #warface #warface #vf #wf #stasad #warface2017 #warface OBTAINING TASKS AND EXPERIENCE To start To complete a task in the game, you must first gain access to the territory on the promotional page, and also select a task there. We have kept the scheme with regions and tasks, but now the opening of the territory depends on your activity, and not on battle points. On the unlocked continents, you will discover many more tasks and goals than before! FOUR REGIONS WITH DIFFERENT CHALLENGES ARE AVAILABLE TO DISCOVER. Each region has a different set of key rewards. To gain access you will need a token. The first token is available to all \"Power\" participants, the rest are unlocked in the levels of personal progress. There is no limit on the number of simultaneously open regions. Personal progress is an individual level scale that opens as you gain experience. There are 100 levels available in total. Up to level 20, the amount of experience required to open it will increase, and after level 20 it will “freeze” and remain unchanged. Experience will be awarded for your activity in the game and on the promo page. You can get it in the following ways: by fighting in Quick Play or ranked matches; playing PvE missions and special operations; successfully completing daily tasks; completing squad assignments. \"VIP Booster\" and \"Super VIP Booster\" will increase the amount of experience you receive. After opening access to the territory, the player gets the opportunity to perform individual game tasks and tasks for squads on it. We'll tell you more about these features later. PERSONAL TASKS HOW MANY TASKS CAN YOU TAKE? The number of game tasks that are simultaneously available in the region and open for selection depends on the level of the player’s headquarters and varies from 1 to 5. The higher your headquarters level, the greater the selection of tasks. HOW TO ACCESS DIFFERENT DIFFICULTY LEVELS? All tasks are divided by difficulty (\"Simple\", \"Complex\", \"Professional\", \"Hardcore\") and the modes in which they are performed (PvP, PvE, special operations). Access to each level depends on the fighter’s personal progress: \"Simple\" are available to everyone; \"Complex\" from the 5th level of progress; \"Professional\" from the 10th level of progress; \"Hardcore\" from level 20 progress. REWARDS For completing each task, the player receives a reward. This is one of the items from the list common to the difficulty level. The reward you will receive is immediately indicated in the task description. The higher the complexity of the task, the more valuable the reward. You can get great temporary weapons from Lucky Boxes, boosters, fighter appearances, and dozens of other items. At the "Pro" and "Hardcore" levels, with some probability you can receive permanent pieces of equipment from the "Absolute" series! Don't miss your chance to own these rare items. Also, by participating in the "Absolute Power" event, you will be able to receive unique achievements that will be announced separately. "Absolute Power" is coming, join the fight!