How to identify spyware. SpyGo - spy with remote connection and real-time tracking functions

Reading time: 6 minutes

In this review, we will tell you about 6 popular spyware programs for your computer/laptop, and also tell you how to protect yourself from them.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to control the actions of a person using a computer without his knowledge. This need may be for a company manager who wants to check whether his employees spend their time effectively while sitting at a PC. Or a jealous spouse will want to make sure that his other half has not developed an unwanted hobby on the Internet. Also, caring parents will want to detect their child’s bad habits in time and react to it in advance.

For such an issue, a solution is provided in the form of spyware, which allows them to be absolutely legally installed on user devices. The operating principle of these utilities is to secretly collect, analyze user actions on the computer, and provide data results. It is worth noting that between legal use There is a fine line between malicious espionage using these programs, perhaps determined only by the internal motive for their use.

Neo Spy

The Neo Spy developers have worked hard to expand the functionality of this program as much as possible. List available functions even in the free version it will satisfy the most demanding user. What spying features are available:

  1. Monitoring the user’s computer activity, startup time and duration of programs.
  2. The "keylogger" function reads the order of keystrokes and then saves them to a file. The document displays everything that the user typed - correspondence, passwords, entered data.
  3. Screenshots of the monitor are another opportunity to detail information about the user’s work. Standard settings allow you to take 1 image every 12 seconds (acceptable minimum 1.2 seconds), while drawing the behavior of the cursor. Online screen viewing is also available.
  4. Connect to a webcam if the Internet is available. This is an excellent opportunity for security functions, parental control, and monitoring the actions of service personnel.
  5. Reports on sites visited by the user.
  6. Tracking the GPS coordinates of the device (laptop, smartphone, tablet) on which Neo Spy is installed. This option will allow you to know at any time the location of your loved ones or employees. If the device is stolen, its location can be tracked, and the thief's face can be photographed or recorded on video.

This is only partial functionality of one of the best spy programs, according to users. According to the strong recommendations of the Neo Spy developers, when establishing control over employees, the latter must be notified. This is done for ethical reasons, of course. Prices, depending on the version, range from 820-1990 rubles.

Advantages of Neo Spy:

  • wide functionality;
  • Russified interface;
  • absolutely hidden mode of operation.

Real Spy Monitor

Using this program, you can monitor the active activities of the user, monitoring and receiving reports on the actions performed. Since this utility can also block a number of actions, it is ideal for use with parental controls.

The downside is the display of the program process in the task manager and the relative high cost of the paid version. Since Real Spy Monitor has an English-language user interface, this may also seem like a disadvantage to some.

Real Spy Monitor features:

  1. Working in "keylogger" mode.
  2. Report on running programs and documents.
  3. Preservation full correspondence user in messengers.
  4. Saving screenshots.

Actual Spy

Actual Spy is essentially keylogger(keylogger), which provides the ability to collect basic necessary information. Thanks to this program, and the fact that its activity on the device is completely hidden, you can carry out surveillance absolutely anonymously.

Since the utility can work in normal and hidden modes, it is necessary to make settings to completely hide it. The program may not appear in running processes and may not attract attention, remaining completely unnoticed.

Main features of Actual Spy:

  1. Track keystrokes and clipboard contents.
  2. Data about the startup and shutdown of applications and programs.
  3. Report on pages visited in the browser.
  4. Systematic saving of screenshots.


A spy program designed to monitor and track the actions of a PC user. Its operation is based on the principle of reading keystrokes. However, in addition to this, the utility contains a number of functions useful for managers, parents and jealous spouses.

List of SpyGo features:

  1. Reading passwords from any services (mail, social networks, dating sites) using a keylogger.
  2. Monitoring and full report of web page visits.
  3. Recording what is happening on a PC monitor.
  4. Online tracking using a webcam.
  5. Listening to what is happening within the radius of use of the device.

In addition to the free option, which allows you to monitor only 20 minutes a day, the developers offer paid versions of SpyGo. The price range ranges from 1980-3750 rubles. The program is suitable for Windows versions XP, 7, 8, Vista.


The program in its functionality has the entire list of capabilities necessary for tracking and collecting information from a computer. However distinctive feature Snitch is the ability to work effectively even if the tracking or monitored modules do not have a static IP address. This allows you to use the utility even in the absence of an Internet connection. The program is easy to use, does not consume large PC resources, but is very effective.

Benefits of Snitch:

  1. The program functions even without Internet access.
  2. Reading text by keystrokes (correspondence, passwords).
  3. Browser page traffic report.
  4. Analysis of information on the clipboard.
  5. Completely hidden installation mode.
  6. Small program requirements do not slow down the device at all.

The program is developed in a single version and is operational immediately after registration. In this case, you do not need to make any preliminary settings to get started.

Ardamax Keylogger

Another utility designed to read information from pressed keys is Ardamax Keylogger. Lightweight and easy to use, the program will save data entered in the windows of any programs, browsers, forms, and provide a detailed report on correspondence, passwords, and requests. Thanks to special regime invisibility, the program does not appear in the task manager, folders Windows startup, system tray and Start menu.

Features of Ardamax Keylogger:

  1. Reading of typed texts from all forms, including popular instant messengers.
  2. Completely invisible operating mode.
  3. Visual surveillance with the ability to take screenshots and photographs.
  4. Sound recording of what is happening using a microphone.

The developers offer to download trial version for reference. If the client wants to purchase full version, it will cost him $48.96.

How to protect yourself from spyware

The above spyware is a tool that can be used both for the benefit of people and for the harm. If parents want to protect their child from visiting malicious sites and use the program in order to respond to danger in time, this is a good motive. The use of keyloggers by business managers to monitor employees is also used to benefit the business. Although the developers strongly recommend notifying employees about installing this on their PC software.

It is unlikely that anyone would want to be watched without his knowledge. Even those who install similar programs on others’ devices. You need to know that all programs of this type classified as spyware viruses. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of attackers yourself and not to lose personal data, you need to install an antivirus on your computer that is tailored to recognize spyware and keyloggers. For example Spyware Terminator or Super Anti Spyware.

4.7 (93.33%) 3 votes.

Today there is a huge number various programs spies who secretly install Android phones to secretly spy on loved ones. However, each lock has its own master key. And the spy program is no exception - it can also be “figured out” if you look closely at the work mobile phone. We are talking specifically about Android phones with an Internet connection.

How to find a spy on an Android phone?

To conduct covert surveillance of a phone without the consent of the owner, you need to choose a spy program that would not in any way affect the operation of the mobile phone and would not manifest itself in any way. Otherwise, instead of secretly spying on your phone, you will get the very least - a scandal. To do this, you must first find out how you can detect spyware on your phone and by what signs it will “give itself away”.

5 signs of how you can detect spyware on an Android phone:

1. “Heavy” programs load the system quite heavily and will “slow down” the operation of the mobile phone - this will certainly attract attention.

2. The phone battery began to drain unreasonably quickly and the Internet traffic began to run out.

3. Spyware is often detected using a regular antivirus program and is mistaken for malware.

4. A new application will appear on the phone either in the Menu list, or in the “Delete application” tab, or in “Application Settings”. The most “mediocre” spy programs can display an icon.

5. When downloading data (recording calls, intercepting messages, photos, etc.), the download arrows from the Internet will be active - sooner or later the phone owner will notice that the arrows are “blinking” at the moment when he is not downloading anything from the Internet .

According to these, at first glance elusive, but true signs you can detect spyware on your mobile phone. Therefore, look through all the Android phone tracking apps available on the Internet, find out their characteristics and be sure to read reviews from real users.

A high-quality program for spying on an Android phone, so that a person does not know that it is installed on his phone, should be: visually invisible, “friendly” to the antivirus program and lightweight. All this is taken into account by the developers of our VkurSe programs.

Is there an invisible spy for Android phone?

A truly hidden and inconspicuous spy on a mobile phone exists and this is our program site - a universal multifunctional spy program. Our spy program Vkurse:

1. “Weighs” little and does not affect the operation of the mobile phone in any way.

2. Does not drain the phone battery, as it is controlled remotely and consumes little traffic.

3. The website program is not malware and therefore antivirus programs “pass by.”

4. Installed directly into the system folder and is not reflected anywhere. When installing it, you can give the program any name - .

5. The time for downloading data can be set at your own discretion when setting up the program. For example, late at night, when the owner is sleeping, or, conversely, in the morning, when the owner of the phone is busy with school, work or household chores and does not pick up his mobile phone.

The website program is convenient and easy to use, the interface in Russian is intuitive. It is not difficult to install and configure. In total, all this will take about 15 minutes. Detailed step-by-step instruction for installing and configuring the Vkurse program is shown at the bottom home page, and also described in . You can go to the spy program and read comments from people who are already using our spy.

You will be able to intercept calls, SMS messages, correspondence in instant messengers and in social networks(VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Viber and WhatsApp), take screenshots at a set time interval, monitor which pages on the Internet the phone owner visits, what photos he sends and receives, what games he plays. You can remotely control your phone - turn the microphone and camera on and off, be aware of SIM card changes, if you lose your phone, clear the memory and lock the phone, and much more (see).

In addition, our Vkurse program can determine the location of an Android phone for free for an unlimited time - full-fledged with detailed routing. Our program has long been used by logisticians, truck drivers, and parents as Parental controls for a child, as well as attentive children for monitoring elderly parents if they live separately and there is reason to worry about their movements around the city.

The term Spyware refers to a spy program that is installed on a computer in secret mode and its purpose is to collect configuration information computer system and user activity. That is, all information about your actions on the Internet and inside the OS can become available to attackers.

To avoid such negative influence from the outside, it is necessary to control the implementation process third party programs without your knowledge. Today, there are several main types of spyware that can cause invaluable harm to users.

Spyware classification

  1. Scanner hard drive- a spy program that studies the contents of the hard drive to identify valuable information, which is subsequently transferred to the owner.
  2. Screen spy – takes periodic screenshots and forwards these screenshots to the owner. This type of information is of interest to various types of ransomware.
  3. Proxy spy – when installed on a computer, it acts as a proxy server, which allows you to use someone else’s IP address to cover up your actions.
  4. Mail spy – collection of information that includes addresses Email, which is mainly of interest to people sending spam.
  5. – recording all keystrokes on the keyboard, which allows, for example, to steal credit card numbers.

The above list of threats is far from complete, but it includes the main types of spyware.

Spyware Terminator 2012

Basically, programs that allow you to find a spy on your computer are paid versions of similar products. At the same time, there are a number of software solutions in which free features, making it possible to clean the OS from malicious components.

For example, free version Spyware Terminator 2012 program, which in the Freeware version does not have antivirus protection and high priority updates. At the same time, the available functionality of this software solution allows you to find and remove programs that qualify as spyware.

Find spyware on your computer: procedure

To protect yourself in the future from Spyware, you should set up an automatic scan of your computer system for spyware in the same “Scanning” tab. Of course, antiviruses also have similar functionality, but at the same time, it wouldn’t hurt to check with a specialized tool in the form of the program discussed above.

12/26/2013 | 16:14 Society

In new versions of the COVERT disguiser, users of the unregistered version of the program are given the opportunity to scan the system for the presence of spyware installed in it.

The viewing time is limited, but it is quite enough to identify spies hidden from the user.

Let's demonstrate how this can be done. For the experiment, we downloaded and installed two spyware programs (keyloggers) from the Internet, which secretly monitor the user without detecting themselves in system processes.

The first spy installed is Beyond Keylogger, with the process name nkukzsjy.exe. This is a program for discreet (hidden) spy monitoring of activities that occur on your computer.
The second installed Mipko spy with the process name MPK.exe is a program that is installed in hidden mode and tracks all your activity while working on your PC.

Such surveillance programs cannot be detected by ordinary means, even by a person with good knowledge of the operating system.

I’ll now tell you and clearly show you how to do this using a masker.

So, download the COVERT program on the website

1). Launch the COVERT program and in the main window click on the “System processes” button.

2). In the window that opens, click the “Hidden processes” button.
Please note that the list of processes does not include the file names of the spyware programs nkukzsjy.exe and MPK.exe, since they hide themselves.

3). In the Hidden Processes Monitor, drag the list slider down with your mouse. Processes (spyware, keyloggers) hiding themselves from the system will be highlighted in red.
In the list we immediately see the Mipko spy with the process name MPK.exe

By dragging the list slider below, we find the Beyond Keylogger spy with the process name nkukzsjy.exe

All these actions took 4 seconds. As a result, hidden surveillance on the computer was discovered.

The demo version of COVERT gives you 5 seconds to use this kind of functionality. For permanent and unlimited use of all program functionality, you must purchase a registration key.

So, what we found out is that with the help of the COVERT program, within a few seconds you can detect hidden surveillance of a user by spies, even in the demo version.

P.S Don’t wait for problems to knock on your door. Download COVERT and check if there is someone behind you covert surveillance. Moreover, there is an opportunity to do it for free.