How to block a user in a contact forever. Is it possible to delete someone else's page in Contact (VK)

Communication in popular social network VKontakte can lead to unpleasant consequences. Thus, some users behave incorrectly, write offensive messages or, for example, post posts with obscene language on their page. The site provides the ability to block such people, unfriend them, and prevent them from viewing your personal information. But what if you blocked a friend by mistake or simply changed your anger to mercy? Today we will tell you how to unblock a person on VK without any problems.

Black list

In order to allow a friend to communicate with you again, you need to go to your settings and find the “Black List” section. Next, you need to find the first and last name of the person you need. In the same column you will find the “Remove from list” button - click on it and continue communication.

User page

There is another simple answer to the question of how to unblock a person on VKontakte. To correct the situation, go to the page the desired user and find the “Unblock” button under the “Audio Recordings” section. This is the one you need to click on.

Your page

What to do if you are the blocked person? In this case, you need to go to the site and carefully read the reasons for blocking, as well as their deadlines. Here you will be asked to read the safety instructions - do not ignore them if you do not want to find yourself in this situation again. You will be able to return to working on the social network only when the specified period has expired.

Important! You always get access to your page restored for free!

If you find a message that requires you to immediately send an SMS or make a payment, then you are faced with scammers. In this case, you urgently need to check your computer for viruses. If you don't have it yet antivirus program, then download free version from the manufacturer's official website. After that, go to the site and change your password. It would be a good idea to change your email password as well.

The second reason for blocking is often not the hacking of the page by attackers, but a gross violation of the rules of the social network. These include sending spam, posting advertisements in other people's groups, and publishing suspicious advertisements on your page. By following the rules of VK, you can avoid blocking and protect personal information from intruders.

In today's article I will tell you how you can block a VKontakte page. In this article I will tell you all the known ways to ban your own or someone else’s VKontakte page.

Since all the information described in the article will be about blocking the VK page, use it at your own peril and risk

Without further ado:

For a clearer understanding, I will tell you separately how you can block your own and someone else’s VK page and what is required for this. In fact, in 90% of cases, the page can be easily unlocked through password recovery or through VKontakte support. However, in 10% of cases a permanent ban is issued, it is impossible to understand how the VKontakte system issues bans (perpetual and temporary), the developers keep this information a big secret, but if you suffer for a long time, you can achieve the desired result

How to block your VK page

There are quite a few ways to freeze and ban your VK page, but since the algorithms and rules are constantly changing, I cannot 100% guarantee that they all work. Everything that I write works and was working at the time of writing this article.

  • The first way to ban your VKontakte page: edit your page (if the gender is changed from male to female) under your mother’s maiden name, write “fortune teller”; the ban arrives within 10 seconds after you press the save button.
  • The next way to block a page: we look for any service that offers any type of promotion (likes, subscribers, etc.), copy the ref link from there, go to any major public page and spam comments with our link, the ban is issued automatically within 3 minutes
  • Another way to ban your VK page: change your age to 18 minus those we set as 14-16 years old. In the column for mother’s maiden name we put “virt for money/virt virt” and stuff like that, for efficiency you can put the phrase “paid virt - intimate services” in the status; the ban is issued quickly 50/50 that they will issue an eternal ban
  • The next way to ban your VK page: create a VK group, call it “Children’s ****”, well, you understand, and get an instant ban

How to block someone else's VK page

Well, I think there are enough ways to block your VK page, let's look at options on how to block someone else's VKontakte page
In general, blocking someone else’s VK page is very difficult and there are no 100% working methods, but I will share with you some of the ways in which I was able to ban other people’s VK pages.

The meaning is very simple: several people get together and start complaining about the page; as a result of numerous complaints, the page is frozen

  • Method 2 is more complicated: and so, for example, the name and surname “Ivanov Ivan” on the avatar is a picture or photo. We create a page with the same name, same city if indicated, only in our page we use real photos, go through the friends page that needs to be banned and add about 20 left ones.
    Next, we write in support of VK, saying that this person “we give a link to the offender” introduces himself by our name and ingratiates himself with our friends, perhaps he is pursuing fraudulent goals. If there is a lazy moderator, he will block the page that we need until the person takes a photo with his passport, and if the first and last name in the passport and VK are different, then the page will be banned forever

Here are all the methods that I know, if you know other working methods to block VK pages, write in the comments

Under some circumstances, a significant number of users personal computers Questions arise regarding the blocking of the social networking site VKontakte. Further in this article we will cover this topic, focusing exclusively on current solutions.

First of all, pay attention to the fact that blocking social networks, including VK, is quite often practiced by the creators of malicious software. In this regard, if you are faced with a situation opposite to this article, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the special recommendations.

The article is a must-read, since during the blocking process you may yourself encounter difficulties accessing VK at the time you need.

In addition to the above, before moving on to blocking methods, note that if you need to block VK, for example, for a child, then the most convenient option would be to simply turn off the Internet connection. This is due to the complete absence of the need to make changes to the work operating system and any installed programs.

Method 1: Adjust the hosts file

Mentioned in the name of the method hosts represents system file, containing a database with a set of domain names used when accessing network addresses. Using this text document, you, as a computer administrator, can fill out the file yourself depending on your personal preferences, thereby blocking any connections.

In a row possible restrictions also includes any connections regarding the software.

Before you start editing the file in question in order to block the VKontakte social networking site, you need to find it.

  1. Open the primary partition of the disk on which you have the operating system installed.
  2. Among the presented folders you need to open "Windows".
  3. In the following file structure, find the folder "System32".
  4. Now go to "drivers".
  5. As a final jump, open the folder "etc".
  6. If you have difficulty finding the desired directory, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the full folder address.
  7. While in the same folder, open the RMB menu by clicking on the file name "hosts" and selecting the item "To open with".
  8. Choose any from the presented assortment convenient program, capable of editing plain text files.

As an example, we will use one that is available to any owner Windows program "Notebook".

It is important to make a reservation that the Text Document Requires the user to have administrator rights. There are two ways to get them.

You can also change the ownership of the desired document.

Having become familiar with the editing features hosts, you can go directly to the process of making changes.

  1. By default, before any custom changes are made, open file should look like this.
  2. To block a site, place the cursor at the end of the file and enter on a new line:
  3. Be sure to set a single tab after the specified character set using the key "Tab".
  4. The next step after the tab stop is to insert the address of the resource that you want to block.
  5. You only need to add Domain name site, excluding "http://" or "https://".

  6. Also, in the case of VK, it is important to add an additional domain name to block the possibility of switching to the mobile version.
  7. Once you've finished editing the file, open the menu "File".
  8. From the list of options, select "Save".
  9. If you are presented with a window "Preservation", in line "File type" set value "All files" and without changing the contents in the graph "File name", press the button "Save".
  10. Now, whenever you try to go to VKontakte, regardless of the Internet browser you are using, you will be presented with a page "Unable to gain access".

When you need to restore access to the site, delete the lines added during the editing process and save the file again.

This completes the editing process. hosts and move on to more simplified blocking methods.

Method 2: BlockSite Extension

Since the vast majority of users use only one Internet browser to visit various sites from their computer, the optimal solution for blocking the VKontakte social network may be the BlockSite browser add-on. Moreover, this extension can be equally used by users of any modern web browser.

As part of this instruction, we will consider the process of installing and using the extension using the example of the Google Chrome browser.

Read also: How to block a site in Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser

Before moving on to the download and installation process, it is important to mention that this add-on is not reliable and will only suit you if you cannot make changes to the parameters installed extensions. Otherwise, a user who needs to access the VK site will be able to easily delete BlockSite.

The application offers the option to purchase a premium version of the add-on, thanks to which you can disable the option to remove the extension.

  1. While on home page Google Chrome online store, in line "Search by store" enter extension name "BlockSite" and press the button "Enter".
  2. Find the extension in question among the search results and click the button next to its name "Install".
  3. If you find it difficult to use the store search, go to the official website of the add-on and click on the button on the left side of the page "GET THE APP".
  4. The installation process of the add-on requires mandatory confirmation of actions.
  5. Once the installation process is complete, you will be automatically redirected to home page extension, from where you can go to the page to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the add-on by clicking on the button "SEE HOW IT'S WORKING".
  6. In the BlockSite application control panel on the tab "About Us" You can learn about all the features of this extension, but only if you have knowledge of the English language.

Now you can proceed to the procedure for blocking the VKontakte website in the browser.

  1. While in the BlockSite extension control panel, go to the "Adult".
  2. In the center of the screen, activate the setting using the corresponding switch to increase your basic protection.
  3. Using the navigation menu, go to the section "Blocked".
  4. To text field "Site type" Enter the URL of the resource you want to block. In our case, we need to enter the following:
  5. This also allows you to enter a domain rather than a full address.

  6. After filling out the field, click the button "Add page".
  7. Now in the area under the field to be filled in you should see "List of blocked sites", which will contain the VKontakte URL.
  8. To cancel the blocking, use the button "Delete".
  9. You can also configure the blocking to activate at a predefined time.
  10. By clicking on the button «…» , you will see a field that you can fill in with any other URL. After this, when attempting to log into VKontakte, the user will be redirected to the specified resource.
  11. Please note that it is best to specify a redirection address to hide extension mentions that are shown when attempting to log into a blocked resource.
  12. In conclusion to this method It is important to note that in section "Settings" On the extension control panel you can find many additional features.

Method 3: Any Weblock Program

The method of blocking a site using the Any Weblock program, although slightly higher in the level of complexity of bypassing the blocking than the previously mentioned ones, is much more effective because you can set a password, after which no one except the administrator will be able to use this software.

  1. On the official resource of the program, use the button "Download" to download the software.
  2. After downloading the program, install it on your computer via standard process installations.
  3. After installation, launch Any Weblock.
  4. To start the blocking process, click the button "Password" on the main toolbar.
  5. From the drop-down list, select "Create".
  6. Fill in the fields "Password" And "Confirm" according to your preferred password to protect access.
  7. To provide additional protection, for example, if you forget the password you created, fill in the field "Secret question" in accordance with the security question asked. Right there in the column "Your answer" write down the answer to the question.
  8. Be sure to remember the entered data so that there are no problems in the future.

  9. Each field must contain at least 6 characters.
  10. Once you have completed preparing your password and security question, save the settings by clicking on the button "OK".
  11. If the save is successful, you will see a corresponding notification.

Having completed the preparation, you can proceed to blocking VK.

The program reviewed in automatic mode makes changes to the hosts file.

To complete this method, it is important to mention that when you re-enter the program, you will need to authorize using the previously assigned password. Moreover, if for some reason you cannot use the password, you are given the opportunity to remove the program and then clean the system of debris.

In fact, all Internet resources contain a sufficient number of bots and abnormal people who can drive people into hysterics with their texts. This is especially true for social networks, where anyone can leave comments and write texts that may not correspond to reality, contain words of threats, or even call for illegal actions aimed at committing terrorist attacks or suicide and cause genuine irritation. Let's try to figure it out how to block a person on VK so as not to enter into polemics with him, conduct meaningless dialogues and not be subject to manipulation.

Very often, for the sake of an unhealthy joke or banal fun, some users, regardless of the published topic of the post, simply begin to write obscene comments insulting not only the author, but also other users. To get rid of such boors and no longer give the opportunity to comment on your own posts, you can ban such a user. To do this, you need:

  • open a social network page for a user who will be blocked in the future;
  • near the “Add as a friend” button, you need to click on the icon in the form of three dots;
  • in the drop-down menu, all you have to do is click on “block” (after this word there will also be a name).

As a result, this user will no longer be able to write anything to you or comment on posts. We should not forget that if this person you have as a friend, this will not be possible until he is excluded from this category.

How to block a person on VK forever

Sometimes you can see the same inadequate users in different groups and posts, who practically always misinform others, swear, call for extremism, etc. In this case, nothing will help except contacting the administration of the Vkontakte social network. For this purpose, a special function was created that everyone can use. It is worth considering that the arguments when submitting such an application must be more than convincing, otherwise these actions will lead to nothing. To use this user blocking feature, you must:

After clicking on the “Submit” button, the administrators and moderators of the social network will review such a request and decide whether certain user actions were a violation and whether they contradict the rules of conduct on the social network.

Adding to the blacklist

Many of us may fall out with friends and not talk to each other for a while. Moreover, the person on the other side can write something to you, either making excuses or reproaching you. If you know that, most likely, after a certain period of time, communication will resume and you will talk again, as before, it is absolutely not necessary to remove such users from your friends, but temporarily add him to the black list so that this moment do not receive any messages from him. For this:

If you need to exclude someone from the black list, then you need to perform all similar actions, but already find the necessary person in the list and remove him from this list.

Blocking a VKontakte user on your own website

Now it is very convenient and already habitual, instead of going through the registration procedure on the portal, to leave comments, leaving personal data that are indicated in “VK”. But sometimes some users, in order to provoke a negative reaction from other users towards a particular resource, may leave unflattering comments in the form of obscene language, insults to subscribers, etc. Moreover, competitors can also do this by creating “wrong” accounts. To ensure that comments on behalf of this user are no longer displayed on your site, it is necessary.

VKontakte, as in real life, you can meet different people, good and bad. But, unlike reality, on a social network you can easily stop contacting bad people by simply blocking their access to your profile. I’ll tell you in detail how to block a person on VK.

Method number 1: If the person is a friend

Blocking friends is unpleasant, but sometimes it is necessary. Moreover, in social networks, friends are most often just a name that includes enemies, exes, and just casual acquaintances.

So, if you are tired of someone from this list with their annoying messages, you can block their profile. This can be done in two ways - with or without a complaint from the administration.

For example, if spam comes from a friend’s page, you can block it by first complaining to the VK administration. To do this, follow the following procedure.

Step #1. Go to the page of the person you want to block.

Step #2. Under his avatar, click on the three dots icon. Then select “Report Page”.

Report the page of the person you want to block.

Step #3. Check the “Close access to my page” checkbox. Click on the "Submit" button.

The reason for blocking may not be specified.

Please note that in this case, even if the owner of the page returns it, he will not be able to write to you or view the information on your page.

No complaint about a person

Step #1. If you want to block a person without a complaint, click on the checkmark in the upper left corner of the page and select “Settings”.

Go to your page settings.

Step #2. Select "Black List" from the menu on the right. Here are all the people you blocked. Click the "Add to Blacklist" button. If you cannot get to the specified page, follow the link.

Add a person to your blacklist.
Enter the First Name, Last Name, or a link to the person you want to block.
Copy the person's profile link.

This way you can block anyone, not just a friend. But for strangers, there is an easier way.

Method number 2: If the person is not friends

Step #1. To quickly block a person who is not your friend, go to his page.

Step #2. Under your avatar, click on the three dots and then on the “Block” button. That's it, now this person will not be able to write messages to you and view information on your page.

Block a person.

Method number 3: How to block a person in a VK group

Step #1. Join the group.

Step #2. Click the Manage button on the right side of the screen.

Log in to your group management.

Step #3. Select "Participants".

Members of the group.

Step #4. Select the “Black List” item and click on the “Add to Black List” button.

Add subscriber to blacklist

Step #5. Select a person from the list and click the “Block” button next to their nickname. You can search by group members by entering the first letters of the first or last name. If a permanent ban occurs, the user will lose access to the group and will no longer be a member of the group.

Select a person to block from the group.

As you can see, it is very easy to block a person, depriving him of access to your profile or VK community. At the same time, you always have the opportunity to change your mind and unlock it by pressing just one button.