How to close VK groups on a page. How to hide groups on VK

As a rule, such a need arises in situations where you do not want to share important content with others or the community does not correspond to the “image” of the user in the eyes of others. We offer small instructions that will help solve this problem.

In order to hide the group from the eyes of third-party users, you can use the privacy settings. Here's how to do it:

  • Scroll down the screen and find the phrase that begins with the words “To make sure that you have installed...”. Click on it. Here you can see what the page looks like through the eyes of other users. This way you can check that all privacy settings are correct.

From now on, the list of groups will be hidden from all users.

Attention! Using the method described above, you can hide other information on your page.

Another method of hiding a group is reliable, but radical. You need to leave the community, then no one will ever guess that you were ever a member of it. But there is a significant drawback: every time you need to enter a group, you will have to search for it for a long time through the internal search social network. In addition, this method will be ineffective if we are talking about a closed or private group.

How to remove a group from interesting VK pages

“Interesting pages” is a section of a personal page that displays the communities that the user visits more often than others. In addition, user activity in public pages is also taken into account: the more comments, likes and reposts, the higher the likelihood of seeing the public in “Interesting Pages”.

Pretty hard. Here is a detailed guide to help you do this:

  • Scroll down the form that appears to the “My bookmarks” line. Place a checkmark next to it. Click the “Save” button.

Other people can see your most viewed groups; the list of such communities will not always create a good impression of you. Of course, you need to hide groups that you don’t want others to see on your VK page. It may not always be that those groups are there that will give other people an impression of you. For example, if you want to create a positive, or image of a sweet lady, it won’t suit you if your interesting pages contain groups like: “I’ll give it away for free,” “Vulgar +18.”

Quick navigation:

Before you hide or delete groups, bookmark them.

A block of interesting pages, includes the most viewed communities, groups on VK, there are also popular people, it is located under the “Gifts” block if you look at another person’s page from a computer.

In order to remove displays of unwanted publics in this block, perform the following manipulations:

  1. We activate the “Bookmarks” item in our menu.

Now in your menu there will be a bookmark item and you can easily go to those groups that we will hide from the “Interesting Pages” block and the list of groups in your profile.

Before you start hiding one or more groups from information about your page, think about whether it might be worth it, because whenever you want to look at them, you can go to your bookmarks and see your deleted communities.

How to hide groups from the “Interesting Pages” block.

There are closed publics, and if you delete them, you will not be able to view them, so the method of hiding groups by deleting from them will not work. We do this:

  1. Go to the group that you want to hide from the “Interesting Pages” block and add it to your bookmarks.

So in a simple way you can hide groups that you don't want others to see. The group will be removed from the “Interesting Pages” block on your page, and no one will see it in the list of personal information in the “Groups” section. You can always continue to view the page that is hidden from everyone; to do this, go to Bookmarks, where you previously added the hidden page. is a popular social network that is used daily by millions of users, and this number is only increasing every day. Individually for each user, when going to the “News” section, a special block “Interesting Pages” is formed. This block is drawn from automatic selection information that is relevant specifically for this user. This information includes both news and pages of other social network users to which the person is subscribed or which may be potentially interesting to the person (determined by the user’s visited pages).

How to hide interesting pages on VKontakte from other users

But is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages from other categories of users? Yes, this seems possible and the answer to the question of how to do this is given in detail below.

Ways to hide interesting VKontakte pages from everyone

Many people ask themselves: how to hide interesting VKontakte pages from everyone? To perform this action and successfully hide what is needed from all users, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Now you know how to hide interesting VKontakte pages without leaving access to them to anyone except yourself.

Another way to hide interesting pages is to simply unsubscribe from communities or friends you follow. This may not be the most desirable action for you, but if there are no subscriptions, communities and friends will not appear in your recommendations, and therefore, in the list of your interesting pages.

How to hide interesting VK pages from friends

Many people ask the question: how to hide interesting VK pages from friends? You can use the method above or it's simple. In order to hide your interesting pages from friends, you need to unfollow your friends or add the friends from whom you want to hide your interesting pages to the black list. This is a rather unpleasant method, but taking into account the social network’s policies, it is the most effective.

After this, your interesting pages will be unavailable to your friends whom you added to the blacklist or from whom you unfollowed.

Is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages?

Above we discussed key ways on how to hide interesting VK pages in 2017 after updating VK. Unfortunately, the functionality for hiding interesting pages from other users on a social network is much less than the functionality for hiding your posts on a social network, which also has significant restrictions.

This is due to the rather strict policy of the popular social network, which is aimed at creating greater transparency in the interaction of users with each other. The growing popularity of the social network only increases the need to tighten this policy.

Today we will teach you how to hide VKontakte groups from other users, friends or a specific friend, subscriber or person.

VKontakte groups are a very interesting way to view content. A lot of interesting things happen in groups and almost every user of this social network uses the services of communities. They may contain material of a different nature and sometimes this information is undesirable for third parties. So that no one finds out about the groups to which the user has subscribed, he can hide them from prying eyes. Then, without worries, you can subscribe to any groups and not be afraid of being calculated.

how to hide groups on VKontakte from other users? Easily! To do this, you need to go to the page settings.

Or open home page of the site, find your own name and avatar at the top right - you need to click on it. A list will appear additional functions, from which you should select “Settings”.

On open page settings, pay attention to the column on the right. In it, find and go to the “Privacy” item. He is third on the list from the top.

A window with privacy settings will appear in the middle. There is a lot of interesting things here, it is advisable for each user to visit this page to configure detailed information on your own page.

So how can I remove groups in personal information in VK? Find the column “Who sees the list of my groups” and opposite it click on the clickable text, in the screenshot it is “All users”.

A dialog box will appear in which you should select the option that suits you. Let's look at them in detail.

  • All users – the list of groups is visible to everyone except those on the blacklist;
  • Only friends – visible to friends (followers and subscriptions do not count);
  • Friends and friends of friends - similar to the second, only friends of friends also join the list;
  • All except - here you can mark people for whom the list will be closed, and for everyone else it will be open;
  • Some friends - you are given the opportunity to open the list only to the friends you have selected, and the rest of the list will be closed.

By selecting the desired item and, if necessary, tagging friends, you can exit their settings. Also at the bottom of the “Privacy” page there is a function for viewing the page from a third party. With this function, you can open your own page as if another person did it to see everything clearly.

Is it possible to hide the list of “Interesting Pages” on my VK page?

We figured out how to hide groups from everyone in VK, but there is another type of community. Alas, a list with interesting pages cannot be hidden from other people. He is visible to everyone.

There are only two ways to remove them, namely:

  • Add a person to the blacklist, and then he will not see the pages that interest you;
  • Make your profile private.

How to make a profile private and what does it give?

We figured out how to remove the list of groups from personal information on VKontakte. However, the question of how to hide the list of groups in VK can be approached from a different direction. There is a function private profile, in this case, all information on the page becomes private, including groups and interesting pages. This is the only way to hide interesting pages on your site from all users. But information is hidden from everyone except friends. In this case, everyone except friends will not see interesting pages.

To create a private profile, you need to change the “Profile Type” item to private status in the privacy settings. This item is located at the bottom of the settings.

After the translation, you can exit the settings. In this case, people will be able to add you as a friend and write messages (if allowed), but all information will be closed. It is open to friends according to the rules specified in the same privacy settings.

"VK", and also discuss some aspects of working with this object. What it is? Why do they exist? How can you give your public enormous popularity? What does that require? How to hide a group in VK? All this will be discussed now.

What's happened?

The first thing we will talk about is the very concept of a group on a social network. What are they needed for? It’s not just that this object is present on social networks, right?

In fact, public pages are now something like a club of interests. Here you can find like-minded people, read some news (for example, in groups on computer games announcements of new products are published), watch videos (sometimes even films), look at pictures and screenshots, listen to music and just chat with those who share your interests in some area. True, sometimes you have to think about how to delete a group on VK. We will talk about this and much more today. Let's start, perhaps, with the more interesting points.

Hiding the admin

Now that we already have a general idea of ​​​​publics, let's play around a little. Now we will try to understand how we can hide the so-called management (administrators) of this group from prying eyes.

There are several quite interesting and at the same time simple methods, which even a novice user can handle. We will start with what seems to us the simplest. Go to the group (as an admin) and then click on Contacts. Select the people you want to hide, and then click "remove from list." This is the first scenario.

Now we’ll look at another method, after which we’ll talk a little about how to delete a group in VK. Go to your public page, and then select “community management” under your avatar. Next, visit the "leaders" section. In it, uncheck “display in the contacts block” and save the changes. That's all. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Now let's talk to you about how to delete a group on VK.


Well, now we've gotten to more interesting topic, which could only excite us. Now we will try to delete the group. To do this, you need to follow one rule. Which? You must be the direct creator of the public. Only in in this case It is advisable to talk about how to delete a group on VK. Let's assume that everything is as it should be. Then we can begin.

So, we will start by going to the “my groups” section after logging in to the social network. You will see a list of all the publics where you “sit” open in front of you. Find the “manage community” button there and click on it. Now select "information" - "closed". During of this action You can answer how to hide a group in VK. The point is that after such manipulation, all information will be visible only to you. Now remove all community members and then leave your group yourself. That's it. Now you know how to delete a group on VK. But this is not all the “interesting things” that we will learn today. Now we will try to hide the publics you are in from your profile, and then we will see how the “promotion” of groups occurs.

From prying eyes

Well, it's time to see what other actions can be done with publics. For example, with those in which we are ordinary users. Sometimes you don’t want to show all your interests. So now we will try to figure out with you how to hide a group on VK from prying eyes.

For this idea, you will have to work a little with the so-called privacy settings. They allow us to customize the display of certain personal information. Publics and communities fall under the distribution of this function. Now we will see how to close the “VK” group (or rather, the entire list in which you “sit”) in one fell swoop.

Log in to the social network, and then go to "My Settings". A page with several tabs will open in front of you. We will need to go to “privacy”, then pay attention to the line “who sees the list of my groups”. You put this parameter to "just me." This means that now all the publics in which you participate will be visible only to you. None of your friends or outside visitors will be able to see which groups you are in. You can, of course, set visibility to “only friends” or “specific users”. In general, this is a purely personal matter for each person. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. We have already figured out how to delete a group on VK. Now let's look at another interesting point. Namely, how the popularity of public pages increases. This is a very interesting, albeit slightly confusing process.


So, now we’ll talk about how to create a group on VK. This process will help you quickly gain popularity and, of course, visitors. What else does a public administrator need? That's right, nothing.

As a rule, "advertising" occurs using special programs. They can be easily found freely available in world wide web. They are shareware. Sometimes you can come across “instances” that give us demo access and then ask for payment for their work. Using these applications, subscribers are found and added to the “VK” group. After you install this content, you just need to enter your username and password, and then select the public in which you want to cheat. A few clicks and you're done. Really, be careful. Very often for similar applications there are viruses that hack social media accounts.

Find out id

Now you and I know how to delete a group on VK, and today we also learned some very interesting techniques. We just forgot to talk about one important element, which quite often has to be used when promoting a public page. Namely, about the id number. Shall we learn to find it?

In order to get the desired numbers, as a rule, it is enough to go to the group page. The browser will write something like:, where xxxxxxx is the required number. If you see a name there in Latin, then you can simply go to any object - a picture or video. There you will also see an id number in the address bar. That's all. Now you know how to close a group on VK, delete it or “promote” it.