How to ban games in contact. How to block VKontakte

I’ll show you how to close access to VKontakte on your computer. You can block access for your girlfriend or children so that they do not access VKontakte from the computer and waste time. This method will block access to the VKontakte site only on the computer.

We go to the etc folder, it is located at . Here are the files: hosts, Imhosts.sam, networks, protocol, services. We are interested in the hosts file; it lists all sites to which access to your computer is blocked, as well as all redirects. Fraudsters often register their phishing sites in this file, and when you access the sites, a fraudulent site opens to you.

Here is one example of such scams and phishing.

Here is another example of how scammers make money from paid SMS sent to them by victim users whose computers are blocked from the VKontakte site or are being redirected from a real site to a fraudulent one.

So, let's go back to the etc folder and the hosts file. Click on it right click mice.

How do you want to open this file?

Scroll to the bottom of the list. Choose a notepad or any other text editor(Notepad just opens the fastest).

If you don’t have the Notepad application, then click “find another application on this computer.”

And open Windows folder, which is located at C:\Windows. In this folder is the notepad application - this is a notepad, select it and click open (or double-click on it).

The opened hosts file in Notepad will show you all its contents.

Default in hosts file written:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a ‘#’ symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost

You may have some other sites written here if you are using unlicensed software that blocks key verification by prohibiting the computer from visiting license verification sites. For example, for Adobe products and others.

Now let's add a few empty lines at the very bottom:

The address is your computer and what is written next is the address to which access to your computer will be denied.

Thus, we denied our computer access to VKontakte sites.

Now press the key combination Ctrl + S - this saves the document. And save the modified hosts file. In folder C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc on Windows 8 ( On Windows 7 it seems possible) nothing can be saved due to security reasons, so we save the modified hosts file in another location.

Now you need to enable the display of file extensions to remove the extension from the saved hosts.txt file and make it a file without an extension. Since the original hosts file is just a file without an extension.

How to enable display of file extensions:

  • On Windows 7: Click Tools > Folder Options > View and uncheck Hide extensions for known file types.
  • On Windows 8: Click on View > Show or Hide and check the box for “file name extensions”.

Now select the hosts.txt file and press F2 on it (this is editing).

And remove the .txt extension from its name

So that all that remains is just hosts.

Press Enter to complete editing. The system notifies us that after changing the extension, this file may no longer be accessible. Do you really want to change it?

Click Yes.

Ready. The hosts file now has no extension.

Now you need to move it to the folder C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc and replace the original hosts file with the one we changed. Right-click on the modified hosts file and select “cut”.

Go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc, then right-click on an empty space and select “Paste”.

We will be notified that there is already a “hosts” file in the destination folder. Click “Replace file in destination folder.”

Click continue.

And all the hosts file has been changed. Now, when you try to open the website on any browser, you will receive an error: Page not found, but you can do the following: view its saved copy.

IN Internet Explorer it will say: This page cannot be displayed.

  • Make sure the web address is correct
  • Find the page using a search engine
  • Refresh the page in a few minutes

Fix connection problems.

In the Opera browser it will be written: Page unavailable. An attempt to connect Opera to was rejected. The site may be temporarily unavailable or your connection may not be configured correctly.

Check your internet connection. Check cable connections and restart all routers and other network devices.

Allow Opera to access the network through your firewall or antivirus settings. If the program is already on the allowed list, remove it from the list and add it again.

If you are using a proxy server...

Check your connection settings or contact your network administrator to ensure that the proxy server is functioning. If you don't need to use a proxy server. Go to Opera menu > Settings > Change proxy settings... > Settings local network and deselect "Use a proxy server for the local network."

As you can see, all Internet browsers give only useless advice on solving this problem and lead in a completely different direction, and there is not a word anywhere that a ban can be written in the hosts file, although this problem has been around for decades. Is it really difficult to write, check whether the site is prohibited in the hosts file.

To block VKontakte on your Internet network, you need to go into the settings of your Wi-Fi router and block the VKontakte site in the router settings. I talked about this in the video about setting up a router.

You need to block Vkontakte because staying on this site, at best, will become a pointless waste of life for your child, and at worst, it will lead to serious mental problems and delayed intellectual development. The problem is that being on VKontakte does not imply any mental activity. The work on this site itself is structured in such a way as not to force the visitor to think: just post photos, click on the “Like” button and write short comments like “cool photo.”

How to block VKontakte on your home computer

To block VKontakte, you must have administrator rights. Click the “Start” button and at the very bottom, where it says “Search programs and files,” write the following command:

notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

A notepad will open into which you need to copy the following lines:

As a result, you should get the following:

Close Notepad and answer “Yes” when prompted to save the file.

Please note that the child will be able to do the same steps, exclude these lines from the hosts file and unblock Vkontakte. To prevent this, create a limited account for Windows, and set a password for your administrator account.

How to block VKontakte on your phone and tablet

There are two ways to block VKontakte on your phone or tablet:

  • obtain administrator rights on the device and add VKontakte to the list of blocked sites;
  • block access on the router.

Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. The first one is more reliable, but obtaining administrative rights to mobile device is not the easiest task. Blocking using the second method is carried out in a few mouse clicks, but it will not always work, but only when accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Let's consider the second method. First you need to find out the IP address Wi-Fi points, username and password. If you configured the access point yourself, then this data should be known to you. In other cases, you should call the technician who performed the setup and request this data.

After you find out the IP, you should enter it in the address bar of your browser. You will be asked for a username and password. After that you will be taken to the settings section. We will consider blocking VKontakte for a D-Link router, since the products of this particular company are most widespread in Russia.

  1. Find the word “Advanced” at the top of the screen and click on it with your mouse.
  2. On the left, find the words “Filter” and click again.
  3. Check the “Domain Blocking” box.
  4. Just below, check the box “Allow users to access all domains except “Blocked Domains”.
  5. Enter the address in the box below.
  6. Click the “Apply” button below.

After completing this procedure, the router will block attempts to access from any devices connected through this access point. In a similar way, you can prohibit other social networks, for example, Odnoklassniki or Twitter.

What to do if a child has learned to bypass the ban on VKontakte using anonymizers and proxies

The way the Internet works is that any blocking of an arbitrary site can be bypassed by accessing it through an intermediary site. For example, you blocked site A. There is always the opportunity to go to site B, which will work on your behalf with the prohibited site A. If you block site B, then there will be a similar site C. Considering that there are many sites on the Internet, to put it mildly, the opportunity You will always get to a prohibited site. What to do?

For severe cases, when the child is already mentally dependent - he does not understand either the verbal ban on VKontakte or the blocking using technical means- an invention like this comes to the rescue whitelists. The point is this: You sit down with your child and make a list of those sites that are necessary for study. Everything else that is not included in the white list will be prohibited. It will be almost impossible to circumvent the prohibitions using tricks.

To enable the white list, we will need to perform the algorithm described above (see “How to block VKontakte on your phone and tablet”). However, the algorithm will need to change points 4 and 5:

  • instead of the item “Allow users to access all domains except Blocked Domains”, select “Deny users to access all domains except Permitted Domains”;
  • and then sequentially add sites from a pre-compiled white list.

At the end, don’t forget to click “Apply” and wait for the router to reboot. Now only study sites will be accessible via Wi-Fi. The question arises: what to do if the rest of the family needs to use the Internet? Whitelists will also apply to them. There are two solutions here:

  • firstly, you can enable filtering not for all, but only for some so-called MAC addresses. Usually these addresses are indicated under the cover of the mobile phone and on the side of the tablet;
  • secondly, some routers support the creation of several (up to 4) wireless networks. One can work exclusively on a white list, while the other will skip all sites.

How to block VKontakte using programs

In the near future, technical specialists on our website will prepare for you a review of programs that can be used to block access to Vkontakte. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • simplicity - no need to bother editing files and setting up the router;
  • relatively high reliability - lists of anonymizers and proxies are constantly updated by the manufacturer, so it will be much more difficult to circumvent the ban;
  • many good programs distributed on a paid basis;
  • The programs do not apply to Cell phones and tablets;
  • By downloading a program from unverified sources, there is a risk of getting a virus.

Secrets of VKontakte

Yes, I understand that it’s a little off-topic, but I come across this question more and more often. Why might you even need to block a person on VKontakte? In short, the average picture looks something like this: a child school age He devotes more and more time to contact, devotes less and less time to homework, becomes dumber, and the parent is indignant (you can find a lot of interesting information about the monstrous harm of social networks). Several times I helped people with advice over the phone. I think it wouldn’t hurt to write a small note on the topic of blocking Vkontakte.

VKontakte blocking

The easiest way to block VK through hosts

So, the correct way is to set up a firewall. For some parents, installing a firewall and configuring it is a non-trivial task. Therefore the simplest way.

Open "My Computer". IN address bar We enter “c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts” and we will be asked to select a program to open the hosts file. Select Notepad. At the very bottom add the lines:


Save and you're done. The child returns to the bosom of school. You saved the child!

Note: To edit hosts you will need administrator rights. Before changing the file, it is recommended to make it backup copy, which can be used if the need for blocking disappears.

Blocking on the router

Blocking Vkontakte on a router (Wi-Fi access point) is also quite simple, but has a significant advantage over blocking at the hosts file level. The fact is that a blocked computer will not stop VKontakte, because you can safely surf the site via a smartphone or tablet. But blocking at the router level will leave all devices accessing the Internet through this router without Contact. So what are we waiting for?

Take the manual for your router and find the following information: address, login and password. The address should be something like this: or You need to type it in the browser and enter your username and password. You will be taken to the administrative settings of your access point. If a specialist set up your router for you, you should call him and ask for the data. Without them, nothing will be possible.

In the administrative interface, you need to find the block by domain name. For example, in popular routers D-Link To do this, you need to go to “Advanced Settings”, then find the Filtering tab and check the “Domain blocking” item. Next, you need to check “Allow everything except these domains” and below retype all the addresses that are listed in this article (see above in the text). After this, you need to click “Apply” and remember to reboot. Ready.

In other routers, the names in the menu may vary, but the meaning is the same: look for advanced settings, look for filtering or blocking, and indicate all domains related to VKontakte.

Blocking in Google Chrome and Firefox

If everything described above is difficult for you, you can use a ready-made browser extension Google Chrome(or Mozilla Firefox). Go to the app store and enter “Site block” in the search bar. You will be offered a wide range of extensions that allow you to block arbitrary sites and protect settings with a password. Of course, the store is just called a store, but extensions from it can be downloaded completely free of charge. Choose what you like best.

Unfortunately, although this method is the easiest (everything is done in 2-3 mouse clicks), it is also the most unreliable. Probably, in some cases it can help reduce the time spent on VKontakte, but it will not stop a serious VKontakte addict.

Set up white lists and block VK

Having blocked VKontakte and won your first small victory, do not rush to rejoice. The child will immediately begin to look for workarounds and very quickly learn about the so-called anonymizers. The principle of their operation is very simple: you blocked VKontakte by domain name. The child can no longer connect directly to specified addresses. But he can connect to an anonymizer that you have not blocked, and the anonymizer, on its own behalf, will forward the request to Vkontakte. And that's it, the blocking doesn't work. Moreover, anonymizers are often created by attackers in order to intercept the login and password for VKontakte, and then send spam or even viruses on behalf of the “victim.” And the problem is that you won’t be able to block all anonymizers, because: firstly, there are hundreds of thousands of them, and secondly, ten new ones appear in place of one blocked one. What to do?

What needs to be blocked:

As you can see, there will be quite a lot of blocking required. There are thousands of VPN services, and the number of web proxies is in the tens of thousands. Get tired of blocking. And this is where whitelists come to the rescue.

It is white lists that bring real horror to VKontakte people. What it is? Roughly speaking, you ban all sites and allow only those that the child needs for his studies: Wikipedia, school website, electronic libraries, etc. You can compile this list yourself - the child will come and explain what exactly he needed for his studies, and you will add these sites to the list of allowed sites (after checking). Or you can use ready-made lists. For example, they are built into some firewalls, antiviruses, some providers offer a filtering service using ready-made white lists, etc. Choose the most convenient option for yourself and act!

Finally, the funniest way to prevent someone from logging into VK.

How to block a page for anyone on VKontakte

Often, there is a need to deny access to popular social networks such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, etc. For example, for employees of a company, or even at home. There are many ways to do this. You can, for example, block using special programs, in the antivirus or firewall settings, or in the same hosts file.

But this doesn't always happen. Some applications online services request access not only to general information, but also to other data And functions, up to the ability to publish, edit and delete posts on your wall. There will be no confirmations or settings, but problems are possible.

Access control for VKontakte online service applications

Fortunately, all these “connections” can be controlled in the VKontakte settings. Below I will give step by step instructions how to do it.

Application access control in the new VKontakte interface

Step 1: Go to My Settings page

Go to the “My Settings” page from the VKontakte menu

Step 2: Go to Application Settings page

On the page that opens, in the right column, click the link “ Application Settings».

Going to the “Application Settings” page from the “My Settings” page on VKontakte

Step 3: Uninstall the app

On the page that opens you will see a list of connected sites and applications. If you wish, you can click the " gears» in the application line and view its settings and access rights. It is noteworthy that not all applications have settings, and the access rights granted to the application cannot be changed. So if you are not happy with something, click the icon with “ cross" in the application line or link " Delete…» in the application settings window.

Application access control in the old VKontakte interface

Step 2: Go to your apps settings page

Click the link " Applications" - the VKontakte application catalog will open. Go to the " My applications"- by default you will see the message: “You have not connected any applications yet” - this is normal. Click the link " Settings"and here is a page with a list of those applications to which we gave access to the account:

Step 3: Set up and remove the application

In fact, by clicking the link “ Tune» in the application line, you will not be able to configure anything, but only see what data you have given it access to. If you are not satisfied with something, click the link “ Put away"and remove everything unnecessary.

Video: How to deny access to the VKontakte application?

How to close (deny) access to the site

Sometimes there is a need to block access to a specific site or group of sites. To avoid explaining for a long time, I can give you an example. Let's say your child is a fan social networks and often visits sites like VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but he has more important things to do, such as preparing homework or tomorrow’s test, etc. What should be done in this case? – Leave access to the Internet, but prohibit viewing certain sites.

This, of course, can be done, but you just need to take into account that if the person from whom you are going to block this access is well versed in computer technologies, then there is no point in doing this.

I already touched on this topic once in an article about “ Parental control" This is one of the ways to block sites, if you are interested, you can read it.

In this same article I want to show how to do the same thing, but without installing anything or configuring anything special. It will be enough just to correct a certain file using notepad.

And so we will begin to block the site or sites. Let's say you need to block access to the VKontakte website. To do this, you need to make sure that you have administrator rights.

We find hosts file along the following path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

Open it using notepad:

We write the following in the file:

If you need to block several sites, then you need to list all the addresses in a column: site_address next_site_address address_of_another_site

It's no secret that despite all the benefits that the Internet has brought with it, it has become a global trash heap, since anyone can open their own website and post on it whatever their heart desires. In this garbage dump you can find real diamonds, but there are also harmful, dangerous, porn and other sites. And there are very fascinating sites on which both adults and children hang out, to the detriment of work, study and even health. Therefore, many employers, parents and other users want to know how to block access to the site.


This can be done for a specific browser. Let's say, for Internet Explorer you need to go to Internet Options, open the Contents tab, select Access Restriction - enable. In the window that opens, you can set restrictions by age categories, as well as allow or deny access to any site. In the Opera browser, go to the Tools menu, then Advanced, then Blocked content. In the window that opens, you can enter all the sites that should be blocked.

All browsers have similar capabilities, but nothing will prevent the user from downloading a portable version of the browser from a flash drive and bypassing all these restrictions.

Hosts file

You can block access to certain sites using the hosts file. You can find it by following the path C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc. This file is located in the etc folder. It is used to match IP addresses with the names of known sites. Normally the computer will ask the DNS server for this, but if this information is in the hosts file, it will not do this. For example, here are some valid comparisons:

You can open the file using notepad. Usually, if no one has edited it yet, including an evil virus, it contains several explanatory entries that begin with a # sign at the beginning of the line. At the very bottom there is usually an entry: localhost
::1 localhost

localhost is the computer itself. If these lines are also preceded by # signs, they need to be removed. Now you can add the necessary (or rather unnecessary sites) by matching them with the same IP address, for example:

In one line, first write the IP address, then the name of the site. There must be at least one space between them. You can add a comment after the # sign. After this, you need to save the changes through the File menu and restart the browser. When you access one of the specified sites, the computer will look for them in itself, and the browser will display a blank page.

By the way, you can write the IP address of any other site instead of For example, if you write

then instead of the VKontakte website the website will load. Just remember that every user with administrator rights can edit the hosts file, so you need to make sure that those for whom restrictions are introduced have the rights of ordinary users.

In contact with

Close access to the VKontakte website, which, by the way, has completely moved to new address, it turns out, is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that a lot of resources have appeared that provide alternative access to this site, as well as to Odnoklassniki and other similar sites. You can try to track them on resources like AccessYes, BanNo, and the like. Here is a far from complete list of addresses where you can get to the VKontakte website:

So you’ll have to work hard by organizing a competition with your child to find and ban them.


Block access from Internet browser Explorer.
Run Internet Explorer and open the "Tools" menu. Select Internet Options. Select the Privacy tab and click the Nodes button. Enter the addresses of the sites you want to block access to in the appropriate field and click “Block”, then select “OK”.

Block access from the Opera browser.
Run Opera browser. Go to Settings and click on the Advanced tab. Select "Content" in me on the left side of the form. Click the "Add" button and enter the URL of the site you want to block. Close the menu and restart your browser.

Block access from Mozilla browser Firefox.
Firefox offers the use of its add-ons to block sites. One of the most convenient plugins is LeechBlock, but there are others. Launch Firefox. Go to Tools, Add-ons and find LeechBlock. Click Add to Firefox. Click the "Install Now" button. Once the installation is finished, restart Firefox so you can start blocking access to websites with LeechBlock.
Click Tools at the top of the menu. Select LeechBlock and then select Options.
Enter the address of the site you want to block. This program is convenient because you can choose not only complete blocking site, but also temporary - at certain hours or days of the week, for a certain period of time. This is useful for self-discipline if you want to resist the temptation to get distracted from work. It is no less convenient for monitoring children.