How to prevent app updates on Android. Disabling automatic updates in Windows How to limit updates

How to disable automatic application updates on Android if constantly installing new data consumes a large number of traffic and random access memory phone?

You can disable the function using the built-in functions of your gadget.

How does software update work?Android

Releasing software, developers cannot make it perfectly adapted for all devices. That is why the program may often not work correctly on certain smartphone models. Noticing such inaccuracies, programmers correct the flaws, test the resulting product and release new components. By installing them, the user will receive a more advanced version of their favorite game or other type of software.

Each update has its own digital designation - version number. It is written in 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 and so on. When you first install something on your gadget from Play Store, you get the most latest version update. Over time, more and more improvements to the program will appear.

To prevent the user from uninstalling and installing it again, the store provides an update function - you simply press the appropriate key and get the latest version in a few seconds. All user data and files will be saved. In the Google Store window, you can see what's new and what features have been added to your favorite application.

Rice. 2 – view information about new components in Google Play

Often, in the Android store, the function of automatically updating the software installed on the phone is already activated. This feature will allow you not to monitor the constant releases of components, because developers create them almost every week. If the background installation interferes with your work with the device or consumes a lot of Internet, you should disable the function.

Disable automatic updates usingPlay Market

If you do not want to install additional utilities that are designed to work with updates in Android system, use standard Play Market. With its help, you can also configure the operation of updates. Follow the instructions to disable automatic download and installation of new components:

  • Open the application store;
  • will appear Homepage store. Open the menu by flicking to the right or clicking on the corresponding icon;

Rice. 3 – home screen in Play Market

  • At the bottom of the menu list, select “Settings” and go to the window for changing the program configuration;

Fig. 4 – main menu of the store

  • In category general settings You should click on the “Auto-update programs” option. A window for selecting an update method will open. Select "Never" and close the window.

Rice. 5 – disabling the update

Disabling the update in the phone settings

By installing any game or program, you accept Terms of use so that the software can have access to the built-in functions of the system and other programs. Even if you have disabled updates in the store, installation new version may be carried out not by the Market, but by the application itself. This happens if the automatic software update function is activated in the smartphone settings.

To disable the feature, follow these steps:

  • Go to the gadget settings;
  • Click on the “About device” icon;
  • Select the "Software Update" option;

Fig.6 – “About device” window in Android OS

  • In the new window, deactivate the checkbox next to the “Auto-update” item.

Manually updating programs

Loading latest news and versions of your favorite programs manually, you can reduce traffic consumption and simply speed up your smartphone, because in background processes The process of downloading data will not be ongoing. Manual work with updates is suitable for those users whose phones have too many applications installed, and the phone’s resources do not allow them to perform many background operations.

Also, constantly enabled updates quickly reduce the battery charge and make the gadget work slowly. After disabling the installation of new data, you should periodically carry out updates yourself. You can do this as follows:

  • Go to Google Play;
  • Click on the menu icon on the left top corner applications;
  • In the list that opens, select “My applications and games”;
  • Go to the “Installed” tab;

Fig.8 - viewing and updating installed applications manually

  • An “Update” button will appear next to the software for which an update is available. You can start the process of downloading a new version of the utility for one application or for all at once. Just click "Update All" at the top right open tab store.

After clicking on the “Update all” button, the process of downloading and installing the latest program data from the store server will begin. This may take a long time, depending on how much software is on your gadget.

For each program, the process of installing new components through the Google Play Market will begin:

Fig.9 – installation of new components

The advantage of this method of working with applications is that you choose the installation time of the components and they will not start downloading at the wrong time, when there is little traffic on the phone or a low network connection speed.

Another update method is to monitor system messages in the window running application. When a developer releases important security or functionality updates, and the user ignores them, immediately after launching the software, a window will appear notifying them of the need to install a new version of the game/utility. In this case, just agree to the installation, check your Internet connection and download the developer data package so that the program works stably.

Even if you have turned off automatic updates, the Play Market will periodically notify you about the availability of new versions of games and utilities. One or more messages will appear in the notification center with information about new features of the program and a button for installation.

Fig. 10 - notification center in Android

Please note that if the Google Play window does not have a button for updating specific programs or all installed data, you should install new components for the store itself:

  • Go to the device settings;
  • Open the “Applications” - “All” - “Play Store” window;
  • Start the update process and also delete the cache to prevent errors.

Fig.11 – Play update Market

How to remove a program update?

If the update has already been installed, but after it there were difficulties in using the application: freezes, errors, bugs, or you simply did not like the new design. On Android you can always return to the previous version of the software. To do this, disable automatic updates and in the settings do the following:

  • Open the list of all programs;
  • Select the desired application;
  • In the window that opens, click on “Uninstall updates”.

Fig. 12 – deleting the update

Thematic videos:

How to disable auto-update of Android applications on Google Play

Not everyone knows that Google Play may have an option enabled automatic update applications. This may result in unexpected costs if you have tariff package with payment for Internet traffic. This screencast shows you how to disable automatic app updates.

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

Today we will talk about 7 ways to disable Windows 10 update! Automatic updates Windows systems 10 will no longer bother you!

Center Windows updates is an important component and part operating system Windows. He checks regularly Microsoft servers for available updates, patches, and device drivers. If any are detected, it reports this and offers to download and install them. This is very important because updates improve system performance, reliability, stability, and security.

It's no secret that Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8/8.1 allow you to customize the behavior of the Update Center: you can download and install updates either automatically or manually, you can choose which updates should be installed and which not; You can even turn off checking for updates completely. This allows you to make a decision about the advisability of installing certain updates and at the same time makes it possible not to clog the throughput Internet channel when it comes to slow connections.

With Windows 10, however, Microsoft left users without any choice - the Pro edition allows you to delay installing updates only for a while, while Windows users 10 Home isn't even allowed to do that.

In other words, the new version of the operating system downloads and installs updates automatically and without notifications. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but in fact this is not the case at all, because updates often cause various problems. Sometimes it even gets to the point that after installing the next batch of patches, the system simply stops booting.

Luckily, Windows 10 still has the ability to block or download updates manually. Below are all possible ways, which will work in all editions of the OS: Windows 10 Home, Pro, etc.

So, let's not waste time and find out how you can take control of the system update process.

Method 1: Configure Windows Update using Advanced Options (Not for Home edition users)

This method will allow you to configure Windows Update to delay the automatic downloading of some updates for at least a while, and also prevent your computer from automatically restarting. However, you will not be able to disable or block updates using this method.

Method 2: Disable automatic loading of device drivers

New system still allows you to prevent automatic downloading and installation of drivers. Here's how to do it:

After this, Windows will always search for and install drivers from the computer, and the system will contact the Update Center only if suitable driver will not be found on the hard drive.

Method 3: Hide updates using the official Show or hide updates tool

Even before the official starting Windows 10 Microsoft has released a program that returns to the system the ability to hide unwanted driver updates or system updates.

Method 4: Set your Wi-Fi Internet connection as a metered one

This is another workaround to prevent Windows 10 from automatically downloading and installing updates. To prevent the system from downloading new updates, you just need to configure your Internet connection as a metered connection.

That's all. Now “top ten” will not automatically download and install new updates as long as your Internet connection is listed as metered.

Method 5: Group Policy (Pro) or Registry settings

Now let's talk about advanced methods.

Although Microsoft has removed the ability to manage update downloads, update settings through the Local Editor group policy and Registry Editor still work.

Let me immediately note that intervention in group policies is not available to Windows 10 Home users, however, if you have the Pro version, you can enable either download and installation notifications, or automatic download and installation notification, or automatic download and installation on a schedule.

But there is one caveat. Since Microsoft has completely replaced the old Update Center with the new one modern application, Group Policy settings or registry tweaks do not take effect immediately. Even after restarting the computer or running the gpupdate /force command, you will not see any changes in the window Windows Update. That is, if you open the update settings, you will find that the “Automatic (recommended)” option is still enabled.

So how do we force Windows 10 to apply our Group Policy or registry change? It's actually very simple. You just need to click the “Check for updates” button in Windows Update.

Once you click this button, the system will immediately apply the changes and when you open Extra options in Windows Update, you will see that the new settings have been successfully applied.

So let's make some changes to the Local Group Policy Editor.

By choosing the latter option, you will be able to select options from a drop-down list on the Windows Update settings page.

By selecting the first option, when new updates appear, the system will notify you about them using , and when you click on such a notification, a Windows Update window will open with a list of new updates and the ability to download them.

If you need to disable updates completely, then Registry Editor will help you with this.

To return everything to the way it was, simply remove the NoAutoUpdate parameter or set the value to 0 (zero).

Method 6: Disable Windows Update Service

Another method that allows you to 100% block the downloading and installation of updates in Windows 10.

That's all. Now, when you try to check for updates, the Update Center will report error 0x80070422.

Method 7: Third Party Utilities

Windows Update Blocker is a simple, free, no-installation tool that allows you to disable/block updates in Windows 10 with the click of a button. In fact, the utility is a more convenient alternative to method No. 6, since it allows you to stop or enable the Windows Update service without having to open the service manager.

To turn off updates when Windows help Update Blocker just needs to activate the “Disable Service” option and click the “Apply Now” button. The utility is also compatible with previous versions systems up to XP.

Windows 10 Update Disabler is another effective tool for combating automatic updates in Ten. Unlike the previous utility, Windows 10 Update Disabler does not disable Windows Update, but installs its own service on the system, which runs in background and prevents Windows Update from downloading and installing anything.

According to the author, his solution uses some undocumented system call, which checks the current Windows status Update and prevents its processes from running. Plus, the Update Disabler service disables all scheduled Windows tasks Update, including the one that is responsible for automatically restarting the system to complete the installation of updates.

Note: your antivirus may consider the application to be malware.

To install Update Disabler, go here and download the archive with the program. We extract the file UpdaterDisabler.exe from the archive into some folder and directly from it, going to the “File” menu, run command line with administrator rights. Next, enter or copy and paste the UpdaterDisabler -install command into the console window and press Enter.

All services are installed and working, updates will no longer bother you. To remove a service, use the UpdaterDisabler -remove command.

You can use any of the above methods, but remember that it is not advisable to disable or block updates, especially at this stage when Windows 10 is not stable enough and protected from threats.

Have a great day!

If you don't want Android apps to update themselves, wasting mobile traffic or loading the system at the most inopportune moment, then prohibit doing this in automatic mode. You can disable application updates in several ways through the Play Market and Android settings.

Disable individual app updates

First, let's figure out how to disable auto-update of one application. Sometimes, as a result of modernization, the program begins to work worse, so it makes sense to leave old version. To achieve this:

As you can see, on the page of the installed application in the Play Market there is a special “Update” button. If you need to install a new version of the program manually, use it to begin the upgrade process.

Disable all app updates

Now let's see how to disable automatic updating of all installed applications in Android. To do this, you also need to go to the Play Market and call up the side menu. Next, open the “Settings” section.

Check the “Notifications” box (on some builds you need to check the “Availability of updates” item in the “Notifications” field). This option works even if you disable auto-update applications. Notifications will contain messages about the release of a new version. After reading it, you will have to make a decision: make changes, or let the program remain as it currently works.

The second settings item is “Auto-update applications”. Click on it to expand the list of available values. You will see three options:

  • Never – a complete ban on auto-updates. You can only update manually via the Play Market.
  • Always - new versions of programs are downloaded. It doesn't matter what type of connection is used: Mobile Internet or Wi-Fi. Selecting this mode will lead to the fact that mobile traffic will be very quickly wasted on downloading updates.
  • Only via Wi-Fi. Programs are updated only if the phone goes online by connecting to Wi-Fi hotspot. If the device uses mobile Internet, then auto-update is disabled, that is, traffic is not spent on downloading updates.

Most users choose to update only via Wi-Fi, but you can completely cancel downloading updated versions, however, in this case you risk being left without new features added by the program developers.

Disable system update

Not only are they updated installed applications, but also built-in programs and the system itself. Therefore, to figure out how to completely prohibit updating applications on Android, you need to perform a few more manipulations with the mobile device.

Here, too, it is possible to update the firmware manually or set that updates can only be downloaded when connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Many users are wondering how to refuse to install a firmware update if the phone has already downloaded it and now insists on installing it, displaying notifications. The easiest way is to ignore the presence of an update on your device and turn off notifications.

To prevent the update from taking up space, you can delete it. To do this on mobile device superuser (root) rights must be set. In addition, you need file manager Root Explorer. If these requirements are met, then to remove the downloaded update, just go to the /cache/ system directory and erase the file. In some cases, the update file is located directly in the root of the memory card. In any case, even after uninstallation, the system will no longer try to download new firmware on its own.

Reading time: 36 min

In all Windows versions There is an important function - updating. Like most programs, Microsoft uses this opportunity to make timely changes to the system, improve its operation or eliminate vulnerabilities.

Despite the presence of positive aspects in this function, for most users it is unnecessary or simply interferes more than it brings benefits. Many active PC users experience difficulties with updates and prefer to disable them.

Reasons and methods for disabling

The main reasons for disabling updates in Windows 7 are:

  • Microsoft refused to update Windows 7, that is, updates will not be released, except for critical ones, if vulnerabilities are discovered;
  • During the update, the computer experiences a heavy load, since installing files requires resources;
  • The Internet channel is heavily loaded, that is, during downloading, the speed is significantly limited and comfortable surfing is difficult;
  • You cannot turn off your computer while installing or downloading updates;
  • If you are using pirated Windows, you may encounter problems as new ways to combat piracy are gradually released;
  • Limited traffic.

The probable reasons do not end there, but they are enough for clarity.

There are 4 ways to disable automatic updates in Windows 7:

  • Using the Update Center;
  • Through services;
  • Using the console;
  • Through a firewall.

Most of the features are standard, but a workaround (last option) can also be used.

Using the Update Center

IN Windows system 7 there is a special tool that is responsible for the entire update system. It is thanks to him that there will be no difficulties in how to disable the Windows 7 update. To use it you should:

  • Click Start and Control Panel;
  • Click on the “Windows Update” tile;

  • Go to the “Settings” section;
  • Select "Don't check for updates."

In addition to radically disabling a function, there are transitional positions when you can influence the installation of software. This is how the check occurs and, if something new appears, the user makes decisions. It is also advisable to uncheck all the checkboxes under the main menu.

How to disable Windows 7 Update via Services?

A special module, that is, a service, is responsible for the update procedure. It is an invisible part of the previous method. The service can also be disabled; the result will be similar, only it is performed without a graphical interface.

  • PKM for “Computer”;
  • Click on “Management”;

  • Expand the “Services and Applications” category, then select the appropriate section;
  • At the end of the list, find “Windows Update” and double click;
  • “Startup type” - “Disabled” and “Stop”.

Here you can also either disable Windows 7 updating permanently or set the startup initiation to “Manual”. That is, the user will independently carry out updates at a certain frequency.

Disconnect using the console

The console always comes to the rescue in difficult situations and it is capable of changing some parameters that are located deep in the system with a short command. Therefore, it is impossible to consider the topic of how to disable the Windows 7 update service without mentioning the command line.

To disable the service you must:

  • Press Win + R and paste cmd;
  • Enter the command sc config wuauserv start=disabled;

If you want to change the startup type to manual mode, then replace the last word with demand. All the methods above work on the same principle, only the method of changing the parameters differs. There is also an alternative option.

Blocking updates through a firewall

The firewall itself allows you to control the traffic leaving your computer, so it can be filtered. It is this function that is important for us. Instead of simply disabling updates, you can install some kind of stub. All requests for a specific domain will be redirected to a local address, that is, to nowhere. The service, without receiving a positive response about the availability of data on the server, will think that everything is fine with the system.

The most in a simple way The plug installation is:

  • Follow to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc;
  • RMB on hosts and open with a text editor;
  • Place the entry “ https://*” at the end of the list.

Also, if it doesn’t work, add “”, but then even in the browser you will not be able to access the corporation’s website. This method also works for most programs that require access to the network; to block them, simply change the domain to the required one.

You should understand that by disabling updates you are deliberately putting your computer at risk, since antivirus signatures, system settings and Windows stability are out of date. It is still better to manually perform at least critical updates.

First, we recommend disabling the update center using standard methods, but another way is also available. After completing the procedure, you remain the full owner of the system and no background tasks will load Windows.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to disable updates in Windows 7?”, you can ask them in the comments

It happens that users search on the Internet to find out how the procedure for banning application updates on Android works.

The fact is that many programs are updated very often and because of this, too much traffic is wasted.

In addition, in some cases, an upgrade makes the software worse, not better. Therefore, it is worth considering the banning process.

Procedure for disabling upgrades

To prevent the device from checking for updates, you must use . This is done as follows:

1 Open the program "Play Market". It is usually located on the desktop. Even if you use some kind of launcher, you will still find this application.

3 IN open menu select “Settings”. It is located at the bottom, under the sections, account settings and wishlist.

4 In the settings at the top there is a “General” section. There is a point "Auto-update applications". Actually, it means constantly checking for updates and automatically installing them if available. Click on this item.

5 Another menu will open, where there are three options for further actions."Never", "Always" And "Only via Wi-Fi". Choose the first option. That's all, now upgrades will never happen.

By the way, if the only problem is that too much traffic is spent on upgrades, you can check the box next to the option "Only via Wi-Fi". Then, before checking for new versions of programs, the system will also check . If so, further actions will be performed, i.e. verification and installation.

But if you, in principle, do not need such an opportunity and that are currently on your device, It is better to select the “Never” option.

Even with a ban in place, sometimes there is a need to update some software. In this case, there is also a certain procedure.

How to update software when prohibited

So, you turned off auto-update, but something started to not work correctly. Or some part of the functionality does not work the way you want, but everything is fixed in the new version.

Then you should check their presence manually. This is done like this:

  • Open the application again "Play Market" and open the functions menu (by swiping on the left).
  • Open the item there "My apps and games". There, by default, the “Updates” tab will be open. If this is not the case, go to this tab.
  • Next, the system will check for the presence of upgrades and the possibility of installing them. If there is something, you will see the name of the program and a button "Update" near him. This will display the entire list of software, new versions of which can be installed. There will also be a button at the top "Update All". It will do this with all the programs presented in the list below.

In addition, you can do it in another way - go to (in the settings), open the one you need and then click on the appropriate button.

The process looks like this step by step:

  • In the same way, go to the menu "My apps and games", but now go to the tab "Installed".
  • You will see the entire list installed programs. If an application cannot be updated, there will be a button next to it "Open", and if possible, "Update". Everything is quite simple.

By the way, using this list You can prevent the installation of updates for some programs and allow others.

Prohibition and permission of upgrades of specific software

To do this, do this:

1 Click on the name of a specific program in the list of installed ones(via Play Market, "My apps and games" and tab "Installed"). It is important that you click on the title and not the button.

2 On the program page, click on the additional functions button. It's in the upper right corner. After opening it, you will see a single function - "Auto update". You can put a check mark next to this inscription or remove it. The first action will allow you to check for new versions and install them, and the second will disable them. Everything is quite simple.

If your problem is that you only want to install certain new versions, you can enable notifications about new updates. This is very convenient, since the user will be able to independently choose whether to install a specific upgrade or not.

How to allow notifications

To do this, follow this procedure:

  • Go to Play Market, open "My updates and games", go to settings.
  • Find the section there "Alerts" and check the box next to the item "Availability of updates". In principle, you can also check the box next to “Auto-update” in the same section.

After this, you can click on one of the buttons to allow or block the installation of an update for a particular application.

It happens that users encounter problems with software not working properly after installing a new version.

In this case, you do not need to do all the above steps, you just need to return the old version.

If you want to return the previous version of a particular program, you can delete installed updates.

Removing installed updates

This procedure is also it's done quite simply:

1 Go to settings, open "Applications" and choose the one you need.

2 Click "Disable" on the program page so that it stops working. You can remove the upgrade only for disabled software.

3 Two prompts will appear in a row. The first one is to disable it, and the second one is to install the original version. Confirm both requests. Click "OK".

If you still have any questions, write them in the comments. We will definitely help. But the solutions to all problems associated with updating programs on Android are described above.