How to register on paypal step by step instructions. Paypal - what is it, registration, account replenishment and how to use it, as well as how to withdraw money from Paypal in Russia

In this article I will talk about the Pay Pal payment system. We will figure out what Pay Pal is, how to register with PayPal and talk about depositing and withdrawing funds. So let's get started.

The Pay Pal electronic payment system is the most famous and most developing Internet payment system in the world. Owns the company everything famous internet eBay auction. This is why Paypal is the most popular method of accepting payments for goods at global auctions. (eBay, Aliexpress, etc.)

Why is this system so popular all over the world?

  1. First of all, the user of the system can pay for goods at any auction, anywhere in the world, and the funds will be received instantly.
  2. The speed of making purchases is simply excellent, just enter the identifier that matches Email specified During registration.
  3. The security system allows you to get your money back for the product if it does not arrive.
  4. Confidentiality of card and client data. All payment information is stored in Paypal and is not shared with stores.

How does PayPal work?

The procedure for carrying out operations is very simple. When registering, we indicate the email address through which payments are accepted and payments for goods are made. To send and receive payments you need to link bank card(debit or credit).

Simply put, your paypal account is connected to your mail and your bank card. This connection allows you to correctly identify users in the system to receive and send payments.

For the convenience of users who conduct business on the Internet, it is possible to link several Email address ov. This is necessary to divide cash flows by type of activity.

How to register with PayPal? Step-by-step instruction.

To register in the system electronic payments Paypal go to the official website. On home page Click on the “Open PayPal account” button

On the next page you will be asked to choose which account it will be:

  • Personal - for paying for goods in online stores, for receiving and sending money transfers throughout Russia and around the world;
  • Corporate - for selling goods and services, for invoicing clients, for doing business.

Select “Personal Account” and click “Continue”.

Next you need to fill out the registration form. Select the country, fill in the Email address field, come up with a password and re-enter the password to verify. After you have filled out all the required fields, click “Continue”

Next, we are directed to a page where we need to indicate all our personal data: full name, passport details, registration address and telephone number. We fill in all the data, enter the SNILS number, INN or compulsory medical insurance of your choice, check the box that we have read the user agreement regarding services and the privacy policy. When all the data is filled in, click the “Confirm and open account” button

On the next page you need to link your bank card to your Paypal account. Enter all the necessary data (card number, card service date, CVC security code) and click “Add card”.

If everything went well, the system will redirect you to the next page, where you will be asked to take the first action: Make purchases, top up your account or make a transfer. Congratulations on your registration in Pay system Pal!

You will do all further actions in your personal account; to do this, go to the “Account” tab.

First of all, confirm your email address by going to Mailbox which you specified during registration, go to the email from PayPal Service and click on the “Confirm email address” link.

How to register with PayPal? (Video instruction)

Electronic money payments are becoming more and more popular every year all over the world. In Russia this method payment for purchases is also at a decent level. Unfortunately, not all electronic payment systems allow you to make purchases outside the country, so for such virtual shopping you should create an account in the Paypal system.

How to register with Paypal in Russia will be described in detail below. This operation will not take much time, and for successful registration it is enough to have an electronic mailbox and a plastic bank card.

What is Paypal

Paypal is the world's most popular electronic payment system, which allows you to make purchases via the Internet in many countries around the world. This system has existed on the financial services market for more than 16 years, so there is no need to worry about the reliability of this service. The peculiarity of this system is that it provides security guarantees for both the buyer and the seller.

On this moment The payment system operates in 190 countries, including Russia. Registering on this resource is no more difficult than registering on social network, but to make money transfers and pay for purchases, you will need to link a plastic card to your account.

How to register with Paypal in Russia

To create a Paypal wallet, you need to register a secure email account. It is advisable to do this on a paid service, but if this is not possible, then you can use the services of Gmail mail, which is considered the most reliable among free email services.

You can register with PayPal without a plastic card, but to pay for goods or transfer Money, you will need any bank card with an amount equivalent to 5 US dollars.

Registration on Paypal is carried out in the following sequence:

  • you need to go to the official website of the PayPal payment system;
  • press the button "Register";
  • when the registration page opens, you should select the type account.

If you select « Personal account», then this PayPal option will allow you to pay for purchases and order services via the Internet. This type of account will also allow you to transfer funds from one electronic system wallet to another.

If you register "Corporate account", then it will be possible not only to accept payments, but also to issue invoices for payment. This version of the PayPal wallet, more suitable for entrepreneurs and organizations who plan to carry out trading operations using the Internet. Online wallet Paypal of this type is more secure, but to make regular purchases on the Internet, a basic version of a Paypal account is sufficient.

Linking a plastic card

In order for the card to be registered in the system, you must:

  • indicate the card number, which is on the front side;
  • enter the validity period, which is also indicated on the plastic card;
  • indicate the CSC code, which is located on the back of the card, under the magnetic tape.

When all the necessary plastic card data has been entered on the registration site, it will take some time for the data to be verified by the PayPal security service. When the verification is completed, a letter will be sent to the email address that was entered during registration. This letter will inform you about linking your bank card to the PayPal electronic payment system.

Account verification

In order to gain access to all functions of the payment system, you will need to verify your account. This procedure is carried out to confirm the electronic mailbox and credit card. To confirm your email, you need to log into your PayPal account using your registered username and password, go to "Profile" - "Change email address". When will it open new page, you must select an email address and click the “Confirm email address” button, which is located next to the mailbox.

After this operation, on mailing address You will receive a message with a link that you will need to follow to confirm your email address. Confirmation of a plastic card will take much longer.

To carry out a confirming transaction, there must be an amount of at least 2 US dollars on the bank card account, which will be automatic mode transferred to your PayPal account. To do this, go to the main page in "Add card" and select from the registered cards the one that needs to be confirmed.

Before performing the verification procedure, it is recommended to call the bank's hotline and inquire about the possibility of making electronic payments. If a positive conclusion is received, then you can safely proceed to confirming the card. When the card you want to confirm is selected, you must press the button "Confirm". In the window that opens, you must follow the instructions and prompts on the screen to successfully complete this operation. To complete the verification process, you will need to enter the four-digit transaction code on the PayPal website that was assigned during the funds transfer. To get the code you can call the hotline telephone line bank or visit a branch of a credit institution in person. The easiest and fastest option is to obtain the code on the bank's website.

Pitfalls of using PayPal wallet

Upon completion of verification, the debited amount will be automatically returned to the plastic card. When linking a card and account, you should enter only existing data, without typos. Otherwise, difficulties may arise that may lead to blocking of your PayPal account.

When making payment transactions from an electronic PayPal account, if the payment amount is greater than the funds available in the account, the missing amount will be automatically withdrawn from the linked card. If payment is made in foreign currency, then, if necessary, automatic conversion will be made at the exchange rate on the day of the transaction. This function can be disabled in the PayPal settings, but after this there will be no opportunity to convert funds on the plastic card.

The disadvantages of the PayPal system include the insufficiently attractive design of the site; as for the other functions of this system, they are at a fairly high level.

In addition to the disadvantages, this payment system has many advantages, which include, first of all, high level security of financial transactions. If any difficulties arise with payment, or dishonest actions are taken by the seller, you can always contact the PayPal system support service, which will certainly help resolve the conflict.


How to open a Paypal account in Russia is described in detail in this article. Linking a valid plastic card is also not difficult. Registration with Paypal Russia does not require financial expenses. To carry out this operation, it is enough to have a computer with an Internet connection. When all registration activities are completed, you can download the smartphone application, with which it will become even easier to make purchases around the world.

Currently, the electronic PayPal payments is steadily gaining momentum, and is rightfully considered the most popular in the world. It opens up broad horizons for using funds from a payment card or bank account to purchase goods in online stores and transfer them to other users. Thanks to its ease of use, reliability and security, more and more Russian citizens are trying to use the PayPal system. That is why it makes sense to dwell in more detail on the discovery process user account in the Russian Federation, which is carried out completely free of charge.

Instructions for registering a PayPal account

The PayPal system opens up wide opportunities for the user to use their financial resources in the virtual space. Mainly, it allows you to make profitable purchases in foreign online stores and on global trading platforms, the main one of which is undoubtedly the eBay auction. Making payments from a PayPal account, as well as registering it, are completely free.

To open your account in electronic system payments to Russian citizens will require:

  • Payment, the account of which must have at least 5-7 US dollars or an equivalent amount in another currency;
  • E-mail address.

Of course, the owner of a PayPal account can also be registered using the standard email address provided by free services, however, the system security service treats them with caution. That is why it makes sense to register a paid mailbox with an address like: [email protected].

After both conditions are met, you must go to the official website of the payment system and in the right top corner immediately determine the desired interface language, and then click the “Register” button.

The system will redirect the user to the next page, where he will be asked to select the type of account to be created, namely for individual or for an organization. Then you will need to click the “Open Account” button.

On the account opening page you will be offered fields for entering personal data:

  1. Email addresses and user-created password;
  2. First name, last name, patronymic and date of birth;
  3. Postal address, including street, house number, city, country and region of residence;
  4. Phone number including country code and city of residence.

All data must be truthful and up to date. In addition, they should be entered in Latin.

After filling out the required fields, the system prompts the user to indicate the details of a Russian citizen’s payment card, which will be linked to PayPal, namely the number, expiration date and CSC or verification code - the last three digits on the back of the card. However, you can temporarily skip this registration step by unchecking the corresponding box. This is appropriate to do if there are no funds in the user’s account. Accordingly, the process should continue as soon as the required amount (a few US dollars) is transferred to the balance.

It should be noted that if the user already has an account within the eBay auction, then it is advisable to make sure that the user’s personal data in both places matches, including email, last name, first name and login. This will greatly simplify the process of working with PayPal.

The last step in registering an account is accepting user agreement and privacy policy, for which you need to click the “I agree to open an account” button.

PayPal account verification

In order to protect user accounts from illegal and fraudulent activities, the system involves several actions that allow you to verify your account.

Firstly, you will need to confirm your e-mail address, which was recorded during the registration process. To do this, you need to find a letter in your email with the subject “Activate your PayPal account!” It contains a link, clicking on which is an act of account verification. When you go to the site, you will have to enter the registered password again: this is how the system verifies the user.

At the bottom of the page there is a “Request a new confirmation number” button, which is provided in case the user has not received any emails from PayPal.

Secondly, it is necessary to verify the payment card, namely to confirm what exactly this user is the owner of the attached card. This process is also quite simple. At first. You must agree to withdraw funds from the card in the amount of $1.95 as a kind of deposit. Subsequently, these funds will be returned to the user.

In the statement of card transactions, you need to find the completed payment and enter its code in a special window on the PayPal website. The code should be 4 digits and look something like this: 0123PayPal - *EXPUSE.

According to many users, verification is best done immediately after registering a PayPal account. As a rule, there are no difficulties in this process.

Thus, using the PayPal service opens up wide opportunities for Internet users in Russia, and besides, registering a PayPal account itself seems simpler and more convenient than most other electronic payment systems.

14.09.2017 0

PayPal is an electronic payment system. It was created in the USA for internal use. Gradually, the boundaries of action expanded and safely reached the Russian market.
It is about PayPal in Russia - the official website is already available in Russian - that will be discussed in this article.

PayPal official website

The main purpose of PayPal is to accept payments for goods purchased on the world famous auction site eBay. At the moment, the official PayPal website is operating in Russia. Before you proceed to registering with PayPal, you need to find out what capabilities the system can provide its users and how to create your own wallet and use it.

Due to the great popularity of PayPal, most virtual stores have registered their wallets in the system in order to accept payments from customers in Europe and the USA, as well as in the Russian Federation.
At first glance, it may seem that there is no difficulty in the process of registering your own account and creating a virtual wallet. However, it is at this stage of registration that difficulties arise due to ignorance of the following points:

  • how to link a bank card;
  • which bank is better to deal with;
  • Which email address use;
  • which is the most suitable account.

What do you need to register with PayPal?

The PayPal virtual wallet is provided to users free of charge. When registering PayPal in Russia you must:

  1. , using any suitable mailbox: Yandex, Gmail, Mail, etc. It is advisable to use paid services from the “com” zone; this is a recommendation from the PayPal security service. The Gmail resource is traditionally used. Although this service is free for the user, its level of protection is quite high, which deserves special respect.
  2. You need to register, to open which a few dollars will be enough. These facilities are required for authorization behavior. Otherwise, you won’t be able to link a credit card. As a rule, Russian banks provide the opportunity to open virtual cards in different currencies, including USD.

When both of these conditions are met, you can begin the step-by-step process of registering PayPal in Russia.

Registration procedure for PayPal

First of all, you need to go to the official portal. Next, find and press the “Register” button.

Then a page will be displayed where you need to select the optimal account.

  • Personal account- is a virtual wallet designed for paying for goods/services via the Internet, as well as transferring funds to other wallets within the system. Leading tips and account descriptions are displayed on the screen.
  • Corporate account. It is usually used by private entrepreneurs specializing in online sales. This type The account provides its users with fairly broad capabilities and has good protection.

After the wallet type is selected, you must press the “Continue” button. Here you will need to select Russia (the user’s country of residence) from the general list provided. Then, just below, enter your email address and password to log in. Personal Area. The password must include 8 characters of numbers and Latin letters.

When passwords, email and country name are entered, press the “Continue” button. Next you will be asked to fill out Next page to enter personal data. They should be entered in Cyrillic, despite the fact that the system itself is of American origin.

At this stage, the series and number of the passport, registration address and phone number. Then you need to confirm that you have read and agreed with the current rules of the license agreement and click the button that says: “I accept and create an account”

All entered data must be accurate. The information is thoroughly checked by the security service.

Linking a card to PayPal

Here you need to fill out only three points:

All virtual card details can be found at your nearest bank branch. You will need to provide an identification document (passport or driver's license). Or find out all the information through online banking.

Once the card is complete, PayPal security will verify it. After which a letter will be sent to the specified email address. As you can see, the registration process is quite simple. The main thing is to take into account all the associated nuances so that no difficulties arise during filling.

Confirmation of rights to email and card

Completing registration does not give you the right to use all the features of PayPal in Russia; you must undergo verification. Its purpose is to confirm that the mailbox and credit card belongs to the applicant.
To do this, you need to log into your personal account and go to the “Profile” section. A menu will appear where you need to select: “Add/edit email address.”

A page will be displayed where the mailbox specified during registration will be displayed. Having selected it, press the “Confirm” button. A link will be sent to this email soon. You will have to cross it.

Next, you need to confirm your credit card. Go to “Profile”, where you need to select: “Add/change bank card”.

Then you need to carefully follow the prompts on the screen. For verification, 1.95 USD will be charged from the credit account (they will be returned in full). After debiting the funds, you should find a statement of financial transactions for the card you are using. You need to find four numbers in the payment information and enter them on the PayPal website.
An extract can be requested by phone hotline, at a bank branch or use online banking. Since PayPal operates in Russia on an official basis, problems with registering and linking a card never arise.

On a note:

  1. Personal data must be entered valid.
  2. After confirming the card, if there is not enough money in the current account to pay, the missing part is debited from the linked card automatically. Funds are converted at the rate set by the bank at the time of payment.

Registration with PayPal on video

Those who periodically order something from foreign online stores may have noticed that in addition to the standard payment card options, there is an option to pay through the system PayPal. This system has a lot of advantages, so today I will tell you in which cases it is better to pay through this system and how to register in it.

Why register with PayPal

You need to pay for purchases via PayPal if:

1. doubt your integrity site or seller - if the goods are not sent to you or are sent of poor quality, PayPal will return your money and will deal with the seller itself. On Ebay, for example, all payments are made only through PayPal.

2. you doubt that the goods will reach you— in this case, even if the store refuses to reimburse you for the cost of the lost order, PayPal will return the amount including shipping costs. The same applies to situations when the goods arrived, but were damaged along the way.

All payments made through PayPal are eligible for Buyer Protection. You can dispute your purchase within 180 days after payment.

How to register for PayPal

1. Go to the site PayPal By link and in the upper right corner click the button Sign Up(Register).

2. In the window that appears, select your country of residence(in the drop-down list), enter the contact email(Your email address), enter password(Create your password) and duplicate it(Confirm your password).

  • First Name- Name
  • Last Name- surname
  • Date Of Birth— date of birth in the format “date/month/year”
  • Nationality— nationality from the drop-down list
  • Street Address 1— residential address in the format “street name, house number, apartment number” (for example, Avocado str., 15, apt.22)
  • Street Address 2 (Optional)— if the address does not fit in the previous line, continue in this field. Otherwise, leave the field empty.
  • City- City of residence
  • Province/Region— region (field is optional)
  • Postal Codepostcode(field is optional)
  • Mobile- number mobile phone(please note that the country code is determined automatically by the country of registration)

We put a “bird” next to the phrase “I confirm that I read, consent and agree...”(a phrase indicating that you have read and agree to the PayPal terms of use - they can be found by following the links And ).

Press the button “ Agree and Continue” (agree and continue).

4. Enter the details of your payment card from which payments will be made (in the future you can change the card or add an additional one).

To do this, enter the following data:

  • Card Number— 16 digits of your card
  • MM/YY— card validity period (month/year)
  • CSC/CVC- three numbers on the back of the card
  • Billing Address— address for sending invoices. The registration address you specify is automatically displayed, but you can change it by clicking the Edit button. Since no one actually sends invoices, the address does not need to be changed.

Click on the button Add Card(Add map).

5. If you filled out everything correctly, a message about creating an account should appear on the screen as in the photo below.

6. After that we go to email, which you indicated during registration, and confirm that this is indeed your e-mail. You should receive an email from PayPal in which you just need to click on the button Yes, this is my email. In the window that opens, enter your password and click on the button Confirm Email Address.

7. The registration process itself is now complete, but then I advise you to change some settings to make payment via PayPal as convenient and profitable as possible.

For this click on the gear in the upper right corner, and in the bookmark Account change the interface language to Russian in the drop-down list of the line Language(I prefer the interface in English, but this is a matter of convenience). For the language change to take effect, you need to log out of your account and log in again.

In the same tab you can add an address in the block Address, email in block Email and the phone is on the block Phone(to add something, click on the plus sign in the corresponding block).

8. In the section “ Safety“it is important to change only the section” Control questions” by pressing the “ button Create" Since your card is linked to PayPal, if you log in from an unusual place or if PayPal suspects that your account has been hacked, you will not be able to pay until you answer the security questions. Questions must be selected from a drop-down list, and you can think of the answers yourself.

How to pay with PayPal

By using PayPal You can pay for purchases online or transfer money to friends/relatives/anyone.

Pay for online purchases via PayPal

Almost all major foreign online stores work with PayPal. To check if it works with this payment system site you need, before paying, pay attention to the proposed payment methods - if you see PayPal icon, which means you can pay through it.

The payment procedure may differ slightly in different stores, but the principle is as follows (I show on the example of the site Cult Beauty):

1. In the payment section, select the section PayPal and click on the “ Proceed to PayPal Checkout” (Proceed to payment via PayPal)

2. After this, the store automatically redirects you to the website PayPal. If you are already logged into the system, you will see a payment confirmation window (as in step 3 below). If you are not logged in, enter your email and password, then click on the “ button To come in”.

3. In the window that opens, check:

delivery address— it will be pulled from the online store data, but it can be corrected by clicking on the “Change” button

payment card— if you want to pay with another card, click on the “Change” button and either select the desired card from the list (if it is linked to PayPal), or add a new one

conversion option— if your card currency does not match the payment currency, you can select the conversion option. The system defaults to the PayPal conversion rate, which includes a 2% commission. Therefore, click on the item “ View conversion options” and instead of the item “ Conversion via PayPal"select the item" Conversion via card issuer" Click “ I accept”.

4. Click “ Continue” - if the payment has been completed, a message about a successful transaction will appear on the screen and you will automatically be redirected to the store’s website.

Transfer money to friends via PayPal

You can transfer money via PayPal to individuals, provided that in their country of registration PayPal works to accept payments, and if you know their email. Let me make a reservation right away that in Russia PayPal works both for accepting funds and for paying in stores, in Ukraine - only for paying in stores.

To make a transfer:

1. Go to “ Sending payments” and select the item “ Send funds to friends and family”.

3. Enter the sending amount, select the currency, enter a message in free form (optional) and press the “ button Continue”.

4. We check whether the transfer will be made from the right card (if you have saved several cards, you can change them in the “Change source of funds” section) and pay attention to the transfer fee.

5. And beyond select the conversion rate, if the currency of your card does not match the currency of the transfer. Here, too, the default is “ Conversion via Paypal”, which needs to be changed to the item “Conversion at the rate of the issuing bank” by analogy with paragraph 3 of the previous section (about paying for purchases on the Internet).

6. If the payment is successful, the following message will appear on the screen

I hope the post was helpful. If you have any additional questions, write them in the comments - I will be happy to help.

See promotional codes and discounts in foreign online cosmetics stores