How to register in a minecraft profile. How to register in the online game Minecraft

In the computer game Minecraft, the user can play not only in single player mode, but also in multiplayer mode on a shared server. The requirements of this game are not complicated, so it is suitable for computers of any performance. This article will help you register on any Minecraft server.

First, you need to find out if the server has a special list of players who are allowed to play on it. It is usually called White Leaf. If your nickname is in it, you will be able to access the server, but if your nickname is not there, then access will be denied.

After this, you can safely proceed to registration.

Open the game and click “Enter Game”. Before doing this, check your version: it must match the version of the server on which you are going to register.

Now click on the “Network Play” button, since this is where access to the servers is located.

You may already have the servers you need saved in this window. If they are not there, then copy the server’s IP address and go to the “By address” tab. In the future, you will be able to add a server to the quick access menu through another “Add” button.

Paste the server IP address into the required line. Click “Connect”.

Once you log into the server, you will only have a few seconds to register. The system automatically excludes those who do not enter data for more than 30 seconds. You will have to log in again.

To register, enter the following command:

  • /register password repeat password

The password must consist of English letters and numbers, exclude capital letters so as not to forget them in the future. When finished entering, press Enter.

Now every time you log into the server, you will have to log in. To do this, you will need to write another command:
  • /login password repeat password

This way you will be a registered player on the Minecraft server.

Many Minecraft fans don’t go online at all, as the single-player mode is enough for them to get the most out of the game. But this does not apply to everyone, because some people like to play with friends online, while others just want to try out all the possibilities of the project. This is why there is multiplayer, in which you can play with friends or strangers. Today there are a large number of different servers where multiplayer games are available, and you can connect to any of them. But then you may have a problem with registration. In single player mode, no one demands this from you. Therefore, the question arises: “How to register in Minecraft in order to be able to play on a multiplayer server?”

Finding a suitable server

As mentioned above, there are hundreds and thousands of different sites where people fight online. So, how to register in Minecraft? First, you need to select the server on which you plan to play. Be careful as there are various aspects that may influence your choice. For example, you may want to play on a global server, where there may be more than a hundred characters on one map, and some sites only support a dozen or two. Some maps are story driven and not suitable for those who would just like to play a standard survival game. And it’s definitely worth mentioning the creative mode, which is very popular on the Internet. So carefully choose your server, taking into account all the parameters that interest you, after which you can move on to analyzing how to register in Minecraft.

Basic registration

Adding yourself to the server database is quite simple. Many people do not understand how to register in Minecraft, because they are used to being provided with a sign in which they only need to enter the data. But in this game everything is different - you log into the server under your nickname, but at the same time you are, so to speak, a temporary entity. You can play, take part in the action, but if you quit, your character is gone forever. To prevent this from happening, and you can find your character where you left him when leaving the game, you need to register. To do this, use the /register command, followed by the password. The system remembers it and associates it with your nickname, and the next time you log into the server, you will need to use another command - /login, after which you need to enter your username and password separated by a space. Now you know how to register in Minecraft 1.7.2. This knowledge is quite sufficient for a comprehensive solution to the problem. In other versions, the registration process is no different. Just remember the basic mechanism and play without any problems.

Additional registration

Many servers are very large, sometimes they even have a specific theme, players there interact with each other, influence the events that take place in the virtual world. Minecraft is no exception. Registration in the game client in this case is only half the battle. There is one more step to complete. You will also need to register on the site itself in order to participate in its life and development. You may not even be able to access the server, since all information about it will be on the website, and access to it will be open only to registered users. If you really intend to stay here for a long time and plan to actively participate in the life of the playground, then this option will be even better, since it reduces the likelihood of infiltration by griefers and other unscrupulous players.

Maximum degree of protection

But still, the most secure servers are those to which access is open only to selected individuals. Most often, these are limited communities in which people who know each other play. You won't be able to join their server until you receive an invitation, and you still have to earn it. But you can be sure that you are not in a site where a large number of unrelated players are simply playing, who come and go every day, but in a full-fledged little world, a kind of ecosystem, where you will definitely get the most out of the multiplayer mode. Therefore, the main advice on how to register in Minecraft 1.5.2 and other versions is to carefully select the server on which you are going to play.

Minecraft is a multiplayer sandbox where everything is made of blocks. And this is not a joke, everything in this world, not only buildings, even living beings, are made of cubes, as if they were made from construction kit parts. Although the game has no permission for the texture, it already has a lot of fans.

Before starting the game, the manufacturers, for a good game, advise checking that the parameters of your computer meet the system requirements of the game. The Minecraft game needs the following requirements:

  • processor frequency - 1.4-2 GHz;
  • RAM - 512 MB, 1 GB;
  • hard drive - 80 MB;
  • Internet connection;
  • keyboard;
  • mouse.

Now, it turns out, it is necessary to take shape in the gameplay. Minecraft registration will bring you closer to the game and quite quickly. You just need to check the compliance of the data you provided:

  1. Log in to the official website of the Minecraft game;
  2. select the small inscription in the upper right corner - registration;
  3. indicate your email address;
  4. create and write down a password;
  5. repeat this password;
  6. check the box if you are happy to receive news and information about the game by email;
  7. enter your name;
  8. write your last name;
  9. select your date, month and year of birth;
  10. indicate three key secret questions and write down the answers to them;
  11. If you agree with the game’s policy and privacy, check the box;
  12. click - registration.

And here you are. choose your character. How he will appear before you.

Playing the Minecraft game, despite the specific graphics, is quite exciting. You have the power to build your world in detail, you can build anything and however you want, this is the territory of your creativity. In the future, your comrades-in-arms may appear in your world, whom you can invite, by the way, for team play. But you can also follow the life of your hero yourself.

You will play Minecraft in four game modes, such as:

  1. Creative - only here you cannot die, you may learn to fly, and even the number of blocks for buildings has no limit. The player also has the ability to break any block.
  2. Survival - the real survival of your hero. You need to build housing, get food, and defend yourself from monster attacks every night. And upon death, the character loses everything he has acquired, although for the first five minutes after returning, all things will be in place.
  3. Hardcore is similar to survival mode. But only at death the entire acquired world disappears.
  4. Adventure - just live, but you won’t be able to demolish the blocks. Therefore, be careful.

Also in the Minecraft game the player has additional interesting features, such as, for example, preparing potions and enchanting. And a wide selection of materials is available. In addition to the online version of the game, you can play Minecraft for free, you just have to search hard. In general, the Minecraft game is unique; you don’t always see a game with such graphics. Of course, in our time there are already similarities to it.

We are sure that you will like it. Good game!

How to register on a Minecraft server?

Minecraft is a very popular computer game in the sandbox genre with survival elements. It can be played not only on a PC, but also on a phone or tablet.

What to do if you have a desire to explore the exciting cubic world not alone, but in a company, but you don’t know how to register on the Minecraft server? Of course, read this article! We will help you not only with registration, but also tell you how to find a decent server for a comfortable game.

Server Search

First, you will need to find a suitable server. They are paid and free. Just because a server is paid doesn't mean you'll enjoy playing on it. We bring to your attention several criteria by which you can determine which of the game worlds you will like.

The key to a comfortable pastime is the participation of the administration in the game process. Carefully study the rules of behavior of players on the server forum before going through the registration process. If the instructions for using the world do not include a ban for griefing, then there is a high probability that you will be attacked by griefers. As you know, these are players who damage other users' buildings or make unauthorized changes to them.

Also pay attention to the presence of a kickstarter - the inventory with which the character appears in the game. In his absence, when night falls, you risk being left alone with hostile mobs without a home and weapons.

Also choose servers with at least 30 players. The most optimal number of users is no more than 100, since more players can cause connection interruptions. This is due to high workload. Information from the server will arrive more slowly than is necessary for the normal flow of the gameplay. In addition, it will be very difficult to find free space for your building.

A good sign is a large number of teleportation points. With their help you can navigate to cities and other public places.


When you select a suitable server, you can start registering. To do this you will need:

  1. Fill in the required fields (they are always marked, for example, with an asterisk): name, login, password and email address. On some sites you need to duplicate your e-mail or password. We recommend not to set simple passwords like “123”. They are very easy to hack.
  2. Read the terms of use of the server and check the box (or click the button) “Agree” in the terms of service line. Otherwise you will not be able to register.
  3. Click the “Registration” button.

Now you can log into the site/server using the username and password you specified during registration.

More information about registration can be found in the article.

If after registering you are unable to log into the server, read the article.

Before playing on any Minecraft server, you need to come up with your own nickname. In your nickname you can use letters of the English (Latin) alphabet, numbers and the underscore sign – “_”.

So, you have come up with a nickname for yourself and have already found a server suitable for the game in our monitoring. Now we launch the Minecraft client, go into the network game, enter the IP address and connect to the server. You find yourself in the game world, but you can’t move, and in the chat they ask you for some kind of incomprehensible password. What should I do?

How to register on a Minecraft server? What password should I enter?

"What password?"- this is the most popular question in the comments on our Minecraft server rating. The answer to this question is very simple - the password is the one you come up with yourself. When you go to the server, it still doesn’t know anything about you except your nickname and asks you to register. This is very easy to do. Open the chat using the "/" key and enter the following:

/register “your password” “repeat password”

You can choose any password. The most important thing is to remember it, because when you return to the server, you need to enter it again, only in a slightly different form:

/login “your password specified during registration”

If you still have questions, watch this instructional video: