How to charge a tablet if the charging socket is broken. Is it possible to charge a tablet if the charging socket is broken?

The tablet's charging socket is used virtually every day. This is one of the most important elements of the device, since with its help you can not only charge the tablet, but also synchronize it with personal computer for data transfer and organization backup copies. Careless operation, voltage surges, moisture ingress - this is what can lead to connector failure.

Overall, the charging port has never been particularly durable. Often it is the owners of the device who are to blame for this, because they do not follow basic operating rules. If it breaks, you can try to fix the tablet charging socket yourself, but it is best to turn to professionals.

If the tablet does not charge, you can try charging the battery after disassembling the device. You need to try to charge bypassing the controller; it may be that the contacts of the cable or board have come loose. After which a diagnosis is carried out. Once you have experience with soldering and electricity, you can begin repair work. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • soldering iron 25 Watt;
  • solder;
  • convenient tweezers;
  • low-melting tin;
  • a knife with a thin blade or scalpel;
  • small screwdriver.

In addition, to make it more convenient, you should take a magnifying glass. It is important that the work must be carried out carefully and accurately.

Step-by-step instructions for repairing the charging socket

There is a certain sequence for replacing the tablet's charging socket. First, unscrew the screws on the device body. Using a scalpel or knife, very carefully lift the lid from the back and remove it.

Secondly, they ground the soldering iron. To do this, take a wire, one end of which is soldered to the device body (minus), and the other to the soldering iron. This method allows you to protect your tablet from static electricity, which can cause damage to device components. In addition, it is advisable to create an antistatic wrist strap and ground it.

Third, start disconnecting the battery wires. This is done using a soldering iron. Such a warning makes it possible to prevent accidental short circuiting. electronic circuit, which can damage the elements of the device.

Fourthly, the fasteners on the board are unscrewed, after which it is turned over. This allows full access to the connector. If it becomes clear that the connector cannot be repaired, then a replacement is needed. For this purpose, you should purchase the same part in advance. In some cases, a connector may fit the tablets cell phone. The faulty spare part is removed as follows: a scalpel is inserted between the connector and the board, after which the fastening tabs of the part are separated by carefully lifting first one side and then the other.

Fifthly, since the connector heats up quite quickly, watch out for plastic parts that should not melt. The connector pins are unsoldered, and they must be heated at the same time.

Sixth, the new part is installed, the device is assembled and its functionality is checked. Despite the fact that replacing a socket is not a particularly difficult matter and only requires the ability to work with a soldering iron and be extremely careful, it is better to contact a qualified technician on this site.

Why is it dangerous to do repairs yourself?

Damage to the tablet connector may be necessary in several cases:

  • The device does not charge or does not turn on;
  • charging cannot be connected due to deformation of the power connector;
  • The power supply plug gets very hot;
  • Charging occurs only in one position of the plug.

Both repair and replacement of the power connector are quite painstaking and minor work that requires complete disassembly tablet, certain skills and special tools. This is the only way to prevent damage to internal elements located near the connector.

It is always worth remembering that even small malfunctions can cause serious problems in the functioning of the device. When the voltage drops periodically and you need to move the plug to make contact, this indicates a malfunction. If the contact is weak, this will cause a large generation of heat, which can lead to breakdown. motherboard and overheating of certain components. In addition, internal short circuits may occur, and this is very dangerous and should not be allowed at all.

Since repairs have their own characteristics and nuances that may be unknown to the average user, it is recommended to contact specialized service centers. It is there that craftsmen work who not only know everything about tablets and their repair, but also have extensive experience in this matter.

Today, when every modern person, in addition to a computer or laptop, has a smartphone and some other mobile gadget, more and more often there are complaints that the tablet has stopped charging.

This is especially true if you or your relatives decided to save money on your purchase and purchased a low-quality handicraft Chinese device. In this article from the site “” we will look at the most common reasons why the tablet does not take a charge, does not charge, and after finding the cause of the malfunction, the reader:

  • or fix the problem yourself
  • or replace those elements that cause failure in normal operation (Charger, battery)
  • or will give the tablet to a repair service (if it is impossible to fix the breakdown at home).

The tablet stopped charging

1. The charging adapter is broken

A broken charger is the main reason why your tablet stops charging. It won’t be difficult at all to understand that the adapter is broken. To carry out the test, just connect the tablet to any other device (computer or laptop) or try another adapter with similar connectors (for example, from a phone, video camera or camera).

If the tablet connected to the laptop's USB connector begins to take charge, it is obvious that the problem is with your adapter. If the tablet charges perfectly from a second adapter from a camera or smartphone (for example), then the reason will also be in the adapter from the tablet.

If, and you have definitely found this out through an experiment, the easiest way is to purchase a new charger. For those who like to tinker with a soldering iron and a tester (multimeter), we can advise you to “ring the contacts” and solder the broken wires.

2. The tablet battery is broken

If the tablet begins to lose its charge very quickly even with a full battery, or the tablet stops charging altogether and only works when plugged into an outlet, you can say that the tablet’s battery is dead. It is impossible to fix this malfunction yourself, so you will have to buy new battery. When purchasing a battery in a store, we recommend that you take your tablet with you to show it to the sales assistant and select an identical new battery.

Note: Each battery has its own capacity, and the higher it is, the longer the device operates without recharging. Ask the seller to show you the most powerful battery, which can hold a charge much longer than cheap Chinese counterfeits.

3. The charging connector is loose

If your tablet stops charging, do not rush to immediately run to the store for a new battery. Try to move the charger wire with your fingers where it enters the tablet connector. By moving the plug, you can notice instantaneous flashes of charge supply to the device, arriving intermittently. If this is indeed the case, then the problem lies somewhere:

  • in the adapter cord (the wiring is loose or broken)
  • in the tablet connector socket (loose, broken, clogged with dust or sand)
  • in the tip of the adapter (contacts have come loose, fasteners or latches are broken).

It is impossible to fix a broken connector at home. The tablet will have to be carried in service center. On the other hand, carefully inspect the device and its sockets; it happens that they become clogged with dust, dirt or sand, which also interferes with normal charging of the tablet (especially important if small children live in the house).

4. The tablet is broken

The most severe case when the tablet stops charging lies in a problem with the hardware, with microboards and parts located inside the device. So, for example, the tablet may have a faulty cable or power controller, which cannot be fixed on your own. It turns out that if the 3 previous points do not allow us to determine the cause of the malfunction (it is not the connector, nor the battery, nor the adapter), then a trip to the service center will be inevitable.

Similarly, you can contact service department, if you have even the slightest doubt about the correctness of your own diagnosis, you cannot fix the problem yourself. An experienced technician will repair a broken device for a very low fee and advise on how to avoid breakdowns in the future.

The device's charging socket is not always durable. However, in many cases it is the device owners who are to blame for not following basic rules. For example, they carelessly remove the plug from the socket and pull it out. And if the tablet periodically falls, then there is nothing to be surprised about.

Be that as it may, if the connector is broken, you will not be able to charge the device using the standard method. Hence the number of questions related to charging tablets. Let's say right away that at the moment there is only one possible charging option - wireless. True, there are a number of conditions.

First, you need to purchase a device for wireless charging. There will be no problems with this, especially since the kit will cost 10-20 dollars if you order it in some foreign online store.

Secondly, your device must support wireless charging. And this is where the problems begin. The fact is that not many tablets yet support wireless charging, and even if they do, not all have a special receiver. Most likely, this receiver needs to be purchased separately, which, by the way, is attached to the battery? Moreover, it is important that it does not use the charging socket when connected.

And here's what happens: you need to purchase a wireless charging kit and a receiver if the device supports this type of charging. In total it will cost 1-2 thousand rubles and more. Is it worth it? In our opinion, it’s easier to take the tablet to a service center, where a technician will sort out the connector for the same money. Although, of course, it all depends on the breakdown specific device, so the cost of repairs may be higher.

What other methods can we offer? Actually, none, because you won’t be able to charge your tablet any other way, unless you work as a service technician for smartphones and tablets. Therefore, the only option in your case is to go in search of a technician who will fix the problem.

However, let's not forget that the problem can be hidden not only in the hardware, but also in the software, so just in case, make or update the firmware.

If your device is under warranty and you are sure that the cause of the socket failure was not a fall or moisture, feel free to contact the store where you bought the device - they should fix the socket for free.

How to protect the charging socket from damage?

It’s still not possible to protect the connector 100%, but if you follow the simplest rules, then it’s unlikely that anything will happen to the connector. Here are the simplest rules for you.

  • Never suddenly pull the plug out of the socket; it may be damaged instantly.
  • Try to avoid dropping your tablet. Even if the impact occurs at a corner where there is no charging socket itself, this does not mean that the connector is not damaged.
  • Stay away from moisture. Do not take the tablet into the bathroom: corrosion that occurs from moisture can damage not only the connector, but also the board.

Brought Chinese tablet with the words “not charging”.

Having plugged the charger into the connector, I immediately realized that the connector had simply been torn out from the board. The most common breakdown. Well, let's start dissecting our client. To do this, we peer around the perimeter of the tablet with a tenacious gaze and look for the screws that hold it together. Without thinking for a long time, we unscrew these screws


I don’t see any point in disassembling where the memory chip, processor and other various microchips are located, since basically repairing a tablet involves replacing the touchscreen, display and connectors.

And here is the connector for micro-USB charging. That's what we need to replace.

Now we need to get the board. Unscrew all the bolts that hold it in place. We also remove all the cables that go to the board. To do this, lift the clasp with your finger up.

If the wires get in the way, we unsolder them too. I only unsoldered the battery. Since our connector was torn out with meat and broken, we immediately throw it away. We begin to clean the seat for the new connector. To remove solder in through holes, we need a low-melting Wood or Rose alloy. To begin with, generously tin the holes with this alloy, and do not forget to also coat them with gel flux. We heat the through hole along with the alloy using a soldering iron and then sharply, using a desoldering pump, pull all the solder out of the hole

I took the rubber tip for the desoldering pump from an old CD car radio. I don’t know what they do there, but there are even two of them there.

Now we remove all excess solder from the contact pads (spots) using copper braid and a heated soldering iron

After this procedure on the signal contacts using a soldering iron, solder and gel flux, we need to leave solder tubercles on each contact pad. Although this photo is from a different repair, the example should look something like this:

Now we take a new connector and lubricate its contacts using LTI-120 flux

A little about the connectors... These micro USB connectors heap! Almost every manufacturer of tablets, phones and other crap uses its own micro USB connectors. But I still found a way out ;-). I went to Aliexpress and bought myself a whole set at once. Here link. But now I have all kinds of connectors on Chinese phones and tablets ;-)

Once the connector has been anointed, we tin its contacts with solder. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the connector will not fit into the through holes on the board.

Everything else is simple. We insert the connector, solder the through contacts on the other side, and then generously lubricate the signal contacts of the connector with gel flux and press down each contact with the tip of a tip. (Sorry, it’s inconvenient to take a photo, since I only have two hands, and there was no one nearby)

and then we clean the connector from poop and carbon deposits

We do everything as it was and check the tablet:

Charging in progress. This completes the tablet repair.

Hi all. 7 were brought in for repairs inch tablet companies Xdigital. According to the owner, the tablet was always charged with great difficulty, since the charge was constantly running out.

For charging, in this tablet used DC plug 2.5mm, and the connector micro usb It is used only to connect to a computer and cannot charge the tablet.

DC 2.5 tablet charging plug

First of all, I decided to check the charging itself. To do this, I inserted a needle into the connector and measured the voltage. It was 5.4 volts, which indicated that the charger was fully operational.

Next, I started disassembling the tablet and measuring the voltage on the battery. To do this, you need to insert some thin object, such as a plastic card, into the gap between the top and bottom covers. I used a spatula to disassemble phone cases. After walking around the perimeter of the tablet, the case can be easily disassembled.

IMPORTANT!!! Before disassembling any tablet, you need to make sure that all additional devices, such as SIM cards and flash drives, are removed from it, since they can easily be damaged during disassembly.

Having disconnected the covers, it was necessary to unsolder the speaker, since it was glued to the back cover and interfered with the repair process.

Unsoldering the speaker wires from the board.

Tablet after disassembly

After disassembly, I immediately measured the voltage on the battery. It was 2.6, which indicated that she was deeply discharged.

The tablet battery voltage is 2.6 volts. The tablet is in deep discharge.

In order to check the performance of the tablet, I decided to recharge it a little from. To achieve this goal, I set the voltage on it to 4.2 volts with a current limit of 1A, and connected it directly to the battery.

Recharging the tablet from a laboratory power supply.

After 5 minutes, the battery voltage rose to 3.9 volts, after which the tablet turned on. Now we could begin to fix the main problem.

To remove the board, you need to unsolder the battery. To do this, using tweezers, I first unsoldered the positive contact of the battery, then the negative one. The wires were secured with nylon tape so that they could not cause a short circuit.

Battery wires

Fixing the battery wires with Kapton tape

After that, I disconnected the cables to the display and sensor, unscrewed 3 bolts and removed the board.

A visual inspection did not yield anything, since all the connectors appeared to be in good condition. Having connected the charger, I decided to measure whether the voltage was coming out of the charging socket. There was no voltage at the output, which indicated a malfunction of the charging socket.

No voltage at the output from the charging connector.

I tried to restore the connector, cleaned the oxides, but all I could achieve was only charging the tablet in a certain position.

I didn’t have such a connector, and after talking with the owner, I decided to connect the charging to the connector micro USB.

The socket is faulty, I decided to unsolder it.

Board, after desoldering the charging socket

Next, it was necessary to throw a jumper from the positive terminal of the micro USB socket to the positive terminal of the charging socket. Before carrying out this procedure, I previewed all the keys and came to the conclusion that such a transfer would not in any way affect the performance of the tablet for the worse.

The places between which it was necessary to throw a jumper are circled in red.

Already soldered jumper.

Next, I conducted the first test, albeit without a battery. To do this, connect the micro USB cord from the tablet to the laboratory power supply, after which the laboratory power supply immediately showed a load that jumped from 0.1 A to 0.5 A. This indicated that the tablet charging system was working properly.

Consumption per laboratory block power supply without a connected battery.

Voltage at battery contacts.

After assembling the tablet, I checked the charging, as well as the connection of the tablet to the computer. Everything worked fine. With a battery charge of 92%, the tablet consumed 0.32A. This is normal, since my laboratory power supply has a current limit on the USB connector.

Charging consumption

Charge indicator on the tablet

After all checks, the tablet was given to the owner. Here's the repair. Thank you for your attention.