What computers are, types and types of computers. Types of modern computers Pocket types of computers and smartphones

Personal computers PCs are installed inexpensive computers with high operational powers, a flexible package, we will develop good software security.

Features of PC є:

1. Reduced price;

2. Universality;

3. High operational capability;

4.Develop good security software;

5.Gnuchka complete set;



For recognition of the PC, you can add:

Home or business, business or office, professional.

Household - recognized for the automation of the butovoї sphere of activity of a person.

Office - designed for automation of administrative work, editing texts, maintaining documentation and more.

Professional-widest, recognized for the automation of work of various categories of workers. On the basis of these PCs, automated work stations can be created.

For a regular PC, follow:

1.Desktop (desktop);

2. Transportable (laptop);

3. Notebook (notebook).

Main characteristics of PC:

1.Company maker (IBM, ASUS….)

2. MP type, its size and clock frequency;

3. Type and volume of cache memory;

4. Type and volume of OP;

5. Type and volume of the hard drive;

6. Types and characteristics of CD and DVD drives;

7. Type of mother's payment;

8. Type of video card and its characteristics;

9. Monitor type and characteristics;

10. Keyboard;

According to their dimensions, PCs are subdivided into the following main types:

ü flooring,

ü notepads,

ü tablet,

ü intestines.

Notebooks, tablets, handheld and intestinal PCs are often used under a common name portable computers.

Desktop PC.Desktop PC (desktop), at their heart, share on the chotiri vidi:

§ nastіlnі PK zagalny recognition;

§ multimedia PC;

§ work stations;

§ “thin” and “ultra-thin” clients.

Floor PCs(often they are called simply flooring PC) to become more important than the PC. Of these, in my line, I will overestimate the majority (more than 95%) put together the IVM-summ_snі comp "terriers, structure, characteristics and components of which are reportedly reviewed in the third division. The expansion of the naboules is also the comp "computers of the series Maciptosb firms Apple. The digital computer "computer has the same components of the interface, so that the IBM-summіsnі computer" of the computer behind the wine of the PowerRS G4 processor and the mother board of the power generation. Motherboard and add-ons of the same memory "yatі computer" printers in the Macintosh series are placed in the monitor, so there is no way to modify the installation (it is necessary to buy another model).

The rest of the hour appeared multimedia PC (Media SepterRS)- personal iBM-summ_snі computer with hard-core processor, large capacities of operational memory "and memory" on hard disks, CD / DVD drives, hard-wired acoustic system 5.1, microphones, headphones and (as required) camera. what to do with an exhausting IBM-summary computer can be converted to a multimedia computer by adding the necessary attachments.

In an okremium view of the PC and others see working stations - comp "computers of local storage systems. Comp "computers can be harder 32-bit processors 64-bit processors (one chip), large capacities of operational and external memory." monitors of the great roses.

One of the types of comp "yuteriv, victorious at local yards, - "thin" client (thin client). Computers of this kind can only have a processor, RAM, a monitor, a keyboard and a USB interface for connecting external outbuildings. All data for the work of the "thin" client is stored in the external memory of the server and available to the computer as soon as possible. "Ultrathin" clients (ultra-thin client) vzagali do not have any resources and are terminals that are made up of a monitor and keyboard (a summary of these data is displayed on the server). "Ultra-thin" client with USB interface and attachment for reading FASH-memory cards.

Notebook personal computers (notebooks). Historically, the first types of portable computers were miniature desktop computers with changed monitor sizes, system boards and keyboards, as well as laptops (Laptop) computers and computers - rolls. Їх the place was occupied by notepad computers, chi laptops (notebooks) , how to make fabrics of their own capacity, how to lay PCs, and to a lesser extent (size of a standard arch paper A4 - 210x297 mm, thickness 2 ... 5 cm and weight 2 ... 4 kg);

So, just like the desktop computers, most of the laptops are stored in the IVM-summ_snі computer "users . Apple manufactures laptops, sums for hardware and software with desktop computers of this company . Notebooks are powered by Intel processors PowerPC G4, RAM modules (larger sizes: SODIMM, SODIMM DDR and SORIMM), as well as hard disks with a form factor of 2.5" and smaller. Some laptop models may have a CD or DVD drive. Notebooks are equipped with VGA and DVI sockets for external monitor connection, and USB and FireWire sockets for connection of other external devices. Crimson, laptops can be used with different PC Card and Flash-cards.

Tablet personal computers. New variety of notepad computers tablet computer "users (table PC). This type of computer is a flat case that can accommodate a rare crystal display with a touch screen and all electronic circuits of the computer. The computer is equipped with a local network adapter and a downgradable modem, as well as USB and FireWire ports. The addition of these commands is connected to the help of a touch pen, and you can also use a keyboard, “bear” and other attachments, connected to USB and FireWire ports. You can connect external extensions to the retail PC Card cards Flash-memory. Some models of tablet computers are equipped with a stand with CD and DVD drives placed on it, or other attachments for external memory. In addition, a tablet computer can be connected to a desktop computer or a laptop for an additional USB cable.

Hands and guts personal computers.Manual computer "users (bandbeld RS) they are changes, both for the expansions, and for the possibilities of the notepad computer option.

Kishenkovі comp "yuteri (pocketRS) released in two main modifications. In the first modification, the recording is written in a handwritten way for help touch screen, the other - behind the help of the keyboard . Various types of intestinal comp "yuter" Rocket PC Рhope Editiop- kishenkovy computer "yuter with ubudovaniy phone i SmartPhope -"intellectual" phone .

External add-ons are connected to these types of computers via different Flash-cards, and to desktop and tablet computers, as well as laptops - for an additional USB interface, which is included in the stand-alone, or a wireless IEEE 802.11b Bluetooth interface.

5. PORTABLE COMPUTERS____________________________________________

Portable computers - miniature computers with batteries. They are divided into three categories:

1) notebook (notebook);

2) subnotebook;

3) intestines (pocket).

The notepads are characterized by their size in A4 format, with a weight of 2-4 kg.

Subnotebooks are characterized by a size of 1.5-2 times less, and a bag of 1.5 kg.

Kishenkov vikoristovuyutsya in the likeness of electronic students, and widely spread among business people. There are such functions: phone dialer, currency conversion, vocabulary, saving text files, processing spreadsheets.

Features of portable computers:


Battery life;

Mozhlivist vikoristannya in any minds;

Nedolіkom є high price.

Today, various portable devices such as smartphones, communicators, and organizers have become wider.

Smartphone is an intelligent mobile phone with extended functions.

Communicator PDA + mobile phone.

6. NUMBER SYSTEMS. POSITIONING AND NON-POSITIONING SYSTEMS. BASIC NUMBER SYSTEMS ________________________________________________________

number system- the whole set of rules for the representation of numbers and the execution of arithmetic operations over them. The most expanded is the dozen system of numbers, with which we are growing today.

In the tenth system, the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are numbered, that's ten digits. To understand the functioning of the other buildings of the EOM, it is necessary to know the double number system.

Number systems are positional and non-positional. In positional systems, the value of a number is placed in the position of the digits in the given number. More descriptions of the system of numbers and positions. The butt of the non-positional system is the Roman number system. Positional systems are characterized by a basis. The basis of the number system is the number of numbers that are victorious in this system.

The basis of the number system is denoted by the letter q. In the tenth system, q=10 (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,). In a dual system, q=2 (0.1). The highest q=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,). Sixteen q=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F). For equalization, we write down a series of numbers in different systems.


In the binary system, there are only two digits – 0 and 1. The dual system is easily adapted to the technical characteristics of digital circuits, as two stable positions are possible. One of them is taken as 1, the other as 0. These positions can be: on - off; low rіven - high; the presence of an impulse is the presence of a day. When writing tens and two numbers in equal order, it is clear that the remaining ones occupy significantly more positions, which means that only two characters are victorious.

For a quick record, they are victorious, one might say, similar to the double system - vіsіmkova and sixteenthadtsyatkov, to that 8=2*2*2; 16=2*2*2*2. In other words, the skin's three double rows are one sixteenth figure, and the skin's three rows of rows are one sixteenth.


For the translation of numbers from the tenth system in the dvіykov, vіsіmkovu, sixteenteenth system, the number is divided by 2; 8; 16. A part of the division needs to be renewed by 2; 8; 16 and so on until quiet fir, until there is often less dilnik (2; 8; 16). The result will be the remainder of the issue, as recorded from the end.

For example, translate 125 (10) à (2) à (8) à (16):

Older, 125 (10) à 1111101 (2)

125 (10) à 175 (8)

125 (10) a 7D (16)

For the translation of fractional numbers from the tens system to the dviykov, vіsіmkov, sixteenteenth systems, it is necessary to multiply the number by 2; 8; 16, okremo writing down the number and the shot part. I need to multiply the fraction of the shot by 2 again; 8; 16 and so far to the given accuracy (or to zero zero in the fractional part).

For example, translate 0.31 (10) à (2) à (80) à (16):

2 0.31 (10) à 0.01001 (2)

and so far

8 0.31 (10) à 0.236 (8)

16 0.31 (10) à 0.4F (16)

To convert numbers from any system to ten, they are written with a polynomial formula, so any number is written in the form:

X=a0*q 0 +a1*q 1 +a2*q 2 +…+an*q n +a*q -1 +…+a*q -m =Σ ai*q, where q is the basis of the system;

a - numbers in this system; n - maximum position for whole numbers; m is the maximum position for fractional numbers.

For example: 125.34 (10) à 1*10 2 + 2*10 1 + 5*10 0 + 3*10 -1 + 4*10 -2 = 125.34 (10)

11011.11 (2) à1*2 4 + 1*2 3 + 0*2 2 + 1*2 1 + 1*2 0 + 1*2 -1 + 1*2 -2 = 16+8+2+1 + 0.5+ 0.25 = 27.75 (10)

34.24 (8) à3*8 1 +4*8 0 +2*8 -1 +4*8 -2 =24+4+ 0.25+4/64= 28+1/4+1/16= 28.3125 (10)

1A.5 (16) à 1*16 1 +10*16 0 +5*16 -1 = 16+10+5/16 = 26.312 (10)

FORM THE DATA SUBMISSION. FORMAT DATA _____________________________

Form representation of numbers. Numbers in the EOM can be represented by a significant number (in the form with a fixed dot) and in a napіvlogarithmic form (with a floating dot). In the form with a fixed dash, the whole part of the number is written, then the fraction. Moreover, in the EOM there is a single number of discharges for recording the whole part of the number and the shot. One digit is entered on the sign of the number (0 - for additional numbers, 1 - for other numbers). In this form, the following options are possible:

a) the speck is fixed after the youngest order (number number);

b) the speck is fixed before the senior rank (fractional numbers);

c) the speck is fixed after the n-th category.

Let's look at all three options:

a) the speck is fixed after the youngest rank. Double numbers in sixteen digit format in a scribbled manner will be written as follows:

c) the speck is fixed after the n-th category. Double numbers in sixteen digit format in a scribbled manner will be written as follows:

sign 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 2 -1 2 -2 2 -3 2 -4 2 -5 2 -6 2 -6 2 -7

The form with a fixed dot is simple, it is easier to construct arithmetic-logical additions, then a smaller range of representation of numbers. In the form with a floating dot, the numbers are written on the mantis in order.

X=M*Q^p , de M – mantis Q – basis p – order

For example: 0.125 * 10 3 (10)

0,10111*10 100 (2)

0.А0В*10 3 (16)

Mantis can be normalized. Mantisa is called normalized, as if it were mind-numbing:

1/q ≤ m< 1

In other words, it can be more than a fractional number, and then the Komi is guilty, but the figure is recognized as 0.

Schematically, in the rozryadnіy sіttsі double numbers in the form with a floating dot, write it down like this:


Number code - the whole number from the encoded sign. Understanding the direct, wrapped and supplementary code. For supplementary numbers, all three codes are settled the same way:

0 is written in the sign order;

All discharges are recorded without changes. For example, X=101101 [X]ex.= 0.101101 [X]rev.= 0.101101 [X]add.= 0.101101

The direct code for a large number is as follows:

All numbers are recorded without change.

The wrapping code of a large number is as follows:

1 is written in the sign order:

All ranks of the number are changed to lengths (1 to 0, 0 to 1)

The additional code for a large number is as follows:

1 is written in the sign order;

All ranks of the number are changed to lengths;

[Х]pr.=1.101011 [Х]rev.=1.010100 [Х]add.=1.01010

The rule for forming a wrapped code is simple, but a robot with wrapped codes calls out a number of difficulties. Thus, a zero result can be represented by a combination of two zeros or two ones. Sob there was no ambiguity, in the micro-EOM the representations of the main numbers in the supplementary code are victorious.

Crimium of the most significant twists and modifications of the code:

Direct modifications;

Wrap modifications;

Additional modifications.

Modified codes are modified in the form of the most significant ones with a sign order:

two zeros are written in the sign order for additional numbers, two ones for other numbers.

Modified codes transfer reflow. Likewise, when vikonannі arithmetic operations z vikoristannym modifikanіh kodіv in the sign bit 01 or 10, it is necessary to note about the reordering of the bit grid.

When choosing the most significant codes, transfer the ones to the sign category, or from the sign one, about the reordering. If you endure insults, you may be miserable, but insults are daily, there is no repetition. In the protileous fall, there may be a change.

The order of vikonannya arithmetic operations on numbers with fixed and floating mottles can be seen on specific applications. To perform operations on numbers with a fixed spot, you need:

Reshape the numbers in the double system;

Satisfy the wrapping (additional code);

Vikonati operation;

Rewrite the code for the direct value of the number.

Look at the butt ± 25 ± 32

0.111001 à 111001 (2) à 57


1.111000 a - 000111 (2) a - 7


0.000111 à 000111 (2) à 7

Note. When vikonannі operations in the wrapped code 1 transfer from the sign category is added to the youngest.



1.000110 a - 111001 a -57

Now let's take a look at the operations themselves with the help of the supplementary code on the butt ±27 ±40

add.= 0.011011

add.= 0.101000

1.000011 - reordering of the discharge grid (1

be transferred to the sign rank, and іz

signed not to be transferred).

To win this operation, it is necessary to increase the number of discharges, so take

add.= 0.0011011

add.= 0.0101000

0.1000011 à 1000011 (2) à 67

add.= 0.0011011


1.1110011 a - 0001100 a - 0001101a -13


add.= 0.0101000

10.0001101à 0001101à 3

Note. When vikonannі operations in the supplementary code, one transfer from the sign category is not protected.



11.0111101à - 1000010à - 1000011à - 67

All these operations are counted in a similar rank to different modification codes.

When vikonannі add (vіdnіmannya) numbers in the form with a floating dot it is necessary:

Zvnyati orders;

Add (remove) the mantis;

Record the result in a normalized way. When vikonannі multiplier need to multiply the mantis, and add orders. In case of a delay, close the mantises, and follow the orders.

Let's look at the butts:

1. 0.1101*10 10 + 0.11101*10 101 =(0.0001101+ 0.11101)*10 101 =1.0000001*10 101

0.10000001*10 110

2. 0.1011*10 110 - 0.111*10 100 = (0.1011- 0.00111)*10 110 = 0.01111*10 110 = 0.1111*10 101

  1. 0.10101*10 100 * 0.101*10 10 = 0,01101001*10 110 = 0.1101001*10 101
  1. 0.1110011*10 100 / 0.101*10 10 = 1.0111*10 10 = 0.10111*10 11


Information - the whole collection of information about those other things

Informatics is a science that develops the structure and power of information, and the power of connection with information. Under the processing of information, the processes of entering, saving, accumulating, searching and transferring information are understood. With the method of effective processing of information, it is necessary to be reliable, timely and sufficient. I will be able to collect information on the EOM on a regular basis, but it can be input, intermediate and effective. The input information is entered into the computer from the keyboard of the machine's laptops. On the basis of the input information, the interim is taken, as it is sorted, combined with the other, over which the calculation is made. The last product of work on EOM is effective information.

In terms of stability, the information is changeable (operational) and mentally consistent (documents, catalogues).

The fallow in terms of the processing of information can be periodic and non-periodic. Periodic information is available daily, weekly, weekly, monthly, quarterly, pivrichnoy, river.

Fallen-recognized information is shaped, statistical, planned, predicted, etc.

Among the various types of information, there are two types: biological and social information.

Under the biological information to understand such information as to ensure the life of a living organism. To the diversity of biological information, it is possible to introduce genetic information in order to protect the mind of a living organism.

Social information is inextricably linked with the practical activity of a person, so you can see the styles of types and varieties, and you can see the activity of a person. Political, ethical, economic, technological, vimiruval, scientific and technical information can serve as butts.

One of the applications of such a classification of social information is a classification, which is why two main classes are seen: mass (general) and special information.

Mass information - social information, as addressed to all members of the society regardless of their position and occupation.

Special information is addressed to singing social groups (for example, given specialties, economists, working singing professions, etc.). For spriynyattya tsієї іnformatsії nebhіdnіy stock of special knowledge.

The most important varieties of special social information are:

1. Scientific information - is obtained as a result of scientifically significant activity. Scientific information can be defined as scientific knowledge, as it is transmitted in the information process.

2. Technical information is created in the field of technology and is recognized for solving technical problems (development of new technical technologies, materials, technological processes, etc.).

Structure and authority of scientific and technical information to reach close

That is why two vidi are often combined with the term “scientific and technical” information.

3. Technological information is unquestionably victorious in the field of material manufacturing for the creation of material goods (various types of viruses, machines, possession).

4. Planning and economic information about the country and the prospects for the development of the people's statehood are victorious for planning and managing the sustainable production.

Information of the Volodymyr with such sleepy powers for all kinds of authorities. The main power of the information is traced to the development of an inseparable connection with the singing system. The most important powers of information are structuring, value.

Structuring information is the purpose of power, as it allows the receptive system to see information from physical processes of objects, to perceive the manifestations of the cosmic world as signals.

The value of information is expressed in the concepts of consistency, timeliness, accuracy, reliability, efficiency.

The sequence of eight battles is called a byte, with which EOM operates as one whole during transmission, collecting and processing information. Sukupnіst kіlkoh bytes fold the word. Dovzhina's words indicate the microprocessor's capacity. Spivvіdnoshnja between units wimіru іnformatsії such:

1 byte = 8 bits

1 kb = 1024b (2 10)

1 mb =1024kb(2 20 bytes)

1 GB = 1024MB

With the help of the sequence of double digits, you can encode, save and process any information in the EOM (numbers, texts, commands, etc.).

high byte low byte

byte byte

Bit, byte, word. The consistency of bytes and symbols is set with an additional coding system (KOI-8, DKOI, ASCII). The principle of coding is the same for different systems, so that the skin symbol is given a sequence of zeros and ones. In total, there are 256 different sequences from eight zeros and ones - but it allows you to encode 256 different characters.

For the butt, let's look at a fragment of the table KOI-8:

The code Symbol The code Symbol
: J
; K
< L
+ M
> N
? O

As can be seen from the tables, the codes of digital symbols may be the same and the first chotiri biti (zonal tetrad). This is actually the representation of numbers in the unpacked (zonal) format.

The main helpers before the information:

  • credibility
  • originality of presentation
  • number of submissions

The information must be true. With the method of rechecking the correctness of the data set, there are different control methods:

ü visual

ü redialing

ü checksums

ü machine control

When processing information on different plots, it is necessary to understand the terms of presentation. To this important help, it’s time for the collection of tribute.

For the optimal solution of any task, the mother needs all the necessary parameters. Zvіdsi sings of the onset of vimoga - the repetition of the presentation. If there are a lot of indications, the task may not be solved, or it may not be the optimal solution.

12. ALGEBRA OF LOGIC AS A LOGICAL BASIS FOR SUSPENDING COMPUTERIV. BASIC LOGICAL OPERATIONS_____________________________________________________________

Changes and functions like them, which can take on more than 1 or 0, are called logical changes. For 1, take the true value (true), for zero - false.<,<=, >,>=. As a result of the operation, it is a sign, which can take true or not true meaning.

A logical (Boolean algebra) is created on the basis of multiple values. Boolean algebra has been widely used in the design of logical systems for additions to the EOM. George Boole himself, having created his algebra, did not know how to put it in practice.

The main logical operations are:

Logical multiplication (con "junction, i), indicated by the ^ sign;

Logical addition (diz "junction, or else), indicated by the icon v;

Forbidden (not), indicated by the icon -.

Sequence of typing of basic operations: -, ^, v, so the arches are not victorious. There are three basic victories and more, more folding operations, but the skin of them can be seen in the form of a formula, in which only con "junction, diz" junction, transcendence are victorious.

And now let's look at the truth tables for basic logical operations:


con "junction diz" junction

Con "junction - the same operation, as a victor over pairs of two numbers 1101 ^ 1011 \u003d 1001. When con "junction is true (1), it will be the same and only slightly the same, if everything is true. With dis "unction, the truth will be the same, if one wants to be true.


For logical algebra, the same laws are characteristic, as for algebra: permutations, good, rozpodilny. For consistency, let's take a look at the tables and laws for algebra and logical algebra.

Qi laws vikoristovuyutsya for the forgiveness of logical viraziv.

In addition, de Morgan's formulas are victorious.

X v Y = x^y(1)

It reads like this: X or Y not \u003d not X and not Y

X ^ Y = x vy (2) (X i Y not-not X or not Y)

Yak bachimo, virazi X ^ Y і X ^ Y are written in a different way, read and written in a different way. Virase `x ^ `y has sequence diy

1) `X 2) `y 3) i

Virase X ^ Y has the following sequence: 1) X ^ Y 2) X ^ Y

Krіm de Morgan's formulas are vicorated by other formulas: clay formulas, glue formulas, equivalence formulas.

Clay formulas:

Gluing formulas:

(X v Y)^(X v`Y) = X

Equivalence formulas:

X v Y = (X v`Y)^`(X v`Y)

X v Y = (X v Y)^(`X v`Y)

Logical elements of the elements "i", "or", "not", "i-not", "or-not",

"i-abo-not". Smartly-graphic designation of elements.

Logical operations are implemented by different logical elements.

The "i" operation is won by the "i" element or the "junctor" element.

Mentally graphic designation of the con "junctor.

The principle of operation is as follows: the signal at the output will be the same, if there is a signal at all inputs at the same time.

The operation "abo" is concatenated by the element "abo" (dis"junctor)

Smartly-graphic designation of the design "junctor"

The signal at the output will be the same if there is a signal at one of the inputs and at the same time.

Krіm more descriptions of the elements are more folding, as they are based on the elements i, or not.

Let's look at the elements i-not, abo-not, i-abo-not.

Functional diagram of the i-not robotic element:

Smartly-graphic designation of the i-not element:

The truth table for i-not operations (Schaffer operation) is as follows:

There are many terms used to describe computers and their types. Most of these words imply size, how we will use this or that kind of computer, or its performance. While the term computer can be applied to virtually every device that has a microprocessor, most people think of a computer as a device that receives input from the user with a mouse or keyboard, processes it in some way, and displays the result on the screen. Do you know that there are different types computers? Let's figure out what types there are.

1) Personal Computer(PC) is a type of computer designed for use by an individual, hence the name. PCs were originally known as microcomputers. Does your PC seem so small to you? And once a computer with the processing power of the one you are sitting at now could occupy a room, or even more than one.

Tablet PC

2) Personal computers can take many forms, such as new Apple iPad (below in the picture),

which is a kind of PC like Tablet PC , that is, equipped with a sensitive screen, which allows you to work on it without the usual mouse and keyboard, but with the help of a special wand (stylus) or just your fingers

, because it is most often encountered and it is on the desktop computer that I am currently working. Naturally, this type of computer assumes that it will be put in a certain place for a long time. Most desktop computers can offer more power, storage, and functionality for less than their portable brethren. Miniaturization is expensive.

What is a laptop?

4) (sometimes it is called a laptop, from the English laptop, which can be literally translated as "knee") - this is a type laptop computer, which has a built-in display, keyboard, device for controlling the pointer (cursor) - instead of a mouse. Of course, there are built-in processor, RAM, memory, HDD, video card, in general, everything that can be seen in the system unit of a desktop computer, only in a more compact form. The laptop runs on battery power, it can be plugged into the network and work as much as you like, without electricity it will work until the battery runs out, which for modern laptops can be up to 12 hours of operation. The laptop is a little heavier than the average hardcover book: about 2-3 kilograms.

What is a netbook and how is it different from a laptop

5) A netbook is just another type of computer.. This is an even more portable type of computer than a laptop, because it is even smaller and even lighter: it weighs about a kilogram. By the way, in order to “lose weight”, the netbook had to “reset” the drive: it simply does not exist in the netbook. plus and difference between netbook and laptop also in that it usually costs less than a laptop, but they are less powerful. Designed mainly for work with office applications and on the Internet. Which should be enough for girls, for example, so as not to carry extra weights, because carrying 3 kilograms of a laptop with you all day is not so easy.

Ever heard of the CCP? What is a PDA?

6) Here's what. This is another view: PDA - Personal Digital Assistant, that in Russian there will be a PDA - to pocket personal computer, and if literally, then "personal digital assistant". In everyday life, the PDA is called a "handheld". Incidentally, if translated into English « pocket personal computer"- Pocket PC, then it will not be entirely correct, because it is only one of the types of PDAs, but manufactured by Microsoft, therefore, in English-speaking countries, the term PDA is used. They are very small (of course, you have to justify the title of "pocket" after all), they usually do not have a keyboard, so information is entered using touch screen, that is, by touching the display. It is also worth noting such devices as smartphones and communicators. What is a communicator and what is a smartphone? There is no clear distinction between them, these topics can be argued, the main thing to know is that these devices combine a PDA and a mobile phone, that is, you can make calls from them, this is the difference from a PDA.

Automated workstation (Workstation)

7) (Workstation). Serious name, but this kind of computers is actually a desktop computer that has a more powerful processor, more memory, and has enhanced capabilities for performing special task groups such as 3D modeling, computer game development, and others. Look at automated workplace on this photo:


8) Server. A type of computer optimized for providing services to other computers over a network. Computers of this kind are usually very powerful processors, a lot of memory and large hard drives. This kind of computer is just now enabling you to read this site.


9) Next view: mainframe. At the dawn of the computer age, these were huge machines that occupied a room, two, or even an entire floor (I already mentioned them). Gradually the size of computers decreased while the power grew. The term "mainframe" has gradually fallen out of use, "enterprise server" being used instead. However, it can still be heard, usually in large companies, to describe huge machines that process millions of transactions every day.

10) Supercomputer. This kind of computer usually costs hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Despite the fact that some supercomputers are separate computer systems, most of them include many high-performance computers operating in parallel as a single system.

Wearable microcomputer

11) Wearable microcomputer(yes, that's how it translates). This is the latest trend in computer technology. Essentially, common computer applications(e-mail, databases, multimedia, calendar-scheduler) can be integrated into the watch, mobile phones and even clothes. This species is used in science in the study of health and behavior. I also found in the photo that it is used by the military. You can admire the prototype in the photo. Quite an interesting view of the computer, so more photos:

From this article you learned:

  • Types of computers (types of computers)
  • What is a desktop computer
  • What is a pocket personal computer
  • What is a netbook
  • What is the difference between a netbook and a laptop
  • What is a communicator
  • What is a PDA and hopefully more

Modern computers are very different: from large ones that occupy an entire room to small ones that fit on a table, in a briefcase and even in a pocket. Different computers are used for different purposes. Today, personal computers are the most popular type of computer. Personal computers (PCs) are intended for personal (personal) use.

Despite the variety of PC models, there is much in common in their device. These general properties will now be discussed.

Basic PC devices. The main "detail" personal computer is a microprocessor (MP). This is a miniature electronic circuit created by a very complex technology that performs the function of a computer processor.

A personal computer is a collection of interconnected devices. The main thing in this set is the system unit. The system unit contains the "brain" of the machine: a microprocessor and internal memory. Also placed there: power supply, drives, controllers external devices. The system unit is equipped with an internal fan for cooling.

The system unit is usually placed in a metal case, on the outside of which there are: a power switch, slots for installing removable disks and disk drives, connectors for connecting external devices.

A keyboard device (keyboard), a monitor (another name is a display) and a mouse (manipulator) are connected to the system unit. Sometimes other types of manipulators are used: joystick, trackball, etc. Additionally, the following can be connected to the PC: printer (printing device), modem (for access to telephone line communications) and other devices (Fig. 1).


On fig. 5 shows a desktop PC model. In addition, there are portable models (notebooks) and pocket computers.

All PC devices except processor and internal memory are called external devices. Each external device interacts with the PC processor through a special unit called a controller (from the English "controller" - "controller", "controller"). There is a drive controller, a monitor controller, a printer controller, etc. (Fig. 2).


The main principle of interaction between PC devices. The principle by which the information connection between the processor, RAM and external devices is organized is similar to the principle telephone connection. The processor through a multi-wire line, which is called a backbone (another name is a bus), communicates with other devices (Fig. 3).

Just like every subscriber telephone network has its own number, each external device connected to the PC also receives a number that acts as the address of this device. Information transmitted to an external device is accompanied by its address and fed to the controller. In this analogy, the controller is like a telephone that converts the electrical signal through the wires into sound when you listen to the phone, and converts the sound into an electrical signal when you speak.


The backbone is a cable consisting of many wires. The characteristic organization of the highway is as follows: one group of wires (data bus) transmits processed information, the other (address bus) - addresses of memory or external devices accessed by the processor. There is also a third part of the highway - the control bus; control signals are transmitted through it (for example, checking the readiness of the device for operation, a signal to start the operation of the device, etc.).

Increasingly, personal computers are used not only in production and educational institutions, but also at home. They can be bought at the store in the same way as TVs, VCRs and other household appliances are bought. When buying any product, it is desirable to know its main characteristics in order to purchase exactly what you need. PCs have these basic features as well.

Characteristics of the microprocessor. There are various models of microprocessors produced by different companies. The main characteristics of the MP are the clock frequency and bit depth of the processor.

The operating mode of the microprocessor is set by a microcircuit, which is called a clock frequency generator. This is a kind of metronome inside the computer. A certain number of clock cycles is allocated for each operation to be performed by the processor. It is clear that if the metronome "knocks" faster, then the processor works faster. The clock frequency is measured in megahertz - MHz. A frequency of 1 MHz corresponds to a million cycles per second. Here are some characteristic clock frequencies of microprocessors: 600 MHz, 800 MHz, 1000 MHz. The latter value is called gigahertz - GHz. Modern models microprocessors work with clock frequencies several gigahertz.

The next characteristic is the processor capacity. Bit depth is the maximum length of a binary code that can be processed or transmitted by the processor as a whole. The bit depth of processors on the first PC models was equal to 8 bits. Then came 16-bit processors. Most modern PCs use 32-bit processors. The most high-performance machines have 64-bit processors.

The amount of internal (RAM) memory. We have already talked about computer memory. It is divided into operative (internal) memory and long-term (external) memory. The performance of the machine is highly dependent on the amount of internal memory. If there is not enough internal memory for some programs to work, then the computer begins to transfer part of the data to external memory, which drastically reduces its performance. The speed of reading / writing data to RAM is several orders of magnitude higher than to external memory.

Volume random access memory affects the performance of the computer. Modern programs require RAM of tens and hundreds of megabytes.

For the good work of modern programs, hundreds of megabytes of RAM are required: 128 MB, 256 MB or more.

Characteristics of external memory devices. External storage devices are drives on magnetic and optical disks. Embedded in the system unit magnetic disks are called hard drives or hard drives. This is a very important part of the computer, since it is here that all the programs necessary for the operation of the computer are stored. Reading/writing to a hard drive is faster than to all other types of external media, but still slower than to RAM. The more volume hard drive, all the better. On modern PCs, hard drives are installed, the volume of which is measured in gigabytes: tens and hundreds of gigabytes. Buying a computer, you get the necessary set of programs on the hard drive. Usually the buyer himself orders the composition of the computer software.

All other external memory media are removable, that is, they can be inserted into the drive and removed from the drive. These include floppy disks - floppy disks and optical disks - CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM. A standard floppy disk holds 1.4 MB of information. Floppy disks are convenient for long-term storage of programs and data, as well as for transferring information from one computer to another.

Recently, flash memory has replaced floppy disks as the main means of transferring information from one computer to another. Flash memory is electronic device external memory used to read and write information in file format. Flash memory, like disks, is a non-volatile device. However, compared to disks, flash memory has a much larger information volume (hundreds and thousands of megabytes). And the speed of reading and writing data on a flash drive is approaching the speed of RAM.

CD-ROM drives have become an almost mandatory component of a PC kit. Contemporary software distributed on these media. The capacity of a CD-ROM is in the hundreds of megabytes (the standard size is 700 MB).

You can purchase DVD drives of your choice. The amount of data on disks of this type is calculated in gigabytes (4.7 GB, 8.5 GB, 17 GB). Videos are often recorded on DVDs. Their playback time reaches 8 hours. These are 4-5 feature films. Recording optical drives allow you to record and rewrite information on CD-RW and DVD-RW. The constant decline in prices for these types of devices moves them from the category of "luxury goods" to the public.

All other device types are categorized as I/O devices. Mandatory of them are the keyboard, monitor and manipulator (usually a mouse). Additional devices: printer, modem, scanner, sound system and some others. The choice of these devices depends on the needs and financial capabilities of the buyer. You can always find sources of reference information about the models of such devices and their performance properties.

If you decide to buy a computer for a student and don't know which one to choose, perhaps this article will help you make the right decision. To do this, take into account two arguments:

  • Decide on a budget in advance. Given the numerous experience, we can say that this is the only way not to overpay in the end. Do not forget to include the necessary furniture in the budget: a computer desk, an armchair, and so on.
  • Adequately consider the needs of the student. The market is crowded today various models computers, where each is intended for a specific use.

The main thing is that the computer for the student satisfies his needs. Most often it is studying and surfing the Internet. The minimum specifications for such a PC are as follows:

CPU. is the brain of the computer. Other elements included in the PC depend on it, for example, the type of RAM.

RAM. As the saying goes, the more the better. The recommended minimum is 2 GB, although if there is a financial possibility, of course, 4 GB is better. Not required anymore. A further increase, of course, will make it possible to carry out more programs at the same time, but this is not so important for a student.

Monitor. For a desktop PC, the minimum monitor size is 17 inches, bigger is better. For a laptop, the recommended minimum is 15 inches. If the student is interested in graphics, study the differences between TN, IPS, and VA technologies.

HDD. Minimum size 500 GB. As with RAM, more is better, but disk is not the key.

Where the student will use their PC.

Most students buy a laptop to be always online. But keep in mind that any desktop PC is always more powerful and cheaper than a portable one. In addition, a laptop is more difficult to upgrade than a desktop computer, and the components are much more expensive.

Watching movies on PC.

If you plan to connect a computer to a TV, you need to have an HDMI output. The ability to use a PC for studying and watching movies through the TV will save you money. Fortunately, on AMD and Intel computers, high-definition movie playback is enabled "by default".

Will the student play on his computer.

For a gaming computer, the most important element is the video card. Prices for the cheapest video cards are about $50-60. Unfortunately, modern games will not work with this, and you will have to spend at least $150 for a decent card.

Perhaps the best strategy in this case is to upgrade the graphics card every year, saving on price declines.

Mathematical calculations on the computer.

If a student needs computing power, RAM becomes one of the most important components. In this case, it is reasonable to increase the RAM to 4 GB, and try 64-bit operating system capable of working with it.

Computers are our life. Now it is difficult to imagine a person who does not use this miracle. modern technology. Work, study, entertainment - everything is tied to personal computers. Therefore, the choice of this technique must be approached wisely, hoping that your "iron assistant" will last a long time. You also need to consider what system characteristics of the computer best suit your needs. To make it clearer, we will look at some real examples of computer characteristics.


In the first half of the article, we will talk about how to choose the right components if you decide to build a PC yourself. Undoubtedly, the main one is its performance, that is, the speed of processing information per second, but do not forget about ergonomics.

There are several form factors commonly used in personal computers. The most popular of them are ATX and Slim.

  1. The second option is ideal for those who have little space in the room. Such a computer can be placed directly on the table under the monitor. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the size. Similar system blocks not suitable for gaming computers, since it is almost impossible to provide them with good cooling.
  2. ATX- universal format, which is suitable for most computer configurations. There are many models, from the largest to the smallest, which will allow you to create as a server with many hard drives, and with modern video cards.

When choosing, be sure to first think about where your workplace will be located.


It could be said that this is the main characteristic of the computer, if only because the construction of the entire architecture of the future PC is based on it. Whatever parts you buy, your choice will be based on what your "motherboard" can support.

The following is a list of the latest expansion slots. If you want the "foundation" of your PC to last a very long time, you need to take the latest boards as well. Otherwise, you will not be able to find spare parts later.

  1. DDR4 or DDR3 RAM slots. At least two pieces.
  2. Processor socket supporting LGA1151 standards.
  3. PCI-Express slots for connecting expansion cards.
  4. SATA-3 and SATA-Express connectors.
  5. Pay attention to the number of USB 3.0 ports. If there are too few, you may have problems connecting external equipment.
  6. The version should also be taken into account. installed BIOS, the possibility of flashing it and support for various operating systems.

These are the main characteristics of the motherboard that are important for the average user.

Video adapter

Simply put, a video card. This is perhaps the main characteristic of a computer adapted for games. Depending on its quality, you will be able to play computer games with varying degrees of comfort.

When choosing this board, you can, of course, just ask the seller if they have " gaming graphics cards", and he will gladly offer you options to choose from. But what you should pay special attention to:

  1. Video cache size. Some of the most powerful and popular have a memory of 2 and 4 gigabytes.
  2. Bus bit width - shows the speed of data exchange between the video card and the motherboard.
  3. Bus frequency. The higher this number, the faster the display of information on the screen. Maximum values can reach 6-7 thousand Mhz.

So if you wish to have gaming computer, then be sure to consider all the options in detail.


Another basic characteristic of a computer. The size and type of RAM affect the amount of information processed per time interval and the speed at which it is accessed. When we examined the motherboard, we already wrote that modern memory sticks are in DDR3 and DDR4 formats. Therefore, depending on your motherboard, you will have to choose your own memory.

Most of the latest games need 8 GB of RAM to run on maximum settings. In general, it's a good idea to have a small margin, so you need to choose the right set of planks. For example, three sticks of 4 GB or, if you have only two sockets, two of 8 GB.

For work purposes, the size of RAM is not so important. Therefore, you can limit yourself only to your needs. But be aware that many graphic programs like "3D Max" consume a huge amount of resources, which is much more than the cost of games.

Power Supply

Whatever the characteristic of the computer device, it will be tied to power consumption. Remember that the better and better the equipment, the more electricity it consumes. In order for your computer not to be a pile of iron, it is important to choose the right power supply.

Your video card will become the main energy consumer, therefore, when buying it, specify what power the power supply will require for it.


Finally we got to the "heart" of your PC! Let's take a computer as an example. For this we take Intel Core i5-3570K Ivy Bridge.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the socket. We already agreed when we talked about motherboards that the most relevant format is LGA1151. AT given processor LGA1155 is used, which allows it to be placed in any modern "mother".
  2. Number of Cores. The more of them, the more productive the processor. AT this case 4 are used.
  3. Core clock speed - 3400 MHz. Responsible for the number of operations per second.
  4. L2/L3 cache size: 1024 KB/6144 KB. The amount of information processed per unit of time depends on their size.


This is the last main characteristic. In total, there are three important parameters responsible for the quality of this device.

  1. The speed of data exchange (access), depending on the connection interface.
  2. The number of revolutions per second.
  3. And, of course, volume. Responsible for the available space in the computer's memory.

In general, choosing a hard drive is not difficult, but be careful. Common mistake- unsuitable connectors on motherboard and interface of the railway.

"My computer"

If you already own this digital technology, but you are interested in the performance of this particular PC, then you will need knowledge on how to find out the characteristics of your computer. Indeed, even if you did not look at the exact configuration of the PC when you bought it, one day the time will come when you will have to improve and expand it, because it will no longer satisfy your needs.

There are several ways to view the characteristics of a computer on Windows.

  1. Protozoa. To find out the big picture of "what's happening" on your PC, click right click click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties". A window will open in front of you, in which you can see the type of processor and RAM. Then go to "My Computer" - and you can understand
  2. Full. If you need more accurate information on the devices and characteristics of your PC, you can go to the device manager. To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel". Then select the icon you want.
  3. Program. For the most detailed analysis of a personal computer system, you can use specialized utilities. For example, Everest Ultimate Edition. it great way how to find out the characteristics of your computer.


One of the most expensive appliances in stores is computers. Their prices and features vary greatly. We have already given you some tips for self-assembly. And now let's see how to choose the right ready-made PC. To do this, consider several models from online stores.

    CompDay gaming computer. Intel Core i3 4150 3.5GHz, with 4GB DDR3 RAM, GeForce GTX 960 2048Mb graphics card with hard drive for 500 GB. Price - 45 thousand. Actually, the price is clearly too high, because of all the components, only the video card pulls on the "four" and can be up to a quarter of the price. Otherwise, this device can hardly be called "gaming", since a dual-core processor is the same outdated concept as the Pentium II.

    DigitalRazor Reaper S for 310 thousand rubles. But this device is much closer to the concept of gaming. Quad-core I-7 processor with a frequency of 4 GHz, 16 GB of DDR4 RAM and two GeForce GTX 980Ti graphics cards with 6 GB of cache. This device is able to cope with absolutely any task and run any of the most modern toys at maximum settings. By the way, if you remove the second video card, then the computer becomes cheaper by 100 thousand at once, but at the same time it loses practically nothing in its performance.

    Alienware Area 51 A51-7838 for 566 thousand rubles. 8 core core processor i7-5960X at 3.5 GHz, 32 GB of DDR4 RAM and three GeForce GTX TITAN X SLI graphics cards with 12 GB of memory. As you understand, by analogy with the previous case, the price can be greatly reduced by removing extra video cards. But even without them, it will be the characteristics of which are so high that it is difficult to imagine what it may be required for. Is it to launch several copies of the most modern toys on several screens at once.

So, we examined a variety of computers, the prices and characteristics of which differ quite significantly. What can be said? Without a doubt, the average user will not spend 500, 300, or 200 thousand on a computer. However, this does not mean that people cannot play their favorite games at maximum settings. For 50-60 thousand now you can assemble a fairly powerful gaming computer that will be relevant in the next 5 years. Or buy for the same money gaming laptop. In this case, everything is much simpler - you don't have to worry about equipment compatibility. If ordinary computers are assembled in a warehouse in a store, then laptops are tested immediately at the factory.