How can you determine its type based on the file extension (what it is for) and what program can open it. Ways to determine file extensions How to determine what a file is

The extension is intended to identify the ownership of objects. Each program creates files with its own set of formats. Therefore, all objects are equipped with their own attributes indicating their type - system, text, archive, audio-video, executive, etc. Using the format, you can also determine which program created the document. Windows, depending on the settings, does not always display such information. To determine the ownership attributes and get it to appear in the name, you need to follow the algorithm below. At the same time, it will be possible to find out why the user needs all this.

Who needs it

If operating system detects an unknown document type, automatically begins searching for a program that can work with it. A notification window appears on the monitor screen, in which Windows displays available information about the object and suggests several existing applications as the most suitable for working with it. The user has the following options:

It provides information about the name, as well as a standard message notifying that the operating system does not know which programs support working with this format. The user has 2 options for further actions:

  • Try to open the file using the programs offered by the system.
  • Download an application for working with objects of this type from the Internet;

As a rule, it is not always possible to open an unknown document using existing utilities. And it’s not a fact that the program will work correctly with it. But if the extension is known, you can use a request in search engines the Internet is easy to find required application, meeting your requirements. Some programs require quite specific knowledge and skills to install. Or during installation there may be a conflict with already installed software. In this case, you must contact technical support for help.

Setting the display format

For novice users, activating this option is not only unnecessary, but can also lead to serious problems. By accidentally changing or deleting the extension of some system objects, you can damage the operating system. Violations in its operation can lead to irreversible data loss or failure of the entire OS. Therefore, by default this function is not active. Well, for an experienced user, enabling it will not be difficult.

If a situation arises in which you need to find out the attributes of any documents, then to display this information you need to perform the following steps:

Open the “My Computer” section.

Select “Arrange” and open the “Folder Options” tab.

Select the “View” section.

Menu View

In the window that opens, uncheck the “hide file extensions” box. After that, click “Apply”, then “OK”. Uncheck the item marked in the screenshot, and then click the Apply and Ok buttons.


From now on, all objects should be displayed with an extension.

Determining file type without extension

If documents are downloaded from the Internet or from other media, they can be displayed by the system without specifying attributes, even when the display function is turned on. As in the above screenshot. To find out the format of such files, there are special services on the Internet.

One such resource looks like this:

To obtain the required information, you need to do the following:

Load the corresponding resource page. Click on the “Select” button.

In the selection window that opens, find the file you are looking for and add it to the list for analysis.

After processing the data, all available information about the document will be displayed on the screen. It will appear below the window for selecting objects for analysis.

By following the above algorithms, you will be able to Windows system obtain information about the format of unknown documents, configure its display and, using special online services, determine the format without explicitly specified attributes.

Video: Identifying file extensions

Option 1

1. The set of all programs designed to work on a PC is called:

A) applications

B) software

B) operating system

2. PC performance depends on:

A) monitor screen size

B) mains voltage

IN) clock frequency

3. Two identical servers can process 3 million requests from users in 3 seconds. How many millions of requests can 4 such servers process in 4 seconds?

4. Bandwidth of some communication channel is 228,000 bits/s. How long will it take to transfer a 600 KB file over this channel?

5. How many CDs with a capacity of 700 MB bytes will be required to accommodate the information, completely

occupying HDD 50GB capacity:

A) 74 B) 79 C) 73

6.The file type can be determined by knowing it:

A) size

B) expansion

B) date of creation

7. Determine which of the specified file names satisfies the mask: ?kk*.h?

A) B) mmokk.hrr C) ghkk.uijh

8. Input devices are: A) flash memory B) keyboard, scanner, mouse

C) keyboard, scanner, monitor

Option 2

1. The set of all means and rules for user interaction with a PC is called:

A) applications

B) user interface

B) control objects

2. Which of the functions are displayed by the window state control buttons:

A) collapse, expand, restore, close

B) cut, copy, paste

B) close, close, restore, delete

3. Two identical servers can process 5 million requests from users in 5 seconds. How many millions of requests can 9 such servers process in 9 seconds?

4. The bandwidth of a certain communication channel is 356,000 bits/s. How long will it take to transfer a 700 KB file over this channel?

5.How many CDs with a capacity of 300 M bytes will be required to accommodate the information, completely

occupying a hard drive with a capacity of 40 GB:

A) 136 B) 137 C) 138

6.Add by analogy: man – Notebook, computer:

A) processor

B) monitor

B) long-term memory

7. Determine which of the specified file names satisfies the mask: ?аа*. V?

A) okai.vr B) C) gааk1.вв

8. A computer program controls the work: A) on CD B) on DVD C) c random access memory


You can search by extension in file type guides or on the Internet. However, in Folder Options there is a File Types tab, and from the list on it you can find and short description file and its associated program.

Well, actually, the system itself knows what to open and with what. And for unknown file types, you can look at

There is a program into which you drag a file with an unknown extension, and it tells you who made this file. It's called FileDrag2001. Here's the summary: When you drag a file with an unknown format, this program will show you which program this file belongs to. For example, you drag the file "prog.vbp", then the program will show that this file belongs to " Visual Basic Project". This program knows 3397 file extensions!

Eugene G.:
Firstly, “the system itself knows what to open and with what” is not always the case. Well, try it. for example, open a *.cdr file if you never had Corel Draw installed on your computer. Secondly, here is a great resource - The File Extension Source

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What is a file extension?

File extensions- this is some kind of metadata. Typically, a file extension is used to indicate the type of data that can be stored in a file. Thus, a file extension is a sequence of characters that are intended to identify the file format. Usually the extension is separated from the main file name by a dot. In early operating systems, the extension was limited to only three characters, but this limitation was later removed. Some files have several extensions that follow each other (for example, .tar.gz). Operating systems automatically match the extensions of certain files and the programs designed to work with those files. And after such a comparison, the operating system will automatically open a file with a certain extension in the program that was associated with it.

The file extension and its name are separated by a period, for example, index.html, where html is the file extension. Looking at the file extension, you can immediately tell what kind of file it is - text, picture, sound or program. File names may or may not have extensions. Computer users have some conventions about using standard extensions in file names. Programs that create information different types, usually assign standard permissions to the names of the files in which this information is stored. And by the type of this permission, the user can conclude what program was used to create the file.

How to find out file type by its expansion?

The following are ways to determine the file type by extension: this site contains an extensive list of file extensions; to find the extension you need, you only need to select the letter with which it begins. The most popular extensions are collected here. this site contains the most complete search database of file extensions; you just need to enter the required extension into the form. website on English language, where you can also get information about the file extension by entering it in the form.

Another way is the program Know Extension Pro, which determines the file type by its extension. The English database contains more than 23,000 file types, the Russian database - 2235. The program can work from context menu and in compact mode. You can add your own definitions to the extension database. The program is distributed free of charge. The purpose of the program is to determine its type by the file extension. The program will be useful both for novice users who want to find out the purpose of certain files, and for experienced users who want to create their own knowledge base, since with the help of this program you can add new data to the database.

To start working with the program, simply drag the file of interest into a special field in the program window, or select the menu item File - Open. If such an extension is contained in the database, its description will be immediately displayed.

As you know, any information, be it text, image or video, is essentially nothing more than a set of binary code - a sequence of zeros and ones. This is the form in which data is stored on the hard drive. Concept binary code almost abstract, this is not a record in the usual sense of the word, binary or machine code is rather a state of microscopic cells on a magnetic surface hard drive. The positive charge of such a cell has a plus sign or 1, the negative charge has a minus sign or 0.

Logically combined sequences of zeros and ones make up what we call files. But we also know that there are a lot of file types. Eat text files, multimedia, archive, system, executable and so on. How does the operating system determine how to read or process a particular file? Application programs recognize a file type by its extension - a set of characters following the file name and separated from it by a dot.

But what happens if the extension is removed? That's right, the operating system will not be able to open such a file, since it will not know what program to use for this. However, neither the logical structure nor the contents of the renamed file will change. You can verify this yourself by deleting the extension of a file and then trying to open it with the appropriate program. We are sure that you will not have any problems with this.

Therefore, at all It is not the extension that determines the file type. Then what? The file type determines its format, or otherwise the specification of the data structure. Extension and format are very often confused, although in fact they are completely different concepts. A completely logical question arises here: how to determine the file format if its extension is lost for some reason? It turns out to be very simple.

Roughly speaking, all files consist of two parts. The first part is the header, which contains various meta-information including data that allows application programs identify this very file. The second part is the “body” of the file. The part of the file header that determines the file type is called the descriptor or description. The most common descriptor types are HEX and ASCII. The first type of headers can only be viewed using special utilities - hex editors.

To view descriptors of the second type, you can use the usual text editor, the same Notepad or . However, it should be taken into account that not all byte sequences can be converted into ASCII code, so it is still better to use HEX editors to determine the format. A file opened in a HEX editor is displayed as a matrix of a sequence of bytes. Each cell corresponds to one byte. The descriptor data is contained precisely in the first three cells (less often two or four), located horizontally. They represent six characters in hexadecimal, For example 49 44 33 or ff d8 e0.

Naturally they need decoding. And you can decipher them on special sites with descriptions of formats. One of the best sites where you can determine the format by a HEX descriptor is There are other similar resources, but they are not so convenient. On there is a special search form where you can insert a HEX or ASCII descriptor and run it through the database. The system will quickly find the appropriate format and provide you with its full description.

With HEX editors everything is more or less clear, but as we said, text editors can also be used to determine ASCII headers. The principle here is the same, open the file with Notepad or Notepad++, copy the first characters and paste them into the search field of the same open-file or another site that supports search by title.

It would seem that everything is very simple, but identifying formats has its own difficulties. Sometimes ASCII headers match the file extension (RAR and PDF), but it may also happen that the header belongs to several formats at once. This can be seen in the example of the office DOCX format (PK and 50 4b 03 04). In such cases, accurately determining the format is problematic.