What is the maximum Windows 7 performance index. What does the Windows system performance index mean?

We recently talked in detail about. Meaning Windows Experience Index allows you to evaluate to some extent the hardware configuration of a particular computer. The higher the performance index, the higher the computer's performance should be. When buying a new (or used) computer, many inexperienced users (poorly versed in modern computer hardware) can be guided by the value of the performance index. In their opinion, it allows for comparison of different configurations with each other. In this article we will show that this cannot be done, because the performance index values ​​can be simply increased, and, naturally, this will not affect the real performance of the computer.

The current values ​​of the Windows Experience Index can be viewed in the system properties window (Computer->Properties)

The data in this window is derived from computer tests of various components. Resulting index values Windows performance(WEI) are stored in the system as an XML file, the contents of which can be quite easily modified.

That's how we turned our old computer into a supercomputer!

It is worth noting that such an increase in the rating of your computer may not just increase the HR by large numbers. Some applications (primarily Aero, various system “decorators” and games) simply will not run on a computer with a low rating. The fact is that such programs, using the Windows Experience Index API, can check the current WEI value when launched

To return the "true" value to the performance index scores, in the rating view " Re-Run the assessment»

Do you want to know which computer component? affects the speed of work more than others, and maybe even slows him down?
This is very easy to do in Windows 7!

Click the icon Computer right click mouse and select the item Properties . In the window that opens (in the section System ) we immediately see an assessment of the performance of our computer:

This score quickly helps you understand your computer's performance level (on a scale of 1 to 7.9). And to understand which component and how it affected performance, click the item Performance indexWindows (highlighted in blue).

In the window that opens, we will see a table with a more detailed report and can easily understand which component reduced this rating.

To learn more about this assessment, you can click What do these numbers mean? or Recommendations for improving productivity...

What is the Windows Experience Index?

Productivity Index Windows 7 They call the number of points from 1 to 7.9, determined after measuring the capabilities of the computer's hardware and software configurations. System performance is assessed using the following parameters:

1) Processor (the number of calculations per second is determined);

2) RAM (the number of possible memory access operations per second);

3) Graphics (2D graphics performance for Windows);

4) Graphics for games (3D graphics performance);

5) Basic HDD(data exchange speed with hard drive).

Basic Performance Index determined by lowest value. For example, if RAM scores 3.0 points and 3D graphics scores 1.7, then the base index will be 1.7 points. The higher the base performance index, the better and faster the computer will perform.

Each hardware component receives a separate score. The PC Performance Index's base score is determined by the lowest score in a given sub-score. For example, if an individual component received the lowest score of 2.6 points, the base performance index is also 2.6. The Baseline Performance Index is not the average of the scores, but equal to the smallest.
Individual ratings can provide insight into the performance of the components that matter most to you and help you understand which components need to be upgraded.

Why do we need a performance index?

First of all, in order to maintain computer performance at the proper level, updating those components that receive too low a rating. A baseline performance index can serve as a diagnostic tool for your computer and help you identify hardware components that need improvement. However, you should not rely entirely on it, since it does not show the computer’s ability to operate in extreme situations, such as when the system is overloaded or crashes.

The base performance index should be taken into account when purchasing programs and other software that correspond to the base index of the computer (i.e., in order to find out whether the computer has enough resources to work correctly with any program). For example, if the computer's base index is 3.3, you can confidently purchase any software, designed for this Windows versions and requiring a computer with a base index value of 3 or lower.

It should also be taken into account that when assessing the performance of computer hardware components, their performance is taken into account separately, without taking into account their joint work. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the compatibility of system components.

View your computer's base index

1. Open the section «. To do this, click the Start button and select the component Control Panel . In the search field, enter , and then select from the list of results Counters and Productivity Tools.

Or Start-Control Panel-System- follow the link “ Counters and Productivity Tools"

Or press the keyboard shortcut "win+pause/break" In the window that appears, follow the link “ Counters and Productivity Tools", which is in the very bottom left corner

Or Control Panel - System and Security - Check Windows Experience Index.

2. View your computer's individual and overall Windows Experience Index scores. If you haven't run a performance assessment yet, there will be a link in the lower right corner "Rate your computer", click on it (if this operation has already been performed, then the link will be called "Repeat assessment".

This process will take some time (depending on the computer), and the screen will blink a couple of times - this is normal, which means the graphics system is being analyzed. While the evaluation process is underway, it is better not to launch any programs at this time. When finished, you will see a window similar to this.

3. If you want to know if the index has changed after a recent hardware upgrade, click Re-evaluate ( or by going to command line, enter the command winsat formal).
If you are prompted to enter or confirm an administrator password, enter the password or provide confirmation.

Let's look at how the Windows Experience Baseline Index ranges and expected computer capabilities:

  • 1.0 -2.0 - if the score is within these limits, then you can work on the Internet and office programs without problems:. suitable for most general computing tasks, work in text editors. However, its performance is not enough to use modern multimedia capabilities available in Windows 7 (for example, the computer will not be able to
    support WindowsAero, so after Windows installations will be automatically disabled)
  • 3.0 - allows you to use it to perform most modern tasks: working in photo and video editors, using the Aero style in Windows 7 with a screen resolution of 1280 × 1024 pixels. Stuttering may occur under graphical load. For example, when you watch a video or work in a graphics editor.
  • 4.0 -5.0 - optimal rating for working with all the features of Windows 7 and the most powerful programs. It is possible to launch several programs simultaneously and broadcast a high-definition TV signal. /
  • If your computer is rated 6.0 scores or higher, the high-speed hard drive makes it ideal for highly realistic, high-resolution 3D graphics.

For the most productive work systems, better do not allow differences between the ratings of system hardware components by more than one point. Otherwise, this will reduce the possible performance of the computer due to the fact that the least efficient components will not keep up with the most efficient ones.

Analyzing performance ratings is useful if you want to find out which device is compatible with Windows 7 or the program you are installing, in order to replace this device with a more productive one.

There is a link in the component performance evaluation window Display and Print detailed information about computer performance and system. By clicking on it, you will open a window with detailed information about the device models of your computer. You can print this data and, when purchasing a program, check the capabilities of your computer with the requirements of the purchased program.

In Windows 7 there is such a useless index that shows system performance. Thanks to this index, you can determine whether Windows 7 is suitable for installation on your computer or not. But, to be honest, this index is needed only to show off a powerful system to your friends. Now we will tell you how you can increase the performance index.

If you want to ensure that you have a productive hard drive (as if), there is absolutely no need to buy a powerful hard drive with 15,000 rpm. There are two very simple ways, which will increase the productivity index without cost.

Method 1:

This is the easiest way. You just need to download a cheating program called Windows 7 rating changer. It can be done . There should be no problems installing this program. The only thing you need to do after downloading Windows 7 rating changer is disable UAC and reboot the entire system.

The program is very easy to use.

You just need to specify the parameters you want. And that will be enough.

You can increase the index to 7.9. Then you need to click on the button “ Save».

Then you need to check the index again. And enjoy contemplating cool numbers.

Method 2:

This method is a little more complicated, but the result is also good.

First you need to go to this address - C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore.

After this you need to select the file Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.(necessarily the newest one, this can be determined by the date). When you open the file, you need to find the block highlighted in the figure below.

Change the numbers to whatever you want (maximum - 7.9).

You can even change all the parameters to maximum, but it will not look very realistic.

The photo below shows the result of the work done. Here we did not change all the parameters, but simply changed the overall performance index.

After all these manipulations, you will only need to save the file. And you can enjoy the cool performance index of your personal computer.

Site administration website expresses gratitude to the author for the article SoliX.

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Like Windows Vista, Windows 7 OS tailors some of its aspects to the characteristics of the system on which it is installed. For example, the Windows 7 interface changes depending on what graphics hardware installed on the machine: on low-end machines a simple “Classic” interface is installed, and on machines with high-end graphics control units - full version Aero interface.

In addition, by adapting to the hardware, Windows 7 selects some other aspects. For example, for Windows games 7 enables certain capabilities only if the hardware is able to support them. Other hardware-specific capabilities include those related to TV recording (for example, how many channels can be recorded simultaneously) and video playback (for example, optimal size playback image and frame rate to avoid dropped frames).

For the inclusion of all these features, not only in Windows 7 itself, but also in third party applications, answers Windows program System Assessment Tool (Windows System Assessment Tool), or WinSAT for short. This program runs during the system installation process and whenever other major hardware performance changes are subsequently made to the system. It focuses on the following four aspects of system performance: graphics, random access memory, processor and data storage.

For each of these subsystems, WinSAT maintains a set of metrics stored as a score in XML format. To find out which functionality capable of supporting the computer, Windows 7 only needs to be studied for the latest evaluation. It is important to note that in third party programs some kind of API could also be used to allow them to access such scores and therefore provide developers with the ability to tailor the functionality of these programs based on WinSAT metrics. A total of five indicators are used, which are described below.

  • CPU. This indicator is responsible for how quickly the system can process data, and is measured in the number of calculation operations per second.
  • Memory (RAM). This metric measures how quickly the system can move large objects through memory and is measured in memory accesses per second.
  • Graphic arts. This metric measures the computer's ability to run a combined desktop like the one created by Desktop Manager. Window Manager, and is expressed in frames per second.
  • Graphics for games. This metric measures a computer's ability to render three-dimensional graphics, especially those used in games, and is expressed in frames per second.
  • Main hard drive. This indicator is responsible for how quickly the computer can write and read data from the hard drive, and is calculated in megabytes per second.

In addition to WinSAT, Windows 7 comes with a tool called Score and Improve Computer Performance, which evaluates your system based on information about its processor, RAM, hard drive, regular graphics, and gaming graphics, resulting in an overall Windows Experience Index score. .

To launch the tool, click the Start button, type performance in the search box, and then select Performance Tools and Tools from the list of search results. Then, in the Assess and Improve Your Computer Performance window, click the Reassess button to get an initial assessment. As you can see in the figure, Windows 7 evaluates each of the five subcategories and then produces one overall score.

To get a new estimate (for example, if you change equipment that affects performance), you can click the Retry button again. It is quite difficult to interpret the estimates, but in general the following can be said about them.

  • Generally, the higher the score, the better the performance.
  • The smallest possible value is 1.0.
  • The highest possible value is 7.9 (which is higher than the 5.9 that was the maximum in Windows Vista, reflecting hardware improvements over the past few years).
  • The overall score is based on the lowest score. That is, if you receive a score of 5.0 for all other indicators, but a score of 1.0 for at least one, the overall score will still be 1.0.

Studying the Windows Experience Index

Before you go shopping for certain computer components, it would be a good idea to determine which components are needed. Windows 7 OS users are lucky - they have a built-in tool at their disposal that will help determine the performance of various computer subsystems.

Based on this information, you can decide which components need updating. Unfortunately, this feature is no longer available in Windows 8.1, and it was not yet available in Windows XP. However, users of these systems can download applications third party developers, which will help you understand the performance of computer components.

  1. Open the Start menu and right-click Computer.
  2. In the menu that appears, select Properties.
  3. In the window that opens, in the System section, you will see either the current performance index or a message that it needs to be updated. Click on this link.
  4. In the window that opens, click the Update button. The process of measuring the performance of system components will begin. It may take up to several minutes.
  5. Once the performance measurement is complete, you will see the test results. Using them, you can determine the “bottlenecks” of the system, that is, those components that need improvement.

From time to time you have to update your computer hardware. To know which component needs to be replaced, the user must know the estimated condition of all components. This is what the performance index is designed for. Details on how to find out the performance index in Windows 7, increase its value and solve possible problems with its definition, read our article.

What is a performance index?

The tool aims to evaluate how well or poorly a computer performs with a system. But this is not the average among all components. The final score is determined by the lowest score among all nodes. Each component has its own meaning. By looking at them, you can determine what exactly needs replacing.

How to calculate it

Through “Start”, open “Control Panel” and click on the “Counters and Productivity Tools” icon.

Click on “Counters and Productivity Tools”

This window contains both individual scores and an overall score. If one of the nodes has recently been replaced, you can see how the index has changed. To do this, click “Repeat assessment”. The system may ask the user to enter or confirm an administrator password.

In the example below, the Processor and Primary Hard Drive components have high scores. But because “Graphics” and “Game Graphics” have low scores, the overall score is also low.

This window provides an overall performance rating for each component individually.

What do the points mean?

The higher the score, the better computer copes with tasks, especially resource-intensive ones. A low indicator, accordingly, indicates the opposite.