What is the best cryptocurrency to mine? What cryptocurrencies are profitable to mine? Is Bitcoin mining relevant?

Humanity always moves in the direction of current trends. At the moment, they are cryptocurrencies. They are mined, bought, traded, and all this brings a good profit. You just have to take serious risks, because quotes can collapse at any moment, so you need to do analytics.

What cryptocurrency is profitable to mine and buy now? Thousands of new altcoins appear every day. Only a small part of them have real prospects for development. The rest will remain little-known tokens with an exchange rate below a cent. Anyone who decides to get into crypto closely must first analyze the market.

Why does everyone want to buy cryptocurrencies?

There is currently a buzz around these digital assets. Many people don’t even understand what cryptocurrencies are, but still plan to invest in them. Why? Because it's really profitable. The most popular Bitcoin coins showed the whole world that the crypt really has a future.

Users used mining, collected free bonuses, and obtained tokens in other ways. At the end of 2016, 1 BTC was worth $763; now the rate has risen to $3,736. Simply put, if you had managed to buy at least 10 BTC back then by investing $7,630, you would now have received $37,360 (more than 2 million rubles):

Some users managed to do this and have now become millionaires. If we take it even earlier, it was possible to buy Bitcoins for $1. Now do you understand why cryptocurrencies are so popular? They join the ranks of millionaires around the world.

But there is no need to rush to conclusions. There are serious disputes over the exchange rate of Bitcoin and its analogues. Some are confident that this digital money will be used everywhere, while others, on the contrary, believe that it will soon go out of use altogether. One thing is for sure, now this topic is profitable and it is worth joining in.

Which cryptocurrency to invest in and which cryptocurrencies will grow?

Consider Bitcoin first, because these tokens are the most popular. The cryptocurrency rate depends on supply and demand, so the most famous altcoins are the most interesting in terms of development. In addition to the crypto mentioned above, it makes sense to mine or invest in these currencies:

  1. Cryptocurrency - transactions are carried out using software. A special contract prevents the terms of transactions from being violated. Users of these coins constantly talk about the convenience. Due to the forced limitation of the number of executed commands during transactions, the speed is consistently high. The name of this crypt often appears in the news, and giants such as Sberbank pay attention to it.

  1. Crypto money Monero is a completely new “product” on the cryptocurrency market. Unlike many analogues, there are no restrictions on emission, and this ensures the support of tokens by miners, even if the capitalization threshold exceeds 18.4 million coins. Some people don’t like the fact that when using this crypt, anonymity is not so high. The rate lags far behind its competitors, but in 2017 it also skyrocketed, providing huge profits for investors:

  1. Altcoins Primecoin - launched without generating blocks (like Monero). This is an almost complete copy of Bitcoin, only here the algorithm was created for maximum computing utility. Simply put, mining this currency is much easier, even with not the most modern equipment. Emissions here are also unlimited. More and more often, professional forums talk about the serious prospects of this altcoin:

  1. Feathercoin coins - during development, the Litecoin code was taken as a basis. These tokens cannot be exchanged for fiat money, only for other cryptocurrencies. One of the important moments in the development of coins is the opening of a store with real goods on the official website of the developers. Interestingly, this crypt has its own fork (the NeoScrypt algorithm is used). Miners are incredibly happy about this, because it has opened up the possibility of mining through video cards.

  1. Pascal Coin is one of the few known cryptocurrencies that do not use blockchain technology. It was developed in 2016 without using source codes. Everything was written from scratch in Pascal. Active token sales began from the start, with over 6,000 BTC put into circulation. Finding pools for mining this crypt is extremely difficult, but the rate is more or less stable and it has prospects for development.

  1. Crypto coins DASH - like many others, this is a decentralized cryptocurrency, its rate does not depend on economic events. No one controls the issuance or transfer of digital money. Emissions are limited so as not to cause inflation. Users receive complete anonymity, and at the same time protection from hacker attacks. If you mine DASH, you only need to use the processor.

  1. NEM is one of the mining services that has eventually released its own crypto unit, XEM. The company is Japanese, and their development has a number of advantages. According to analysts, there will be another upward surge in the exchange rate in the near future. A total of 9 million XEM have been issued, no additional issues are planned. Anonymity here is also at a high level, and transactions are completed in seconds.

  1. Ripple - designated XRP on cryptocurrency exchanges, appeared in 2012. Another publicly accessible database that includes data on accounts and the amount of funds on them. With this system, you can refuse to store tokens, because here the coins act as a bridge, with its help other currencies are exchanged. 65% of all issued tokens are in the hands of developers.

This list was compiled based on numerous expert opinions, personal experience and various news from the cryptocurrency niche. According to the majority, this is what cryptocurrency to buy now that is profitable and promising. As for Bitcoin, it remains the leader in its niche, so we did not include it in the rating.

How to earn cryptocurrency?

Now you know which cryptocurrencies to invest in and another question arises, where to get them? If you want to do without investments, then look for pools and download mining programs. There are plenty of instructions online for this, just keep in mind that this requires a fairly powerful system.

For beginners who do not want to understand complex settings and are ready to start mining right now, we recommend MinerGate. On this site you need to download a simple program that automatically produces different crypto money:

The program is available for PC and mobile devices; you can mine simultaneously using different equipment. Both the processor and the video card are used. After launching the utility, you can choose which coins to mine, how many processor cores to use, or entrust the choice to the system (automatically selects the most profitable mining):

Is your equipment not powerful enough? Then it is better to use cloud mining. Large companies create farms and offer to rent part of their computing power. To have the largest selection of mined cryptocurrencies, use Eobot. After registration, you will need to buy Cloud Mining and select the currency you want to receive automatically in the main menu:

Please note that cloud mining will never bring huge profits. In some cases, payback lasts more than a year. Here you need to count on the fact that the rate of the collected tokens will increase and due to this you will be able to make a profit.

Promising cryptocurrencies are available for purchase; you can simply pay for them and receive any number of coins. For this you will need it. After purchasing tokens, start understanding trading. Trading cryptocurrencies brings much more profit.

What cryptocurrency should I mine?

The most difficult question even for professionals is which cryptocurrency is currently most profitable to mine? You won't find the answer because the data changes too often. At the moment, Ethereum mining has the best performance, but within an hour the mining of DASH, Monero and their analogues may advance.

The difficulty gradually increases, rates change quickly, and it is also necessary to take into account what kind of mining equipment is used. Too many factors influence the profitability of token mining, so you need to choose at a specific period of time.

For beginners, we do not recommend constantly looking for favorable conditions; it is better to try several options, change pools, collect statistics and then draw your own conclusions. On each individual PC (depending on components), the indicators will be different.

It’s really hard to decide which cryptocurrencies are profitable to buy or mine. Information is constantly changing, courses are moving, complexity is increasing, and so on. Choose the coins that we talked about in this article. All of these tokens have an increased chance of development.

What cryptocurrency is currently profitable to mine in 2018? What can miners expect this year? Will the popularity of cryptocurrency increase?

Hello dear readers. Today, cryptocurrency mining is the most profitable way to make money among people of different professions; the main thing is to master a computer and understand the method of receiving money. It is also important to understand which cryptocurrencies are profitable to mine in 2018 in order to extract maximum profits. For some it is a hobby, and for others the only way to earn money.

A fairly simple, working computer, using a special program, carries out calculations and for this receives coins that can be spent on various services, goods, or exchanged for real money. There are several options for earning money:

Each of the methods is described in detail on the Internet; you can also find a lot of videos about making money with mining, starting from the very basics and ending with making huge money. In practice, this method really works and produces results.

However, every year the list of cryptocurrencies for mining changes and is supplemented with new samples, so professionals monitor any changes in this area. The world of electronic money is a new, promising area of ​​​​earning money, which many are just beginning to get acquainted with.

The creator of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was Satoshi Nakamoto, who revolutionized the world of virtual cash payments. After the advent of its Bitcoin protocols, users had the opportunity to spend and transfer their funds while maintaining complete anonymity. No one can determine the owner of cryptocurrency transfers and this is the main advantage of such earnings. Each wallet is encrypted and has a special key; besides, it is impossible to find out personal information about its owner by the wallet number.

Among the main advantages of cryptocurrencies, it should be noted: the absence of control from commercial or government organizations, complete anonymity of transactions, the possibility of receiving a lot of money without investments. At its core, mining is an improvement of code, and units of cryptocurrency are payment for work performed, which does not have certain material equivalents. Anyone can generate electronic money, which is converted into real amounts or used to purchase goods and services.

Today there are a lot of analogues that are boldly replacing bitcoins, the reason for this is that to receive bitcoins you need a lot of electricity and the purchase of PC components. For example, only ASIC boards can pay for themselves in at least 6 months, but not all novice miners have a lot of money to buy this very expensive equipment. You can also mine using a good video card on a PC, connecting it via an IPE-3 bus, which will help prevent overheating. However, in order to earn good money today, you need to know which cryptocurrencies are profitable to mine in 2018, and which bring minimal profit.

What can miners expect this year?

To understand which cryptocurrency is now profitable to mine, you need to step back a little and understand how this business is developing. Beginners in this business do not know that last summer there was an important event for many - the Bitcoin halving, that is, for each block received, the premium was reduced by 2 times. For example, previously miners could count on 25 bitcoins, but today they receive only half. Old-timers in this area know that such cryptocurrency halvings have happened before, for example in 2012, so nothing new has happened.

Five years ago, many argued that mining was no longer relevant and was losing its effectiveness, but in practice the opposite happened. After an insignificant drop, the price of bitcoins began to rise rapidly, so 25 bitcoins were enough to cover all costs. The situation is developing similarly today. Even the cryptocurrency halving did not affect the mining operation, which is explained by the increase in the bitcoin rate, which doubled. And if this trend continues, then premiums will be high, especially for beginners.

In addition to , other cryptocurrencies also showed active growth in 2018, for example, Ethereum, Ripple, Latcoin, Dash and others. As a result of the demand for virtual money and the increase in demand for it, the price of cryptocurrencies has also become higher. After all, a similar thing happened with Bitcoin, when in 2016 its value was $600, and exactly a year later in 2017 it already costs $2,900; according to estimates, the increase occurred 5 times. Due to this rapid growth, there is an increase in rewards.

Many professionals and newcomers in this field are concerned with the question - which cryptocurrencies are profitable to mine in 2018 at the lowest cost? The answer is not easy, since here you have to work with a variable currency. In addition, it is very difficult to analyze the cryptocurrency market and make any forecasts by identifying the most popular coins. One situation is happening today, but in a few months everything can change dramatically. Here is a list of coins that are popular now.
  1. Bitcoin. The exchange rate of this currency is constantly growing, however, to obtain it requires huge investments.
  2. Dogecoin. The most suitable option for mining beginners who do not want to invest a lot of money, but want to get, albeit minimal, profit. This cryptocurrency appeared recently, but is already gaining in price. An excellent option for home production.
  3. Ethereum. This currency is in second place after Bitcoin, as it has also shown rapid growth and deserves the attention of beginners and professionals in mining. Today its rate is $280 and this is not the limit, since its value is slowly increasing every day. At the beginning of this year, its price was $40, and in the summer of 2018 it hit the 280 mark. Observations of this cryptocurrency show that it is worth using in work.
  4. Litecoin. Also quite an interesting option for mining. The currency is already well known and is not new; it is growing rapidly and is not inferior to the constant leaders in this field. Just over the past few months, its exchange price from $9 has reached the level of 40 per coin. According to many experts, its growth will not stop.
  5. Dash. A new cryptocurrency, which, according to professionals, will replace Bitcoin in the future. Just recently its price was 11 dollars per coin, and today the cost has broken all records and is 175 dollars. An excellent option for earning money, as its growth does not stop.
  6. Ripple. This currency also deserves attention this year 2018, since over the past 4 months its value has increased several times. Therefore, it shows excellent prospects in mining.

Almost all cryptocurrencies, except Bitcoin, can be mined remotely and do not require expensive equipment and settings. Cloud services rent out some of their farms, so any beginner can get as much power as he can afford. And if you decide to make money from numbers, then mining will be the right decision.

Let's sum it up

Based on the cryptocurrencies presented above, we can safely say that there are a lot of ways for mining, the main thing is to calculate your strengths and capabilities. The only problem in this area of ​​​​earnings is the impossibility of determining the price movement of a certain currency. Therefore, the miner can only focus on today’s trends and make quick decisions after analyzing his future costs and possible profits. You also can’t rule out a price drop and stock up on small stashes.

For example, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to buy equipment, but it is better to choose cloud mining that works with the available capacity. However, here you should be wary of pyramids that will take all your money. To prevent this from happening, you need to work with proven, reliable services.

That's all I wanted to tell you today. Subscribe to blog updates, because there are still many interesting and useful articles ahead. Good luck!

Best regards, Stein David.

What is the relevance of cryptocurrency today? What cryptocurrency is profitable to mine now? Rating of the best cryptocurrencies for mining

More and more new players are constantly appearing on the cryptocurrency market. The right choice will improve your material well-being. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is definitely not possible to answer the question of which cryptocurrency is currently profitable to mine. One can only guess the level of growth of the most popular and fastest growing virtual money.

Bitcoins - still relevant?

When studying high-yield cryptocurrencies, it is impossible not to remember. This is the first virtual electronic currency, which has provided many users with the opportunity to obtain a source of income at home. For the period 2009-2012, income from could be easily obtained by having a PC and a powerful video card. However, the process of mining virtual coins has become more complicated over time. Currently, mining requires significant financial investments to purchase more powerful technical devices, such as ASIC devices.

The main job of a miner is to maintain a communication channel and constantly increase the performance of the equipment used. The use of ASIC microprocessors requires large expenses, and the approximate payback period, taking into account the current cost of Bitcoin, is about 1.5 years. Requirements for the minimum characteristics for the power level of video cards and other computer equipment are increasing daily, which means additional costs for its modification will be required regularly.

In mid-2016, a significant event occurred that became key for most miners. “Bitcoin halving” led to a reduction in the size of the bonus for 1 block by 2 times. Until this moment, the miner was assigned 25 bitcoins, now this figure has been halved - and is 12.5 bitcoins. Experienced miners remember that the previous halving took place 5 years ago, in 2012. After the last halving, opinions began to be voiced about the pointlessness of mining. However, practice has shown that this is not at all the case. And after some decline, the price of Bitcoin began to rise, and the available reward for mining became quite enough to recoup the investment in equipment. A similar situation is observed now.

Therefore, the “halfing” of the cryptocurrency did not in any way affect the profitability of mining. This is explained by the increase in the value of Bitcoin by more than 2 times. If this trend continues, the volume of bonuses received will satisfy the material needs of even the most greedy users. This allows us to conclude that Bitcoins are an effective way to make a profit.

It is also worth talking about other cryptocurrencies, which during 2017 showed maximum growth in the virtual money market. Thanks to their diversity, you can decide which cryptocurrencies are profitable to create in 2017. These include Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Ripple, and Dash.

The main task of participants in the cryptonetwork is to further preserve and increase funds. Bitcoin occupies the first place in the list of the most profitable cryptocurrencies, followed by Ethereum and other virtual money.

Advantages of electronic money:

  • The commission for transactions is minimal or not charged at all.
  • Guarantee of safe transfers.
  • Efficiency of transactions.

Which cryptocurrencies are as profitable as Bitcoin?

  1. Ethereum. Like Bitcoin, this cryptocurrency is experiencing significant growth. Since the beginning of 2017, the Ethereum rate has increased from $40 to $280. This rise makes working with this currency very profitable.
  2. Litecoin is one of the highly profitable types of cryptocurrency for mining. This definition is confirmed by the long-term trend of growth in the value of the currency. This year, the growth of Litecoins over several months amounted to about $30 per 1 Litecoin. According to experts, this trend will continue at least throughout 2017.
  3. Dash is a relatively new virtual currency. Experts believe that the development of Dash will be similar to Bitcoin. This electronic currency began its rapid growth, and from the level of 11 dollars per 1 monetary unit, the Dash rate increased to 175 dollars. This is a very promising virtual currency, since the upper limit of growth will not be realized soon.
  4. Ripple is a cryptocurrency that has seen significant growth this year. Thus, over the past months, the cost of 1 ripple has increased significantly. What makes Ripple one of the highest-yielding cryptocurrencies.

What conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of cryptocurrencies for mining?

From the above, it is obvious that there are more than enough profitable currencies for mining. However, it is worth remembering that these are only approximate recommendations for users. The difficulty is that no one can forecast growth trends in the cryptocurrency market with 100% accuracy. Since the profit from mining a particular cryptocurrency largely depends not only on the current exchange rate, but also on a possible “halving”.

This means that a miner who wants to know which cryptocurrencies are profitable to mine in 2017 and make a profit needs to focus on current market trends, assess the possible increase in equipment costs, and also take into account the risks of a currency decline. The amount of income received from mining depends entirely on a competent and balanced approach to the analysis of all the listed factors.

Best wishes, Money Hunters.

There are no uniform standards in the field of mining - each user strives to develop his own mining strategy that would meet his expectations and not conflict with the nuances of the equipment. Find out which coins turned out to be the most popular in the field of crypto mining in 2019 from our material.

What do you need to know before choosing a cryptocurrency for mining?

When discussing which cryptocurrency is profitable to mine now on a video card, processor or ASIC miner, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of criteria that miners did not think about a year or two ago. With the changing times, new aspects are coming to the digital money market that should be taken into account when choosing a future field for mining activities.

The fact is that at the dawn of cryptocurrencies, most regulatory authorities did not take them seriously. However, today, when digital coins pose a real threat to the fiat world, a theater of military operations has been activated, which implies a full-scale study of the phenomenon, as well as a search for ways to “adjust” it to the created financial system.

An additional problem for miners was the inconsistency of the scope of regulation of relations with cryptocurrency at the legal level. The fact is that at the moment only the vector of direction for future work has been chosen, but there are no clear criteria for limiting the scope of application and production of digital money.

Therefore, before choosing the best coin for mining, you need to pay attention to a number of factors:

    Availability of withdrawal options to fiat or exchange for more popular cryptocurrencies.

    The number of exchanges working with the selected cryptocurrency.

    The level of safety of its production.

    Type of production and prospects.

1. “The possibility of withdrawal to fiat” sounds somewhat ironic for cryptocurrency, since digital money was created in order to destroy the kingdom of paper money and their intermediaries, but there is a grain of truth in this point. As long as fiat rules the world, digital money will remain in its shadow. Accordingly, if any problems arise, a modern person will need a safety net, which should consist of the ability to quickly and relatively cheaply convert their own funds.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the cost of commissions that the user will be forced to pay to complete the required path.

2. It is extremely important to take into account the number of exchanges working with cryptocurrency, since the possibility of further turning the chosen coin into a means of making payments also depends on them.

It is necessary to pay attention to where exactly the output of the mined is available. Often the only way to get the mined money, if we are talking about young, not the most popular or low-quality coins, is to transfer it to the internal wallet of an exchange. Some sites that do not have a sufficient level of popularity and are forced to work with shitcoins (even if their mining seems profitable), rely on large commissions as the only way to survive. In this case, the miner will be forced to give up a significant share of the earnings only for withdrawal costs.

3. There are cryptocurrencies, the mining of which seems especially relevant in various fields. For example, it is known that the most popular coin in the field of cryptojacking is Monero. At the moment, law enforcement agencies, to the best of their ability, have begun to investigate cases involving unauthorized access to the computing power of other users. Accordingly, when deciding to mine coins dishonestly or to work with coins that are popular among criminals, you need to be extremely careful and understand the consequences.

Another point that needs to be covered is anonymity. Working with cryptocurrencies, which allow you to completely hide the data chain, including information about the sender and recipient, attracts increased attention from government officials. The fact is that anonymity is a threat that allows, by evading control, to create favorable conditions for illegal financing. In particular, this clause covers the transfer of funds to terrorists. Anonymous cryptocurrencies are also seen as an excellent means of money laundering.

4. If you are interested in which cryptocurrency to mine on a video card, consider the possible prospects. The problem is that once you start mining coins, after a week you can find that the complexity has grown to a scale that the purchased equipment cannot cope with.
Interesting! PoW is not considered an environmentally friendly mining method. Many users, seeing the actual requirements for equipment to work according to the presented principle, prefer PoS. Probably in the future, in the wake of the trend towards creating environmentally friendly work with cryptocurrencies, miners will begin to ignore PoW. By the way, guided by similar reasoning, the head of Ethereum decided to gradually transfer the project to PoS.

Is Bitcoin mining relevant?

The search for everyone who is looking for an answer to the question of which cryptocurrency is best to mine begins with the leaders in capitalization, and in particular with Bitcoin. The first cryptocurrency seems attractive for a number of reasons that need to be stated. These include the following:

    high level of popularity;

    wide opportunities to work on various exchanges;

    no conversion problems;

In addition, Bitcoin, being the most capitalized coin, rules altcoins. Any changes in its exchange rate are reflected at lightning speed on other market participants. Another advantage is the relatively loyal perception from members of the crypto community. The fact is that Bitcoin has already fallen several times under the influence of various factors, but subsequently recovered just as successfully, demonstrating its relevance in the market. The consequence was that the coin was assigned the status of a “means for preserving savings.”

However, its choice as a basis for mining should also be associated with a number of features. The main one is the complexity of production and the move towards centralization.

There are three possible ways to mine Bitcoin:

    creating your own mine (suitable if you are already a millionaire and want to be a billionaire);

    working in a pool on a farm of ASIC devices.

    purchasing computing power for cloud mining.

Thus, if you do not have at least 10-20 thousand US dollars, then the Bitcoin option is not for you.
At the beginning of 2019, it became known about the release of new ASICs from the mining company Bitmain: AntMiner S17 and T15 Miners. For further calculations, let's take AntMiner S17 and its technical indicators.

The general items needed for the calculation are as follows:

    hashrate - 56Th/s (or 56,000GH/s);

    power - 2520 W;

    kWh - $0.07;

    block reward - 12.61 BTC;

    pool commission - 2%.

The cost of equipment (AntMiner S17) will be $2159. To be fair, shipping from China must be added to this amount (it weighs 11 kg).

It turns out that per year you can get up to $2,484 when using top equipment for mining Bitcoin, if you immediately withdraw it to fiat. However, there are growth prospects for Bitcoin in 2019 and our forecast is that by the end of the year it will reach a price of 9-10 thousand dollars, so profits will be slightly higher.

Top 5 cryptocurrencies that are profitable to mine in 2019

Next, we move on to a practical answer to the question of which cryptocurrency is profitable to mine in 2019. There are no unverified coins in this rating due to the low level of security. Also, the list does not include coins, the mining of which requires significant financial costs from the user, i.e. We are considering mining on a regular PC.

To determine the profitability of mining on video cards, we will take as a basis the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti – Nvidia video card, the average cost of which on the market is ≈ 35,000 rubles and the electricity tariff in the city of Moscow, accepted for calculation from July 1, 2018, is about $0.07 kWh The cost of coins is taken as of April 15, 2019 - accordingly, if the price of coins increases, then income will also increase proportionally. In general, we recommend using the most popular WhatToMine service to determine the best coins at the moment. However, you need to understand that this service does not take into account the reliability of currencies, the possibility of their conversion and other factors. In our rating below, we took this into account and will update it regularly.


This cryptocurrency is another hard fork of Bitcoin, which was born in 2018, but it is more or less liquid and can be exchanged. Therefore, it is more than suitable for mining. The profitability will be - $21 per month.


Good old classic Ethereum is quite stable and its profitability will be - $13 per month.


The Ethereum team continues to maintain high positions due to the popularity of its own platform in the field of ICO launches. The cryptocurrency still has a good position even despite the fact that according to the plan, Ethereum will partially switch to PoS. The profitability will be - $12 per month.

4. Monero (XMR)

Monero can be mined in a variety of ways, and it constantly changes its algorithm to prevent it from being mined by ASIC devices. There are only 2 mining options - GPU and CPU.

Our card will give us income in $11.4 per month, or at this cost you can buy 2 INTEL CORE I7-8700 processors (500 h/s and 95w) and get about $5.


Another fork of everyone’s favorite Bitcoin. The new coin is based on the PoW consensus principle and the Equihash algorithm. The profitability will be - $7.81 per month.

Let's sum it up

Thus, choosing a coin suitable for mining involves a number of nuances. In addition to the technical features of the equipment, it is also necessary to take into account the prospects for the production of each coin and the possibility of their practical use as a payment instrument.

Today I saw in a dream which cryptocurrency is profitable to mine. I can’t make it out exactly, but it seems like it. Gentlemen, breadwinners! Put aside the fortune telling cards, tambourine and other occult attributes. Now turn on your logic and get acquainted with this material.

Selection criteria

To choose a crypt for mining, you should consider the following factors:

  • Rate – a high coin rate is a sign of great competition. Therefore, in order to mine Bitcoin, you now need equipment of appropriate capacity.
  • Reward level – if we consider BTC, then every “four-year period” the miner’s reward for the correct block is divided by two. In 2016 it decreased to 12.5 coins. But this pays off handsomely.
  • Rising stars - professionals advise mining coins that cost pennies, but at the same time their rate is on the rise.
  • Congestion of the crypto network – the more miners there are, the more load on the blockchain increases. A similar phenomenon occurs with BTC.

To avoid guessing

You and I are people with reason. He won’t guess with coffee grounds or other “brews.” To find out where the most “charming and attractive” crypto is, we will use a specialized service. That's what he calls it - What to mine.

It's simple: enter the parameters of your equipment, select a crypto and see how much you can earn. And the tambourine and other “magic” things can be sold and the proceeds invested in a profitable crypt.