Calibrating the tablet battery using battery calibration. Android battery calibration: customizing and extending life! How to Determine When Calibration is Needed

Problems of rapid loss of battery charge, uneven charge level indication, sudden discharge and device shutdown are very common. Sometimes they are a consequence of battery wear and are irreversible, but in some cases you can try to correct the situation by calibrating the battery. It's not very difficult; you can calibrate the battery on Android in several simple ways.

It is important to remember that none of the methods is a panacea. If there is physical degradation of the lithium cell of the battery, it is almost impossible to help it. Even if you try to replace the “jar,” a record of battery wear may remain in the controller’s memory, which can only be reset by the programmer.

In what cases is there no way to calibrate the battery on Android?

Battery calibration is impossible, useless, and sometimes dangerous if the lithium cell has suffered physical wear and tear. A characteristic feature This can result in a rapid loss of charge even on an inactive smartphone. Typically, the charge indication is not affected in such cases. The percentages melt before our eyes, but the decrease in the indicator is smooth, without jumps of a dozen or two percent (for example, immediately from 90% to 60%).

A physically worn out battery charges very quickly, it can reach 100% in just half an hour. If your smartphone suffers from such symptoms, only replacing the battery with a new one will help. Another sign of wear is a bulging cell. In devices with a removable lid, it is visible to the naked eye.

In devices with a non-separable design, signs of swelling may include peeling of the back panel, a bulge on it, or spots appearing in the middle of the screen. In this case, calibrating the battery using charge-discharge cycles is not only useless, but sometimes dangerous. After all, a swollen battery can overheat and spontaneously ignite or explode.

What methods will not work to calibrate the battery?

The battery controller of a modern Android smartphone is a complex device, with its own memory where information about the battery is stored. It operates independently and maintains service statistics without impact from the OS. The system itself does not have access to the memory of the battery controller, and therefore there are no miracle applications that can calibrate the battery on Android in a couple of clicks.

Calibration methods such as deleting the batterystats.bin file are less effective. Firstly, this method requires root rights, which on most modern smartphones(2015-206 and newer) to a simple user difficult to get. Secondly - this file only stores data on battery discharge statistics at the OS level, but is not associated with the battery controller's own memory. Deleting this file can only help in some cases, if we are talking about a failure in Android system. Deleting the batterystats.bin file cannot eliminate failures at the level of the internal battery controller.

Programs designed to calibrate the battery and require root access are mostly designed to remove the same batterystats.bin. The only difference is that this file does not need to be searched and deleted manually. Therefore, it is logical that most of these programs also do not give the desired effect.

How to easily calibrate your smartphone battery

Lithium battery cells used in smartphones do not have a memory effect. But, nevertheless, sometimes charge display errors occur, caused by malfunctions in the controller, but which are reversible. In such cases, the long-known procedure of performing several discharge-charge cycles can help.

To calibrate removable smartphone batteries, you can use independent frog-type chargers. Their advantage is that such devices charge batteries with weak currents and do not depend on OS commands. Therefore, if the battery is removable, it is better to charge it with such a device, outside the smartphone.

Step-by-step smartphone battery calibration

  1. Discharge the battery until automatic shutdown smartphone. It is better to discharge without a very high load, for example, playing a video, at room temperature (lithium drains faster in the cold).
  2. Wait a few minutes and try to turn on your smartphone.
  3. If the gadget turns on and displays the remaining charge, discharge it before turning it off again.
  4. If the gadget no longer turns on, put it on charge. It is advisable to use a low-current power supply that does not support fast charging.
  5. Wait for the charge to be replenished to 100% and the full charge signal, keep the battery charging for another 10-20 minutes.
  6. Unplug the charger and plug it back in a little later.
  7. If the smartphone immediately reports a charge of up to 100%, turn it on. If it reports charging again, wait for the notification of 100%, repeat step 6.
  8. After turning on the smartphone, discharge it using a stable medium load (for example, a video player).
  9. Repeat steps 1 – 8 2-4 more times.

If the calibration failure was reversible, repeating several cycles of gentle charging and discharging with small currents should cause the battery controller to return to normal operating mode. If this does not help, other methods will most likely also be useless.


Before calibrating the battery on Android, make sure that it does not show signs of physical degradation. Do not overcharge/discharge during calibration. If 3-5 cycles did not bring results, then 25 will not be of any use. Moreover, during each cycle the battery loses some fraction of a percent of its capacity. After all, the average life of a lithium cell is only about 1000 cycles before serious loss of capacity. Because of this, you should not resort to the calibration procedure too often.

Among other things, it is important to avoid excessive heating during the charging and discharging process. It is advisable that the temperature of the “can” be kept within +40 degrees. If it is more, it is dangerous; in addition, overheating may be the reason for the controller to malfunction. You should also not load your smartphone at temperatures near zero or below. In the cold, lithium quickly loses its charge, and even a fully functional battery can suddenly turn off at 50% of its capacity.

It's no secret that modern users phones often have problems with the battery life of devices based on Android. A smartphone or tablet does not last long. This can lead to a number of negative consequences. Battery calibration can improve the functioning of the problematic component. But what will it take? Is it possible to carry out the procedure yourself? How to calibrate the battery on Android? All this will be discussed further below.

Signs of Problems

In fact, it is important to understand when the user really has problems with the battery on the phone, and under what circumstances the gadget works normally. There are several signs that suggest you should consider calibration.

The first scenario is that the smartphone or tablet begins to turn off on its own when it has a charge. Even 1% is usually enough for battery life. Therefore, you will have to think about how to calibrate the battery on Android.

The second sign that it is recommended to pay attention to is the battery life of the device in offline mode. For example, previously a smartphone could work for a week, then 5 days, and after a month or two - 2-3 days. This behavior is sure sign incorrectly configured battery.

Calibration is...

What is calibration? Electricians are probably familiar with this term. In dictionaries, the concept is deciphered as bringing the device to an optimal state. In other words, this is the setting of a particular device.

In the situation under study, we are talking about setting up the smartphone/tablet battery so that it consumes energy optimally. So how to calibrate the battery on Android?

On your own or with help

To answer the question posed, everyone must decide for themselves exactly how they plan to act. You can calibrate the battery yourself without much difficulty. But beginners or people who are concerned about the safety of their devices are not recommended to take risks.

The point is that if you do it incorrectly, you can end up with a battery that holds too little charge. And this will lead to the loss of functionality of the gadget. Therefore, if there is the slightest doubt, it is recommended to simply take the device to service center. There, for a reasonable fee, they will tune the battery with 100% safety.

Calibration Methods

However, it is still necessary to know how to calibrate the battery on Android (manually or not - not so important). In fact, there is nothing difficult or special about the procedure. The main thing is to follow the instructions. They will be given below.

In practice, calibration can be done in several ways. Namely:

  • with root access;
  • without root.

You can also classify the work ahead as follows:

  • manual calibration;
  • use of additional programs;
  • working with the engineering menu.

How exactly to proceed? Every person should think about this in advance. Indeed, the success of calibration often depends on the chosen technique. In practice, when carried out correctly, all of the above methods give quick and good results.


How to properly calibrate the battery on Android? The first technique is nothing more than working without root. Just a few minutes - and it's done!

The algorithm of actions boils down to the following steps:

  1. Determine the battery capacity. To do this, you need to study any review of your existing smartphone or tablet. The battery capacity in mAh will be written there.
  2. Download from Play Market application called CurrentWidget: Battery Monitor.
  3. Install the downloaded program.
  4. Charge the battery to the standard specified by the manufacturer. To do this, the device is connected to the network.
  5. As soon as the desired result is achieved, turn off the phone/tablet. Turn it on immediately.

In fact, such a technique is not always effective. But it is often recommended for novice users. What to do if the method did not help?

Hard Reset

How to calibrate the battery? On Android versions of the OS, there are several methods to bring your idea to life. For example, to act using the so-called Hard Reset.

What to do if the previously proposed method turned out to be useless? You can try to fix the battery like this:

  1. Charge and discharge the device completely 5 times.
  2. After the last charge, you need to unplug your phone or tablet and wait a few seconds (about half a minute).
  3. Perform Hard Reset. To do this you will need to go to engineering menu. Each device has its own method of operation. As a rule, it is enough to hold down the power and volume buttons for a few seconds. Next, select the appropriate operation.

The manipulations performed will help the device perceive the resulting charge level as 100%. Thanks to this, the battery will start working properly.

No apps

How to calibrate the battery on Android without root and additional software? The next technique differs in that you will need to work exclusively with the charger and battery. No additional actions are needed.

Instructions for setting up the battery look like this:

  1. Fully charge the device's battery. After this, be sure to unplug the gadget and turn it off.
  2. Connect the charger cable to the disconnected tablet/phone and charge the device until the LED indicator turns green (indicates 100% charging).
  3. Turn on your phone and stop using it automatic shutdown display. On Android, this option is usually disabled in the “Display Settings” - “Sleep Mode” menu.
  4. Charge your device to 100% again with the screen on.
  5. Now you can turn on sleep mode and work with your smartphone.

The actions taken are calibration. Only all of the listed options provide for the absence of root. With root you can configure the battery slightly differently.

Battery Calibration

How? How to calibrate a non-removable battery on Android? Exactly the same as a regular battery. Settings with root rights are considered the most effective. For example, using additional software.

The calibration instructions look like this:

  1. Download and install Battery Calibration. The best way to do this is with Play Market.
  2. After installation, fully charge the battery.
  3. Open Battery Calibration and check the battery charge. You need to charge your device to 100% in the app.
  4. Click on the "Calibration" button. This should only be done when the smartphone is fully charged.
  5. Reboot the device.

This is where all the manipulations end. But there is another good trick.

Recovery Mode

How to calibrate the battery on Android through the engineering menu? You can use a technique such as working with the device recovery mode.

How Recovery Mode will help you achieve your plans? If you follow the instructions, you can successfully configure the battery of any smartphone.

This requires:

  1. Open Recovery Mode. It turns on if you press simultaneously Home button, as well as volume control. After this, the device’s power key is additionally pressed. Manipulations are carried out with the phone turned off.
  2. Go to the "Advanced" section.
  3. Find there and go to Wipe battery stats.
  4. Reset all previous calibrations. To do this, select the appropriate menu item.
  5. Discharge the phone/tablet until it turns off completely.
  6. Charge the disconnected gadget to 100%.
  7. Turn on the device (without disconnecting from the network) and click on the "Calibration" button in the Battery Calibration program.

Ready! From now on, it’s clear how to calibrate the battery on Android. In reality, everything is simpler than it seems! Many people say that all of the above techniques are very effective. But most often, old batteries are simply replaced with new ones. This way you don't have to worry about calibrating the battery.

But we haven't mentioned one simple factor. Over time, any battery loses its capacity. After about a year and a half to two years, the phone begins to discharge much faster - nothing can be done about it. All that remains is to replace the battery. You can do this yourself if the battery is removable, or by contacting a service center. You can also try to calibrate the battery. Calibrating your smartphone's battery will not increase battery life, but it can eliminate other unpleasant issues.

Any electronics can age. And if this is almost not felt in the example of some VCRs, then this cannot be said about smartphones. Previously, such devices failed due to breakdowns of the case and keyboard. Now they are created from more durable materials, and therefore the battery and screen have become a weak point. The latter may fade over time, and the battery loses a little of its working capacity with each new charge.

The problem is that not every power controller is able to recognize loss of capacity in a timely manner. If this component, available in any smartphone on Android based, does not want to respond to a decrease in capacity, then this turns into one unpleasant moment. Gradually operating system starts showing incorrect data about the battery charge level. You can see 7% charge on the screen, but the next minute the device turns off, since in fact there is no longer enough energy for its operation. This problem can be solved by replacing the battery. But first you can try to calibrate it.

Attention: We do not guarantee that the following steps will help. The best way out The only solution is to replace the battery with a completely new one.

The easiest way

If you are planning to calibrate the battery on Android, we recommend that you do the following:

Step 1. Fully charge your smartphone battery.

Step 2. Turn off the device.

Step 3. Reconnect it to .

Step 4. Wait until the green indicator appears - this indicates that the smartphone is charged to 100%.

Step 5 . Turn on the device and go to " Settings", to the section " Screen».

Step 6. Select " Do not turn off the backlight" If there is none, then simply increase the sleep time to the maximum possible value.

Step 7. Reconnect the device to the charger, waiting until the charge increases to 100%.

Step 8. Disconnect the device from charger. Let the smartphone discharge to 0% so that it turns off on its own. This will complete the Android battery calibration.

Another simple way

You can calibrate the battery using a slightly different method:

Step 1. Completely discharge your phone.

Step 2. Turn on the device and connect it to the charger.

Step 3. Let it charge for eight hours.

Step 4. Turn off your phone.

Step 5. Connect it to the network adapter again.

Step 6. It should now charge within two hours.

Step 7 Turn on the device.

Step 8. After three minuses, turn it off, then charge it for one hour.

If you do everything correctly, the battery will be calibrated. But this method does not always help to calibrate the battery on Android - it all depends on specific model smartphone. However, all this applies to the first method. The main advantage of the two methods described above is that they work without root. But the next method will still require root rights. How to get them - we wrote in.

Using Battery Calibration

Of course, third party developers The software couldn't help but get involved. They created a program for calibrating the battery quite a long time ago. If the previous methods helped to calibrate the battery manually, then the application does everything automatically. But for its operation, as mentioned above, you will need root rights. Download Battery Calibration you can from the 4pda website. Then follow the instructions:

Step 1. Charge your smartphone up to 100%.

Step 2. Do not disconnect the device from the charger for 20 minutes.

Step 3. Launch Battery Calibration.

Step 4. Click the button shown in the screenshot.

Step 5. Disconnect your smartphone from the charger.

Step 6. Completely discharge the device until it turns off. This completes the calibration process.

It is no longer a secret that almost all gadgets over time begin to perform their functions much worse than in the first months after their purchase. Any device, be it budget Chinese tablet Asus or original iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and their numerous relatives, sooner or later weaken. Its battery begins to discharge very quickly, no matter how many percent it was previously charged. Of course, the owner gets the impression that the battery needs to be changed. However, as practice shows, in many cases this is not at all necessary. It will be enough to approach the problem with skill and understand that, most likely, Android or iOS devices. And if it does not bring the desired result, then you can already take care of purchasing a new battery.

Clarification of the concept of "calibration"

To begin with, it is important to remind you that any iPhone, smartphone on Android platform or the tablet runs on . Such batteries can last quite a long time. However, they are not without such a drawback as the memory effect. As a result accumulator battery in the case of frequent “recharging” and incomplete charging, sooner or later it starts lose your capacity .

A sign that the “memory effect” of the battery has worked should be considered the moment when the battery charge level is 70% or more. In other words, with frequent inadequate and intermittent charging, the lithium-ion battery seems to “get stuck” on the threshold to which it supposedly should be charged.

Calibration, in other words in simple words, is a method by which you can reprogram the battery so as to help him get out of this “vicious circle” to the proper level of spending his internal resources. Thanks to calibration, the smartphone battery will work no worse than before. In another way, this method is called pumping, overclocking. Before we find out how to boost your smartphone, let’s make sure that it is really necessary.

We clarify the need for calibration

Calibrating your device's battery Android or iOS is definitely needed when:

  • Have you seen that your battery life is getting shorter and shorter? , and this despite a full charge using a standard charger.
  • You discovered that your phone or tablet suddenly began to turn off autonomously - even if the battery appears to be fully charged.

Manual battery calibration: a simple and affordable way

To calibrate the battery manually, no need to use any additional applications in the Internet. All you need is the gadget itself (iPhone, another smartphone, tablet) and its standard charger.

How to overclock the battery? Algorithm of actions, in in this case, should be like this:

  • connect your phone or tablet to the charger;
  • charge it to 100%;
  • turn off charging;
  • turn off your phone (tablet);
  • connect the charger when the gadget is turned off;
  • plug the charger back into the network;
  • wait for the moment until a mention of the battery being fully charged appears on the screen of the disconnected gadget;
  • now turn on your gadget;
  • go to “Settings” and disable the sleep mode option;
  • start charging the battery and continue charging it “all the way” to 100%;
  • now leave the gadget with the screen on - this will help it discharge faster (this is why you need to disable the “sleep” option);
  • After the battery runs out, oddly enough, charge it again.

Here it is necessary to give the following explanation: in this way, by carrying out several “charge-discharge” cycles lithium ion battery it is possible to reprogram it and “erase” the “charging memory” on which it was initially stuck.

Once you have calibrated the battery, there is a high probability that all its full functions will be restored. To ensure that it does not discharge quickly, immediately after performing these steps, do not forget to go into the settings again and re-enable the sleep mode option - to save the energy resources of your battery.

Battery calibration using the Battery Calibration application

If you prefer automatic actions to manual ones, try this simple application, which will simply do everything for you and bring the battery of the same Samsung or HTC to normal condition:

  • Install the program;
  • connect the charger to the gadget;
  • charge the gadget up to 100% while the program is running;
  • after this you will hear a sharp sound, but do not be alarmed and do not disconnect the device;
  • wait another hour;
  • click Calibrate;
  • after you give the program this command, wait until the calibration is completed;
  • remove the charger from the network;
  • be sure to reboot the gadget.

If all steps were carried out correctly, automatic calibration of the battery of your Android phone will be successful.

How to properly calibrate a battery without root rights and with root rights

Calibrating the battery of a gadget on the Android platform can be done in several ways - even when the owner does not have root rights:

  • find out the capacity of your battery, it is usually indicated on the battery case;
  • run the Current Widget Battery Monitor program;
  • When running this program, charge the battery to 100%;
  • unplug the charger;
  • be sure to restart your phone or tablet;
  • Thus, the previous “settings” of the battery associated with the formation of the “memory effect” will be completely reset.

With root rights, it is possible to calibrate the battery on your smartphone in the fastest and most effective way:

  • find Recovery Mode in your device;
  • bring the gadget into this state;
  • find the “Advanced” item;
  • launch the Wipe Battery Stats option.

There will be a quick clearing of all possible calibration programs and the “fixation” of the battery on any indicator. After this, completely discharge your gadget and charge it again to 100 percent, without turning it on. Calibrated batteries can be fully used immediately after all manipulations are completed.

As you can see, there are several accessible and easily mastered methods to fully and effectively calibrate a battery running on Android. To ensure that such situations do not recur (or recur much less often), try to “recharge” your phone or tablet from USB devices as rarely as possible. It is better to fully charge the battery several times than to encounter its “memory effect” again.

(1 ratings)

On a newly purchased mobile device The battery life is significantly higher than after several months. The problem suggests that the battery is of poor quality and needs to be replaced. However, you should not rush and spend money on purchasing a new component. In most cases You can solve the problem by studying the instructions below. Let's look at how to calibrate the battery on Android using a manual or software method.

Determining the "calibration" value of the battery

Calibration refers to the adjustment of the operation of a certain component, as a result of which it is brought to its optimal state. In the case of a battery, calibration helps to establish the correct value of its volume, eliminate premature power failure and rapid discharge.

Signs of the need for a procedure

Before you begin following the recommendations below, you should make sure that the battery actually needs calibration. The main signs of the need for tuning include:

  • Spontaneous shutdown of a smartphone or tablet when there is a remaining amount of charge. For example, the device is forced to turn off when the indicator shows another 5% charge. In a normal situation, the device should continue to operate even at 1%.
  • Reduced battery life. If initially the smartphone could function without additional recharging, for example, 3 days, and then this period was reduced to one day - this is clearly indicates the need to calibrate the Android battery.
  • Inability to obtain 100% charge. The problem is rare, but its essence is that while replenishing the battery capacity, it is not possible to reach the maximum indicator.


If at least one of the indicated symptoms is noticed on your mobile device, you should perform calibration using one of the methods presented below.

Manual battery calibration Android

The method involves performing setup using a certain sequence of actions to charge and discharge the battery without using software. To carry out the procedure, you only need the charger that came with your phone or tablet. Instructions:

  • Fully required charge the battery, then turn off charging and . Next, the smartphone is put on charge again, but in the off state. Immediately after connecting the charger, the phone screen will light up and display the current charge status. You should wait until it reaches 100% again.
  • The next step requires turning on the device and changing its settings. You need to disable automatic sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity and set the brightness to maximum level. This will help speed up the discharge. You can use other methods - include the film in high quality With using Wi-Fi channel. The main goal is to discharge the battery until it completely shuts down.
  • The final step is to recharge until maximum value. When the full capacity is replenished, you can return the settings to their original position.

It is important to know

After performing these manipulations, calibration will occur and troubles with rapid energy consumption should stop.

Android battery calibration via apps

An alternative way to perform calibration could be use of special programs. Let's look at the process using the example of two of the most popular applications in this category.

Battery Calibration

The application is available for download on the Play Market and, according to the developers, can be useful in the following cases:

  • done ;
  • produced ;
  • custom firmware installed;
  • the battery has been replaced;
  • The charge level is incorrectly displayed on the numeric or graphic indicator.

The software is used for:

  • battery calibration;
  • obtaining detailed information about the battery: temperature, condition, manufacturing technology;
  • determining the current and maximum permissible level tension;
  • sound notification about the end of the charging process.

You can calibrate the battery on Android using “Battery Calibration” as follows:

Will be useful

As users note, the application helped to significantly increase battery life mobile devices and prevent rapid discharge.

The essence of this Android battery calibration program is to display the amount of charge. Hence, Knowing the battery capacity, you can bring the indicator to the correct value. Before you start installing and using the application, you need to check the battery capacity. This is done in one of the following ways:

Once the necessary information has been obtained, you can launch the application and begin calibration. To complete the procedure you must: