Keepass key file. Tips for setting up and optimizing the KeePass password manager

Each user of the global network has to remember dozens of logins and passwords for various sites. Of course, some people make do with one code for all occasions, but this is, at a minimum, unsafe.

But there is another option - use a special storage KeePass passwords X. With the help this application you will be able to collect all passwords into one secure database and retrieve them from there whenever possible. So, let's figure out how to use KeePass and how to install the program on different operating systems?

KeePass password manager is a universal application that is available on different operating systems. This number includes both desktop operating systems Linux, Windows, MasOS, and its mobile variations.

Installation on Linux is done using standard tools or via the terminal. In the latter case, you need to open command line and enter sudo apt-get keepassx. To install the application on Ubuntu, Linux Mint and other distributions based on Debian or Ubuntu, there is no need to connect third-party repositories.

To install the program on Windows and MacOS, you need to go to the official website and download the installation package for your OS.

In the installation wizard, you will need to go through the standard steps - selecting the directory where the program files will be stored, as well as creating a shortcut on the desktop.

Russification of KeePassX

But how to Russify KeePassX? More old version the program needed to install additional language packs, and the version with the “X” prefix already supports the Russian language. If during installation you accidentally selected the wrong option, then you need to go to the menu "Tools" and select here "Settings". On the main tab you will find the Language item, where you will need to set the Russian language as the default.

How to use KeePassX?

1. Create a password vault

Setting up KeePass begins with creating a storage location where all passwords will be stored. To do this, in the main program window go to the menu "Vault" and select the item "New Storage".

Next, a window will appear in front of us in which we need to set a master password that will be used to access the saved database. Remember that the security of your data depends on its complexity, so when creating it, be sure to choose an option with mixed case letters, numbers and, preferably, that they are not combined with significant dates in your life and do not have name abbreviations.

To enhance protection, you can also connect a key file. You can choose your own Text Document or generate a new one. When you have completed operations with passwords, click "OK".

Our next step is to save the storage to a file so that you can save it and transfer it to another device at any time. Go to the menu again "Vault" and select "Save storage", then specify the path where the file will be stored and give it a name.

2. Saving your KeePassX password

To add a new password to the database, you must click on the corresponding icon in the main program window or go to the menu "Records" and select item "Add new entry» .

In the window that appears, set the name of the entry and enter all the necessary data, such as login, password and link to the site. Here you can change the recording icon, as well as set the duration during which the entered data can be used.

3. Use of passwords

So, we've learned how to create notes, but now it's time to learn how to use them. There are a lot of options here, among which the user can choose the most convenient one.

Open the site where you want to log in. You can do this directly from KeePassX using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+U or through context menu- paragraph "Open URL". You can simply enter the link in your browser.

Next, copy the username using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B or select the corresponding item in the context menu. Paste the copied data into the login field on the site. Repeat the same operation with the password, only here the combination Ctrl + C is used.

Another option is to use auto-input. To do this, open the required site in your browser or through Ctrl+U, then in the KeePassX context menu, select “Carry out auto-input” or, after selecting the desired entry, press the combination Ctrl + V.

After this operation, all data will be automatically entered into a special form on the website, and the user will only have to confirm the correctness of the login and password.

4. Grouping passwords

When the number of sites used is difficult to count on fingers, it is advisable to group entries in advance according to certain criteria. To do this, go to the menu item "Groups" and select "Add group", then enter the name of the category and confirm all actions with the button "OK".

You can also add a group to KeePassX through the context menu right in the main program window. It is worth noting that when you delete a category, all folders will automatically move to the trash, which will be created automatically.

5. Restore and export storage

KeePassX users can export any storage to a CSV file, which is supported by many other programs as well as mobile devices. To do this, go to the menu "Vault" and select "Export to CSV file". Importing a previously saved recording is done through the same menu, but you need to select the appropriate item. KeePass is synchronized with the database either manually or automatically. In the latter case, you need to go to the program settings and choose the most convenient option for yourself.


In this article we looked at how to use KeePass. This is a convenient password storage that has an automatic filling function, as well as the ability to export the database to separate file. All data is stored encrypted directly on your computer, and if necessary, it can be moved using a removable drive.

  • After installation, launch Keepass2Android. You can now open your existing password database. The program supports database files created using the Windows version of KeePass 2. If you don't already have a database, click Create New Database.
  • First, specify the location of the password file. You can customize the path suggested by the application through "Change Location". In addition to local memory, for example, on the SD card of a smartphone, the application offers various cloud services to choose from. If you have a Dropbox or OneDrive account, you can put the file there as well. You will need to enter your credentials. Locally or in the cloud - either way, you still have to select the target directory and assign a file name.
  • Now comes a very important step: you save your password file using your master password. This combination should be quite long and complex and kept secret by you. If you know the master password, you have access to all KeePass2Android passwords. Therefore, use at least eight characters and a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Once you have entered the Master Password twice, click “Create Database.”

Password management and use

Once you've created or opened a database, you can enter new passwords and easily transfer them into login fields on websites or other applications.

  • For better structuring, all access data is organized into groups. To create a new new password entry, first switch to one of the predefined groups. Or create new group. Click the plus sign in the lower right corner and then click on the folder. Enter a name and confirm with “Ok”.
  • Switch to the appropriate group by clicking the group name. Then select the plus sign and key in sequence to enter a new password. Depending on the input type, different templates are available. For example, there are custom forms for addresses Email, credit cards or Wi-Fi networks. For a regular username and password entry, use the "default entry".
  • Enter at least a username and password. For websites, it is also recommended to include a URL. Save the recording by clicking on the floppy disk icon at the top of the window.
  • If you now want to use the saved password, then the username and password must be pasted one after the other via the clipboard into the corresponding login form. Open the required entry in Keepass2Android. Then tap the three dots after the username and select Copy to Clipboard. Go to the application where you need to enter the details and paste the username from the clipboard into the correct field. Then go back to password management and repeat the procedure for the password.
  • Important. The clipboard is cleared at regular intervals by Keepass2Android for security reasons. This prevents other processes from using the cached data. Additionally, the application is blocked if it has not been used for a certain period of time. You can adjust the time periods yourself. To do this, go to the “Keepass2Android” settings menu and go to the “Security” section. Here you can set values ​​for clipboard lock and app shutdown time.

In order to manage your passwords on your PC, you will need a version

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about a program that I have been using for a long time and am very pleased with. This is a program for saving passwords on your computer. KeePass Password Safe is the best free password manager that allows you to quickly and securely manage your passwords.

Each of us constantly registers on different sites and services. And for complete security, the passwords on these resources must be different and complex. Of course, remembering so many combinations of numbers and letters is simply unrealistic. This program exists for these purposes. Let's move on to its detailed consideration.

The best password storage program

What are the advantages of the KeePass Password Safe password manager? In this program to save passwords on your computer, you can

  • create groups, sections
  • generate passwords
  • export passwords to different formats (.txt .html and others)
  • use the Russian version of the program

This program works using Advanced Encryption Standard secure password encryption algorithms. Banks use such algorithms, so storing passwords in the program has high degree security. And the reviews about KeePass on the Internet are very good!

This is what the program interface looks like:

KeePass instructions in Russian: download and install

First, you need to download KeePass from the official website And also download the localization file, if you want the program to be in Russian, from here I'll tell you what to do with it next.

After installing the program, launch the computer password manager KeePass. To save your passwords, you need to create a database for them. To do this, in the top panel of the program, select “ File ->New" A window will open where you need to select the folder on your computer in which your password database will be stored.

I do not recommend saving your password database on the drive where Windows is installed (drive C), because after reinstalling it, your passwords will be deleted.

Now you need to come up with a password, entering which you will enter the program. Click “Ok”, after which another window with settings will appear.

Password manager KeePass: Russification

Once you've installed the best password manager, all that's left to do is set it up and enter your passwords there. This is not difficult to do.

First, let's translate the KeePass password storage program into Russian to make it easier to work with.

  1. Copy the localizer file that you downloaded from the link above.
  2. Open the folder where you installed KeePass.
  3. Paste the copied localizer file there.

Return to the program and go to the “ View ->ChangeLanguage" Select the Russian language, after which the program will ask you to restart it. Done, our password manager is Russified.

KeePass: how to use a password manager for your computer

To avoid getting confused by the huge number of your passwords, I advise you to divide them into groups. To create a group, click: " Edit-->Create Group", call it, say, “Mail” and enter passwords for all mailboxes there.

To add a new entry to a group, click on the icon with a key (or the “Edit” menu):

When you need a login and password for a site, go to the created entry and click the buttons:

I told you the most important thing. Now you know how to use the best program for saving passwords on your computer, KeePass, leave your feedback. If you have any problems, please contact us.

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KeePass Password Safe programfree program open source (TrueCrypt), which stores your passwords in a secure database, distributed under the GPL license. The utility is not created exclusively for the operating room Windows systems, but also for Mac OS X, BSD, Linux and other Linux-like systems, by Dominik Reichl (in German). KeePass uses Advanced Encryption Standard and Twofish algorithms for secure password encryption their own databases (banks also use them). The password manager is a portable program and does not need to be installed, it is Russified. Export is available in formats such as HTML, TXT, CSV and XML, and import is possible from many other formats.

Windows versions of KeePass: Professional Edition - contains many functions and requires installation of the .NET Framework and Classic Edition - a simpler version.

How to use Keepass

Before you start using the Keepass program, you need to install, configure and Russify the password generator.

Installation. Need to download and unpack latest version from the official website. We recommend the portable version with installation on a flash drive.

Russifier. Download the Russian version of the language file program from here and then copy “Russian.lngx” to the root directory of the program. After which you need to run KeePass → View → Change Language → Select Language → and Restart KeePass.

It is also advisable to configure the program to start at system startup.

Service → Settings → Integration → Launch KeePass at system startup.

And let’s make it always open in a collapsed and locked state:

Service → Settings → Advanced → Launch in minimized and locked state.

It is very convenient that Kipas has AutoType by default, by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Alt+A (USERNAME) (TAB) (PASSWORD) (ENTER).

Instructions: how to create a new password database

KeePass will save all passwords in the created database. So, to do this you need to create a database -> select “File - New...” in the main menu or click the left icon on the all toolbar. A window will pop up asking you to enter the master password or disk key. Your password database will be encrypted with the password you enter here. Then press .

You are now in the main window. On the left are groups of passwords, and on the right are entries about passwords.

Now you can save your first password in this password database called KeePass! Click right click mouse in the right window and then select “Add entry...”. The following window will pop up. In it you can edit the entry: enter an invented name for it, a custom name, link, password, etc. When you finish filling it out, click .

You can now see your newly created entry in the password list on the right side.

How to use the recording

You now have the created entry in your password list. What can you do with it?

You have several different options. For example, you can make a copy of the username from the Windows clipboard entry. Once you have copied it, you can send it and use it in any other program. It works, and copying passwords.


KeePass has such an architecture, whose functionality is extended by third-party modules, so-called plugins. The most popular plugins can be downloaded from home page KeePass (export or import from various data formats available, creation backup copies databases, automation, password manager integration with browsers, etc.). You also need to be aware that plugins can jeopardize the security of the KeePass program, since they are developed by independent programmers and have access to the KeePass database. It encrypts links, logins and notes.


  • Very high security. In addition to technical details such as the caching and encryption algorithms used, support for two-factor authentication is also important to us.
  • Open source. There is an opinion among developers and programmers that reliable and good cryptographic software simply cannot be closed. KeePass is an OSI Certified program.
  • Fully cross-platform including all operating systems for mobile devices, excluding Symbian and WebOS.
  • What is amazing is that a program of this level, power and functionality is free.
  • A huge plus is portability. Kipas does not need installation, it can easily work from a flash drive, it does not create or store anything in the system.
  • No installation required according to strict instructions. Two download formats are available: installer and zip file. The service has a built-in password generator.

KeePass analogs

KeePassX— password storage program. It is a cross-platform KeePass port.

LastPass- completely free, also to store the password, created by LastPass. It is developed in the form of plugins for Google Chrome(Chromium), Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera. There is also a LastPass bookmarklet for other browsers.

RoboForm— for auto-filling various forms on websites. Distributed under Shareware license.

Keychain(translated from Russian: Keychain) is a function (technology) thanks to which, in one place on Mac OS X, the user’s personal data is stored in an encrypted and secure form: logins and passwords. And the last ones Password Safe, iMacros.

Keepass is a free password manager. It will be useful primarily for those users who are forced to create separate passwords for each service. At the same time, it is worth understanding that storing passwords and logins in the browser’s memory or somewhere on a sheet is unreliable, since they can be accidentally lost and/or stolen by attackers.

Using Keepass to Store Passwords

The program interface is in English by default, but it can be translated into Russian by downloading and installing the Russian language. The program also has several convenient tools for working with passwords. Let's look at the process of interacting with it in more detail.

Download and installation

It is recommended to download the program from the official website of the developer, since the manager is open source, therefore, a version with built-in spy code may be distributed on resources with a bad reputation.

On the website you can find three versions of the program:

  • Classic Edition is a standard version of the program that has reduced requirements for hardware and software components of the computer. For example, for it to work it is not necessary to have installed package Microsoft.NET;
  • Professional Edition - it weighs more compared to previous version, and also requires the installed Microsoft.NET package for its operation. At the same time, the user has access to some improved tools and capabilities;
  • Portable – portable version, downloadable in a ZIP archive. It can even be launched from a flash drive. The main advantage is that it does not leave any records of its work on the computer, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your personal information.

The installation process for the first two versions is almost the same. You check or uncheck certain items, accept the license agreement, wait for the installation to complete and use it.

In the case of the portable version, instead of installing, you only need to unpack the ZIP archive wherever it is convenient for you. You can install this version of the program on a USB flash drive or even virtual disk and store your passwords there. Also, the portable version works fine on other operating systems, for example, Android, Linux Ubuntu etc.

In terms of working with programs, there are practically no differences.

Translation of the interface into Russian

If you are not satisfied with the English-language interface of the program, then you can change it by adding a special file to the main directory of the program and selecting Russian in the settings. The Russifier file has the following name - "Russian.Ingx". On the official website, it is advisable to select a file that is compatible with your current version.

To download and install the Russian language for your version of Keepass, do the following:

Creating a Password Database

In Keepass, you can create several files that will serve as password databases. This is convenient in cases where several people use the computer and everyone needs their passwords to be saved, but not in one shared file, which all users will have access to. The created file can be protected from unauthorized access and saved on any medium. However, in the case of the Classic Edition and Professional Edition there may be some restrictions.

The process of creating a password database file might look like this:

Working with the database

Once the creation of the database file is complete, it will be opened in the main program window. By default, it will already contain some information for informational purposes. You can change or delete them.

To create your own posts, use these instructions:

Login to your account

After creating a record with a password and login in the database, try logging into your account on a particular site. To do this, open the login form, place the cursor in one of the fields and press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+A. If everything is configured correctly, you should be able to login to your account. It is worth understanding that depending on the settings set above, the login process may take some time.

Keepass is great program to save passwords and logins, but at the same time, those who are not well versed in computers may have a question about how to use this program. An example of using the program, as well as its main functionality, was reviewed.