Classification of radio stations: stationary, mobile, portable. Wearable radios and their types

IN this review The criteria for choosing portable radios for various applications are considered: hunting and fishing, security and construction, professionals and radio amateurs. To do this, we analyze both the consumer properties of each group of devices and the technical characteristics that need to be understood when choosing the best radio station for your specific task.

Types of radio stations

A radio station is a device or a set of devices that transmit and/or receive radio waves. Radio stations according to the method of use can be divided into three groups:

  • Stationary.
  • Mobile.
  • Portable.

Stationary radio stations are installed on stationary objects, mobile ones - on moving objects. Portable ones involve wearable use.

Synonyms for the word "radio station" are "walkie-talkie", which is essentially an abbreviation for the full one, as well as "transceiver" (transciever - transceiver). However, recently only mobile and portable radio stations are called walkie-talkies. N Walkie-talkies are also called Walkie-Talkies in the foreign style. This review focuses only on portable radios.

Technical characteristics of radio stations

The main technical characteristics of wearable radios include:

  1. Frequency range.
  2. Output power.
  3. Antenna type.
  4. Sensitivity.
  5. Selectivity.
  6. Number of channels.
  7. CTCSS and DCS codes.
  8. Capacity battery
  9. Direct frequency dialing and channel mode.
  • Not only the different ability to avoid or penetrate obstacles depends on the frequency range, but also the need to register radios or the possibility of license-free operation on them. License-free bands: Citizen Band (CB) - 27 MHz, Low Power Device (LPD) - 433 MHz, Personal Mobile Radio (PMR) - 446 MHz. Amateur bands: VHF (2 m) 144-146 MHz, UHF (70 cm) 430-440 MHz. The remaining bands are used by various services. IN general case, with increasing frequency, the possibility of avoiding obstacles decreases and the degree of penetration through them and reflection from them increases.
  • Output power determines the ability to transmit information over long distances. The maximum power of wearable radios is limited not only by the battery capacity, but also by sanitary standards. Thus, a power of 5 W at VHF frequencies and 4 W at UHF is considered safe for humans when transmitting by radio at a short distance from the head. In addition, license-free radio stations have a limited maximum power limit. On the CB range - 4 W, on LPD - 10 mW, on PMR - 0.5 W.
  • The type of antenna, along with the power, determines the communication range. For portable stations, the antenna can be portable or external. Based on the ratio of the length of the antenna to its length, shortened, full-length and extended antennas are distinguished. Full-size ones have a length equal to a quarter wave, i.e. at 27 MHz - 2.7 m, at 144 MHz - 50 cm and about 17 cm at 433 and 446 MHz. When shortened, the efficiency drops approximately in proportion to the square of the ratio of the length of the full-size antenna to the length of the shortened one. This is why portable CB radios have become less common. After all, for example, an antenna 40 cm long is elongated for LPD/PMR, slightly shortened for VHF and very, very short for CB.
  • The sensitivity of the receiver determines the ability to receive weak signals from significantly distant radio stations. The sensitivity of a portable CB radio should be no worse than 1.5 µV, and for VHF/UHF/LPD/PMR - fractions of a microvolt.
  • Selectivity indicates the ability to receive a weak signal in the presence of a powerful signal at adjacent frequencies. With low selectivity, high sensitivity is negated. Selectivity is measured in deciBels and for good radio stations it is 60 dB or more.
  • The number of channels for walkie-talkies is most often 8, 16, 69, 77, 100 or 128. Eight-channel radios are usually programmed from the factory with 8 PMR channels, 69-channel with PMR, 77-channel with LPD + PMR. Since license-free frequencies are widely used, it is often difficult to find a free channel even on 77-channel stations. Then CTCSS and DCS coding comes to the rescue.
  • CTCSS (Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System) codes are subtonal tones (below 300 Hz) mixed into a low-frequency signal to identify friend or foe. Contrary to the popular belief that no one can listen to a channel encoded with the CTCSS code, the purpose of this coding is different - to open the squelch only when there is a “own” signal and not to listen to other people’s conversations on this frequency. The purpose of DCS (Digital Coded Squelch) digital subtone codes is similar to CTCSS.
  • The operating time of the radio station depends on the capacity of the battery. You must understand that the current consumed by the station strongly depends on the mode of use: when transmitting it can reach 1 Ampere or more, when receiving - hundreds of milliamps, in standby mode - tens of mA, in sleep mode - units and fractions of mA. Sleep mode was invented to increase the operating time on a single battery charge, when in standby mode almost all components of the device are completely turned off, and reception is turned on for a split second every few seconds. When a receiving signal appears, sleep mode is turned off.
  • LPD/PMR radios typically use channel mode with preprogrammed frequencies. Amateur radio stations have both a channel mode and direct frequency input from a keyboard or encoder.

Types of portable radios

Portable radios can be divided into three groups:

  • professional;
  • amateur;
  • unlicensed.

The former require a license to use a professional dedicated frequency and are subject to registration. The latter can be purchased and used freely. Unlicensed stations, in turn, are divided according to the purpose of use:

  • for hunting;
  • fishing;
  • construction sites;
  • security;
  • skiers;
  • airsoft;
  • athletes;
  • radio amateurs;
  • for children.

License-free portable radios

Two frequency sections in the UHF range are allocated for license-free use: LPD (433-434 MHz) and PMR (446 MHz).

  • LPD- these are 69 frequencies from 433.075 MHz to 434.775 MHz with a step of 25 kHz. On the LPD band, the use of low-power radio stations is allowed, maximum 10 mW. L ow P ower D evice in English means "low power device". Walkie-talkies in this range can be either 69-channel or 16-channel with programming of any sixteen frequencies out of 69.

Example of a 69 channel LPD station - Vector VT-44 Military Scout.

  • PMR- these are 8 channels with frequencies from 446.00625 to 446.09375 MHz, running through 25 kHz. Translation of designation P personal M obile R adio - "personal mobile radio". Here you can already use more powerful radios, up to 0.5 W. PMR radio stations are usually 8-channel or 16-channel. In the latter case, 8 frequencies without codes and another 8 frequencies with CTCSS codes are programmed from the factory.

Photo of PMR radio station Motorola TLKR T60.

  • In order to operate on both permitted license-free sections of UHF frequencies, manufacturers produce dual-band LPD PMRwalkie-talkies with 77 or more channels (69+8) or 16 channels, in which some of the channels are programmed for LPD, and the rest for PMR.

Photo of a 200-channel LPD PMR radio Roger KP-47.

Which walkie-talkie to buy for hunting

To buy the best walkie-talkie for hunting, you need to determine what criteria it must meet:

  • splash protection;
  • good strength;
  • high power;
  • presence of a headset;
  • voice control;
  • silent call.

Splash protection will be needed for working in the rain. High power is needed to cover long distances. The headset frees your hands and makes it possible to turn on the radio for voice transmission using the VOX system ( voice control). Silent vibration alert is needed so as not to frighten the beast loud sounds from the speaker.

The best walkie-talkie for hunting - Vector VT-44 Turbo.

Walkie-talkies for hunting and fishing

Walkie-talkies for fishing must meet the same requirements as radios for hunting:

  • high strength;
  • increased power;
  • voice control;
  • silent call;
  • headset.

However, protection against water at the level of splash protection is no longer sufficient. Fishermen require waterproof radios that can fall into the water and remain there for some time without losing their performance. Naturally, complete waterproofness will be a good bonus for hunters.

The best walkie-talkie for hunting and fishing is Vector VT-67S.

Powerful radios

To cover long distances and long range, the radio station must have:

  • high power up to 7-10 watts,
  • long antenna with increased efficiency,
  • good receiver sensitivity,
  • high selectivity.

To obtain the maximum radio communication range, not only a good transmitter is required, but also high technical characteristics of the receiver, since over a long distance the received signals are very weak, even if there is a radio station with increased power on the transmitting side. A long, well-tuned antenna has high efficiency for both transmission and reception.

We recommend powerful radios Roger KP-52, Vector VT-80 ST Super Turbo, Vector VT-44 Turbo.

Photo of a powerful portable station Roger KP-52.

Radio stations for security guards

Security guard radios are subject to higher requirements than conventional unlicensed radios for personal use. They should be:

  • very durable,
  • have simple controls,
  • have high reliability,
  • be able to encode CTCSS,
  • work for a long time on one battery charge.

RadiusPro RP-102, Vector VT-44 Combat, Vector VT-80 F, Vector VT-50 MTR fully meet these requirements. We recommend the Vector VT-80F model as a security radio. It has an aluminum chassis, a polycarbonate body, high reliability and durability, as well as very simple operation. One or more of the 16 channels can be encoded with CTCSS code. The Li-Ion battery has a capacity of 2300 mAh, which allows you to work on one charge for a whole day.

Photo of the model Vector VT-80F.

Walkie Talkies for Builders

To buy good walkie-talkies for builders, you need to choose models that are resistant to the following influences:

  • dust;
  • water;
  • hit,
  • vibration,
  • temperature changes.

Thus, a walkie-talkie for working on a construction site should be:

  • dust and waterproof;
  • shockproof;
  • frost-resistant;
  • withstand direct sunlight.

Roger KP-14, a professional station built on an aluminum chassis in a durable polycarbonate case, meets all these requirements. It complies with the international class of equipment protection against external influences MIL-STD 810.

Photo Roger KP-14.

Which walkie-talkie is best for hunting in the forest

Walkie-talkies used for hunting in the forest must, first of all, have increased power. The juices flowing in the leaves and trunks of trees greatly weaken the transmitter signal at UHF frequencies. And a large forest area can completely block VHF and UHF radio waves. Accordingly, low-power radio stations in such conditions completely block short distances. Although according to other criteria such stations do not have special features, we recommend that they have good protection from dust and rain.

We recommend using the best walkie-talkies for forests, the Vector VT-80 ST Super Turbo with a high output power of up to 10 Watts and a high-capacity battery of 4200 mAh, as well as the Vector VT-44 Turbo with a transmitter power of up to 8 Watts.

The most powerful portable radio for the forest - Vector VT-80 ST Super Turbo.

The best walkie-talkies for airsoft

Walkie-talkies for tourism, sports and active games such as airsoft should be:

  • durable,
  • dustproof,
  • waterproof,
  • have a headset and VOX.

One of the best walkie-talkies for airsoft is the Vector VT-44 H. Shock-resistant housing, dust and moisture protection, voice control system (VOX) and a headset included in the factory set. It is produced in the best traditions of professional radio stations, has 77 channels and a shock-proof liquid crystal display. Other recommended radios for airsoft, skiers and hikers are Vector VT-44 PRO, Vector VT-44 Military Scout, Midland G14.

Photo Vector VT-44H.

Children's walkie-talkies

Since children's walkie-talkies are essentially toys, there are no special requirements for long radio communication range or operating time. Radio stations for children should have:

  • safe,
  • high quality
  • easy to manage,
  • inexpensive,
  • lungs.

The famous American company Motorola was one of the first to master it. This segment of wearable stations is commonly called Walkie-Talkie. It produces high-quality but inexpensive Motorola TLKR T40, TLKR T41 radios for children. These toys are sold in sets of two. They are very lightweight, do not require setup, and can be used by any child. These low power radios produce a weak electromagnetic field that is safe to be exposed to. The Motorola TLKR T41 and TLKR T40 models are almost identical with some differences in body shape and color.

Photo of a set of walkie-talkies for children Motorola TLKR T40.

Ham radio stations

Portable amateur VHF radios can be:

  • single-band: 2 m (144-146 MHz) or 70 cm (430-440 MHz)
  • dual-band: 2 m and 70 cm.

For amateurs portable radios required:

  • frequency indication,
  • liquid crystal display,
  • direct frequency input from the keyboard,
  • possibility of working through a repeater,
  • programming all functions from the keyboard.
  • ability to operate on license-free LPD and PMR bands.

For VHF communications, we recommend purchasing amateur radios Vector VT-43 H2 or Vertex Standard VZ-9. The Vector VT-43 H2 dual-band radio is produced as a replacement for the well-known Vector VT-48 W model. It operates in two amateur VHF bands of 2 m and 70 cm with a power of up to 5 Watts, and its LCD screen displays two frequencies simultaneously. As a single-band amateur radio, we recommend the Vertex Standard VZ-9, which operates only in the UHF range and has a power of up to 4 Watts.

Photo of a dual-band amateur radio station Vector VT-43 H2.

Portable professional radios

The following requirements apply to portable professional radio stations:

  • high strength,
  • simple controls,
  • increased reliability,
  • long term services,
  • excellent connection quality,
  • CTCSS/DCS coding,
  • programming from a computer.

Motorola produces the best wearable radios that meet the most stringent requirements for professional equipment.One of the best portable professional walkie talkies isMotorola CP 040. It has high strength, reliability and high technical parameters, thanks to which it has earned the most best reviews from users in law enforcement agencies.

Radio Manufacturers

Radio manufacturers, as a rule, occupy a certain niche in the radio equipment market. Companies that produce professional walkie-talkies usually do not produce household radios. Or they are limited to one or two models of such devices. Manufacturers of consumer radios do not make professional equipment. However, there are exceptions. For example, Motorola Solutions, Inc. It produces both high-quality professional radios and inexpensive walkie-talkies for private use.

In this review, we will consider those companies that produce radio stations that can be used on the LPD and PMR bands without obtaining allocated frequencies and issuing a registration certificate.


Motorola Solutions, an American corporation that produces equipment for telecommunications and data transmission. It develops and produces truly high-quality and reliable radio equipment for the professional field. Our own factories are located in several countries on three continents. Professional radios for the domestic market of the USA and North/South America are produced mainly in Mexico, for the rest of the world - in Malaysia. Most household radios are manufactured in Chinese factories, and the manufacturer for Europe is Motorola GMBH, Germany. Motorola does not have mid-range radios. Or expensive professional radios, but High Quality, or sets of portable Motorola walkie-talkies for children with very modest characteristics. Motorola's attempts to release middle-class walkie-talkies like the Motorola XTNid were not particularly successful, since these stations had the appearance of professional ones, but the range was like that of children's. On the beautiful packaging of children's walkie-talkies you can see that their range is 16 km, 25 km and even 50 km. But we must understand that these are conventional kilometers for children’s play.


Vector- Korean company producing high-quality semi-professional radio stations. This means that the quality of workmanship and protection from moisture and dust corresponds to professional models, but permission to operate is not required, since they operate on license-free bands with permitted power. These are perhaps the best portable radios for home use in terms of price/quality ratio. The Vector product line is quite wide and allows you to choose radios for security and construction, hunting and fishing, sports and active games, as well as waterproof stations. Vector portable radios are distinguished by convenient operation, high output power and impact-resistant polycarbonate housing.


RadiusPro - trademark Union Success Electronic Technology Ltd from Hong Kong. Under this brand, it produces radio stations in China for the Russian market. RadiusPro radios are positioned by the manufacturer as professional. However, this is still a segment of household license-free radio stations. The manufacturing quality of the devices and technical characteristics are approximately the same as those of the Vector brand radio stations, but the price is noticeably higher than that of similar Vector models. The line of produced RadiusPro radios is noticeably narrower than that of Vector, and consists of only 8 models: seven full-size stations and one mini radio. However, among them you will definitely be able to choose a radio station that is suitable for your purpose of use.


Roger- a brand of the Russian company "Compass Radio". Radio stations are manufactured in factories in China, Taiwan and South Korea. The quality of production remains quite high, thanks to control by Russian specialists. All models were developed for work in Russia, taking into account the climatic characteristics of our country. Roger portable radios are designed for use in the security sector, construction, sports, as well as for hunting and fishing. The stations are distinguished by high functionality and reliability. The produced line includes professional radio stations and license-free household ones, as well as new model Roger KP-60, which can operate in repeater mode.


The Italian company CTE International produces radio stations under the trademarks Midland And Alan. The Alan brand is more often used for car radios, and Midland - for wearable ones. In addition to portable radios, the Midland brand produces Bluetooth headsets for walkie-talkies, laryngophones and headsets for motorcycle helmets. Most Midland portable stations are sold in sets of two, additionally containing headsets. Midland radios are popular due to their low price and unpretentiousness.


The Japanese company Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd was established in 1959 and produced radio equipment under the brand Yaesu for radio amateurs and under the brand Vertex- for professionals. The radio stations were produced in Japan and their quality was excellent. In 1998, Yaesu Musen acquired the STANDARD radio brand from another Japanese company, Marantz, and became Vertex Standard Co., Ltd. In 2008, Motorola formed a joint venture with Vertex Standard, which eventually dissolved in 2012. With the arrival of Motorola, most of the radios began to be produced in Southeast Asia, and their quality did not become as impeccable as before. The Vertex brand is still used for professional radios, but there are still several Vertex models available for license-free use on the LPD and PMR bands.

You can buy amateur and professional portable radios with delivery to your city in the Volta online store. MThe store offers a wide selection of wearable radios at minimal prices with a guarantee of excellent quality.The range includes models from foreign manufacturers Motorola, Midland, Vector, Roger, Vertex Standard, RadiusPro.Select and buy a walkie-talkie with necessary parameters for hunters, security guards, builders or personal use is very easy using photographs and detailed descriptions for each model.


The radio station usually includes a transceiver, an antenna, a power source (a small battery for powering a portable radio station, car battery– for a car radio) and operational documentation. In addition, radio stations may include charging device, control panels and various accessories, such as a manipulator.

The radio station operates in two main modes: reception and transmission. When the radio station is operating in receive mode, the radio signal received by the antenna is sent through the antenna unit to a high-frequency amplifier (UHF). UHF is designed to amplify the received signal to a level at which high-quality demodulation is possible, as well as to ensure the necessary selectivity of the receiver. The demodulator converts the received high-frequency modulated signal into a low-frequency signal fed to the input of a low-frequency amplifier (LF), which amplifies it to a value that provides normal work the final reproducing device - loudspeaker (Gr).

When the radio is in transmit mode sound signals, arriving at the microphone (μf) are converted into electrical signals of audio frequency. The ULF amplifies these electrical signals to the level necessary for the operation of the modulator. The modulator transfers electrical audio signals to the carrier (operating) frequency of the transmitter (modulation of the carrier frequency of the transmitter with audio frequency signals). A power amplifier (PA) is designed to create a given level of power of high-frequency oscillations (transmitter output power) in the antenna.

The frequency synthesizer produces high-frequency signals necessary for the operation of the receiver and transmitter.

For modern VHF FM radio stations, the following main operating modes (reception and transmission) can be distinguished:

reception on duty;

reception with noise suppressor turned on;

reception with noise suppressor turned off;

tone call transmission;

message transmission.

Currently, fire protection uses both domestic radio stations (Viola, Sapphire, Granit, Signal, etc.) and radio stations from foreign companies (Motorola, Vertex, Standard, Kenwood, etc.).

All types of radio stations have several versions. For example, radio stations of the “Viola” type have the following versions: “Viola-Ts” - central; “Viola-AS” – subscriber landline; “Viola-AP” – subscriber station for installation on fire trucks; “Viola-AA” – subscriber for installation on operational vehicles; “Viola-L” – linear (repeater); “Viola-AM” – motorcycle subscription service; "Viola-N" - wearable

Radio stations, or walkie-talkies as they are popularly called, occupy an important niche in the field of wireless communication and communications. Walkie-talkies are used by both government agencies and civilians for a variety of purposes. The most popular radios are where there is no access to regular cellular networks. The radio station device allows you to simultaneously generate and receive a radio signal of a certain frequency (wavelength). It is the operating frequency that determines the type to which the walkie-talkie can be classified. Depending on the frequency range and others technical characteristics Walkie-talkies are divided again into appropriate groups (for hunting, professional, amateur, automobile, tourist, etc.).

Separately, all walkie-talkies are divided into license-free and those that require registration. As a rule, license-free devices have restrictions on power and the number of channels used. It is important to understand that there is no universal device that would work equally well in all ranges. There are radios that are well suited for working in open areas but at the same time are not suitable for urban conditions, and vice versa, there are radio stations specially designed for working in the city. Today, walkie-talkies of several main frequency ranges are widely used: 1) LPD/PMR (433-446 MHz), 2) CB (CB radios 27 MHz), 3) VHF (138-174 MHz), 4) UHF (400-470 MHz). Let's take a closer look at the best market offers for each type of walkie-talkie.

CB radios

CB (Citizen Band - civilian band) radios have become widespread due to their relatively high power and communication range. In Russia, it is allowed to use CB radio stations with a power of up to 10 W. They are effective in establishing communication over long distances between vehicles in open areas. Such walkie-talkies are often called car radios, as they are often used by truckers, taxi services, and cargo transportation services. The only disadvantages of this type of radio station are the mandatory presence of a large antenna and a large battery. There are a large number of CB radios on the market, but we will only look at some of the leading models. A worthy representative of this type of walkie-talkie is a portable device that supports the CB standard (26.965-27.405 MHz).

Power up to 4 W allows you to establish high-quality communications over long distances. Great functionality and additional functions V compact body will allow you to be in touch, as in vehicle, and in not him. The weight of the radio without battery is only 190 grams. At a price of 9,000 rubles, Alan 42 is a pretty good option for a good walkie-talkie for truckers. Another option for a mobile radio station for a car popular model Megajet MJ-600.

It has great functionality and is easy to use. As befits a professional device, it has the ability to use emergency channels, and the total number of channels is 240. The built-in noise suppressor, together with an output power of 10 W, ensures high-quality communication between car drivers over long distances. Additionally, the MJ-600 is equipped with an external PTT and a special bracket for mounting in a vehicle. Other CB radios from the manufacturers range have similar characteristics. Midland, Yosan, M-Tech, TTI.

VHF radios

Walkie-talkies operating at a frequency of 138-174 MHz (VHF), like CB-band radios, have an advantage in open spaces, while they are more compact and can be carried even in your pocket. The antennas of such radios are much shorter, but the power is correspondingly lower than that of CB radios. Such walkie-talkies are used mainly as walkie-talkies for hunting or fishing. These include both amateur and professional devices. The leaders in the VHF radio market (and not only) are companies such as Kenwood, Motorola, Yaesu, Vertex. A striking representative of this type of radio is the amateur portable radio. Kenwood TH-F5 with increased transmitter power.

The output power is 7 W, which provides a communication range of up to 10 km. This inexpensive radio has good functionality, and the operating frequency can be set directly using the keyboard. The durable housing, reliably protected from dust and moisture, makes it possible to work in any conditions. Features include automatic noise suppression, monitoring of weak signals with accelerated scanning of communication channels and frequencies. Kenwood TH-F5 provides communication in the city at a distance of up to 4 km. which by the standards of the VHF range is not small. Compact dimensions, powerful transmitter and low price make this radio the flagship of this market segment. If you are focused on purchasing a high-tech device with all the functions, you can pay attention to the walkie-talkie Motorola GP 360.

This walkie-talkie is perfect for use by teams of enterprises and organizations; it supports tone signaling and selective calling. Other advantages of this walkie-talkie include a removable antenna, vibration- and shock-resistant housing, as well as a Ni-Mh battery that promotes long-term operation of the walkie-talkie (about 17 hours).

With this professional model, you don’t have to worry about the signal quality even in the most extreme situations and hard-to-reach places. There is even an automatic alarm function - a signal for help to a selected person or group of people. For this reason, Motorola VHF radios are often used by security services and other organizations. Accordingly, such a walkie-talkie costs an order of magnitude more than an amateur one. Therefore, when choosing, you should first take into account your requirements for the device, the functions that the walkie-talkie must cope with. There are walkie-talkies that combine two frequency ranges. For example Yaesu VX-6R can work in both VHF and UHF bands(at frequencies 420-470 MHz).

This universalism makes it possible to work on more than 1000 communication channels, and use the radio in a variety of areas - from hiking to security activities. This walkie-talkie remains operational after diving to a meter depth, has a rubberized, comfortable body and a backlit display that allows you to operate the device in the dark. Moreover, the VX-6R has functionality that allows you to access the Internet.

A semi-professional walkie-talkie of this type is suitable for almost any purpose. UHF radios (operating at a frequency of 400-470 MHz) tolerate electromagnetic interference well in urban environments, but not so well when used in open areas. That is why a modern portable radio must operate in at least two frequency ranges. The difference between UHF and VHF radios also lies in the length of the antenna - UHF radios are more compact and have a shorter antenna. The output power of such radios is not comparable to the power of VHF devices. But, on the other hand, it is in high frequency range license-free low-power radios operate up to 470 MHz. The fact is that PMR/LPD frequencies are in the UHF region.

PMR/LPD radios

If you want to buy a simple, inexpensive walkie-talkie, then your choice should be a device that works in either LPD or PMR format. These simple ham radios are ideal for sports, license-free use, or as a personal communications and safety device in an emergency. LPD (Low Power Device) radios operate at frequencies of 433.075 and 434.775 MHz. They are very often used for civil radio communications in our country, since their output power is limited to 0.1 W. Such means of communication are very convenient and have a built-in portable antenna. Typically, LPD radios operate on 69 channels and support up to 38 CTCSS subcodes (per channel). This allows multiple groups of people to talk freely on the same channel, the only difference being the subcode number. PMR range radio stations (Private Mobile Radio) are widely used in Europe, but are now actively spreading in Russia. They, like LPD radios, operate in the UHF frequency range (446–446.100 MHz) and are also low-power devices. It is allowed to freely use PMR radios with a power of up to 0.5 W.

LPD/PMR radios are also amateur, semi-pro and professional. They are most often used in construction, security guards, and athletes. Such products can be perfectly used in the family, both on vacation and at home, for example, as a baby monitor. There are many excellent solutions on the LPD/PRM radio market. For example, walkie-talkie Voxtel MR950 with a range of up to 10 km and a power of 0.5 W. It has the best price/quality ratio today. IN offline mode can work up to 38 hours and weighs only 350 grams. Among LPD radios, communication products from Midland have proven themselves well. In particular, the walkie-talkie Midland GXT1050.

This radio is sold as a set of 2 pieces and has enhanced protective properties. This walkie-talkie has a camouflage body color and can produce signals that imitate the sounds of animals, which is why it is very popular among hunters. The presence of a sensitive microphone allows you to communicate even in a whisper. License-free walkie-talkies such as these are also quite popular. famous brands How Motorola, Kenwood, ICOM, Jet, JJ-Connect. Often LPD and PMR range transceivers are combined in one device. Such radios can be used in various fields.

We looked at the main ranges of walkie-talkies, from which you can choose exactly the device that will be needed to perform specific tasks. If you need an inexpensive amateur radio, you can pay attention to LPD radios, but if you are a car enthusiast, it is better to choose a radio from the CB range, and finally, if you need a powerful professional radio, most likely a device that works on high frequencies VHF/UHF. There are other selection criteria - case protection, water resistance, availability of accessories, but all of them are secondary. Below is a table of the best walkie-talkies available today for each frequency range. To simplify the selection, the area of ​​application is indicated for each radio.A complete list of all walkie-talkie models from top manufacturers can be found in the corresponding section of our website.

Walkie Talkie

frequency range

Power, W

Communication range, km

Number of channels

Weight, g

Walkie talkie type

CB (26.965-27.405 MHz)


CB (26.065-28.305 MHz)


Wearable radios– portable intercoms operating in the ultrashort wavelength range have low radiation power. The systems belong to the class of personal mobile radio systems using technologies

  • PMR (personal mobile radio);
  • LPD (low power device).

Radio stations do not require licensing and are approved for use in Europe. They have found application among young people for communication with each other, their users are security services, they are popular among intelligence services, they can be useful for employees of small enterprises, on tourist trips, i.e. where clear line of sight for radio communications can be ensured.


This type of intercom operates in the range from 446 MHz to 446.1 MHz (wavelength up to 1 m) for PMR. The change step of 6.25 kHz allows you to implement 8 different channels for conducting official conversations. In the case of LPD (low power device) devices, this is the 433 MHz range. In this range, up to 70 channels can be organized in 25 kHz steps. To ensure high sound quality, radio stations operate in frequency modulation broadcasting mode.


The characteristics that determine the scope of application of these devices, in addition to the frequency range and number of channels, include:

  • range;
  • radiation power;
  • type of shell;
  • capacity of the battery.

The radiation power of devices of this class does not exceed 0.5 W, which is enough to organize communication at a distance of 6-12 km under direct visibility conditions. These figures may be significantly less in real conditions if they are used in rough terrain, among large number buildings in wooded areas that are considered as obstacles to the propagation of radio waves.

The battery capacity, as a rule, is enough for half a day in active use mode. It is desirable that this element be replaceable and rechargeable.

The case, preferably, should be strong and waterproof.

Other characteristics: number of tones, display, Speakerphone and a headset expand the possibilities of using the device.

Manufacturing companies

The most popular manufacturers of this class of devices are:

  • Alan;
  • Kenwood;
  • Hytera;
  • Midland;
  • Motorola and others.

The developments of these manufacturers are presented in the section “ Radio stations" Foxmart online store.

The proposed wearable radios provide some competition mobile communications, both in terms of the cost of devices and the cost of radio communications.

The hunter got lost in the forest. He walks through the forest, calls his comrades and shouts at the top of his lungs:

A bear comes out to the meeting and asks:
- Why are you yelling?
- Yes, I got lost, I think maybe someone will hear.
- Well, I heard, has it become easier?
Laughter is laughter, but in every joke, as they say, there is some truth. Good connection when hunting, fishing, on a hiking trip, or on a scientific expedition, it is no less important than, for example, having a compass and map. This is especially important when you are in an area that is still unknown to you. I remember one incident told by a familiar huntsman. One hunter got separated from the main group during a roundup hunt and got lost. He was well equipped. There seemed to be nothing to be afraid of. But it turned out that the scale of the map he had did not allow him to get attached to the area, and the compass turned out to be useless, since from the very beginning, he did not take any landmarks, apparently hoping for chance. Cloudy, winter day. There was a thaw, the snow had almost melted. No snow, no trace. All that was left was to hope for luck and the radio station issued by the organizer of the hunt. However, he deviated so far that he had to circle around the forest for more than an hour before the radio speaker hissed. Only then the huntsman, who knew the area well, was able to lead the lost hunter to the others. The hunt, of course, was disrupted, but at least no one was hurt. Another example is also indicative. This time no one got lost, but the hunt was spoiled by “bad” radio stations, which in the forest, unexpectedly, began to pick up the voices of distant countries and the negotiations of the capital’s policemen. But it was not the walkie-talkies that were to blame, but the hunters who had chosen their range incorrectly. And in the first case, if the radio stations were more powerful, we might not have had to spend the whole day searching for the missing client. So, the purpose of this article is to help hunters, fishermen, tourists and people engaged in extreme sports in an objective choice of radio communications, which are as important as the right cartridges for hunting, lures for fishing or ropes for climbing into the mountains. Among the huge variety of radio stations that are presented on the modern market, everyone should choose the one that is optimally suited to solve their specific problems. But before moving on to the description of the types and types of radio stations, I suggest a small educational program on the theory of radio wave propagation, which will at least help the inexperienced reader understand why some radio stations work further than others, although they have approximately the same technical characteristics. Currently in Russia the State Committee on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) has allocated the following main ranges for land and mobile radio communications:

In order to determine which range is most optimal for communication in the forest, on the water or in the mountains, let’s delve a little into the theory of propagation of radio waves in the ranges I have indicated. Corresponds to a wavelength of 11m. Radio waves in this range are strongly absorbed by the soil, the connection depends on solar activity. They are able to overcome obstacles in the form of small hills, slopes, buildings 10-15 m high. As a rule, short-range communication in this range is carried out by a surface wave (propagating along the ground). When propagated by a spatial wave (reflected from the ionosphere), communication is possible over many thousands of kilometers. In practice it looks simple. The entire airwaves are filled with signals from radio stations that are located thousands of kilometers away from you, but you will not hear your neighbor, who is, say, a kilometer away. There have been cases when a person said “one” and heard the echo of his voice coming from the speaker. This radio wave wrapped around the globe, due to many reflections from the ionosphere, and returned to its starting point! Corresponds to a wavelength of 2m. In this range, radio waves propagate as direct and reflected waves. Since the surface is not flat, but spherical, the radio communication range is several tens of kilometers. If radio station antennas are located at a height of several tens of meters from the ground, then communication is possible at a distance of up to 100 km. The propagation of radio waves in this range is significantly influenced by the terrain, various obstacles, etc. For example, deciduous forest in this range introduces attenuation of about 6 dB/100m. At different reception points, the signal level can be different and range from strong reliable reception to complete loss of radio communication. This is due to the fact that at different reception points the surface and reflected waves arrive in phase or antiphase. Accordingly, the electromagnetic field strength is added or subtracted, which ultimately affects the level of the received signal. The influence of atmospheric interference and time of day do not significantly affect the propagation of VHF radio waves. Therefore, the connection here is stable at any time of the day. In buildings and reinforced concrete structures, VHF radio waves propagate poorly. . Corresponds to a wavelength of 70 cm. As the frequency used increases, the influence of weather conditions increases and the communication range decreases, since the conditions for the propagation of radio waves in this range approach the conditions for the propagation of light. Microwave radio waves propagate well in the city due to reflection from buildings and reinforced concrete structures. In the forest, radio waves in the 400 range travel worse than VHF. For example, a deciduous forest in this range introduces an attenuation of already 10 dB/100 m. Also, radio waves of this range work well in the mountains, especially in crevices and gorges. Radio communication over short distances in this range is stable and does not depend on the time of day. From the properties of radio wave ranges I have given, we can conclude that for communication in forested and rough terrain, radio stations in the 27 MHz and 136-174 MHz ranges are preferable. For the city and mountains, on the contrary, it is better to use radio stations in the 400-470 MHz range. Now let's try to understand the types of radio stations that are represented on our Russian market. All radio stations can be divided into 3 main groups:

Portable radios

Mobile radios

Base radios Portable radios. First of all, a radio station is a radio-electronic device that consists of a transceiver, an antenna and a power source (battery or battery case). Sometimes radios are also called transceivers. This means that some radio station blocks are used together for reception and transmission in order to save space and cost of the product. Based on their consumer qualities, radio stations are divided into several types. Professional radios generally meet the International Military Standard. This means that the radio chassis is a one-piece cast body, and the upper and the bottom panel The radio station is made of impact-resistant plastic. All rubber gaskets, under which the transmission and control buttons are hidden, fit tightly to the body of the radio station so that water and dust do not get there. In a word, these are radio stations that are not afraid of splashes, dirt, dust, vibrations, heat and frost. The LCD indicator, if equipped, is positioned so that it will not be damaged if dropped. All professional radios have a minimum of keys and controls. As a rule, this is a channel switch, volume control and 2-3 programmable keys. Nowadays, almost all professional radio stations are programmed from a computer. To program the radio station, special interface cables and software are used, which are produced by radio station manufacturers. The auxiliary keys of the radio station can be programmed so that they switch the power, backlight, mode of turning on and off the speech masker, etc. Almost all professional radio stations operate in simplex mode (reception and transmission on the same frequency) and half-duplex (reception and transmission on different frequencies). The last mode is designed to work through a repeater. Professional mid-range radio stations usually have 16-32 programmable channels. The noise suppressor at these stations is electronic and its response threshold is programmed from a computer. Many professional radios have a selective calling feature. This function is needed when several groups operate at the same frequency. The radio stations of the members of each group are programmed with their own individual or. As a result, members of one group enter into radio communication with each other. At the same time, members of other groups do not hear them and communicate with each other in the same way. Thus, code division of the communication channel occurs. As a rule, all professional radio stations are produced with one range. There are 2 main versions: 136-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz. The latter, in turn, are divided into subbands: 400-430 MHz, 450-490 MHz, or, for example? 400-470 MHz. Amateur radio stations, unlike professional ones, do not have fixed programmable channels, but a smooth digital scale. As a rule, they have a keyboard with which you can enter the operating frequency in the range of 136-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz. One of the main differences amateur radio stations from professional ones is that the first ones are programmed entirely from the keyboard and no programmers are needed for them. They also have memory channels. There are many more of them in amateur radio stations than in professional ones. The latter, as a rule, display only the channel number on the LCD or on the channel selector. Amateur radio stations, in addition to the channel number, also display the operating frequency. And in terms of the number of auxiliary functions, they are much superior to professional ones. In an amateur radio station, you can use the keyboard to set the frequency tuning step, the frequency of the subcarrier subtone, the output power, the spacing between reception and transmission, and much more. Amateur radio stations have a developed auxiliary menu system. At the same time, only the main functions that are most often used by the user are displayed on the keyboard. Amateur radios are the most versatile in use. They have a built-in meter for the received signal level (the so-called S-meter). There are also 2-band amateur radio stations that have 2 operating frequency ranges: 136-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz. They are the most versatile. Can be used both in the forest and in the city and mountains. Some models of these radios have a built-in scanner, i.e. receiver with an extended frequency range from 500 KHz to 1000 MHz. Some can even be equipped with additional modules for measuring air temperature, atmospheric pressure and altitude. Currently, there are a large number of amateur radio stations, the design of which complies with the international military standard MIL STD 810 C,D,E. The Japanese company VERTEX STANDARD went even further. It currently produces the VX-6R and VX-7R waterproof radios. These radios can be submerged to a depth of 1 meter for 30 minutes. , as a rule, are installed on moving objects. For example, cars or snowmobiles. Unlike portable radios, they have an output power of 30-70 W and therefore operate from the batteries of the car’s on-board network. As a rule, these radios are equipped with external communicators, which contain a microphone and a transmit button. Mobile radios according to their functional purpose are also divided into professional and amateur. Professional mobile radios comply with the international military standard MIL STD 810 C, D, E and are manufactured on the basis of a cast aluminum chassis and covered with impact-resistant plastic. In terms of functionality, mobile radio stations differ little from portable radio stations and are also programmed from a computer. Amateur and mobile radios are available in both regular and shock-resistant housings. They have a smooth digital scale and allow you to dial the operating frequency from the keyboard, which is located on the remote communicator of the radio station. Mobile radios, as well as portable ones, are produced in the range of 136-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz. Professional radio stations in the microwave range can be produced for certain subbands. For example, 400-430 MHz or 450-490 MHz. Professional mobile radio stations are produced in single-band VHF and microwave ranges. Unlike professional mobile radios, amateur radios are dual-band and even full-duplex. Such radios sometimes have a built-in inter-band bidirectional repeater mode. They have a large number of various functions that can be called both from the keyboard and from the buttons on the front panel. These radios are not designed for 24/7 operation and are therefore designed for a 50% duty cycle. Professional radio stations, by virtue of their design, are designed for round-the-clock operation and have a 100% duty cycle. External car radios with different types of mounting, which are tuned to the operating frequency, are connected to mobile radios. The same mobile radios are used as base radios, but instead of a car antenna, the base one is connected via a coaxial cable with a characteristic impedance of 50 Ohms. In this case, the radio is powered from an external stabilized power source with an operating voltage of 13.8 V and a current of up to 15 A.