HTML character codes. HTML Program code Tags designed to display parts of program code

Hosting. Ready-made website templates.

a (text-decoration: none; font-size: 8pt; color: #E0FDAF; )

a: hover (text-decoration: underline; font-size: 8pt; color: #E0FDAF; )

font (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 8pt; color: white; )

b. yellow (color: #FAF294; )

hr (color: #D1D33B; )

hr. bw (color: black; )

font. green ( font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 8pt; color: #B5FC39; )

font. title (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 14pt; color: #ffffff; )

font. title1 (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 16pt; color: black; )

font. title2 ( font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 20pt; color: #D2A801; )

font. title3 (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 14pt; color: black; )

font. title4 (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 16pt; color: white; )

font. black (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 8pt; color: black; )

font. blackt (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 14pt; color: #ffffff; )

font. blacklm (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 8pt; color: black; )

font. blacklm2 (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 7pt; color: black; )

font. blacklight (font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; color: white; )

font. blacklight2 ( font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; color: black; font-weight: bold )

font. tse ( font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica; font-size: 8pt; color: #96B495; )

d=document; a=""; a+="; r="+escape (d. referrer)

js=10 // -->

a+="; j="+navigator. javaEnabled()

js=11 // -->

s=screen; a+="; s="+s. width+"*"+s. height

a+="; d="+ (s. colorDepth? s. colorDepth: s. pixelDepth)

js=12 // -->

js=13 // -->

d. write("

"? id=280923; js="+js+a+"; rand="+Math. random() +

"" height=1 width=1>")

if (js>11) d. write("") // -->

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List of servers for hosting personal websites. Verified information is provided that allows you to compare the quality of the hosting provided - the size of the allocated disk space, allowed traffic volume, additional advertising load, options for downloading files (FTP or HTTP), postal services, ready-made website templates, etc.

The "Ready-made website templates" section provides an overview of archives with a large selection of ready-made website templates. The review includes templates made using various technologies and on various topics. The presented templates are available for free (usually) downloading, and for payment (for a small fee of $10 - $30). [ Ready-made sites]

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HTML tags are the basis of the HTML language. Tags are used to delimit the beginning and end of elements in markup.

Each HTML document consists of a tree of HTML elements and text. Each HTML element is identified by a start (opening) and ending (closing) tag. The opening and closing tags contain the name of the tag.

All HTML elements are divided into five types:

  • empty elements - , ,
    , , , , , ,
Used for storage additional information about the page. Browsers use this information to process the page, and search engines- for its indexing. There can be several tags in a block, since depending on the attributes used they carry different information.
Indicator of measurement in a given range.
A section of a document containing navigation links for the site.
Defines a section that does not support scripting.
Container for embedding multimedia (e.g. audio, video, Java applets, ActiveX, PDF and Flash). You can also insert another web page into the current HTML document. The tag is used to pass the parameters of the plugin.
Ordered numbered list. Numbering can be numeric or alphabetical.
A container with a title for a group of elements.
Specifies an option/option to select from the , or , drop-down list.
Field for displaying the result of a calculation calculated using the script.

Paragraphs in the text.
Defines parameters for plugins embedded using the element.
A container element containing one element and zero or more elements. By itself it does not display anything. Allows the browser to select the most appropriate image.
Outputs text without formatting, preserving spaces and text breaks. Can be used to display computer code, messages Email etc.
An indicator of the completion of a task of any kind.
Defines a short quotation.
Container for East Asian symbols and their decoding.
Defines its nested text as the base component of the annotation.
Adds brief description above or below the characters contained in the element, displayed in a smaller font.
Marks embedded text as additional annotation.
Displays alternative text if the browser does not support the element.
Displays text that is not current with a strikethrough.
Used to display text representing the result of program code or script execution, as well as system messages. Displayed in monospace font.
Used to define a client-side script (usually JavaScript). Contains either script text or points to an external script file using the src attribute.
Defines a logical area (section) of a page, usually with a header.
A control element that allows you to select values ​​from a proposed set. Variant values ​​are placed in .
Displays text in a smaller font size.
Specifies the location and type of alternative media resources for the , , .
Container for inline elements. Can be used to format passages of text, such as highlighting individual words with color.
Places emphasis in the text, highlighting it in bold.
Includes embeddable style sheets.
Specifies subscript writing of symbols, for example, element index in chemical formulas.
Creates a visible title for the tag. Displayed with a filled triangle, clicking on it allows you to view the title details.
Specifies the superscript spelling of characters.
Cheat sheet with tags

For ease of use, I grouped the tags into thematic sections, adding display property values ​​for each tag. To go to the table, click on the picture.

By the way, sharing your positive or even negative experiences with readers is the basis of successful blogging (and).

Many people have problems, so such information is in demand.

How to display program code

So you want to let readers copy the script or html code, place it in the body of the post. Not so. How to output it without conversion?

More recently, in order to display tags correctly on a page, it was proposed to manually replace characters< и >for special characters< и >.

Today, the WordPress engine most often knows how to do such transformations itself, but also adds a lot of garbage, distorts, truncates the code, makes it unreadable or uncopyable (it happened in my topic).

In fact, there are several ways to beautifully format html code and insert it into a post with syntax highlighting: without a plugin and using wordpress plugins for the code.

I will list the methods, and you try what suits you. I have learned from my own experience that not every template has tags and plugins that work the same way. For more information on how to display code correctly, see the HTML tutorial.

Show html code on the page as text. Tag

Show html code on the page as text, tags help highlight it

Write the code in the VISUAL EDITOR.

Go to HTML MODE, add opening and closing tag My theme already has automatic signs< >converted to special characters< и >.

SAVE. DO NOT switch to visual mode again, otherwise the changes will be lost.

All spaces are PRESERVED when displayed. In my template I got the following result (your display may be different).

How to display html code on a post page as text. Tag

The tag also allows you to display one or more lines of program code. Spaces and breaks are NOT taken into account, wrap lines with tags


Do everything the same way as inserting a tag.

Display html code on the page as text. Tag

If you offer codes to readers infrequently, you can use this design.


It helps to display codes or scripts in the form of text enclosed in a frame, CONSIDERING formatting and all hyphens.

The code will be displayed in a nice frame. Edit its width by changing the width parameter, height - height.

But the fact is that CODES using the tag are considered INVALID. HTML Tutorial suggests inserting this tag only in this form.

Plugins for displaying code on the post page

Most bloggers use WordPress plugins to display HTML codes beautifully and consistently on the post page. Again, there are many plugins, but only one worked correctly for me.

I will provide a list, and you will select a plugin that works with your template.

A sweet couple WP-Syntax – it highlights the code with a frame and makes it possible to highlight the syntax. Plus wp-syntax button – displays a button in the blog admin panel, provides the ability to insert HTML code or script without converting it to a special window. Disadvantage: all actions are performed in html mode; you cannot switch to visual mode, otherwise all changes will disappear.

Syntax Highlighter Compress – in text editor displays an additional button. Click it, a window opens where you can enter the code and select the programming language.

Other plugins work the same way.

  • Better WordPress Syntax
  • Wp-highlight.js
  • SyntaxHighlighter
  • Auto SyntaxHighlighter (mine). And many other plugins.

I had to install and activate everything one by one until I found the one that works in my template.


So, from the article you learned how you can display HTML code on a post page using tags or plugins. What method do you use to add html tags to plain text without conversion?

Dear friends! Today we will talk about the HTML code tag. When writing this particular article or any other training materials, it is periodically necessary to insert pieces of HTML, CSS code and generally any program code.

I think you have already guessed what the HTML code tag is for. Through it, we tell the browser: “Please display everything that will be placed inside the “code” container as text.”

Otherwise, the browser will not understand where the real code is and where the demo code is and will not show anything. Because the browser perceives all tags on the page as commands to display content. In other words, with using HTML code tag, the tags themselves are displayed in the browser window to demonstrate the HTML code.

Let's look at an example of displaying tags on a page below:

Displaying tags on a page

HTML code snippet

This is the title.

This is a paragraph.

Let's look at the result of this example:

Angle brackets< >should be replaced by Special symbols&.. and break each line with br or p tags.

By default, browsers show content HTML tag code in monospace font. This is a smaller font with a fixed size.

code (
font-family: monospace;

This is the normal text:

This is part of the program code

This is what it looks like in the default browser:

Now let's redefine appearance code inside the code tag. Let's set the element's font-family: verdana; or any other font.

code (
font-family: verdana;

This is the normal text:

This is part of the program code

The specified style in the browser.

Tag for creating a table.
Defines the body of the table.
Creates a table cell.
Used to declare HTML code fragments that can be cloned and inserted into a document by a script. The content of a tag is not a child of it.
Creates large text input fields.
Defines the table footer.
Creates a table cell title.
Defines the table title.
Defines date/time.
The title of an HTML document that appears at the top of the browser's title bar. May also appear in search results, so this should be taken into account when providing a title.
Creates a table row.
Adds subtitles for elements and .
Highlights a passage of text by underlining, without additional emphasis.
Creates a bulleted list.
Highlights variables from programs by displaying them in italics.
Adds video files to the page. Supports 3 video formats: MP4, WebM, Ogg.
Indicates to the browser where a long line might break.