Kommersant card file postal address. Search system

Registry search legal entities makes it possible to find an organization by INN and other details of OGRN/OGRNIP/OKPO, name of the enterprise, address, subject of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the search by INN/OGRN/OGRNIP/OKPO is “accurate”, so the result will immediately be a card of the desired legal entity.

“One-line” requests are made using the following combinations: company address and full name. manager, company name and full name. founder, full name founder and place of birth, name of the organization and its address, full name. the previous manager and the previous address of the company, the previous name in English and full name. the former founder.

Search rules for significant events

In the search results by INN/OGRN, the search system will display a list of messages submitted by this legal entity.

When you search by organization name, you will receive a list of messages containing this search query. Please note that the names of legal entities may be the same.

You can read the full text of the messages and, if necessary, order a copy of the page of the journal “Bulletin of State Registration” with this message. To order, you must log into your personal account and register on the website.

Rules for searching by debtor's property

To search for property, enter a request in the search form.

In the search results by INN/OGRN/Name, the search system will provide a list of property that meets the search criteria. Please note that the names of legal entities may be the same or contained in the text of the lot.

Search rules for pledges of movable property

Search system"Information about collateral" performs an end-to-end search in the database of collateral.

You must enter a query in the search bar. For example:

  • keyword;
  • Company name;
  • OGRN;
  • registration number (notification of the occurrence of a pledge) or part thereof;
  • contract number (if any);
  • passport series and number (or details of another identity document);
  • identifier (VIN vehicle, an identification number, registration number of the bond issue).

In addition to end-to-end search, it is possible to search by specific fields - by registration number of the notice, by subject of pledge, unlike FNP, you can search not only by mortgagor, but also by mortgagee. It also has the advantage that the search results are displayed as valid liens, so discontinued.

You can also sort information by certain parameters:

  • Pledge status (any/valid/terminated);
  • Subject of economic activity (individual/legal entity/foreign legal entity);
  • Regions (subject of the Russian Federation in which the individual is registered or actually resides - a party to the agreement);
  • Type of property (vehicle/other property/bonds);

By time period:

  • Date of registration of the notification;
  • Date of conclusion of the agreement/registration of the bond;
  • The deadline for fulfilling the obligation;
  • Date of birth of the individual – parties to the agreement.

This feature will help you make the most convenient and accurate search, this will avoid displaying redundant information.
Enter your query into the search bar and click the button "Find".
A number is displayed showing the number of collateral records found.
The search results are shown below in the form of notice registration number as the title and brief information - registration date, pledgor, pledgee and pledge status.
By clicking on the notification registration number, you will be redirected to the deposit card, where you will receive full information about the pledge.

Rules for searching for information about patents

You can find the information you are interested in about patents by the number or name of the patent, as well as by full name. patent holder. The search result will be a list of all cards in the materials of which a match was found for the entered value.

You can limit your search results by date by selecting the appropriate Application Date or Application Publication Date option.

In the “Search Options” block, you can select the patent databases of interest by checking them. In this case, the search will be carried out only by them.

Search rules for invalid passports

To check the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, enter a request in the search form containing the series and number of the document.

Rules for searching for information on news in the media

1. Formulate a request regarding your question. Please keep in mind that the search is full-text and structured, which allows you to cover a larger amount of information and highlight the main items of interest to you.

2. Don’t forget that you need to write your search query correctly. The quality of the information provided depends on this.

3. Click on the “Find” button, after which all the information that matches your request will be displayed.

4. Use the advanced search features if you need clarification on source types or dates. To do this, click on the “Filter” button, where all the possibilities for narrowing the search query will be displayed.

Search rules for issuer files

Enter an arbitrary string into the search form to search for files disclosed by issuers.

Search rules for enforcement proceedings

You can find the information you are interested in regarding enforcement proceedings by entering the following data in the search bar:

  • Name of organization (participant in production)
  • Address of the organization (participant in production)
  • Number of enforcement proceedings
  • Number of the executive document
  • Name of the bailiff department

The search result will be a list of all cards in the materials of which a match was found for the entered value.

You can limit your search results by date and by the above parameters by selecting the appropriate option in the “Search Options” block. In this case, the search will be carried out only by them.

Search rules for published bankruptcy information

In this section of the search engine you can get information about bankruptcy dating back to 2004.

For your convenience, there are several search options: by case number, by arbitration manager, by SRO, by debtor and organizer.

Before starting the search, select the parameter of interest (for example, arbitration manager) and enter a search query (for example, “Ivanov Alexander Nikolaevich”). In the search results you will see all messages submitted by this arbitration manager.

If you do not remember the name and patronymic of the arbitration manager, you can enter only the surname, the search system will display a list of all AUs with this surname, an indication of which SRO they belong to and the main details (TIN, registration number), if any.

If you select the SRO option and enter the name of the organization, the first search result will be the desired organization with the address, basic details (OGRN, INN) and registration number. Below will be displayed a list of autonomous entities included in the SRO.

If you search by “Debtor” or “Organizer”, the search results will display a short message text containing information about the bankruptcy with the searched parameter.

Search rules for information on the revocation of powers of attorney

You can find the publication you are interested in about revoking a power of attorney using the following parameters:

  • INN/OGRN/Name of organization/Full name. principal/full name participant in the case/full name authorized person/full name notary/full name acting notary;
  • The time interval in which the publication could have occurred.

Search rules based on arbitration court rulings

Currently our database contains more than (if !empty($ms_counters))($ms_counters.total_arbitrage_cases)(/if) cases and more 50 000 000 documents related to the cases.

You can find the information you are interested in regarding cases in arbitration courts using the following parameters:

    Case number
    When inquiring by this parameter the result of the search will be a ruling of the arbitration court. This type of search is the most accurate, since two different cases cannot be listed under the same number.

    Name or full name of the participant in the case
    When querying using this parameter, the search result will be a list of all cases in whose materials a match was found for the entered query. Please note that the name or full name. participant in the case are not absolutely accurate indicators, since they may coincide with the name or full name. participant in another case.

    Name of the court
    When requesting this parameter, the search result will be a list of all decisions of this arbitration court.

    Judge's name
    When querying using this parameter, the search result will be a list of all cases in whose materials a match was found for the entered query. It should be noted that full name. judges is not an absolutely accurate indicator, since the same judge can conduct different arbitration cases.

The cases found by request contain the following information:

  • case number;
  • date of the case;
  • participants in the case;
  • brief information about the latest event;
  • court statement.

Search rules

What data can be entered:

A search in the register of legal entities makes it possible to find an organization by identifiers (TIN/OGRN/OGRNIP/OKPO), name of the enterprise, address, subject of the Russian Federation.

Search for individuals is carried out by full name. founder/manager, place of birth.

Searching results:

It is worth noting that the search by identifiers is “exact”, so the result will be a card of the desired legal entity.

When requesting by company name, address, full name. founder/manager, the search result will be a list of organization cards in which a match was found for the entered value.


Besides search queries by details by this register legal entities can be searched in one line. For example, when entering your full name. manager and company name, the search will only be based on those cards in which these two values ​​occur. The combination of values ​​increases the relevance of the search engine results (high matching of the entered query with the answer to it), which makes it possible to quickly find the company or individual you need.

What data can be entered:

Searching results:

In the search results by identifiers, the search engine will display a list of messages submitted by this legal entity.

When you search by organization name, you will receive a list of messages containing this search query. Please note that the names of legal entities may be the same.


You can read the full text of the messages and, if necessary, order a copy of the page of the journal “Bulletin of State Registration” with this message. To order, you must log into your personal account/register on the website.

What data can be entered:

INN/OGRN/Name of organization/Full name. principal, participant in the case, authorized representative, notary;

Searching results:

The search result will be full text messages about the revocation of the power of attorney, published in the Kommersant newspaper, which contains any of the parameters used in the request.


You can specify the time interval in which the publication could be made.

What data can be entered:

There are several search parameters: by case number, by arbitration manager, by SRO, by debtor and organizer.

Searching results:

  • messages submitted by the arbitration manager;
  • a list of all arbitration managers indicating the SRO and identifiers (TIN, registration number);
  • the desired organization with address and identifiers. Below will be displayed a list of arbitration managers included in the SRO;
  • a short message text containing information about bankruptcy with the required parameter.


You can limit your search results by selecting the time period you want (for example, November 1, 2012 - December 1, 2012). This will display all published bankruptcy information for the specified time period.

What data can be entered:

Case number, name of court, full name. participant in the case or judge.

Searching results:

  • arbitration court ruling;
  • a list of arbitration cases in the materials of which a match was found for the entered query;
  • list of arbitration court decisions;
  • a list of cases in whose materials a match was found for the entered query.


For a more convenient search, the section has a filter based on the date of registration of the case, which allows you to specify the search results.

"Kommersant Card Index"
Year of foundation

October, 1995


Russia Moscow


"Kommersant Kartoteka" - (until May 2011 “Information Agency “Valaam”) - a portal containing information about participants in Russian business, as well as business news and analytical materials. A subsidiary of the Kommersant Publishing House. Provides its clients with information services, information disclosure services, and other services. He is the developer and copyright holder of a number of software products.


Kommersant Kartoteka LLC(former name LLC "Information Agency "Valaam") founded in October 1995. Three years later, the company creates a website to disclose information about companies. Through the search system you can find information about legal entities registered in Moscow, disclosure of information about joint-stock banks.

In October 2002, the company was included in the “Fourth Rating of Russian PR Agencies” conducted by ROMIR (Russian Public Opinion and Market Research) in the categories: “Political Consulting and Election Technologies” and “Business PR”.

In 2004, the company, together with the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation, became the founder of the journal “Bulletin of State Registration”, a single specialized media outlet that publishes data on state registration of legal entities. The magazine has been published since 2005.

In 2006, based on information received in the journal “Bulletin of State Registration”, it was developed software "Electronic monitoring". It allows you to carry out weekly automatic tracking of specified counterparties about the fact of publication in the journal “Bulletin of State Registration” with subsequent informing the user at Email. To date, messages about insolvency (bankruptcy) from the Kommersant newspaper have been added to the Electronic Monitoring information base.

In 2009, the company successfully completed research and development work for the Federal Tax Service Russian Federation on the topic: “Development of IT strategy for tax authorities based on Russian and foreign experience.” Starting from March 2010, the company is authorized to enter into transactions to receive bankruptcy messages in the Saturday edition of the Kommersant newspaper on the basis of agency agreement No. KD-31/10 dated March 4, 2010 with Kommersant CJSC. Publishing House".

Since May 2011, Information Agency Valaam LLC changed its name to Kommersant KARTOTEKA LLC. An electronic trading platform for the sale of property of debtors (bankrupts) began to function. By the end of the year, it became part of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms.

May 2012 - Electronic trading platform (hereinafter - ETP) "KARTOTEKA.RU" entered the TOP 5 platforms offering the most comfortable tariffs, compiled by the Bankruptcy.rf website.

In November 2012, the company's next projects were launched - ETP for government procurement within the framework of 223-FZ and for purchases/sales in the commercial sector, as well as ETP for Privatization of state property.

"Bulletin of State Registration"

"Bulletin of State Registration" is a weekly specialized printed edition, comes out in 2 parts. Has an electronic version.

In 2004, Kommersant Kartoteka, together with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, became the founder of the journal “Bulletin of State Registration”.

The publication was created to implement the provisions Federal Law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”

The system implements full-text end-to-end And structured search from all sources of information. Users can enter queries of interest or a combination of them into the search bar ( company name, INN, OGRN, address, full names of managers, numbers or names of participants in court cases, enforcement proceedings and patents, topic of publication in the media, etc.).
Availability filters on the right side of the search bar allows you to configure search parameters for legal and individuals by region, industry, date of registration or liquidation, financial characteristics and other criteria.
For full functionality, users need to log in or go through registration process Online. As part of free access, some of the data found for the search query will be hidden.

searching results

Entering a query into the search bar starts processing keywords And quick search compliance with documents. Technologies structured search involve precise identification of the desired object according to specific criteria and inclusion of data in the counterparty’s card. The result of processing the search request is a list of counterparty cards (including mentions of related persons in the management and among the founders).

Principle of operation full-text end-to-end search allows you to find all references to the search object in databases, which are displayed on the full-text search tab, divided by data type, indicating the number of matches (for the convenience of users, the found words from the search query are highlighted in yellow).

The provision of search results is carried out according to the principle of relevance: objects that completely match the query are displayed first, and objects with a partial match will be displayed below.

Availability filters on the right side of the search line allows you to configure search parameters for legal entities and individuals by type of information source new ( general information about the counterparty, messages about liquidation/reorganization and bankruptcy, information about the revocation of powers of attorney, arbitration practice, etc.), company status, regions, industries, date of registration or liquidation, financial characteristics and other criteria.

Counterparty card

Block "Basic information" contains registration and contact information of a legal entity or individual. The section presents the full name and status of the company, telephone and email, date of initial registration, organization codes, history of changes in the composition of managers, founders and subsidiaries, size of the authorized capital, tax arrears. Clicking on the icon Opposite the corresponding line, you can find out the history of changes in this category since 2002. Current extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs are available for download.

On the right top corner located output form menu.

Clicking on the icon "Letter", you will be taken to a window for selecting options for completeness of information from the selected card, which will be generated in the form of a report and automatically sent to the email address you specified. Second icon, "Word", gives you the ability to save the same information to your work computer - again providing different granularity options. Icon "Seal"- instant printing of the set of information you select.

Choose form filling using report options "Brief"(basic information about the company), "Standard"(basic information, material facts and summary statements) and "Full"(all information from the counterparty’s card).

Using an icon "Favorites" you can add what you are watching to this moment card to the “Selected Companies” section of your Personal Account.

Icon "Express report" new allows you to literally generate and then download a report in just a few seconds, providing you with basic registration information (including management, participants and established companies), material facts (arbitration cases, government procurement, liquidation/reorganization notices, etc.) and factors on a couple of pages risk.

Block located on the right side of the card "Risk factors" is a list of significant events indicating the possibility of fictitious and/or dishonest activity, which are collected from the entire card of the counterparty. This section is especially interesting for credit institutions whose financial and economic activities depend on compliance with current standards established by the Bank of Russia.

The service allows you to:

  • identify circumstances indicating a possible lack of real activity among counterparties
  • speed up the process of primary analysis of the counterparty’s activities;
  • prevent non-compliance with contractual obligations.

Among the risk factors arising in the process of liquidation/reorganization of a company, attention should be paid to the possibility migration organization to another region for the purpose of avoiding obligations and its subsequent liquidation through a merger with a long-existing company in this region, or with a newly created legal entity.
CARD FILE, using algorithms developed by its technical specialists, identifies statuses indicating the presence of this risk: “liquidated through migration” and “in the process of reorganization through migration.” This factor appears in the “Risk Factors” block after changing the “Status” line of the “Material Facts” block

"Material Facts" reflect legally significant events in the life of a company or entrepreneur. Color gradation (“traffic light”) indicates what you need to pay attention to when analyzing the activities of the counterparty. The number of events found in each category is indicated in parentheses.

In the block « additional services» 4 counterparty analytics services are presented:

  • Graphic visualization of legal connections;
  • Affiliation check;
  • Comprehensive assessment of financial condition;
  • Setting up for monitoring.

The card of a legal entity or individual also contains information about Types of activities, Trademarks, Management companies, Participants And Established organizations.

In the “Management” block there are now notes about disqualification new - administrative legal liability, expressed in the deprivation of an individual’s rights to occupy management positions, join the board of directors, conduct business, etc. For example, if the director or chief accountant of a company is disqualified, this is a serious risk factor and it is necessary to check not only this company, but also all others in which this person is in any way involved.
The line “History of changes” allows you to find out what happened to the company previously, in particular, what changes took place in the management team. By opening the card of the manager or founder, the user can evaluate their business reputation. The color indication in the “Status” column allows you to determine the current state of the company, for example: whether the organization is active or is in the process of reorganization. You can also find out whether the company was liquidated by decision of the founders or on the initiative of the tax authorities.

The block closes the card "Possible matches", containing the results of a structured and full-text search in 9 categories: Notices of liquidation and reorganization, arbitration practice, pledges of movable property, etc.

event Ribbon

The system finds the most significant events in the life of companies and displays them in chronological order. The information provided is distributed by year and contains the following categories:

  • Date of change;
  • Data source (Unified State Register of Legal Entities, arbitration practice, government procurement, etc.);
  • Type of change (number of the contract or arbitration case, amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, etc.);
  • Event ( detailed information about the change).

event Ribbon

Tab " event Ribbon» was developed on the basis of the “Counterparties Monitoring” service with an archive depth up to 2002 and displays in chronological order the most significant events in the life of organizations and individuals. The system finds and provides information distributed by year in the following categories:

The system finds and provides information distributed by year in the following categories:

  • Date of change;
  • source of data (Unified State Register of Legal Entities, arbitration practice, government procurement, etc.);
  • type of change (number of the contract or arbitration case, amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, etc.);
  • event (details about the change).

Essential Facts

In the tab "Material Facts" users can learn more about all significant changes in the activities of a company or entrepreneur. The database contains detailed information about arbitration cases, enforcement proceedings, pledges, public procurement, licenses and much more.

For example, in “Arbitration Practice” you can view in chronological order both summary statistics on arbitration processes and information on court cases in which a company or entrepreneur acted as a plaintiff, defendant or third party. Of greatest interest may be the data from the columns “Status” new, “Probable outcome” new and “Probable completion date” new of the consideration of the case in court.

The updated service for a full check of “Canceled powers of attorney” new gives access to a unique combined database of messages about the cancellation of powers of attorney in simple written form of the Kommersant newspaper and canceled notarized powers of attorney of the Federal Notary Chamber. The service allows website users to track possible fictitious transactions (alienation of property, loans, credits, etc.).

Possible matches

Due to the lack common standards maintaining and filling out documentation by various government agencies, some of the information from the sources used cannot be clearly identified and assigned to a specific person or organization. To obtain additional information about the activities of counterparties, you can view and analyze the data found by the system through a full-text end-to-end search in the specified section.

To obtain additional information about the activities of counterparties, you can view and analyze the data found by the system by full-text end-to-end search in the specified section.

Full text search allows you to identify possible matches in the composition of managers and founders (including those present in documents disclosed by issuers).
Key phrases from search queries are highlighted in yellow.

Financial statements

The section includes data that legal entities provide to ROSSTAT, as well as reporting from credit and insurance organizations.
Due to differences in source data formats, subsections have slight differences in content.
Here you can perform an express analysis of the company, as well as view financial statements and consolidated statements.

Express analysis

The section provides an opportunity to carry out an express analysis of the company, the result of which is a brief and visual assessment of the financial condition and dynamics of the organization's development. The service allows you to get a general idea of ​​the financial situation of the enterprise, as well as timely detect negative trends, including the threat of bankruptcy.

Express analysis includes:

  • the pace of growth and development of the company;
  • cost-benefit analysis;
  • analysis of the provision of reserves with sources of their formation;
  • liquidity;
  • assessment of the balance sheet structure and solvency of the organization;
  • analysis of the risk of bankruptcy of the organization.

Graphic visualization

The service allows you to visualize current and former legal connections between companies, entrepreneurs and individuals, look for final beneficiaries, build an ownership structure and identify possible affiliation. Connections are displayed according to data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, government contracts, pledges, tenders, messages from issuers and arbitration practice; a search has also been added for Possible matches new, lined with a gray dotted line.
Users can independently configure display settings in the following categories:

  • Presentation mode;
  • Editing and selecting objects;
Block Presentation modes is intended for selecting options for displaying the structure of connections, and Editing And Selecting objects– for additional processing and grouping.

As for filters, you can operate with parameters such as:

  • Type of visualization object (LE, FL, IP);
  • Company status;
  • Company registration (Russian and foreign);
  • History of changes (former managers and founders);
  • Filter legal entities by region and OKVED.
Also in the filter block, the “Add object” NEW option has been introduced, which makes it possible to search and display an additional object (counterparty) on the diagram with automatic construction of connections and affiliations.

By clicking on any of the icons of companies or individuals on the diagram, you get the opportunity to visualize and analyze information on significant facts with access to government contracts, pledges, tenders, government procurement, arbitration practice and possible connections of this company or individual.

At the bottom of the filter block there is Additional Information and options. You can check out symbols, instructions, print the diagram, save or export the information you need to Word formats or Excel.

Financial position assessment

Based Russian standards and technologies We have developed the “Comprehensive assessment of financial condition” service, which allows you to conduct a thorough analysis and obtain a more correct result compared to foreign analogues.

The service will help assess the reliability of the enterprise. The indicators have a value from 0 to 25. The difference between the presented index calculation model and similar models offered by other market participants is that the calculation uses financial indicators that do not depend on the industry, but are common to organizations of all types of activities. Other methods rely on foreign analogues, which focus on industry average indicators and use mathematical apparatus that does not allow for modeling under conditions of uncertainty, and do not provide accurate readings.

Choose how to fill your forms using Report Options "Brief"(Basic information about the company), "Standard"(Basic Information, Material Facts and Summary Statements) and "Full"(all information from the counterparty’s card).

Using an icon "Favorites" You can add the card you are currently viewing to the “Favorite Companies” section of your Personal Account.

The “Express Report” icon new allows you to literally generate and then download a report in just a few seconds, providing you with basic registration information (including management, participants and established companies), material facts (arbitration cases, government procurement, notices of liquidation/reorganization) on a couple of pages etc.) and risk factors.

How to order?

To place an order you need
Payment is made in any way convenient for you, including bank cards. You can also use the EDI Electronic Document Management system to receive closing documents. Detailed description located in the "Services" section.