The computer does not turn on completely. Why the computer won't turn on - the first step towards finding out the reason

Let's find out the reasons why the computer does not turn on: the speaker does not squeak or emits signals. That is, when when you press the power button, the computer does not show any signs of life, or if it does, it is not what we would like. The reasons can be as simple as no power, or as complex as a device (memory, HDD, etc.) has failed.

Before we begin to deal with this problem, you need to check the simplest thing:

  • Is there a plug in the socket?
  • Is the surge protector enabled?
  • Is the light turned off?
  • Pay attention to the monitor. The computer may be turned on, but the monitor itself is turned off via a button or there is no power. Is the monitor cable connected (VGA or DVI).

Of course, the above is mandatory so that you can see what is happening in the computer, but sometimes users do not pay attention to these points, thereby creating other complications that are more time-consuming.

220V does not come

Power may not be supplied to the computer if:

No voltage at input- for example, the socket is faulty. It’s easy to check - connect from another outlet, or plug in a known-good electrical appliance into this outlet. For example, a kettle, hair dryer or surge protector with indicator. Usually I use a surge protector to determine whether the socket is working or not; if it lights up, then everything is fine with it. We think further.

Behind system unit, there is a special button on the power supply. You need this button to be in position “1” - on, if “0” - off. If this button is missing, then you do not take any action at this stage.

The power cable may come loose- move it, or pull it out and connect it again.

The cable itself is faulty- test it with a tester or indicator. If you don’t have these tools at hand, you can take another power cable and replace it while checking. If the computer turns on, then the problem was in the power cable and you just need to replace it (the cost of the cable is about 100 rubles)

So, we are convinced that everything is in order with the cable, let's move on.

Monitor and video card

If you pressed the power button on the computer and it made a noise and turned on, then you need to check the cables from the system unit to the monitor. Very often the cables come off the monitor, so you don’t see anything on the monitor, but in fact the computer is turned on and working.

There must be a cable from the system unit that transmits the image to the monitor and a cable from the surge protector that supplies energy. If everything is in order with these cables, then pay attention to the video card (if you have an external one).

If the graphics card is faulty, a “No Signal” pop-up will appear on the monitor. First, you should check the VGA or DVI cable, this is what kind of connection you have. Check whether it is inserted tightly and whether the contact pins are bent. Pull out the video card and clean the contacts with an eraser.

If all else fails, try pulling it out and switch the cable to the video card built into the motherboard, if there is one, of course.

Iron malfunctions

It all starts with the power button, and that's where we'll start. Now you need to open the cover of the system unit and look for breaks in the wires. Be sure to check it out!

BIOS signals

When you press the power button, the POST self-test program starts and if it fails (equipment is not connected or poor contact), the boot simply stops and the speaker (speaker) begins to emit beeps. Their sequence depends on the BIOS. From them you can determine the source of the error.

You will always find these signals in my article: “”. If you find out which device is faulty, try replacing it with another one, borrow it from friends or neighbors. If everything works, you can buy this component.

Broken wire for the Power button

From my own experience, I can say that this problem is rare, but it should not be discarded at the last stage of testing. If you have a broken wire from the Power button, then you will not turn on the computer and therefore make sure that everything is in order with the wire that comes from this button.

Once I was testing a computer that did not want to turn on. It seemed like I did everything I could, but there was no reaction from the computer. Then I removed the front cover of the system unit and found a wire break there. In a couple of minutes I connected it, wrapped it with electrical tape and it turned on without question. Apparently someone had already taken it apart before me and accidentally pinched this wire, thereby breaking it when closing the front cover.

So, if you have removed the cover of the system unit, then do not be too lazy to open the front cover.

power unit

Nowadays there is a choice to buy a power supply and of course people buy what is cheaper because they think that it will not affect the operation of the computer in any way. If you buy a cheap Chinese power supply, then we can say that your computer will live next to a powder keg that can explode at the most inopportune moment.

Note: it is better to save, for example, on a computer case and buy a normal power supply.

The power supply is a very important component in a computer, as it supplies energy to all devices on the computer. Therefore, if your computer does not turn on - the monitor screen is black, then the power supply may be the cause of this breakdown.

In this section we will experiment, but if you have a spare power supply or borrow it for a while from another computer (neighbor or friend), then it is better to immediately connect another power supply to your computer. This way you will save your time. At a minimum, its characteristics should be the same as yours or better - that would be most correct. All data on the power supply can be found on the sticker located on it.

The very first thing you can do is disconnect the power cable from: the floppy drive, floppy drive and hard drive. Next, disconnect the video card if you have an external one and remove the RAM from motherboard. Then try to turn on the computer. If the computer buzzes and turns on, then turn it off, connect one device, then turn on the computer, if it turns on, then connect another device, etc. You must understand what device prevented the computer from turning on.

To test the power supply you will need a voltage tester. Eh, sighed users who do not have this device. I understand you, but there are still people who purchased it, since electronic failures are not uncommon. We take a tester and any power connector that comes out of the power supply and measure the voltage. There should be 5V between black and red, and 12V between black and yellow.

If, when testing the power supply, the voltages differ from the numbers I mentioned above, then it’s time to go to the computer store for a new one. By the way, there are permissible deviations when measuring voltage. Approximately 5% is allowed. If you have, for example, 11.9, then everything is fine with your power supply and you need to look for the problem elsewhere.

If you want a modern power supply, then buy 400 - 500 W. Take the average one.

Often problems arise due to a low battery on the motherboard. If you have recently had occasions when your computer's time has gone wrong, then most likely you need to change the battery. The battery is inexpensive and you can buy it at any computer store.

To check the battery, remove it and check its voltage or simply replace it.

If the computer beeps and does not turn on, then it is possible that the memory sticks are faulty. There is also a small chance that the computer is not making any sounds because the speakers are not working. Remove the memory from the slot on the motherboard and clean the contacts with an eraser. Put them back in place and try to turn them on, if it still doesn’t turn on, take them out again and plug them in one at a time. Perhaps one line is faulty.

If there are other connectors on the motherboard that you did not use to connect the module(s) random access memory, then try using them.


So, another option for what to do if the computer does not turn on. If you have recently made any changes to the BIOS, now you need to return the settings to default. Of course, the question arises: how to do this if you don’t see anything?

You need to disconnect the battery from the motherboard, connect power to the computer and press the power button several times. Next, leave the computer without the battery for 20-30 minutes and then connect it back.

If some messages appear on the monitor screen when you turn on the computer, but Windows does not load, then you can go to the BIOS and find a function to reset the settings to factory settings. Then don't forget to save changes made in the BIOS by pressing the F10 button (usually).


So we come to the very last section of this article, and also the most disappointing one - the motherboard. If your motherboard is broken, repairing it can cost a pretty penny.

If you are going to repair it, then think, is there any point? Sometimes its repair can exceed 50% of the cost, and then the question arises: isn’t it easier to buy a new one?

So that you don’t have questions about why your computer won’t turn on and what to do in this situation, perform preventative maintenance on it once a year - clean out the dust and replace the thermal paste once every 2-3 years (approximately). By the way, dust in the computer greatly interferes with the operation of the computer, and once you have opened the system unit, clean everything from the inside.

Windows 7 has become a classic for home use, it is installed on every second computer, despite the development of new operating systems from Microsoft. Having entered the market in 2009, the “seven” still cannot get rid of problems during the launch, which pretty much spoil the nerves of the multi-million user audience. To simplify the life of a user whose computer is running “Seven”, this article was written. In it we will look at how to restore Windows 7 if it does not start.

BOOTMGR is missing

The most common problem that appears during the launch of the “seven”.

The reasons for its appearance may be:

  • damaged sectors of hard disk or non-working SSD memory cells on which Windows 7 is installed (in most cases, you can restore them);
  • spontaneous power outage or reboot of the PC using the “Reset” key;
  • virus activity (very rare);
  • incompetent user handling of hard disk partitioning utilities.

There are several ways to make the error disappear. We will look at how to restore a computer using the OS itself.

  • If you encounter problems while starting Windows 7, press F8 to bring up a menu with a list additional parameters start the computer.
  • Select the “Troubleshooting…” option.

  • Select Russian language and click “Next”.
  • Choose account with administrator rights.
  • Click on “Startup Repair” to operating system I tried to find and fix the problem myself.

  • If the error is not corrected, run command line from the OS Resume Options window.
  • We enter the commands sequentially:

“bootrec.exe /FixMbr” – writes MBR to the system partition;

“bootrec.exe /FixBoot” - creates a boot record on the system volume.

  • Reboot and start the computer.

If after following the steps above, the PC still does not detect Windows 7 installed during startup, run the bootrec.exe command with the “RebuildBcd” attribute through the command line.

It will scan all devices installed on your computer long-term storage information on the presence of OSes installed on them that are compatible with the “seven”, and will allow you to add them to the download list.

And in the very last case, when nothing helps to restore the launch of the “seven”, reserve old folder BCD responsible for starting the PC, and create a new one. This is done using the following chain of commands:

"Disk boot failure" problem or message with the text "Insert system disk"

The startup error is caused by one of several reasons, the essence of which is the following: the computer is trying to find a boot entry on a disk that is not bootable. Factors that prevent Windows 7 from starting:

  • The device from which the computer starts to boot is not system disk– try disconnecting all flash drives, phone, camera, including external ones hard disks, and reboot the system.
  • Check BIOS settings, responsible for the priority of boot devices - there is a high probability that the computer starts booting from a disk that is not the system one. Also look in the BIOS or through one of the special utilities on which Windows 7 is installed.
  • Reconnect the HDD to a different cable and power cable; perhaps the problem lies in the unreliability of the connection or damage to one of the cables, for example, due to its significant bend.

The list of reasons can safely include the lack of installed Windows 7 due to the fact that the disk with it was formatted due to the carelessness or inexperience of a novice user, and reinstalling it or restoring a deleted partition will help here.

If none of the options brings the desired result, try restoring the OS as described in the previous paragraph, and also make sure that the hard drive is working.

Inability to start Windows due to damaged registry files

Among other things, Windows 7 may not boot due to damaged files registry

As a result, the computer will inform the user about the problem and launch an application that allows you to restore the operating system.

But the means for automatic Windows recovery 7 is not always effective and, for example, in the absence backup copy damaged data, the user will have to manually restore the operating system.

  • Call up a window with an extended list of Windows launch options using F8.
  • Select “Troubleshooting...”.
  • Next, click on the link: “System Restore.”

For many years, the computer has been an integral part of the lives of people of different ages and social status. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the panic caused by situations when the computer does not turn on at all when you press the power button, and there is no signal from any indicator. There could be many reasons for this. When such cases occur, it is important, without delay, to figure out why the computer does not turn on and what needs to be done to fix this problem.

The source of malfunctions in the operation of such a complex device can be any factor that ensures its functioning.

The computer may not turn on, or when you turn it on, the operating system does not load, or the monitor does not work.

Understanding which one is relevant to a particular case is not always easy. Especially if the computer does not respond to the start button at all and does not beep. In this case, you may need the help of a specialist, but every user should know and understand what can cause problems in operation and what to do about it. The main reasons when the computer does not turn on include:

  1. Failures in the 220V power supply (malfunction of the socket, kinked cable, problems with the UPS).
  2. Malfunctions in the computer power supply.
  3. The battery on the motherboard is low.
  4. The degree of dust interferes with the operation of the computer.
  5. Malfunctions of components or cables.
  6. The power button is installed poorly or the contacts in its connection are broken.
  7. Faulty motherboard
  8. Processor faults
  9. Problems with the video card or RAM.

It is quite simple to identify the reason why a particular user’s computer does not turn on if the problem is one of the standard ones. The only thing you shouldn’t do is use physical force where intelligence is needed. If, after all the advanced versions and manipulations performed, the computer still could not be brought back to life, you should not knock on it, as this will provoke even greater problems and can lead to data loss - a more serious problem in terms of solution. It is best to contact specialists.

Power failures

The simplest version of why the computer does not turn on immediately and not a single light is lit (button backlight, LED indicators on the motherboard) is connected to the power supply. This is why the power supply problem tops the list of problems. Before you panic and brainstorm, check to see if there is any voltage at all at the outlet where your computer is plugged into. To check the serviceability of the outlet, just connect any electrical appliance that comes to hand.

There are situations when there is only one outlet in the room, but there are many devices that need to be connected to the electrical network. In this case, extension cords and splitters come to the rescue. And this, if the maximum load on one outlet is exceeded or in the event of a voltage drop, can cause the computer to not receive the required share of energy. To check if this is the case, you need to unplug all electrical appliances from the outlet and leave only the computer. Also make sure that the outlet in the extension cords to which the computer is connected is in good working order.

The computer cable may be to blame for poor power supply (especially if the monitor lights up when turned on and the lights on the speakers are on). What to do: unplug the cable from the socket and socket and firmly insert it into place again.

If your computer is connected via source uninterruptible power supply(UPS), to check if it is the culprit of the problem, simply connect the cable from the system unit directly to the outlet.

The power supply is faulty

When you are convinced that the above is working, the next link in which failures may occur if power is properly supplied to the computer is the power supply. In general, power supplies fail due to drying out (swelling) of the capacitors. In addition, if a low-quality power supply fails, it can cause damage to other computer components, especially expensive parts such as the processor and motherboard. This problem is faced primarily by owners of cheaply assembled computers, in which low-quality power supplies are installed in order to save money.

It is very important to monitor the operation of the power supply fan. If it does not rotate, this device will overheat, the protection will trip and the computer will turn off.

If this part does not work, the solution to the problem is quite simple: replace the power supply with a new one. It is advisable that this be a high-quality unit, thereby extending the life of your computer.

To understand that this is the problem, you will need a tester (multimeter). When measuring the voltage in a working power supply, there should be 5V between the black and red wires, and 12V between the black and yellow wires. A slight deviation of the indicators, 7% maximum, is allowed - in this case the unit is operational. If not, then the problem is in the block, and the question “what to do?” The only answer is that it needs to be changed.

The battery on the motherboard is dead

A low battery will make itself known with the following message on the black screen CMOS checksum error – Defaults loaded. Press F1: to continue. After pressing F1, the download will continue, but a lot of problems may arise in the operation of the computer.

Each computer motherboard is equipped with a 3V lithium battery that supports the volatile parameters of CMOS memory. This memory is responsible for BIOS settings.

If the computer system unit is used for a long enough time (3-5 years), the battery runs out. In this case, settings are lost, which can be noticed in advance if the date and time are lost when you turn on the computer. In this case, when the system boots, the BIOS may request a settings update.

When the battery is completely discharged, the computer will turn on, but will not load beyond the POST procedure, that is, it will not come to starting the operating system. If the computer does not turn on, you should reset the BIOS settings using the Clear CMOS jumper.

You can also check if the battery is working using a multimeter.

High degree of dust

In cases where during the entire period of working with the computer the user has never cleaned it of dust, one should not be surprised that after a couple of years the system unit will not be able to turn on at all. When a significant amount of dust accumulates, the computer gives appropriate signals: it overheats, reboots, and begins to freeze.

What to do in in this case? As you might guess, thorough cleaning with brushes and a vacuum cleaner eliminates the problem. Moreover, it is necessary to go through all the working components of the system unit, RAM contacts and boards.

Pay special attention to cleaning coolers (fans). If, when turned on, the cooler spins and then stops or does not spin at all, this gives rise to further malfunctions in the operation of the system unit and overheating of the computer. We pay special attention to the operation of fans central processor, graphics on the video card and hard drive cooling systems. When critical temperatures are reached on these components, the computer turns off spontaneously - overheating protection is triggered. The next time you turn it on, it will turn off immediately, you need to wait until it cools down a little, and it is better to clean the dust at this time. It should be remembered that prolonged operation at extreme temperatures significantly reduces the service life of these expensive components.

It also doesn't hurt to renew the thermal paste after cleaning the fan on the processor. A layer of thermal paste improves contact with the cooler, protects against overheating and ensures reliable operation.

Malfunctions of PC components and cables

The most difficult stage in finding the reasons why the computer refuses to turn on. Each of the components can influence the activation and operation of the system as a whole.

What to do, how to find out what exactly the problem is? First, we disable all components of the system unit that do not affect the process of initially turning on the computer. Leave connected:

  • motherboard with processor;
  • RAM;
  • video card;
  • keyboard.

If the computer does not turn on with the above configuration, do the following:

  • we check by replacing or reinstalling RAM in another slot;
  • to check the video card, disconnect the cable from the monitor and connect it to one of the VGA, DVI or HDMI inputs (if available) on the motherboard, or install a known working video card;
  • If the computer does not turn on after assembly or cleaning, check whether the wire from the power supply to the processor voltage supply socket has come loose.

If we were able to turn on the computer, we connect the cables to the hard drive and analyze how the operating system loads and works. If everything works when you connect the hard drive and all the lights are on, connect the remaining components one by one (TV tuner, sound card, external devices). This exclusion method will make it clear which part of the unit does not work and leads to a violation of the system startup. Then the solution to the problem will be to replace the component or repair it.

Important. All operations should be carried out only with the computer turned off. When disconnecting the cable from the video card, be sure to turn off the monitor, otherwise disable this expensive component.

Poor power button

The computer power button often plays an important role in a situation when the computer does not turn on. If the power button does not close properly, the computer will not respond when pressed. In this case, the backlight often does not work.

You can check whether the power button is involved in the problem by finding the Power connector on the motherboard and removing it. After this, carefully closing the wires, you need to make sure whether the switching result changes. If yes, then this is a signal that the problem is really in the button; if not, the search is not over yet.

Faulty motherboard

As always, the most undesirable scenario is considered last. So it is in this situation, because if the computer does not boot when this version is confirmed, such an important working component of the system unit as the motherboard will have to be replaced. And this is a rather expensive process (it makes sense to repair it only if the cost of a technician’s services does not exceed a third of the cost of a new component). Damage to the motherboard can be caused by malfunctions of the power supply, exceeding temperature conditions its components, excessive efforts when installing the processor and its fastening in the system unit, due to the appearance of microcracks. If you notice swollen capacitors, then this also indicates its inoperability.

It is worth noting that if during assembly all, even minor, parts were connected to the motherboard, then most likely it is equipped with a speaker that will signal a malfunction. On in simple language, this is a sensor that makes it clear with sound signals (disgusting squeaks) that the problems are in the operation of the “motherboard”, and the set of combinations of such squeaks (different for different versions BIOS) even allows you to accurately determine the coordinates of the failure.

What to do if nothing beeps during a failure? Most likely, such an insignificant part is simply not connected, since the user was assured that it was of no use. You can connect it yourself. This will take, with the right amount of intelligence, a little time. To carry out such an operation, you will need the instructions for the system board. The instructions will not only tell you which connector on the motherboard to connect the speaker to, but will also decipher the signals it beeps. Depending on the type of board and BIOS, the set of signals with which the speaker beeps may be different and mean one of the options:

  • processor malfunctions;
  • problems with the connection or operation of the video card;
  • faulty RAM sticks or poor contact.

It happens that when purchasing, the user does not pay attention to the compatibility of the motherboard with other components. If a person has decided to replace the motherboard and has found the means to do so, he will certainly be attracted to new, improved models (if, of course, he understands this). Then, during the purchases, the processor, RAM, and video card are included in the kit with the motherboard. This madness can be stopped by a zero balance on the card account or in the buyer’s wallet, or a completely assembled and equipped new computer.

But, if a limited budget restrains the user’s desire to completely upgrade the computer, when choosing a new motherboard, it is important to pay attention to a number of key details so that the new component fits perfectly into the system unit. So, the purchased board should have:

  • processor socket (socket) identical to the old “motherboard”;
  • the required number of RAM slots of the same type as on the faulty motherboard (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, etc.);
  • the same interface for connecting an existing hard drive (IDE, SATA);
  • corresponding PCI-Express video card slot (PCI-E 1x, PCI-E 4x or PCI-E 16x);
  • The number of expansion slots for existing PCI cards is sufficient for the user’s needs and identical to the old board.

If the set of system logic of the new motherboard differs from that of the faulty motherboard, then most likely you will need to reinstall the operating system. But, in the overall scale of the problem, this will not be difficult or costly. Remember, no matter what the problem is, the light will not converge on it like a wedge. Everything has a solution, it is important to approach it correctly.

If the monitor's power button blinks, but there is no image, there is a problem with the VGA (DVI) signal cable or PC video card.

  • Check the monitor signal cable (VGA or DVI), the cable may not fit tightly into the socket. Tighten the cable fixing screws. Try this cable on another screen or install another tested cable on the existing one. Some screens have both VGA and DVI inputs; if one does not work, you need to try another, of course, if you have the appropriate connector on your PC video card.

  • The problem is with the video card. If the system unit has 2 or more video cards, try moving the VGA or DVI cable to another video card. Move the video card to another slot. Replace the video card with a proven one. Test your video card on another PC.

At this point, 90% of all monitor malfunctions are exhausted, and we move on to PC malfunctions.

Computer won't turn on or won't boot?

Before we begin describing PC malfunctions, we should understand the terminology, since seemingly identical words used to describe a malfunction have different meanings.

So, the machine does not turn on when, after pressing the computer's power button:

  • indicator lights do not light up;
  • You can’t hear the noise of operating cooling coolers (fans);
  • There is no single sound signal from the built-in speaker, which usually accompanies normal PC startup. Please note that a series of several beeps of varying duration (short/long), on the contrary, indicate a computer malfunction.

The PC does not boot when, after pressing the computer's power button:

  • indicator lights are constantly on or flashing;
  • the noise of operating cooling coolers (fans) is heard;
  • there is a single sound signal from the built-in speaker after the PC starts; The operating system (hereinafter referred to as OS) of the computer does not load, black screen, blue screen of death (BSoD).

What to do if the computer beeps?

When you turn on the PC, if the result is positive for errors, the built-in speaker emits one short beep.

If at loading in progress a series of beeps (the computer beeps), which means the PC has problems.

Correspondence of the number of signals to their duration, system errors are different and differ depending on BIOS manufacturers.

When you turn on your PC, pay attention to the BIOS developer (information is indicated on the monitor during boot, and can also be found in the instructions for the motherboard).

The most popular BIOS manufacturers are: Asus, Award, AMI, AST, Phoenix, Compaq, DELL.

If the computer does not turn on, you need to follow a number of recommendations below:

  • Make sure that the system unit's power supply is turned on. On the back of the system unit there is a power supply button.

  • Make sure that the outlet to which the PC is connected is working properly (see the solution to a similar problem for a monitor).
  • Make sure the PC power cable is in good condition; there may be a problem with static charge at the ends of the cable or with the cable itself. Pull out the cable and insert it back. Try a different cable (for example, from a monitor).
  • Make sure there is no large quantity dust on computer boards. Try cleaning your computer using a brush and a vacuum cleaner.

  • Make sure the computer's power supply is working properly. Measure the voltage at the output of the power supply with a multimeter. Between the black and yellow wires the voltage should be 12V, between the black and red - 5V. Try another power supply of similar power.

  • Make sure the PC power button is working properly. If necessary, replace the button.
  • Make sure there are no swollen capacitors on the computer motherboard. If there are any, it is necessary to resolder the capacitors.
  • BIOS battery problem. Pull out the battery and check the voltage at its contacts, it should be 3V. Deviations to the smaller side lead to unstable PC operation. Try inserting another battery.

  • Make sure the hard drive is working properly. Check if all connectors (power/SATA/IDE) are installed properly. When using a PC, incl. and when loading it, if you put your hand on the hard drive, you can feel a slight vibration, if this does not happen, there is a high probability of problems with the cables connecting hard disk or its malfunction.
  • Make sure that the RAM (hereinafter referred to as RAM) is in good working order. Try inserting the RAM module into a different slot on the motherboard. If there are several modules, you need to remove them, after which you need to try to insert them into the slots one by one and after each attempt try to turn on the PC. Try replacing the RAM module with a tested, working module.

What to do if the computer does not boot?

As a rule, the computer does not boot due to failures in the operating system or problems with hard drive. To troubleshoot you need to:

Reinstalling Windows 7.

The computer does not turn on - we are looking for a malfunction. PC diagnostics and troubleshooting.

You press the power button, but it doesn’t boot, but the cooler is running, the indicators are blinking, the screen remains black. Computer won't turn on? Looking for a fault

Computer problems happen sooner or later, and one of the most unpleasant in my opinion is when computer won't turn on at all. This is when you press the Power button, but nothing happens, or the lights come on, start and then the computer turns off. Or the lights are on, but there is no image on the monitor, and the computer beeps.

Let's look at all the possible cases why the computer won't turn on. The problem is certainly not a pleasant one, but it is much simpler than, for example, data loss. So, first things first.

Why doesn't the computer work?

The easiest way to determine the cause of the malfunction is by the sounds of the speaker. If nothing works, but the computer beeps, i.e. beeps, then you are in luck because you can determine the source of the problem. If you have never heard sounds from the system unit, then perhaps the beeper is not connected to the motherboard. If a speaker is installed in the system unit or the tweeter is included with the motherboard (but is lying around in the box), try connecting the speaker to the “Speaker” contacts on the motherboard (for more details, look in the instructions for the “motherboard”).

The sounds produced differ depending on the BIOS manufacturer (Award, AMI, Phoenix Bios). If you do not know the name of your BIOS, you can also find it out from the instructions. The most common BIOS sound signals:

Award or Award - Phoenix BIOS

  • 1 long beep and 3 short ones - the video card is not found or does not work
  • Long repeating signals - RAM not found or not working

AMI Bios (American Megatrends, Inc)

  • 2, 3 or 4 short beeps – RAM problem
  • 5 short beeps – the processor may be faulty
  • 1 long, 3 short beeps– video card malfunction

Phoenix Bios

  • 3 very short and 4 short beeps – video card is faulty
  • 2 short beeps and 1 long beep – RAM fault.

Let's identify the main reasons why the computer does not start, and we will follow the path of identifying the source of the problem:

  1. Problems with 220V power supply
  2. The power supply is faulty
  3. Battery ran out
  4. A lot of dust
  5. Bad power button
  6. Motherboard is faulty

Problems with 220V power supply

Yes, it’s trivial, but some people simply forget about it. Therefore, first make sure that there is 220V power in the outlet. To do this, just connect to it some other device, such as a mobile phone or a lamp, instead of a computer. Pay attention to how many other devices are connected through extension cords or splitters to one outlet. It is possible that the permissible load has been exceeded and the protection is triggered.

Try turning off all devices, leaving only the computer, and see if it works now or not. If the voltage in the network is very low or too high, the computer may not turn on or even burn out. You can check the voltage with a special tester or by eye using an incandescent light bulb (not an energy-saving one). At a lower voltage, the light bulb glows dimmer than usual, and at a higher voltage, on the contrary, it glows brighter, or it lights up, but burns out quickly... But this is a last resort, of course a tester is better.

It happens that everything is fine with the outlet, but electricity does not reach the computer due to poor contact of the power cable. You need to try to pull out the power cable from the system unit and insert it back tightly.

If it is clearly visible that the cable is weak and very Chinese, then in any case it is better to replace it with something more decent (you can take the cable from the monitor to check). And don’t forget to turn on the button on the power supply, which is located next to the power socket (not everyone has it), it should also be in the “On” state :)

WARNING: If your power supply has an input voltage switch (usually red), do not touch it under any circumstances! It is designed to switch the input voltage level of 127 and 220 volts, respectively, for countries with a network voltage of 127V, for example the USA, and 220V, like ours.

The power supply is faulty

We have sorted out the power supply, let’s assume that everything is in order with it, then it is supplied to the power supply. In many cases, the problem lies precisely there. Savings have not yet been canceled in our country, and this applies to power supplies in computers quite often. Not everyone still understands how important a high-quality power supply is. And this is not only a reserve for the maximum permissible power, but also the quality of workmanship and the manufacturer’s brand.

This is also good if the power supply quietly fails and the system unit does not turn on. In this case, simply replacing it with a better one will completely solve the problem. But it’s much worse if he takes away some components, or even the entire computer. Then you will have to change almost everything. Scared? It’s too early to be scared; it’s quite possible that everything is fine with you.

If you don’t have a known good power supply at hand, you can try checking the existing one. To do this you will need a voltage tester. You can measure the voltage only if the lights at least light up when you turn on the computer. To do this, take any power connector and measure the voltage: between any black and red wire there should be 5V, and between black and yellow 12V.

If the voltages differ (5-7% deviation is allowed), then look exactly new block nutrition. If it is not under warranty, then you should not bother with its repair.

When some power supplies wear out, the internal protection may “stick”. Try unplugging the power cable and leaving the computer without power for 5-10 minutes, then plug the cable back in and try turning it on. If the computer still does not turn on, and there is no other power supply at hand, let’s go through other points.

Battery ran out

Every motherboard has a small 3V lithium battery. It supports volatile CMOS memory, which stores BIOS settings. On computers that have worked for 3-5 years, or have been in warehouses for a long time, the battery runs out and the settings are lost. This is easy to notice if the time is reset every time you turn on the computer.

Sometimes an error occurs when starting and you have to re-save the settings. But in some cases, the computer may not turn on at all or turn on only once. Checking the battery is not difficult if you have a voltage tester. If it is not there, then the battery just needs to be replaced. They are sold at any computer store.

A lot of dust

If the insides of the computer are covered with a centimeter layer of dust, then you shouldn’t be surprised why it doesn’t turn on :) We clean the system unit and components from dust using a vacuum cleaner and a brush.

Then you should clean the contacts of the RAM and boards. We completely de-energize the computer, remove the memory from the slots and, using a regular eraser (grater), clean the contacts until they shine. Just be careful not to touch microscopic parts that may be immediately above the contacts! Then we take some kind of brush (you can use an old toothbrush, shaving brush or brush) and clean the contacts of the memory slots from dust.

Then we take a wide screwdriver and CAREFULLY, without applying pressure, go over the contacts of the memory slots to knock down oxidation. It is advisable to do the same with the video card and other cards.

We also clean the fans and see if they are spinning. If the fans do not spin after turning on the computer, it may immediately turn off. By the way, there may be a lot of dust due to this.

Problems with components or cables

Here we need to work by exception. The problem may lie in any components inside the system unit: RAM, video card, hard drive, cables, expansion cards (TV tuner, sound card, external controllers). To begin with, we leave only what is necessary for the initial startup of the computer, and turn off everything else. Those. We leave the processor with a fan, RAM, video card (if not built-in) and keyboard connected to the motherboard (check if its connector is tightly inserted).

We try to insert the RAM into another slot or leave only one stick (if there are more of them). If the computer turns on, then connect HDD and see if the operating system boots. If yes, then we connect the devices one by one and thus find the culprit. By the way, the culprit device may actually work, but the whole problem lies in the cable or cables. Therefore, they must also be taken into account.

Bad power button

One of the reasons why the computer may not turn on is the computer’s “Power” button. If it does not close the contacts well, then it is logical to assume that the computer will not turn on. It's easy to remove a button. To do this, you need to find on the motherboard the place where the wires from the front panel of the case are connected, and find the “Power” connector there. The connector must be pulled out and the two contacts carefully closed with a screwdriver. If the computer still does not turn on, then move on.

Motherboard is faulty

The last option is the most disappointing. After all, the motherboard will most likely have to be replaced with a new one, and this will cost a pretty penny. I think you'll want to get a newer board, and that's new processor, and perhaps RAM, and then lo and behold, the video card will catch up, followed by the power supply, in short, you’ll have to change the entire computer :) Please note that if you change the motherboard to another of the same level, it should have:

  • same processor socket (socket)
  • required number of RAM slots, of the same type (DDR2, DDR3, DDR4...)
  • connection interface available hard drive(IDE, SATA)
  • a sufficient number of expansion slots for existing cards (PCI, PCE-Express)

If the new motherboard has a different set of system logic, you may have to reinstall the operating system.

It makes sense to repair the motherboard if the cost of repair does not exceed 30% of its price. You can preliminarily determine the cause of a motherboard malfunction by the sounds of the system speaker if the computer beeps.

There is no point in doing any more amateur activities; you could make things even worse. If all else fails, don't despair. Call a computer technician and he will definitely help you. If you liked the article, share the link with your friends via Twitter or social media, I will be very grateful! There will be a lot more interesting things to come. If you don't want to miss out, subscribe to blog updates right now!

In the meantime, relax, forget about the problem and watch a video about cool sky flyers!

Edited: 2018-07-04

My name is Alexey Vinogradov, I am the author of this wonderful site. I am interested in computers, programs, programming. We have more than 20 years of experience and a lot of wasted nerves :)

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