The Ripple cryptocurrency is an innovation in the banking sector and an investment object of Ripple. Ripple cryptocurrency: a complete guide for investors Investing in ripple

In 2017, a cryptocurrency boom occurred, which forced investors from all over the world to seriously consider virtual money as an investment object. The Ripple cryptocurrency, which experienced a “rebirth” in 2017, was no exception. People have become more interested in whether it is worth buying Ripple? This is not surprising, because within a year the value of XRP increased 350 times, the number of partners increased, and individuals began to buy virtual currency in the hope of a future increase in its price.

The Ripple cryptocurrency took third place in the TOP 10 best cryptocurrencies, behind only Bitcoin and Ethereum, and significantly ahead of Bitcoin Cash in terms of capitalization. As of March 24, 2018, this parameter is $25.8 billion, and the exchange rate is $0.66 per coin.

The events that occurred at the beginning of 2018 confused potential investors. Ripple, like other cryptocurrencies, experienced a correction, and the cost of the cryptocurrency dropped from $2.71 per XRP on January 4, 2018 (on that day the rate reached 3.3 Ripple) to $0.67 per coin (February 4, 2018 ). Subsequently, there was another increase to $1.16, but on March 24 the exchange rate dropped again to $0.66.

Such volatility “confused the cards” for investors, companies and banks who had high hopes for the cryptocurrency and planned to cooperate and invest money in XRP. So today it is not clear whether it is worth investing in Ripple, how safe it is, and whether you can count on profit in the future. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Is it worth buying Ripple - a brief analysis of XRP

The Ripple cryptocurrency has absorbed the main advantages of existing virtual coins, eliminating the existing disadvantages. The Ripple company has created money that is distinguished by anonymity, decentralization, high speed of transactions and a special confirmation structure (it only partially resembles the current blockchain system). XRP is based on RPCA technology - special gateways and transaction verification by consensus.

Main goals

From the start of its activities, the company’s goal was to replace SWIFT and provide an alternative to payment cards. That is why the main attention in the promotion process was paid not to ordinary clients, but to the banking sector and large companies. The developers claim that the use of XRP can significantly simplify the transaction process, speed up operations and reduce commission costs. Such advantages did not go unnoticed, which led to the growth of the affiliate network. A special boom occurred in 2017.

Thus, the leaders of the Ripple company have chosen and continue to adhere to two directions of development - the use of cryptocurrency by individuals for making payments and investing, as well as the provision powerful tool banking system. The versatility of goals increases and makes it more interesting for investment. For example, if XRP fails to withstand competition in the private sector, it will most likely find itself in banking sector or vice versa.

The attractiveness of XRP is already visible from the figures given above. At the beginning of 2017, the exchange rate price of the coin was $0.0063, and today this figure has increased more than 100 times. Even without taking into account the unusual jump that occurred at the end of 2017, this is an excellent indicator for potential investors. For many, the answer to the question of whether to buy Ripple became obvious - they gladly invested in the cryptocurrency, being confident in its further development.

Affiliate network growth

Such successes of the payment instrument on the exchange attracted the interest of potential partners. Recently, Ripple received a powerful investment in the form of $9 million from a whole group of organizations - Core Innovation Capital, Venture and other “giants” of the digital market sector. This fact shows faith in cryptocurrency and its future growth.

  • Read also the article about whether there is.
In addition, Ripple has introduced a new service that allows you to save and exchange precious metals. As a result, Ripple is the only platform that allows trading using such an asset. The Silver Bullion organization acts as a guarantor of transactions, while the precious metals themselves are kept in one of the banking institutions in Singapore.

Despite a number of difficulties in the process of introducing the system into the financial sector, many banks have tried the capabilities of new tools. Institutions such as the National Bank of the United Arab Emirates, Daiva Next Bank, Nomura Trust, ORIX Bank and others have already become partners of Ripple. Most organizations operate in Japan, but this is only the beginning of the journey. Other banking institutions are also showing interest in Ripple, testing new services and checking the relevance of their use.

Experts assure that this pace of development has a positive effect on the investment attractiveness of cryptocurrency and the company’s instruments as a whole. Against this background, the dilemma of whether to buy Ripple (XRP) becomes less difficult for ordinary investors.

Advantages and disadvantages of Ripple

When considering the potential and prospects of the Ripple cryptocurrency, it is important to take into account its pros and cons, which distinguish it from competitors or, conversely, reduce its value in the eyes of potential buyers. For convenience, we will add the main features to the table.

Minimum commission. It is known that when conducting a transaction on the Ripple network, only 0.00001 XRP is debited from the user’s account. As for the real commission, it does not exceed $0.0049 (depending on the exchange rate). As for other cryptocurrencies, the indicators are higher here. For example, Bitcoin's average commission payment is $1.25, Ethereum's is 0.34, and Litecoin's is 0.19. All information is as of March 24, 2018.More than half of all coins are in the hands of the creators. If you throw all your money into the market at once, its price could fall to zero. To avoid this, XRP is being released into the public market gradually.
Scalability. One of the main advantages of Ripple is its ability to process 1500 operations per second, and this figure can be increased. For comparison, in Bitcoin this figure is 7, in Ethereum - 20, in Dash - 48, and in Litecoin - 56.
Transaction speed. Money transferred in XRP reaches the second party of the transaction within 2-3 seconds. In the case of Bitcoin, you have to wait several hours for confirmation, and in the case of Ethereum, from 4.5 minutes or more.No mining. For many network users, this feature is a disadvantage.
There is no mining possibility. At the time of the company’s creation in 2012, the developers issued 100 billion coins without the possibility of further issuing a virtual coin. Moreover, more than 60% is in the hands of the creators, and the rest is freely available. As a result, cryptocurrency is not afraid of inflation.
Specificity of the goal. The creators of other virtual coins set themselves global goals aimed at replacing fiat money with cryptocurrency. As for Ripple, the company’s goals are more “down to earth” and aimed at solving current needs, including in the banking sector. Of course, there are more important tasks, for example, replacing SWIFT.Low rate. Due to the fact that 100 billion coins were issued when the company appeared, one cannot count on rapid growth of the cryptocurrency. According to experts, by the end of 2018 the exchange rate is unlikely to cross the level of 3–4 dollars.
Reliable team. Today, the Ripple community is constantly expanding, and the development team consists of only professionals, which makes investing in XRP safer. Talented and popular individuals in the digital environment participate in the development of the project, which increases the level of trust on the part of partners.
No negative reputation. The XRP cryptocurrency has never been used for illegal activities, which makes it more interesting for large investors.Risks. Despite its popularity this year, the Ripple company can change its course of development at any time, because cryptocurrency is only one of the branches of its work. In such a situation, interest in the virtual coin may disappear.
Full information. The company carefully approached the preparation of the “White Paper”, which discussed steps for further development and expansion of the project. This approach provides additional transparency to the platform.
Wide partner network. As noted, many companies and banks connected to the system, which would never work with a suspicious and unpromising platform. For now, the main partners are in Japan and South Korea, but moving to the West is only a matter of time.High degree of centralization. This disadvantage comes from the fact that most of the coins are in the hands of the company. This means that it can influence the XRP rate and other parameters.
Increasing demand for cryptocurrency. led to an increase in the number of transactions carried out with the virtual coin. Thousands of investors have opened wallets to buy and accumulate Ripple.

Is it worth investing in Ripple - forecasts

The prospects for Ripple technology are beyond doubt. Already today, cryptocurrency is of interest to individuals, the banking sector and large companies. Thanks to constant innovation, XRP looks attractive and when asked whether it is worth investing in Ripple, many experts answer in the affirmative. What is the reason for such confidence?

There is no reason to expect that banks will begin to use the new technology en masse in the near future - the monopoly of SFIFT, which is directly managed by a consortium of banks, is too strong. Most likely, the situation will be sluggish, and the Ripple network will gradually expand. Financial institutions review the technology, test it, highlight advantages and disadvantages. With this approach, it can take years for the system to develop.

However, the XRP cryptocurrency is the main competitor of existing payment systems. But you shouldn’t expect a “revolution”. The total turnover of money in the Visa and MasterCard networks exceeds 13 trillion dollars (9 and 4 trillion, respectively). If we take into account such giants as Maestro and PayPal, this amount will increase even more.

When the company was created, 100 billion coins were issued, most of which are in the hands of developers. By 2023, it is planned to completely release all available XRP for free sale. It is unlikely that financial institutions will abandon existing instruments in favor of cryptocurrency, which is just developing, and the “lion’s” part of the coins is in unauthorized hands.

Let's consider an example where the situation will develop in favor of Ripple, and by 2023 the platform will capture half of the existing transaction market. In this case, XRP’s capitalization will exceed $6.5 trillion. If you do some rough calculations and divide the mentioned figure by the total number of coins, you get a rate of about $60–65 per XRP. This means that when ideal conditions the price of Ripple will not increase above the mentioned indicator.

Of course, the calculations considered are too rough, because by 2023 many coins will be “burnt” for commission. The final figure with 50% of the market may be even lower. In addition, much depends on the payment turnover, which is growing every year, and the amount of 13 trillion dollars could increase to 20 trillion or more.

If we assume a more realistic scenario in which Ripple gradually develops (without unpredictable jumps), the value of the virtual coin will increase by $1 every year. Taking this factor into account, by 2023 the price of the cryptocurrency could reach $6.

Is it worth buying Ripple cryptocurrency today?

XRP virtual coins can be considered as an investment for a long period. Every year the price of Ripple will increase, which will inevitably lead investors to increase capital. For reliability, you can invest money in different cryptocurrencies in order to save funds in case of sharp volatility of the virtual coin.

The question of whether it is worth buying the Ripple cryptocurrency cannot be given a definite answer. Each investor makes a decision personally, taking into account their financial condition and personal analysis of cryptocurrency trends. If you present the facts, they so far testify in favor of XRP:

  1. In terms of capitalization, the cryptocurrency strengthened in third place.
  2. A temporary drop in price indicates that the virtual coin will soon grow.
  3. In one year, the price of Ripple increased 100 times.
  4. An increase in the number of partners among banks and companies indicates the presence of trust in the system and its reliability. As a result, the demand for cryptocurrency will also grow among ordinary investors.
  5. The Ripple cryptocurrency is the only virtual coin that can be exchanged for precious metals, which increases the prospects for XRP.
  6. Ripple is increasingly being used as an instrument by investment funds that view the asset from the perspective of long-term investments. Against this background, you can be sure that in 2018 the rate of the virtual coin will go up.
With that said, you can be sure that investing in XRP makes sense. But you shouldn’t count on rapid growth of cryptocurrency. The best decision- start from a long-term perspective. For example, buying 10,000 coins today for $6,600 can significantly increase your capital. If XRP rises to $2 by the end of 2018 - early 2019, which is quite realistic, the income will be $20 thousand and the net profit will be $13,400.

This material was the most difficult to write in comparison with reviews of other cryptocurrencies. After all, there are features here and there is something to puzzle over. The creators, using modern IT technologies, offer the world a bold and unusual solution in the financial world. Well, let's figure it out...

How did the Ripple cryptocurrency appear?

In fact, Ripple is more viewed as an Internet technology that allows financial operations. Initially, the Ripple Labs company did not plan to create its own separate cryptocurrency, but was aimed at the banking sector - to provide banks with unique shape calculations. New technology allows you to carry out internal payments, international payments between banks in a faster manner (reducing transaction time), more secure and, most importantly, with a minimum transaction cost.

Ripple - international payments between banks

Taking into account the specifics of the work, Ripple was written (created) from scratch, without using blockchain technology. This is what distinguishes the Ripple currency from many other cryptocurrencies, which in most cases are forks of Bitcoin.

Fork (English fork - fork, fork) or branch is a division of a software project, as a result of which two independent ones appear: the main one and the new one. As an example, Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.

Banking institutions are looking at the Ripple Internet protocol, and some are even already testing and working with Ripple. For example, at the beginning of 2017, the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) showed interest in Ripple; now joint work is underway with some Japanese banks (Daiwa Next Bank, Mizuho Bank, Nomura Trust, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust and ORIX Bank).

The company presents its feasibility of application in the banking sector on the first page and focuses on this. After all, the main advantage is cost savings and increased efficiency. The official website even provides a calculator that shows savings when making financial transactions. The main competitor for the right to work with banks is Swift.

The revolutionary approach to the financial system that the Ripple system offers is based on the following concepts:

  • credit lines;
  • credit money;
  • mutual trust;
  • system of mutual settlements (without the use of money as such).

The basic principle of operation is reminiscent of the essence of Hawala and the use of the “Six Handshakes Theory”.

Hawala (Arabic - transfer) is an informal financial settlement system based on the mutual settlement of claims and obligations between brokers, used primarily in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The system was formed in Hindustan long before the emergence of the Western banking system... all financial transactions are carried out by the netting method.
The theory of six handshakes is a theory according to which all people on Earth are connected to each other through no more than five levels of mutual acquaintances (and, accordingly, through six handshakes).

The theory of six handshakes

Having studied a lot of materials about the operation of the Ripple cryptocurrency, I understood how the system works, but I still have many questions, one of which is: “Why do I need this and where can I use it?” This is a subjective opinion.

The system will have its own users and fans; this requires time and practice in application. real life. For example, the system works with any currency and, having US dollars, you can pay with system participants in any other currency or even gold. It is intended to use barter transactions between participants and is well suited as an exchanger.

How interesting will this be? What and where will be the benefits of using the system? Demand and relevance? These are the main questions that Ripple must answer in the near future in order to demonstrate its effectiveness in practice. And we will watch the development and application, since one article about Ripple will not get rid of it.

Benefits of Ripple

Ripple cryptocurrency is the internal currency of the Ripple system. Regular users(like banks) provides best quality, which may be in the payment system:

  • decentralization (distributed payment system);
  • fast transfers (the Ripple network works much faster than Bitcoin; transaction confirmation, like in Bitcoin, is not required);
  • no commission;
  • complete control of your funds.

It has a relatively large issue volume - 100 billion coins and they are already in circulation. The coin is divided into 1 million parts. The name Ripple itself translates as “Ripples on the water”, and part of the coin is called “drop” - a drop.

1 XRP - Ripple coin

As a digital currency, it deserves special attention because it has a unique approach in its code and this makes it different from others. It uses a different algorithm, different concepts and developments, and has a different transaction confirmation system. Therefore, it is illogical to compare Bitcoin with Ripple; each currency goes its own way. And it should be noted that people started talking about Ripple earlier, back in 2004, long before Bitcoin.

Comparing Bitcoin with Ripple is illogical

But the lack of investment in technology development held back progress, and Ripple took a long time to reach its peak. Only after attracting capital and the appearance of a development team did things become more efficient. By the way, one of the investors was Google. And support from banks gives hope for the future of Ripple.

Currency Features

The cryptocurrency uses its own protocol - the Ripple Protocol consensus. The attacks and problems that Bitcoin had at one time simply will not work here (“51% attack” is not applicable). The system hasn't had any major problems with malfunctions...until there haven't been. After all, the used software Experts consider it unreliable in terms of security. Thus, the Chinese Center “CERT” (National Computer Security Response Network) conducted research at the end of last year and gave Ripple a “poor rating” - the source code is very vulnerable.

Perhaps Ripple is temporarily uninteresting for hackers. Or perhaps the scheme is working - for each transaction made, 0.00001XRP is debited. And this amount of XRP can be increased if the system sees a significant increase in the number of transactions. As a result, the hacker’s machinations will at some point become simply unprofitable (effective protection against DDoS attacks). It is worth noting that no one receives 0.00001XRP as a reward, but is simply written off (the number of coins decreases). This is a kind of deflationary process. And with the mass recognition of cryptocurrency, its value will increase.

Each wallet has information about all transactions made on the network.

Completed transactions in the system can be reversed. Whether this is a plus or a minus, I don’t even know, without trying it in practice, you won’t know. But this is another unique difference between Ripple and other cryptocurrencies.

The developers do not consider the Ripple cryptocurrency as a full-fledged means of payment for goods and services. Unlike, for example, Dash, you will not find a list of online stores, gas stations and eateries that will gladly accept crypto for payment. And it is unlikely that you will be able, in the future, to pay with this currency for public utilities or buy a valuable item.

How to create a Ripple wallet

To create a Ripple wallet (account), you should follow the link (it is also available on the company’s official website): . This page provides detailed instructions upon account registration (on English language). There is nothing new, everything is as usual:

  • indicate your email and enter complex password;
  • must be saved secret code or download it to your device;
  • we confirm account registration via the link that was sent to you by email;
  • Next, you should go through verification levels (verify your phone number, scanned copies of your passport).

After passing all levels of verification, you are taken to your account, where you already have a generated Ripple wallet number. The account was successfully created, enjoy it to your health.

In recent times, the number of different cryptocurrencies has been growing very quickly due to their increasing popularity and profitability. Their total number has long exceeded 800. Quite an impressive number. But out of all this garbage, the real value and interest on the market are 20-30 coins, which have a fairly impressive amount of capitalization and are intensively traded on the exchange.

All types of coins, their capitalization, trading volume per day can be viewed on the website CryptoCurrency Market Capitalization .

Focus on the coin Ripple. Its development began in 2012. In 2017, Ripple began to be used by global banks around the world, and it was from that moment that the coin began to actively grow in price and increase trading volume. In this regard, it became interesting among both private and large investors. Gradually, the volume of capitalization increased and, at the same time, the price of this cryptocurrency increased. Its designation on the stock exchange is XRP.

The peculiarity of this coin is that with each transaction a tiny part of this currency is lost (destroyed), something like a commission, but there is nothing to worry about, because the amount is insignificant less than 1%, equal to 1/1000th of a cent. This is for safety reasons. By the way, Bitcoin also introduced a commission equal to $0.00001 for this purpose, in order to avoid DOS attacks.
As a result of a large number of transactions, the number of Ripple coins will decrease over time, thereby making the remaining coins more expensive. But there is no need to worry, since the number of these coins is so large that it will last for several decades.

Now on the exchange the price of XRP is $0.25-0.3. In the near future, its price will increase to $1. Therefore, now is the time to buy it and wait for the moment when the price rises. I think that by the fall it will reach this level. This is a very profitable investment. So if anyone is interested, think about what I wrote and draw your own conclusions.

Watch the video from Yuri, where he explained in detail the prospects of this coin, what awaits it in the future

P.S.— In this article, I am not forcing anyone to buy anything; I am drawing conclusions from my own observations and collected information on this cryptocurrency.

For those who decide to invest in Ripple, I advise you to buy it on the stock exchange POLONIEX.

In September, look forward to the continuation of this article; I will write about how events developed and whether my predictions came true :)

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Investing in cryptocurrency is a profitable way to make money, because in most cases people manage to earn income. However, in order to achieve maximum profit, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of the cryptocurrency market. Experienced users decide to invest their money in RIPPL, because there is a good chance of earning extra money. There are certain features of the Ripple cryptocurrency that you should learn about before making your first deposit.

Why is it profitable to invest in Ripple?

The creators of the Ripple system claim that their main goal is to give people the opportunity to completely control their finances. Also, this resource allows you to extremely quickly and minimal costs make payments between different countries. The platform will be useful even for large banks, because it allows you to save at least $3.5 on each transaction.

You can also highlight the following advantages of the Ripple system:

  1. Security of payments. As checks have shown, the resource is quite reliably protected from hacker attacks.
  2. You can work with different currencies.
  3. Extremely low commission.
  4. A person can fully control his funds.

At the same time, on this moment You can buy currency inexpensively, and after a while you can make good money on it. But, of course, people should not expect that they will be able to make a profit in the near future. Although the prospect is good, however, you will need to wait longer to gain a good income.

How to invest in Ripple

People are now often looking for options where they can invest money to increase it. Cryptocurrencies are a good investment because there is little risk of losing your funds. Of course, their rate can also fall, but in most cases it increases over time. The user only needs to know when to invest and what currency to purchase.

Note that in order to invest in Ripple, you should acquire at least minimal knowledge about cryptocurrency and making money on it. The main way to generate income is to buy XRP at a low cost and sell it at a high rate. Therefore, it is better to invest money in cryptocurrency after a person has at least a little studied the principle of operation of cryptocurrency exchanges.

Important! As for buying Ripple, this can be done using exchanges. For example, you can use Bitflip, Kraken, Bitstamp.

To make a purchase, you need to register on the selected exchange and then top up your account. If a person is going to use rubles, then they should first be exchanged for dollars, bitcoin or euros. And after that, purchase XRP.

Note that without prior exchange of funds you can purchase Ripple on the Bitflip exchange. However, you should not use this platform for large sums, because it has not yet proven its safety and reliability. It will be more difficult to purchase the necessary cryptocurrency through exchange offices, because there are few such offers left.

To invest, you will need to create your own wallet, which can be mobile, desktop or hardware. Please note that to activate it you will need to have at least 20 XRP in your account. Because this number of coins is necessary in order to reserve a wallet address.

You can use the Rippex wallet, which is suitable for computers and laptops. It's safe, fast, and fairly easy to use. Just download the appropriate version from electronic device and create new account. After registration, you will be able to use your wallet to receive XRP.

For mobile phone you can download Toast Wallet. Again, you will need to download the application and register. Already inside the system you can work with coins using your Ripple address.

How to make money on cryptocurrency

It is important not only to invest in the Ripple cryptocurrency, but also to receive income from it. Now there are two main ways that will allow you to use your money wisely. It would be easiest to invest inRipplefor the purpose of investing in the growth of the value of cryptocurrency. In this situation, you will need to buy coins on a special exchange, and then after a while sell them at a higher price. The danger with this option is that the rate may, on the contrary, go down.

You can also carry out short-term speculation on price changes in Ripple. Trading is supposed to be done on a price chart; for this you can use a broker or do without one. Note that experts currently assess Ripple as a worthwhile and promising resource. That is why even representatives of the banking industry use the system, because they realize its benefits.

Cost forecast

Before you decide to invest money, you should find out about the forecast for Ripple for 2019. It can be noted that the prospects are quite good, and active price growth will continue to be observed. At the moment, the currency has a price of 0.9394 to the dollar, and it is tempting to purchase.

Experts note that at the moment the value of the currency is growing rapidly. Trading turnover per 24 hours averages over $1,500,000,000. At the same time, the market capitalization is 35,968,413,706,99. The forecast is favorable, and in 2019 the currency may cost 60,000 and 100,000 rubles. Therefore, people who purchase XRP now can expect to make large profits as a long-term investment.

Compared to 2017, the currency has risen significantly from the level of 0.1964. Moreover, its peak was in January 2019, when the price was $3.40. At the moment, the rate has fallen slightly, but soon it will go up again. Therefore, now is the most favorable time to buy Ripple. People who make investments will only have to wait until they can sell the cryptocurrency profitably again. And this moment will come very soon, and it is long-term investments that will bring the most income.

There are a huge number of digital money nowadays: some of them are unique in their own way and offer the user know-how, others are like twin brothers. In this diversity is also an unusual coin called Ripple, which, in fact, is not a cryptocurrency in the traditional sense. Why this is considered so and whether it is worth investing money in it - answers to all questions in this article.

Features of the Ripple cryptocurrency

The first and to this day the main cryptocurrency is Bitcoin and, whatever one may say, all subsequent coins are similar to it. And even if they are super-mega-unique, the very fact that they work on , confirms that altcoins have borrowed at least something from their older brother. But the same cannot be said about the Ripple cryptocurrency - it has no connections to the blockchain and works on its own protocol. This very protocol is based on a distributed registry, is open source and operates armed with the principle of consensus, that is, agreement.

Let us immediately note that the developers of Ripple did not even think about any cryptocurrencies - work on the project began in 2004, when cryptocurrencies were unheard of. Initially, the creators had a different goal - to create a system of global and free payments. This idea was quite successful and, as a result, the internal settlement coin Ripple was born, which was successfully included in the ranks of cryptocurrencies. And it is not just in these ranks, but conveniently located at the very top of the cryptocurrency TOP - its capitalization is 7.7$billion. Today, Ripple ranks fourth among all respected cryptocurrencies, but there were times when it briefly climbed to second place after Bitcoin.

But Ripple has a very specific relationship. Many experts say that if the role of the world’s reserve currency shines on the crypto fraternity, then Ripple is more likely to receive this honor, and not cue ball. And no matter how much we love Bitcoin, we must admit that in terms of technical parameters it is inferior to many cryptocurrencies. Ripple, as a global settlement system, has found active use in the banking sector and a huge list of financial institutions around the world have already adopted its protocol. Very soon, Ripple can greatly change the face of the banking industry, because today it is already creating real competition for systems such as SWIFT and Western Union. And yes, they are already nervously smoking on the sidelines, watching as bank after Ripple bank squeezes out their market.

Does Ripple Mining Exist?

If you think that now with a slight movement of your hand you will download the program and start mining Ripple in your wallet, then we advise you to cool your ardor. As mentioned above, the coin and the entire system are fundamentally different from other cryptocurrencies and Ripple simply does not. Coin mining is not included in its concept, because the system works well without miners - it doesn’t need them.

Since the start of the project, which occurred in 2014, 100 billion XRP coins have been “minted” and their further production is not provided for by the system. It is noteworthy that out of these hundred billion ripples, only 20 are distributed among users, the rest are entirely controlled by the developers. This causes a lot of controversy that the project is not decentralized and the creators of the cryptocurrency can easily influence its rate. To calm down the raging masses, Ripple Labs has personally blocked access to coins with smart contracts and from time to time they can receive small parts of the amount for the development of the project.

Since there are no miners in the system, the role of confirming authorities is played by trusted nodes. There are many of them on the network, but again, only the user who has passed the Ripple Labs certification becomes a node. So there are still problems with decentralization and they confuse many users.

Where can you buy Ripple?

In terms of capitalization, Ripple sits in an honorable fourth place, which means it is present on almost all cryptocurrency exchanges. The coin is popular, and any demand generates supply and trading platforms willingly include it in their listings. Therefore, if you are planning to acquire Ripple, then you will not have any difficulties in this process. Many popular exchanges support Ripple, including:

  • Poloniex;
  • Kraken;
  • Bittrex;
  • Bitfinex;
  • Bithumb et al.

At the same time, there is a large number of crypto exchanges created in honor of the Ripple coin, and it ranks key place at such sites. If you don’t want to deal with crypto exchanges, then there is a familiar alternative for us - you can purchase ripples through exchangers.

Ripple (XRP) cryptocurrency rate

The Ripple coin began trading on the exchange at a cost of 0.005$, and reached its maximum in May 2017 – 0.36$. Today the rate has fallen slightly and is quoted at around 0.2$, but even with such a rise in price, investors who invested money in this cryptocurrency from the start were able to make very good money. In any case, over the long term, we should expect Ripple to rise in price, and not only because large investors and banks are paying attention to the coin and the system as a whole. The very concept of cryptocurrency includes a strict number of coins that are not produced, and this will counteract inflation. And at the same time, the developers introduced the process of burning 0.00001 XRP for each transaction. This was done to prevent spam transactions, and in practice it will not only prevent an attack, but will also help reduce the number of coins. Even with stable demand, as the number of XRP decreases, the price of coins will increase.

Where to store Ripple?

If you are someone who still stores any coins on an exchange, then this is very dangerous. Crypto exchanges are very active in scamming and the recent case with a large exchange proved this. Therefore, it is better to trust storage to wallets, but in the case of Ripple, everything is not so simple - there is no official client for the coin, and the developers do not position it as a monetary unit outside their system, but suggest using the Gatehub platform for this. However, there are alternative options.

Wallets for Ripple cryptocurrency

You can use a variety of wallets to store the XRP cryptocurrency. The popularity of the coin contributed to the fact that many developers of multi-currency wallets paid attention to it and added it to their clients. But there are also specific wallets that are designed specifically for Ripple.

  • RIPPEX— if you are a fan of desktop wallets, then you should give preference to this application. The client can be downloaded for almost any operating systems, the storage of private keys is carried out by the user, but everyone can check the authenticity of the client’s work, thanks to the open source code. Big advantage wallet - there is a software and online option.
  • Gatehub– a platform recommended by the developers of RippleLabs, allows you to store XRP, send it to other users, and even exchange cryptocurrencies among themselves. Overall, the wallet is very convenient and perfect for beginners.
  • Ledger Nano S– the most reliable storage option. The developers of the famous hardware wallet recently added support for the Ripple cryptocurrency and now you can place your coins in this cold storage. Ledger has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but there is a significant disadvantage - it is a paid wallet, for the purchase of which you will need to shell out about 60 euros, as well as pay for delivery from France itself.

How to create a Ripple wallet?

It is very easy to create your account on the official Gatehub platform, as well as use it in the future. But storing a large number of ripples in online storage is not recommended - if you purchased large volumes of coins and want to keep them for a long time, then the best option hardware Ledger or free RIPPEX.

To create your wallet on Gatehub follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the official Gatehub website and select the “Sign Up” section.
  2. Then enter your email, password (twice) and go through the anti-bot verification.
  3. You will be offered your wallet access key, which must be stored in a safe place, or better yet, in several places and on different media.
  4. The next stage is email confirmation, and after the first login you must undergo forced verification in the form of filling out personal information. After this, you can fully use the functionality of the wallet.

Again, we note that it is better to store small amounts of money needed for quick transactions in online wallets, while the place for all your long-term investments is in software clients. This is explained by the fact that desktops are secure, but not so convenient to use, while coins stored on third-party servers can be used comfortably, but it is not safe to trust these same servers with too many funds.

Ripple cryptocurrency – forecast for 2018

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that Ripple is a very unusual cryptocurrency that has a powerful technical part, and its protocol is actively being introduced into the banking sector. Already today very large investors, such as Google, are paying attention to it, which clearly indicates good prospects. It is also very important that the coin was not intended to be a speculative instrument, as is the case with most dummy cryptocurrencies, and its development is not going in that direction. At the same time, it cannot be denied that Ripple’s decentralization is limping on both legs and the community can’t do anything about it until the developers themselves decide to take appropriate measures.

Not only in 2018, but also in the future, we should expect an increase in the Ripple exchange rate, because the number of coins will decrease and demand will increase. Therefore, now, when the cryptocurrency rate is quite low, it is worth buying at least a small amount of XRP, which in the future may dramatically increase in price. Well, we still won’t look into the distant future - whether Ripple will live up to the forecasts and surpass Bitcoin or become the property of the banking sector exclusively - in any case, the coin and the protocol will still have time to loudly declare themselves.

September 16, 2017

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