Who invented the Internet. What takes a lot of time? How to get rid of Internet addiction

Who invented the Internet? What do we need it for? What does he give us? Why do we need him? ….
People invented the Internet to make people's lives easier, to make it simpler. Yes, it has become simpler, but that doesn’t make it any more interesting. The Internet takes up too much time and has made our lives monotonous. What is a monotonous life? This is boring! And in general, I believe that people who live on the Internet are lonely people, they are not with us, they are in their own world, in a virtual one, but in their own, they are separate from us. It's horrible. You agree with me?
Yes, the Internet has given us many opportunities, it gives us some knowledge, but at the same time it kills us, it kills our personality. After all, it cannot replace live communication, you cannot hear a person’s intonation, see emotions, facial expressions and movement during communication; the Internet cannot give us all this. Also, it will never be able to replace the feeling of warmth from touch; you cannot hug a person on the Internet, you can only write it on an insensitive keyboard and add an emoticon. Communication on the Internet leads us nowhere. Sitting in front of a screen and typing messages to friends can hide your feelings so that they will not be able to understand that you feel bad or that you dislike this person. There they collect a bunch of different information (mostly false) and make gossip out of it. And this causes problems in your life. Moreover, the problems may turn out to be quite serious for you. All this affects the human psyche, it can develop into a disease. A sick psyche is not a very pleasant diagnosis...


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Internet as a time sink- spending time online, which interferes with realizing personal goals, solving work problems, leading a healthy lifestyle, etc.


Every Internet user knows that the global network has “lullifying” properties. Once on a favorite social network or browser, a person loses track of time, stops adequately assessing how useful his time is, ignores plans and things to do, falling online like Alice down a rabbit hole.

Dangers of the Internet

The Internet “invisibly” takes up a lot of time. Time flies very quickly on the Internet. 15 minutes or half an hour is practically nothing. They fly by in an instant. This is why people spend several hours on the Internet so easily. And at the same time they declare that they don’t have enough time for something! Yes, these hours would be enough for a lot of things in real life! Alas, they all go to the “gluttonous” Internet.

The Internet creates illusions. The Internet creates the illusion of activity - I read here, commented there, posted a photo here and here, wrote a couple of messages. So it seems that you have a lot of friends with whom you actively communicate, that you do a lot and give food to your brain. And when you return to reality, you realize that you haven’t done anything at all. And your likes don't matter. No one is interested in your comment. You may have a lot of friends online, but no one to go to the gym or theater with. Or you can call a couple of friends, but these are absolutely not the people you spend half a day on the Internet with.

The Internet makes you lazy. The whole “heaviness” of surfing the Internet lies in pressing buttons and clicking keys. There is no need to learn anything on the Internet, strain your brain, or wash the dishes. It is not surprising that after surfing the Internet, we return to reality relaxed and lazy. We absolutely don’t want to do anything, we’re trying too hard.

Internet is endless. If any series or movie that you sit down to watch will come to an end sooner or later, then this will not threaten the Internet. You can wander around, watch and read something endlessly.

The Internet is ruining your health. Sitting at the computer, we harm our spine and do not allow our muscles to work. We also eat poorly, stopping only to order pizza or make a couple of sandwiches - and this is instead of a full meal. And all because healthy food still needs to be prepared, and for this we have no strength to take time off from the Internet.

How to get rid of Internet addiction

In China and the USA, Internet addiction is already being treated. However, you can try to do something yourself. For example:

  • Transfer your area of ​​interest from online to offline, that is, find exciting activities outside the Internet that will be more interesting than the Internet;
  • Communicate more, after all real communication much more interesting than virtual; you see a person’s natural reaction, you don’t have to strain your eyes by looking at the screen, you can read emotions and laugh happily together, so make a list of your friends or good buddies, call them and arrange to meet;
  • Set goals, by setting goals offline, you are sort of joining the game of achievement - losing weight, getting a position in a company, changing the design of your apartment, revising your wardrobe. You will begin to feel that sitting online is not bringing you any closer to your goals, and you will realize that this is a waste of time. It is much better to achieve something in reality, and to feed on illusions in the virtual space.

Are you worried about spending too much time on the Internet? Although the Internet can be a good source of relevant information and also provide a great opportunity for social communication, many of us begin to suffer emotionally and physically from the side effects of excessive computer use. There are many various options, steps you can take to curb your computer habits and spend more time away from your screen.


Identifying the Sources of the Problem

    Figure out what you're risking. Sitting in front of a computer screen for too long isn't just a waste of time. This can cause physical and emotional burnout. Understand that spending too much time on the computer can have a negative impact on you. Correctly understanding the potential risk will give you additional motivation to reconsider your habits.

    Make a list of what you do on your computer. To understand where and how you spend too much time on your computer or laptop, track the sites you visit and analyze everything else you do on your computer. Which sites are causing the problem? Calculate how much time you spend on the Internet.

    • Do you use the Internet mainly for social networking? Are you Facebook user, Twitter or Instagram? Have you found yourself mindlessly scrolling through your news feed? Try to figure out why you are so interested social media and how you could reduce the time you spend on them.
    • Many people use the Internet to watch television, movies and other video materials. Do you spend a lot of time on Netflix and YouTube? Is watching videos the main form of your recreation? Is there anything else you could do instead of relaxing by watching videos online?
    • Are you overly obsessed with the news? Do you read the New York Times, Huffington Post and other news websites to keep up with the rest of the world? If so, could you subscribe to a few magazines or read a newspaper instead of checking the news feeds solely on your computer?
    • Do you play any games? Many people use their computer primarily for gaming, whether it be online battles with other players or single-player games. How many hours do you spend on computer games every evening/night?
    • Track how much time you spend on the computer during the week, compile full list all the sites you visit and all the tasks you do on your computer. Try to figure out which sites, applications or games take up the most time from you.
  1. Analyze how much time you spend in front of a computer screen. Many people are very surprised after they calculate how much time they spend sitting at the computer. Find out approximately how many hours a day you spend in front of a computer screen. This may give you more motivation to reduce your screen time.

Changing the way you use the Internet

    Develop a schedule for using the Internet. When it comes to using a computer, you cannot completely give it up. We are increasingly dependent on the Internet and Email: This is needed for work, social life, paying bills and shopping. Developing a schedule for Internet use is the most viable option for resolving the issue. Simply limit the time you spend online without having to completely eradicate your habit.

    Use technology to your advantage. There are many applications and add-ons (add-ons) that can block your access to those websites that take up a lot of your time. If self-control does not help you reduce the time you spend sitting at the computer, then spend some effort installing such an application.

    Uninstall everything you don't need. If you spend a lot of time on your computer playing games or some other applications, then consider maybe it's time to uninstall them.

    Make it difficult for yourself to access. Sometimes the “out of sight, out of mind” principle effectively helps reduce the time spent on the computer. Difficult access to the Internet or laptop in itself can give you extra time to think about what you are doing, so you can come to the right decision and take a break from the computer.

    Take breaks. Even if we are careful about the time we spend on the computer, sometimes we still have to use the computer for work or study. If this is also true for you, take breaks to minimize the physical and emotional side effects of spending too much time on the computer.

Changing your usual lifestyle

    Find yourself a hobby. Often the computer serves as the main form of recreation for a long time. If you've gone down this route in terms of your entertainment activities, try to find some new hobbies to help you combat excessive internet use.

    • If you want to do something after work, do crossword puzzles, sudoku, play Board games and cards. If you live with a roommate, family, or someone else who cares about you great importance, then offer a weekly game in the evenings.
    • Set yourself days without the Internet or days with limited Internet time and use this time for other activities. Hiking in nature often helps reduce Internet addiction. Try organizing hikes on weekends or jogging after work.
    • If you read a lot online, then consider buying real paper books and subscribe to magazines that interest you. Evening reading can help you get away from the computer.
  1. Seek mental health help. Constant, active use of the Internet is sometimes associated with preconditions for the development of depression or the development of anxiety. Although, perhaps you simply suffer from computer or Internet addiction as such.

Many Internet users, especially if they are at least a little honest with themselves, have already noted the fact that they spend too much personal time on the World Wide Web.

The problem is that the effect of the Internet is similar to the effect of a drug, and it is simply impossible to give it up.

So how do you get out of this vicious circle?

Just a couple of mouse clicks, and a person already finds himself in huge streams of various information, he reads the news, watches videos, and can communicate with people from anywhere in the world.

But time flies, and the user, without realizing it, spends many hours online, even if he intended to stay for only twenty minutes.

How can this be avoided? How in our information age to allocate time for such truly important aspects of life as productive work, proper rest, or even for your own interests?

Do the math
The first thing you need to do is sit down and figure out if everything is really that bad. It’s worth taking a piece of paper and writing down on it everything that you don’t have enough time for. It can be anything, the main thing is that you really need it.

Examples include quality rest, communication with friends and family, cleaning your home, preparing nutritious meals, learning foreign languages, playing musical instruments, doing fine arts, or even reading books.

Once your priorities are set, start keeping a diary in which, to the nearest fifteen minutes, you regularly record what you spend your time on. After about three days of maintaining such a schedule, we can summarize. We are most interested in the figure indicating the total time spent on the Internet. Well, were you horrified?

To make the effect most noticeable, take a look at all your Napoleonic plans that you could have implemented if not for sitting on the World Wide Web.
Now you can try to find a solution to the problem.

Choose what you need most
If you pay attention to everything that the Internet offers us, then you will waste a lot of time. However, every browser has a function that allows you to select the most interesting tabs for the user. Think carefully about which sites, blogs, news and entertainment resources you really need, and add them to your Favorites.

And mercilessly remove from your bookmarks everything that you can easily do without. This will significantly save time spent on the Internet.

Set a time limit for yourself
If you managed to figure out the previous point, then this will not be difficult for you. The optimal time that can be spent online without serious losses ranges from thirty minutes to an hour.

This is the very limit that you need to adhere to. Naturally, if we are talking about searching for some important information, then this framework can be somewhat expanded.

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