Where does the memory go on an iPhone? Where does memory go on iPhone? How to free up memory on iPhone

It often happens that there is no space left on the iPhone for any files, photos, documents, etc. At this moment, each of us is wondering how to free up space on the iPhone. This can be done in different ways.

Method No. 1

You need to reinstall or uninstall applications. You should go to “Settings” -> “General” -> “Statistics” -> “Storage”. This way you can see the “biggest” applications. Over time, any application accumulates unnecessary files, which take up a lot of space. Such applications need to be reinstalled, and those that are not needed will simply need to be removed.

Method No. 2

Deleting conversations in iMessage. In this way you can clear some memory, because deleting correspondence in this application will allow you to get a small amount free space.

Method No. 3

Removing old voicemail. The mobile device accumulates old voice messages. These files are usually of no use, so freeing up free space this way is very convenient. In order to do this, you need to go to the “Phone” application, then click “Answering machine” and select unnecessary voice messages, then click the “Delete” function.

In order to confirm the action, you need to go into the same application again and click “ Deleted messages", and then "Clear all". After completing all these steps, voice messages will be completely deleted from the iPhone.

Method No. 4

This method involves clearing memory on your iPhone by deleting temporary files. Most applications downloaded early, even after being removed from the iPhone, leave behind various unnecessary temporary files. You can get rid of this problem by using the “PhoneExpander” application. This application is completely free, so anyone can use it. The application is also very easy to use.

You should open the “PhoneExpander” icon, check the temporary files with unnecessary applications and click the “Clear” option. By deleting all unnecessary files, you can not only free up memory on your iPhone, but also provide more fast work devices.

Method No. 5

Set a shorter storage time for audio and video messages. After listening to such messages with “files,” people often forget to delete them, but they only clog up the memory on the iPhone. In order for these files to be deleted automatically, you need to go to “Settings”, then go to “Messages”, select “Audio messages”, then click “Expires” and enter in the line right time. Taking into account this value, messages will be deleted after reading, over the period of time that was specified.

Method number 6

This method involves not saving the original HDR photos. If you take HDR photos, the iPhone itself saves the real photos, thus doubling the space occupied. In order to avoid this, you need to go to the settings and make sure that your mobile device saves only HDR images. This can be done by clicking on the “Settings” item, go to the “Photo and Camera” section and uncheck the “Keep original” option.

Method No. 7

Storing photos and videos on other cloud storages. Why take up extra space on your iPhone with photos and videos if all these files can be uploaded to Yandex.Disk, Flickr, Dropbox, OneDrive and other cloud storages. This will give you the opportunity to use and view videos and photos whenever you want, but without using up the memory on your mobile device.

Method No. 8

Another very simple way to free up memory on an iPhone is to regularly reboot your mobile device. During a reboot, the iPhone not only improves its performance, but also frees up memory. You can check this method in the iTunes application; when you enable it, all unnecessary files are displayed in the Other folder. Usually this folder is “cluttered” with several gigabytes of garbage.

Method number 9

Delete Safari history and clear website data. Deleting Safari browsing history can be done by clicking on the “Settings” option, then selecting “Safari” -> “Add-ons” -> “Site data”, then confirm the clearing by clicking on “Delete all data”.

Method No. 10

If you need to completely remove all programs, applications, photos, files, etc. in order to clear the memory on your iPhone, then this can be done by setting up your mobile device as new. Before you start deleting all data on your iPhone, you need to create backup copy on iCloud and iTunes. For complete cleaning mobile device you need to go to “Settings”, select the “General” option and click on “Reset”.

To confirm the action, select “Erase content and settings.”

Before using this function, you should make sure that backup copies are saved, since deleting all settings and files is an irreversible process.

Yes, this is the most banal, but at the same time the most effective step. Look at your device. Do you really think you need all those games or apps that you launch once a year? Surely most of them can be removed without any consequences. And if remote application You will still need it; it can be easily restored from the cloud.

You've probably noticed that some applications begin to take up too much space over time. Most often this applies to instant messengers, and cloud services. This happens due to data caching. There are applications that allow you to clear the cache, but the easiest way is to simply reinstall the application from scratch.

Don't be put off by the app's name: in addition to battery information, it does a great job of cleaning up all sorts of junk. On the Junk tab, you can clear the cache and delete temporary application files, freeing up free disk space. In addition, Battery Doctor can release RAM, including through a widget or quick launch icon on the desktop. This should be useful for game lovers.

And finally, the most troublesome, but at the same time effective method. A complete memory wipe and factory reset will return your iOS device to its original state, but, of course, you will lose all your data. Therefore, before starting the procedure, be sure to make a backup in iTunes or iCloud. After that, go to “Settings” → “General” → “Reset” and click “Erase all content and settings.” Then all that remains is to restore your device from a backup copy (or better yet, set it up as new and download all the applications again).

That seems to be all. If you know any additional ways to clear memory space on iOS devices, please share them in the comments.

Greetings to one and all! There is never too much free space, and this can absolutely be confirmed by any owner of the 16 GB version of the iPhone (the author of these lines is in your ranks!). However, owners of other Apple smartphones (those with more capacious internal storage) also probably do not want the memory in their device to disappear without a trace.

And it can really disappear even when, as it seems to you, you are not doing anything with the gadget at all. Just use it in “normal mode”, and the space is gradually reduced. Do you think this is all fantasy and this can’t happen at all? This is where I will probably disappoint you very much - how could it be! Let's look at the reasons for such leaks, and also find out the most important thing - how to deal with them?!

Are you ready? One, two, three... let's go! :)

Lost memory after updating or restoring iOS

With enviable consistency, Apple releases firmware that makes our lives better :) But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to update by directly installing new software (there are many comments with problems), and you have to “roll” the firmware through iPhone recovery. Restored, set up an iCloud backup, go to the storage usage statistics and see how precious megabytes are leaking away every minute...


Very simple and obvious - backup iCloud copy does not recover instantly. It seems to you that the copy has already been downloaded to the device, but in fact this is far from the case. And the recovery process may take more than one day (here, of course, everything depends on the Internet speed and the amount of data).

Every minute, the iPhone downloads information from the “cloud” and transfers it to itself. At the same time, you will not necessarily see this data - it could be message history, cache, and other service information. Visually, all this is not visible, but nevertheless, the download to the device continues and the memory is slowly decreasing.

How to fight

You can simply turn off iCloud in settings, but is it worth doing? It is important to wait until everything is loaded to the end and then the place will stop disappearing anyhow. It's not always true and here's why...

Where does memory disappear while using iPhone?

iPhone memory may decrease during normal use of the phone, even if you do not download any applications or programs, take photos or shoot videos. Where does the free space go? And here's where:

  1. Messages and correspondence in various instant messengers - iMessage, WhatsApp, Viber, etc. Nowadays communication is becoming more and more diverse; various multimedia information is being added to the text. Where is all this stored? That's right, in the phone's memory. We received a couple of messages with audio-video attachments, so that’s minus a few megabytes.
  2. Application and browser cache. Most programs, during use, store data downloaded from the network in their memory. We scrolled through the message feed in the VK client, some data was cached and the size of the application increased slightly, which means the number internal memory decreased. It would seem that they did nothing, but the free space disappeared somewhere. And so with almost any application.
  3. Malfunctions various programs, which leads to their “growing” to indecent sizes. Hello, WhatsApp from early 2016 :)
  4. Sometimes, when the volume is quite large, there is the so-called « diagnostic information”, which is accumulated in the device and must be transferred to iTunes during synchronization.
  5. iOS has « A wonderful feature is that the system downloads its own update independently and without warning. And the size of this update can vary - from tens of megabytes to several gigabytes. And the most important thing is that until the new firmware is downloaded, you simply won’t see it. Everything naturally swings slowly and the memory on the iPhone disappears just as slowly.

« Thanks to all this, a situation may occur when not a single program or game is installed, and there is no free space left. Is it possible to fight this? Certainly! And now I'll tell you how...

How to prevent memory loss on iPhone

Here are some tips that will help not only free up memory, but also make it stop disappearing on its own:

Attention, bonus! Available on iPhone - worth using!

As you can see, there is no need to talk about the fact that the iPhone reduces memory on its own (unless it downloads the update - but that doesn’t count :)). For all these « there are leaks objective reasons and they are quite easy to fix - all you have to do is not be lazy and try all the options.

P.S. Would you like to tell us about your situation? Do you have any questions or questions? Be sure to write in the comments - we’ll try to figure it out together!

P.S.S. We put « like”, click on the buttons social networks and we get + to the free gigabytes on the device. This is so cool that you should definitely try it! :)

Dmitry Trofimov writes to us

Good afternoon My name is Dmiry Trofimov, I am 32 years old, I live in the city of Kaluga and I would like to present to your attention an article that, in my opinion, will be useful to many iPhone owners. In light of recent events with the rise in price of Apple products, it is logical that people who were planning to buy new iPhone 6, they are now looking at the younger models of the line with a memory capacity of 16 GB. But is this volume sufficient in the current realities? And how to use a phone with a small amount of memory? Having encountered this issue on my iPhone 5 with 16GB, I have found several ways to resolve this issue.

1. Photo
You can see what exactly is taking up a lot of space by opening “Settings - General - Statistics - Storage Location”. For most people, either music or photographs come first. I had photographs. Once I started looking into it, I found out that with the camera roll turned on (Settings - Photos and Camera - Upload to my Photo Stream), the photos are actually saved on the device twice. The photo you took and its preview returned from iCloud. By simply turning off the “Upload to my Photo Stream” slider, you will save a third of the space occupied by photos. In my case, out of 2.6 GB, 1.7 remained. In order for photos to still be saved in the iCloud cloud storage, you need to turn on the slider “Settings - Photos and Camera - iCloud Photo Library" When connected to Wi-Fi, your photos will automatically be uploaded to the cloud. True, this is true for iOS versions 8.0 and higher. But that's not all! The new “iCloud Photo Library” will not only save your photos and videos, but also allows you to save only preview photos on your phone and store them in the original size in the cloud. The switch is still there, in the “Photo and Camera” settings.

There is also a minus to this. In order to put any image or photo on your desktop wallpaper, you will need an Internet connection. Although now for any action, be it Instagram, Facebook or simple MMS, you need the Internet. As a result, 350 photos and 11 videos used to take up 2.6 GB, but now it’s 145 MB!

2. Music

The second largest application is music. A carefully collected collection of your favorite albums and downloaded to your phone via iTunes is great! And the slogan Steve Jobs said when he introduced the first iPod, “All my music in my pocket,” is a little outdated. With the development of cloud storage and streaming services, it can be paraphrased as “All the music in the world in my pocket!” Today you can buy music on iTunes or Google Play Music, subscribe to a streaming service, save your favorite tracks on VKontakte, upload your home library to cloud storage, install the application to listen to radio stations from all over the world. So, the Yandex.Music application has collected all this in one place! After simple settings the application displayed all my tracks from account VKontakte, all the music uploaded to Yandex.Disk, even all my purchases in iTunes (how does Yandex know what I bought?).

Now I can save any track or album without any help home computer and iTunes (the full set of functions is only available with a paid subscription). And do this anywhere with Internet access. After all, in fact, we never needed the entire media library with us all the time. A couple of new or favorite albums and a couple of playlists I’ve collected myself. For most this is more than enough. In total, I had 4.1 GB of music on my phone, half of which I didn’t listen to, and I didn’t want to bother with changing the repertoire (computer-cord-sync... brrrr). Now music takes up 2 GB saved on the phone and about 70 albums in my library, available online and not taking up space, but always at hand. And I change the saved music more often, recommendations and notifications about new products help with this. There are many similar services, and everyone can find one convenient for themselves.

3. Web version instead of applications

Look at your applications. Are there social networks or news aggregators among them that you rarely visit, but still cannot completely abandon them? There is an excellent solution - a web version of the site instead of an application. Moreover, you can simply create bookmarks in your browser or send a shortcut from Safari to your desktop.

This is exactly what Jobs intended when there were no apps or apps yet. Some sites have a web version no worse than the application, and if you send a shortcut, it opens without the Safari interface (VKontakte). Some sites (Facebook) will simply open as a page in the browser. For me, such networks were Facebook (it grew to 600 MB) and Google+. But there is an important feature! Push notifications from the web version will not be received! Take this into account. For example, I left the VKontakte application precisely because of notifications. Browse your desktop and you'll likely find social media or news sites like these.

4. Assessing the usefulness of applications

After asking my friends and analyzing what applications are on your phone, I found out that everyone has at least one mega-cool, awesome and popular application that the user has never launched after a couple of days.

In my case, it became a document scanner. An excellent application that I managed to snatch for free during a promotion, but I don’t use it. Not once in a year have I had a situation in which it could be useful, which means it can be safely removed. If you really need it, you can download it again from iTunes purchases, but for now, put it in the furnace. I’m sure you also have such applications on your last desktop in a folder in the corner.

5. Master reset

There are good apps for clearing your iPhone of all cache and unnecessary app data, but nothing will free up space like full reset and re-downloading applications. Do not restore from a copy, but re-install it from the purchase list in iTunes. When you install it again, you will be able to evaluate whether you need this application. The method is radical, but its effect is significant. I do not recommend doing it more than once a year and without preliminary preparation. You must remember to remember all the necessary data, logins/passwords, recovery keys and registration data for your applications.

Total: when I started working on the issue of saving space, I had 500 MB free. Currently there are 4.2 GB free. Moreover, I did not in any way infringe on functionality or content, but, in my opinion, I only gained. Which is what I advise you to do.

Young users of mobile technology are sometimes unable to imagine how owners cell phones Previously, 10-20 MB of internal memory was enough. Rapid technological progress forces us to measure the memory of gadgets in completely different categories - iPhone owners don’t even have time to blink an eye when their 16 built-in gigabytes (!) are full. Android owners rub their palms gloatingly: they are able to expand memory using a flash card, which is not possible with the iPhone.

Fortunately, clear memory Apple devices can be done quickly, without even resorting to deleting data – we’ll tell you about the most effective methods.

Typically, a Phone user begins to think about how to free up the gadget's memory, Not just - it doesn't have enough free space to update operating system or download a popular application from the AppStore. Let's say, an iOS 8 update weighs from 0.9 to 1.1 GB (depending on the device) - about 7 “free” gigabytes are needed to download a new “OS” via Wi-Fi. Owners of 8 GB gadgets do not have access to any other method of updating except iTunes– but even those who are luckier with memory have to begin a large-scale “cleaning” of the gallery.

Check how much memory is required for iOS updates, you can follow the path " Settings» — « Basic» — « Software Update" If there is “nowhere to update,” the gadget will report that “ Latest software installed", and will clarify which version is on the smartphone. If there are available updates, you will see the following information on the screen:

note: iPhone 4 is not updated to iOS 8 because it has only one core, and for normal functioning of this version at least two are needed.Version 7.1.2 is the limit for iPhone 4 . 4S you can update to iOS 8, however, judging by the reviews, it is better not to do this - the gadget begins to freeze.

Knowing how much memory is required for the update, you can calculate how many gigabytes are missing. To find out which applications will have the greatest effect by removing them, follow the path “ Settings» — « Basic» — « Statistics" You will be taken to " Storage»:

The example shows that more than half used memory(and a little less than a third of the total) falls on music - a user who wants to “update” should start with parsing the playlist.

How to clean your iPhone of junk: 7 effective ways

Deleting music and photos is an effective, but still the most banal way to clear your memory. There are others:

Clear Safari browser history

Deleting your browsing history and “cleaning” cookies are operations with which you should start “cleaning” your iPhone. To clean your browser, follow the instructions:

Step 1. Follow the path " Settings» — « Safari" and look for the items " Clear the history" And " Delete cookies and data».

Step 2. Click " Clear the history» and confirm the operation.

Step 3. Click " Delete cookies and data" and also confirm. Let us clarify that cookie- This text files, making the use of the browser more convenient and personalized. It is thanks to cookies that we, for example, have access to auto-filling of logins and passwords. However, for the sake of correct operation of the gadget cookies You can also donate.

Step 4. In submenu Safari go to " Add-ons", then - in " Site data" If the data is null (as in the image below), you can be sure that the browser is cleared.

The more actively an iPhone user surfs the Internet, the more memory can be freed by simply clearing the browser.

Listed operations on performance Safari will not be reflected in any way.

Deactivating Photo Stream

Meaning " Photostream"is as follows: when activated, all photos taken on the user's iPhone are sent to iCloud over Wi-Fi - therefore, the user's friends can view and comment on his pictures without social networks and MMS messages (of course, only with the permission of the account owner). The technology is quite useful, however, many owners of Apple gadgets are not even aware of its existence - at the same time, the program “eats” megabytes of memory.

You can disable it like this:

Step 1. Follow the path " Settings» — « iCloud» — « Photo».

Step 2. Deactivate the toggle switch opposite " My photo stream».

Deleting messages

It's hard to believe, but text messages can take up several gigabytes of memory. When “cleaning”, special attention should be paid to correspondence iMessage such messages are free, so they often contain not only text, but also music, video, and other media content. iOS 8 version allows you to configure automatic removal messages- do it like this:

Step 1. Follow the path " Settings» — « Messages" and in the block " Message history" Press " Leave messages».

Step 2. Select the most suitable SMS storage period. There are only three options: month, year and indefinite storage.

The default is always " Indefinitely" Change to " 1 year“—you definitely won’t notice the difference.

There is no need to worry about the safety of important or dear messages: they can always be restored from backup copies in iTunes.

Disabling auto-updates for podcasts

With the release of iOS 8, the application for listening to podcasts also became part of the iPhone system, which means also started to take up memory. Users very rarely return to listening to old podcasts, however, they sometimes don’t even think about deleting them. But in vain - one podcast weighs on average 25 MB, and on an iPhone there can be hundreds of them!

Disable auto-update and downloading of podcasts like this:

Step 1. Go to " Settings" and find the subsection " Podcasts».

Step 2. In this subsection in the block “ Podcast default settings» turn off « Downloading issues" and activate the slider opposite " Delete playback.».

"Cleaning" the cache

Even if the application itself is lightweight, it can accumulate an impressive amount of data over the entire period of use. How to clarify the statistics was discussed at the beginning of the article - you can check the cache in the same way: in “ Storage» Click on the application you are interested in.

Using the example application " In contact with“We see that the program itself weighs only 23 MB, and another 18 MB is occupied by various documents and data.

There are three ways to clean your iPhone from such “garbage”:

Method No. 1. Uninstall the application and install it again.

Method No. 2. Do a full reset - go through " Settings» — « Basic» — « Reset" and press " Erase content and settings."

Using this method, you will not only remove the “garbage” accumulated by applications, but also lose all media content, so before you start resetting, take the trouble to make a backup copy of your data.

Method No. 3. Clear the cache in the settings of the program itself. Not all applications provide this opportunity, but, for example, Tweetbot, whose temporary files take up a lot of space, leaves the user no other choice - clearing the cache of this program can only be done through the " Reset Account Cash" in settings.

Using special applications

In the AppStore you can download a wonderful utility called Battery Doctor. The main function of this program is to care for the smartphone’s battery, however, it can also free up memory from unnecessary junk without any problems. Launch the program and in the “ Junk" (garbage) press " Clean Up Cache»:

This will run the test, which will take a few minutes:

Battery Doctor It will automatically find temporary files and clear disk space. At the end of the work, the program will inform you that there are no more “junk” files and recommend checking it as often as possible.

Battery Doctor is not the only program of this kind; if this software does not suit you for some reason, try using the Chinese utility Tongbu or desktop Phone app Clean.

Smartphone restaurant

You can also check the amount of “garbage” on your iPhone using iTunes - go to the device section and pay attention to the scale below:

Hover over " Other"(yellow part) - this is data in the cache, unfinished downloads, saved browser pages.

The example shows that “junk” files take up 554 MB of 8 total GB- a very impressive share; the same space could be occupied by 5 music albums of your favorite artists.

This method of cleaning the system does not pose a threat to notes, calendars, SMS messages that were stored on the device, but multimedia files will be deleted.


The measures listed in the article should be applied to permanent basis, and not just once - it is especially important to know how to clear the cache on iPhone and browser history Safari. At the same time, owners of Apple equipment should remember that The procedures and instructions described will not help if the user himself tends to mindlessly install everything from the AppStore and upload it to “ Music» albums that will never be listened to.