Fist update nod 32. How to update ESET Antivirus databases

Updated - 19.09.2016.
For everyone who came to this page in searching for the key, we suggest you use the trawl key generator which is located below. With the help of our video, you will be able to update your antivirus normally. Our method is more convenient, you will not need to constantly look for working keys, you can update at any time using our website. Read the manual or watch the video and upgrade conveniently.In the generator, you can use the same e-mail address multiple times, the keys are issued for a period of 7 days from ESET.

On this moment out already 9 version of Eset Smart Sesurity antivirus, but according to statistics on my site, many people still use the old versions 4 and 5. I suggest you update your antivirus program, to make your PC more secure. In the new version, many virus protection modules have been added or improved.

Download ESET Smart Security 9:

  • 32 bits -
  • 64 bits -

Download NOD32 Antivirus 9:

  • 32 bits -
  • 64 bits -

The 9th version of Anti-Virus and Smart Security does not require a login and password, it is enough to select during activation<Активировать пробную версию>. If you like ESET antivirus, buy it on the official website:

  • smart security
  • Antivirus

Below you can see how to download and install ESET antiviruses. Watch the video below.

So let's try another ESET NOD32 update server:

At the moment there are no working servers, you can see them on other sites for example. You can use the form above to get a legal key from ESET.

The weakest side of any antivirus is obsolescence anti-virus databases. The less often you update the databases, the worse the protection. Antivirus NOD32 by Eset in my opinion is the best. Although its 4th version is clearly "bloatware" (bloated software), it still does a good job of protecting against virus infection.

Eset NOD32 is a commercial product. Servers with its updates are called mirrors. When you purchase a license, you will be able to update from the official Eset servers. But if the idea of ​​piracy does not disgust you and you are ready to break the law, then here is a list of addresses with anti-virus database mirrors NOD32:

Attention. I switched to Linux, now I have no time and nothing to test new pirated mirrors. Therefore, updating the article is temporarily stopped.

Working servers:
Banned mirrors: day days

Record type " - n days"shows how at the time of verification the updates on this mirror lag behind the actual databases.

How to set up an update in the antivirus itself

For example, I take ESS4, this is a firewall + NOD32 antivirus. Any other version of the antivirus is configured in the same way. Open the main window of the program, click F5- get into the settings. Find a point there. "Update". On the right side of the window, click the button "Change".

In the window that appears, type new server, press "Add".

After adding all servers, click OK once. We are back in the settings. To the left of the button Change" there is a drop-down list - " Update server". Now the servers that have just been added should appear in this list. Select either one of them or the item" Select automatically". Click OK and run the update in the main program window.

Manual update. Nod32View

If the antivirus cannot update from the servers you specified, then either server is dead, or address is incorrect, or maybe just "storms on the Sun" :). There is a way out: manual update. Download the program from here Nod32View latest version. The name has changed, the program is the same. The main program window looks something like this:

Nod32 Update Viewer v4.21.2

In the upper right corner is a switch between program modules. Depending on the setup you choose, there may be more icons than in the picture. Select the required module - " ESET update nodv3/v4". Then in field (1) fill in the server address, click " Test ". If the server is alive, then in field (2) it will be added to the list. Repeat the adding procedure with the rest of the servers. The developer's website has a FAQ on the program, see below. button (3).

How to update via Nod32View: in field (2) double click to any address. The program will send a request, and soon the version of the anti-virus databases available on this mirror will appear next to the address. Only then can you upgrade from this server. Or RMB at the address, select " Update mirror", or button " Refresh" in the main menu. If " Refresh"is not available, then:

  • or the latest databases have already been downloaded;
  • or no server selected;
  • or the version of the mirror databases has not been received.

Downloading databases through Nod32View is only half the battle. You also need to go into the antivirus settings (see above), and specify the path to a local mirror with databases on your computer. This is the same path where Nod32View downloads updates (see Nod32View settings, tab " Mirror"). Please note: in Figures 1 and 2, I have the path to the local database mirror - .

After all the settings in both programs and updating the local mirror through Nod32View, you just have to start updating the antivirus itself. You can set these programs to automatic update. How - read the manuals.

A few more words about Nod32View

Word One :) This program has one big disadvantage: the author wants you to periodically download it new version, about which you will receive a message after the expiration date. Wherein old version stops working altogether. The author's motivation seems strained to me: " often there are critical changes in the source data, and the program stops working fully.", etc. (see FAQ on the program, first question). Be that as it may, be prepared for such a surprise.

Second word: Nod32View is also convenient because it allows you to update the network under the protection of Nod32, or transfer updates to computers outside the grid. It is enough to share a directory with a mirror on the network or copy new databases to a USB flash drive.

UPD: Hacked Nod32View

I got fed up with the NodView request to update. Older versions (one year old) perfectly cope with the task set in this article. Insofar as the developer did not give us a choice " to download or not to download"new version, I dug into the code of the program. Nod32View v5.04, untied from the date with cut advertising, download. Use at your own peril and risk;)

How to use banned mirrors

Method 1: Scheduler + NodView

Not far off is the day when ESET specialists will cover all pirate mirrors known to me, and Nod32 will refuse to update. There are two options: finally buy a license and not break the law, or attach NodView to the Nod32 scheduler and set the first one to automatically download updates for the second one. About "buy" I will not describe, everything is on the site And let's dwell on the pirate method in more detail.

In addition to the actual antivirus, you will need the current version of Nod32View. I have now 5.02.2. The very first thing you need to add to the antivirus exceptions is the file "nod32view.exe". NodView supports command line. We are interested in the following call options:

NOD32view.exe /auto - Starts auto-update once
NOD32view.exe v4:http://server/path/ - Downloads the update from the specified server

Auto-update is one big headache: (In order for it to work, it doesn’t matter if you run it through the program button or from the command line, you need:

  1. In the NodView settings (Mirror tab), select which servers to auto-update for, and when v4 / v5 is selected, the flag for v3 is automatically raised! Why?!
  2. Let's say we chose auto-update for v4 (together with v3). We go to the appropriate section, mark the mirrors on which you need to look for new clothes. The server poll will go to the first one that matches by date/version. Everything is correct here. But to force NodView to download something, it needs patience% (Download won't go at all, if:
    • there will be a break in the connection with the mirror
    • the version of the databases does not fit the selected section in some way (databases marked with a red cross or databases for a different version of Nod32)
    • several mirrors with suitable bases have been selected! (tested in practice)

I decided to forget about auto-update and point to command line particular mirror. Everything works great here. Updates are downloaded from the specified server regardless of NodView settings, the problems described above do not arise either. Downloading can only be interrupted by loss of connection with the mirror.

offtopic. More about the "logic" of Nod32View: we take the address of the mirror, for example and try to add it in the v3 section. If the mirror responds (sometimes it lies), then NodView will offer to add it to the section. At the same time, we will receive information that the mirror contains updates for Nod32 ESS5. Okay, version five, let's try to add same address in section v5. At the same time, for some reason, NodView appends it to v5/, after which it states that nothing was found! Where is the logic!?

Having decided on a suitable mirror, it remains to issue a task in the antivirus scheduler " Launching an external application". There are no complications here, here is a screenshot of the most interesting part in my settings:

Please note: daily update scheduled later launch NodView. The update settings specify the local path to the databases where NodView will store them.

There is a chance that your version of Nod32's scheduler will not work as expected. Then the crutch remains the same, and the scheduler to use Windows or any alternative. You can still somehow set the schedule in NodView, but I have not mastered this part of the "miracle software".

Method 2: change the mirror via hosts

Recently found a new idea on this site. It’s strange that I didn’t think of it myself: (The “not childish” method, if it’s not clear how it works, then don’t use it. The point is to change the IP addresses of the official Nod32 servers to the addresses of pirated mirrors. The substitution works on a specific machine and then until the antivirus cleans the file " hosts".

For example, let's take a banned mirror on Through any whois service, for example, we will find out the ip-address of this site, We prescribe in [../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts] conformity: On the left - IP-address of the site with a pirated mirror, on the right - the official Nod32 update server.

In the Nod32 update settings, we indicate an almost real mirror: and that's it, it works! Moreover, you don’t even need to overload the machine, Nod reads “its” mirror without any problems :)

Attention: there should be only one site on the ip-address, otherwise the hoster will not resolve the packet, because it will not find the specified DNS name. You can find out how many sites are on the ip-address on the same page where you got the ip-nick of the mirror. also has a separate option under the search field, " Sites on the same IP". If there are no other sites, then the mirror fits the method.

It may be that even with one site on the ip-shnik the method does not roll, because. the hoster performs a mandatory check of the DNS name. For example, hosted by Agava. And also, presumably, there may be its own protection on the site, as is the case with Then just don't use such sites :)

We turn the idea into a convenient form. From the entire current list of banned mirrors, the method works with the following:,,, and We write the corresponding substitution in hosts:

Now we add new mirrors to Nod32:

As long as pirate mirrors are alive, the update will work. If a server goes down, just switch to the next one or leave the choice entirely up to the antivirus.

For those who, for one reason or another, cannot update from the official eset servers using NOD32 keys(there is no Internet at home, but there is at work or something similar), we suggest you use offline updates for NOD32, or more simply, a periodically updated archive with virus signature databases.

To do this, you need to download the archive with the virus signature database and unpack it into a folder (let's say D:\NOD32_3.x.x_UPD). In the antivirus settings, set the path to this folder as the update server and update from it.

Keys for NOD 32 you can take it on the page, and easily update the GCD 32 signature database via the Internet. But it happens in different ways, not everywhere while there is Internet.

How to set up NOD 32- Versions 5 and 6 in order to be able to update from offline updates using our bases for updating GCD 32, you can go to the GCD 32 update page for versions 5 and 6 without access to the Internet.

Due to the fact that downloading from file hosting is quite annoying, (captcha, waiting, want money)Those who need fresh NOD 32 bases - take the links below, for free, without registration.

For ALL users: download from the links below without registration and expectations.

Detection module bases: ~20811 on date time.

Download update databases for ESET NOD32 Smart Security (ESS) (ESET Internet Security)

Brief instruction:
1. Click on the EAV or ESS link.
2. A window will open in a new tab

3. We take the keys: Insert as in the picture. Click OK.

It will download the latest database for a given hour. Or, registration will help you.

Perhaps everything, if something is not clear, ask questions in the comments.

These are always up-to-date databases from the Russian servers of the NOD32 company.

Despite the widespread blocking of upgrade servers for NOD32, we are constantly looking for new and working solutions. We are pleased to bring to your attention another server that allows you to update this antivirus.
The method we offer is not only much more convenient, but also relieves you of the need to constantly search for working keys, the update is available at any time directly from our website.
Despite the fact that version 8 has already seen the light Eset Smart Security, statistics eloquently indicate that many people prefer the proven and reliable versions 4 and 5 to it.
At the same time, the updated version of the program contains a number of improvements and innovations that make protection even more reliable, so I advise you to update your antivirus after reviewing it full review. Your attention is also presented with a detailed video instruction on downloading, installing and updating the new antivirus.

So, you can try the following update servers for NOD32: - the server is relevant for versions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. - a fallback version that is relevant for everyone application versions. I will briefly explain the essence of such movements. The paid version uses the official server, which requires the purchase of a license for a very considerable amount. You can also update through alternative servers, but recently they have been periodically subjected to powerful electronic attacks. Our server is no exception, so until the problem is resolved, I offer you the following options: replacing the server or switching to a weaker and more unreliable antivirus application. Decide for yourself.

Instructions for replacing the update server for NOD32

Find the NOD32 icon in the system tray (lower right corner of the screen), click on it right click mouse and activate the option " Open»

We welcome you to our website. You are on the unofficial site of Nod32. On this site you can purchase new keys for 7 days for smart security(ESS), Nod.32, Antivirus (EAV) and other 5,6,7,8,9,10 versions. Also for Smart Security (ESS) and Antivirus (EAV) the offline database will be installed daily. These databases are in the tas-ix system and you can download them. You can find the latest information about Nod32, computer security recommendations, offline database installation, use of keys and many other features on our website. On our site you can download the most latest versions Nod32. Programs for Nod32 are provided from the official website Once again, we remind you that all site keys belong to eset companies. We remind you that within 7 days you can use it for free. After the expiration date, we offer to buy from the site Visit our site, use the provided features and download for free.