Lectures on information systems in economics for the correspondence department. The need to use an automated energy metering system

For the purpose of implementation Federal Law dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation", in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and information protection", as well as to ensure the proper functioning of the energy saving information system at Moscow facilities, decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the energy saving information system at Moscow facilities (appendix).

2. Establish that:

2.1. is the state customer for the development of an energy saving information system at Moscow facilities (hereinafter referred to as ISE).

2.2. is the operator of the ISE, and also coordinates the implementation by executive bodies of measures to improve the efficiency of the formation and use of information resources in the ISE.

2.3. ISE is the only source of information, including those used to maintain other information systems of the city of Moscow, about energy saving facilities of the city of Moscow: buildings, structures, structures, premises owned, under economic control, operational management or leased from executive and subordinate bodies them institutions, namely:

2.3.1. Volumes of energy and water consumption.

2.3.2. Parameters of the energy saving object.

2.3.3. Availability of energy and water consumption meters.

2.3.4. Information about concluded contracts for electricity, heat, water and gas supply.

2.3.5. Measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency, carried out and planned, including information on the budgetary funds spent by the city of Moscow.

3. Information providers in the ISE are:

3.1. Co-executors of the subprogram "Energy saving by objects" State program of the city of Moscow "Development of utility infrastructure and energy saving" for 2012-2018.

3.2. From January 1, 2016, other executive bodies, government agencies of the city of Moscow, state unitary enterprises (state enterprises, state-owned enterprises) of the city of Moscow and legal entities with a share of the city of Moscow of more than 50%, not specified in paragraph 3.1 of this resolution.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing, Communal Services and Landscaping, P.P. Biryukov.

Mayor of Moscow

S.S. Sobyanin


to the Government resolution




1. General Provisions

1.1. The Regulations on the Energy Saving Information System at Moscow Facilities (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the purpose, operating rules, tasks and functions of the Energy Saving Information System at Moscow Facilities (hereinafter referred to as the ISE), and the composition of participants information interaction using ISE (hereinafter referred to as participants in information interaction) and their powers.

1.2. ISE is a state information system of the city of Moscow, intended for the generation and use of information on the volumes of consumption, production, distribution of fuel and energy resources and water, on the characteristics of energy saving objects (buildings, structures, structures, premises), on units and metering devices for consumed fuel and energy resources and water, on measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency and the results of their implementation, on concluded contracts for electricity, heat, water and gas supply, on the consumption of fuel and energy resources and water, on the use of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow in the implementation of measures in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency (hereinafter referred to as information on energy saving and consumption of fuel and energy resources and water).

1.3. ISE is the property of the city of Moscow.

1.4. The purpose of using ISE is to implement the state policy of the city of Moscow in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the city of Moscow in terms of:

1.4.1. Increasing the efficiency of providing energy resources to the population of the city of Moscow, state bodies, local governments of intra-city municipalities in the city of Moscow, government institutions of the city of Moscow and other consumers of energy resources, reducing losses of energy resources.

1.4.2. Increasing the efficiency of management of the fuel and energy complex of the city of Moscow.

1.4.3. Monitoring the implementation of industry and district programs of the city of Moscow in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.

1.4.4. Ensuring openness and transparency of information on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the city of Moscow.

1.5. The task of the ISE is to automate the processes of collecting, analyzing and submitting information on energy saving and consumption of fuel and energy resources and water to executive authorities, processing this information for decision-making.

1.6. The functions of the ISE are:

1.6.1. Collection, processing and storage of information on energy saving and consumption of fuel and energy resources and water.

1.6.2. Analysis of the dynamics of changes in the consumption of fuel and energy resources and water.

1.6.3. Planning and evaluating the effectiveness of energy saving and energy efficiency measures, including as part of current and major repairs of buildings, structures and structures.

2. Participants in information interaction, their powers

2.1. Participants in information interaction are:

2.1.1. ISE operator.

2.1.2. Information providers in ISE: Executive bodies, government agencies of the city of Moscow, state unitary enterprises (state enterprises, state-owned enterprises) of the city of Moscow and legal entities with a share of the city of Moscow of more than 50%, posting information in the ISE. Other legal entities not specified in clause of these Regulations that post information in the ISE on the basis of an agreement with the ISE operator on information interaction.

2.1.3. ISE users are executive bodies and legal entities that receive the information contained in the ISE and use it in their activities, including by posting it in other information systems of the city of Moscow.

2.2. ISE operator:

2.2.1. Approves, in agreement with the Regulations for information interaction using energy saving information systems at Moscow facilities (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

2.2.2. Provides:

2.2.3. ISE functioning on permanent basis around the clock in accordance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.

2.2.4. Access to the information contained in the ISE for participants in information interaction in accordance with the Regulations.

2.2.5. Protection of information contained in the ISE from unauthorized access to it, distortion or blocking of this information.

2.2.6. Providing consulting support to ISE users on the use of ISE.

2.2.7. Organization of information interaction between the ISE and other information systems of the city of Moscow in order to obtain information necessary for the implementation of the tasks and functions of the ISE.

This lecture notes on information systems in economics is intended for preparation for passing the exam in the corresponding discipline by students of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky by correspondence course.

Contents of the course of lectures on information systems in economics (ISE):

1. The need to develop the informatization of society

Stages of informatization: invention of writing -> printing -> electricity (telegraph, telephone, radio and television) -> computerization. Each stage is a qualitative “leap” aimed at overcoming the contradiction between the increase in volumes of information and limited human abilities to perceive and process it. At a certain stage of development of the information industry, an information society is formed; in such a society, the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, i.e. creative work aimed at developing intelligence and acquiring knowledge. Informatization of society is an organized process of creating optimal conditions for meeting the information needs of citizens and government bodies based on the formation and use of information resources; The modern stage of informatization is associated with the use of personal computers, telecommunication systems and computer networks. Main tasks of informatization:

  • modernization of information and telecommunications infrastructure
  • development of information telecommunication technologies
  • effective formation, use of information resources and ensuring wide and free access to them; the information resource receives priority over others. material resources, it serves as the basis for creating an information product
  • providing citizens with socially significant information and developing independent media
  • creation of the necessary regulatory framework for building an information society
  • instilling information culture in the population, i.e. the ability to purposefully work with information and use it to receive, transmit, process and use computer information technology, modern technical means and methods.

2. The concept of Automated Information Systems (AIS) and their classification

AIS is a set of information, economic and mathematical methods (EMM) and models, technical, software, technological tools and specialists, intended for processing information and making management decisions.

Based on the types of management processes, the following types are distinguished:

  • AIS control technological processes
  • AIS organizational management
  • AIS for managing organizational and technological processes
  • AIS scientific research
  • AIS training

According to the scope of operation of the control object there are:

  • AIS of banks;
  • AIS of financial authorities;
  • AIS industry;
  • AIS of Agriculture;
  • AIS communications;
  • AIS statistics, etc.

By level in the public administration system there are:

  • sectoral AIS (industrial complex, agro-industrial complex, construction and transport);
  • territorial AIS (designed to manage administrative-territorial regions);
  • intersectoral AIS (are specialized systems of functional bodies for managing the national economy).

In addition, a distinction is made between production AIS (related to production) and non-production AIS (in medicine, police, etc.).

3. Stages of AIS development

Stages of development from the perspective of the development of technology itself:

  1. Before the advent of the computer, associated with the names of the inventors of the first computing devices (Pascal, Chebyshev, Babbage, etc.);
  2. With the development of computers. Main sign allocation of a new generation of computers - the element base.
  3. 2.1. The first generation of computers (50s) were built on the basis of vacuum tubes, were large in size, consumed a lot of electricity, and had low speed. Not used in economic calculations.
    2.2. The second generation of computers (60s) was built on the basis of semiconductors and transistors, the memory capacity increased, the first displays appeared, etc. (used to solve economic problems).
    2.3. Third generation of computers (70s) on small integrated circuits: smaller sizes, increased reliability and speed.
    2.4. The fourth generation of computers (80s) on large integrated circuits - a number of software-compatible machines on a single element base, a single design and technical basis, with a single structure, a single system software, a single unified set of universal devices. Personal computers have become widespread.
    2.5. Modern computers based on ultra-large integrated circuits: enormous computing power and low cost. Client-server architecture. The main trend in the development of AIS is the constant desire for improvement. It is achieved through the improvement of hardware and software, which gives rise to new information needs and leads to the improvement of information systems.

Stages of development from the perspective of improving the AIS themselves (AIS generation):

  1. 1960-1970 was built on the basis of computer centers on the principle of “one enterprise - one processing center”
  2. 1970-1980 characterized by a transition to decentralization of IP. Information technologies penetrate into departments and services of an enterprise. Packages and decentralized databases appeared, two- and three-level models for organizing data processing systems began to be introduced
  3. 1980-early 1990: massive transition to PC-based distributed network processing with the consolidation of disparate workstations into a single IS.
  4. It is in its infancy and is characterized by a combination of centralized processing at the upper level with distributed processing at the lower level.

4. The concept of the information services market, its components

Information market- a system of economic, legal and organizational relations for trade in products of intellectual labor on a commercial basis. Just like a regular market, the information market is characterized by the presence of supply and demand, a certain range of products and services and prices, as well as suppliers and consumers; The specificity of this market is that information resources, products and services can be copied in unlimited quantities.

Components of the information market:

  • Information products and services, as well as hardware software and related information processing technologies.
  • Regulatory documents: Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" 1995, Federal Law "On Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Databases", Copyright Law and by-laws.
  • Reference tools that summarize information about providers of information products and services.

5. Features of the information market in Russia

The Russian information market is characterized by the following features:

  • heterogeneity of the market by region: market development comes from the center;
  • all the latest tools and technologies appear simultaneously with their appearance on the world market;
  • legal entities act as main buyers;
  • weak economic and organizational government regulation, insufficient legal regulation;
  • commercial information resources are too expensive for personal use;
  • many categories of resources do not have reference tools and navigation tools;
  • Many owners of information resources do not have the opportunity to give them a marketable form.

Main trends:

  • the dominance of IBM-compatible computers in the computer market;
  • growth of the market sector related to the provision of network services, primarily the Internet;
  • rapid increase in the share of home computers;
  • intensive development of software for local and global networks.

6. Theoretical foundations for constructing AIS

Fundamental Principles creation of AIS are as follows:

  1. Systematic principle: a system is a set of interconnected elements subordinated to a specific goal.
  2. Development principle: AIS is created taking into account the possibility of constantly replenishing and updating the functions of the system and the types of its support
  3. The principle of compatibility: ensuring the ability of systems of different types and levels to interact in the process of joint functioning
  4. The principle of standardization and unification: the need to use standard, unified and standardized elements of AIS functioning
  5. Principle of efficiency: achieving a rational ratio between the costs of creating a system and the target effect obtained during its operation

And also several private principles:

  • The principle of decomposition is based on dividing the system into parts, as well as identifying separate sets of work
  • The principle of the first manager involves assigning responsibility when creating a system to the customer - the future user
  • The principle of new tasks is to constantly expand the capabilities of the system, improve the management process, obtain additional performance indicators in order to optimize management decisions
  • The principle of automation of information flows and document flow
  • Principle of design automation

As well as organizational and technological principles:

  • The principle of abstraction, i.e. highlighting the most significant (from a specific point of view) aspects of the system
  • The principle of formalization: the need for a strict methodological approach to solving the problem, the use of formalized methods for describing and modeling the processes being studied and designed
  • The principle of conceptual generality, i.e. strict adherence to a unified design methodology
  • The principle of consistency and completeness, i.e. the presence of all necessary elements in the created system and their coordinated interaction
  • The principle of independence of data from their processing processes, their physical structure and distribution in the technical environment
  • Principle of data structuring
  • The principle of end-use access, i.e. the user must have database access tools that he can use directly (without programming)

7. Design. Principles and methods of creating AIS

Design of AIS and AIT- the process of creating and implementing projects for comprehensive solutions to economic problems in new technology, i.e. detailed development of individual design solutions, their analysis, testing and implementation. Each division of the organization must appoint an employee responsible for the design and implementation of AIS and AIT, who collects the necessary information, selects equipment and software, trains personnel, manages the implementation and analysis of the functioning of the IS.
Design principles of AIS and AIT:

  1. Principle efficiency, i.e. benefits from the new automated system there should be more expenses for it
  2. Principle control, i.e. the information system must have mechanisms to protect the company's property; its data should be reliable enough for making management decisions
  3. Principle compatibility, i.e. the system design will take into account the organizational and human factors of the enterprise
  4. Principle flexibility requires the system to be expandable without major changes
  5. Principle systematic allows you to study an object as a whole in the interrelation of all its elements. On the base systematic approach a modeling method is also used, which makes it possible to simulate the processes being studied first for analysis and then synthesis of the created systems
  6. Principle development consists in continuous updating of the functional and supporting components of the system
  7. Principle standardization and unification involves the use of already accumulated experience in the design and implementation of AIS and AIT through programming standard elements, which allows reducing the costs of creating AIS and AIT.

As alternative approaches to creating a system, one of the following can be chosen: methods

  1. The "from task" method. Allows you to implement each task separately, practically without taking into account the design solutions found for other tasks.
  2. Integration method. It consists of creating a complete automated information system, constructed from relatively independent functional subsystems, in solving problems of which common arrays are used for exchanging certain types of data.

8. Stages of creating an AIS

  1. Pre-project stage
    • collection of materials for design (formation of requirements, study of the design object, development and selection of a variant of the system concept); techniques: survey, questionnaire, observation, measurement, evaluation, group discussion, task analysis, analysis of production, management and information processes.
    • Second stage: analysis of materials and generation of documentation (creation and approval of a feasibility study and technical specifications for system design based on an analysis of the collected survey materials)
  2. Design
    • technical design; the most rational design solutions are searched for in all aspects of development, all system components are created and described, and the results of the work are reflected in the technical design
    • detailed design; in its process, programs are developed and refined, database structures are adjusted, delivery documentation is created, installation technical means and instructions for their operation, preparation of instructional material for each user; designing passwords, programs, scripts for user dialogue with the PVM
  3. Commissioning of the system
    • preparation for implementation
    • carrying out pilot tests
    • commissioning
  4. Functional analysis
    • identifying problems
    • making changes to design solutions and existing AIS and AIT.

9. The role of the user in setting tasks and creating an AIS

AIS is created to meet the information needs of a specific user, and he is directly involved in its work (solves problems based on information software that are created by designers and other specialists at the design and preparation stages of the information processing automation process). The experience of creating AIS and AIT shows that only a specialist can most fully and skillfully describe the work being performed, input and output information. User participation cannot be limited only to setting tasks; he must also conduct trial operation of AIS and AIT. While at the computer, the user can detect shortcomings in problem statements, adjust, if necessary, input and output information, forms for issuing results, and their execution in the form of documents. User participation in the creation of AIS and AIT should in the future provide both prompt and high-quality solutions to problems and a reduction in the time for introducing new technologies. The user must be familiar in advance with the methodology for conducting an inspection of an object, the procedure for summarizing its results, which will help him identify and highlight tasks and functions that are subject to automated processing, and expertly formulate them. Based on the statement of the problem, the programmer must present the logic of its solution and recommend standard software tools suitable for its implementation. The plan for setting the problem must contain the following points: the organizational and economic essence of the problem (name of the problem, place of its solution, purpose of the solution, purpose, timing of the solution, consumers of the resulting information, information connection with other tasks); description of the source (input) information (its list, forms, number of documents, description of structural units, methods of controlling source data, etc.); description of the result (output) information; description of the algorithm for solving the problem (sequence of actions and logic for solving the problem (formulas, algorithms, sequences of actions, etc.); description of the conditionally constant information used (list, forms, description, methods of interaction with variable information). Thus, the creation of an AIS and AIT does not so much lead to the release of specialists as it puts forward new requirements for them, i.e. it allows them to qualitatively change their work. The most important requirement for specialists is: the ability to set tasks, i.e. create algorithms for solving them, establish the composition of information filling in computational procedures to obtain the desired results, formulate requirements for methods of monitoring the problems being solved.

10. The concept of information technologies and their types

Automated information technology(AIT) is a systemically organized set of methods and means for solving management problems for the implementation of operations of collecting, registering, transmitting, accumulating, searching, processing and protecting information based on the use of developed software, computer and communication equipment, as well as methods used through which information is offered to clients.
Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated operations for transforming information: data collection, registration, transmission, storage, processing, use.

Stages of AIT development:

  1. Since the beginning of the 60s of the XX century - centralized collective use of computing resources.
  2. Since the mid-70s of the 20th century - the emergence of personal computers, focus on the individual user, partial and complete decentralized data processing.
  3. Since the early 90s - use local networks computers with access to global networks (Internet, SWIFT), centralized processing of economic data.

Currently, the concept of “new information technology” is used, which implies: the use of networks and personal computers, interactive work with a computer, an integration approach, flexibility in the processes of changing data and setting tasks, etc.

Classification of information technologies

  • By implementation method: traditional and new information technologies.
  • According to the degree of coverage of management tasks: electronic processing of economic data; automation of control functions; decision support; electronic office; expert support.
  • By class of technological operations being implemented: working with a text editor, table processor, DBMS, graphic objects, multimedia systems, hypertext systems.
  • By user interface type: packet, dialog, network.
  • According to the method of network construction: local, multi-level, distributed.
  • By subject area served: AIT in accounting, banking, taxation, insurance, treasury and other areas.

11. Functional and supporting subsystems of AIS

Functional subsystems consist of sets of tasks characterized by a certain economic content, the achievement of a specific goal that the management function must ensure.
The substantive aspect of considering the elements of AIS allows us to identify subsystems providing operating technology. Technological support includes subsystems that automate information services for users, solving problems using a computer and other technical management tools:

  • Information Support, i.e. a set of indicators, reference data, classifiers and codifiers of information, unified documentation systems, arrays of information, personnel responsible for storage, timeliness and quality of information processing technology.
  • Linguistic support- allows for a dialogue between a person and a machine, i.e. information languages ​​for describing the structural units of the AIT information base (documents, indicators, details), languages ​​for managing and manipulating data in the AIT information base, language tools for information retrieval systems, language tools for automating the design of AIT, special-purpose dialog languages ​​and other languages, a system of terms and definitions.
  • Technical support- this is a set of technical means (for example, means of collecting, recording, storing, transmitting, processing, displaying, reproducing information, office equipment, etc.).
  • Software- system-wide and special programs, as well as instructional and methodological materials on the use of software tools and personnel involved in its development and maintenance for the entire period life cycle AIS.
  • Software- a set of mathematical methods, models and information processing algorithms used in solving functional problems and in the process of automation of design work.
  • Organizational support- a set of documents regulating the activities of AIS personnel.
  • Legal support- a set of legal norms regulating legal relations during the creation and implementation of AIS.
  • Ergonomic support- a set of methods and tools designed to create optimal conditions for highly efficient and error-free human activity in AIS, for its rapid development.

12. The concept of economic information and its features

Economic information is a collection of various economic information that can be recorded, transmitted, processed, stored and used in the process of planning, accounting, control, analysis at all levels of economic management.

Economic information reflects the state of an economic object in space and time, so the concept is important for the user adequacy of information or the level of correspondence of the created information image to the real object.

Adequacy of economic information expressed in 3 aspects:

  1. Syntactic means the study of information without analyzing the meaning and usefulness as a whole as a homogeneous stream that is measured quantitatively;
  2. Semantic involves exploring the meaning of the message (everything that is not understood is discarded);
  3. Pragmatic consists of assessing the usefulness of a message for making specific decisions.

Features of economic information:

  • Large volumes;
  • Cyclicity (repetition) of its production and transformation;
  • Predominant representation in the form of numbers and letters;
  • Relatively simple calculation algorithms;
  • Significant share of logical operations in its processing;
  • The diversity of its sources and recipients.

13. Simple and composite units of economic information

Simple and composite information sets can be distinguished. The indivisible information set is attributes-signs And ground details.

Requisites-signs characterize the qualitative properties of the reflected entities (for example, the name of the product, its item number, unit of measurement, warehouse number, type of transaction, corresponding account, etc.).

Ground details represent quantitative-sum values ​​that characterize a given entity (for example, quantity, amount, cost).

Combinations of one base attribute with the corresponding attribute attributes form economic indicator. The document contains one or more indicators.

The information in one document is Announcement.

The totality of homogeneous information messages is information array (file). An example is a file of goods receipt at a warehouse, consisting of information messages contained in receipt orders.

Information on any interrelated set of tasks constitutes information flow. An example is the information flow for payroll accounting.

The totality of all information flows for a particular management function is information subsystem eg accounting.

The set of information subsystems of an economic object constitutes it information system.

14. Structure and content of information support

Information Support- the most important supporting AIS subsystem, designed to supply users with timely and reliable information characterizing the state of the managed object and being the basis for making management decisions; is a set of means and methods for constructing an information system of an economic object.

There are 2 information support species: extramachine(includes systems of indicators, classifiers and codes and documentation) and in-machine (various files on computer media, automated data banks).

Information support is divided into:

  • systems of indicators for a given subject area (for example, indicators of accounting, financial and credit reporting, analysis...);
  • classification and coding systems;
  • documentation;
  • information flows - options for organizing document flow;
  • various information arrays (files) with varying degrees of organization;

The most complex organization of information support is automated data bank, including arrays for solving regulatory problems, issuing certificates and exchanging information between different users.

During the design of information support:

  • the composition of indicators necessary to solve economic problems and their space-time characteristics are determined;
  • various classifiers and codes are being developed;
  • the possibility of using unified system documentation to reflect indicators, new forms are being designed primary documents, adapted for computer processing;
  • the composition of the database and its organization are determined;
  • forms for outputting processing results are designed.

15. Classification and coding systems

When processing economic data and compiling various summaries, there is a need for grouping by attributes, which is carried out on the basis of classification and coding systems.

Classification- this is the distribution of set elements into subsets based on dependencies within the features. IN unified system classification and coding includes a wide variety of classifiers: national, industry, local (compiled for AIS enterprises).

After classification comes coding- process of assigning new symbols various positions according to certain rules established by the coding system. The most widely used coding systems are: ordinal, serial, positional and combined.

Codes can be of the following types: digital, alphabetic, mixed.

The following codes apply: requirements:

  • must cover all items by which the grouping is made;
  • be unified for different tasks within one economic entity;
  • must be stable and not revised frequently;
  • have a reserve in case new items appear in the product range;
  • be economical, i.e. have minimal significance.

The purpose of the codes is to ensure the grouping of information, calculating the results according to grouping characteristics and printing them in output statements. Codes are necessary for the convenience of searching for information, storing and retrieving it, and transmitting it through communication channels.

16. Documentation design

Input and output documents are forms of information carriers that have legal force. The input documents contain primary information reflecting the state of the economic entity and its management system, and the output documents contain summary and grouping information that is the result of processing previously received information. Depending on the method of filling out, both documents are obtained manually or using technical means.
In financial and credit organizations it is used only unified documentation; requirements for such documents:

  • standard forms of construction, providing for certain sizes of forms and the allocation of heading, content and design parts;
  • adaptation to computer processing;
  • inclusion of all details necessary for management purposes and elimination of their duplication.

Primary documents may not be unified due to the variety of industry forms and the specifics of their construction for accounting for labor and wages, inventories, marketing and sales of products, etc. If it is not possible to apply unified document forms in any task, then new forms of primary documents are being designed, adapted for automated processing. Primary documents are generated either traditional ways before entering into the computer, or directly on the computer. In any case, the document should be drafted on its merits, i.e. include in it those details that are necessary for management purposes and determine the legal side of business transactions.

Designing forms for documents written out manually or on typewriters comes down to the convenient arrangement of details on the forms. In the header part there are constant reference and grouping characteristics with their names and code designations, in the content part there are variable characteristics and quantitative and total details, in the design part there are signatures legal entities responsible for business operations. Details to be entered into the PC by typing on the keyboard are outlined with thick lines. Information is entered from primary documents on a computer keyboard according to layouts reflected on the display screen.

Most often, economic data is displayed on paper and on display in the form of tables, but it is also important graphic image in the form of histograms. Designing a summary form involves conveniently arranging the details on the form. Typically, grouping characteristics are arranged according to the degree of decreasing level of their subordination, and quantitative totals are arranged according to the degree of increasing totals. During the design, “headers” of output tables are developed, recorded on computer media and used when printing reports on a PC. The initial data is typed on the keyboard, and to calculate intermediate values ​​and total lines, calculation formulas are placed in the appropriate cells.

17. In-machine information support

Includes organizing files and arrays in computer memory. File- a set of homogeneous, rigidly organized and named information located on computer media. These can be data files and program files, permanent and current (variable) files, intermediate and output files. The file-by-file local organization of information support is used when the amount of information is small, it implies a rigid linking of files to individual simple tasks and excludes the establishment of connections between files and work in dialogue. Integral approach to create in-machine information support involves the use automated data banks and knowledge bases(ABD and BZ).
Automated data bank(DBA) is a system of specially organized data, as well as technical, software, language and organizational and methodological tools intended for collective use by users or solving various economic problems.
Knowledge bases(or expert systems) - special computer systems, based on generalization, analysis and assessment of the knowledge of highly qualified expert specialists. Main elements information technology used in knowledge bases are:

  • user interface (designed for user interaction with the expert system);
  • knowledge base (facts characterizing the problem area, as well as their logical relationship);
  • interpreter (processes data in the prescribed manner);
  • system creation module (needed to create a set of rules and make changes to them).

18. Databases and data banks

In-machine information support is currently designed on the principle of integration in the form bases And data bank.

Database- specially organized storage of information resources in the form of an integrated set of files, providing convenient interaction between them and quick access to data. Databases can be centralized(usually created at computer centers with terminals attached to them), distributed in various nodes of local computer networks and local

The database includes: base arrays, working arrays, communication arrays.

Database- an automated system that represents a set of information, software, hardware and personnel that provide storage, accumulation, updating, searching and issuing data. The data bank includes: a database, a computer, a database management system (DBMS), language tools, methodological tools, and maintenance personnel.

19. The concept of technical support and its composition

Technical support- composition, form and ability to operate various technical devices necessary to perform information procedures: collection, registration, transmission, storage, processing and use of information.

Technical support elements include:

  • a set of technical means;
  • organizational forms of using technical means;
  • personnel who work on technical means;
  • instructional materials on the use of technology.

Complex of technical means- a set of interconnected technical means designed for automated data processing.

Requirements for a set of technical means: minimizing acquisition and operating costs; reliability; protection against unauthorized access; rational distribution among processing levels.

Composition of the complex of technical means:

  • Tools for collecting and recording information (counters, sensors, PCs for producing primary documents...).
  • Methods of transmitting information (courier communication, telephone, telegraph, radio communication...).
  • Information processing tools (supercomputers, minicomputers, personal computers, laptops).
  • Organizational equipment (copying tools, document destruction, radio search system, banknote authentication devices, etc.).

20. Organizational forms of computer use

Methods of using a computer are usually called organizational forms of machine use. In practice, there are 2 types of them: 1) computing centers; 2) local automated workstations (AWS) and computer networks.

Computing centers used in large enterprises, banks, government agencies. These are specific information processing enterprises. They are equipped with large computers, and personal computers and terminals are used as auxiliary ones. Computer centers have a management system (management), departments for setting tasks, programming, machine maintenance, as well as production departments - groups for accepting documents, transferring information to media, administration of data banks, releasing information, reproducing materials, etc.

For automated workstations(Workstation) of specialists is characterized by the placement of computers at their workplaces, in separate accounting areas, which can be connected to a network, connected to large computers.

21. Criteria for choosing a personal computer for solving economic problems

Features of personal computers that determined their widespread use:

  • small dimensions;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use, provided through interactive interaction with the computer, convenient and clear interfaces programs, menus, tips, help, etc.;
  • the possibility of individual interaction between the user and the computer;
  • high technical and operational parameters such as speed, memory capacity, possibility of expansion and adaptation (upgrade);
  • versatility, possibility of networking;
  • relatively low prices.
The main factors influencing the choice of a personal computer for solving economic problems:
  • belonging to the IBM PC family;
  • technical and operational characteristics (speed, memory capacity...);
  • price depending on the assembly ("red" - Russian assembly, "yellow" - assembly in China, "white" - assembly in the USA, Japan);
  • warranty - at least 3 years;
  • staff preparedness to use computer technology;
  • the possibility of computer technical support in the form of a “hot” line;
  • safety and ergonomics when working with a computer, etc.

22. AIT in text information processing

A computer user often encounters the need to prepare certain documents - letters, articles, memos, reports, advertising materials, etc. To prepare documents, the text of the document being edited is displayed on the screen, and the user can make changes to it online. All changes made are fixed. When printed, formatted text is displayed that includes all corrections. The user can transfer parts of text from one place in the document to another, use several types of fonts to highlight individual sections of text, and print the prepared document on a printer in the required number of copies.

The convenience and efficiency of using computers for preparing texts has led to the creation of many programs for document processing. Such programs are called word processors or editors. The capabilities of these programs vary - from programs designed for preparing small documents of a simple structure, to programs for typing, design and complete preparation for printing of books and magazines (publishing systems).

There are several hundred text editors - from the simplest to the very powerful and complex. The most common ones are Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, WordStar. The simplest editor is Notepad, built into Windows. Users who need to provide high quality printed documents or prepare complex large documents, advertising brochures or books, it is better to use Microsoft Word. It features background spell checking, a handy table drawing tool, and many other useful tools.

To prepare advertising brochures, design magazines and books, special publishing systems. They allow you to cook and print on laser printers or output complex, high-quality documents to phototypesetting machines.

There are 2 main type of publishing systems:

  1. very convenient for preparing small materials with illustrations, graphs, diagrams, various fonts in the text, such as newspapers (for example, Aldus PageMaker.
  2. are more suitable for preparing large documents, such as books (for example, Ventura Publisher). She can export others' texts text editors while maintaining formatting. The main operation of publishing systems is document layout, and for entering and editing text it is better to use Word, since it surpasses them in speed and ease of use.

23. AIT in processing tabular information

The versatility of tables and the need to constantly take into account the interdependence between cells in them prompted programmers to create a universal program for working with tables - table processor. The first spreadsheet processor was created in 1979 - VisiCalc for Apple computers, and for the IBM PC the first was Lotus 1-2-3. The most famous of them include Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, SuperCalc, Excel. The leading place in this class is occupied by the Microsoft product - Excel, which is included in Office package. Excel can be used to solve many problems, from calculating averages to creating 3D charts and performing complex financial calculations.

Table Process Functions very diverse: creating and editing spreadsheets; various mathematical calculations; automatic recalculation of tables in case of data changes; design and printing of spreadsheets; constructing diagrams, their modification and solving economic problems using graphical methods; working with spreadsheets as with databases, sorting tables, retrieving data based on queries; creating summary and summary tables; solving economic problems of the “what will happen if” type by selecting parameters; solving optimization problems; development of macro commands, setting up the environment to suit the user's needs.

The workspace of a spreadsheet consists of columns and rows. The columns are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet, and the rows by numbers, which serve as their headings. The intersection of rows and columns forms worksheet cells, which can be referenced by cell names. The cell is used to enter and store data, as well as calculated values.

Automation of user work with tables is carried out due to the following techniques:

  1. Homogeneous formulas can not be typed, but copied, and the formulas are copied with a corresponding change in addresses.
  2. When a value in a cell changes, all cells dependent on it are recalculated.
  3. Using various wizards in your work: Diagram Wizard, Function Wizard.
  4. To perform data analysis, forecasting, modeling, etc. the user can use such tools from the menu Service, How Parameter selection And Finding a solution. When using these functions, you must set the required parameters in dialog boxes, and the processor will perform the necessary calculations and select the optimal solution.

24. Database management systems

Database management systems(DBMS) is special program, necessary for organizing a database (information storage) and working with it by users of the information system.

DBMS classification:

  • According to the architecture of data storage organization:
    • local - all parts of the database are located on 1 computer;
    • distributed - located on several computers.
  • By method of accessing the database:
    • file server (for example, Microsoft Access);
    • client-server (for example, MySQL);
    • embedded (for example, Sybase SQL Anywhere).
  • By managed database type:
    • hierarchical (with a tree structure of elements, for example, the structure of files and folders on a computer);
    • network (each database element can be connected to any other element);
    • relational (based on two-dimensional arrays);
    • object-oriented (elements are models of objects, including application programs, which are controlled by external events).

25. E-commerce

E-commerce is a concept meaning commercial activity on the Internet: selling, purchasing goods and services via the Internet.
E-commerce areas:

  • B2B (Business-to-Business, that is, “business to business”);
  • B2G (Business-to-Government, that is, “business-to-government”);
  • B2C (Business-to-Consumer, that is, “business-to-consumer”);
  • G2B (Government-to-Business, that is, “government-to-business”).

The most common example of e-commerce are online stores. Their main advantages:

  1. Low prices by saving on costs;
  2. Saving time (no need to travel to the store and back);
  3. 24/7 work;
  4. Delivery of goods to Right place;
  5. Large range of products and sellers;
  6. No queues;
  7. Ease of payment (available different ways payment);
  8. Buyer anonymity;

Flaws online stores:

  1. Lack of opportunity to see and “touch” the product;
  2. Difficulties in delivering goods;
  3. During the ordering process, difficulties arise that not everyone can understand;
  4. Risk of fraudulent transactions.

26. Basics of creating and promoting online stores

Exists 3 ways to create an online store:

After creating and filling an online store with goods, you need to attract visitors to it who will become buyers. For this there is 2 main ways:

  1. Yandex and Google
  2. Advertising an online store in electronic and other types of media:
    • Contextual advertising Yandex-Direct and Google Adwords (fee for each click to the site;
    • Advertising in Yandex Market (payment for each click on an ad);
    • Media (banner advertising) – payment for 1000 banner impressions (from 450 rubles/1000);
    • Rent of banner spaces on visited portals with target visitors (from 5,000 rubles/month and more depending on the portal’s traffic);
    • e. Advertising in offline media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV - from 50,000 rubles) and other types of advertising.

The maximum efficiency at the initial stage of promotion of an online store (the first month of activity) is contextual advertising, then becomes more efficient search engine promotion site. In any case, it is necessary to calculate a budget for promotion of at least 5,000 rubles per month, otherwise its effectiveness will be insufficient.

27. AIS in accounting

Accounting plays a major role in management, in which approximately 60% of all information is generated. Accounting tasks are characterized by: good structure, simple calculation algorithms, a large amount of information, the processing of which mainly uses logical operations. Such tasks can easily be automated, which is why there are a huge number of programs for personal computers that automate accounting in enterprises. The most well-known programs in Russia for accounting automation include: “1C”, “Parus”, “BEST”, “Galaktika”, “Turbo-accountant”, “Info-accountant”. Differing in details, they all have general operating principles:

  • One-time and minimum input - multiple and maximum output.
  • One journal of chronological recording - many registers of systematic recording.
  • Full accounting using synthetic accounts, subaccounts and analytical codes.
  • Reporting information on time - working upon request.
  • Automatic journaling of business transactions.
  • Availability of standard wiring.
  • Opportunity automated formation primary accounting documents and their storage.
  • Organization of a system for online access to information, as well as a system for generating data archives with the ability to access them.
  • Connection between operational and accounting, organization of management accounting at the enterprise.
  • Ensuring database integrity.
  • Customizability of the system to the needs of a specific user.
  • Accounting for any financial and economic transactions, including foreign exchange ones, with automatic recalculation of exchange rate differences.
  • The ability to customize the system for the accounting policies of various enterprises, including setting up a balance sheet form, creating and editing reporting forms (templates).
  • Automatic calculation of expanded and collapsed balances, turnover, preparation of journal orders, General Ledger, balance sheet and other arbitrary reporting forms.
  • Creation, printing and storage electronic copies primary documents.
  • Possibility of generating reporting forms for conducting financial analysis of an enterprise based on accounting data, etc.

Classification of accounting automation programs:

System class

Consumer group

Main characteristics

Development companies

Mini accounting

Accounting staff of 1-3 people
No specialization

Entry and processing of accounting records
Printing primary documents and reporting


Universal systems (integrated accounting departments)

The number of accounting departments is small
All main accounting sections are provided

Advanced analytics
Implementation of the main components of natural accounting
Labor and wages accounting


Complex systems

Accounting department of at least 10 people
Division of functions between employees

Complex of programs
Network architecture
Fairly complete implementation of functions

"New Atlant"

Management systems

Accounting and financial accounting
Financial management divisions

Management Accounting
Customization for the client
Openness of architecture

"New Atlant"

28. AIS of insurance companies

The growth in the number of insurance companies and the market share of insurance services (for example, OSAGO) has led to the need to automate insurance. AIS in insurance is becoming one of the most important success factors.
Basic requirements for AIS of insurance companies:

  • Flexibility (the ability to adapt to new insurance products and services);
  • Scalability (the ability to increase the capabilities of AIS without significant modernization or replacement);
  • Complexity (joint solution of analytical problems, planning and management accounting);
  • Compliance with reporting standards;
  • Openness (possibility of integrating new modules, calculation algorithms);
  • Speed ​​and ease of operation.

Main functional tasks, implemented in the conditions of AIT:

  • the process of concluding an insurance contract;
  • conclusion of an additional agreement;
  • conclusion of a reinsurance agreement;
  • payment of the insurance premium (part thereof);
  • termination of the insurance contract;
  • occurrence of an insured event;
  • termination of the insurance contract; settlements with the policyholder,
  • calculation of basic tariff rates by type of insurance;
  • calculation of the reserve fund;
  • insurance portfolio analysis;
  • analysis of the company's financial condition;
  • maintaining internal accounting.

An insurance company that operates in a computer network receives new opportunities: easy and more complete access to information (which means the likelihood of employees making informed decisions increases), better use of expensive resources (high-power servers, color printers, modems), networks provide insurance the company freedom to choose the territorial location of its branches.
AIS of an insurance company (for example, INEC-Insurer) includes:

  • Main office an insurance company has one or more high-speed local area networks (LANs), interconnected through high-performance bridges (routers); LAN is the information center of the entire company, containing powerful computing resources ( file servers, DBMS), it includes a system for centralized monitoring and management of both local and remote network devices located in branches. In addition to the router, several switches and hubs provide access to the LAN of structural units;
  • regional offices insurance company branches) are usually equipped with their own large LANs and powerful computing systems with reliable and high-speed communication with the central office;
  • departments insurance companies most often have a small LAN; communication with the central office occurs according to a predetermined schedule at certain hours (unscheduled urgent access is not excluded);
  • representative offices(agencies) are most often equipped with one computer; communication with the center - as needed, throughout the day;
  • remote users insurance company (inspectors, agents, inspectors and other employees who are not in their own office, as well as managers who are on a business trip or vacation); The communication session with the office LAN is short-lived and can be established at any time.

It is important for an insurance company to have a database (DB) of all contracts for the longest possible period (to maintain client statistics); in company divisions there is no need to have a complete DB (it should only cover its own insurance field). Updating the database means that the information collected at the company branch level per day is added to the existing database and when a certain time comes, an automatic connection occurs with the computer of the regional office. That is, one database containing the most current information is the “main” one, the other is the “slave” (receives copies of information); then the regional branch collects information from all subordinate branches. The entire complex of a computer network can be divided into networks of specific structural units (branches) and networks that provide communication between them.

Today, energy saving is a pressing task that will remain relevant in the future. Energy saving means reducing the costs (losses) of electricity at all stages, from production to disposal. To implement this task, it is necessary to have reliable data on the current situation, and for this it is necessary energy accounting. Of course, electricity meters are used to track electricity consumption. And to obtain the necessary information, it would seem that all you need to do is take readings and process the data received. However, it is almost impossible to take readings simultaneously from all metering points - this is due to the human factor. Thus, in order to carry out constant energy accounting V automatic mode it is necessary to use automated process control systems. The automated process control system also makes it possible to collect data on the generation and consumption of energy resources, i.e. energy accounting with reference to time.

Advantages of automated energy metering systems

Automated energy metering systems allow data to be collected automatically and continuously. It is possible to provide readings from several meters simultaneously every 5 minutes. Thanks to this data, many parameters can be calculated, such as power consumption. Automatic energy metering allows you to control power and identify violations of energy consumption. Thus, automatic energy metering makes it possible to improve the quality of power supply throughout the system as a whole.

Energy metering systems

The energy metering system can be conditionally divided into commercial energy metering and technical energy metering. At the core commercial energy metering There are certified nodes that have built-in algorithms for processing primary data, as well as parallel interfaces for communication with the upper level. Technical energy accounting carried out using sensors, measuring instruments and other equipment. The main task of this type of energy metering is dispatching technological parameters of energy consumption and, most importantly, timely informing system users about deviations from specified settings, as well as preventing emergency situations. The main difference between energy metering systems is the requirement for the speed of the system’s response to deviations of controlled parameters from the specified values, and the speed of the system’s response to operator actions.

The AIS-group company offers a range of services for the implementation of automated energy metering systems for industrial enterprises, as well as the energy sector:

    Analysis of the existing energy accounting system;

    Development and approval of technical requirements for an automated energy metering system;

    Supply of necessary equipment for the implementation of automated energy metering systems;

    Commissioning, installation, and commissioning of the energy metering system;

    Development of the necessary documentation;

    Integration of technical and commercial energy accounting systems with existing accounting systems at the enterprise

Advantages of implementing automated energy metering systems

When implementing an automated energy metering system from the company " AIS Group"The customer receives: increased reliability of data obtained by automated energy metering systems, efficiency of information collection, as well as the ability to implement various schemes for managing the distribution of energy and power at the enterprise in order to reduce costs, increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

Moscow Department of Education Energy Accounting AIS

Welcome! Site ads.ru just created. 73. Real content coming soon. Automated Information System AIS Energouch is a specialized solution created within the framework of Federal Law 261 of November 23, 2009. The system is successfully operated in departments of the city of Moscow. 318. Cities of Moscow. SKLYAROVA tell how this system allows you to control and manage events. 1. 1. We continue to introduce you to the conductors of the master classes of the V Congress of Teachers of the capital. Consolidated reporting of the Moscow Department of Education is one of the segments of the Corona automated information system. In each centralized accounting department, specialists from SPC Budget 21 deployed an AIS. State institution Main Directorate Pension Fund RF 10 Management 2 for the city of ISE AIS energy metering input. for the period 2015-2019 During the period from January apos 17 to June apos 17, traffic to this site decreased from 4,210 to 2,623 46.44. Content to come later. The purpose of the webinar is to train users to confidently work in the AIS Consolidated reporting of the Moscow education system. The Association of Foreign Students of Russia AIS invites Muscovites to take part in the VI All-Russian Congress of Foreign Students of Russia Department of Education of the City of Moscow. Department of Education of the city of Moscow. 68. Group of companies GOST LLC ANsystems. 2,001 visits made. Moscow and Moscow region. 67. Events. Information Center Moscow Government. We asked the head of the Department of Fuel and Energy of the City of Moscow E. 2 ore fa. Has sharply negative dynamics in attracting traffic. ais city energy accounting. AIS energy accounting. On the results of the work of educational organizations on entering information into the ISE AIS Energy Accounting Seminar meeting of the State Public Institution of the Directorate of DogM from. AIS energy accounting department of education of the city of Moscow. 176. ISE AIS Energy Accounting. V. 53. Regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Department of Education. News. Energy saving information system. at sites in Moscow. The ads.ru website has just been created. Department of Education. 1. Average visitor views per session. Department specialist. For June 2017 Information system for energy saving at Moscow facilities ISE AIS Energy Accounting. Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of the City of Moscow DepTEH of Moscow is a sectoral executive body of the city subordinate to the Moscow Government. City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education. 105005, Moscow, Aptekarsky lane, 4 building 1 mass registration address

Review functionality AIS Summary

Deputy Head of Administration, Head of Education Department Ol Lomonosov

News A seminar was held on the implementation of integrated automated and

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