Localhost is not responding. Denver errors and their solutions

To your computer, but what to do if virtual hosts do not work, localhost does not start, an error occurs with http.exe and much more? The proposed backup of problems and solutions for Denver will help you with this.

  • Virtual hosts not working
  • Denwer conflict with Skype
  • Problems with Denver in Windows 8

Errors/problems with Denver and their solutions

Obviously, even such a simple task as installing Denver cannot be done without problems. Situations can be very different. Especially if you do something not as recommended, but still. Below I want to give some errors and problems associated with Denwer and options for solving them.

Virtual hosts not working

On Denver 2 I had the following situation: everything started well and was registered in the host, but it was impossible to log into any of the hosts. The problem was that the DNS Client service, which caches DNS names and registers the fully qualified computer name, was disabled. To enable it, follow: Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services- move the cursor to the line “DNS client” and right-click, in the context menu that opens, select “ Properties" and set the startup type " Auto

Localhost won't start and interferes with IIS

There were cases when the Denver installation went fine, but localhost did not start! Make sure you don't have another web server running on your computer that is interfering with Denver. This often happens in Windows XP. For example, we can talk about Microsoft IIS. If yes, disable it.

To disable the IIS admin service, proceed to: Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services- hover the cursor over the line “IIS admin service” and right-click, in the context menu that opens, select “ Properties" and set the startup type " Disabled" Don't forget to restart your computer.

Denwer conflict with Skype

To work properly with Denver, you should make sure that Skype does not occupy ports 80 and 443, required by Apache. To do this, launch Skype and open: Tools > Settings > Advanced > Connection- where uncheck the “Use ports 80 and 443 as incoming alternative” checkbox.

httpd.exe error due to a bug in the Denver assembly

When starting a local server, httpd.exe may display an error message: Procedure entry point zend_rebuild_symbol_table not found in DLL php5ts.dll. It turned out that complete with PHP 5.2 Denver distribution, go modules for PHP 5.3. This problem has not yet been resolved, but you can download the necessary modules. To install PHP 5.2 modules, you need to stop the local server, and after installation, start it again.

Can't install Denver, error in Path parameter

Sometimes there are problems with environment variables. To troubleshoot these types of problems, proceed to: Computer Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables. Where you need to look, what exactly you need.

Problems with Denver in Windows 8

Some webmasters note that there are problems with the Denver build in Windows 8. In fact, here we can only advise all of the above. Usually the error occurs due to processes on port 80, read more about this

/ in Windows 7 (beta). I installed this OS and everything went fine; when I installed Wamp I saw that localhost was not working at all. I just see this error:

in Mozilla and Explorer.

I uninstalled Wamp and after a few weeks (that means two weeks from today) I installed NetBeans on Windows 7. I created a test PHP script and when I debug it I get the same error again. I tried to access it using ip 127.... but still the same. What is the problem?
When I installed NetBeans I installed it on port 8080.

Edit the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Make sure there is an entry that looks like this: localhost

If there is a record like


Comment it out to look like this


This should solve your problem, I had this problem in the past.

For me it was Skype causing the problem. As soon as I stopped Skype, everything worked. I have 1.7.1 xampp (mysql and apache) running on Windows 7 x64.

It looks like you don't have any web server running anywhere.

Have you tried enabling IIS and using it to display the basic html file?

Programs and features -> Turn Windows features on/off -> Internet services

Then place your html file in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.html and navigate to http://localhost.

Once that works, try getting WAMP/php working. Be careful with port conflicts.

My initial thought is that you are missing an entry in the hosts file. Something like " localhost", however you mention that you are getting a 404 error. This means the web server is connecting to your client/browser and responding to a specific web page request.

I'm not very familiar with Windows 7, however, I'm sure it doesn't include a web server by default. Also, unless you actually code, build, and run a web server application using netbeans, you won't get the answer you want.

When it comes down to it... your problem will be one of the following:

1) you are serving static documents and the webserver is not configured to serve files from any proper DOCROOT. This includes PUBLIC folders in user directories. (a basic Apache installation includes a basic home page)

2) You have a dynamic web server application where the controller looks at the application path to decide which page to display or which function to execute. (see MVC-Controller). Mostly incomplete implementation.

3) another configuration error: your site may actually define a virtual domain. (something other than localhost) so when you look for localhost in the URL, the server may not be configured to provide the default page.

Disarming the following line in the host file worked for me,

# localhost

Well, you get a 404, so the web server is running, it just can't find the file.

Check the http.conf file. If it points to the correct root directory?

If you are using different ports, check http.conf to see if Apache is listening on the correct port, or if apache is forwarding traffic on the port to the forther root directory.

If you still have this problem, try the following:

  1. Edit the hosts file (with elevated privileges)
  2. Uncomment the line "# localhost" (ie - remove the #)
  3. Save the file as is. hosts without extension

In Win7 MS decided to comment out the localhost line with this msg which says it is being handled in dns. I'm still not entirely sure what they are referring to, except that they are telling people to use dns to resolve localhost instead of the hosts file. If anything, it's safer.

Yes, it was painful for me.

So what I did was to search for "Start Wampserver" and just click the start button and type it.

Then right click it and select properties. I set it to run in the XP 3rd application package under the capatability tab. I also checked the "Run this program as an administrator" box.

Then I right clicked WAMPSERVER in the system tray and restarted all services. This worked perfect for me, hope it helps you too.


Have other programs been launched? msn ect...? some are bound to port 8080 then your web server will not start and will throw 404, try to bind it to another port 80 which should be the default

I got a 404 failed to connect error, then I installed wampmanager.exe to run as Xp Sp3 and it seems to work fine, it can be done

  1. Right click on it
  2. properties
  3. click on the Compatibility tab
  4. Tick ​​Box just undeder "Compatibility Mode"
  5. Select Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
  6. Click Apply, then OK.

For me, Skype also intervened. I changed the Skype settings (in Skype go to Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection and UNCHECK use port 80 and 443 as an alternative to incoming connections), then close Skype. I have Win 7 HomePremium 64 bit, I installed Xampp running great with MySQL, but no matter how many times I started Apache (and the console showed "Apache is running"), I still got the browser "firefox not connected" error. After the Skype changes were saved, Apache showed a green "Running" and everything is working now thanks

For me this did the trick on port 80 at the end:

  • You must disable the http.sys service manually via the registry:

    1. Launch RegEdit:
    2. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP
    3. Add a new DWORD value (32-bit)
    4. Call it "NoRun" without including quotes
    5. Double click the new property
    6. In the Value field, enter "1" without including the quotes, and click OK.
    7. Restart your computer

You should now find that Apache will start running on port 80!

Have you tried iis? Go to Control Panel->Programs and Features->Turn Windows features on or off (sidebar). Try installing or reinstalling Internet Information Service. I have windows 7 with iis, c.net and php and it works great...

you need to install the service, go to wamp service->Apache->Service->Install, then a command prompt window will appear, then press enter and after a few seconds go to the same route Services->and click Start/Resume service, and you are ready

I had the same problem and the solution is what someone already said:

On the taskbar, click the WAMP icon.

Go to Apache -> Service -> Install Service

Then go back by clicking and selecting "Apache" -> "Service" -> "Start/Resume Service"

This will allow localhost to work (remember I already modified the host file located in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc to remove the # from line

If you need to edit this file, you need to right-click it and select Properties. Then go to the Security tab and click the Advanced button. Then you need to select "Users", click "Edit" and select "Full Control". This will allow you to edit it.

With this, you also need to install the MySQL service following the same procedure.

MySQL -> Service -> Install Service

Then go back by right-clicking again and selecting MySQL -> Service -> Start/Resume Service.

And this should fix it all in Windows 7!

Before installing Wamp, go to controlpanel => Administrative tools => IIS Manager and turn off the IIS server. Install wamp and everything works fine. When IIS is enabled, it also uses port 80. You can go through a lot of changing ports and permissions for wamp, but I found this to be the fastest and easiest way to get it to run successfully.

This post will talk about what you can do if after installation Denwer suddenly you have localhost won't open . I only had problems with some apps listening ports 80 and 443. They didn't give server apache connect to them. Therefore, below I will tell you what you need to check if the same thing happens to you.

Check Skype

Skype has a default setting of " Use ports 80 and 443 as incoming alternatives". It needs to be disabled.

This is done as follows:

  1. You need to open the menu " Tools» select the item « Settings«.
  2. In the " Additionally" choose " Compound«
  3. Uncheck from point “Use ports 80 and 443 as incoming alternatives”
  4. Click " Save«.

After this, you need to restart Skype.

If this doesn't help, then there is another option.

Check Microsoft IIS services

These services can also occupy ports 80 and 433, so for Denwer to work properly they must be disabled.

To check if IIS is enabled you need to go to “Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off”.

Afterwards, in the window that appears, you need to uncheck all Windows IIS services.

If this doesn’t work, then you should think about it, and...

Check VMWare

This virtual machine has its own service - WMwareHostd– which also listens to port 433. But you can change it in its settings. I just couldn’t do this because the settings file was protected from changes. Therefore, I had to boot into safe mode (let me remind you that to do this you need to press the F8 key after starting the computer).

After this you need to find the file proxy.xml. On Windows 7 it is located at C:\ProgramData\VMWare\hostd

You can open it with a regular notepad. On the third line it indicates the port number through which the service will operate. It needs to be changed to something else. For example, on 4443 .

The first lines of this file after editing on my machine look like this:


After editing, you need to save the changes to the file and reboot. Now nothing else should interfere with the normal operation of Denver (unless, of course, you have a bunch of other software installed that also works through 80 or 443 ports).

Useful article? There will be more of them if you support me!

Hi all! In this article we will talk about why after installation on a computer denwer doesn't work and how this can be fixed.

It is very easy to check the operation of denwer, launch denwer by double clicking on the Start Denwer shortcut and type the address in the address bar of any browser http://localhost. If a page opens with the inscription “Hurray, it’s working!”, then denwer is working, if the page does not open, then denwer is not working.

The main reason why denwer doesn't work– this is busy port 80 or 443, which are necessary for Denver to operate. But these ports can also be used by other programs, such as Skype, VMware, etc. To solve this problem, you must first find programs and services that use these ports; for this I recommend using the 2ip NetMonitor program. Download it, run it and look for the value 80 and 443 in the Local Port column. Next, look at the name of the programs that use these ports. After this, you just need to disable these programs, for example through the task manager, and then restart Denver.

It also happens that ports are occupied not by running programs, but by services that automatically start when the computer is turned on. They can also be disabled via the Task Manager tab Services. For example: port 80 is occupied by the VMware program, if you delete it, the services created by this program will still remain on the computer and the port will be occupied, so you need to go to the task manager and stop all services whose names contain the word VMware.

I'll also write about a few common scenarios below:

Skype on computer

It often happens that Denver does not start on computers with Skype. It is very easy to solve this problem, just open the menu Tools->Settings->Advanced. then in the window that opens, uncheck the box use port 80 and 443.

Windows Services

It happens that standard Windows IIS services are running on the computer. To use Denver they must be disabled. Go to Control Panel->Programs and Features->Turn Windows features on or off. In the window that opens, find the item Internet Information Services, uncheck the box and click OK.

If you still haven’t solved the problem or have any difficulties, write in the comments to this article.

Good afternoon, dear readers, last time we discussed the error: this device cannot be started. (code 10) in Windows, unfortunately this operating system is not ideal and is not without shortcomings that can interfere with the functioning of various programs. Today we will look at the question of why denwer does not work in Windows 10 and other versions and how to avoid this in the future.

What is denwer

If anyone still doesn’t know what Denver is, then let’s correct that. Denwer > is a software package whose task is to implement on a local computer:

  1. Web servers
  2. Database servers

Most often it is used by web developers and designers to create a website that, at the time of development, should not have access to the Internet and be accessible to other people. When the site is available, its files and database are transferred to high-quality hosting and the site is launched for everyone on the Internet

Denwer includes the following programs:

  • PHP 5.3.13
  • MySQL 5.1
  • PostgreSQL 8.4
  • Apache

I’ve already told you in detail how denwer is installed in Windows 10 (everything is the same in other versions), so if you haven’t done it yet, then take a look, it’s all described in great detail

98 percent of denwer works after installation for everyone, but due to different builds of Windows or other things we'll talk about, you may fall into the 2 percent for you too. denwer doesn't work.

A little more theory for beginners, since before I manage something I always try to understand how it works, and in my opinion this is very correct, since this knowledge will help to understand why denwer does not work in the system.

And so you saw the programs that you installed in it. The principle here is that thanks to the Apache service and MySQL databases, you can install WordPress in Denver by placing the distribution in the site directory and creating a database and everything locally on your computer.

And so there is a folder C:\WebServers\home, by default this is it. In it you will create a folder with the address of the site to which you want the site to respond. During installation there is already a folder test1.ru

If you open this address in your browser, you will see this response, which means that the site is working and the index.html page opened correctly.

As soon as you create a new folder with an address, you restart Denwer, this is done so that it changes the contents of the hosts file. It is in the hosts file that it adds entries about your addresses from the home folder and links them to your local computer. Here are its contents. As you can see, the domain name test1.ru refers to the IP address of your local computer

This was done on purpose so that when you open your browser and contact this address, you will be taken to yourself, and not outside. The hosts file for the Windows operating system has a higher priority than the DNS server.

I think the general principle of operation is clear to you, especially since in the article about installing Denver I explained everything in detail. Let's figure out what can happen if denwer doesn't work.

Why denwer doesn't work

Answering the question why denwer does not work, we can highlight the following reasons:

  • Ports not available
  • Can't edit hosts file
  • Apache is not working

Below I will detail how each of these problems is solved.

Denwer Ports

For Denver to work successfully, you need port 80, since denwer uses it by default. It is because of this that apache does not work in denwer, since ort is simply busy with someone.

I told you in detail how to determine which programs are accessing the ports on your computer, this was in the article about the netstat utility and the TCPView utility

And so, if denwer does not start apache, check these things. When Skype is installed on the computer, the following checkbox is missing: Use ports 80 and 443 for additional incoming connections. You can find it in Tools > Settings

Advanced > Connection. Uncheck: Use ports 80 and 443 for additional incoming connections.

By the way, even after installing Denver, a browser window will open in which you will also be reminded about Denwer ports.

If after this Apache still does not work in Denwer, check whether this port is occupied by the Internet Information Services (IIS). In the task manager, it may be called the W3SVC (World Wide Web Publishing Service) service. IIS can be quickly found using TCPView. If you don’t need IIS, remove it; if you need it, just change the port in it or turn off the service.

You can uninstall IIS in Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off, make sure that Internet Information Services is not checked.

If denwer still doesn’t work for you, check to see if your antivirus is blocking it. Since they have a built-in firewall function, make sure that port 80 is open in the firewall. Open Control Panel > Windows Firewall.

And in the Incoming Traffic Rules, we look to see if there are any prohibiting rules for port 80.

I think we’ve sorted out the question of why apache doesn’t start in denwer, let’s look at other reasons.

Denwer localhost not working

There are cases when Denver cannot write a local binding in the hosts file, as a result of which localhost does not work in denwer, and this is very critical. Even during installation you should be presented with a window like this:

The keywords here are Success: the hosts file is marked as writable. that you were able to edit it successfully. First, make sure you are using an account that has administrative rights. This is easy to check, press WIN+R and enter execute lusrmgr.msc in the window.

Open groups and find Administrators in the list, double-click on it and make sure that your account is present here.

If you are an administrator, then UAC (User Account Control) may also interfere with the work of denwer. In this case, I advise you to copy the hosts file to your desktop from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, edit it, and then replace the old one with it. replacement file.

If a window appears stating that there is no access to the target folder, then click continue.

There are still cases when you need to correct the Windows registry, namely, open regedit in the Run window and do the following:

We are looking for the branch “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP”
Change the value of the “start” key from 3 to 4

system process hangs at 80 port PID 4

I hope my methods helped you solve the problem when denwer does not work in Windows.