Malwarebytes Anti-Malware what is this program and is it needed? Antivirus program Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Malwarebytes anti malware disable program update.

Hello, admin, I want to ask if you have ever used antivirus program Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware? Can it be used as the main antivirus on a computer? I noticed several strange things about her, for example:

  • She deleted from my computer one very necessary program that had been running for several years, in general this program was paid, but I downloaded it on a torrent for free - maybe it was actually a virus?;
  • For some reason, it finds some viruses only when scanning again;
  • And more questions, Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware blocks access to many sites, I don’t like it, I went into the settings of the Security Module and unchecked the Enable blocking of malicious sites option, but this does not help, there is still no access to many sites.
The program has a special module for fighting rootkits called Anti-Rootkit, but it is not clear how to launch it. There is also a Chameleon module, I can’t understand what it’s for, but many users use it somehow.

Antivirus program Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Hello friends! A few years ago I had an interesting incident. One webmaster came to our company and literally with tears in his eyes complained that he could not get to his own website from his home computer, the provider and router settings had nothing to do with it, we checked this immediately, the reason turned out to be different.The webmaster was prevented from accessing his own website by the (then little-known) Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program installed on his computer. We found exactly which program settings blocked access to the site and still got to the site, but why did the program consider the site malicious ?

The webmaster downloaded all the site files to his computer and did not find any malicious code in the site files. Numerous Internet services for checking sites for viruses said that the site was clean. The well-known AI-Bolit scanner, designed to search for malicious codes on websites, also found nothing. We wrote a letter to, in which we asked to explain the reason for blocking the site antivirus program Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware and they answered us. "No problems were found on your site and the site will be excluded from our database of malicious sites very soon."All that was left was to wait, and I had to wait a long time, exactly two years later, the webmaster called me (I didn’t even immediately understand what was going on) and told me the news that his site was no longer blocked by this program. This is how my first acquaintance with Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware happened.

If you read information about this program on the Internet, you will understand that this is almost the best anti-virus program in the world, it’s one of the set-and-forget programs, now your operating system is reliably protected from infection by almost any malicious program. I assure you, friends, this is far from true, and this is being told to you by a person who often uses Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware to treat computers infected with viruses. There is some kind of inconsistency in this, right? It seems like I constantly use this program and at the same time hint to you that it has some shortcomings. Let's figure it out.

  • How to download and install the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware antivirus program;
  • All the pros and cons of Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware;
  • How to properly configure the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program;
  • How to scan and much more.

Note: a description of most of the existing paid and free antiviruses, as well as their ratings, is described in our other article - . Our website also has reviews of all the best antivirus scanners Dr.Web CureIt, ESET Online Scanner, HitmanPro, Cezurity Antivirus Scanner, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. For a complete overview of antivirus software, see .

What I like about Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

1) Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware finds almost all existing malicious objects, be it Trojans, worms, rootkits, Spyware (spyware) and so on. The "Quick Scan" mode available in the program will find and neutralize all malicious programs in a relatively short time time interval.

2) Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware can be installed on a very infected computer, literally teeming with viruses, on which NOD32 and Kaspersky will not be able to install, also launching anti-virus scanners Dr.Web CureIt or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool will end in error, and Malwarebytes" Anti- Malware is a no-brainer; it installs easily, scans and removes viruses. Personally, I have always had problems with computers that are hopelessly infected with viruses, but recently, in exactly half of the cases I can get by with just the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program.

3) The program has a special Chameleon mode! If your computer is infected with numerous malware, then they have probably blocked you from downloading any antivirus, any other than Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. The special Chameleon module will help you download and install the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program, as well as clean your computer from viruses and all this in automatic mode!

4) At the moment, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is one of the best anti-virus scanners. It is constantly updated with new virus signature databases.

5) If you use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware only in scanner mode, the program works for free.

6) All detected threats are sent to quarantine; if necessary, any file can be restored from quarantine.

7) Malwarebytes Chameleon technology will allow you to run the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program when it is completely blocked by virus programs.

8) Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has an additional tool (its own development) Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit, designed to find and remove rootkits.

Disadvantages of the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program, but this is my personal opinion

1) When you install Malwarebytes "Anti-Malware on your computer, the program runs for 14 days free of charge and is fully functional, that is, in addition to the anti-virus scanner, it has real-time protection that can detect and neutralize malicious files when attempting to perform destructive actions. And this already a claim to a full-fledged antivirus program.After 14 days, we are faced with the choice of whether to buy the program or stay with one scanner.

2) I bought the program and decided to use it instead of an antivirus on one of my computers, as a result I came to the conclusion that “Malwarebytes” Anti-Malware is not suitable for a full-fledged antivirus, it lets through a lot of viruses. What’s most interesting is that the program allows “malware” to run its own malicious processes, but if you then run a scan, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware finds and neutralizes these same “malware”. In short, nonsense.

3) But even when scanning, the program does not find all viruses. Last week I found 22 viruses on users’ computers and placed them in the “Warning Viruses” folder; when scanning this folder with my standard antivirus, all 22 viruses were found,

And when scanning the same folder with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, 17 viruses were found.

4) Real-time protection. Let's run all these malicious files on a test machine. Of the 22 two virus files Malwarebytes Anti-Malware did not allow only 10 to run, which means the remaining 12 are now running in our operating system. In turn, the standard antivirus installed on the system did not allow a single malicious process out of 22 to execute.

5) Malwarebytes "Anti-Malware, immediately after installation, decides for you which sites you can access and which you cannot. And in this case, the algorithm of the program is not at all clear. I have a list of sites, when visiting which you will immediately be planted with a virus “(don’t go to grandma’s), so, according to the program, you can go to all these sites, but you can’t go to completely harmless ones. In other words, the program blocks access to many clean sites. According to my calculations, approximately every twentieth site existing on the Internet according to the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program, it is infected.

When you visit an allegedly infected Malwarebytes website, Anti-Malware will display a window like this and you will naturally not be able to access the site.

Or even worse, there will be no window and your browser will simply tell you that the desired site is not available (which is what happened to our webmaster).

You may notice - what if these sites are actually malicious? I will answer this way - you can check them on various services for checking sites for malware, for example or and you will see that this is not so. It’s very good that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has settings where you can disable this outrage. Security module. Disable blocking of malicious sites.

Installing Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware

Go to the official website of the program

Click on the button Free Version Download,

Download and install the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program. You don’t have to change anything during the installation process,

but in the final phase of installing the program, be sure to check the box Enable free trial period of Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware PRO and the program will work fully functional for 14 days, we want to determine how well the program will work as a full-fledged antivirus, and not just a simple scanner. We also tick the boxes Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware Update And Launch Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware.

Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware Settings

Friends, keep in mind that by default the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program is configured for maximum protection.


In this tab, you can select the type of scanning your computer for the presence of malware. In my experience Quick Scan always finds all working viruses and neutralizes them. To start scanning, select the desired type and press the button Scanning.

If malicious objects are found, we will know about it immediately. After scanning is completed, click on the button Show results.

We carefully look at the found objects, if among them there is a file you need that is accepted by the program as a virus, then uncheck it and click Delete objects.

A detailed report is issued about the scanning performed and the viruses removed. In some cases, a complete cleanup will require restarting your computer.

Security module

We tick the boxes we need.

Enable file system protection- Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware will work in real time, monitoring all processes in the operating system, that is, like a full-fledged antivirus.

Enable blocking of malicious sites And Enable blocking of malicious websites, when the security module is started- if you check both of these points, you will not be able to access those sites that, according to the program, contain malicious code. If you you do not want To have the program decide for you which sites you can access and which you can’t, uncheck both of these items.

Run the security module along with Windows- must be marked.


You can run Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware updates manually at any time


If any file got here by mistake, select it with the left mouse and click the Restore button.

MalwareBytes antivirus(MalwareBytes Anti-malware) is an easy-to-use program created by MalwareBytes. This company brought together many programmers under its roof who developed free utilities to remove a variety of malware. Therefore, MalwareBytes Anti-malware, despite its very powerful virus detection and removal mode, remains free for users using it at home. There is also a premium version of the program, its main difference is the presence of a computer protection module in real time.

MalwareBytes antivirus is a program that can quickly scan your computer for viruses and then easily remove them. The program detects a variety of Trojans, adware, potentially unnecessary programs, spyware, ransomware viruses and other malicious programs. The program interface is very simple, so its use will not cause difficulties even for a novice user.

Main features of MalwareBytes Anti-malware:

  • Can run on all modern versions of Windows, including Windows 10
  • Availability of quick scan mode
  • The ability to perform a full computer scan for viruses or scan a single disk, directory or file
  • Availability of a computer protection module (only for the paid version)
  • Daily database updates
  • Can quarantine files and restore them if necessary
  • Ability to create an ignore list for scanning and protection modules
  • Flexible settings to speed up the program
  • Availability of Russified version
  • Works great and does not conflict with anti-virus and anti-spyware programs already installed on the computer
  • Integration with the Windows context menu, allowing you to scan any file

You can often encounter the fact that with MalwareBytes Anti-malware, it detects Trojans, spyware and malware that well-known antiviruses did not even notice. Therefore, its use is recommended and strongly justified. Even if you are not going to buy its full version to protect your computer in real time, run a full scan of your computer from time to time. And most importantly, don’t forget that MalwareBytes Anti-malware does not conflict with an already installed antivirus. And since you can’t spoil the porridge with butter, a system that has MalwareBytes Anti-malware + antivirus is protected much better than one that has only an antivirus program installed.

How to use MalwareBytes antivirus

The instructions below are very simple and will allow any user to check their computer for viruses using MalwareBytes, and if malware is detected, they can be easily removed and restored to normal operation of the operating system and Internet browsers. If you encounter any problems, feel free to write a comment on this article or create a new topic on our forum. If you are interested, then scroll down this page.

Where and how to download Malwarebytes Anti-malware

To download the latest version of Malwarebytes Anti-malware from the official website, click on the link below.

Instead of a classic antivirus, you can also use the premium version of Malwarebytes, which combines several methods for detecting and removing viruses, Trojans and other malware. Malwarebytes is an antivirus, which blocks encryption viruses and ransomware (ransomware), prevents the penetration of malware through holes in programs already installed on the computer (very important due to the fact that new vulnerabilities are constantly being found in such popular products as Adobe Flash Player and Java, and patches for them do not always appear quickly) and allows you to protect your computer in real time from known viruses and programs whose actions can harm the system or your data.

We recommend that you purchase the premium version of Malwarebytes antivirus, which will help you protect your computer from possible infections in the future. The main difference between the premium version and the free version is the presence of a real-time computer protection module. To purchase, follow the following link.

Hello everyone, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a program that is designed to protect your computer from all sorts of evil spirits such as viruses, Trojans and other harmful programs that do all kinds of nonsense on your computer! This program quickly scans your computer for viruses, looks at all the places where they usually hide, and if a virus is found, the program will remove it or treat it. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an advanced virus detection tool and many users only praise the program

In its work, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware uses sophisticated technologies that can sniff out even the coolest viruses, which are invisible in Windows and difficult to detect. Well, it's actually true. I'll even write why. There are viruses that are created in such a way that they constantly change. That is, this is a constantly new malicious program and it cannot be caught, because it constantly has a new look, so figuratively speaking...

This is what the program looks like:

That is, as you can see, there are all sorts of buttons, there are four tab buttons at the top, each with its own function. To check your computer, you need to click Run scan and the process begins:

It is clear that a serious check is underway, memory, Windows autostart, registry, and file system are checked. In general, everything is as it should be... Surprisingly, a virus was found on me, I hope that it did not manage to steal anything from my computer:

And then some viruses were also found, believe it or not, but I didn’t even think that I had viruses, well, of course I was very surprised:

I have a whole bunch of them, to be more precise, estimate 188 pieces. Well, I clicked Delete selected and the assholes were removed.

Then the program showed me a message that it wanted to restart the computer to complete the removal. I understood everything and did not bother her, I clicked Yes in this message:

That's it, after that the computer rebooted and I waited until the computer was cleared of all evil spirits.

Windows loaded and everything seemed to be normal, but there were no messages, so there was a check and all that. That is, there was no report on the work done, like the one here.

To open the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware settings, click on the Settings button at the top, the following settings window will appear:

In principle, everything is configured optimally here. But what else would I personally turn on? In the Detection and Protection tab, I checked the box so that the program detects rootkits, this is the box:

I also enabled the self-defense and self-defense module before loading, these checkboxes are on the Advanced options tab:

By the way, on the same tab you can check the box to reduce priority, it’s at the very bottom. It needs to be installed if Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is loading your computer. But keep in mind that scanning will be slower!

Well, that is, in principle, I think that it is already clear to you what kind of program this is

How to completely remove Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from your computer?

I would not advise doing this, think carefully, the computer will be in danger, but what if there is a virus? But if you are determined and you have the right antivirus installed, then there are no questions.

If you are an advanced user, then maybe you should use an advanced remover to remove Malwarebytes Anti-Malware? It will not only remove the program, but also clean Windows from traces of the program! In general, I recommend, and you think for yourself...

Well, now how to remove the built-in functions of Windows. Click Start and select Control Panel there:

If you have a brand new Windows 10, then to see this item, press Win + X and it will be in the menu that appears!

Then we find the Programs and Features icon:

A window will open with a list of all installed software in your Windows. Here you need to find Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, right-click and select Uninstall there:

There will be a message like this, click Yes:

And that’s it, the program will quickly be uninstalled and you will see the following message:

What else do I want to tell you guys? The fact that you have an antivirus is of course good. But here's the funny thing. The fact is that the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware programs, as well as, well, others, are all designed to detect mainly those viruses that ordinary antiviruses do not catch. This is what I mean by ad viruses. They have one task, which is to show advertising wherever possible - in the browser or on the desktop, or even all together! Antivirus programs often do not consider such programs to be malicious, because they do not steal personal data. Well, by the way, that’s the way it is, although who knows... In general, what I’m saying is that even if you have an antivirus, sometimes check your computer with some utility like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware..

It’s better not to remove Malwarebytes Anti-Malware at all, but that’s up to everyone

I hope that everything is normal and written clearly, good luck with everything, bye


(also called MBAM) is a free and very effective security tool. The product has a paid Premium version that comes with real-time protection and scheduled scanning, but we'll look at the free version for home users.

If you do not have this antivirus scanner installed on your device, download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2 from our website. The scanner can be used absolutely free on home computers for non-commercial purposes.

The installation process is extremely simple, it is only important on the last screen of the wizard to uncheck the “Enable free trial period of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO” option and click the “Finish” button.

To update software modules, you may need to restart your computer. Close other programs first.

This is what the main interface of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.2 looks like

If this is not your first time running the program, you may see a yellow warning about an outdated database. Click “Fix” on the main interface window or “Update Now” on the alert that appears above the taskbar notification area.

If a software module update is available, MBAM 2 will prompt you to install the new version. Click OK and follow the instructions at the beginning of the article.

If Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2 does not work, Windows XP users can launch the program by opening the Start menu -> All Programs, expanding the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware folder and selecting the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware icon.

In Windows Vista, 7 and 10, users can open the Start menu, enter "malware" in the search bar and select Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Windows 8 and 8.1 users can press WINDOWS KEY+Q to open the application search and type "malware" and then select Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Setting up Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

At the top of the program window, click the “Options” button. By default, the “Basic Settings” section will open. On this tab, you need to make sure that the “Context menu in Explorer” option is enabled. This will allow you to start scanning files and folders using the context menu item in Windows Explorer.

Also note that the “Restore Defaults” option provides a quick way to reset the configuration in all tabs available for the free version. Other tabs contain a “Recommended Settings” link that only applies to that specific tab.

Open the “Detection and Protection” tab by selecting the appropriate item in the left navigation menu. First of all, check the “Check for rootkits” option to strengthen your Malwarebytes Anti-Malware protection. Advanced heuristic analysis (Shuriken) and archive scanning are enabled by default. Users who have made changes to local security policies (or group policies) that could be detected as malicious (for example, disabling Windows Defender) should configure the handling of potentially unwanted changes. For the “PUM (Potentially Unwanted Modifications)” option, select “Alert user about detections.”

Please note that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware's potentially unwanted program (PUP) protection may flag many installers because they contain third-party software. There is no need to worry about dangerous installers unless they are flagged as malware in scan results.

Then, select the “Update Options” tab. Set the “Notify if the database is more than ... days out of date” option to “1”. In this case, MBAM will be guaranteed to use the latest signature database.

Make sure that the “Check for program updates when checking for database updates” option is enabled. If necessary, you can configure a proxy server on this screen.

On the History Options tab, for privacy-conscious users, we recommend disabling the “Provide anonymous statistics to help fight malware” option.

In the “Scan log settings” section, it is better not to touch the “Save log file to disk” option; change the value only if your computer is critically low on free space.

This completes the setup of the free version. Other options are available for PRO users.

Managing quarantines and logs

All detected malware is quarantined by default. Since the quarantine folder can take up quite a bit of space, it is recommended to empty it a month after detection. The free CCleaner tool will help you cope with this task.

You can also restore objects to their original location if you are confident in what you are doing.

Click the History button in the top bar of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. The “Quarantine” section will open and display all objects that were detected and placed in it. The easiest way to empty a folder is to click the “Delete All” button. The action must be confirmed.

The user can delete individual objects by simply selecting them with the mouse and clicking the “Delete” button. The action must be confirmed.

Be careful with the “Recover” button - do not use it unless you are absolutely sure that the object being restored is not malware.

To view Malwarebytes Anti-Malware logs, click the “History” button in the program's top menu and then select the “Program Logs” tab in the left navigation menu. Here you can open any presented magazines. Logs need to be checked only for subsequent deletion; other actions with them are not available.

The screenshot shows a sample scan history log that provides a summary of all important settings and results. Pay attention to the scroll bar in the first section - there is much more information there than is displayed on the screen.

The “Export” button allows you to copy the report to the clipboard or save it to a TXT or XML file for later analysis.

MBAM maintains daily security logs, which include information about the database and software updates performed.

Found a typo? Highlight and press Ctrl + Enter

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an antivirus program for searching and neutralizing malware on the user's computer. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has two versions: free and paid. For most users, the free version of this application is suitable.

This program belongs to the second-tier antivirus software. Basically, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware makes sense to use as an anti-virus scanner, especially to search for and remove various adware and spyware. It so happens that other antivirus programs, in most cases, do not identify such threats as dangerous for the computer.

Let's look at why so-called second-tier antivirus programs are needed, and how they differ from antiviruses that are installed on a computer as the main ones.

The main antivirus installed on your computer solves slightly different problems. Its main purpose is to protect the system, data and applications from the effects of malware. At the same time, the main antivirus pays less attention to advertising modules, hijackers (browser page hijackers), and other similar software.

Changes made by these applications may be unpleasant for the user, however, they do not pose a great threat to his computer. Antivirus protects against what is truly dangerous and poses a serious threat to your computer.

Therefore, programs such as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) supplement, if necessary, the antivirus program installed on the user's computer as the main antivirus.

The paid version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can be used in real-time to constantly check the data on your computer. The free version of the program can be used as an on-demand anti-virus scanner, launching it from time to time to scan your computer. The main features of the free version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:

  • detection and removal of malicious software not detected by other antiviruses
  • removing rootkits and restoring damaged files

The paid version of the program additionally includes the following functions:

  • blocking malicious websites
  • protect your computer in real time
  • quick scan mode
  • scheduler and access policy
  • self-protection of the program from the influence of malicious applications

For the vast majority of users, the free version of the program will be sufficient. The paid version will allow you to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware as your main antivirus. In this case, it should be taken into account that in comparison with other well-known antiviruses, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will lose when used as the main antivirus.

You can download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from the official website of the program. The program has Russian language support.

Malwarebytes Anti Malware download

After downloading the program, install this application on your computer. The installation of the program takes place in Russian. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has a single installation file for both versions of the application. After installation on your computer, the paid version of the program is activated with a key (along with an ID), which provides a one-year subscription.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Interface

After launching the program, the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware antivirus program window will open in the “Home” tab. The top panel contains buttons for opening tabs: “Home”, “Check”, “Settings”, “History”, as well as a proposal to switch to the paid version of the program.

The “Home” tab provides information about the license, database version, the scan being performed, and a proposal to upgrade to the paid version of the program: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium.

You can immediately run an anti-virus scan of your computer from here by clicking on the “Run scan” button.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Settings

To select antivirus settings, you will need to go to the “Settings” tab. In the “Settings” tab, in the left column there are several sections with which you can configure the antivirus yourself if you are not satisfied with the default settings.

Please note that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is already optimally configured by default.

In the "Exclusions" section, you can configure settings to exclude specific folders or files when malware is detected. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will not check these folders and files that are added to exceptions when scanning your computer for viruses. All contents of this folder (subfolders, files, etc.) will be added to the exceptions.

Using the “Add File” and “Add Folder” buttons, you can add the necessary data to the exceptions, and using the “Delete” button, you can remove a given folder or file from the exceptions.

In the “Web Exclusions” section, you can add IP addresses, domains, or programs to exclude when checking Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Using the “Add IP”, “Add domain”, “Add process” buttons, you can add specific data to the web exceptions, and using the “Delete” button, remove this data from the web exceptions.

This option is available only for the paid version of the program.

The Detections and Protection section configures the detection configuration and behavior of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware protection. By default, these settings are already optimally configured. Experienced users can adjust these settings at their discretion.

Here you can activate the “Check for rootkits” item for a more complete scan of your computer.

The Update Settings section will allow you to configure the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware update settings on your computer.

Using the “History Settings” tab, you can access the program logs if you need this data for subsequent analysis.

The Access Policy section will allow you to manage access levels to various Malwarebytes Anti-Malware settings and features. This function works in the paid version of the antivirus.

In the "Advanced Settings" section, you can change the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware protection behavior settings. It is not recommended to change anything in this section unless absolutely necessary, since these settings are intended for experienced users.

These settings will be available in the paid version of the antivirus program.

The Task Scheduler section is used to create and configure tasks for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. You can use these features in the paid version of the program.

After familiarizing yourself with the application settings, you can start scanning your computer for viruses.

Check your system with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

In the “Scan” tab, you can select the type of scanning: “Full scan”, “Custom scan”, “Quick scan” (in the paid version). To start the scan, after selecting the scan method, click on the “Start scan” button.

This will begin the process of scanning your computer for malware. The computer is scanned in a certain order; various sections of the operating system are checked in turn, and applications installed on the computer are checked.

Using the “Pause” and “Cancel” buttons, you can pause the computer scan, or completely cancel the system scan for viruses.

After the scan is completed, you will receive a message about the scan result. If Malwarebytes Anti-Malware detects something on your computer, you will see a message about it in the notification area.

Information about the found objects will be displayed in the main program window.

Carefully review the detected threats. For example, not all unwanted programs found in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware are actually unwanted programs on your computer. These could be regular programs that you have installed on your computer. Therefore, uncheck the boxes that you think are applications that should not be removed from your computer.

After this, a window will open warning you that to completely remove threats, you need to restart your computer.

Data deleted by Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will be quarantined.

In the “History” tab, in the “Quarantine” section, the quarantined data will be displayed. Using the corresponding “Restore”, “Delete”, or “Delete All” buttons, you can perform actions with the corresponding quarantined data. To do this, mark the desired entry, and then perform the required action.

Data deleted from quarantine will be permanently deleted from your computer.

In the “Program Logs” section you can get data about the scanning results. Logs can be exported: copied to the clipboard, saved to a text file, or to an XML file.

Conclusions of the article

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is designed to protect your computer from malicious software. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can detect malicious threats that other antivirus programs cannot detect.