Production and installation of capacitive equipment. Capacitive equipment. Production of capacitive equipment and reservoirs

Reviews about PZEM

Oleg Vasiliev Supplier "Kama Automobile Plant (KAMAZ)"

I would like to note the high quality of the products supplied by PZEM LLC, which have passed all the necessary tests and certification, the availability of competent information about the product, stability of supply, a wide range, as well as advertising support, which was expressed in the provision of catalogs, information leaflets and souvenirs.

Measuring points are installed on the high side of each group's main transformer, on the high side of each of the auxiliary power outputs that exist in the center and on the high side of each of the supplies outside the auxiliary rods.

Types of capacitive equipment

Therefore, these expenses will not be considered customers for all purposes. Manufacturers special regime, in order to determine boundaries and measurement points, must comply with the provisions for generating installations, except in cases provided for by specific legislation.

The capacitive equipment plant PZEM is a successfully developing company. The production area of ​​our plant occupies more than 18 thousand m2. We have a modern technology park and the necessary equipment at our disposal. The professional team of PZEM LLC are highly qualified specialists with many years of experience. We are engaged in the design, production and sale of capacitive equipment throughout Russia and neighboring countries.

In the case of clients connected directly to central buses, the measurement point at the generation-client boundary will be determined according to the criterion defined in the client boundaries section. In multi-group installations, auxiliary costs taken from transport or distribution rods that cannot be assigned to a delivery unit will, in accordance with the Operating Rules that govern the proposal system, be considered customers.

The high side of the main transformer is not considered a boundary in those groups that supply electricity to the grid, which is considered a generating plant and is used exclusively for auxiliary power to a set of power plants owned by the same owner.

Today, the PZEM plant is one of the leaders among Russian manufacturers capacitive equipment. After all, our main credo is an individual approach to the client. The capabilities of our plant allow us to create devices to suit any customer requirements, including the production of non-standard capacitive equipment.

Delivery and order conditions

The customer's boundary with the transport or distribution activities is established at all points of connection of the customer's premises with the transmission or distribution networks. The measuring point should be installed at the property boundary on the customer's side of the premises as close as possible to common element protection of the installation and at the same voltage level.

Transport substation consumption must be measured to avoid confusion with transmission or distribution network losses. The equipment that will be installed will comply with the provisions of the Control Point Regulations and additional technical instructions for customer boundaries.

About capacitive equipment

We are engaged in the production of capacitive technological equipment any types:

  • - gas receivers and air collectors;
  • - separators and settling tanks, etc.

Capacitive equipment has a wide range of applications and can be used at enterprises in almost any field of activity, including the oil and gas refining, chemical industries, construction companies, agriculture, etc.

The limit is set on transformers whose high side voltage rating is 220 kV or higher and whose low side voltage is less than this value. The boundary between distribution zones must be established at all points of connection between installations belonging to two different zones.

Production of capacitive equipment and reservoirs

The border between the transport network and the network of other countries is at the border of the national territory. The measurement point can be set at the end of the interconnection line. In the case of supplies to populations in neighboring countries that are powered by distributed voltages, the measuring equipment that allows the determination of energy circulation at the border will correspond to that specified for the boundaries between distribution zones.

Depending on climatic conditions, the type of environment for which the vessel is made, as well as other conditions, the apparatus can be made of different grades of steel, have different volumes, be single-walled or double-walled, vertical and horizontal. It is possible to complete the device with ladders, service platforms, fittings for instrumentation and control devices, etc.

In both cases, the control meter will preferably be installed at the other end of the line. As stated in Article 5 of the Measurement Points Regulations, to determine the characteristics of equipment, measurement points will be divided into two types: type 1 and type. Type 1 measurement points are.

All other measuring points are of type. For the purposes of this classification, the following definitions are considered. The rated apparent power of a measuring point will be determined by the lowest apparent power element of the circuit into which the measuring point is inserted. In circuits where elements are parallel, they are treated as one element whose rated apparent power is the sum of the rated apparent powers of each.

Delivery and order conditions

Our website presents a complete catalog of current products. We are not only engaged in retail trade. We can also purchase equipment in large quantities, which is convenient for large companies.

We offer to buy capacitive equipment from the manufacturer at reasonable price both standard and non-standard, according to customer requirements. By working directly with the manufacturer without intermediaries, you significantly save on cost, since there are no price markups. In addition, we sell equipment throughout Russia and the CIS countries and carry out the delivery ourselves.

The annual energy exchange should be understood as the sum of active energy that crosses the boundary in both directions in a calendar year. Gas turbines that are in operation on the coming into force of the Metering Points Regulation will be eligible for energy classification without regard to their apparent power normally assigned to such points. To do this, they must notify the System Operator before the expiration of the deadlines defined for the adaptation of equipment in the transitional provision of the Metering Point Regulations, and this option cannot be exercised after this date.

For purchasing questions, you can contact one of the phone numbers on the plant’s website. You can also use the “Make an application” function and place an order online or leave us a request for a call back so that we can contact you.

Suitable equipment.

One of the main activities of the plant is production of capacitive equipment for the needs of the chemical, petrochemical industry and oil and gas complex.

Section 4 of this document defines the specific characteristics of the equipment that must be installed at each type of measurement point. When the location of a measuring point on a border is changed in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Measurement Points Regulations, the new point may not adopt a classification less demanding than that corresponding to the original point.

If, for two consecutive years, the annual energy exchanged by a measuring point for an energy classification exceeds by more than 10 percent the corresponding upper limit of its type, it automatically changes its classification at the appropriate rate.

The plant produces capacitive equipment, having different levels of complexity of execution. High quality indicators are achieved by using strict control over the production process as a whole. The design bureau is engaged in scientific activities within the plant. It develops technical documentation for the manufacture of structurally complex capacitive equipment, for example, reactors operating under vacuum and pressure, with various additional devices and systems. The scientific basis of production activities allows us to solve a number of additional production tasks non-standard capacitive equipment. Thanks to the high scientific potential of the design bureau of our plant, we can fulfill orders for the production of unique products high level complexity and quality. The quality of our plant's products is not inferior to their foreign analogues, and in most parameters even surpasses them.

Likewise, when changes occur that increase the apparent power rating of the circuit in which a generation measure is located, or when a customer expands its contracted capacity, the classification of the relevant measure will be considered. The person responsible for this measure will then proceed to replace teams that do not meet the requirements resulting from the new classification. The time frame for replacing equipment is specified in Article 14 of the Control Point Regulations and will begin on January 1 of the year following the first two in which the limit is exceeded.

All plant specialists have appropriate education and extensive experience in the production of capacitive equipment for the chemical, oil and gas industries. In a short time, the plant has become a reliable partner for many enterprises in these industries in the field of supply of industrial equipment. We are developing together with the country's oil and gas complex, providing the best products for our consumers, thereby contributing to general development the country's economy.

Operation of capacitive equipment

Equipment installation highest quality, at a minimum, is established in the Regulations on measuring points and in these Additional technical instructions will be carried out at the request of any of the event participants within the time limits specified in Article 14 of the Regulations on control points.

The costs incurred by the replacement shall be borne by the applicant. When a request precedes the first installation of equipment, the determination of these costs will be made by the difference between the price of the installed equipment and the minimum equipment necessary to comply with the provisions of the Control Point Regulations and these Technical Specifications. additional instructions. When the request involves the removal of existing equipment and the installation of new equipment, the costs will include all actual costs incurred.