Megafon subscription cancellation number 5051. How to disable paid subscriptions on Megafon

Most mobile operators provide their subscribers with various paid features and subscriptions. Quite often they can be included in the starter package or promotional rate. Usually subscription fee You don't have to pay to use them, just for the initial period.

MegaFon is not far behind this trend. There is no need to pay for subscriptions at first (from two weeks to a month). After this, the fee will be debited automatically. The company provides a huge number of ways to check subscriptions. This article outlines all the ways to check and disable subscriptions on MegaFon.

How to check subscriptions on MegaFon

Before you disable subscriptions, you should find out which ones work for you. this moment and their cost. This can be done using the following methods:

  • Send USSD request.
  • Send SMS.
  • Through the Internet.
  • Thanks to the help of telecom operators.

So, let's look at all the methods in more detail.

USSD request

You need to call the number *105# . A special menu will appear on the screen. Dial a number 1 , and then 4 . This will take you to the section with options in . To check which features and subscriptions are activated, press the number 4 . After this, you will receive an SMS with the required list. To see which ones you can deactivate, click 2 . To check paid subscriptions on MegaFon, press 3 .

Additionally, you can use the combination *505# .

Thanks to text messaging

To check subscriptions on MegaFon using SMS, send text message to the number 5051 . It should contain the word INFO, Cyrillic or Latin.

Using the Internet

You need to log into your personal account on the official MegaFon website. To do this you need to register using the number *105*00# get a password, log into your account, personal account and go to the functions tab. In the window that opens, you can check the subscriptions for the number. You can also deactivate them here. A website is also perfect for these purposes.

Check MegaFon subscriptions from your phone

Unlike the previous ones, this method will take a lot of time. Command to check subscriptions on MegaFon - 0505 . You need to make a call to this number, enter the number 1 , then the number 2 , and use the robot's hints.

Ways to disable paid subscriptions

There are many different ways to deactivate paid subscriptions. In essence, this process is very similar to the verification process described above.

You can disable subscriptions via the Internet in the following way:

On the official web page you need to log into your personal account, in the functions tab. You can read above how to do this. In order to deactivate a service, you must click on the corresponding key opposite it. The above-mentioned website is also suitable for disabling options. Just go to the "Unsubscribe" section.

If you do not have access to the network, you can use this method:

You just need to send an SMS with the word STOP, written in Cyrillic or Latin, to the number 5051 . After this, you will receive a message indicating all paid services and information that will allow you to disable them. You can also send a text message with the same content to the phone from which the SMS came, confirming the activation of the desired service.

The next method is to send a USSD request to a specific number. You can find out what service combination is needed to disable a specific subscription by typing the command on your phone *505# . This method very similar to the previous one.

Via SIM card

Most SIM cards manufactured recently have a menu. To find it, you need to go to the phone menu and open “MegaFon PRO” or “ SIM Tools" If you do not find these names, you need to replace the SIM card with a newer one at a MegaFon communication store. If such items are found, go to the card menu, then to the services section in the MegaFon tab, open the item with subscriptions and enter the connected ones on the SIM card. After a short time, you will receive an SMS containing information about subscriptions and deactivation methods.

In the office

Come to the campaign's corporate office and ask MegaFon employees for help. They will easily disable the necessary subscriptions.

Call the operator manager

Make a phone call 0500 . The operator will quickly solve the problem.

How to prevent receiving paid subscriptions

To do this, you need to activate the “Stop Content” service. It is important to know that it works exclusively in the Moscow region. For other regions, you should find out on the official MegaFon website or from company employees.

You can activate the Stop Content service:

  1. Through your personal account.
  2. By calling the number *105*801# .
  3. By asking MegaFon store employees.

How to activate the required subscriptions. Option "Mobile subscriptions"

If necessary, clients can activate the " Mobile subscriptions" With its help, you can find out important news in various fields. To do this, you just need to specify the desired subscriptions and then confirm.

It is possible to activate this option:

  1. Through your personal account.
  2. Use the SIM card menu.
  3. Via a mobile application.
  4. Send SMS to the number 5051 .
  5. Call the number *505#digit#, in which the “number” is the number of the desired topic.

News will be sent from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. via text messages, MMS, or smartphone app. The feature is not free. The cost is calculated based on the chosen topic. The connection price is included in the subscription fee.

You can disable the function:

  1. Using your personal account.
  2. Use the SIM card menu.
  3. Via a mobile application.
  4. Send an SMS to the short number 5051 with the word STOP **, in which ** is the number of the news topic.
  5. Enter phone number *505#0#XX#, in which XX is the subject number.

Still have questions? Write them in the comments!

Sometimes cash behind certain services are withdrawn from the phone balance after choosing a promotional tariff or connecting to a starter package. Megafon subscribers and future clients of the company should know why subscription fees suddenly begin to be charged, and how to disable unnecessary functions.

Why is money debited from my account?

Almost all mobile operators offer paid subscriptions to their customers. They are usually provided free of charge for a specific time. So, in Megafon you initially do not need to pay for connecting such functions. After 2-4 weeks, money will begin to be debited from your account automatically. This is completely legal.

No operator will just steal funds from your balance. The only catch is that companies increase their income through veiled services, including various active subscriptions.

Often clients do not pay attention to additional conditions, written in small font, as well as a small recurring fee charged to the subscriber's account.

This often leads to unpleasant surprises in the form of withdrawal of an impressive amount over a long period of time.

The most clear way to understand where the money goes is to detail it. It can be ordered via Personal Area client for a certain amount. However, there is also free ways finding out the necessary information.

How to check connected subscriptions

To find out the connected subscriptions and their prices, you should use one of the methods below.

USSD command

You can see information through a special request on your smartphone as follows:

  1. On the screen mobile phone dial the combination *105#.
  2. Next, select 1 in the menu that appears, and then 4.
  3. Having entered your Personal Account, press the number 4.

Next, a text message with a list of services will be sent to your phone. To deactivate subscriptions, press 3. It is also acceptable to use the command *505#.

Via text message

You can send an SMS with the word INFO to the number. It is acceptable to enter characters in Latin or Cyrillic.

Through the Internet

To check paid subscriptions online, proceed as follows:

  • go to the official resource of the provider;
  • To do this, register by number *105*00#;
  • enter your password and log in to your account;
  • go to the options section.

Paid subscriptions will be displayed on the page.

Options for disabling subscriptions

To disable the option, you must select one of the following methods:

  1. Through the Internet. You need to log into your account on the Megafon website and find the tab with functions. To disable the option, you need to click on the corresponding button opposite the subscription.
  2. Without using the Internet. If you do not have access to the network, you need to send the word “STOP” to the number 5051. Next you will receive information that will help you deactivate the services.
  3. Using a SIM card. New subscriber identification modules have a specific menu, which is located in “Tools” or in “Megafon PRO”. You need to go into it and select the item with subscriptions. Next, you need to enter the connected options on this SIM card. Soon you will receive an SMS about deactivation methods.
  4. Through a company employee. It is permissible to call the number, where the operator will quickly solve the problem of disabling the service, or contact directly the Megafon office, where paid functions will be deactivated.

You can learn more about the description and terms of subscriptions on the website . Combinations for refusing a specific service are also indicated here. Let's look at them using popular content as an example:

Checking paid services

To check other paid services, you must use the following methods:

  1. Through the personal account of the official website. Go to your account and open the “Services and Options” section. Next, disable unnecessary functions.
  2. Through an application on your phone. The Megafon Personal Account application has a similar interface, which can be downloaded for free through the Play Market.

If you cannot access the Internet, then you need to call the number from your mobile phone and explain to the operator what services you need to disable.

Prohibition on connecting services and subscriptions

In Moscow and the region there is a “Stop Content” service, which allows you to put a ban on paid subscriptions. You can connect it like this:

  • through your Personal Account on the Megafon website;
  • upon request *105*801# or *526# ;
  • from company office employees.

In the regions, the availability of the function must be checked with the organization’s employees. It is not surprising that this service is advertised with little activity, because the operator does not want to lose revenue from paid content.

The option does not have a regular monetary contribution; it is connected free of charge. However, it has several disadvantages:

  • it will not be possible to send SMS to short numbers;
  • you will not be able to pay for parking or participate in some sweepstakes;
  • Sometimes you can't use mobile banking.

Thus, “Stop Content” is great for people who are not very versed in subscriptions (elderly subscribers), as well as those who want to disable old options and no longer activate new ones.

It is by chance that funds are regularly debited from your account for active paid services and services assigned to your number. A logical question arises, how to disable subscriptions to Megafon? Let's look at all the ways to deactivate paid services.

Checking Megafon subscriptions and getting information about services is quite simple; you need to dial *583*2# from your phone and press the call key. The smartphone screen will display reliable information about the options connected to your number. The verification will take a minimum of time.

How to disable paid subscriptions

You can learn about subscriptions and unsubscribe from them using:

Using USSD request

You can disable paid subscriptions by typing simple commands. For example, to deactivate your answering machine and voicemail, you must enter *105*1300#, animated mail - *105*2310#, melody instead of the usual dial tone - *105*9000#, mobile data transfer - *105*1400#, control of incoming calls - *105*2400#, always I’m in touch with you - *105*2500#.

Via SMS message

Another way to disable subscriptions, but this time through a message. To deactivate active services, you need to send an SMS with the text “STOP” to the short number 5051. After this, mobile subscriptions will not be deleted, but a message will be sent to the registered number. detailed instructions, thanks to which you can deactivate unnecessary services.

Through “Personal Account” on the MegaFon website

Many users find this method to unsubscribe from all subscriptions the most convenient. First you need to register on the official website: enter your phone number and personal data in the registration fields, after which a password will be sent to your cell phone to enter your “Personal Account”.

To remove activated options in the main menu, go to the “Service Management” tab and select “Disable all mailings”. You can also view and control the consumption of mobile funds in your personal account.

Through the My Portal service

Good afternoon

This special teams for Megafon subscribers, they allow you to temporarily disable the ability to connect certain types of paid subscriptions. I’ll say right away that these methods of dealing with paid subscriptions do not guarantee 100% protection from paid content. But first things first.

Detailed description of commands to number 5151

  • USTZAPRET1- Establishes a ban on the “Mobile subscriptions” service for a period of 3 months. We are talking about “classic” subscriptions that can be accidentally activated if you act carelessly;
  • USTPBK1- establishes a ban on the service “Access to infotainment services when following URL links” for a period of 3 months. These are the same mobile subscriptions, but you can “accidentally” activate them simply by following a scam link;
  • NETCLICK1- establishes a ban on connecting short number services (regarding the use of WEB requests). This is another type of “random connection” of paid subscriptions when browsing sites;
  • USTZAPRETSP- Establishes a ban on Megafon’s own paid subscriptions.
  • Paid subscriptions to Megafon: How to get rid of them once and for all?
  • Commands must be sent one at a time to number 5151 and wait for a response SMS about disabling services (see screenshot above).

    Disadvantages of the commands USTZAPRET1, USTPBK1 and NETCLICK1

    Unfortunately, these commands disable content services only for 3 months, after which they must be sent again to number 5151. But their main drawback is that they do not always work. That is, you can subscribe to a paid subscription, even if you have all possible restrictions set. In this case, the Megafon contact center will tell you that a technical failure has occurred.

    How to get rid of mobile subscriptions in Megafon once and for all

    The only way to once and for all get rid of mobile subscriptions and other paid crap imposed on us by mobile operators is to connect a separate “content account”. Read more about such an account in our articles.

    One of the leaders mobile market Russian Federation, Megafon provides its subscribers with access to a huge number of tariffs and related services. Among the latter, we can note the mobile subscription service, which, according to the operator, makes it possible to regularly receive on your gadget most interesting content. But this service is also something of a bone of contention between the company and its customers, because some of the subscriptions, for example, the one associated with the number 5051, cause certain problems if you want to cancel. What lies behind this 4-digit combination and how to deal with the operator’s annoying offer will be discussed later in this article.

    What do you have to deal with?

    Among the many services that Megafon provides, the 5051 mobile subscription, like others in this category, is perhaps one of the most controversial. Surely, every subscriber has seen in his phone service menu, usually connected to a valid SIM card. Here you can find out the latest news, horoscope, jokes and other useful and not so useful information.

    Unlike system menu, which is available by default, the subscription service becomes available only after paying a subscription fee. Its peculiarity is that funds are written off daily. The cost of the service depends on which of the paid packages is activated. There are nine of them in total, if you look at the official page at

    • Entertainment. It is a collection of content that invariably lifts the general mood of each Megafon subscriber (jokes, photo galleries, television programs, etc.).
    • Communication. Here you can find all the information you need to find and establish contacts with interesting interlocutors.
    • Sport. Everything is simple here, or rather, everything that is really important for an avid fan - actual news from sports arenas and social events of a sporting nature.
    • Be aware of. This subscription package is ideal for those subscribers who urgently need to search for key information streams of various directions (weather, domestic news, exchange rates, etc.).
    • The best. The name speaks for itself - this is a compilation of the most popular news channels, taking into account their user ratings.
    • Glamor. This package of subscriptions 5051 will provide a lot of interesting information for those Megafon subscribers who follow the world of show business and culture.
    • Business. An ideal assistant for beginners and experienced businessmen, broadcasting current state news, cutting-edge events from the world of economics, including exchange rates.
    • See first. Everything that is new and interesting appears in the world and is recorded by the lenses of photo/video cameras is available for viewing in this package.
    • Adult. This channel is sure to attract the attention of Playboy fans, as well as anyone who wants to succeed in their love affairs.

    These are not all the subscriptions from number 5051 that a Megafon subscriber can arrange - the rest can also be found on the service’s website.

    Service management

    Each of the above Megafon subscription packages has its own identifier in the system. This is necessary to make it easier to distinguish and connect them when USSD assistance commands or SMS messages to the short number 5051. If you systematize all this information, you will get the following table:

    Package name Text of the SMS message to number 5051 in the form “95X” USSD command type *505*Х# Cost of service, rub./day
    Entertainment 13 31 5
    Communication 18 17 5
    Sport 110 41 5
    Be aware of 17 36 5
    The best 11 26 5
    Glamor 15 37 5
    Business 14 43 5
    See first 16 24 5
    Adult 12 4 10

    If subscriptions are connected not as a package, but separately, then their cost will naturally be different - all information is fully contained on the Megafon website in the corresponding section. It should be noted that the connection process itself is not charged separately - the cost of this procedure is already included in the price of the package/individual subscription.

    As is typical for the operator, all these actions can be performed through the individual service “Personal Account” in the “Services and Options” section. Here you can also determine which of the subscriptions are currently active, since, as practice and statistical data show, the majority of Megafon subscribers either have no idea about the connected services from number 5051, or do not remember which of them is currently active. To determine, you must send a free request in the format *505#. Another option would be to order invoice details.

    To unsubscribe from existing subscriptions, you can use one of the following options:

    • Find the “Mobile Subscriptions” site and select the current option to disable it.
    • Take advantage of the opportunity to send an SMS message with the text “Stop XX” to number 5051. As you might guess, instead of the XX characters you need to substitute the personal identifier/subscription code, which are contained in the table above.
    • Enter the USSD command *505*0*ХХ# on your keyboard. Here, you will also have to substitute the service code instead of the missing characters.

    As you can see, Megafon provides plenty of ways to free the subscriber from the extra subscription burden from number 5051.