Megafon cancel all services. Ways to disable paid services and subscriptions on a megafon number

Often operators impose additional services without asking whether they are needed or not. Megafon often offers different options, many of which are paid. Of course, they need to be turned off, and we will now look at how to do this.

Why are unwanted subscriptions connected?

The answer to this question is, therefore, clear. The operator wants to make money from inattentive, lazy users who do not want to check paid services and subscriptions.

Often, after connecting the Megafon package, many additional options are activated along with it, which can be free, but after a week or a month they begin to charge money from the account.

Often among such services there are entertainment options: jokes, horoscopes, etc.

Be sure to carefully read the contract concluded with the cellular company. It often states that the operator can connect various services. However, the wording may simply be confusing so that an inexperienced user cannot understand the true essence.

How to find out about connected paid services

If it is not clear where the funds are being debited from your account, you should definitely check the number for the presence of paid services. For users of the Megafon operator there are three ways:

USSD request

Using your phone's keypad, dial *505# and press the call button. After a while, you will receive an SMS message with a list of connected services, subscriptions, etc.

Service Guide

You can log into your account in the Service Guide system. There you need to open a certain section where all active options and subscriptions are. You will need the Internet and registration in your personal account.

Call to service number

The last option is to call the short number 0505 and, following the instructions of the voice robot, receive the necessary information.

Disconnection methods

Let's say you used one of the methods above to check the availability of paid services, and found several unnecessary options and subscriptions, for which funds are debited from your balance. You need to immediately disable them using any of the methods that we will present below.

Personal Area

Each Megafon client is provided with a free service - a personal account. In it you can perform various operations with your SIM card and receive useful information. To check the availability of paid services:

USSD commands

To disable services in this way, firstly, you need to find out the code of the unnecessary option; to do this, you should send a USSD request *105#, receive an SMS with active services and codes to deactivate them. You must enter a special combination and wait for a message to arrive notifying you that the service is not active.

SMS messages

You can disable paid options by sending SMS messages. This is inconvenient if you actively have a lot of unnecessary services. You need to send messages with deactivation codes one by one. The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. We go to the official Megafon website.
  2. We find the section with services and open detailed information about the necessary options.
  3. There will be a text and a number where to send an SMS to disable the service.

Call to operator

If something is unclear about the services or money is simply withdrawn from the account, you need to call the operator at 0500. He will explain what services cost money and help in deactivating them. If you are a legal entity, you need to call 8 800 550 0555.

Megafon PRO

After installing the SIM card in the phone, a shortcut to the Megafon PRO service application appears in the menu. You need to tap on it with your finger and open the “Subscriptions” section. To get rid of paid subscriptions, you should send a message with the word “List” to the service number from which you receive news, all paid subscriptions will become inactive.

Video instruction:

Visit to a communication salon

The last method to get rid of “money eaters from your account” is to go with your passport to the nearest Megafon store. Its employees will help identify active paid options and assist in disabling them.

How to protect yourself from being charged for unnecessary subscriptions

Activate the Stop Content service. It blocks the ability to send SMS or USSD requests to short, paid numbers.

To activate the option, enter the combination *105*801# and press the call button. In a few minutes you will receive a response SMS indicating that the service is active and access to short numbers is blocked.

Questions from subscribers

We will answer several frequently asked questions from Megafon subscribers regarding the deactivation of services.

How to disable the who called service?

The easiest and most convenient way is to do this by entering the USSD command *581*3# and pressing the call button.

How to disable all paid services at once?

You must send a message to number 5051 with the word “Stop”. In response, you will receive an SMS indicating how to disable paid options.

When using a number, we often need to connect and disconnect various services and tariff options. Some services are useful for us, some not so much, and some are imposed by the operator in addition to the tariff. Previously, operators made a living by connecting services to their subscribers by simply notifying them via SMS. With the tightening of legislation in the field of communications, this practice has become a thing of the past. MegaFon was the first among the Big Three to take the path of honest business.

No matter how the service is connected, if there is a need to disable it, then you need to know all the possible options. Let's look at them:

Megafon-Retail communication salon and contact center 0500, 88003330500

If you find that there are debits from your mobile phone balance that do not fit into the usual level of payment for services, this is a reason to contact a mobile phone store or contact center. You may have an unnecessary service or subscription. When applying, you need to be prepared for the fact that there are always queues and waiting times at the salon or at the help desk.

Before consulting on connected services, the specialist will definitely carry out identification - in some cases, the full name of who is the legal owner of the number will be enough, but sometimes a code word or passport data (series and number) may be required.

If you need to disable a paid service, the employee may try to keep it for you, or offer an alternative. Be careful: employees have goals for selling services on incoming calls and when visiting the office. If you want to get rid of services, you can get new ones. Be firm in your decisions.

We consider this method of managing connected services to be the most time-consuming and complex.

Service control commands

Any service has an enable and disable command. This could be an SMS request, a USSD command, or a voice assistant when calling the contact center. The question arises: where to get this command? Everything is very simple.

  1. We go to the official website of the operator.
  2. In the upper right corner, select your region.
  3. There is also a site search button. If you know the name of the service, it will not be difficult to find it. The description always contains a command on how to turn it on or off.

The big disadvantage in this process is that you may not know in advance which service is enabled and try to disable the wrong thing. For this case, there is a command for checking the list of services - * 583 #. When dialing, the system specifies how to display the information: on the screen or send it via SMS. It is better to choose the second point. In this case, you receive a detailed message with a list of paid services and their cost.

If the write-off occurred recently and you want to check why it happened, another code will help - * 512 #. This is a request for the last 5 paid debits from your balance. Information is also sent via SMS.

An IVR system on operator dial-up numbers is another opportunity to check the list of your services. MegaFon has invested enormous amounts of money in the development of its voice assistant. Nowadays you don’t even need to wait for a specialist’s answer to ask something. You can find out everything yourself, including changing the tariff, connecting or disconnecting services. IVR is built very logically. The structure is as follows:

  • 1 - Number information
  • 2 — Internet service settings
  • 3 — Company News
  • 4 — Tariff plans and Services
  • 5 — Megafon-Bonus program
  • 6 - Mobile devices
  • 7 - Reference information
  • # — Service rating
  • 0 — Connection with a customer service specialist.

It may change, but in general the main sections are always the same.

Personal account and mobile application

Megafon's personal account is perhaps the most convenient self-service service. From the official website you can go to your personal account on the main page in the upper right corner. You can also open it using this link: .

The login is a phone number, and the password is sent via SMS using the command *105*00#.

In your personal account, everything you could want to manage your number is possible - changing the tariff, ordering details, managing services, subscriptions (!), etc.

With the development of the smartphone industry, operators have developed unique applications for their personal accounts. The MegaFon application is one of the most convenient services among its competitors (Beeline also has a pretty smart one).

This is actually a full-fledged personal account - its mini version. Everything that can be done in the WEB version of the personal account is also available in the application. Installed on devices with iOS, Android, Windows operating systems.

Choose any way to manage your services, save money and remember that “MegaFon starts with you.”

Perhaps many people are familiar with the situation. It seems that I just topped up my balance and didn’t even use my mobile phone, but I already receive a message that there is no money in my account. Most likely, the number has paid services connected, for which funds are regularly debited. So, how can a Megafon subscriber disable unnecessary options?

There are a number of services for which you have to pay. These include:

  • Voicemail options;
  • Videomails;
  • “Always in touch” options;
  • Simultaneous support for multiple incoming calls;
  • Who called.

And a number of others. All these services have a specific code, knowing which you can disable them yourself.

How to deactivate unnecessary functions on the number?

For Megafon customers, it is possible to find out which options are currently active. There is a simple command for this: *105*559#. After sending the request, information about activated subscriptions will appear on the screen.

There are several ways to manage functions for Megafon subscribers.

You can disable paid subscriptions through the special “Service Guide” functionality. To do this, log in to your “Personal Account” on the operator’s official website. For authorization to be successful, you need to send a special USSD request *105*00# from your phone. An information message with a password to enter the site will be sent to your mobile phone. Then you need to select the “Service Management” tab, which is located on the main menu page. After that, use the “Disable mailings” item.

You can use the Megafon page, which offers management of subscriptions for mobile phones. To do this, from a computer or mobile phone with Internet access, go to Here you can see all the functions that are available on the Megafon number. Then select the “Disable mailings” button.

If you don’t have a computer or phone with Internet access at hand, you can simply send a message to 5051. You need to write the word “Stop” in the SMS. After which you will receive a response information message with detailed instructions.

To disable paid subscriptions, a company subscriber can dial *505# and press OK. A list of paid subscriptions will appear on your phone screen. In order to disable them, just follow the instructions provided.

What should I do if I can’t unsubscribe?

There is another way to deactivate paid options. When a SIM card is installed in the phone, the “MegafonPRO” submenu is automatically created. Here you can select the section that is responsible for subscriptions. That's what it's called. It is enough to send a free SMS with the message “List” or “List”, after which unnecessary functions will be deleted.

So, we have looked at several simple methods that allow you to remove paid services for which the subscriber is charged money.

The unexpected loss of money from a mobile phone account is a problem that every subscriber has encountered. It would seem: I just topped up my account, didn’t call anyone, didn’t go online, and the amount on my balance is already significantly less than what was deposited. Most likely, a certain service is connected to your number, for the use of which you must pay a subscription fee. The trouble is that in most cases the subscribers themselves have not even heard of this service.

It often happens that subscribers activate the service for free, and over time the operator changes the conditions and makes it paid. At the same time, this trend can be seen in absolutely all companies providing communication services in Russia. A simple way out of this situation is to disable this service.

Megafon is one of the largest operators in our country and its subscribers also encountered a surprise in the form of withdrawn funds. To prevent it from disappearing, it is recommended to at least regularly monitor the presence or absence of paid services on your number. If there are any, then the user of telephone services needs to know exactly how they can be turned off. There are several different options that allow you to disable paid services and subscriptions from the Megafon operator.

How to disable Megafon subscriptions through the "Service Guide"

Subscribers of the Megafon network have the opportunity to create a Personal Account. With its help, you can also use a service called “Service Guide”. Authorization in it is possible if you send a special USSD command - to do this, enter the combination on your mobile device *105*00# , then press the call button. Next, you should receive a code in the form of an SMS notification. It must be entered into the corresponding window that appears. After you have logged in, click on the main menu item " Service management"and find there" Disable all mailings". Using a similar algorithm, disabling megaphone services and subscriptions can be done if you install the official application on your cell phone. If you do everything correctly, you will refuse any paid services to which your cell number is connected.

Disabling Megafon's paid services via the subscription management page

By going straight, you will find yourself on a page with a list of services provided, as well as the conditions of each of them. You can access this page either through your phone, or through a computer, tablet or other device with Internet access. Next you need to go to your " Personal Area"All that remains is to choose" Unsubscribe" and your problem will be solved.

How to disable Megafon paid services via SMS message

If there is no Internet access at the moment, then it is possible to refuse any paid services from Megafon using a sent SMS message. To do this, send to the number 5051 message with the text "STOP". Wait for a response message with instructions. By using these instructions, you will be disconnected from absolutely all paid services from the mobile operator Megafon.

Disabling paid services and megaphone mobile subscriptions via ussd request

You can also type the combination on the keyboard *505# plus a call button. After this, the phone will make a ussd request, and in response you will receive a notification with a detailed description of all paid services connected to your number. The same response message will describe exactly how to disable each of them.

All paid services of the mobile communications company Megafon correspond to a specific ussd code. In this case, there is a separate code for activation, and a separate one for deactivation. Therefore, if you know which specific service is activated on your phone number, then send the corresponding ussd request to disable it.

The following ussd codes may be useful for Megafon subscribers (you can use them to disable paid services):

  • *105*1300# - voice mail service (answering machine);
  • *105*2310# - video mail;
  • *105*2500# - Always in touch;
  • *105*1400# - data transfer;
  • *105*1900# - incoming SMS messages;
  • *105*9000# - replacing the horn;
  • *105*1600# - communication in the form of a conference;
  • *105*2100# - SMS check;
  • *105*2400# - "Who called?" service.

The official Megafon website allows you to disable any paid services that a subscriber may have; you can find a full list of services there.

Disabling paid subscriptions through the Megafon menu

If you use a Megafon SIM card, then you almost certainly have the application installed on your phone Megafon PRO. You can easily find the item you need in the application menu " Subscriptions". To disable any unwanted subscriptions, you need to send a message with the command " List"either" List"to the number from which news is sent to your phone. This SMS is absolutely free. But after you send it, all paid subscriptions will be deleted. It happens that the "Megafon PRO" item is not in the device menu. Then it is recommended to contact with service center specialists to replace the SIM card.

Many smartphone and tablet users are increasingly asking the question: how to disable services. For which you have to pay money? The mobile operator provides users of its services with the opportunity to connect additional options and take advantage of various bonuses, but sometimes it also happens that services are activated automatically. Some paid services can be connected to the subscriber's number under the guise of a bonus, which can be used for free only for the first month. Then the subscription fee is debited from the account, which is not always known to the subscriber himself.

It also happens that, having activated a certain paid service, the subscriber uses it only for a certain time, and then, due to unnecessary use, simply forgets about it. As a result, it turns out that the account needs to be replenished more often, and it is not clear where the money from the subscriber number goes. In this case, it is recommended to simply disable all additional paid services so as not to pay for them in vain.

In a separate article we tell MegaFon subscribers.

But how do you find out which services you need to deactivate, and whether there are any paid services on your number that you don’t know about? To view all the information on this matter, you should dial the ussd request - *105# and press the call key. You will be provided with information about the current services on your number for which an additional fee will be charged.

What are you paying for?

Since the company provides a huge number of additional services, not just one of them, but several at once can be activated on your number. You need to know how to disable connected services so as not to pay extra money. It is difficult to list all the additional services from a mobile operator, but we can roughly group together the main options that can be activated on your number for a fee.

We would like to inform you that often users need to save money; we write how to do this in a separate post.

Entertainment services and subscriptions

If you have activated a service such as notifications about news in a particular area, SMS jokes, horoscopes, aphorisms, reminders of common holidays, then you can disconnect from such services if you know certain combinations.

*808*0# — request to disable the Kaleidoscope service. You can unsubscribe from it if you have subscribed to news messages. *770*12# — request to disable the “Replace beep” service. If you subscribe to a service that allows people who call you to hear music instead of beeps, you will have to pay an additional fee. *660*12# — disable the “Personal beep” service. This service is activated in order to listen to music instead of beeps when making outgoing calls.

Commands to disable additional options for SMS messages and calls

  • ✶105✶0082✶0# - with this command you can disable the “Unlimited Communication” service. It is intended for free calls within the network.
  • ✶105✶1132✶0# - with this command you can disable the connected “Call your friends” option, which is intended for free communication within the “Warm Welcome” tariff plans.
  • ✶456✶6# - disable unlimited SMS messages.

Read also the instructions - for all users.

How to disable additional communication services:

  • ✶502✶4# - with this command you can disable the “Super Caller ID” service, thanks to which the subscriber identifies other people’s numbers. ✶130✶4# - by dialing this combination, you deactivate the “Black List” service, which blocks access to your subscriber number to those numbers that you have included in such a list.
  • ✶656✶0✶2# - with this command you can deactivate the “light” version of mail.
  • ✶656✶0✶1# - disable the full version of the mail service. ✶134✶0# - disable the service that allows you to constantly see the balance of funds on the display (“Live Balance”).

Disabling roaming services

  • ✶570# - disabling a service that allows you to make calls throughout Russia at a reduced cost (“All Russia”).
  • ✶105✶1037✶2# - in case you forgot to disable the paid service upon returning from Crimea.
  • ✶105✶0042✶0# — disabling the “Internet throughout Russia” service.
  • ✶105✶0060# - disable the “Vacation Online” service (calls while roaming).

If you want to disable paid services, you need to visit the website You will not be able to perform these actions through your personal account, since information about additionally connected paid services is not displayed there.

By visiting the specified site, you will be able to use a convenient service, but you can only log in via mobile Internet. Otherwise, you will not gain access to the resource.

Personal Area

If you do not know the password for your personal account, you need to dial the combination ✶105✶00#. Your phone number is your login to enter the site. After authorization, look at the interface of the work account that opens in front of you. Information about additional paid services can be found in the “Services and Options” section. Right there you can order service deactivation by checking the boxes next to the required items.