Megafon all over the world outgoing. Detailed description of the "Whole World" option

Cost of services cellular communication in roaming can be very, very high - is it worth reminding that even incoming calls are paid for in roaming? Despite the fact that intranet roaming in Russia is practically becoming obsolete, international roaming with its enormous prices has not been canceled. It is enough to go to some little-known country and your account will be empty in just a few calls. ABOUT

option from MegaFon The Whole World will become a real find for those who often travel around the world. Its main feature is that each subscriber receives half an hour of free incoming calls within one calendar day. The option is very profitable, as our short review will tell you about.

Option Description

Operating on the MegaFon network The “Whole World” option is aimed at travelers, going to the most different countries. It comes with a small subscription fee that includes 40 minutes of free incoming calls. By enabling this option, we can explain to all our interlocutors that all incoming messages (within the daily quota) will be free. Therefore, we can always stay in touch.

The “Whole World” service from MegaFon is connected to any tariff plans, but is incompatible with Megafon’s “Around the World” tariff. There is one very important feature in its tariffication - the calendar day within which a package of free minutes is provided means the period from 00-00 to 23-59 Moscow time. Be sure to take this fact into account when traveling to an area located in a different time zone.

Is it possible to use any other options in conjunction with this service to reduce the cost of calls in international roaming? Unfortunately, this option is not provided - you won’t be able to connect other options, for example, those that reduce the cost of outgoing calls. But we can enjoy free inbox, which is already a big plus.

How much does “The Whole World” cost on MegaFon

The subscription fee for the Whole World option is 59 rubles/day. If we calculate the cost of one incoming minute, we will find out that it costs a little more than 1 ruble - it’s practically free! Activating the service is absolutely free, but for outgoing calls you will have to pay at the full rate - the cost of one minute will cost as much as is provided for in the tariff plan of a particular subscriber. The same applies to the cost of other services. Free minutes are provided once a day, at 12 am Moscow time.

The balance of included free minutes is checked using the USSD command *558#.

The option does not work in roaming on cruise ships and airplanes, as well as in satellite communication networks and in the network of the operator AT&T Mobility LLC (BMU01). It also does not work in the Maldives, Tunisia, Andorra and Syria.

How to activate the “Whole World” service on MegaFon

In order to activate the Whole World option from MegaFon, you must use USSD command *131#. In addition, the option can be activated by sending an SMS with any text to the number 0500978. Are you registered in your MegaFon Personal Account? Connect the option through it – it’s very convenient. It will take 10-15 minutes to activate the service.

How to disable the “Whole World” option on MegaFon

Upon returning from international roaming, the service must be disabled. Otherwise The number will continue to be charged a subscription fee. In order to disable the Whole World option from MegaFon, you need to dial the USSD command *131*0# or send an SMS with the word “STOP” to service number 0500978. In addition, you can use your Personal Account to disable the service.

IN this review The Whole World option is described, valid for MegaFon subscribers from Moscow and the Moscow region.

01/11/17, 11:24  Megafon    0

We all want to stay in touch with family and friends constantly. This opportunity is given to us by various mobile operators in combination with mobile devices. Many of us have already forgotten the times when a call could only be made from home, and to send text message, it was necessary to go to the post office with a paper letter. Times have changed. The pace of life has also changed. Sometimes a few minutes decide the fate of an important agreement and we simply cannot disconnect from mobile network, wherever we are. But everyone who has traveled abroad at least once beyond the borders of our Motherland has encountered communication problems in another country. Calls, SMS messages and mobile Internet in international roaming is very expensive. Because of this, many even refuse services. mobile communications while you are abroad. But this deprives us of the opportunity to share our impressions with friends and stay updated on important events at home. Is there a way out of this situation? The Megafon operator answers this question positively and offers the whole world megaphone option. It is also called megaphone, a world without borders. Let's get to know her in more detail.

Description of the service “The whole world” Megafon.

The “Whole World” service from Megafon is aimed at subscribers who often travel outside our country. These can be both avid travelers and business people. What does the “Whole World” option from Megafon give? The answer is simple - it makes 40 minutes of incoming calls per day free. During the day, within the framework of the “Whole World” service from Megafon, a time period is accepted. You can receive calls while abroad and talk for free for 40 minutes every day. The next day the limit will resume and you will again have 40 minutes of free incoming calls. In this case, your interlocutor will pay for the call according to his tariff. That is, no one needs to overpay! Starting from 41 minutes, all incoming calls until the end of the day will be charged at roaming rates of the country in which the subscriber is located. The cost of SMS Megafon abroad, mobile Internet and other communication services are paid according to your tariff plan.

The “Whole World” service can be connected to any Megafon tariff plan, except “Around the World”. The service does not work on this tariff plan. What other restrictions and connection conditions does the “Around the World” option have? Let's answer this question.

Restrictions and conditions for connecting to the “Whole World” service from Megafon.”

The service has a minimum number of conditions for connection. One of these is the inability to connect other services and options that adjust the cost of communication in international roaming. It will also be impossible to activate the “Whole World” service from Megafon if you already have any option for mobile communications in international roaming connected. In this case, you just need to disable the restrictive service and connect “The Whole World” from Megafon. If you do not know what options are connected to your number, check it by dialing the special command *601#, call button. In response, you will receive an SMS message with information about the connected roaming options.

Also, the service does not apply to some states and geographical entities, including Syria, Andorra, Maldives and Tunisia

Activation of the service is free, and the monthly subscription fee is 59 rubles per day. That is, a minute of conversation for the first 40 minutes of incoming calls will cost you about 1.5 rubles.

How to activate the whole world megaphone option?

The “Whole World” option from Megafon requires special activation. To activate the service, you must use one of the five methods offered by the operator. The first of them is to connect the option using the USSD command *131*1#, call button. After this, the “Whole World” service will be activated, which is the simplest and most common way to connect options from Megafon. We won't dwell on it for long. The second method involves sending a message to a short number. The third and fourth methods are directly related to the official website of the Megafon operator. The fifth method is to contact a consultant at the Megafon sales office. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

SMS message.

To activate the “Whole World” service from Megafon using an SMS message, you need to send a blank message to the special number 0500978. Over the next 10-15 minutes, the service will be activated, provided that you have a daily subscription fee of 59 rubles on your account .

Service "Personal Account" Megafon.

Megafon's official website has a special service that allows users to manage their number. The service itself is located on the official Megafon website. First of all, you need to get into your “Personal Account”. To do this, you need to go through the authorization procedure. To do this, on the operator’s official website, click on the icon with the signature “Personal Account”, it is located in the right top corner pages. Then log in by filling out the “password” and “login” fields in a special form. The login is your phone number; you must receive a password when registering with the service. If you have not yet registered with the service, then click the “Registration” button in the same form, you will be asked to fill out a short form, after which you will receive your password in the form of an SMS message. Go through the authorization procedure. After authorization, you will find yourself on the main page of the “Personal Account” service from Megafon; it contains several sections. You need to select the “Roaming” section.

After you have moved to the “Roaming” section, a page will open in front of you on which you will be offered services for home or international roaming to choose from. Select international roaming and a list of available services will appear in front of you. Find the “Whole World” service in this list and click the “Connect” button, which will be located opposite the option name. Within 10-15 minutes, the service will be activated, and 59 rubles will be debited from your account for the first day.

Online connection.

You can use the online connection option “Whole World”. To do this in the menu home page operator, select the “Roaming” section, where select the “World Travel” section.

This section will list all possible roaming options, select the “Whole World” service and click “Connect”. A dialog box will appear in front of you with a form for entering a phone number. Enter your number and click "Connect". The service will be activated.

Personal visit to the Megafon sales office.

The last method is to personally visit the Megafon sales office and then contact a consultant with your problem. You can choose any operator sales office convenient for you. This method has a number of limitations.

Firstly, the SIM card must be registered to you. Otherwise, you do not have the right to manipulate the number and the consultant will be forced to refuse service to you. However, there is a way out of this situation. If the SIM card belongs to another person, then you will be able to carry out transactions with it if you have a power of attorney on behalf of the owner of the number. Such a power of attorney can be issued by a lawyer or at the Megafon sales office. The power of attorney must state that you are allowed to carry out transactions with this number. Secondly, regardless of who the SIM card is registered to, you must have a document confirming your identity with you. For example, a passport.

How to disable the “Whole World” service?

The operator advises using one of two methods to disable the “Whole World” option from Megafon - USSD command or SMS message. Consider them in more detail.

In order to disable the roaming option from the “Whole World” megaphone, you need to mobile device dial the special command *131*0#, call button. After of this action the service will be disabled.

To disable the service via SMS, you must send a message to the short number 0500978 with the text “STOP”. The service will be disabled.

If for any reason you are unable to disable “Automatic promised payment” yourself, you can contact a consultant at the sales office for help. Do not forget about the conditions for the consultant to provide the service: the SIM card must be registered in your name or you must have a power of attorney from the owner of the number to manipulate it with you, and you must also have a passport or any other identification document with you.

“The whole world” option from MegaFon

Today we can safely say that MegaFon has developed tariff plans and additional services that fully cover absolutely all the needs of the majority of its subscribers. Regardless of what requirements are a priority for a particular audience of customers, they will certainly be able to find an offer to suit their taste among the current line. The same condition applies to roaming services, one of which we will talk about today.

MegaFon “Whole World” option: detailed description and cost

The service has the utmost simple conditions, which, by the way, are also used by other operators in the Russian cellular communications market. By activating the offer, when traveling around the world, subscribers will be provided with incoming calls for which tariffication is disabled, that is, they are available completely free of charge.

Of course, the “Whole World” service from MegaFon has its own nuances, because it is quite obvious that none of the modern cellular operators, and not only in Russia, can offer free calls for days in roaming.

The subscription fee from December 3, 2018 for using the “Whole World” option is 109 rubles per day. The connection procedure itself is available free of charge.

As for the nuances of receiving incoming calls, they look like this:

  • The first 40 minutes of calls per day are completely free;
  • Starting from the 41st minute of calls, charging occurs according to the conditions applied by the roaming tariff in the subscriber’s country of residence;
  • The service applies only to incoming calls, and outgoing calls, Usage mobile internet and sending SMS are charged according to the roaming tariff used.

It should also be noted that this service is not available for use by subscribers who have subscribed to the Around the World tariff plan.

How to connect “The Whole World” from MegaFon [option in archive, connection closed]

If you think that this option will become a real assistant for you on your planned trips, you can connect it to several different ways:

  • Activation through the quick connection form on the operator’s website;
  • Using the personal account interface (instructions for registering a personal account);
  • Through the MegaFon application for smartphones and tablets;
  • Connection via empty SMS to number

Is it possible to avoid paying for incoming calls while in Roaming? Yes, this is possible if you take care of it in advance by connecting to a special service from Megafon.

Before traveling, do not forget about topping up your account and accessing services, the use of which will help to significantly reduce the cost of communication services when you are in another country. The fact is that the costs of services provided increase significantly in the host country.

Taking measures in advance will help you get rid of unnecessary expenses. If you don’t plan to make a lot of calls, but expect a lot of calls to come to your number, then there is some point in connecting to a service from Megafon called “The Whole World”.

When the service is active, incoming calls will be free for you. But you need to know that there are restrictions on the duration of such calls throughout the day, although there is enough time for conversations.

You can use the service regardless of the form of service and your current tariff plan. If you intend to connect any other services in Roaming mode, you will have to choose - the “Whole World” service does not work simultaneously with other connected services.

How to connect the “Whole World” service to Megafon

To enable the service, you must activate it. This is not the main service of the company, so a separate connection is required, which is possible in several ways.

  1. You can send a USSD request: *131*1#, “Call” key. Nothing more is required from you.
  2. Having the Internet and access to your Megafon personal account will allow you to carry out the operation yourself. After logging into the system, find the service you need and connect.
  3. You can send an SMS to the number 0500 978, but do not write anything in the body of the message.
  4. In the near future service center You will always be provided with the necessary assistance, including with connecting to the “Whole World” service. The address of the nearest center can be found on the company's website. When going to the SC, do not forget about your identification documents.

You can check your connection using the USSD request: *105*530#, “Call” key.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

How to turn off “The Whole World” Megafon

If you wish to disable the option, you can use one of the options presented below.

  1. Send a USSD request: *131*0#, “Call” key.
  2. You can deactivate the service without resorting to outside help through your Megafon personal account.

After you submit your application, deactivation will be carried out within 24 hours.

Connecting to the service will not cost you anything, but with further use, 39 rubles will be charged every day. You are given half an hour for free communication when making incoming calls in Roaming. Exceeding the limit entails payment for extra minutes, according to the existing standard tariffs of the country of your stay.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

The improvement of cellular communication services is gaining momentum every year. While domestic call prices have dropped significantly in recent years, the situation with roaming is changing very slowly.

Prices international calls, while regardless of the remoteness of the state, they still remain sky-high. Even when traveling around neighboring countries, a subscriber can spend all the funds in his personal account in a matter of minutes.

Operator Megafon decided to meet subscribers halfway by offering very favorable conditions. The new option, called “The Whole World,” will be useful to all users traveling outside the Russian Federation.

Enabling this function will significantly reduce communication costs. For just a modest subscription fee, the user receives a sufficient supply of minutes that can be spent on calls to loved ones.

Description of the option “30 minutes - the whole world” from Megafon

main idea new feature is that for a fixed subscription fee the consumer receives 40 minutes of communication for free. In practice, this amount of time is quite enough to stay in touch.

The option is valid only in international roaming, that is, regular call tariffs are applied within the country. Free minutes are provided only once a day.

New minutes are accrued only with the onset of a new day. In this case, the day is calculated according to Moscow time. This should be taken into account by those arriving in countries with a different time zone.

The validity period is not limited by time frame. In other words, the option will remain in effect until the subscriber personally disconnects. The service does not work if other options are connected that change the cost of minutes in roaming.

Connection options:

  • * 131 * 1 # — USSD request for connection. At the end, be sure to press call.
  • Using the quick connection service on the website.
  • Through Personal Area. You will need to have an access password.
  • Send an empty message to the addressee 0500978.

The connection time is no more than ten minutes. The user will be notified about activation of the function via SMS message.

By dialing * 105 * 530 # you can get information about connected options.

How to disable the “30 minutes - Whole World” tariff from Megafon

If the service is no longer needed, it can be disabled. To do this, dial the request * 131 * #. You can also send a message to the recipient 0500978. The text of the message must contain the word "STOP". In addition, you can disable the function through your personal account.

  • Unlimited validity period.
  • The service operates almost all over the world.
  • To the disadvantages It may be noted that the service does not apply to any calls made on cruise ships in the Maldives, Syria, Tunisia and Andorra.

    And also if the call was made via satellite communication. Separate tariffs are provided for calls through the AT&T Mobility LLC network. The service does not apply to tariffs for messages and Internet traffic.