Mobile hot. Create an access point on a PC using the function

mHotspot is a unique free program that allows you to distribute Wi-Fi from any computer. Such a program will save the situation when access to the Internet is only possible with a built-in or USB modem or local network, but it is required availability of Wi-Fi a network that will provide network access for a phone and tablet running Android or any other operating system.

Windows on this moment have not developed a single program for Wi-Fi distribution. Therefore, users can only find a way out of such situations on their own and download the desired program from third party developers. However, increasingly, such programs bring more trouble without solving the main problem, since they are usually paid, and finding them can be difficult. mHotspot is one of them free programs, making it possible to turn a laptop or computer into a router; it will distribute Wi-Fi.

How to use mHotspot?

This is the easiest to use mHotspot Russian version. It will allow you to turn your laptop or computer with a Wi-Fi module, as well as an Internet connection, into a real hotspot Wi-Fi access. This is usually necessary if the house requires Internet access from several devices simultaneously for a short time.

Using mHotspot is quite easy. There are no complex settings or options in it. Setup does not take much time and is done in almost no time. automatic mode. You will need to come up with a name for the Wi-Fi network; it will be distributed by your computer or laptop. The program allows you to connect several computers to a Wi-Fi network at once, but no more than ten at a time.

The mHotspot interface is extremely simple and concise, and is available for free. The main window of the program contains maximum information about how many clients are currently connected to the network, as well as the amount of received and transmitted data, and download speed. There is also a bookmark in the program called “Clients”. Through it you can see which specific device is connected to your network. Connecting to the Internet through the mHotspot program is highly reliable. The connection occurs with support for several encryption algorithms simultaneously. If you decide to download for free new version mHotspot, having installed it on your computer, you don’t have to worry about data leakage.

When you download the mHotspot Internet distribution program for Windows and install it on your computer, you must follow the instructions below. To create a Wi-Fi network that works smoothly, edit the following lines:

  • Hotspot Name– you must specify the name of the access point, which will allow you to find the Wi-Fi wireless network distributed by your computer.
  • Password– You must enter a password of at least eight characters.
  • Internet Source– correct filling of the line is important point, otherwise the smartphone will connect to the network, but will not have access to the Internet. A drop-down list will appear in front of you from which you will need to select network connection with access to the network.
  • Max Client– in this line you can select the number of devices that can simultaneously connect to your network (no more than 10) via mHotspot for Windows.

The mHotspot program works with Windows7, 8, Windows 10.

Recently, many users want to figure out how to set up an access point (internet distribution) from a laptop and computer to other devices. Especially for this, Windows developers created such a standard system function as Mobile hotspot. Having turned on and configured your network, you can connect other devices to it: smartphone, desktop computer, laptop or tablet.

as a standard Windows feature

Possibility of activating a mobile access point in operating rooms Windows systems, has been present for many years. This function was already in Windows 7. But for users of Windows XP, Vista and Seven it was available through GUI, this setting was removed from the user interface of 8 and the initial versions of 10, and in order to create an access point, you had to run third-party utilities or use the command line.

The Mobile hotspot function was added to the system with the release of the update dated August 2, 2016. Windows versions 10 (1607 ). If you have more old version, and you don’t find yourself this function, then you need to update the operating system through the update center or download the new version directly from the official Microsoft website. If you do not have the opportunity to update the system to a more recent version with this function present, you can enable .

In new builds in Windows 10, developers have provided another feature and added easy way, which allows you to share Internet traffic via Wi-Fi from a phone, laptop, computer or other device with the Windows operating system that is equipped with a Wi-Fi beacon. It is located in the Settings application and to use it, you need to enable this option. By clicking on the function, the Wi-Fi module access point will be launched. Next, you will need to enter the name and password of the network through which the device will provide the Internet, then select an Internet connection.

To be able to provide the Internet, the main condition must be met: the device is actively connected to the Internet. Still needed Wi-Fi adapter, installed in the laptop, and on personal computer you can use removable Wi-Fi adapters connected via USB connector. To successfully launch the access point, the adapter wireless network, must be on:

Enabling and configuring the access point using the Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot feature

To share wired, wireless and cellular connections via Wi-Fi in 10, it is not necessary to follow complex setup instructions using command line administrator or use additional programs. You just need to make settings in the function " Mobile hotspot"and enable the option wireless point access:

  • To do this, open the menu “ Start", and further " Options«.

  • Opening " Options"computer go to the section " Network and Internet«.

  • On the left side of the window you need to find the item “ Mobile hotspot". By clicking on it, the section for activating and setting up Internet distribution via an access point will open, with information about the network name and connection password. By default they are generated automatically. If necessary, you can change them by clicking on “ Change«.

Having opened the “Change” function, enter your name and password for public access. There is a requirement for the password - it is a combination that must be at least 8 characters. Next, click the button “ Save«.

In the drop-down menu, in the Internet connection selection item, specify current connection to the Internet. It may have the name of the provider used. To activate the access point for other devices in the area Wi-Fi actions, you need to press the switch " On«.

  • In our case, we used a wired network connection " Ethernet«.

This completes all actions for sharing the connection via Wi-Fi. Now you can safely connect to the network with any devices that support Wi-Fi, including Android, Windows Phone either iOS, Mac or all types of Windows PCs, using the password you set.

You can connect up to 8 devices at once. All connected clients to your network will be visible in the same window. At the same time, their number, names, IP and MAC addresses are indicated there.

Launching an access point when connecting to the Internet via a 3G modem (mobile network)

Developers operating system Windows 10 claims that a similar method will be successfully implemented on all devices and with different modems. We decided to check this and connected a 3G modem to the laptop (via USB), turned on the access point through the Mobile hotspot function we already knew, and everything worked.

If you do everything correctly, then everything should work out for you too.

In some cases, this is really very convenient and does not require additional expenditure on the router.

We distribute a Wi-Fi network by connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi

This sounds a little strange, but you still need to check this connection method. It makes virtually no sense, but maybe it will suit someone. Thus, it turns out that the Internet on a laptop can be connected to an existing wireless network, activated an access point and provided via Wi-Fi to others computer devices. This connection case is suitable, for example, in the case of signal amplification for devices located at the greatest distance from the source.

We configure the access point to broadcast the Internet received from the Wi-Fi wireless network.

This type of connection also works in our case. Now, the laptop is an access point for other devices using an Internet connection from another wireless network.

Disabling the Mobile Hotspot access point

If you no longer need the activated Mobile Hotspot feature, you can easily disable it by opening the settings window and moving the switch to " Off.».

Possible problems during access point setup and solutions

We have already mentioned above that some errors may occur when starting the access point. When you try to activate a mobile hotspot on a computer with a WiFi adapter, some problems may occur:

One of them is the error " I cannot configure the mobile hotspot function. Activate Wi-Fi". All attempts to fix this problem did not lead to anything and the launch virtual network did not take place. But on the same device and with the same adapter, it was easy to distribute the Internet using the command line.

Error: “Unable to configure mobile hotspot. Turn on Wi-Fi" looks like this:

As a result of observations, a similar error occurs in case of problems with the Wi-Fi adapter driver, or due to the disabled state of the virtual adapter. But the problem could not be fixed, despite the fact that the drivers were present and working. When Wi-Fi is turned off, the distribution function works.

Logically, the error may not appear due to the fact that there is no driver wireless adapter, because if that were the case, then the mobile hotspot feature would not be in the Settings app. Just as if there were no driver, then the “Mobile access point” option would not exist at all, as well as the “Wi-Fi” function.

Most likely, the reason for this situation is hidden in the device manager. First you need to update the virtual adapter driver, or download it from the official website. If the manipulations done did not correct the situation, then you need to open the device manager and find the device called “ Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter", there can also be a number at the end. It is through it that the laptop connects to the wireless Internet.

  • This can be done by opening " device Manager" (menu " Start» -> « Options» -> « Devices" -> bottom right). Here we click on the tab " View" and turn on " Show hidden devices«.

Error: "This internet connection cannot be shared because there is no mobile network connection."

If such an error appeared as a result of starting Internet distribution using a 3G modem, then it can be corrected by simply restarting the Internet connection process. You also need to check whether the Internet is working on the device or restart the computer, reconnecting and activating the mobile hotspot.

Error: “We were unable to set up a mobile hotspot because the computer does not have an Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular connection.”

This problem can only be encountered in one case - the computer is not connected to the Internet. To fix it, you need to check the connection status of the network wire or other Internet sources.

Error: Devices are not connecting to the Wi-Fi network access point.

This is possible if the connection is blocked by antiviruses and firewalls - you can solve the problem by disabling them and then connecting to the network again. You can also try restarting your computer and then turning on the network.


The Mobile Hotspot feature has really pleased many users. Now you don't have to enter commands using the command line. But still, some errors occur during operation, mainly as a result of . Because there are manufacturers who have not yet developed drivers for Windows 10.

If you still cannot launch Mobile Hotspot in Windows 10, then the solution is to launch the access point using the command line in .

), equipped with a radio access device using the Wi-Fi protocol, you can access computer networks (Internet, Intranet). Thus, many cafes create free hotspots for access to the Internet in order to attract visitors and how additional service. In many cases, hot spots provide a commercial Internet access service (paying for time or data volume consumed).

In many countries, the provision of public access to the Internet in hotspots is regulated by law, for example, in the European Union, according to Union directives, hotspot owners are required to store basic data about user actions for 12 months.


With the advent of the Internet in our lives, people began to come up with new and sophisticated ways to connect with world wide web. Nowadays, a dial-up modem brings a nostalgic smile, and users access the Internet at high speeds using wireless technologies. Today there is a large number of protocols for such data transfer, and one of the most convenient, popular and interesting is Wi-Fi. The name "Wi-Fi" stands for "Wireless Fidelity" and is translated as "wireless precision". Wi-Fi technologies are the most promising in the field of computer communications. Using such a connection is very convenient and simple; here are several advantages of connecting to the network using this technology: - mobility - you get the Internet where it is convenient for you; - no wires, no busy signal; you just have to turn on your device, be it a laptop, communicator or smartphone, and you will instantly find yourself on the Internet; - high data transfer speed - up to 11 Mbit/s; - ease of use; - using such a connection is convenient and profitable anywhere, even in the roaming zone. Currently, in many large cities, many projects to organize Wi-Fi networks in places where there are large concentrations of users of phones, communicators, smartphones and laptops. And such a place is called a “Hot Spot” - an access point that allows users to connect to the Internet almost wherever they want it - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For example, beautiful four-meter plastic flowers “grow” on the streets of some US cities. And the task of these unusual flowers is not only to decorate the street, but also to provide users with access to the Internet. Huge petals are solar panels: This generates electricity to operate devices. One such flower can connect up to 10 people to the network. There are comfortable benches near the flowers, and if your battery runs out, you can charge it right there. Everything is provided for people to relax and for equipment to operate. So now, in order to chat online with friends or find the necessary information, it is not at all necessary to look for an Internet cafe and a computer. All you need is a portable wireless device with built-in Wi-Fi interface and find a unique place - “Hot Spot”. By the way, providers provide most of these places to users absolutely free. Anyone can travel online - and not pay a penny for it. WiFi is perfect modern users who like to be aware of what is happening in the world and want to stay in touch always.

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Hot spot (Wi-Fi)” is in other dictionaries:

    Meanings of the term: Hot spot (Wi Fi) an area covered by a Wi Fi wireless network Hot spot (programming) is the same as a critical section of the code; a section in a program whose execution takes a significant period of time... Wikipedia

    Standard presence logo Hot spot (from the English hot spot “hot spot”) a section of the area (for example, an office, cafe, campus, metro station), where using a portable device (laptop or handheld) working on ... ... Wikipedia

    Hot Spot Hot Spot Affiliation Autobot Rank 7 ... Wikipedia

    Hot spot (English hot spot, hotspot) is a term that literally means “hot spot”, “hot spot”, has a large number of different meanings. Computer technology Hot spot is a fragment of an interactive image with which... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Hot spot. Not to be confused with Critical Section. A critical section of code, or hot spot (from the English hot spot “hot spot” or “hot spot”) a section of code in a program, ... ... Wikipedia

    The very first animated series about transformers, fantastic robots from the planet Cybertron, capable of transforming their bodies into cars, weapons, etc. The series marked the beginning of Transformers as a cultural phenomenon that swept the whole world. Contents 1… Wikipedia Wikipedia

For some time now, operating room users Windows systems the tenth version after the update we were faced with the appearance of several new and, I must say, rather non-standard functions. Among all the innovations, it is especially worth noting mobile Windows hotspot 10. Few ordinary users yet know what it is, what it is for and how to activate this tool in the system. Further, it is proposed to dwell on all these issues in as much detail as possible.

What is a mobile hotspot?

If we do not take into account the purely technical side of the issue, but limit ourselves to the simplest explanation, then new feature is a unique tool that can be used to create an Internet connection distribution point for any other devices.

Roughly speaking, a Windows 10 mobile hotspot is a tool for turning a computer terminal or laptop into a kind of station from which a connection signal is broadcast. To put it even more simply, a computer device turns into a very ordinary router like a router or modem based on a wireless connection.

Previously, it was necessary to perform complex manipulations using the command line in order to correctly configure the distribution. Now the question of how to set up a Windows 10 mobile hotspot comes down only to determining for yourself from which connection the distribution will be made, setting the name of the network and specifying the desired password (this is a prerequisite).

And there can be quite a lot of connection and distribution options (each of them will be considered separately). In addition, a connection activated by this method can be used by any device, including computers and mobile devices. But you should immediately pay attention that all of them must have built-in or external Wi-Fi adapters with correctly installed drivers.

How to enable mobile hotspot in Windows 10 for Wi-Fi distribution?

Based on the fact that the new feature appeared only when updating to build 1607 ( Anniversary Update), all those users who did not install the update automatically must search for updates themselves using the Update Center.

After installing the update in the notification menu, the icon of which is located in the system tray at the bottom right, when deployed, the “Mobile hotspot” tile will appear. Windows 10, however, can provide access to this function through the options menu by selecting the network and Internet settings section, where the corresponding line is displayed in the list. The tray icon serves solely to enable the hotspot, but the main settings are made in the specified section.

So, after entering the menu you are looking for, the first thing you need to do is pay attention to the name of the network and the password that the system sets by default. Just below there is a button for changing them, which you need to press if adjustments need to be made to the established combination.

In the settings window, you can change both the name of the selected network and the access password itself, but it must contain at least eight characters.

The network sharing string can be anything at the moment. available connection(name of provider, Ethernet, wireless network, etc.).

To activate access, you simply move the permission slider to the on position. Additionally, you can enable the permission to enable the function remotely (the description directly states that Bluetooth must be activated on both devices), but this is not a prerequisite for the correct operation of the service.

Note: with this type of distribution maximum amount simultaneously connected devices cannot exceed eight (it will be impossible to connect more for purely technical reasons).

Distribution via 3G/4G modems

There should not be any special problems with modems capable of operating on the basis of 3G/4G technologies. The main condition here is the presence of a working device with correctly installed drivers.

The settings are the same, and modems, as a rule, are automatically detected by the system when the distribution is activated.

setting up a mobile hotspot to distribute a signal via a Wi-Fi network

No less interesting, although somewhat unnecessary, is the ability to connect a computer or laptop to a wireless network and distribute a signal through it. It turns out that the terminal receives the Internet via established network and sends a signal through it.

This doesn’t make much sense, but in practice, such a connection can be used if the existing Wi-Fi network has restrictions on connecting only one device and no more.

The simplest control methods

As for the controls, here too the developers tried to ensure that the user has everything at hand. Naturally, you can toggle the slider directly in the settings shown above.

However, as already noted, there is a special tile in the notification area, clicking on which activates or deactivates the distribution. Smart and simple.

What to do if Wi-Fi does not turn on?

Now a few words about possible failures and problems. Let's assume that in Windows 10 the mobile hotspot does not turn on, and the system displays a message that Wi-Fi is not turned on.

It is not always possible to resolve problems using conventional means (not to mention reinstalling the wireless adapter drivers). In this case it will help command console, in which the line netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="NetworkName" key="ХХХХХХХХ" keyUsage=persistent is written, as shown in the image above. Instead of the specified network name (NetworkName) and password (ХХХХХХХХ), you must enter your data). Usually, after executing such a command, everything falls into place.

In some cases, if the mobile hotspot is disabled in Windows 10, you should pay attention to the status of the corresponding driver. Here it should be understood that this situation is in no way connected with its absence (if it had not been installed on the system, there would not even be a “Mobile hotspot” tile in Windows 10).

The best solution to start with is to call the “Device Manager” and turn on the display of hidden components. There may be several adapters present here Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter, on each of which you need to right-click and use the “Enable” line through the menu if the device is not active.

As a last resort, updating drivers is also suitable (this item can be called either directly from the RMB menu, or use the properties bar, and in the new settings window go to the driver tab).

Problems with mobile modems

If a mobile hotspot does not work in Windows 10 when you try to distribute using connected modems, the problem is usually not with the drivers.

Most likely, this is due to short-term failures of the operating system itself or the lack of an operator signal. Here, either a regular system reboot will help, or choosing another location where the connection will become stable.

What to do if you can't connect to existing networks?

Finally, let's see what can be done if the mobile hotspot on Windows 10 disappears, and after that the user receives a notification that the system cannot connect to an existing wireless or Ethernet network.

Apparently there is really no connection. In this case, it makes sense to check the cables for the wired connection or even reboot the router, first disconnecting it from the power supply and pausing for about 15-20 seconds before turning it back on.

A similar situation may also arise due to the fact that the Internet connection uses the high-speed PPPoE protocol for connection. Unfortunately, the Windows 10 mobile hotspot simply does not see such connections or, if you prefer, does not recognize them. Alas, this is how things are. You may have to slightly change the router settings, setting it to use L2TP or selecting a static or dynamic IP with automatic settings for the IPv4 protocol in its properties.


That's all about this interesting innovation. Finally, Windows has a simple and universal tool that allows you to distribute the Internet from any computer (or mobile) device running the tenth modification. And then before even many system administrators we puzzled over organizing and turning on the access point, while using the maximum number of system tools. Now you just need to specify the network name, set a password and press the power button. One can only wonder why this idea was implemented so late.

As for errors or connection failures, as you may have already noticed, almost all of them, with rare exceptions, are software in nature. Do not forget that the service itself seems somewhat flawed to many users (for example, some modems or Wi-Fi USB adapters may not work, while there are no problems with other models).

Sometimes the service can be blocked by various types of antiviruses or even the system’s built-in firewall, so it makes sense to disable them for a while and see what the result is.

But in general, the new product looks quite decent and will be useful to all those who are trying to quickly organize a distribution from their computer device. And of course, I would like to hope that this service will soon be slightly improved (at least in order to use support for high-speed connections via PPPoE).

The latest versions of laptops have enormous hardware power, but few people know how to fully use the software component of their PC. Now almost all computer devices can distribute the Internet to other devices. This function can be useful when using several gadgets or when the data package on your smartphone runs out. Therefore, it is worth considering how to properly use the modem mode so that everything works without problems and failures. Note that the steps described above apply to wired internet, modems operating over 3G and LTE and even Wi-Fi (the latter is activated exclusively in the 10th iteration of Windows).

How to set up a mobile hotspot in Windows 10

IN latest version Microsoft's OS has added a function for distributing the Internet to other devices that do not have access to the network. This feature is called “Mobile Hotspot” and can be found by looking in the OS settings or by clicking: Win+I and going to the Internet and Networks section. To activate, just move the toggle switch to the “On” position. For detailed settings, you can come up with a network name and password for it. After entering this information, data transfer via Wi-Fi to other devices will begin. Essentially, this is the easiest way to enable a hotspot. But there is also another method that will be useful in case of any problems with normal switching on. By the way, it works not only on Windows 10, but also on earlier versions of the system.

Can't set up mobile hotspot in Windows 10

First you need to check the possibility of distribution. You should run the console in administrator mode. This is done in several ways, for example, by pressing a keyboard shortcut Win+R and entering the command cmd or by right-clicking on the start menu and selecting the required item from the pop-up menu.

In the terminal you need to type: . There will be a lot of service text about the network driver, a useful line is “Hosted Network Support”. The “Yes” flag should be set there, if so, then everything is fine, let’s move on. Otherwise, you should update the drivers for the wireless network adapter. It is recommended to carry out this procedure from the website of the company that produced the PC or driver. After this, you should repeat the Hosted Network check.

But the problems may not be solved. For some users, rolling back the driver to previous version. You can do this in the Device Manager by launching it by clicking on “Start”. Next, you need to find the network adapters settings and select the desired device. After this, you should click on it and go to properties, in the menu that appears there will be a “Driver” item, there you need to roll back. After this, you need to check the support status of the hosted network again. Its support is extremely important for the operation of the hotspot, otherwise nothing will turn on.

We carry out subsequent actions again in the console. You need to print the line: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=example key=test

In this team " example" - this is a made-up name for Wi-Fi, any name can be set; " test" - password from the created WLAN, also any, but without using the Cyrillic alphabet (for better protection It is preferable to set a password of 8 or more characters).

After these steps, you should enter the following line: netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

When finished, a message indicating that the hotspot has been activated will appear. But you won’t be able to use the created Wi-Fi yet. If a notification appears about the unsuccessful launch of the distribution (even if everything was fine in the early steps of the instructions), then you should disable the Wi-Fi adapter and then activate it again. An alternative method is to remove it and update the hardware configuration. In addition, you should try to find the “View” section in the device manager and display hidden objects. Next you need to go to “ Network adapters» find the sub-item for the virtual adapter and enable it there.

To activate connection access, you need to click “Start” and go to settings. In the drop-down list, you need to find the Wi-Fi that was previously created. Next, in the properties, you need to enable access settings. You need to enable permission to use the connection by other users. If there are connections home network, you must select a new connection after activating the hosted network.

When finished, you need to complete the configuration of the steps taken by pressing a special button. If no errors occurred during activation and setup, then you can now distribute Wi-Fi using a PC to any gadgets and devices.

To disable a personal hotspot, you need to launch a terminal and enter there: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork. You can also disable it in Windows settings 10, moving the toggle switch to the appropriate position. If the situation does not require it, you should enable distribution only through Windows settings.