MobiMover is an application for sharing files between iOS devices and a computer. Share files between computers Dynamically adjust data buffer size to increase transfer speed

Our company has developed new technology, which proved that files could be transferred over the Internet at amazing speeds. Our File Transfer feature is significantly faster than our competitors.

Supported file operations

The "File Transfer" function allows you to perform the following operations with files and folders in the panels of a local and remote PC:

  1. Copy and move files and folders:
    from a local PC to a remote one (and vice versa), or on the same PC from one folder to another.
  2. Delete files and folders.
  3. Rename files and folders.
  4. Create new folders.
  5. View properties of files and folders.
  6. Change properties of files and folders.

Opening documents and running exe files

Using the "File Transfer" function, you can open documents and run exe files on a local or remote PC. To do this, you just need to click the mouse button twice. When running the installation file, you can also set options command line(if necessary).

Resuming the copying procedure in the event of a network connection failure

The "File Transfer" function resumes copying files in the event of a connection break, exactly from the point where copying was interrupted. Therefore, you don't need to start the whole process all over again. If you want to resume copying a file after the connection is restored, simply drag the file into the same folder. The program will inform you that part of the copied file already exists, and will offer you to either continue copying further or start it from the very beginning. This feature is especially useful when copying large files. If you need to leave the office, simply pause file copying, and the next day upon your return, simply resume copying from the paused location.

Compress files to improve transfer speeds

Our program compresses files before transferring them between computers. This is done using a fast compression algorithm, which does not reduce the performance of the program at all, and at the same time provides a good compression ratio. Moreover, it significantly reduces network load, traffic volume and significantly increases transmission speeds in low-speed networks. throughput(for example, with a dial-up connection.) Data is transferred between computers in compressed form and thus has a smaller volume.

Our File Exchange function is intelligently designed: it understands most common extensions (for example, zip, jpg, gif, avi, etc.) and does not compress them again, which in turn helps to avoid wasting time for useless re-compression.

The compression function of our program compares favorably with the solutions of our competitors. Typically, competitive file compression algorithms do not compress files before sending them over the network. Therefore, file transfer can be a lengthy process on low-bandwidth networks.

Dynamically adjust data buffer size to increase transfer speed

Our File Sharing feature continually evaluates your connection speed. According to the results obtained, it dynamically changes the size of its data buffer, as a result of which the maximum data transfer rate is achieved.

According to our tests, the file transfer algorithm of our program is significantly faster than most of our competitors (such as FTP, Remote Administrator, VNC, etc.)

Typically, our competitors' programs use a fixed data buffer size. This is ineffective because If your connection speed is high and the data buffer size is small, then the file transfer speed will not reach its maximum possible value. However, our program dynamically determines the volume for its clipboard, depending on the connection speed and other parameters. Thus, Anyplace-Control provides the highest possible speed for file transfer.

Our competitors' file transfer function transmits each file as a separate network message and waits for a report of its delivery. And if you need to send a large number of files whose size is small - this will significantly reduce performance, because the program, as mentioned above, requests a report after each file is delivered to remote computer. Our program works on a different principle. It can send several files simultaneously in one network message and waits for a report from the entire group of files. The program can place as many small files in one network message as the data buffer capacity allows. This significantly improves program performance by reducing the number of network messages (and delivery reports) across the network.

An alternative to Microsoft's Network Neighborhood

If you use " network" Microsoft to access files over the network, - You need to share folders so that they are visible to everyone on the network. However, making folders public is not at all secure.

Using the Anyplace Control program, you do not have to make your folders publicly available. You have full access to files on the remote PC, but in Network Neighborhood these folders will remain unavailable for public use. Unfortunately, on most networks, Network Neighborhood works very slowly. Sometimes you need to quickly find some deleted file, but Network Neighborhood simply does not allow you to do this, forcing you to wait for a long time. Anyplace Control offers you instant access to deleted files and high speed file transfer, which is definitely an advantage for you.

In your home network Surely there are a wide variety of devices, be it Windows or Linux computers, Macbooks or Android phones. And you'll most likely want to transfer files between them. Instead of copying files to flash drives and running from room to room, it is much more convenient to simply set up shared folders in local network. This is not difficult to do.


First of all, let's enable the ability to share files over the local network in the settings. Open Control Panel and go to Network and Internet → Sharing Options. Select the network you are connected to and enable the “Turn on network discovery” and “Turn on file and printer sharing” options.

Now click right click mouse over the folder you want to share and select Options. In the folder options, on the " tab General access", set access settings, allowing all users on your local network the ability to write and read files in the shared folder.

To view folders open on your local network, in Explorer, select Network in the sidebar.


Go to System Preferences on your Mac and select Sharing. Turn on File and Folder Sharing. Go to “Options...” and check “File and folder sharing via SMB.”

Below, in the “Shared Folders” section, you can choose which folders to share. If you want local network users to be able to upload files to these folders, in the Users section, grant read-write access to all users.

To access local network files, select Go from the menu bar in your Finder and click Network.


Sharing folders in Linux is very easy. Let's take Ubuntu as an example.

Sharing Linux folders on the local network is provided by Samba. You can install it using the following command:

sudo apt-get install samba samba-common system-config-samba

In the file manager, right-click on the folder you want to provide access to from the local network. Open the folder's properties, go to the "Local Network Public Folder" tab and select "Publish this folder."

To be able to copy files to this folder from another computer, select Allow other users to change the contents of this folder.

If you do not want to enter your username and password again, check the “Guest access” checkbox.

You can access folders on your local network in Ubuntu by selecting Network in the sidebar of the Nautilus file manager.


You can connect to shared folders on your local network in iOS using FileExporer Free. Click the "+" button and choose which device you want to connect to: Windows, macOS or Linux. After searching for devices on your local network, FileExporer Free will provide you with a list of shared folders.


Create shared folder in Android you can use these file managers, like ES.

Open the Network section in the ES File Manager sidebar and select LAN. Use the Search button to find the desired shared folder. Connect to it by checking the Anonymous option or, if necessary, by entering your password and login account on the device where the folder is located.

Third party application

If you urgently need to transfer files on your local network, but don't want to bother with the setup, use Dukto. This free program with open source code, which can transfer files, folders and text between gadgets on a local network. All you need to do is install it on the devices between which you want to exchange data, and drag the desired folder or files into the application window. Duckto supports Windows, macOS, Linux and Android devices.

Regulars of the 3DNews portal have probably noticed how often in the notes of the Software section we began to focus on solving practical problems that every now and then confront both beginners and experienced Internet users. A striking example is recent publications about tools for conspiracy in chats, methods of remaining incognito on the Internet and hiding activity in torrent networks, secrets of web search and many others. Interest in this kind of materials is due not only to the relevance of the issues discussed in them, but also to the demand among readers, reflected in static reports and the number of comments left on articles. It is for this reason that we decided to supplement the previously published reviews with a cheat sheet describing ways to send huge files via the Internet. Gigantomania has long ruled the roost on the global network, and knowledge of simple and accessible techniques for quickly transferring large amounts of data from one user to another will definitely not be superfluous.

So, suppose we have a hefty file of several gigabytes in size (a distribution kit, an ISO image of a system, a film, a presentation stuffed with videos and graphics, an archive with a set of photographs of our beloved mother-in-law - it doesn’t matter), and we needed something It was not possible to transfer it to a specific addressee through the ornate jungle of the World Wide Web. At this size, email is not the most the best option to transport data, and other tools should be adopted. Which one?

The readership will immediately suggest using messengers present on almost any computer that support the file transfer function. It’s a sound idea, especially since many IM clients (Miranda IM 0.9.x line, for example) allow you to copy objects larger than 4 GB and even support resuming, and the notorious Skype, according to the description on the developers’ website, has no restrictions at all by the volume of transmitted data. Our experiment showed that Skype is best suited for such purposes, equipped with a function for automatically resuming the copying process when the connection is interrupted, which occurs with enviable consistency when transferring large files via instant messaging services.

The updated Miranda implements a mechanism for resuming files in case of connection failure

Some of the comrades who are inspired by the idea of ​​​​this note will rush to recommend network storage, the abundance of which can make your head spin. Also an option. However, it is worth considering that many file hosting services like Rapidshare and Megaupload force you to put up with numerous restrictions on the data copied to the server and often drive end users crazy with annoying advertising banners, blocking the service with timers and offers to send expensive SMS to speed up file downloading. There are enough disadvantages, and in order to deal less with them, it makes sense to use not semi-pirate services like “rapidballs”, but more intelligent and civilized solutions, for example, “Yandex.People”. The latter is good not only unlimited disk space, but also the ability to manipulate objects up to 5 GB in size and protect data with a password. In this case, the files are scanned each time by Dr.Web anti-virus and are stored for at least three months. The storage time can be extended as many times as you like, or it is extended automatically if the file is downloaded.

The third method of sending large files involves the use of specialized web services that provide the organization of a data transfer channel between two computers and operate in the window of any browser. This kind of software solutions presented on the Internet - don't worry, mom. Among the most worthy we can mention the projects PipeBytes and iSendr. Using them is as easy as shelling pears: we specify the object to be sent, receive a unique link, technically send it via the same ICQ to the remote user and wait for the data to begin copying in real time. No annoying account registrations are required. We will not campaign in favor of one tool or another. Let's just say that iSendr, among other things, allows you to distribute files to several users at once (up to five people) and, in order to prevent information from being intercepted by attackers, it encrypts the transmitted data using the AES algorithm with a key length of 128 bits.

When talking about ways to transport massive files over the Internet, one cannot ignore the tools for exchanging data using the BitTorrent protocol, which hardly needs introduction to the public. The vast majority of torrent clients can work without a tracker (a web server that coordinates BitTorrent clients), and they can be safely used for direct file exchange between two computers, one of which must have a dedicated IP address. This is the first “but”, there is also a second: to organize a connection you will need to perform a number of simple but mandatory operations, which are quite clearly outlined on this blog page of Ilya Matveev from Nizhny Novgorod. Following the instructions presented, even inexperienced users will not have any difficulty organizing the distribution of data to one or several users.

Anyone who finds the strength to understand the tricks and nuances of the practical use of torrents can easily set up an HTTP or FTP server on their local machine, the capabilities of which are more than enough to send certain data to a specific recipient. To deploy an HTTP server, it is suitable that does not require installation and consists of just one executable file 560 kB Windows utility HFS (HTTP File Server). Organizing FTP can be done with common sense and software Golden FTP Server (1 MB) or FileZilla Server (1.6 MB). All of the listed applications are free and easy to use. The only thing you should remember is the need for the computer at hand to have its own external (“white”) IP address, based on which remote user can establish a connection to borrow data from the server.

These are the most accessible, in our opinion, methods of address transfer of large files. How good this or that considered method is in practice, everyone is free to decide for themselves.

At the end of the review, we allow ourselves to focus the attention of readers on one important aspect - information security, which is worth paying attention to when working with any of the software solutions mentioned above. The thing is that it is almost impossible to remain unnoticed in the current digital realities, and in order not to become a victim of attackers, it makes sense to adhere to the basic rules of “network hygiene” and not to transmit information containing confidential information using the listed techniques. For that matter, it would be logical to play it safe before sending it by using file encryption tools. Such forethought will provide protection from third parties who show excessive curiosity, and will protect against cybercriminals, whose cunning, as we know, knows no bounds, in the business of stealing personal data. Additional security in the IT field is never superfluous, and news materials on relevant topics, tagged with the tag, published almost daily on the pages of 3DNews are a clear confirmation of this.

As already noted, DC++ is free. Her installation file can be obtained from various sources, but it is best to download the installation file from the program manufacturer’s website.

  • Launch your web browser and load
  • On the page of the downloaded site, go to the Download section.

In the Download section there are links to download the DC++ installation file. Sometimes you may see multiple download links different versions programs. In our example, the stable version 0.830 is offered, and an experimental version is also sometimes offered. An experimental version is a version that is in the process of being finalized. It is functional, but may contain errors as it is a work in progress. You can use this version at your own risk. But it is better to install the stable version.

  • Click the link corresponding to the version of DC++ you want to install. The process of downloading the installation file will begin.

The DC++ installation file is several tens of MB in size, so depending on the speed of your Internet connection, the download may take from several seconds to several minutes.

After the installation file has been downloaded, you can begin installing and configuring the DC++ program.

Installing DC++

The DC++ program can be installed on any computer running Windows control. For computers run by others operating systems(Linux or MacOS) there are alternative clients.

  • Run the DC++ installation file (the file is called something like DCPlusPlus-0.830.exe, where 0.830 is the version number). If a security warning window appears, click the Run button. The program installation wizard will launch.
  • In the first window of the installation wizard, select the program language. We will choose Russian.
  • Click OK. The following installation wizard window will appear.

The DC++ program has been translated into many languages, including Russian. All these languages ​​are installed with the program, and you can select a different language at any time. Selecting the Russian language at the installation stage saves the user from further changing the program interface language in the settings dialog box.

The second window of the installation wizard prompts you to select components to install the program. The DC++ component is required for installation (in fact, this is the program we are installing), the Shortcuts component in the main menu adds a shortcut to launching the program in the main menu Windows menu, and the Save settings in user profile directory option ensures that settings are stored in your profile's user folder. Thus, if your computer is used by several people logging into the system under their own accounts, they will be able to customize the program for themselves.

  • In the installation wizard, select the check boxes for the components and options that you want to install.
  • Click the Next button. The following wizard window will appear, prompting you to select the program installation folder.

By default, the program is installed in the Program Files folder (or in Program Files (x86) for 64-bit systems). Unless absolutely necessary, it is better to leave the default path unchanged.

  • Leave the suggested path unchanged (or, if necessary, specify a different folder), and then click the Install button. The installation process of the DC++ program will begin on HDD. This process may take up to several minutes.
  • When the installation is complete (a Done message should appear above the progress bar), click Close to close the installation wizard. The DC++ program is installed on your computer.

Adding the DC++ program to the Windows Firewall exceptions list

DC++ program and similar applications control the ports through which other users can connect to your computer. The Windows Firewall is used to protect your computer from unauthorized connections, so it can block ports for the DC++ program, as it considers external connections hacker attacks. In this case, the program will run, but it will not be able to connect to hubs, not to mention the computers of specific network participants.

    There are two ways to go here:
  • Turn off Windows Firewall. But in this case, the computer will become vulnerable to unauthorized connections and hacker attacks.
  • Add the DC++ program to the Firewall exceptions list. This list contains programs that the Firewall allows to open certain ports.

When you launch the DC++ program for the first time, a window appears prompting you to add the DC++ program to the exclusion list.

  • In the System Alert window Windows security(Windows Security Alert) select the Private networks checkbox.

The Public networks checkbox is cleared by default because these networks are not secure. You may check this box at your own risk.

  • Click the Allow access button. The DC++ program will be added to the Firewall exceptions list and will no longer be blocked.

You can also add the program to the Firewall exceptions list manually. We will describe this procedure in case the security alert window does not appear when you first launch the program.

  • Open the Windows Control Panel.
  • In the Control Panel window, click the Windows Firewall link.
  • Click the Allow interaction with an application or component link in Windows Firewall(Allow an app through Windows Firewall). The Allowed Apps window opens.

This window contains a list of programs and services that use various network connections. The DC++ program should also be added to this list.

  • Carefully review the list of programs in the Allowed Apps window and make sure that the DC++ program is not in the list.
  • Click the Allow another app button. The Allow an app dialog box will appear on the screen.
  • Find the DC++ application icon in the Allow an app window, highlight it, and then click the Add button. The Allow an app dialog box will close and the program you selected will appear in the exceptions list.
  • Make sure the checkbox located to the left of the DC++ program name in the list is checked.
  • Select the checkbox located in the Home or Work (Private) column for the DC++ program. If you plan to use DC++ on public networks, also check the box in the Public column.
  • Click OK to apply the changes.

The DC++ program has now been added to the exclusion list and the Firewall will not block it. Take this experience into account when installing other programs that use network connections, for example, when installing torrent clients.

Basic settings of the DC++ program

Before you start using the DC++ program, you need to make some settings. The settings are made once, later you can launch the program and immediately start using it. Settings can be changed at any time if required. But some initial setup necessary.

Please note that when you launch the DC++ program for the first time, the program settings dialog box automatically opens.

Personal settings

The DC++ program has a large number of settings, so they are organized into categories. The settings category is selected from the list located on the left side of the Settings dialog box. The contents of the main part of the dialog box change depending on which category of settings is selected. Now we need to make the necessary settings.

  • Make sure that the category is selected in the program settings dialog box Personal information(Personal information).
  • In the Nick field, enter some alias under which you will connect to DC networks.

An alias (nickname) can be anything and contain letters, numbers and symbols. However, it should be taken into account that each hub has certain rules, including those related to the pseudonym used. For example, some hub may have a restriction on the minimum length of a nickname, for example, a nickname must contain at least five characters. Another hub may prohibit the use of any characters in a pseudonym other than letters and numbers. Of course, it is impossible to predict what rules exist at a particular hub. But the hub rules will be displayed in the program window as soon as you connect to the hub. The connection will happen in any case, but if your nickname does not match established rule, you will be disconnected from the hub. The text of the rules installed on the hub will remain in the program window, and you can study it carefully and, if necessary, make changes to the program settings.

You can change your nickname periodically, but it’s better to immediately create one that will be accepted on any hubs (that is, make it not too short, not too long, without punctuation, best using letters of the Latin alphabet). The fact is that network users who often download files from your computer can add your nickname to their favorites list in order to quickly connect to your computer in the future. And if you change your nickname, these users will simply lose you. What if they didn’t have time to download last episode favorite series that is only on your computer? Their problems? Maybe. But any computer network based on mutual respect. Are you connecting to download something? Then give something in return.

So, we sorted out the nickname (pseudonym). It must be specified. The remaining fields in the Personal information category can be filled in as desired. In the Email field Mail (E-mail), if you want, you can enter your address Email. In the Description field - any information that you want to convey to network users. For example, here you can write Complete collection classical music, if you want to tell other network members that you have a huge library of classics on your computer.

In the Line speed drop-down list, you can specify the speed of your outgoing Internet connection. Please note that it is outgoing, since the network user will download files from your computer using your outgoing connection. It is not necessary to indicate the actual speed of the outgoing connection, but it is desirable that other network users can estimate the time it takes to download files from your computer. If you don't know the speed of your outgoing connection, you can test your speed on one of the dedicated sites, such as

MoneyWiz 3 – Fiat and Crypto is an application for iOS that will greatly facilitate financial management, thanks to the support of automatic data entry and transaction categorization.

A few words about MoneyVis:

The program will become your reliable assistant in financial management. With it, you don't have to do much of anything yourself: just connect to one of thousands of supported banks from around the world, and the application will download transaction information and categorize them. Wherein, latest version The program supports operations with Forex and cryptocurrency. And thanks to the use of proprietary artificial intelligence algorithms, the results of automatic distribution become more accurate as the application is used.

Additionally, MoneyWiz 3 - Personal Finance uses the SYNCbits synchronization service to keep your data up to date across all your devices. An interesting feature is the function of transferring data between applications, or manually synchronizing data. It allows you to import transactions in CSV, QIF, OFX, QFX and MT940 format files. The same files can be transferred to mobile phone or computer, including for transferring data to other applications.

Key features of the program:

  • Support for Internet banking system from anywhere in the world.
  • Access to more than 16,000 banks in 50+ countries.
  • Automatic categorization of transactions.
  • Cross-platform data synchronization.
  • Highly efficient budget allocation, transaction planning, financial forecasting and reporting.
  • Opportunity manual entry transactions and import of bank statements.
  • Reliable data encryption.
  • Ability to set a PIN code for entry.
  • FaceID and TouchID support.
  • Availability of the program in Russian.
