My doorbell is working. Doorbell

My door bell It works in such a way that a low, rattling ringing will continue until the caller removes his finger from the button. Over all the years that I have lived here, I have already learned to determine by the ringing who exactly came to see me. Everyone had their own technique. Some would ring one short time, some two longer times, some would press the button until I opened the door. The strangers who come to each of us from time to time usually give either one long one or two short ones.

About five years ago, late at night, I heard four short calls that were unusual for me. Frankly speaking, this alarmed me a little. I don’t live on the first floor, and the very fact that someone came up to me in the middle of the night for unknown reasons gave me a reason to ignore the caller. Fortunately, my windows face the courtyard, and I could easily check who was about to leave the entrance. I stood at the window for about fifteen minutes, but no one came out. But there were no more calls.

On the second day, I was again awake while someone pressed the bell button four times. At that moment I was just leaving the bathroom, which made a lot of noise. Even if there was no noise, then whoever was on the other side of the front door probably realized that someone was at home. I cautiously leaned against the peephole, but, to my surprise, I saw absolutely no one on the staircase. I even dared to open the door and look out into the passage - no one was there.

On the third day, I remember I was telling someone this uninteresting story about the night calls, and I remember very well how at the end of the story I said: “Probably death was at the wrong door.” My interlocutors laughed, and I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of anxiety. My own words sounded somehow creepy even to myself. At night of the same day, four short calls were heard again. This really scared me. And along with fear came the thought that I was imagining all this. However, I moved to open the door, but, like last time, there was no one outside the door.

On the fourth day in the evening, a friend came to me asking for help to fix it mobile phone and just chat. We stayed up late, and this acquaintance witnessed calls from an unknown invisible guest on the other side. At the moment when the doorbell rang, I was rummaging through his mobile phone. Then I pretended to be very busy with work and did not notice the calls. He himself glanced sideways at his comrade and began to observe whether he heard this sound. Because if not, then the next day I would go to the doctor. But the comrade heard everything perfectly. “Who is it that comes to you at this time?” - he asked. Shrugging my shoulders, I carefully approached the door again. Of course, there was no one there. My comrade, unlike me, was not one of the timid ones and, saying: “Now we’ll deal with these jokers,” he ran down the stairs. That's when I saw him for the last time. No, he did not go missing and did not die under strange circumstances. He simply ran into a drunken and aggressive company, which beat him half to death, and a few days later he died in the hospital.

The worst thing about this whole story was that after this tragedy all calls stopped. And until recently I didn’t remember about it. Until last night there were four intermittent doorbells...

My doorbell works in such a way that a low rattling ringing sound will continue until the caller removes his finger from the button. Over all the years that I have lived here, I have already learned to determine by the ringing who exactly came to see me. Everyone had their own technique. Some would ring one short time, some two longer times, some would press the button until I opened the door. Strangers who come to each of us from time to time, as a rule, give either one long or two short... My doorbell works in such a way that a low rattling ringing will continue until the person calling removes his finger from the button. Over all the years that I have lived here, I have already learned to determine by the ringing who exactly came to see me. Everyone had their own technique. Some would ring one short time, some two longer times, some would press the button until I opened the door. The strangers who come to each of us from time to time usually give either one long one or two short ones.

About five years ago, late at night, I heard four short calls that were unusual for me. Frankly speaking, this alarmed me a little. I don’t live on the first floor, and the very fact that someone came up to me in the middle of the night for unknown reasons gave me a reason to ignore the caller. Fortunately, my windows face the courtyard, and I could easily check who was about to leave the entrance. I stood at the window for about fifteen minutes, but no one came out. But there were no more calls.

On the second day, I was again awake while someone pressed the bell button four times. At that moment I was just leaving the bathroom, which made a lot of noise. Even if there was no noise, then whoever was on the other side of the front door probably realized that someone was at home. I cautiously leaned against the peephole, but, to my surprise, I saw absolutely no one on the staircase. I even dared to open the door and look into the passage - no one.

On the third day, I remember I was telling someone this uninteresting story about the night calls, and I remember very well how at the end of the story I said: “Probably death was at the wrong door.” My interlocutors laughed, and I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of anxiety. My own words sounded somehow creepy even to myself. At night of the same day, four short calls were heard again. This really scared me. And along with fear came the thought that I was imagining all this. However, I moved to open the door, but, like last time, there was no one outside the door.

On the fourth day in the evening, an acquaintance came to me with a request to help fix his mobile phone and just chat. We stayed up late, and this acquaintance witnessed calls from an unknown invisible guest on the other side. At the moment when the doorbell rang, I was rummaging through his mobile phone. Then I pretended to be very busy with work and did not notice the calls. He himself glanced sideways at his comrade and began to observe whether he heard this sound. Because if not, then the next day I would go to the doctor. But the comrade heard everything perfectly. “Who is it that comes to you at this time?” he asked. Shrugging my shoulders, I carefully approached the door again. Of course, there was no one there. My comrade, unlike me, was not one of the timid ones and, saying: “Now we’ll deal with these jokers,” he ran down the stairs. That's when I saw him for the last time. No, he did not go missing and did not die under strange circumstances. He simply ran into a drunken and aggressive company, which beat him half to death, and a few days later he died in the hospital.

Good day to all.

Today I want to tell you about a budget wireless doorbell purchased on eBay. Somehow before I already purchased a similar thing for use in the country. This was quite a long time ago, but since then the call has served faithfully. In general, I really liked the wireless notification system for arriving guests, but since my home call worked properly, I didn’t have any thoughts about buying a second such call. But by the will of the stars, it so happened that for unknown reasons (most likely due to its old age) the home bell died.

I had no desire to buy anything in local stores, so I carried out quick search the product I need in Chinese trading platforms. As a result, the choice fell on wireless call with 32 melodies, the cost of which did not even reach $3.5 (by the way, in our store for 70,000 Belarusian rubles you won’t be able to buy anything like that, no matter how much you want it). The order was placed and paid for, and almost a month later received at the local post office. The parcel was sent with a track, its movement along the route China - Belarus can be viewed.

At the post office they gave me a small plastic bag containing a bell. It is delivered without any original packaging - in a simple transparent bag with a plastic latch (partly because of this low price), well, since it was purchased for personal use, and not as a gift, this fact did not have much significance for me. Externally, the call looks exactly the same as in the seller's photographs.

The kit includes only the bell itself (signal receiver) and the button (signal transmitter). There is nothing else - no instructions, no batteries. To the quality of product manufacturing special claims no - all the body parts of both the bell and the button are tightly fitted to each other, no gaps are visible. The plastic used was matte and cheap, but taking into account the fact that the bell hangs from the ceiling, where it is not visible, and the button is generally in the common corridor, I consider this fact to be a minor drawback. The products did not have any foreign odor.

The bell is very compact, its dimensions are approximately 95 x 60 millimeters (my old bell was 3 times larger). But its front side shows a speaker slot, as well as decorative inserts made of transparent blue plastic.

On the back of the call there is a battery compartment (it is powered by 2 AA batteries), as well as a button for changing melodies (there are 32 of them in total). There are also 2 slots for attaching the bell to a vertical surface. Unfortunately, there is no ability to adjust the volume of the melody, which is not very good, since it plays very loudly, I would like it to be quieter. This can be solved with a small piece of paper tape :)

The parts of the case are connected to each other using one screw and one latch, so it can be disassembled without any problems. The insides of the call look like this:

Large fee:

There is nothing else interesting in the call and you can move on to inspecting the button. It is made of the same plastic as the bell itself. Its power source is a 23A 12V battery, which is also not included in the kit, but if there are no problems with AA batteries for the call, then I had to look for a battery for the button :) The size of the button is 72 x 38 millimeters.

On the back side (cover) of the bell there is a piece of double-sided tape with which it can be fixed to the wall. Since in my case the button is fixed to a wooden surface, I had to abandon the adhesive tape and resort to self-tapping screws. Holes for self-tapping screws are also present on the back cover:

The back wall of the button serves as the battery compartment cover; it is held in place by 4 plastic latches, 2 on each side. After it is unclicked, access to the battery installation location appears, you can also look at the board:

By unscrewing the screw, you can examine the front side of the board installed in the button:

The physical button (the one that is pressed) is installed using a fairly tight spring and is pressed smoothly with little effort. False positives are completely excluded. In principle, you can finish the inspection and install everything in its place, fortunately, there are absolutely no problems with this. As I already said, the button is installed in the corridor on a common area near the elevators, the bell hangs on the wall near the front door. The distance between them is about 6 meters, the barriers are 2 walls of a panel house. There are no problems with work. All button presses are clearly audible in the apartment in the form of a melody playing from the bell. As for the operating time of these devices from installing batteries to replacing them, it is too early to talk about this. But at the dacha, my button is powered by the same battery and so far there is no need to change it (and it hangs outside, where it is cold and wet). So I think that you won’t have to change them very often.

Another disadvantage is the lack of light indication on the button - when pressing, the caller does not understand whether the bell worked or not. But on the other hand, I didn’t have an indication in the old call either. In addition, the lack of lights makes the button not so attractive to vandals :) So, after thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that this is more of a plus than a minus.

Summarizing everything that was written above, I want to say that for $3.5 I managed to purchase a fairly high-quality item that has an attractive appearance and performs its functions perfectly. The only real disadvantage of this model is the lack of volume control, but it’s difficult to demand that a thing of this price be perfect in everything. So if you are looking for something simple and reliable, you can turn your attention to this lot.

In principle, that's all. Thank you for your attention and your time.

The bell is used to let hosts know when they have guests. In Soviet times, the range of calls produced by our domestic industry was very small and there was no problem of choice as such.

Now everything has changed. The number of models is off the charts and this fact makes it very difficult to choose. Just look at how wide an assortment there is of a regular electric wired doorbell! But, as if this were not enough, in addition to everything, calls that work without wires were invented.

But let's not rush, let's go in chronological order. So, welcome! - wired calls.

Wired calls

Wired ones consist of two modules - a button and the bell itself, which are connected by wires (well, it’s logical). These are the most reliable and affordable devices for the end user. They don’t care about anything, no interference in the radio channel, no dead batteries in the cold.

The principle of operation is sometimes as simple as a Soviet three kopecks: thanks to the normally open button, initially no current flows through the circuit. As soon as you press the key, the circuit closes and voltage is supplied to the bell module, which is triggered. The most primitive models will ring while the circuit is closed, while slightly more advanced ones will fall silent after a given period of time. This is necessary so that if the button is blocked, for example, with a match, the bell does not ring indefinitely and does not overheat.

Typical connection diagram:

Wireless calls

The advantage of wireless calls is obvious: there is no need to run wires from the button to the bell module. This will be fully appreciated by the owners of large private houses or summer cottages, where the distance from the door or gate to the room where the owners relax can be very significant.

Such calls, of course, are more expensive and more complex than wireless ones. And as the theory of system reliability says, the more complex the device, the higher the likelihood of its failure. In addition, all such calls (in the radio button itself) have batteries installed, which have the unpleasant feature of running out at the most inopportune moment.

In general, I don’t really like radio calls, but sometimes you just can’t do without them. In such cases, you have to take all measures to protect the button module from the influence of the external environment (well, rain or hail the size of a chicken egg). And, as I said, it is extremely important to have a supply of batteries.

Since the module with the button and batteries is quite complex (after all, there must be a radio transmitter inside for a special code sequence for activating the call), it becomes a desirable prey for all sorts of radio amateurs. Some literally cannot walk past your button without picking it off with a screwdriver and putting it in their pocket. I heard that they are then used to make spy radio microphones (bugs).

By the way, technology does not stand still and now some radio bells are equipped with a video camera and a door lock control module, which turns them into a full-fledged access control system with visual identification (or even recording) of the visitor.

Sounding module

The ringing unit itself can be designed either on the principle of a primitive school bell (remember, there were such things?), or in the form of a solenoid with a movable core, which loudly strikes a freely suspended metal plate.

My doorbell works in such a way that a low rattling ringing sound will continue until the caller removes his finger from the button. Over all the years that I have lived here, I have already learned to determine by the ringing who exactly came to see me. Everyone had their own technique. Some would ring one short time, some two longer times, some would press the button until I opened the door. The strangers who come to each of us from time to time usually give either one long one or two short ones. And so it is always, invariably. A year ago, late at night, I heard four short calls that were unusual for me. Frankly speaking, this alarmed me a little. I don’t live on the first floor, and the very fact that someone came up to me in the middle of the night for unknown reasons gave me a reason to ignore the caller. Fortunately, my windows face the courtyard, and I could easily check who was about to leave the entrance. I stood at the window for about fifteen minutes, but no one came out. But there were no more calls. On the second day, I was again awake while someone pressed the bell button four times. At that moment I was just leaving the bathroom, which made a lot of noise. Even if there was no noise, then whoever was on the other side of the front door probably realized that someone was at home. I cautiously leaned against the peephole, but to my surprise I saw absolutely no one on the staircase. I even dared to open the door and look into the passage - no one. On the third day, I remember I was telling someone this uninteresting story about the night calls, and I remember very well how at the end of the story I said: “Probably death was at the wrong door.” My interlocutors laughed, and I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of anxiety. My own words sounded somehow creepy even to myself. At night of the same day, four short calls were heard again. This really scared me. And along with fear came the thought that I was imagining all this. However, I moved to open the door, but, like last time, there was no one outside the door. On the fourth day in the evening, an acquaintance came to me with a request to help fix his mobile phone and just chat. We stayed up late, and this acquaintance witnessed calls from an unknown invisible guest on the other side. At the moment the doorbell rang, I was fiddling with his cell phone. Then I pretended to be very busy with work and did not notice the calls. I myself glanced sideways at my comrade and began to see if he heard this sound. Because if not, then the next day I would go to the doctor. But the comrade heard everything perfectly. “Who is it that comes to you at this time?” he asked. Shrugging my shoulders, I carefully approached the door again. Of course, there was no one there. This comrade, unlike me, was not one of the timid ones and, saying: “Now we’ll deal with these jokers,” he ran down the stairs. That's when I saw him for the last time. No, he did not go missing, and did not die under strange circumstances. He simply ran into a drunken and aggressive company, which beat him half to death, and a few days later he died in the hospital. The worst thing about this whole story was that after this tragedy all calls stopped.